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It was early August and Conner (Connie) and Bob (Bonnie) had been camping on the Pacific Crest Trail for four days and randomly stopped into the Grizzly Café in Wrightwood for a post hike meal. It was at The Grizzly where Bonnie and Connie first met cross-dresser waitress Stacy as outlined in the last few pages of ‘High School Reunion: Bromance on Pacific Crest Trail – Chapter 3’. Reading those last few pages will add to your enjoyment of this follow-up story about Pretty Stacy.
All three attended South Hills High School in Southern California. Bonnie and Connie didn’t know Stacy then because she was a year behind them. All three are cross-dressers, all three had participated in a Womanless Beauty Pageant and all three’s sexual inclinations were flexible. The random way in which they meet in the quaint mountain town of Wrightwood, California after so many years is fascinating.
Here’s explanatory information about Stacy, followed by background on Bonnie and Connie. It all comes together and makes perfect sense.
Stacy’s bright blue eyes matched her blue and white gingham ‘mountain maiden’ waitress uniform. Her dress was attractively short and ended six inches above her knees. The dress had short puffed sleeved shoulders, a starched, white crinoline petticoat with ruffled hem that was purposely visible; it gave her the girly flair that she sought. She rustled provocatively as she walked.
Stacy’s uniform included a white lace apron with front pockets, a snug, front laced bustier that pushed up and emphasized her pert breasts. It hadn’t taken long for Stacy to discover that a good cleavage meant better tips. White tights, black patent leather Mary Jane ballet shoes with a one inch platform heel made for a beautiful image. Her long blond hair style framed her face perfectly. Blue sapphire drop earrings accented her eyes and dress.
Stacy’s makeup, as always, was impeccably perfect; long, curled, eye lashes, classic thin arched eyebrows and tasteful eye makeup added to her illusion. Taylor Swift Red lipstick brought attention to her pouty lips. Stacy definitely matched the image of a foxy looking serving wench; or a very sexy Alice in Wonderland. Stacy always wore a subtle but intoxicating Jasmine musk perfume that always had her customers discretely sniffing for more.
Stacy had a secret known only to the café’s owners, her very closest friends and, eventually, her last two customers of the day, Connie and Bonnie, whom she was about to wait on: Stacy was a genetic male whose real name was John Miller. The fact that Connie and Bonnie were also genetic males made their chance meeting more intriguing.
“Everyone should have some rustle in their bustle.”
It was Stacy’s idea to add a starched, white crinoline petticoat, to the restaurants basic bland uniform. Occasionally she wore more than one petticoat just for effect. Stacy had a pleasant fetish for petticoats and loved the swishing sound as she walked; they constantly reminded her of the femininity she strived for. “Everyone should have some rustle in their bustle” is what Stacy told the restaurant owners. As a result of her initiative her tips increased and business for the restaurant went up. Stacy had a regular following of customers who came in just for a cup of coffee and to talk with her.
Bonnie and Connie
Bonnie/Bob had deeply repressed her long term cross-dressing (and other desires) during her just completed four years in the US Navy where such activities are harshly dealt with. It was on this camping trip that childhood friend Connie/Conner re-awakened Bonnie’s fondness for wearing female clothing; just like it had been in school. Connie also rekindled Bonnie’s repressed fondness for her, just like it was in high school when they had shared intimate relations.
It was random happenstance that brought the three together at The Grizzly Café in Wrightwood where Stacy was a waitress. Bonnie and Connie were driving home from four days of camping in a secluded meadow just off the Pacific Crest Trail where Bonnie struggled with re-discovering her feminine self as well as rediscovering the pleasures of Connie’s body. Both were in need of a good meal, a cold beverage and a shower. Both girls were slightly femmed up although Bonnie insists on ‘being low-key and subtle’ until she regains her girly confidence to be out in public. “I don’t want to be as ‘out’ and open as you. I need to be subtle” Bonnie said. Connie had never had these concerns.
Time for a real meal
Upon completing their four days of wilderness camping (and self re-awakenings) Bonnie and Connie drove to the Big Pines ranger station where they had originally picked up their camping and hiking permit. They needed to let the ranger know they were off the trail and were safe.
Shortly after leaving the ranger station parking lot on Angeles Crest Highway Connie declared, “Let’s stop for a real meal at the Grizzly Café. It’s coming up in about ten minutes. I can’t wait to get to the 15 Freeway for a burger. I need to eat now. I’ll pay if we go into the Grizzly with our matching painted nails in full view… no driving gloves, Bonnie. Let’s see how bold you think you are kissy face. Let’s give the locals something to talk about.” Bonnie gripped the steering wheel tighter and became quiet as she pondered what to do. Connie started softly singing Bonnie Raitt’s ‘Something to Talk About’.
The rustic Grizzly Café came into view. Taking a deep breath Bonnie pulled into the café parking lot. She shut off the engine and set the brake. Connie looked over to see what Bonnie was going to do. ‘Is he woman enough to do this?’ Connie wondered. They sat in the car for a few minutes while Bonnie collected herself. “Are you up to doing this, baby?” Connie softly asked. “I think so.” Bonnie replied.
“Hold a minute while I get ready.” Connie said. She used the rearview mirror to apply a fresh coat of lipstick and then put on a down camping vest. “I’m ready” Connie said. Bonnie looked at her and said, “What’s with the vest?” Connie smiled and explained, “By wearing the vest people won’t know that I don’t have big tits. It’s all image, illusion and attitude. They’ll see my romper, my nails, my lipstick, my sports bra and my two pretty pig tails and assume ‘girl’.” Bonnie nodded her head in agreement. “When I look at you I see ‘woman’.” Bonnie leaned over and gave Connie a tender kiss. Connie returned the show of affection with a firmer kiss to Bonnie’s lips in an effort to transfer her lip color to Bonnie’s lips. Taking another deep breath Bonnie and Connie exited their car.
Stacy had watched the dusty blue SUV pull into the Grizzly Café parking lot. She watched as the passenger applied her lipstick and observed the passenger and driver kiss. ‘How sweet’ Stacy thought. When the driver walked around and opened the door for the passenger Stacy had an ‘Awww’ moment. The driver appeared to be about four inches taller than the passenger.
Watching them hold hands as they headed to the front door resulted in a double ‘Awww’ moment. ‘What a nice couple’ Stacy thought. ‘They must be newlyweds. The short one is wearing a cute romper and her twin pig tails with yellow ribbons are very pretty’. It was the taller of the two that Stacy fixated on. She was pretty in a handsome way; short cuffed khaki hiking shorts, hiking boots, cuffed socks, denim shirt, broad brimmed hat and maroon fingernail polish. She looked fit, athletic and attractive: an ‘Indiana Joanie’.
As the two travelers got closer to the café entrance Stacy’s heart skipped a beat. It appeared the hand holders were two women! Or were they? ‘I bet the taller one is the “top” in their relationship,’ she mused. ‘Very intriguing,’ Stacy thought. Were two kindred souls about to walk into her work place?
Stacy quickly walked over to the café’s hostess and said, “Linda, we have two customers about to come in and I’d really like to wait on them. Put them in my section in the big booth by the front window please. I’ll be right there.” Linda just smirked and nodded her head and gave Stacy the thumbs up signal.
Stacy dashed into the restroom, took her lipstick from her apron pocket and touched up her burgundy lips. Peering into the bathroom mirror Stacy fluffed her hair and her petticoats. Stacy’s pulse increased as she pondered how to best handle the moment. “Dang, the tall one sure is cute” she said lamented.
Linda greeted Bonnie and Connie and walked them over to the large booth that Stacy had specified. The couple slid into the booth. Their matching Raven Red Maroon nail polish glistened. It appeared that their lipstick also matched their nail color. Bonnie took off her sun hat and ran her fingers through her shaggy blonde hair, exposing her forgotten pearl ear studs. Connie shifted her sunglasses to the top of her head and placed her purse beside her. Linda handed them menus. “Your waitress will be with you shortly.” Linda sort of smirked and added, “I think you will find her very pleasant.” Linda returned to her hostess station.
As Stacy exited the bathroom Linda motioned her over and softly said, “You’re in luck. Your customers are not women… (Stacy’s smile broadened)…yet.”
Bonnie and Connie were making idle small talk discussing their camping experience while reading the menu. The rustic mountain décor of the restaurant was visually interesting. Most items were available for purchase; old skis, sleds, bear themed salt & pepper shakers, gingham aprons, rusty saws with paintings on them, post cards, etc.
The Grizzly reminded Bonnie of the Blue Skies Café in the mountainous Idyllwild hiking area; reasonable prices and lots of tasty home-style food. Memories of old friends Lori and Stella came flooding back. It was those two that had introduced and seduced Bonnie into secluded wilderness sex. It had been a very memorable camping trip.
Stacy came to their table and flashed them a welcoming smile. “Hello, my name is Stacy and I’ll be your waitress. What would you ladies like to drink?” Connie looked up at Stacy while Bonnie stared and closely took in the entire image that Pretty Stacy presented. Stacy stood five feet seven inches tall in her stocking feet and maybe weighed 120 pounds. Stacy was definitely a cutie.
Stacy noted the extra close inspection that Bonnie had given her and was inwardly thrilled. She thought she could feel her nipples start to sprout. Self-consciously Stacy discretely tugged on her petticoat hem making sure it showed.
Connie ordered a Pepsi. Pausing from reading the menu Bonnie ordered an Arnold Palmer. Stacy shifted her gaze from Connie to Bonnie and back again. ‘Yes, the tall one is a real heart throb’, she thought.
Before leaving to get their beverages Stacy said, “You two make a cute couple. It’s not often that a couple has matching nail polish and lipstick. It’s darling.” It took all of Stacy’s self control from asking, “Are you two a couple?”
Insecure Bonnie was momentarily taken aback about Stacy’s reference to them having matching lipstick and nail polish but replied, “We just got back from four days of camping. We got bored and decided to give each other a manicure.” ‘I wouldn’t mind sharing a tent with her’ Bonnie thought to herself.
In an effort to remain longer at their booth Stacy turned to face Connie and said, “I love your perky twin pig tails. They are so adorable. Who did it? Did you go to a salon?” Connie grinned and gestured with a maroon thumb nail towards Bonnie and said, “She did it.” Stacy smiled and was about to leave when Bonnie spoke up; “Our toe nails match too.” The three of them laughed and Stacy went for their beverages.
Connie turned to Bonnie and quipped, “See, that wasn’t so bad. In fact it was kind of fun and she noticed that our lipstick matched.” Bonnie smiled and repeated, “It wasn’t so bad after all.”
Stacy returned and sat their drinks down. She was just about to write down their food order when she hesitated. Bonnie and Connie looked up. Stacy said, “I was thinking that I may have seen you two before… maybe a few years ago. You look familiar. Did you or your girlfriend attend South Hills High?” Bonnie nudged Connie under the table and in a mocking tone said, “Nobody will recognize us, right?”
Connie explained that they had graduated five years ago. Stacy perked up and said, “I was a year behind you. In fact I’m sure you girls won the Womanless Beauty Pageant didn’t you? You’re Connie and Bonnie! Sorry but I’m not sure who is Connie and who is Bonnie. You inspired me with your courage to let your girly side be known. It was very brave of you. It was because of you two that I entered the Womanless Pageant the next year. It took me a year to work up the courage to go public with ‘Stacy’. I can’t wait to tell my friends that I met you both!”
Stacy looked at Bonnie and said, “Your pearl studs are cute but the chandelier earrings you wore when you won the Pageant were gorgeous! Studs are better for hiking.” Bonnie immediately touched her studs. “Damn, I thought I had removed these hours ago,” Bonnie exclaimed. Connie chuckled.
“Leave them in. They really look cute,” Stacy suggested. “Your beauty, your dresses and the way you carried yourselves during your pageant inspired me so much. It was nice to see others that liked dressing up. I thought I was the only one with my desires. You gals were very courageous then so leave your ear studs in now.” Stacy nervously toyed with her own earrings and waited for them to order.
Putting down her menu Connie said, “I’ll have a cheese burger with grilled onions and a side of potato salad.” “Make that two,” Bonnie echoed. Prior to placing their order Stacy said, “I live ten blocks away, in town, on Blue Bird Lane. If you wouldn’t mind another hiker I’d like to go hiking with you girls sometime. I have my own boots and I know a few secret local trails.” Stacy left with their food order.
Connie was still giggling. Poking Bonnie in the ribs Connie said, “You sure are so discreet, aren’t you?” Bonnie just shook her head and rubbed her ears studs. “I was wondering why, when we sat down, Stacy asked ‘what would you two ladies like?’. You let me leave my studs in and even managed to get lipstick on me before we came in. Thanks a lot.”
Stacy returned with their food and refilled their beverages. Bonnie looked up at Stacy and said, “I’ve been trying to remember you from high school but I’m drawing a blank. I usually would remember someone as attractive as you.” Stacy leaned forward and in a soft whisper informed Connie and Bonnie, “I used to be known as John Miller. I played junior varsity basketball.”
Bonnie continued, “Stacy you sure are a cutie. It’s not easy to look as feminine as you. How do you do it so well on a full time basis?” Stacy blushed. “Your petticoat looks yummy. It accents your girly image; it’s a very pretty look.” Bonnie reached forward and fingered the edge of Stacy’s petticoat. “Damn, that’s hot! And it’s starched. I think I may need to pick one up for special occasions. I need to rebuild my entire wardrobe. Maybe you could suggest a few items?”
Locking eyes with Stacy Bonnie continued, “Your petticoat looks so sexy… just like you. How do you do it?” Stacy blushed and felt like she was overheating. Connie not so gently kicked Bonnie’s leg under the table.
Before speaking Stacy looked cautiously around. Speaking in a low whisper Stacy said, “If you’re wondering if I had myself ‘snipped’ in order to look feminine, the answer is no. I love my appendage too much; I wouldn’t want to miss out on the pleasure it gives me… and others. I’m a real sissy when it comes to surgery. I think there’s a little sissy in most people.” Taking another quick look around Stacy continued, “I exercise and I do take a few ‘vitamins’ to keep myself fit.” Stacy thrust her chest out for emphasis. “Have you girls been ‘snipped’? I agonize about if I should take that final step… it seems logical considering that what you see now is how I have lived for the last couple of years. I doubt that anyone would be surprised if I did have the surgery.”
Connie and Bonnie laughed. Bonnie said, “No, we agree with you. Why get rid of a major source of pleasure?” Stacy smiled. Reaching over and touching Stacy’s petticoat, Connie added, “I think that besides being an emotion that ‘sissy’ can be a lifestyle, don’t you?” Stacy blushed and replied, “Whatever you two are doing seems to work well. You girls are very pretty.” She turned and left them in peace.
After Stacy left Connie sternly said: “Stop hitting on the hired help! Yes, she looks like 120 pounds of fun but you came to this party with me. Next you’ll be telling her how virile you are or what a large puddle of pleasure you can make.”
Noticing that the girls had finished their burgers Stacy brought them their check, two forks and a single slice of strawberry pie topped with whip crème. “The pie is on the house, from me to you, just don’t tell my boss. Did I mention that I live in town on Blue Bird Lane? It’s a two bedroom. I’m off work in 45 minutes. Maybe you would like to shower off the trail dust? My walk-in shower has easily held three people. Keep in mind that I have a petticoat collection that I think you’d both love to see… or try on. Everyone should have some rustle in their bustle.”
Leaving their check on the table Stacy said, “I hope to see you two again very soon. Did I mention that I live ten blocks away? My days off are Monday and Tuesday. Maybe we could go for a hike or check out my petticoat collection.” Stacy slipped Bonnie a café business card with her address and phone number on the back. Her hand lingered on Bonnie’s hand. Stacy made sure that Bonnie made eye contact before she let go and then she sashayed over to Linda’s hostess stand, flourishing her petticoat as an enticement to the girl’s and to Bonnie specifically. Stacy moved with the well practiced ease of a matador flourishing his cape in front of a bull.
Connie grabbed the card from Bonnie and turned it over to read whatever message that Stacy had written to her Bonnie. “How adorable, the horny little sissy vixen left a ‘sealed with a kiss’ lipstick imprint for you. I better never find this shade of lipstick anywhere on you.” Lightly patting Bonnie’s crotch she re-emphasized: “Anywhere.” Connie rubbed Bonnie’s knee and said, “Baby cakes, I think you’ve got an admirer.”
Taking the business card back Bonnie replied, “Correction, I think WE have a fan club. I’m in no rush to get back to San Dimas and I’m curious about her petticoat collection. We could go get a cold beer, maybe pick up a couple bottles of wine at Jensen’s Market and kill time until she gets off work. Besides we have three days of left over camping supplies, clean clothes, sleeping bags and a tent in our car. The mountains are so much cooler and pleasant than down in the valley. Maybe we should hang out here for a day or two. We have a tent… and Stacy offered us a much needed shower and her spare bedroom. Aren’t you curious to find out if her shower can hold all of us? Besides, wouldn’t you like to compare her special ‘vitamins’ to yours? Besides, having a self petticoated sissy as a friend wouldn’t be a bad thing.” Connie didn’t respond to Bonnie’s suggestions.
The girls finished their pie and slid out of the booth. Connie left a $5.00 bill as a tip, grabbed her purse and headed toward the rest room leaving Bonnie to pay. As soon as Connie was out of sight Bonnie tossed an additional $10 on top of Connie’s $5.00. Bonnie had just settled things with the cashier when Connie joined her. With a wave at Stacy they exited the Grizzly and made for their car.
Stacy stared and watched as the girls left the Grizzly Café. She watched through the cafés large picture window as Bonnie opened the car door for Connie, gave Connie a playful pat on the ass as she helped Connie climb into their dusty blue SUV. Stacy wishfully stared as Bonnie gave Connie a lingering kiss on the lips before closing the door for Connie. Stacy watched as Connie used her sun visor mirror to re-do her lipstick. She saw Bonnie fasten her seatbelt, start the car and then, without being prompted by Connie, freshen her lips too before leaving the parking lot.
Stacy was jealous and envious of Connie and yearned for such a loving relationship; she also ached for a sexual relationship and prayed that Bonnie (and Connie) would take her up on her offer to stop by her house. “They even have matching lipstick and nail polish! That’s so romantic. I’d let Bonnie pat my ass anytime she wanted. I bet I could make her want to pat my ass.”
When their car exited the parking lot and went west, away from the route down the mountain, Stacy smiled and in an unladylike manner excitedly proclaimed, “Yes!” and did a double fist pump. Hostess Linda looked over to see what the excitement was about. Stacy gave her the two thumbs up signal and told her, “It looks like I may have visitors tonight!”
Stacy was ecstatic. Her shift was almost over and her last two customers turned out to be alumni from her high school and, like her, they were also cross-dressers; sexy looking cross-dressers. The tall one had Stacy’s mind and libido whirring. Involuntary visions of being on her back with her legs over Bonnie’s shoulders made her smile. “Or should I just wrap my legs around her waist?”
Stacy completed her shift, grabbed her purse and drove towards home on Blue Bird Lane. Although she lived close to work it was much easier to drive home rather than walk home in heels especially in the dead of winter. It was uphill regardless of the season.
Stacy made a point of driving past the only LGBTQ friendly bar in town hoping that her new found friends may have wanted a cold beer before heading home. Maybe they would kill some time with a drink until she got home! The dusty blue SUV she hoped to see was not at the Yodler. If their car had been there would she have parked and gone in? Stacy was on the scent of something very special; she was on the hunt and she had long overdue needs. It had been months since she had brought home a willing prey or even a one night stand. Visions (and fantasies) of Bonnie raced through Stacy’s mind. ‘I wouldn’t mind sharing a tent or my bed with her’.
Will they come?
Stacy’s home was a cozy two bedroom rental house, surrounded by towering pines; it was in the rear of a large four bedroom house. Pine trees covered the half acre lot and a long gravel driveway made for an early warning system when anyone pulled into her driveway.
Stacy exited her car, dashed across her front porch and quickly entered her house. She was hoping for visitors and preparations needed to be done before she could properly receive guests. Stacy tossed her purse onto a coffee table, kicked off her wedge heels and immediately:
1 - took her cats litter box out to the back porch; 2 - lit a scented candle in the living room; 3 - poured herself a glass of Zinfindel and took a gulp; 4- went to the bathroom, sat down and peed, used a warm wash cloth on her armpits, quickly brushed her hair, grabbed a gold scrunchie and put her hair into a high pony tail, applied a dash of lipstick; 5 - changed into clean hip-pad enhancement panties, added a pantyliner to the ‘tuck’ area of her panty (no need for wet spots or leakage), swapped into a sexy yet comfortable wispy lace shelf bra; 6 - straightened her bed, fluffed the pillows, placed three ribbed condoms on her nightstand, turned on a night light, then flitted into her guest bedroom, fluffed the bedspread and pillows, placed three regular condoms on the nightstand, turned on a night light and made a point of leaving the bedroom doors open in a welcoming manner; 7 - checked her closet to be sure she had enough petticoats (in case her visitors would like to try them on); 8 - shed her white work stockings and changed out of her work uniform. Scanned her clothing options and impulsively selected and slipped into a cute yellow Cherry print sundress that, like her uniform, stopped six inches above her knee. Unlike her uniform, Stacy purposely omitted adding a petticoat since she was wearing her hip enhancement panties; 9 - slipped on gold rhinestone flat sandals… (they looked pretty with her yellow sundress and they matched her gold scrunchie); 10 - brought her wine to the couch, swept her dress under her, plopped down, put her feet up on a footstool, took a sip of her wine, leaned back, closed her eyes, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, and listened to the quiet. And she waited. Stacy had been home for less than 25 minutes.
Killing Time Buying Wine
After leaving The Grizzly Café Bonnie and Connie drove around for about fifteen minutes heatedly discussing if they should drive home or visit Stacy. Connie lost the ‘discussion’. Connie had offered to buy Bonnie several petticoats and had offered to find her a proper sissy. Bonnie’s mind and libido were obviously set. With that decision behind them they stopped at Jensen’s Market for a couple bottles of wine. In an effort to kill more time and let Stacy get home, they exited the market, put the wine in their car and then walked over to an adjacent chain saw sculptor exhibit; they needed to delay their arrival by another 30 minutes. Back in their car the two drove into town until they found Blue Bird Lane and slowly turned into a gravel driveway.
An awakening
The slow, almost tentative, crunching sound of a car slowly creeping up Stacy’s gravel driveway nudged Stacy from deep relaxation. Opening her eyes she let her ears confirm that she was about to have visitors. Taking a gulp of wine Stacy stood up, moved to a window, pulled back a curtain and saw a dusty blue SUV approaching her house. ‘Yes!’ Stacy thought. She moved quickly to her front door and stepped onto her covered front porch. She needed to let her visitors know that they were in the right driveway. Stacy waved her hand and the approaching car more confidently came up her drive. Bonnie was driving. ‘Beautiful Bonnie’ thought Stacy.
“Do you think we’re in the right place?” asked Bonnie. Connie pointed at a young woman in a cute yellow sundress about fifty feet in front of them. “Yes, she’s standing on a porch and waving at us.” Bonnie smiled and more quickly made her way down the long drive. Connie slowly shook her head and thought to herself ‘Damn, she does look cute. Her dress even has a red cherry pattern… is she subtly offering us her sissy cherry?’
Bonnie pulled forward next to what must be Stacy’s car and parked. She shut off the engine and set the brake. Not waiting for Bonnie to open her door Connie grabbed her purse and the shopping bag of wine, exited the car and waited. Her body language reflected tenseness. Bonnie took a deep breath, opened her door, got out and stretched. Looking over at Connie she wondered if Connie would chill out and relax or make their visit tense and uncomfortable. ‘I need to get some wine into her very soon’ thought Bonnie. ‘I also need to show her some attention’.
Walking over to Connie Bonnie took the bag of wine, grabbed her hand and gently escorted her toward the porch steps. “Hello Stacy, we are taking you up on your offer to visit. We won’t stay too long.” Bonnie felt the tenseness in Connie’s hand ease.
S miling brightly Stacy said, “Hello. I’m glad you took me up on my offer. Please come in.” As Bonnie and Connie walked up the porch steps Stacy fought back her impulse to kiss them on their cheek and she restrained herself from patting Bonnie on her butt. Stacy opened the screen door and her guests entered.
The End
Or is it a new beginning? Should they spend the night? Two nights? Should Bonnie and Connie go camping again? Should Stacy go with them? Is Stacy the 120 pounds of fun that she appears to be?
“Pretty Stacy” was first introduced in the last few pages of ‘High School Reunion: Bromance on Pacific Crest Trail – Chapter 3’. Reading those pages will add to your enjoyment and understanding of this follow-up story about Stacy.
Stacy is one of my favorite characters. She has so much potential. I hope that I can find a way to incorporate her into future stories.
-- "Pretty Stacy: Beginnings" was posted August 18, 2019 --
Who is Stacy?
Stacy’s first appearance was in the last few pages of High School Reunion: Bromance on Pacific Crest Trail – Chapter 3 of 3 where she was working as a very cute waitress in a small mountain town. Stacy was such an interesting character that she deserved her own story called Pretty Stacy. That story necessitated Pretty Stacy: Beginnings to explain how Stacy evolved to being Pretty Stacy; it shows her becoming empowered and confident. She is referenced in “Girls” for the Summer Club next. Which brings us to Stacy’s most recent story (“Girls” for the Summer Club 2 – A sister’s revenge).
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Bonnie, Connie, Stacy
Stacy's just the cutest. All her awwwww-ing over the lovebirds showing up at the diner and then her excitement to realize they were girls like her, mentioning her cabin on Bluebird Lane several times and really hoping they'll drop by. And she's quite taken with Bonnie, which made me smile...
Am I imagining it, or is this story heading for a wild three-way sexual romp with Bonnie and Connie and lots of petticoats? Part of me (the slutty part) wants to see that; but I also worry that it could create problems for our two campers' fledgling relationship, if all three parties aren't in synch emotionally or about the ethics of commitment and monogamy; and with Bonnie especially still just trying to sort out who she is...
Or maybe they could all handle it, and all stay friends and part-time lovers whenever they come to visit. I've known gay guys who live like this without it creating too much drama but they also seem kind of hedonistic and shallow. (Although I suppose if you got them all drunk on those bottles of wine it could kind of happen by accident; something they enjoy but decide it would probably be best not to repeat...)
Or maybe I should pull my mind out of the gutter and they could all just try on clothes and talk about their lives and such; then she could give them the bed and sleep in the fold-out couch; and all go for a hike in the morning. Which could be every bit as much fun without wandering into the minefield, because they're all great characters with feminine souls and that love of all things girly in common...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
You inspired me... (Stacy says "Thanks")
Veronica, As I wrote about Stacy YOU commented what a cute character she was and wondered if there was more to Stacy... I was at a dead-end with how she could evolve. Slowly a general concept emerged. It took a few months but here she is.
I'm conflicted about her future as I like her! So I added "... having a sissy as a friend wouldn’t be a bad thing.” I too came up with many plot lines, some XX and some not. So many options for her to pursue with or without Bonnie and Connie.
Thank you for the comment.
How lovely to find like souls in a place called The Grizzly Café. May they also find some kind of consummation, spiritual or carnal.
Fate can be unexpected...
Your comments are appreciated. You have a solid body of work so your thoughts are particularly appreciated. Stacy could definitely be a very carnal character... I struggled to keep this Stacy story fairly PG even though she inspires me to explore other options. I almost bought myself a petticoat!
Thank you!