The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.10 - Make Up!

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"Not bad make-up but I think I need to touch up your eye-liner, have a seat and let me finish you off," she replied," and you need to pull the zip of the top down a bit."
"But I feel so exposed like this, Taran," I said after my sister had revealed a little of my boobs," do I have to?"
"It's a precaution, I explained yesterday," she replied," in case we meet any of my friends from school today who knows you as a boy."

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.10 - Make Up!

by Alys

Vol. 2.10

I applied a last layer of lipgloss and then studied my makeup in the desk mirror. I hoped my sister would be satisfied with my latest attempt. She had insisted on a casual style for our trip.

"You almost ready Celyn?" Taran called from her adjacent room.

"Yep, be there in a minute or two," I yelled back as I took one glance in the mirror quickly deciding that my face looked as good as I could make it. I found putting on make up to be such a chore. I hoped when I went full-time next year I would be able to avoid wearing it too often.

I got up from my chair in front of the desk, slipping off my thin dressing gown and hanging it up in my wardrobe. I took out the plain white sloggi bra and pants set and was about to put them on when my sister, as if reading my mind shouted out," Celyn, remember to wear your matching push up!"

I smiled wryly at the demise of my plan of being ready at the last minute and avoiding having to wear the sexy underwear. I took out the pale blue bra and panties and put them on, taking a little time to get the padding as comfortable as possible.

Then I walked over to my bed and put on my blue Nike short-sleeved hoodie and matching skirt, followed by my socks and trainers. I really liked the feel of the soft terry material and the the sporty look of the outfit. I had been a little apprehensive about not wearing a t-shirt underneath the top but had been persuaded by my sister's insistence on us wearing similar clothes, even if her preferred colour was, surprisingly, pink.

"What do you think?" I asked Taran as I walked into her room a few seconds later.

"Not bad make-up but I think I need to touch up your eye-liner, have a seat and let me finish you off," she replied," and you need to pull the zip of the top down a bit."

"But I feel so exposed like this, Taran," I said after my sister had revealed a little of my boobs," do I have to?"

"It's a precaution, I explained yesterday," she replied," in case we meet any of my friends from school today who knows you as a boy."

"Why should we meet them? I thought you said you weren't going to meet your friends to celebrate until tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah but maybe some of them will get down to the bay early and we may bump into them, but that's not likely for a few hours because in case you hadn't noticed it's morning now. EARLY MORNING, Celyn. I don't know how you persuaded me to get up at eight o'clock the day after finishing my A'levels*," she complained good heartedly as she finished the final adjustments to my make-up.

"Cos you love me?" I suggested.

"Nope don't think that's it, sis," she responded.

"You don't want me to be in danger when I meet Mr or Ms Stalker?" I asked.

"Nope," she replied," but on the other hand with you out of the way I get more attention at home."

"You'd get so many more chores though," was my riposte as I stood up, looked in my sister's full length mirror and studied the change in my appearance after my sister's expert improvements," come on, spill, what's your real reason for coming with me this morning then?"

"Mum made me an offer I couldn't refuse to take you, on what she thinks is our shopping trip," Taran replied as she stood behind me giving my hair a final brush.


She moved closer and whispered in my right ear," a hundred quid today and a lift home tonight."

I poked my tongue out at her in the mirror and then went back to my room to collect my things.

I stood for a moment, in hesitation, looking at my little pink phone and my little girly shoulder bag. It was really going to make everything about me shout 'girl' today. "In for a penny......," I muttered to myself and quickly picked up my accessories for the day.

"That looks nice," commented my Mother as Taran and I walked towards the car a few minutes later," you could almost be two sisters with those matching outfits"

We both stopped in our tracks and Taran gave our Mother a strange look before responding," Mum, we are sisters NOW!"

"Oh yes, of course, sorry," she responded in a fluster," come on then or I won't find anywhere to park in Caerdydd."


Almost an hour later, after a slow crawl into the city, we were jumping out of the car as Mum pulled briefly into a bus-stop opposite the Millennium centre in the bay area.

"Meet you here in three hours girls," she yelled before pulling out just in time to avoid the ire of a bus-driver wanting to drop off his passengers.

We crossed the road and walked towards the piazza outside the dramatic looking centre for arts and opera.

"Well Taran," I said after we had stopped by the central fountain and touched the shining metal surface that the water was running down, " what do we do for two hours until I meet my fan?"

"Dunno, there's not many good shops here and we don't have enough time to get up to the city centre and back," she replied.

"I suppose we could just wander round a bit," I suggested.

"Yeah, what time did you say you were meeting again?" Taran asked.

"Eleven thirty." I answered.

"Which café?" She asked.

"The middle one, we should be in time for the lunchtime music, you know the recital," I replied.

"OK, why don't we wander down to the Norwegian church and have a look at the exhibition there," she suggested," and I know I can show you the strangest restaurant in the whole area."

"What's so unusual about it," I asked.

"You'll see," she responded mysteriously, before turning away and walking in the direction of the National Assembly and the path that led to the Scandinavian arts centre.

It was already a warm day and I was glad my skirt and top were made of fairly thin material. At the same time there were the unfamiliar feelings as I walked. The stretch of my skirt against my thighs and the slight tug of my bra straps, at every stride, were constant reminders of the change in gender I would one day have to embrace on a continuous basis.

I looked around at the well populated concourse of fellow Saturday morning visitors to the premiere bay leisure development in South Wales. Hundreds of people of all shapes, sizes, ages and nationalities milled around. Suddenly I thought I recognised a face. I stopped and grabbed Taran's arm.

"Look sis," I said, urgently.

"What?" she responded trying to make up what had caught my attention.

I pointed towards a small group of people gathered around a smaller group who appeared to be filming something.

"Over there, near the tunnel, can you see?" I said.

"What, oh yes, that crowd, what is it?" she asked.

"Do you know who I think it is?" I said.

"It's not is it?" she responded.

"I think it might be." I said," let's go and see."

We walked quickly over to join the audience, about a hundred metres away. As we neared we noticed that there was a small circle of crash barriers around the film crew.

"Oh, yes it is him and her too," exclaimed Taran.

"Yes and doesn't he look even more cool in real life," I said, as we stood and watched John and Eve from Torchwood** TV serial going through a scene.

"Yep," said Taran," and I bet there's lots of girls who were disappointed when he got married to his boyfriend."

I nodded my head in assent and then there was a call for everyone to be quiet as the short scene was acted out and filmed.

We watched in rapt attention for quite a while as the filming was repeated a number of times and then the crew packed up while the stars signed autographs for their fans.

I turned away to resume our stroll towards the Norwegian church and was a little surprised when Taran touched me on the shoulder and gestured me to wait.

"One minute Celyn, I want to see if I can get Eve to sign this," she said before taking out her address book and making her way towards where the two actors were standing.

I stood and watched with interest as my sister edged forward to meet her heroine. Luckily for her most of the attention from the crowd was towards John Barrowman and so she succeeded in accomplishing her mission quickly.

"Look Celyn," she said, holding out the page. I looked at the greeting.

'Dymuniadau gorau i Taran oddi wrth Eve xx' ***

"That's sweet," I commented," I didn't know you were such a fan."

"Oh yes, I think she is so h..........nice," my sister responded with a slightly dreamy look in her eyes.


An hour later we were making our way back towards the Millennium Centre. It was only a few minutes before our allotted meeting time and I was feeling very nervous. I was also feeling a little tired after walking around for almost two hours in my brand new girly trainers. I was beginning to really want to revert back to boy mode and my well worn, comfortable casual clothes.

The strange cafe had turned out to be a small trawler, permanently moored by a dock and now taken over by an evangelical church group for their services, a book shop and a small cafe which had tables and chairs bolted to the steeply sloping deck. The various little posters about fishing and Christianity had seemed pretty lame to my atheist sensibilities but the ice-cold strawberry milkshake had been worth suffering the gentle proselytising.

I felt my phone rumble inside my bag. I flicked it open. I looked at the message and my stomach churned as I recognised the number.

'hi celyn be there in 10'

'ok' I replied

"Is it stalker?" asked Taran.

I nodded, we hurried on in silence.

The string quartet were just starting up their recital as we took separate seats a little away from each other in the agreed meeting place.

As the pleasant, peaceful strains of Mozart's String Quartet No. 1 echoed around the concourse of the centre my mind wandered a bit. My sister showing an interest in Eve Myles was quite a surprise. Although she didn't have a boyfriend at the moment, she had been out with a number of different boys since she had been in the sixth form. I wondered if it meant anything.

A sudden movement to my left caught my attention.

I looked up to see Taran holding her hand to her mouth in astonishment as she looked over my shoulder.

"Hello Celyn, I'm glad you came," said an all too familiar voice.

I turned round to see the face of my stalker.

* Advanced Levels - academic exams at around 18
**UK TV Sci Fi series set in Cardiff
*** Best wishes to Taran from Eve

To Be Continued...

End of Vol. 2.10

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Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Readers

terrynaut's picture

I knew it! I knew you wouldn't divulge the stalker's identity. I just knew it!! :p

Grrrrr! Rant! Rave! *huff* *huff* *huff*

Okay. I'm okay now. Sheesh.

In spite of my emotional outburst, I assure you that I'm greatly enjoying your story.

Thanks and please post the next part soon so we don't have a repeat performance. Okay? :)

- Terry

Alys, Kudos On The :-)

"Torchwood" bit. I watch the show and "Doctor Who" as well as "The Sarah Jane Adventures." Well, as for the stalker, we know who it isn't. I say its Celyn's girlfriend from the vacation.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

So Ms Cooke wins again and you Welsh get all high and mighty

Yet another reader torturing cliffhanger, Alys, or more rightly a cafe' hanger.

I hope for the nice outcome, but still whoever did this didn’t think even if they were well intentioned. Could be a fellow teen being clever and teasing not realizing Celyn would take it as threats. Poor Celyn went through hell because of these phone calls.

Still, we know no one outside of her doctors and the family knows his/her secret as of early in part three so either this is a kind person or they die soon after.

Stan, I don’t think it can be the oriental girl who is attracted to Celyn and visa versa because they first met on the French Mediterranean coast during the families' summer holidays in part three. She did talk with a boy at the beach in part two but I donlt remember a girl, but then it's morning and I'm half awake at best.

One posiblity would be a friind or family member of the hospice girl who died of a brain tumor. Maybe before she died she asked a sister/ brother, parent someone in the hospice to keep an eye on Celyn and help her to cope with being a girl?

But Celyn's sister appeared to recognize the *stalker* so I don't know.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Cliff Hanger for sure

Alys; Now she will make us wait another two weeks to find the answer!! Richard


The Marquis De Sade

joannebarbarella's picture

Has nothing on Alys. She probably taught him how to torture poor Marat, and I must be into masochism because I will turn up obediently for my punishment in the next episode. No need to bind me Mistress (although I'd love it, please, pretty please). I'll bet the mystery stalker is some Welsh bird who rides around on a four inch door breaking world records in doorswomanship. Did you know they had a door-throwing event at the Olympics? They decided not to continue with it in London because they reckoned the English competitors would all wind up with broken toes. They just don't have the knack of door-throwing, even though Her Majesty is rumoured to have offered Doorie a permanent opening in Windsor Castle. She (Doorie, that is) was also offered a gig in Torchwood, but refused because she (of course she's a she, sillies) decided that the name of the show was offensive to doorkind, and would not allow her name to be used in such an inflammatory situation. You have to be so careful these days,


Hi everyone

Doorie apologises for torturing you with another cliff-hanger and promises to get Alys off her ass/arse to commit the next episode to pixel asap.

Although maybe the identity of the stalker/benefactor? may not be revealed for a few more chapters :-)

Who knows how the mind of the Marquis De Sade's mistress works?


Sec. Doorie fan club. (Honorary Presidents Joanne and Laika)

Over on Crystal Hall

Somebody suggested Maggie update her "Maiden by Decree" story at odd and less frequent intervals. My reply to you is the same as the one I gave there: "Keep it up. Living to an old age is vastly overrated." ;-)

Have no idea who Doorie is.


"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

I agree, GRRRRRRR...

Enjoying the story, thank you.





Where Have You Been, Girl?

joannebarbarella's picture

Dear Karen J,
Your education is sadly lacking. I cannot believe any fan of Alys's does not know who Doorie is! She is the renowned slab of Welsh oak (that's why she's so thick) who appears at moments of utter crisis in the Mistress's tales to despatch those who would do evil to lovely TG people, a veritable superdoor, upholder of the weak and vulnerable and protector of truth, justice and the Welsh way.
Laika and I have (with her creator's permission) recently started the Four Inch Door Fan Club. You are all welcome. Membership is complimentary although donations to BC are always gratefully accepted. Gifts of polish and soft scented cloths are welcome too. Like all girls Doorie wants to look her best when she appears in public.
Oh, we're starting a petition to outlaw door-throwing too. Doorie likes to be treated with respect and opened and shut gently, without petulant slamming, unless it's really necessary to save Celyn and others like her,
Joint President,

Thanks for the Education

terrynaut's picture

I wasn't sure about who Doorie was either. I've seen comments with references to a 4 inch door but didn't understand them.

- Terry

ps How do you petulantly slam a 4 inch door? Isn't it a bit heavy for that? :p

I may well Stop reading this story...

Just to punish you for all of the cliffs! That, or maybe I'll stop commenting... THEN, you'll never know.

Yeah. That's the ticket. A comment boycot for excessive Cliffs! I think I'm comming down with Cliffitis.

Up until the cliff, it was an interesting chapter... I liked how the two sisters wre working things out together.



Perhaps they'll come out with a CliffNotes version. ;-)


"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Cliff's Notes perhaps, Annette?

No one outside the US or younger than a certain age has a clue what I'm talking about.

Please, do not be too cruel to us, Alys.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. The Milwaukee Brewers managed, don't ask me how, to get into the baseball playoffs for the first time since Jimmy Carter was President.

Oh, fans of four inch doors? Oil their hinges and give them a nice coat of spar varnish or a wood finishing oil now and again, they like it.

John in Wauwatosa

Some of my friends preferred

Monarch Notes... I think it was cause they liked Red more than Yellow, but who knows.

Besides Cliff's Notes is alive and well. :-)

Oops, you found me in here again, and I was punishing the author. *Sighs*
