I'm having a tough day, so I'm looking for story recommendations. I want some light, fluffy, and happy stories to read, any suggestions?
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I'm having a tough day, so I'm looking for story recommendations. I want some light, fluffy, and happy stories to read, any suggestions?
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Here are some recents I liked that are swet and fun.
I usually pick stories in the crossdressing category. Among recent post I've liked that are sweet and fun are:
Stay safe. Stay well. Virtual hugs all around.
Your friend
I think i have the perfect story for you
VoilĂ Magic of the Kingdom !!!
Magic of the Kingdom
Aw, drat. You mentioned it first. This is an awesome feel good story.
Stories I would recommend are:
A Second Chance by Dawn Natalie at https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book-page/70533/second-chance...
The Lost Queen by Elsbeth at https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book-page/81372/lost-queen
Coyote and Kelly's Story A Whateley Tale by Nuuan at https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book-page/60540/nuuan
Cassandra by Persephone at https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/79679/cassandra
County Sherrif by Samantha MD at https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book-page/74285/county-sheriff
Stories I would recommend that were originally here but are now on Kindle are The Last of the Fey by Denise Anesidora Trask; Peaches by Angela Rasch; the cheerleader series by Daring Diane (I have re-read these SO many times); It's Just a Skirt and Just Roll With It by Matthew Potter (Enemyoffun); most books by Karin Bishop; most of the shorter novels by Katie (K. T.) Leone (warning: some of her longer books are extremely dark); The Wildcats series by Leslie Moore; all of Maddy Bell's books; I'm With The Band by Melanie Brown;
I'm getting tired of typing. I'm only about two thirds of the way through my list of my favorite stories that I re-read when I am in the mood to feel good. I'll worn you that some of these stories have some dark parts in them but happiness triumphs so they are still feel good stories for me.
A happy day for space buffs
The Crew Dragon launch from Florida a few minutes ago me super happy.
Reminded me of watching the Gemini and Apollo launches as a kid.
Although it's not really a transgender story...
unless something really strange happens on this mission.
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Houston, we have a problem ...
all the crew is now girls, and for some reason our craft is now painted pink ...
Just what you need
"Acceptance" is short and sweet. It will make you smile. Happy ending (and I wrote it)
read and commented
thanks for the lovely story !
You could check out the edited version of camp Kumoni and let the rest of us know if we need to re-read it.
I loved it, Greybeard
thanks for pointing me in that direction!
Cynthia Chronicles/littlerock silver, Teddie's Tommy Trials & ..
I'd say this almost always gave me happy sniffles (there are some sad bits, but they get fixed very soon. Magic by SRU Wizard, but he's mellowed in this incarnation; plus magic by characters.
By Teddie. Starts a tad slow, then just keeps going, getting better. A few Rough spots, but Tommy/Tammy/Kai and friends get past them. No magic, unless protagonist's relation to Native American (or Great) spirit counts.
Stars I Shall Find
Over on tgstorytime is extremely sweet, and Frills by Alecia Snowfall is also good for a light and happy read; mouikkai musume by Rellawing on tgstorytime is also a good, fluffy story, with the exception of the final one or two chapters, which are slightly upsetting. Tally the Witch is a great and very fluffy fantasy adventure story available on Amazon, as is High Heels in a Minefield by Paradox. There is, of course, the Becoming Robin series, which is certainly very heartwarming and fluffy. Transition, by Billie Winterholer on Amazon is a very Sweet love-story, Blackfall and a good many other stories by Casey Brooke are often very touching, but a number of them also contain potentially upsetting themes, so be warned.
I am actually in the process of compiling a list of all the TG stories I have enjoyed over the years, both on this site and others, as well as on Amazon, with a mini-review/summary for each. I will probably post a link to that here once I have more of it done.
Here's One...
...you may not have gotten to, from StorySite: "Aw, Come On!", by Emmie Dee.
Also on StorySite, Hebe Dotson has some really cute stories, notably the three "Half-Brothers" tales (that one, "Half-Sisters Too" and "Sisters Three") and "Mistletoe Mistake". And Samantha Michelle (a U.S. writer, not Samantha MD here), has some that would qualify, including her last two, "Benjamin" and "Murphy". There are also two of hers on FM, "Backwoods" and "Missguided" (sic), that never made it to StorySite.
Tuck's Chapter 20 -- specifically, the part on March 10, where "Valerie" and Debbie are babysitting a large number of little kids whose mothers are all going out together for the whole day -- is a sitcom-type "adventure" which can be read without knowing any more about the characters (or the rest of the story). OK: Debbie is an entrepreneurial type, age 16 or 17, who runs a babysitting operation (among other businesses) and our narrator Tuck, her androgynous boyfriend, is doing this for the first time, presenting as his alter ego Valerie "because they wanted a girl". It starts about a third of the way through the chapter. It's all timestamped (because Tuck's that kind of guy), and the self-contained story runs from 05:58 to 17:56 on March 10, 1997. It's at Ellen Hayes's site.
Thanks All! Lotsa research and good leads here
What a list!
I've copied a link to this thread into my 'stories by others' folder. So I'll see any additions, even if this 'scrolls off' of the BCTS main page.
You all will keep me happily busy for weeks!!! :)
If you're into age regression-type stories...
It really depends upon where your thematic preferences and inclinations lie, but if you're fond of sweet/sentimental age regression sorts of stories, the ones by Maggie the Kitten, Holly H. Hart, shalimar and that whole Kids Kamp crew/clique/friend group(?) always warm my heart and cheer me up when I've really lost my way. Megan Campbell is another authoress I would recommend--her flash pieces "A Flower's Dream" and "A Beautiful Dream" are short sweet bursts of positivity. Kind of out of season, but "The Gingerbread House" by Miranda Sparks is another of my heart-warming favorites.