I guess, just for the fun of it, I'll post a rant that I made 6 years ago on Faceplant -- I mean Facebook.
I know most of you are aware of my ranting. Some are pretty good, but others... Well.
I fully admit, this was in a fluff article, but still -- quite a dumb thing.
Wow. This morning, while doing my normal perusal of what has been going on in the world by the renowned news source, Facebook, I came across an article that piqued my curiosity. It was entitled, "37 celebrities who died and you didn't notice" or something like that. While I was surprised by a few on the list because somehow their death had escaped my notice (Harold Ramis, Wendy Jo Sperber) I have to call the author on a couple. I am certain that the fans of Laura Branigan's music noticed her death. Such a tragedy that one so talented died so young. I am not terribly fond of her music, but I recognize the talent that she had. I have to revise this statement. I've since listened to more of her music, and I've grown quite fond of it.
What really bothers me, however, is that the author of this article would have me believe that no one noticed the death of Leonard Nimoy. Really? No one noticed that Spock died? You've got to be kidding me. Where were you? Partying on Risa when he died? Burying your head in the sand of Nimbus III?
More likely, you were fighting a Wampa on Hoth, or watching a pod race on Tatooine.
Maybe you have a Goa'uld symbiote or something, but I think I speak for the millions of Trekkers out there who say, "People noticed when Leonard Nimoy died."
As to why I do not post a link to the article here, I say, "Why post a link to such drivel on my page? If you really want to read it, you can look it up for yourself."
I have to admit
I read this post merely to find out if this was a rant that was 6 years old, a rant by a 6 year old, or a rant by someone acting like they were no older than 6. Good point though.
I suppose any of those could
I suppose any of those could be true. Lol!
Yesterday, I watched a video on that very subject: celebrities whose death went under the radar. One of them was Natasha Richardson. No, her death was on the radar.
She played the mother in the 1998 "The Parent Trap" as well as Offred in 1990±'s "The Handmaid's Tale". Wait -- they were the same actress?
"6 year old rant"? I suppose that's distinguishable from a "six-year-old's rant".
-- Daphne Xu
Can't say that
I know her. Did she have any big roles? (I'll point out that her "The Parent Trap" was just a remake, and as such not worthy of any real consideration.)
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
"Just a remake"?
No, no -- I can't let that one pass. It wasn't "just a remake" -- it was far and away better than the original. Hayley Mills was wonderful, yeah, but Lindsey Lohan and Patricia Richardson are top-notch in that film.
... and every so often some lovely, naive soul asks, What ever happened to the girl who played the other twin? Not Lindsey Lohan, the other one? -- which never fails to make me laugh.
Patricia Richardson was Vanessa Redgrave's daughter, which may be part of the reason she's remarked upon, but she did have a lovely, positive, sunny presence all her own that made her death sad and even shocking.
- io
Actually ...
In addition to mourning the loss of such a precious actress, my heart broke more for Liam Neeson. He and Richardson were such a beautiful couple. And the pain one could see on his face after announcing her passing cut me to my very soul. He really loved her enormously.
It was as though the pain of Liam's widower character in the movie Love Actually made in 2003 became real for him in 2009.
just a remake
Excuse me? Would William Wyler's "Ben Hur" (the 1950s version) be unworthy of any real consideration?
A remake as well as the original should be judged on its own merits. I found the remake of "The Parent Trap" better than the original.
As I mentioned earlier, she played the protagonist of "The Handmaid's Tale" as well.
-- Daphne Xu
I saw the original of the Parent Trap when it came out, and the newer version was "just a remake". No, Hollywood has been reduced mostly to churning out warmed over remakes of previous IPs rather than developing any new ideas.
As for the Handmaid's Tale, if you'll notice I said nothing about it. Although I have strong opinions of the ideas behind it, having read some of the early sci-fi stories that form part of the foundation of it, I have not seen it and thus am not in any position to judge it. That is why I said nothing about it. Nor do I intend to see it, but that's another story. Personal choice there, but it means I can't say anything about her performance in it.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I also noticed that you said nothing about "Ben-Hur" (1950s), a remake that won seven Academy Awards including Best Picture.
-- Daphne Xu
Considering the site we are on, I have been waiting for a response to your comment something like ...
"Been Her, Redone that!"
So, I thought I would just make it and get it over with.
I am also hoping to get the award for best pun in a supporting comment.
If you read Facebook...
If you read Facebook, then you deserve to be upset. Social media is full of crap. I abandoned Facebook after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and feel far better without it.
As I said, this is a 6 year
As I said, this is a 6 year old rant. I don't recall saying I still read Facebook. Do you? Lol!