Reluctant Bridesmaid - 06 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Part 6

"Sorry. It's just that you still seem the same, and yet different. You still look, when an attractive lady walks by, but you ignore the waiters."

I smiled. "Just because I'm wearing a skirt, do you expect my preferences to change?"

"I'm not sure, but, I guess I was worried about it more than I thought." We talked some more about perception and ourselves, and since it had been a long day, went to bed early.

The next day was spent in a combination of sight-seeing and shopping. One thing Shelly insisted I get was a new outfit for the rehearsal dinner, saying there was no way she would let me wear the same thing I'd worn the last time I'd been out here. Things continued, with me as Steve in the room, and Stevie the rest of the day.

Friday morning, after we'd had breakfast and were heading out to get the final fitting of my gown, who was coming in the door but Karen and Samantha.

"Come on, I want you to meet two of the other bridesmaids." And I took off across the lobby with Shelly in tow.

"I guess you two could have cut it a little closer."

"Stevie. Nice to see you, too. We didn't have time to get here yesterday," Samantha returned

"I know. You said last month you'd try to get her early, but were not sure. That's why we agreed to play it by ear. By the way, this lovely lady is my spouse, Shelly. Shelly, this is Samantha, and the one with the room keys is Karen."

"Nice to meet the two of you."

"You as well," Karen replied. "Looks like you're heading out."

"We were going out for the final fitting of my gown. Do you want us to wait for you?" I offered.

They exchanged glances. "If it'll not be too much trouble."

Samantha continued. "I can take our bag up, if you three want to wait for me."

We agreed, and she was off.

"Shelly, Karen and Samantha were the two that shared the apartment with Carol while she was in business school.

"Oh, right. I recall you mentioning them now."

"Yes, we've known her almost as long as her conscience here."

Shelly shook her head, and then nodded. "Sorry, didn't get the reference there. Over the years, I've gotten the impression that Stevie acts almost as half of Carol's brain at times. Or, at least the person she talks to about personal things."

"I knew she did, when we were rooming. You mean that since you got together that's continued?"

"We were married the summer before you all got together." Shelly replied, which got a surprised look from Karen. "Would you believe Carol called Stevie, before her own mother?"

"Now that you mention it, I guess I'm not really. I recall Stacy retelling the story about nobody sitting in the dorm room while Carol was talking to a potential boy friend."

"For years, when he called her, Stevie would say 'Hi Carol, this is Nobody.' That did stop eventually."

I'd frozen at the he, and noticed Karen give me a hard look, but she didn't say anything. I guess she heard the he too. Maybe not. Maybe I'm just being over sensitive. Shelly's been amazing with the pronouns so far this trip.

"Hi, sorry it took so long," said Samantha, as she walked up to join us.

Hoping to avoid more embarrassment, "Well, let's be off."

We headed out to the car and were off to the shop. André was there waiting for us.

"Hello, lovely ladies. Wait, there are four of you. One of you was not here before. I have not a dress."

"Sorry, André, this is my spouse. She's not in the wedding party."

"Ahhh, is okay then. I allow spouse to see. You are one that had picture, yes?" It seemed that André had recovered his fancy foreign accent.

I nodded. "Lovely spouse hopefully has a gown to match." Turning to Shelly, "I would have been pleased to have designed a gown for one such as you."

I thought he was laying it on a little thick, but didn't really disagree.

"That's alright. I have something to wear tomorrow. The pieces of fabric you sent were very helpful."

"You are so kind. Perhaps one day you let André design a gown for you?"


She seemed to be enjoying the attention, though this did worry me a little. Maybe she'll decide I'm not 'man' enough for her when this is done. Steve will have to work. Life without Shelly, I don't want to think about that now, 'cause it probably isn't worth much.

"You not happy for her? I design dress for you too. Most beautiful dress."

I smiled. "Thank you, André. We may take you up on some of that one day."

The rest of the fitting was quick. Only the most minor adjustments were needed. I was surprised that mine needed to be taken in more. I guess I'd lost a bit more in the past month. I wonder how much it is in all so far. I'm still nowhere near skin in bones, or as lean as when we were married.

As we were collecting things to leave, "Why don't we all do lunch, our treat?" Samantha said.

"Lunch would be good about now." She turned to André. "Monsieur, do you know of a nice quiet place where four ladies could get a light lunch?"

"Ah, yes." He quickly gave her directions to a nearby place, and we were off. It was nice, and quiet. I had a delicious salad, as did the others.

"Excuse me for asking something personal, but, I'm a little confused," started Samantha.

Shelly and I looked at each other.

"What's the problem?"

"This morning, you said you'd been married the summer before we started grad school. However, I didn't think anywhere allowed same sex marriages back then. Then, you also referred to Stevie as he once." Shelly froze at that remark. "And, we both thought that Carol's friend was a guy. Then add in that you recently getting your ears pierced. And, something didn't add up. I know it's really none of our business, but we're really curious."

Shelly and I looked at each other. I could see the question in her eyes, but didn't see it made much difference. "Umm. I thought I was a guy back then."

They didn't look surprised.

"That explains why Shelly has an engagement ring, but you only have a wedding band."

"I'm sorry, honey. I never thought about that," Shelly said.

"I didn't either. You two don't mind?"

"Not at all. It's nice to meet another couple. We were afraid we'd have to keep it quiet."

"You ARE a couple then?"

They both smiled and clasped hands.

"Women can be couples too, as the two of you amply prove."

I doubt they noticed, but I saw Shelly blink at that again. It made me all the more sure that STEVE would have to be the one around when this was all over. It was a wonderful dream come true, but, it had to end. Well, I'd best make the most of it while it lasted.

"Shelly's the most important person in my life, and always has been. Nothing's changed that."

I was looking at Shelly when I said that, so I don't know why Samantha suddenly said, "Ouch," but I did turn.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I was reminded to chew my foot, since I appear to have shoved it in."

"No, you've not been shoving your foot," Shelly replied.

"I think you may be working on a wrong impression though. The only reason I'm dressed like this, is because Carol needed me to be a bridesmaid." It was hard to say, but I had to do it.

"What? You can't be serious."

"I'd still be Steve if she'd not asked me to be a bridesmaid, and except for a little time in the past few months, the world has still only seen Steve."

"I can't believe Carol would… Ouch." Samantha stopped what she'd been about to ask.

Shelly looked at her watch. "We need to get you all back to get changed before the rehearsal. Stevie's got something else planned for later. I don't know about you two."

"We do, too."

"Then, we'd best be going."

We were all pretty quiet in the car back to the hotel.

Once we were back at the hotel, Karen stopped us. "I'm sorry for that back at the restaurant. It's really not our business. We're all Carol's friends. There's no way either of us would intentionally hurt either of you."

"Thank you, Karen. It's not the easiest thing to talk about."

With that, we returned to our respective rooms.

"Stevie, I'm sorry about that slip earlier."

"It's okay. I didn't have to admit anything, and I made my own slip. I guess it's only to be expected. I just hope we can keep things to a minimum, so you're not put in that kind of position."

"It's both of us, honey. Despite appearances, I still love my husband." I lurched. "I know what you said, and it may be right. It doesn't make me forget all the years. I will try to get things right. I don't want you hurt either."

She hugged me then, and I returned it. She'd not hugged Stevie very much, and I know I missed it. "I love you."

"I love you too, but it still feels funny with you like this. You poke out differently."

That surprised a little laugh from me. "Okay, I see that."

"Now, you'd best get changed, dear. You don't want to keep them waiting."

As she was helping me into my dress, "You know, in a way, it's a good thing they know some of it. Maybe they'll help cover any other mistakes. Also, we won't be the only all girl couple there."

"That's one of the things I love about you, you're able to find a silver lining in anything."

"Now, learn what you need to learn and I'll see you at the dinner."

I left her to get ready, and joined Karen and Samantha in the lobby.

"The cab should be here shortly." Samantha said.

I nodded. "Sorry I'm a bit slow getting down here. We had to talk some."

"We're on time. Don't worry. Hopefully things are okay."

I nodded. "Thank you both for being understanding and not pushing."

The cab arrived then, and we were off.

I was a little surprised at the size of the church. Well, not really. Considering the size of the wedding party, I guess it had to be big. Looking around, I could see that most of the party had to be here. I had no clue about the guys. Ahhh, Louise was here too. I walked over.

"Hi, Louise, you on day shift this week?"

"No, actually today and tomorrow are my weekend, and I go on evening shift on Sunday."

"That's certainly convenient."

She laughed. "It took some trading and such a few months ago, and I had to do some extra shifts, but I couldn't miss this."

"I know the feeling. It's hard to believe today that I almost turned down Carol when she first asked."


I realized I'd put my foot in it–almost–now to see if I could climb out. "There were some issues. It took calls from both Stacy and Jim to convince me that something needed to be done. As is, the kids are still at home, and couldn't come."

"Ahh, yes, school is still in session. You said one of yours was in high school, didn't you?"

"Not exactly, but as I think back, that is a logical deduction. Our oldest, is in high school."

At that point, we were all called together by an older man.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. We're all here to go through tomorrow's service so that Carol and Jim can be joined in the bounds of holy matrimony. If any of you are here for some other event, you probably want to go next door, to the parish house."

The last drew laughter from most of us, as I suspect was his intention.

"To start the proceedings, we will show you where you'll arrive to make your final preparations and then return here and we'll get on with the rehearsal. James, would you take the men while Pam shows the ladies?"

We followed the lady named Pam.

"The guys will be entering the building from the side, and have been directed to arrive a half hour after you all need to be here," she started. "We can't have them getting a peek at Carol too early, can we?" she smiled.

"Here's the room where you'll be able to get ready and make any last minute preparations. Carol, as we discussed, you can see the raised area in that corner. You can make sure your train is situated well before returning to the narthex. Besides Stacy, which of these other ladies will also help you navigate there, without getting the train dirty?"

"Stevie, I want you to help with that."

I nodded. "Just show me what you want me to do."

"I'll be here tomorrow, to show you. We'll return to the narthex now, using the path you ladies will follow. Tomorrow, you want to go in the order you will go down the aisle, except for the two helping Carol." She turned to Stacy and me. "Once you get to the narthex, you can put the train down, and not worry about it. The carpet will ensure things are good."

"Excuse me," interrupted Louise, "there wasn't a carpet there when we left."

"No, it will be put down tomorrow while you are getting ready. No sense in getting it dirty now, is there?"

We all acknowledged this, and she led us to the narthex. I noticed a place or two, where the turns seemed like they might give issues. Arriving in the narthex, we found the guys already back."

"Welcome back ladies. I hope you don't find the trip too twisty, but when the church was built, well, things were a little different, I understand. No, and before you ask, I was NOT around back then."

More laughter accompanied his remark. I think I like this pastor. One of his helpers, James I think he said, leaned over and said something to him.

"Ah, my young assistant here has prodded my aging mind. I should have introduced myself. I'm the Right Reverend Doctor William Witherspoon, and yes, that's quite a mouthful. Feel free to call me Reverend Willie, most folks do. I'll answer to a lot of other things too, but, please don't call me late to dinner, which reminds me that we DO need to get moving here.'

He took a pause then turned to Carol. "Now, Carol, I need you to pair these people up. Your sister is the maid of honor, right?"

"Yes, and I want Stevie to be my matron of honor."

I looked at her sharply.

"I take it that you are the lady in question and she decided to spring this on you just now?" the pastor queried.

"Yes, Reverend, but I'll do it, though I ought to do something else." I looked at her sternly.

"I'm sorry, Stevie. I was afraid you'd turn me down if I actually asked you."

I sighed. "I don't know, but we need to keep going. Tell me what to do, Reverend."

He nodded. "Thank you, my dear."

"Well, Carol would you and Jim please pair up the remaining ladies with their escorts."

This was quickly accomplished, and I realized that there was just one guy, besides Jim and Carol's dad remaining. Somehow, I'd not noticed that we weren't even. Now, I was wondering what was going on. Carol came over to stand with me, and whispered.

"I'm sorry, Stevie. I really wanted you to do this, and with all the difficulty getting you here, I was afraid."

I just turned, and hugged her. "You could have told me once I was here for the fitting, but I do understand."

The pastor continued explaining what the others would be doing. Jim's brother–his best man–would first escort their mother in, with his father trailing, and Carol's cousin would be escorting her mother in. They would both be returning to the narthex after they escorted the mothers.

"The music will change to Canon in D by Pachelbel at this point."

I heard Jim saying "I wanted the Ride of the Valkyries, but Carol overrode me." I had to hold on to Carol at that. "Ignore it," I whispered.

"As I was saying, the music will change then, and you will start coming in. I want you to maintain your spacing. When the first couple gets twenty pews in, the next should start. You two ladies and Jim's brother will wait here, while Carol and her father remain behind the room partition that will be in place tomorrow, where Pam's standing. Go on over now. She'll show you where to wait."

"Now, Frank, you will first escort Stacy to her position and then return for, Stevie is it?" At my nod, "After escorting her to her position, you will take your station next to your brother. Don't forget the ring, by the way. But, if you do, I've got a nice plastic one that can be used temporarily."

We all laughed again.

He raised his voice just a little. "Now, when Frank and Stevie head down the aisle, the door will be closed, and Carol and her father will come to this point. Pam and James will be here to open it again, at the right place in the music. You will recognize it."

He walked over to Carol and her father. "Now sir, you do need to be careful to keep an even pace, not too fast, and not too slow. I'll have James walk down with the two of you tonight, so you can catch on. You don't want to trip your daughter, you know." He appeared to chuckle at this.

"Okay, now, I'll let James and Pam direct you when to go down the aisle and I'll meet you at the front. Jim, let's head to the chancel now."

I suspected he was telling Jim how he would know when to come out of the side door, to stand at the front and wait for everything to happen. I could remember how nervous I was waiting for Shelly, and we'd only had two bridesmaids and groomsmen. I should probably express my sympathy for him this evening.

James directed Frank and Carol's cousin when to walk down, and he and Pam played the parts of the mothers and father. Then, they all returned, and we got started. When it was my turn at the door, waiting for Frank to return, I saw how long the nave was and I understood why it had taken so long. Jim is really going to be nervous.

Finally, Frank was there and he escorted me down the aisle.

"Jim's going to sweat bullets waiting for this thing to get over."

"I suspect you're right. I don't know that Carol will be much better."

He chuckled. "To hear Jim talk, nothing fazes her most of the time."

I laughed. "Just watch tomorrow."

"I will."

We reached the chancel, and the pastor directed me to where I would stand.

"As you can see, you're all facing towards the center now. Once this young lady is in her position and Frank moves to his, I want you to all turn towards the doors."

He had Frank walk over to his position beside Jim, and we all turned.

"Well done. Now, the door will open, and Carol and her father will come in."

They did, and walked down the aisle with James. The pastor had them stop before coming all the way in to the chancel, with the rest of us. He then explained that he would ask a question which Carol's father would answer, before taking her in to stand next to Jim, and then retreat to sit next to his wife. At this point, we would all turn, to face Reverend Willie and the service would move forward. I discovered that Stacy would hold Carol's bouquet, and I would be responsible with carrying and producing, when requested, the ring that she would give Jim.

He then walked us through the service, so we knew when to kneel, turn and such. I learned when I'd step forward to hand Carol the ring, and Stacy when to receive and return the bouquet. We also learned how to move the train, if needed when they turned to face the congregation.

Finally, Reverend Willie talked us through the recessional, Spring from Four Seasons by Vivaldi.

"Of course, Carol and Jim will exit first. Do be careful to not step on her train, Jim. And don't go too fast. The door to the narthex is not the one you're supposed to carry her through."

It seemed that most of us thought this was a good joke.

"Now, Frank, I want you to escort the matron of honor out, and then come back for the maid of honor. Then, you will wait by the door, while the remaining couples exit, then you and Mark, I believe it is, will come back and get the mothers in the reverse order you entered."

He looked at us all. "James and Pam will be there to direct you to a room where you can wait for the crowd to get outside. Once they move, the last few staged photos of the bride and groom together with the rest of you will be made. Then, you will all exit to the waiting limos to join the guests at the banquet hall."

We then practiced the exit, except for Jim and Carol that is, they just walked to the back when Frank was escorting me back. The last bit of the rehearsal went as well as the first bit.

While we were waiting for the rest to get back, Carol said "Stevie, you'll be going to the reception with Jim and me, and Stacy will be taking Karen and Samantha."

"Maybe we'll get to talk a little on the way," Jim interposed.

"That'd be nice. It's good to finally get to meet you. Carol seems to think the sun rises and sets based on your actions."

"I dunno. She's got a good friend named Steve that's supposed to be here for the wedding. She talks about him all the time, like they've been friends since the world was formed or something. Would you believe the guy didn't want to do something she asked?"

I looked at Carol, and she shook her head.

"Yes, I actually do believe it."

"Stevie knows Steve too, Jim."

"Well, I want to meet this guy. I don't see how he could be as good a friend as you claim, and not be willing to be here."

"Umm. I'll tell you about Steve, in the car Jim." I said resignedly, then leaned over to whisper in her ear. "You'd best drive then."

She nodded agreement.

By then, the rest had all joined us.

"Your receiving line will be at the reception, so we'll set it up here, so you know your places once you get there."

He had us all lined up. The last couple were first, and it went up to Stacy, then me, then Jim and finally Carol. I was a little surprised that their parents came before Stacy and me in the line, but I figured Carol had done that on purpose.

"That all went well. I want to thank you all for being so attentive. I'll see you in an hour at the dinner."

James piped up. "Yes, Reverend Willie was serious about not being called late for dinner."

"Well, of course."

His response showed it was a longstanding joke between them. It also made me think that maybe he'd not actually forgotten to introduce himself. Maybe that was just another planned ice breaker to help nervous people get over their nervousness and concentrate.

We all sorted ourselves out in cars.

"I'll drive, Jim. That way you and Stevie can talk."

"If you want, love."

We climbed into the car, I took the seat behind Carol, and Jim sat beside her in front. We got on the road.

"So, what's so special about this Steve and why isn't he here. The way Carol talks, I was surprised she didn't ask me to make him one of my groomsmen. I even kept a spot open for him. That's why Frank has to escort both you and Stacy."

I nodded. "Carol, you probably should have told Jim about Steve."

"I know, but I didn't know how, Stevie."

"What is it about this fellow?"

I lowered my voice to my more normal speaking range, "Jim, I'm Steve."

--- Continued

Author's Note: I want to thank all my alpha and beta readers for their thoughts and encouragement. I espacially want to thank my three editors/proofers whithout who's help, this would be a much worse story. Any problems remaining are mine. The story is complete, and will be posted in ten parts.

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