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A Change In Lifestyle – Final Chapter 14
By Julie D Cole
Patrick apologised that he was the substitute but promised Tracey would be back soon to give her approval and make any final recommendations since it was her salon now. She had taken out a loan and with some private financial support from a friend she had bought out the owner. Jobs were secure because the salon had a good reputation and he was now the senior stylist.
He made me very welcome and settled me comfortably in front of the brightly lit mirrors that seemed to highlight my masculinity. I sat in the big leather swivel seat much like a dentists chair that reclined to the horizontal position. It was upright and Patrick raised it high so that my feet barely touched the floor. He proceeded to examine me closely moving his head from side to side.
‘Mmm Robyn it seems that you have neglected your complexion and your eyebrows need attention. I think we need to shape them. Don’t you use a conditioner at all and have regular visits to a hair salon?’
‘ No I don’t need to and Helen has never complained.’
He continued moving around me and lifting my hair up to expose my ears which he decided needed piercing. He took hold of my chin and I noticed the sweet smell of perfume as he turned my face towards him scrutinising my features. He complemented me on the colour of my eyes and my dimples and high cheekbones and a cute nose. I felt like I had been undressed completely by him. On the upside though there were no negative comments.
‘Well done Helen and Fran for recommending us to help you bring out your femininity. Lots of potential here. You’re not gay by any chance are you?’
‘What do you mean? No I’m not gay.’
‘Well we can all live in hope. What about afterwards will you still like women or switch your favours to men and become a competitor for all the hunks.’
‘No I have no desire or intentions in that regard. This is crazy. I’m a man and a husband. This is just something I wanted to try and it seems to please Helen. You can’t do anything that will be too permanent. I need to focus on job hunting again soon.’
‘Well Helen just said to select a style that would hide your boyish features and that isn’t difficult. I can certainly enhance your femininity and give you a completely new image. What you two decide after that is up to you both.’
What is that supposed to mean?’
‘I hope to arrange you to have the full works starting with shaping and trimming your eyebrows and a bit of waxing here and there. Then some eyelash extensions to give them more body. You have nice lips so maybe just show you how to fill them out a bit. Makes them even more kissable. ’
‘But I thought it was just a hair trim and wash and blow. Then it turned into a re-style with hair extensions and now a restyle with a pedicure and manicure. A hair re-style is OK but extensions? Are you sure? I can still have a pony tail for interviews I suppose but it depends on the length of the extensions. Can I remove them?’
‘Not without help they’ll be sown in so it will feel like natural hair that you can wash and style.’
‘I’m not so sure. Also if my nails are painted that’s another problem I can hide my feet but not my hands. Where does it all end?’
‘Why would you want to spoil my day and fun with Helen? She suggested these add-ons when we spoke. She wants me to change your image to suit your personality. She thinks you are very sensitive and you are naturally cute with beautiful features that need to be highlighted. You will be gorgeous when I’ve finished.’
‘Why didn’t she ask to speak to me? I’m not a plaything. She wants to take away all my masculinity. She already treats me like a woman and I don’t feel like her husband as it is. This will make things ten times worse. Just because I’m quiet and have been moody sometimes doesn’t mean I need a personality fix. OK I lost my job but I’ll get another soon. ‘
‘Well she seems to know what she is doing and what wife would arrange something like this if she didn’t love you? This will be semi-permanent and you’ll have difficulty convincing anybody you were born male for quite a while. Unless you come back for help.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘I wish my partner showed his love for me like this.’
‘But I suppose it is worth a try. She is the main breadwinner now and it’s not like we will struggle financially but she shouldn’t assume I want to be a domesticated spouse with a housekeeping budget. I need to hang onto my independence. It’s hard to swallow that she is more successful but I’m trying to come to terms with it.’
‘Yes I can see. But most men would be happy to stay at home and let the wife be the breadwinner. You can visit me regularly and enjoy our facilities. I’m always around if you need a friend and confidant. Who knows if Helen is satisfied she may set up a monthly account for regular treatment. I could help a lot.’
‘You mean completely feminise me?’
‘Why not? You don’t have to face colleagues at work. I understand that you work from home anyway. Why not be a stay at home spouse? I would love that life with my partner. He doesn’t have a top management position though so we can’t afford it. Just take all the domestic pressure away from her. To be honest I’d prefer you stay as a male but you are not gay so just satisfy your partner. We all have to give sacrifices.’
‘I’ve agreed to do that but it was only meant to be temporary. I still do private work from home and I’m job searching too. I have a part time job. I agreed to help Fran out since I have lots of spare time. I do things she hasn’t time to do. Her husband is away a lot and she has no friends or family close by to help her out.’
‘Yes it’s hard for a young mother and she is really nice. You look like really good friends and I can see she is very fond of you.’
‘There is nothing going on between us we are just friends.’
‘That’s between you all and I wouldn’t say anything even if there was. Fran is a good customer and I hope you will be too. ‘
‘I think it’s better left as well since we don’t want to be the subject of gossip.’
‘Yes better I crack on. Just trust me and let me have a free hand please as she suggested. ‘
‘So will it take long?’
‘Let me see. You do realise that you have very features that lots of women would kill for. I should know as much as anybody in this job. I wish I had soft skin and your shape of face. I’d be modelling not working all day in a salon and doing a drag act at weekends. It takes me ages to transform to Patricia.’
‘ I’m a guy and at the moment I feel I’m behaving more and more like a woman. You are even treating me like a female client. I’m male like you.’
‘Not exactly dear. I think we are different. I like men and you don’t. I like a bit of drag now and again for fun but everything goes back in the suitcase when I get into bed.’
‘ Sorry to ramble on to you and I’m happy for you if you have a gay relationship. I don’t think I’m gay I still like women. But I have been surprised how calm I’ve become since I took on more of the home duties and I don’t get as frustrated and angry as I did. I’m not having to compete or report to anybody or supervise.’
‘Well just enjoy it. Change your lifestyle and be the woman that Helen sees and don’t fight it.’
‘I am trying. It has helped by meeting Fran. She already seems to treat me as a girlfriend and she knows I am Helens husband. I hardly know her yet she already says I’m her new bestie and she feels comfortable with me like this.’
That’s nice. You have a kind face.’
‘ She has somebody to talk to now and I like to help her. I can’t see Helen and I having children. Helen is a career woman. She has no desire to be inconvenienced by pregnancy. I would love to have children. A little girl first and then a boy.’
‘Well lots of couples don’t have children. Just enjoy these new experiences. By the time we’ve finished with you today you’ll be feeling fabulous and you’ll wonder why you didn’t visit before now. Maybe Helen will ravish you when she sees the new you and any precautions will fly out of the window.’
‘So are you saying Helen is lesbian and wants me to be her woman? That worries me even more. I’m already suspicious.’
‘Well let’s say she doesn’t hide her likes and dislikes when we chat. That chair seems to loosen tongues.’
‘You’ve got me more intrigued. How can a guy like me who has been a whimp all his life keep Helen attracted to me? Are you saying I need to compete with women not men? Is that why she is paying you to change my appearance?‘
‘ Well it is sure to help your cause in my opinion. We have a lot of skilled staff here to help and a wide selection of beauty products so hopefully you will be happy with the result. You can be a walking advertisement for our salon. Maybe you’ll let me take a few photo’s to show the result.’
‘ If it turns out OK and we both have no problem with the final result. I just hope that nobody recognises me. I still need consider how to focus on my career before I become surplus to the market.’
‘Yeh but you do realise who is putting up the cash to support Tracey don’t you?’
‘No who is it and it is not my business.’
‘ Well clearly you don’t know and I don’t know for sure anyway.’
‘ I just hope Helen is right and that a change of image will give me more confidence and then Helen and I can have a proper chat. She might then help me to find some better job opportunities. I still aim to get into senior management like her one day soon but it’s difficult to keep pace with her. She gets a good salary now with big bonuses. Women seem to get all the best opportunities in my line of business.‘
‘Well we all like bonuses. You might get the biggest bonus of all because I can definitely make you look even more beautiful. What greater gift?’
‘But that will involve living and being treated as a woman.’
‘That might enhance your chances of job opportunities. I would hire you for this salon. It’s hard to imagine you as a man.’
‘But I’m not looking for salon work I am qualified with several years of experience just like Helen. She got promotion. I stood still.’
‘Don’t fret just be patient your chances will come. Unless you change your mind of course. It’s a womans prerogative to change her mind.’
‘Well I can’t look too effeminate because that won’t help based on my CV when employers look at my past experience in interviews. I’ll be judged before I sit down.’
‘Well employers can’t show prejudice they have to treat all candidates fairly.’
‘Well it’s too late now. I’ve shaped your eyebrows and highlighted your hair and next step is the extensions. Then a final trim, wash and blow dry. ‘
‘How much longer is all this going to take? I’m with Fran and I have some chores to do when we get back home. Is it something I can reverse easily?’
‘Well why don’t you let me finish my bit first and Emma has done your manicure and she’ll leave your pedicure until another visit if you like. Sarah has done your lashes and she’ll tidy up your make-up. We should be all done here in 30 to 45 minutes or so. Then a couple of photos for us please. If you are happy we can arrange a photographer to come and take more shots to suit your schedule. ‘
I nodded my approval and looked in the large mirror. My masculinity was already gone along with everything else.
Fran walked in and was amazed as I was. She hugged me as I stood up and twirled in front of her. Patrick was delighted and was busy taking photos to send to Helen and Tracey arrived. She was pleased with the result and couldn’t believe I had entered as a man in female clothes.
This was going to be a big change to my lifestyle.
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You can't stop now!
Julie, this is a classic, so many good characters and storylines. Please don't stop now! It seems like Helen, Fran and Robyn are like minded about how to move forward in this dynamic. Robyn has accepted her role as a compliment to her obvious love of keeping a household immaculate. I would love to read more about Robyn's exploits. -Dee
Thanks Dee
So kind to make a positive comment.
A good friend asked me some time ago to tidy up and complete some unfinished stories and this was one I found. It is possible that I might treat this as Book 1 like others have done so I can continue.
I have two more current stories to get back to after the break I needed but I will do my very best I promise.
Please continue
I like the character interactions in this story and would like to see you develop them more.
Gillian Cairns
Thanks Gillian
It's 8 years since I posted Chapter 1 and I felt guilty for leaving it unfinished. This Chapter was long overdue and I got enough hits and kudos to feel I ought to continue. Thanks for your kind response.
It is so nice...
... to see this taken to a place where it can rest for a while.
There absolutely have to be a part 2 to this.
Thank you Julie. I really enjoyed the chapter.
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
I absolutely loved this story. I agree with the other comments, please continue