I am reading a story where this teen girl buys nothing but Jeans. Yuk!
For me, Jeans, or pants of any kind are horribly uncomfortable. I do own a few pair of pants, but they must be very loose in the hips and crotch.
Anyone else?
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I am reading a story where this teen girl buys nothing but Jeans. Yuk!
For me, Jeans, or pants of any kind are horribly uncomfortable. I do own a few pair of pants, but they must be very loose in the hips and crotch.
Anyone else?
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Wot! No Leggings?
many young girls seem to live in them these days. mind you a lot of older women who should know better seem to think that they are 'cool'.
Then Jeans with ripped knees (for which you pay a lot extra) are a commonplace aren't they. I have a pair of jeans with a hold in the knee and one in the thigh. Those are work jeans so I hope I'm excused.
Then again, there is no accounting for taste or the lack of it is there?
It depends ...
Tights and leggings are a great choice for you young gals who want to wear short skirts that barely cover your privates. Preserves a bit of modesty and looks okay on a small to medium frame.
For us older and more huggable types, they seem to magnify our faults. For us, a longer, fuller skirt is "good camouflage," and pants, tights, and leggings don't cut the mustard any more.
[[I have not let my photo escape a camera for 45 years! ]]
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
There are jobs a skirt or dress does NOT belong
Unlike Bru, Undercover Madam, not all of us are prima donnas of the female set. Climbing scaffolding, building commercial blds, homes, labs, hospitals. Pouring footings, building forms, pouring concrete slabs. Working livestock, shoveling the good fertilizer, cleaning out pens. Building fence, especially stringing barbwire. Driving cats, backhoes, carryalls, most all large heavy equipment. Crawling through attics, under houses, laying sewer, water, most all lines, digging ditches. Putting up billboards, bailing cotton and or hay. Ridding a horse.
I wear a skirt or a dress when it's practical and I'm tired of looking like life ran me down, backed up, and ran over me a couple more times. Unless it's an emergency, never on the aforementioned jobs. Those brand new ratty jeans Samantha mentioned? I have some of those. They aren't new and I didn't purchase them with tears and holes in them. All that come from being close to my work.
Gwen, I like women, girls who wear dresses and skirts if they do it right instead of looking like a refugee from the Salvation Army Store. I like women and girls who wear jeans, slacks, shorts if they do it right. Problem with today's society it seems no one has a clue to understated class. It's as if society stepped away from the stone age and was pointed toward a mountain of clothes. Want to ruin your eyeballs while frying your brain? Look at youtube of Walmart customers. Leaves no doubt humans "almost evolved" from apes but didn't quite make the grade.
Hugs hon, wear your skirts and dresses because you belong in them. And besides you look pretty darn cute.
Life is a gift, don't waste it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Walmart Shoppers
Barbie, I have to remind you but darling, you forgot to give the mandatory
'Not Suitable for people of a nervous disposition'
warning when it comes to viewing those videos of 'Walmart Shoppers'.
Some of those images are not a pretty sight, far from it.
Miss Fashion Statement fer sure yah
Samantha is one of the many girls on this channel who has dresses and style I would die or kill for. What is even worse than that is she's stingy and doesn't share like she otter. Not my fault I don't get to dress up as often as I wish. The girls aren't sharing like they should.
By the way Sam, I know leather is NOT a summer style but you have the most darling slim, tan, leather skirt and vest. That and your brocade white silk long sleeve blouse...? When I go see the Dr. in two weeks I sure would look good wearing that outfit. Don't you agree? I promise to return it after I send it through the cleaners.
Hugs Sam
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn yout
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
i blame 'celebrities'
wearing jeans, shorts, leggings, mini dresses/skirts when you have the figure to match is fine but 99% of the population can turn haute couture into bag lady with no problem!
You will usually find me in a dress or skirt because a) they are comfortable and b) finding trousered wear that fits and doesn't look like a badly stuffed haggis is nigh on impossible. Leggings sort of work but I usually wear them under something else if its a bit cooler or I haven't done my legs! FWIW, I have a goodly pile of 'pelmets' as my mum would call them, each time I put one on I look in the mirror and think, 'hmm, maybe not', maybe I should have a clearout.
My rallying call is 'Free the legs, they've done nothing wrong!'
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Maddy, I'm not sure what is
Maddy, I'm not sure what is stylish when bike ridding? Is there a style for bikes? Hon, your descriptions of your trips tires me out just reading about what you do. After airing up the tires and checking the bike over yesterday, I got my exercise. I rode two miles down the highway and two back after checking the gas in the moped to make sure it had enough to make the long distance trip. Only concession to the long trip, I traded my cowgirl hat for a helmet. Is it stylish to leave a ponytail out or should I pack my hair up under the helmet like the motorcycle girls do in the movies. Darn they look cute letting all that hair fall out when they take off the full face helmet. Wonder if it has the same effect on a moped rather than a muscle belch fire motorcycle ozzing testosterone?
Hugs Maddy, stay safe girl. Drivers have NOOO respect for two wheels out on their highways. We are invisible to them even wearing florescent green or orange vests and lights flashing all over our bikes. Wonder if I add a red blue flashing emergency light on top my helmet?????
Life is a gift, treasure it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I feel doubtful that many people would be accepting of a seventy year old guy wearing leggings and athletic style tights or at least that is my fear. Much of the time I wear lose fitting shorts or jeans when out in public but prefer leggings, unless it is quite warm, when puttering around home unless I have to do something that dictates grungy clothes.
My fear is if I went out and about dressed like that I might find my picture on the "Found at Walmart" page and I feel that my body isn't really gross either.
Nellie, just think, our own 15 minutes of fame
I'm not saying do this every time but think about it. Get our picture taken and our fifteen minutes of fame all over the world. Isn't that what Andy Worhol said? Everyone should have fifteen minutes of fame? Probably have it all wrong? Oh well, who cares, once in a blue moon it's good to let the creative juices flow. Been wearing a bikini while working in the yard and the garden this summer and have some great bikini lines even if this body no longer looks that great. I did it under doctor's orders so I have an excuse. She told me to get more sun back in January. I just waited to follow her prescription.
Hugs Nellie, poke at life once in awhile. It's too darn short to take it seriously.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Go for what you feel comfortable in and "Damn Your Eyes, Sir"
I'm aquainted with a gentle man who reluctantly dons shorts when in town, nothing else, well occasionally sandals. The temperature in the area ranges from -20C to +35C.
As for me, doesn't really matter as long as I've got free legs (apparently rather goodlooking ones from what I'm told). Applies only at temperatures above +5C and when not involved in activities liable to scratching or worse.
Judge not....
I don't know why people have to run around "Having Opinions" about what other people choose to wear. You don't know what it's like to be them or what motivates them to dress as they do. Personally, I much prefer dresses and skirts, and have not worn "trousers" since I transitioned 3 1/2 years ago. But that's just me, and if I want people to leave me space to dress as I like, then I have to leave them space to dress as they like, even if I would never in a million years dress that way.
I've noticed that most women my age prefer pants ("trousers" for you Brits), and I can imagine why. I grew up in the days when assistant principals would run around measuring girls' skirts to make sure they weren't too short -- or too long! (Maxis were as forbidden as minis.) And with the obligatory skirts were all the rules you had to follow to make sure God forbid! nobody ever got to see up your skirt, lest whatever "virtue" you had be gone forever. And having to wear them even when it was so cold they got frostbite. And having leering boys try to lift their skirts up to humiliate them. While it's not for me to speak for them (they can speak perfectly well for themselves), it would not be surprising if a lot of them associate skirts and dresses with the ongoing disadvantagement and degradation they experienced growing up.
So to me, for me (or any AMAB) to criticize a woman's preference for jeans, slacks, etc, is to compound the sexism she suffered (and probably still suffers), and a betrayal of people I consider my Sisters.
Not Paying Attention
In my initial post, I did relate that most pants are horribly uncomfortable for me because they are HOT and they aggravate my skin condition.
A double contradiction
Asche, are people not allowed to have an opinion of what is right or wrong with styles? You post a double negative. "to criticize a woman's preference for jeans, slacks, etc, is to compound the sexism she suffered" Women have "always" looked at other women and judged, looks, hair, attire a lot more critically then men. I dare say 99.9 percent of the men do not look at women to see if she's wearing Jimmy Chou or Walmart. I look at the misfits and wonder what she was thinking when she left the house. Looking at the one's who have it all together, I study them to figure out what it is makes her so outstanding among the herd. Not surprisingly it's always the total picture. Even in jeans and blouse she managed to complete a "wish I was her" look most of us aspire to. I remember them, sometimes forever. The girl in the Dairy Queen, every single black hair on her beautiful head was in place, she was stunningly beautiful. That was .... years ago. My daughter told me about the girl she saw in Walmart, a dress with a full circle skirt and an hourglass figure to die for. She had the attention of everyone around her. I think my daughter spent an hour on the phone describing her that night.
Yes, women critique women and to a lesser extent men on their bodies and their attire. It's a female thing, some more than others. Especially if we spent a lifetime studying what makes an exceptionally beautiful woman, uncomoningly beautiful. It isn't just the facial features, the hair style, the breasts, the legs, or the figure. It is the total package and some come in a better package than others whether they were born into it or work to achieve it.
Hugs Asche
Life is a gift, don't waste it.
As one gets older it's harder to hold onto that figure. I admire those who do even more now. I'm like Paton, fighting the battle of the bulge, only I'm losing the battle. Life is so unfair.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Sounds cool
Seems pretty realistic IMO. A girl gonna go with her own style. Jeans can be fun, I don't really like them because of sensory issues, but I know plenty of girls who do. I prefer loose fitting clothes like pajamas, nightgowns, skirts, dresses, and stuff. But I think the teen girl in that story you said was pretty neat.
I'm kinda curious what it was now, maybe she just likes how comfortable they are. Some people think jeans and pants are comfortable, I don't really find them that because of yeah my sensory issues, but yeah.
Ever seen a girl in a tux? Like SWOOOOOOOOOOOON, so yeah I think plenty of girls can rock pants ♥ Though with the girl in the tux I mean adult, not a child, ewwww. Anyone who is like that towards children should get help.
But yeah, an adult woman in a tux, carrying me in a bridal gown would make me meeeeeeeeeeeelt
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Only skirts/dresses for me...
I've exclusively worn skirts and dresses since 2016-2017ish (and I hadn't regularly worn pants very often for a while before that). Modesty, appearance and comfort were definitely some of the main reasons for that initially--the ones that are actually well-designed for female figures, that accentuate rather than conceal feminine curves, tend to be too tight/revealing (and thus, also physically uncomfortable), more modest/comfortable ones are less-than-attractive IMO, and not very feminine at all--but I continued (and nowadays it's also) for a complex set of quasi- religious/cultural/ideological reasons. Plus, I just became accustomed to it, so personal preference--I just personally don't miss pants, and my style these days leans strongly high/retro-femme. Briefly in my early 20s I wore super-tight skinny jeans in pretty colors (never conventional blue denim), and while they definitely showcased my developing "assets" back then (a little too much, in retrospect), comfortable they were not, haha. I was very slender then and even so, there were some downright comical moments trying to squeeze in and out of them, especially before I'd broken them in.