It is not important if you are religious I suppose. Look at what is happening in the World, then read Revelations, especially Chapter 22, from the Bible. Not saying anything political. The Quran makes only oblique mention of it. Perhaps the Jews have something in their Tanakh.
Blessings to you all.
I read it.
Also read Rev. 12: 3, 4, and the Sixth Seal beginning Rev. 6: 12.
-- Daphne Xu
For over two thousand years
This is only my opinion and nothing more.
With every wide spread evil Revelations becomes relevant. Name any war or major catastrophe and Revelations was promptly brought out and dusted off.
Mark 13:32 or Matthew 24:36 should straighten things up.
I know I'm whistling past the graveyard but there is so much rewrite went into scripture by King Constantine's scribes it's almost a book of fiction. Instead of telling God what one wants, ask and then listen. An answer will come. Might not be the one we wanted. John 14:26
Ladies and Gentlemen, I will NOT get into a theological debate ever again. I wasted two years of my life debating, ministers, preachers, rabbis, and priests. Learned a very valuable lesson. Not my job to see if the seed takes root and grows. Daddy told me to never discuss politics and religion. I didn't listen.
Hugs people
When we finally know everything, we realize we know nothing.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I find myself asking God to
I find myself asking God to please tarry, because I'm not done preaching yet.![1F64F-1F3FB.png](/topshelf/system/files/u124765/gallery3/1F64F-1F3FB.png)
If you say "it's not about religion" then talk about the bible?
Sorry, hon, but it's about religion :)
Translations of translations of edits of transcriptions of oral histories. You're just as likely to get something prophetic by playing thirty-person telephone with a random quote from Shakespeare.
You can find guidance in a book. You can find information in a book. You can find verifiable facts in a book. You can most certainly find religion in a book.
You can't find truth in a book, or faith. Those have to come from the heart, and experience.
Step away from the bible, and instead read a few books on world history. Things are cyclical, and while sure, we're close to imploding right now . . . we always are, in one way or another.
Soothsayers speaking of apocalypses always have an audience because there is nothing more terrifying to most people than one's own mortality. At some point you have to stop fretting and start living, and do your best to help others do the same.
Melanie E.