
Payback is a b........ Well, that's what they say. Don't they?
Or is "Blood is thicker than water".


I was standing at the side of a hospital bed. The occupant looked old and shriveled. The skin had a yellow tint and there were life support machines scattered around the room. The occupant stirred and turned her head. Smiling, she said quietly "I knew you'd come. I told them you'd help me." Tears filled my eyes and I turned my head away. I heard "It's ok, you're here now. It'll be alright, you'll see." I wondered.

The telephone was ringing as I entered the door. I put down my shopping bags and grabbed the receiver. "Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Uh, can I speak to Evelyn Rancher." was the reply.

"Can I ask who's calling, please?"

"Just put Evelyn on the line." came the angry reply. I hung up. Couldn't be important. Probably some crank tryng to have a thrill. I used to be Evelyn Rancher, but I am now Sandra Thomas. Thomas was my middle name and I had my name changed several years ago. I was worried about the call though, because I had not received a call for Evelyn for a long time.

My name used to be Evelyn Thomas Rancher. I was named for my maternal grandfather and was called Ev or Lin by my family. I know what you are thinking and the E in Ev is a flat e, like in the name Greg. Not a long E like Eve. Of course there was the required teasing by my classmates but it seemed to subside when we got a kid Bartholomew in our class. Still that was my name and I hadn't heard anyone use it for several years.

I ran away from home when I was 17 years old. I eventually found a job and learned to take care of myself. Of course it wasn't all easy. By the time I was 17 years old, my older sister and step-mother had completely feminized me. My sister was 7 years older than me and hated me from the time I was born. When I was a baby she would empty my bottle out and then put it back at my side so my parents would think I had sucked it dry. As I continued to grow, she got meaner to me. She broke my toys. She would pee in a glass and pour it on my clothes and I would be punished. For this I was kept in diapers till I could be trusted to not wet myself during the day. As a result I wore diapers till I was in First grade of School. Then at school, she would tear my books and write in them and I got into trouble. Mommy and daddy were mad and I would get spanked. As I grew older, my sister would babysit and boy would she get mad at me. Sometimes she would make me go naked all night so I couldn't go outside and play. She'd say if she couldn't have fun, then neither could I. Then, sometimes she would make me go naked and play outside, but not in the backyard, but the front yard. Those times she would invite her friends over and they would sit on the front porch and laugh at me.

As I got older she continued to do mean things to me, but nobody believed me. She would have her boyfriend over and they would be on the porch watching my play in the yard. Sometimes her boyfriend would help her take my clothes off and would have me sit on his lap. My sister would encourage her boyfriend to take out his thing and they would make me play with it. She had one of them instant cameras and would take pictures of her boyfriends thing in my mouth, or sometimes in my butt. She'd threaten to show the pictures to everybody if I didn't do what she wanted. This stuff lasted for a long time. Then Mommy died.

I thought that things might get better but they didn't. Daddy brought home some woman and she stayed. My sister and her got along fine. I hated her. I complained to daddy, but he said it was a phase that I was going thru and I'd get over it. I never did.

The lady and my sister made my life a living hell. Once the lady saw the pictures of me naked and with my sisters boyfriends, she gave me two choices of clothing. Naked or girls clothes. But the girls clothes she would give me didn't cover very much and I may as well have naked. She and my sister would just laugh. Still I had to wear the girls clothes to school. Can you inagine wearing a thin cotton jumper, with a real short shirt to school. Just that and shoes. Nothing else. I mean not even underwear or socks. Everybody made fun of me. And as I got older, it got worse. Of course if you had grown up in that backwater little town, you would have seen how easy it was for them to treat me bad. My step mother knew everybody and bragged about it. She said she had pictures of them doing stuff and she would show them if the didn't lay off. They just looked the other way.

I said that my sister is 7 years older than me, so when she was 14 or 15 years old, my step-mother took me and her to a doctor. My sister went in first and was examined. Then it was my turn to be examined. Heck I wasn't even sick. The doctor gave my step-mother some papers to give to the druggist and we went home. My step-mother took the papers to the druggist the next morning and got us some medicine. My sister was happy cause she was going to be allowed to take Birth Control Pills. That meant that she could have sex with her boyfriend now. She laughed about that and said that I could still suck him off sometimes. She thought this was funny and laughed.

The druggist had given me some pills too. They were big, egg shaped ones. I had one in the morning and one before bed everyday. I was told that they were vitamins and would help me grow. Heck, what did I know. But they did help me grow. My butt got bigger, my waist got smaller and my chest was sore for a while, then it got some big bumps on it. Kinda like on my sister. I eventually learned that I was taking Estrogens. I had a real nice figure for a girl and my sister and step-mother just smiled.

As I grew my choice of clothes was more confined. The selection just got worse. The dresses got shorter and tighter. Still no other clothes, never underwear. My peenie was almost shriveled up and not noticable. It never got hard, even when one of my sister's boyfriends rubbed it. My sister said I was not a boy anymore and I cried.

I went to junior high school and was beat up at first, then a bunch of boys just made me have sex with them every day. They would sit in a corner of the lunch room and make me sit on their hard penis during lunch. Sometimes they would push me under the table and force me to suck on them till they came in my mouth. They laughed about this saying they was feeding me lunch. I also learned to steal food from lunch trays.

That's a sample of what my life was like. Dad was not around and only saw what they wanted him to see when he was home. I didn't know what to do. When I was 7 years old I was 41 inches tall and weighed almost 47 pounds. At 17 years old, I was 61 inches tall and weighed 83 pounds. How can a person grow without food. I guess the shame is that boys provided my food. I would get so hungry that I would beg to suck on someone. I wanted to eat, to have something in my belly. My sister and step mother thought this was fun and would make the guy pull out of me and not shoot the food in my mouth. I often cried myself to sleep.

But I waited for my turn and it finally came. I managed to hide in the back of a delivery truck and when the truck stopped at a rest place on the freeway, I was able to get out and run. I found a couple of other rides and soon was far away. I was never going back. The last ride I got, the man gave me a clean shirt to put on over my dress and he gave me a blanket. He let me ride for a few hours and I had a bollte of clean water to drink. I offered to pay him for the ride, but he said "No thatks" and that I shouldn't have to do that to expect kindness from people. I just smile at him as he drive off. He was out of sight and I started walking.

I walked for a while, then set down at the road side. I guess I fell asleep, cause I woke up and it was dark. I saw some light and went towards it. That's when I realized it was a car coming my way. I tried to turn and run, but I tripped over the blanket and fell, just as the car was going past. I rolled down a little hill and laid there groaning. I was tired and hungry. I guess I started to cry. The car had backed up and someone got out looking for me. I was crying and they heard me. Next thing I knew, two guys were carrying me to the car and they put me in the back. One of the guys got in the back with me. I been told by my sister and step-mother what to do, so I pushed away the blanket and pulled off the shirt. I reached for the button on my dress, but the man said no. Just to sit still. He said he was going to take me home, and I thought he meant my home. I screamed "NO" and tried to jump out of the car. He kept me from jumping and said, Not my home, his home. He held me tightly as the other man drove.

As the man held on to me, the other steered the car. Soon, the car came to a gate and it opened as we went thru. Up a long drive, then stopped in front of a mansion. I could only see a little of it and it was big. The man in the back seat with me was called Roger and he pulled me out of the car into his arms. The other man, Larry, opened doors and led us into the house. Roger and Larry took me to an upstairs room and set me on a bed. I didn't know what to do.

Roger pulled the blanket back and make a scratchy sound from his throat. Larry came over as they pulled the blanked off. They looked at each other, then back at me. Larry told Roger to start a bath. Then he started to take off my dress. It didn't cover much of me and was worn thru in places. He breathed funny when he saw my dirty body and that I didn't have no underwear on. I pulled my knees up to hide myself as he looked at me. He reached for my hand, but I just sat there rocking back and forth. I was waiting for him to do what I knew was gonna happen, but he just stood there in his clothes, watching.

I had fainted again. I had been doing that a lot recently. I would get tired and real hungry and if I didn't get food for a few days, my sister and step mother would find me unconscious. They usually just kicked me or pushed me out of the way. It was only if dad was comming home that they would pick me up. Dad wouldn't see me like this, cause they'd tell him that I was visiting friends. He thought it was nice that I had friends. Ha!

I woke up and felt something around me. I was wrapped in a blanket and it sure smelled nice. Then I saw that there was someone next to me and I musta done something, cause the man opened his eyes. He smiled at me, then said "Morning, Sweetie. I hope you're feeling better. You gave us quite a scare last night." I just nodded my head. The man pushed the covers off of nim and got out of bed. Golly, he was wearing fancy pj's. He smiled and said he'd be right back as he went into another room. I heard him peeing and then flushing the toilet. In a couple of minutes he came back into the room. "Do you need to use the toilet?" I shook my head yes and slid off the bed. He smiled as I held the blanked tightly and scooted to the toilet.

The bathroom was huge. It had a big mirror and two sinks and a big bathtub and everything. Just like in the magazines. WoW! The I realized that he would get mad if I took a long time, so I did my business and washed up. I dropped the blanket to sit on the toilet and as I looked at me in the mirror, I saw how bad I looked. But I was clean and had a few bandages on my arms and legs. I didn't even know till I looked in the mirror.

When I got back in the bedroom, the man just smiled. The blanket was starting to slip off and he said, "Looks like we need to you something for you to wear". Then he started to open drawers, but couldn't find anything. He went out the door leaving me standing. I heard him talking to the other guy, then he came back in. I looked up at him and kinda smiled. He had been nice so far. He reached for my hand and started to walk to the door, but the blanket tripped me and I fell. He gave a small laugh and then he picked me up. I was naked and scared. I turned my face into his neck and started to weep. He patted me on the back and stood there saying "There, there, it'll be alright". I just cried more. He held me close talking softly to me as his friend came in the door. He was holding out a piece of clothind as he entered. "I found this" was all he said as he laid it on the bed. It was a t-shirt and a set of panties.

The first man, Roger, set me on the bed and pulled the t-shirt over me head, then helped me stand and pulled up the panties. Both were big on me, but when I tried to walk, the panties slipped down my legs. I fell. Roger helped me up and took the tangled panties off my ankles. I was just going to have to wear the t-shirt like a dress. Heck, I didn't wear panties anyway. Larry found a small belt and they put it around my waist and pulled at the shirt, so it looked nice. I smiled at them and said thank you. Roger just picked me up and kissed my cheek. Carrying me, we left the room.

We went to the kitchen and they gave me a glass of juice to drink. I was real thirsty and tried to drink too fast and it went down wrong cause I started coughing. They said to drink slow. I tried, but the juice burned my mouth, so I spit it out. Instead I drank water. They fixed some food and gave me some, but I got sick from it. I was laying on the floor, feeling bad. I didn't want to be hit again. The two men talked for a few minutes, then one went out of the room. The other came over to me and helped me up. He said I was gonna go to the doctor. I screamed. I didn't want to go to the doctor. Thats where they did bad things to me.

A blanket was wrapped around me and they just carried me to the car. I guess I had to go. I couldn't fight them. Suprise! The doctor was N-I-C-E!, and a girl. I was examined and gave a shot and a piece of paper for some medicine. I asked if it was gonna be more vitamins and the doctor said no, but since I had been taking 'Vitamins' for a long time, I would have to continue to take them, but not the big ones. The doctor said that she would come out to the house in a week to check up on me.

Larry and Roger took me to a store and got me some clothes. They couldn't believe I was 17 years old, but I was real small and had to wear little girls clothes. I didn't mind. I finally got clothes. Larry and Roger treated me nice.

I still live with my foster fathers. I call them Daddy and they love it. Yes they are Gay, but who cares. Larry is a lawyer and Roger is a landscaper. They really love each other and me. They were a breath of fresh air after my old life. They arranged tutors for me to catch up with schooling and helped me with counseling. I have lived with them for the last six years.

Now I'm standing at the bedside of my sister and the old feelings have begun to resurface. I know that deep inside I am afraid of her and that she is pure evil. Yet, there is still the saying "Blood is thicker than water". I inhaled the odors of the hospital room and stepped into the hallway. Larry and Roger followed me out. They stood, one on each side of me as my sister's doctor and lawyer stepped through the doorway. The doctor and lawyer looked at me and I smiled weakly. I glanced at Roger and Larry and turned to the other two men and said "I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I will not give up a kidney so that, that, T-H-I-N-G can live. May she rot in HELL!" I looked at my two dads and said "Daddy, let's go home."

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