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A few years from graduation.....
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without.
Years pass and the group has fun...chasing prey!
An idea to start the new year with......a little late...whoops!
Still on that same night, long before the village discovered the body.
Later that night, just a little past midnight one of the base's many hoverships spooled up its engines warming them up for the coming night mission, even with all the thrust the individual engines put out they really made no real sound and add to that the anti-gravity drive at the heart of the ship, the ships really did not need much to get off the ground and keep flying!
While the hovership's maintenance and gunnery crew was busy with checking out their own gun positions and the many ship armaments, plus defensive weapon counter measures. The SEALs boarded the large ship via its rear drop ramp and took places along the walls of the bay on seat benches running along its full length.
The ones on board were the twin drop dead gorgeous girls, plus the last of the team as the ramp lifted and then the bay sealed up with a hiss of air. Both twins still had on their street clothes, strangely minus all the gear, body armor, guns and who knows what that the SEALs would need for this operation!
"Sir?" one the crew started to question his team lead as the ramp locked up.
"All good kid, all up to spec..." the older Edward winked back knowingly after having heard of twins act up on the camp's lookout wall and the possible end of a sniper that was a daily nuisance. Ed knew both of them must be mutants or he suspected personally, Fae of some sort or lastly Elves.
The younger bay gunner shrugged back as he tapped his com on, "All good cap, lift off ready back here." he sang and the ship started to lift straight up for a few thousand feet till it blended into the night sky above the FOB and no one would know what direction it flew off in because the hoverships all landed pointing the same way and took off the same way! Thus hiding the intent of their mission or direction to a casual watcher!
With the gravity drive on, the ship flew off at great speed, but for the most part the passengers did not even notice the change. The twins sat down in a free section of seats with the 'CIA' spook nestled between them.
He pulled out a folder and flipped to a group of photos, "Here is the crew and our one important passenger and why he is import to the CIA is not your concern ladies."
"You did confirm that they are still alive, so that this mission has a valid reason for us going. Because we don't do assassinations for you or the CIA." Rehanna growled a warning to the man, who smiled back, "I checked and its all good."
"Good, it had better be. You should know we can tell when you humans lie to us and since you are not lying right now...all and ANY blame for lying to us falls right on your boss's head." Rohanna added a stern warning next.
The trip went on smoothly, none of the bumps the older cargo plane did on the way into 'the stan'. All because the anit-grav drive did its job and smoothed out most of any jolts to the craft, crew or cargo. One gunner that was overlooking the rear of the craft from his spot nearest the rear cargo ramp tapped the side of his visored helmet, then barked at the bay, "First drop point coming up...get ready!"
Both twins stood up to the chief Edward's surprise and smiled in unison, "Well it's been fun, but time to go and boys...remember to be a good distraction for us down there while we work!"
"Distraction?...I thought 'they' were 'OUR' distraction CHIEF!" one SEAL barked out to the bay and got a few nods from his teammates.
"Who told you that...this CIA guy," Rohanna thumbed over her shoulder, "....hate to tell ya KID...he lied to ya!" one twin smiled as her back pack vanished from sight into a small dim black cloud that came from nowhere at the wave of her hand and the other twin tossed her bag into the same 'nothing' with a practiced motion of having done it a million times!
Then her outfit changed with a shimmer into the blackest leather any of the men had ever seen, the smooth black leather of the suit had little darkish silver threads sewn all throughout it's surface in magical patterns and the most shocking to the SEALs...was her face. Her smooth tanned skin was replaced by a smoky purple gray, her eyes shifted from a bright blue, over to a strange all pupil less white, then her long blond hair faded into a stark white and her warm smile was replaced with a evil grin filled with pointy fangs.
"SHIT....Elves?" one SEAL barked his question to his teammate, who was busy fishing out a 'ten' note to give to his buddy next over...obviously loosing a bet.
"HAAAA...Drows and don't you forget it!" the other laughed out as she herself changed to match her twin.
"Lower the ramp kid, we are jumping off!" the first twin barked at the rear most gunner and he shook his head to the idea...."Parachutes?" he had to ask not seeing any!
"Never needed them before and if we did...after we jump we will not be complaining, now will we?" she questioned the man with simple logic and hit the ramp lowering switch for him to open the cargo bay onto the gloomy night's howling winds.
The second twin looked out past the edge of the ramp and a little out front of the craft as it flew along high up in the night sky, "IN about two minutes or so?" she suggested as the other pulled a skull emblazoned cover over her whole head and her insanely long hair vanished away to nothing to the SEAL's surprise.
"Got it sis and bye guys!" she shouted over the cold howling winds to her twin and dove in a comedic fashion off the ramp into the blackness.
"Ohh shoot she jumped...I better go get her!.....BYE!" the other yelped out, covered her head in the same way as her sister and fell over backwards into the dark night.
Edward slapped the ramp's closing button as he shook his head, "Darn crazy elves...nothing changes about them, they are all nuts in some way or another!"
"You worked with other elves before chief?" one SEAL asked from his seat.
"Yep my team worked with a Brit once, plus one other that was attached that had cyber-powers of some sort and she was even worse, then add to all of that... that ELF was one of us SEALs too!"
"Well tell us all about it?" another egged the far older man on.
"You darn well know better than to ask about secret shit!" Edward instantly barked back, while glancing his eyes over to the CIA spook still in the cargo area.
"Well I had to try, maybe next time you'll slip?" one smiled back to him knowing he'd hear all about it over a beer real soon...out of ear shot of the CIA spook!
Falling through the cold dark air and the howling night winds
Both Drow twins fell, until one spots the point that they need or want to land at for this mission and smile innerly to themselves as no humans are even near the place they had aimed for from the village only laying a dozen or so hundred feet below them and that fall was diminishing quickly to end up at hard earth if the Drow did not do something fast! Around the fortified village was a few camp fires lighting up small zones from the utter night, where a man or two huddled against the cold night air and a little deeper into the wood from the village's cleared edges lay a few forward lookouts that might have been hidden to 'human' eyes...but never a set of Fae or a Drow eyes!
At just a hundred feet or so off of landing on the hard earth, both Drow started porting about the area far and wide to take in the whole layout of the village and its small shielded valley that hid most of the place from the surrounding country. The twins made mental notes to one another of the village's layout that matched the maps and photographs they had been given. Then they both noted where lookouts and guards were posted in the area....finding not too many, meant the planed distraction had worked!
That distraction also meant that the SEAL's were in for a night of trouble, but the plan included two well armed gunships and a few guided bombing runs to add to the show that the SEALs would be in the middle of...'they should love the fireworks' Rohanna thought innerly to herself and Rehanna added a mental chuckle to the thoughts.
Rohanna landed with a port, hunkered down next to a short wall nearest the main house of the village. Rehanna choose a spot a bit farther out next to one of the villages wells and stepped right into the shadows growing off it away from a nearby campfire that two men dressed in some ad hoc civilian garb and the rest was surly captured military affair. Both men were more preoccupied with the cold and staying warm than really doing their job guarding the village that a child could sneak past them with ease!
"Kyon'nehr!" Rehanna hissed out silently.
"Told ya this would be easy, a bunch of untrained hillbillies versus us worry too much!" Rohanna sang inside Rehanna's head.
"You know better...sister of mine. We Drow must always be the best we can be or fail and die." the older in someways Drow warned back. "Now lets stay to our task and get this 'human' favor over with!" she spat now.
Rohanna nodded back mentally as she flipped her lithe body over the short wall into the home's small garden and checked the area out for any hidden warning devises. The most advanced alarms technology could muster were mere child's play to a Drow who was one with nature and had Gaea's blessing all their long lives, as most of the devices depended on one of the five natural elements tripping the electronics and the 'elements' would never do that to a Drow...or the Goddess Gaea would get very mad at them!
But the first one of many traps that the Drow's eyes spotted was rather simple trip-line to Rohanna, one that lead over to a flare trap mounted on the wall...that flare was another case all together! She stepped over the wire, while noting the pressure plate of a landmine sitting right next to it and then stepped past a few pop-up mines know as 'bouncing betty's' to most soldiers in America. The whole garden was laced with them and most likely a well laid out trap all to its own, all laid out to lure one into a false sense that a garden would be free of such traps!
Rehanna was having a much easier time with her side of the large home, she slipped right past the village guards and after checking around first with her very sensitive ears, she ported right into the home's high walled off compound. Once inside the compound, she instantly searched over the area for any threats and found none at this time of night, only a few oil fueled lanterns tried to brighten the area from the dark night that was only lit by stars far above.
Rohanna scaled the high wall with a well thought out leap and landed where she knew it was safe beforehand, having seen that spot through her twin's Rehanna's eyes. She crept across the compound towards the few windows of the larger home and peered in from the window's edges to keep from being spotted by happenstance by those inside.
Both Drow took their time checking out each of the home's windows in turn, then came to the conclusion that the home was more of a base for tribal leadership than home for a family and that was a wise choice considering that the air force might drop a J-DAM on the place at anytime!
With the recon of the home's windows, both Drow had only spotted one guard and that worried them, there should be more plus the leader was known to stay inside this home as any attacks happened to help change or make new plans as the situation on the battlefield changed with the winds of happenstance and the fog of war.
So Rehanna took the lead and ported right in front of the man standing by an inner doorway with only a pistol stuck in his belt as his only weapon. The sudden appearance as if by magic shocked the older man as Rehanna made short work of his consciousness with a incredibly fast blow to his temple with her finger...and the man stood there like a statue with the blow and she lowered his body to the floor, then rolled it over to the wall.
"That should take care of him and OHH'BOY, he will have a headache in the morning!" she innerly giggled out.
Both sisters listened intently at the door for any clue to what was going on inside and discovered nothing was making sound, "You think it's safe?" Rohanna mentally asked.
"Well I do, but the door has a huge crack at the bottom, lets send in the pixies to check out the room first?" she asked back.
But before the twins could agree on the plan, Lilac and Violet flew down at the small crack, then slipped under the door with a happy shout of, "On it!" in mental stereo!
A few seconds later, the pixies gave their Drow sisters in life a view of the room.
The room had three men arrange across the whole room and nothing else to find.
One man sat in a chair at a radio set seeming to wait for the box to crackle to life with what was going on in the battlefield far away and one older man paced the room. A last one sat on the floor with a rifle across his lap, but not at the ready for a fight because he was busy eating.
A mental plan formed between all four and was quickly agreed too!
The pixies shot out at the man with the gun and knocked him unconscious with twin jabs of drug coated spears. As that happened, both Drow ported into the room, one jabbed out a quick hand to stun the older man and the other mashed a thumb hard to the radio operators neck to silence him.
"Well that worked, but I don't see or hear any prisoners or anyone else?" Rohanna warned of the main reason, one of the many reasons to be here was a now a very possible failure!
Rehanna quickly sniffed at the air of the room, "I smell blood and it's coming from behind that door. I am sure before that room is small by the home's layout, plus had no windows on the outer walls and those little set of facts that would make it a perfect cell."
Rohanna opened the door that Rehanna had nodded to and found it a bit bigger than they thought, but not by much in reality.
The hidden room had two chairs at its center with bodies tied up in them, the floor was covered in a small lake of blood and a video camera was aimed at the whole ghastly scene of course! Rohanna checked on the closest body first for any signs of life, no matter how small they were she knew of ways or people that could help. But to her sadness, the men, both of them had been dead for a long time and not only hours, but several days.
Across the room was the third dead man the Drow twins sought laying wrapped in a tarp, his body was in even worse shape, as he had been tortured for days before loosing his head and that last body was the important civilian that the CIA wanted, PLUS the main reason why the twins had taken on this task!
Both Drow started to slowly, carefully search the room for clues and other important documents that might make all this heap of death worth it. Rehanna spotted a laptop right away, she opened it and tapped on the last opened file... a recording of the leader of the armed resistance and sometimes terrorist leader chatting it up AND chatting it up very lively with a US negotiator.
The negotiator in the video was person the twins had meet just a day back and she had told them to rescue the hostages, then 'a big plus' in her words... take back a packet of secret documents from the hostage takers. Now with the video playing, the date showing in one corner of the playing video and the shown meeting actually mentioning the three already dead men and the possible return of their bodies. The twins knew for sure that the CIA, the US government had lied to them both and used 'cutouts' to keep their gift or curse dealing with lying from doing it's job!
Rohanna thought to herself silently about the situation at hand, 'This mission, all of this mess, we were dragged into was not about a simple rescue of trapped men...but more about a silly overvaluing of secret papers over that of the real lives of these men and the lives of us Drow twins along with them'...A deep searing anger now rose within both twins, until it became a burning rage.
Rohanna quickly went about her work pulling body bags from her storage, then placed the dead men into them as best she could and take them home to their families. While Rehanna tore the room quietly apart searching for those wanted papers, then add any enemy papers or plans or secrets. She ripped the computer's hard drives right out of their cases and made sure to leave nothing important behind!
Now with all the dead prisoners in bags, Rohanna placed them in safe storage for the trip home and started checking out the still unconscious men in the room. She found the one that was busy eating on the mat as the twins attacked the room, a very familure face off her short list indeed!
Ro lifted the man's head up for her twin to see, "IS this?"
"Ohhhh is!" Rehanna almost gasped back.
"Well now we have a prize, a real CHIT in the game and somebody owes us!" Rohanna smiled back evilly as she tossed the man over her shoulder like a sack.
"Let's get out of here, set-up a drop of the hard drives to Cyberkitty and have her go over all of them BEFORE we turn them in, plus have her check over all the documents for later use." Rehanna suggested while giving the room one last glance over to be sure that nothing important was being left behind.
"Yep, they lied to us and now we play these cards as WE care too!" Rohanna spat to the floor.
Several miles away
Rohanna ported amongst the dense woods along with her sister, Rehanna nearly instantly pulled out a small satellite dish from the either along with a small folding computer 'frame' and most called it a 'Frame' Because all it appeared to be was an empty picture 'frame' until the computer built into it came to life. Rohanna, her hand flipped the small device with practiced ease and it snapped open to a rather large glowing display. As the small computer came to life, she tapped on icon of a smiling cartoon cat and started to talking to it.
"Well girl are ya there?" she asked the frame and the desktop being shown now.
The small screen shimmered and a 3D cartoon cat head appeared, "You bet and I have been waiting with baited breath...SO!" the disembodied cybermutant demanded to know how the mission went.
"They lied, this was not a rescue. BUT a Intel gathering mission and recovery of those doc's. So lets go over them all and see what they were hiding." the Drow sassed out to the cartoon, "Then if you can go over the drives we got too please!" Rohanna growled at first them eased into asking the toon cat nicely.
"Hook them up...I'd love to go over it all to Fuck over the CIA bastards...Are we selling any of it?" the cartoon cat had to ask, knowing fully well that most of this fresh Intel was valuable to someone out there in the world wide net and all you had to do was post a small sample to earn the money!
"We might, but that maters on if we can play them off on the CIA or higher right now. But make copies because we can sell them later. Once the CIA lied to us, they opened the door for us to lie too!" Rehanna barked out, as she hooked up the drives one at a time and received a green flash indication as each drive was copied up into the net then on to Cyberkitty!
The cartoon cat purred out in pleasure at her finds "OOOHHHH yummmyyy stuff there, lots of info on the CIA and most of it was ALL theirs at one point. But this one drive got stolen and this now dead guy was sent out to bargain for its return with data that the terrorists wanted!"
"So they were going to sellout who knows who...just to get this back and most likely get others killed while doing it?" Rehanna asked.
The toon cat spun to face the twin asking the question with a 'zing' of animation and hissed a bit at giving it, "Ohhh not only is this Intel valuable to those planning an attack or attacks, it has info on lots of people to make it far easier to kidnap them via and some of them happen to be mutants we know the RICH ones!"
"Paige, tell those we know that they might be in danger and give them all the relevant parts as proof and keep who we know, or deal with safe please. Then get ready to sell the rest, the parts that DO not endanger anyone on the open market and only of course to the highest bidder or one bidder that may have something we all want or need."
"I'm on it and you do know we can 'trade' it all back to the Feds for a few big favors?" the toon smiled and tilted her head waiting for the answer.
"Fine, separate out the parts that you are sure are what our friends in the FED might want and we Drow can deal out to each one from there personally." Rohanna said quickly.
"Ohh it gurrrrl and I'm off to wheel and deal!" the cat toon winked and vanished with a 'POP"!
With Paige now gone, Rehanna started putting away the disk captured drives and the satellite uplink while checking to be sure nothing was left behind, "You think that we should check in and see if those SEAL's are okay and not in real deep trouble?"
Rohanna nodded back agreeing, "Yes, we should and just because they did not ask to be made into bait for us two," then she took a sealed bag out of her either storage and zipped its seal open to let a handheld radio slide into her waiting hand.
"Alligator, this is candy cane..." Rohanna said to the small box with a cringe and her sister glared at her hissing, "REALLY...I hate that they gave us that call sign!"
Rohanna lifted on the transmit button waiting for a reply, "Well it was that or Spock or even worse Kebler!"
"I'd take SPOCK any day over 'candy cane' Sheeesh!" Rehanna huffed out and crossed her arms at the idea of Christmas elves as a code name!
On the other end the radio signal a SEAL in charge of communications for his large team was hiding behind a large rock and fallen tree as he was busily flipping over a small sheet of notes he had just snatched out of his cargo parts pocket, "What the FUCK is 'candy cane'?" he barked over the gun fire and explosions falling around him.
Edward tapped the man's note pad as he took a break from firing, "Its the twins off the hovership on the way in you should have memorized it!" he barked and fired his rifle once more back at the group that was starting to surround them all.
"How was I supposed to know that they'd call us!" he shrugged back.
"Well....goofball, ask them what is up and if they want any help...SOL!" Ed quipped back while taking another shot back at the enemy.
"Candy cane, this is Alligator...if you need your 'stripes' pulled out of a fire? We are SOL and in need of help ourselves! As captain Hook is after us in a bad way and wants his fucking clock back!" the man sassed back at the radio and did not care if DC overheard anything! His team was in the fire and if they came out of this whole...who cared?
"What happened to your Puff?" Rohanna asked thinking about the two gunships the team should have had covering it and a few ground attack aircraft on top of that!
"WELL...." the radio operator sassed, "One puff could not fly and the other got its tail singed by a rocket, so it went home. The rest just ran out of ammo, not to mention the rockets keeping them at altitude!"
"Okay...So you all need help and we candy canes are here to offer it. So tell us what is hammering you and we will take care of it!" Rohanna offered the radio and the men on the other end.
"Humm..." Edward said and tapped his gun mounted system, thus linking its advanced optics to the team's computer system and the radio the team used. Now he aimed it at the hillside overlooking his teams area and the one giving the fighters their height advantage in this fight for lives.
Edward's gun sight feed information down the link of what the hillside looked like, its elevation to the inch and where on the world it was. As he did that, he tapped each spot he wanted to hi-light, ones that had a leader hiding behind a tree or mortars that were blasting them all to death slowly. Then add to all that mess, was the fact that the sun was about to rise and that daylight would expose the SEALs to all, then end their advantage of having thermal and night optics on their weapons who pierced the dark nights that they fought in ohh so well!
Rohanna read over the reams of information the computer 'frame' feed to her and she blinked to the screen, "Is that all...easy, incoming Drow prepare for battle!" she giggled out to the radio and shut the 'frame' closed with a flick of her wrist, then quickly put it away along with the radio.
To be continued!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!
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"Is that all...easy, incoming Drow prepare for battle!"
Never lie to a Drow, bad karma
The CIA didn't do their homework on the Drow, or they would have understood the hot water they'd be in if they lied to the Drow.
The CIA has yet to learn of the poo poo that's aimed at the fan and is about to cause them all sorts of problems, all because of a lie.
Alligator is about to witness warfare on a level unknown to them, but deadly to the dopes about to get a quick lesson in dying. Oh, and if the twins should tell Alligator everything was not about a human rescue, that it was to recover secret docs? Wonder if Mr. CIA handler will pop his cork should Ro and/or Re lay the truth before him?
Others have feelings too.
Mr CIA in most cases IRL does
Mr CIA in most cases IRL does not know all that is goign on around him, thus is the why he could lie to the twins and they not see it for a lie...he flatly does not know and may not care what happens in general. this guy might be a true patriot or a for hire part-timer merc in the spy biz
But those above him are not in a good place right now...contract with a Fae/mage wise...muahhahahhaha
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
Well technically the
Well technically the intermediary with the CIA isn't lying, that implies that he knows what he is saying is false. That is also why he is safe, probably safer than he would be if this wasn't a data retrieval op in disguise but a legitimate rescue op
excellent. A superb work of wonder. I love seeing stories with Fae beings in it, and especially when they are not what most would cal nice playing elves. DROW are particular favorites of mine. I especially love seeing them getting their hats cocked against CIA arsehats, and about to give them a REAL spanking!! Great job. More please??? ^_^ T.
I am a Proud mostly Native American woman. I am bi-polar. I am married, and mother to three boys. I hope we can be friends.