It's My Party & I'll Cry if I Want To ~ Part 1

For 17 years Jane Smith had existed in the margins of everyone else's lives, ignored by classmates and teachers alike. Jane knew her infatuation with Bobby Dukakis was just a useless fantasy---Why would one of the most popular boys at her school show any interest in a shy little mousy nobody like her?---but she couldn't help how she felt! And even just loving him from the shadows brought happiness to her drab anonymous life. But when Jane stumbled across a powerful witch's book of spells she tried to perform one that would transform her into the sort of sexy, confident young woman that Bobby might fall in love with. Janey's first-ever attempt at witchcraft backfired in a truly horrifying fashion, and she just knew her whole life was over!

Which it was, but not in the way she imagined...

(The Sequel To BOBBY'S GIRL)
Laika Pupkino ~ 2019

NOTE: You really, really, really need to read my 2009 Halloween story BOBBY'S GIRL before reading this continuation. After you've read it you'll see why I thought it was so important for you to read it first. BOBBY'S GIRL is just 5 little pages in length and can be found HERE:


“It's my party and I'll cry if I want to;
Cry if I want to,
cry if I want to;
You would cry too if this happened to you!”



This was a nightmare! A NIGHTMARE!!!

Janey could not imagine how the magic spell she'd casted could have gone so terribly wrong! She had followed the instructions in the old witch's spell-book to the letter; measuring and mixing the potion's ingredients exactly like it had said to do; then reciting a rhyming incantation that stated what she wished would happen in clear and certain terms before chugging the stuff down and falling asleep fully clothed.

When she woke up this morning and caught sight of herself in her bedroom mirror she was amazed by what she saw! She had been turned from a mousy-haired “plain Jane” who had needed her big clunky glasses to see anything at all into a striking blonde with perfect vision; long shapely legs; a cute, zit-free face like a MISS TEEN USA contestant and a pair of massive breasts distending the front of her plain white t-shirt; which Jane considered overly large but she knew the boys at her school would find them exciting, judging by the sort of comments she'd so often overheard them making about a fellow student named Holly Holman.

And since she hadn't made any specific requests about her appearance---only that she would become a girl that Bobby Dukakis would find irresistible---she knew Bobby would like them too, although he was too much of a gentleman to as crudely as those other boys did or to call the Holman girl Holly Hooters.

It had really seemed as if the witch lady's Heart's Desire Transformation Spell had worked a miracle on Janey!

Until she slid her shorts down her curvy new hips to see what could be making them bulge out so strangely in the front and screamed: “OH MY GOD!!!!!”

Jutting from where her 'girl parts' had been was a pale fleshy thing like some revolting species of snake that had evolved without eyes. She knew what it was---a PENIS!---having taken the same four-week sex education course everyone else did back in eighth grade. But from those simple line drawings of male genitals in the class's textbook she never would have guessed that one could be so huge; and why on Earth was it a part of her?!!

Nestled below the nasty thing was something even uglier; a wrinkled hairy sack that she knew held a pair of testicles- her testicles! Unable to stand the sight of her new genitalia she tugged her pants back up to her waist. But now that she knew it was there she could feel it; a warm sensitive mass held squashed against her body by her too-tight shorts. This was an absolute nightmare!!

Then it occurred to her that maybe a nightmare was all this was. That she was still asleep. But when slapping herself hard to try and wake up didn't work she knew she was already awake, and this whole insane situation was horribly real! The shock of it made Janey's head spin, and for a few moments she thought she was going to pass out, but when she didn't she knew she would be denied even a temporary escape from this living Hell. And that's when the tears started...

All she had wanted was to have the kind of teenage romance all the other kids at school seemed to have, but instead she'd been turned into a FREAK! A hideous deformed MONSTER! Her tears turned to sobs, and then suddenly she was screaming!

As painfully timid as Janey was she probably hadn't raised her voice in anger more than a dozen times in her whole life. And she certainly had never run around crying and yelling and smashing things! But her sense of having been betrayed on some ultimate cosmic level was so overwhelming that her body seemed to be acting on its own as she kicked the candles surrounding the electrical tape pentagram she'd affixed to the floor and sent them flying! Another kick sent the spell-book scudding halfway across the room, its pages fluttering.

She snatched up the heavy wine goblet that had held the spell's magic potion and hurled it against the far wall; but it must not have been made of glass because it just bounced off. She grabbed the eyeglasses she no longer needed from the end table beside her bed and tried to break them in half, but their plastic frames were so heavy it took almost all her strength before they finally came apart with a satisfying crack! that made her left palm buzz and sting like it had been snapped with a massive rubber band. Then she threw these too!

The rage kept building inside her, a frightening and unfamiliar force that was compelling her to destroy more and more and bigger and more valuable things. On the same end table she'd always laid her glasses on at night was a lamp in the shape of a cartoon character that she had loved since she first watched The Happy Happy Hugglebugs Show at the age of five; but now she hated this ugly bug and that stupid show! And she hated that stupid show's stupid theme song (Life is a Funshiney Rainbow After All), which wasn't just stupid but an evil lie!! She snatched the lamp up and yanked it sideways so that its plug popped out of the wall socket. Her bedside table had nothing on it now. She kicked it over before hurling the lamp blindly, not caring what it hit!

Or not until she saw that it was heading for the window! She cringed---breaking windows was going too far!!---but last night had been unseasonably warm and the window's bottom half was open most of the way so it sailed through the gap, hitting the window screen hard enough that it popped free of its brackets, and the screen and the smiling Happy Pappy Hugglebug lamp tumbled into the bushes outside.

All at once Janey's rage turned to a leaden despair. It wasn't her room's fault that she'd turned herself into this weird thing that there probably wasn't even a name for- it was all her own stupid fault! And smashing stuff wasn't going to change her back to normal; she'd just be a freak with a busted up bedroom.

Something warm and thick was running down her fingers. When she brought her hand up to look at it the sight of the whole thing covered in blood startled her so much that her arm jerked and splatted blood against the eggshell white wall above her bed's headboard. There was a puddle of it on the floor beside her too.

Not seeing anything in her room that she would want to get bloody Jane wiped her hand on her shirt so she could find out how bad she'd cut herself. The gash in the heel of her palm was about an inch long and must have been made by one of the halves of her glasses when she'd snapped them in two. The wound was white but now it was filling with blood again. Since her shirt already had blood on it she grabbed the bottom edge of her t-shirt---which her new breasts were causing to hang down in front of her tummy like a curtain---and clutched it to staunch the flow of blood. She knew she wasn't going to bleed to death but this was one more rotten thing on the worst morning of her life. She had a penis. Things couldn't possibly get any worse...

Suddenly she heard a woman's saying in alarm: “Brad, wake up! You hear that?”

'Ohmigod,' she gasped, HER PARENTS! She'd forgotten all about them!

Her fathers voice was much fainter but was probably saying that he didn't hear anything.

“But I did. From Janey's room! Something's wrong!”


<=====8 |*| |*| 8=====>

Mr. and Mrs. Smith had gotten home from their Halloween party quite late and fairly drunk, so they'd slept through more of their daughter's destructive rampage than they otherwise would have. As they came running down the hall Janey panicked, throwing her full weight against the bedroom door- “NO DON'T COME IN HERE!!”

But there were two of them, and it didn't take long for them to push their way in, where they stood gawking at her. She wailed, “Mommy! Daddy! I made a horrible mistake!”

“What?!” cried her mom, glaring at her, "Who are you?!! Where's our Janey?!!!”

“I'm right here! I'm Janey!”

“What are you talking about?! Where's Janey?! Who are you???” they kept repeating.

“But I'm ME!” she cried; and then desperately tried to embrace her mother. But the woman recoiled in fear as her father shoved her, knocking her to the floor like she was some dangerous intruder trying to attack his wife.

Janey wasn't hurt but she was so stunned by her daddy's roughness that she didn't try to get back up. She just sat there on the new shaplier butt she her woken up with this morning—an oddly spongy sensation---and started to cry even harder than before.

“That must be how she got in!” said her mom, pointing at the screenless window. Then they noticed the circle of candles, the wine-glass chalice and the spell-book, its open pages inscribed with strange, witchy symbols.

“What's all this? Some kind of Satan-worship bullshit?!” demanded her father who she had only heard swear once before, when he'd got his hand smashed by the car door.

“I don't know, maybe,” she sobbed, because for all she knew it really was the devil who was behind this nightmare she couldn't awaken from.

“Maybe what?!” asked her mother shrilly as she bent down and picked up one half of Jane's glasses, “What have you done with our baby?!!”

“I told you!”

“The kid's crazy! Just look at her! Go call the police, Sally; I'll hold her here,” said her dad. Then he stood barring the door as her mother hurried back to the bedroom where their phones were.

Some seconds later Janey heard: “What's the emergency??! Our daughter's been KIDNAPPED! Yes of course we need the police! 1484 Maple Tree Lane. And tell them to hurry! We caught one of them!”

Jane looked at her father pleadingly, “No Daddy! I wasn't kidnapped, I'm right here! That book there, it's a magic book, and-”

“If nonsense like that is all you're going to say then just don't talk to me!” he told her, so she didn't.

Perhaps she could have escaped through the open window before the cops got there, but where could she go? She had a PENIS!!

And maybe jail was where freaky freaks like her belonged anyway. Or some other place where they had cages for freaks... The Freak Zoo.

<=====8 |*| |*| 8=====>

Her hand had completely stopped bleeding by the time two uniformed policemen showed up. The officers turned on a recording device smaller than a mobile phone and had her parents recount everything that had happened since they were awoken by the commotion in their daughters room.
When asked if there was anything missing her mom looked around then said angrily, “They took her Mister Hugglebug! Janey loved that lamp!”

“No I don't! And it's out there in the bushes,” said Jane, pointing.

Then the policemen asked her what she was doing in this couple's house, and started firing off questions faster than Janey could answer them:
“What's your relationship with Jane Smith?”
“Why were you in here vandalizing her room?”
“Did you just pick this house at random?”
“Do you go to the same school as her?”
“Was she your girlfriend, maybe? Who broke up with you?”

“I AM HER!!” she shouted, startled by how loud this had come out.

“Then why don't your own parents know who you are. And why did they call the police on you?”

“Because I- It's hard to explain,” she stammered, “but if you just let me explain I can explain.”

“This should be good,” muttered one of the cops, but they let her tell her story.

She told them how she'd been in love with Bobby Dukakis since she'd first set eyes on him, treating them to a long description of how perfect in every way he was- so how could anyone not be in love with him?! Then she told them about buying the box of cookbooks at the people across the street's garage sale, and discovering that one of them was a book of magic spells written down by the neighbor girl's grandmother, the late Rosa Farranino-

“Oh, her,” muttered the fat cop, “Batty old broad had half the neighbors convinced she was a witch!”

“Must've had some kind of hoodoo,” said the tall cop, “They say she did crack the Van der Wahl case!”

Whatever they were talking about must have been before Jane's time. She found her thread of thought again and explained how she tried one of the spells in the magic book while her parents were at their Halloween party, and it had changed her appearance so much that now they didn't recognized her!

The one thing Jane didn't mention was the thing protruding from between her thighs, that thing she could hardly bring herself to think about, let alone tell anyone else it existed. And now she was crying again. “I just wanted to be pretty!”

As she told them all this the four adults were making faces like they couldn't decide if she was crazy or just pretending to be crazy. And she had to admit she wouldn't believe a story like this either if it hadn't happened to her. One of the policemen asked, “But if this 'magic spell' worked---which it must have, since anyone can see you're a very pretty girl---then why were you screaming? Why are you crying?”

“I don't knowwww!!! she sobbed miserably. Which was a lie, but all the true things she'd told them hadn't done her one bit of good. Except for the fact that her mom was now looking at her like she felt sorry for her; which was easier to bear than the icy looks of accusation she'd been giving her while they waited for the cops to show up...

<=====8 |*| |*| 8=====>

Mrs. Smith had decided that whatever else the young blonde was she was clearly insane; and people as delusional as her shouldn't be held responsible for whatever they did. And if Janey had been the victim some cult of drug-crazed Halloween ax-murderers, then this girl was the dumb member of the group---a follower, not an instigator---who might have simply been forgotten about as they sped off in their getaway vehicle. She sensed that this kid just didn't have it in her to be vicious or cruel...

In fact, in some weird way she reminded her a lot of Janey; an apologetic meekness that seemed totally incongruous in a young woman this beautiful. And the way she was twisting a strand of her hair around and around her finger as she looked down at her feet was an unconscious gesture Linda Smith had seen a thousand times. Could it possibly be that-

No, that was a ridiculous! If she started believing in stuff like this she'd be as crazy the girl who for whatever reason thought she was their daughter. Yet Linda couldn't help feeling oddly protective of the young intruder; and when the cops had the girl put her wrists behind her and secured them to each other with handcuffs she protested: “It that really necessary? Come on, she's just a kid!”

The tall one shook his head, “Sorry Ma'am. Regulations say male officers can't frisk female suspects. Doing this will keep her safe and us safe until we get her to the station, where there's always at least one female officer on duty...”

He told the Smiths that even though there were signs that a struggle had taken place here---this girl had blood on her shirt, and there was some on the floor and on the wall there---at the moment all they were arresting her for was trespassing. But a detective would drop by fairly soon with a forensic specialist to see what the evidence said about their belief that their daughter was taken, or if any other charges could be brought against the suspect; and that they shouldn't move or clean or even touch anything in this room until the CSI guy went over it.

He said to be patient and cooperate when the detective asked a lot of the same questions they'd already answered---it had to be done that way---and after that he would question 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch here' down at the station, and maybe get something resembling the truth out of her. With a consoling grin he told them, “And who knows? Your daughter could come walking through the door at any moment, and can tell us what the hell happened here.”

“If she does we might just drop the charges,” said her dad while her mom nodded in agreement, “Although I'd hope you would get this kid some sort of psychological help. She obviously needs it!”

The officers told Janey what she was being arrested for and recited this thing about what her rights were, and asked her if she understood. She nodded, even though it had just sounded like a bunch of words. Then they led her through the house and across the front yard.

The last thing she heard her mom say as she closed the front door behind them was: “So many of them are on drugs these days, and younger and younger and not just weed. At least we never have to worry about Janey experimenting with dangerous substances. She's terrified of-”

Jane sighed. Experimenting with dangerous substances is exactly what she had done!

Joy Farranino---the dark haired thirty-something woman who had inadvertently sold Janey the magical “cookbook” that got her in so much trouble---was across the street hand watering their house's small dichondra lawn. She watched the two sheriffs escort the pretty blonde teenager to their black and white cruiser, obviously very curious about what was going on. Joy waved uncertainly but the two cops didn't wave back, and Janey couldn't.

When they opened the door for her she scooted awkwardly to the center of the back seat, and off they went. This was a nightmare!!!



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