Hit'n those notes... Chapter 3

Author retains all rights to this original work of fiction.

Tuesday, March 27th 10:07 AM
Shit! I had been so engrossed in my phone I had totally lost sight of my surroundings. I was smarter than this, usually! Now I was sure the guy from the elevator was right behind me... Yes, I entered the elevator with maybe five others, but upon exiting on my floor it was only me and the guy wearing a hoodie left in the elevator. The guys hoodie covered too much of his head and face - why didn't that set off any alarms?! He let me exit the elevator first - no alarm bells going off in my mind - was I really that disconnected, clueless? I had turned left and a couple feet down the hall it was obvious he was behind me. Coincidence? Why didn't I look at him closer? I could have stayed on the elevator...

Instantly I was very aware of the story my mom had told me about a woman in Seattle being followed off the elevator at her hotel and being attacked in the hallway. That woman had been smart enough not to go to her room and get trapped in there by the homeless guy who attacked her. Her screaming brought out someone to rescue her - did I need rescuing? How was I going to deal with this guy following me? There were cameras everywhere - was this guy stupid enough to think he hadn't been captured at some point? Augh!

OK, don't go to your room - pick a door and knock. Hope to hell an MMA fighter or football linebacker opens the door and Mr. Hoodie keeps on walking by... At room 604 I stopped and knocked on the door without looking at my hooded friend. He had stopped also and I could sense he was watching me from a few feet behind me. When no one answered the door I knocked again and looked towards the guy, "Forgot my key...," I squeaked pathetically. He didn't say anything, but wasn't moving on either. I followed up with, "My husband is in there," and I knocked a third time.

"You sure you have the right room?"

His voice chilled my skin, but I held my ground, "Pretty sure my husband is in there... Just got off the phone with him." I was trying my best to sound confident, but my voice felt shaky.

I watched as he stepped towards me and I moved back, more like jumped back, as he reached for something in his hoodie pocket at his waist. It was a key card. He slid it into the lock for room 604 and the locks LED light shown green. He opened the door, "Pretty sure my brother hasn't been in Vegas long enough to get married, but I wouldn't be surprised by anything Dana does these days..."

What? He said 'Dana', pronounced it 'Dan-Ah'. Dana, the guy from the competition? This guy was his brother? The confusion on my face must have spoken volumes because he had a concerned look on his face, then spoke, "You... You're part of the singing competition aren't you?" He pulled the hood from his head after asking the question.

I could only nod.

"I'm only guessing mind you, but it looks like you've been interviewed by the PBS folks..."

"How do you know that," I asked.

"Actually I don't, but you look like you've got a lot of makeup on, so I'm just guessing..." He had a nice smile and I could certainly see similarities between him and Dana - they were definitely siblings.

"Oh... Yeah, I was just makeup... I mean... I was, just finished the interview..." What the hell! Why couldn't I speak a coherent sentence?

"So, you and Dana aren't... Well, you two aren't married or something like that are you," he asked with a smile. He seemed to be enjoying my discomfort. If he knew how fast my heart was pounding right now he might not be so amused about scaring the shit out of me.

"No, we're not... I, I'm part of the competition. I met Dana this morning, very nice guy... I like your brother..." Why did I sound so stupid?!

"Yeah, he's something...," he chuckled, "I'm Tyler, Dana's brother and you are...," he let the question hang.

"I'm Brea, Breanna..."

"Nice to meet you Brea, Breanna..."

I was flustered from the panic, but there was more to it than that... Dana's brother was a good looking guy, relaxed, and not repulsed by the fact I was Transgendered - he had to know, right? He had gorgeous blue eyes, surfer boy dirty blonde hair, and from what I could tell through a baggie hoodie - a decent body above nice legs - showing below the shorts he had on. Augh! What are you doing?!! Make your exit! You've got things to do...

"You going to be at the dinner tonight?"

Him speaking snapped my mind back to the here and now - and the need to get on with my day. "Yeah, it's at 8:00 PM, so I'll... I'm going." Fuck! What is my problem?!

"Nice, maybe I'll see you there - buy you a drink or something...," he said smiling.

"Yeah, I'm... I'll be there, so I can look for Dana and you, you two..." I had to stop because I was speaking in full-blown bimbo mode and I absolutely was hating myself right now. I turned to head toward my room without saying anything further to embarrass myself. I pulled my keycard from my wristlet clutch, inserted it in the lock, and opened my door. I looked back toward, FUCK! What was his name? Tim jumped in my head, no... Tyler! God dang it! Tyler was entering Dana's room and I watched the door shut behind him.

I entered my room and leaned against the door after it shut. What the hell was that?! Everything about that interaction sucked and that he didn't watch me enter my room pretty much said he was done with me. Did I care? Probably has a girlfriend and doesn't need to waste his time on someone with issues like mine. Fuck! I could have handled that better...

My phone vibrated. It was a text from Bill, 10:12 AM: "Can you believe this shit! We haven't docked this plane at the gate yet! Not sure how much longer we're going to be."

I replied, "I'm sorry... I've got wardrobe and makeup at 1:00 PM. I get the band at 5:00 PM. Then there's a contestant dinner tonight - which you and Charles are coming as my guests, PLEEEAAASE!!"

Bill, 10:13 AM: "Sorry, Charles got us tickets to the Blue Man show tonight at 7... I'll text you when we're off this rust bucket. How's the hotel?"

"IDK, haven't done much but sleep and go to contestant meetings. I was interviewed by Leza Howell for the PBS documentary. That was wild!"

Bill, 10:15 AM: "I've heard of her, she coordinated the San Fran Transgender march on city hall last month... How did the interview go?"

"Fine, doubt I said anything ground breaking or profound..."

Bill, 10:15 AM: "You need to relax... You are valid, you are worthy... Look into the spa, Charles already did and has a massage scheduled for tomorrow."

"Yeah, you have no idea... I do need to relax"

Bill, 10:15 AM: "OMG finally we're moving! Going to a different gate now! We'll come to your room after we get settled."

"Sounds good... Thank you for coming. Really means a lot to me. Love ya..."

Bill 10:16 AM: "Wouldn't have missed it... Hugz!"

Time to get this caked on makeup off! And to figure out how to not be a bumbling idiot the rest of my stay here!

Tuesday, March 27th 11:15 AM
I had successfully removed the interview makeup and applied makeup to match the third outfit change in the Britney Spears video for the song Toxic. I was going to duplicate that outfit and was wearing form fitting low cut black leather pants, stiletto heeled black boots, elbow length black gloves, a red wispy shawl, and a leather bra-like top that closely matched hers from the video. To match her look completely I had also purchased a long black wig. All told I was just over six-hundred dollars into this outfit - not my money thank goodness! Insane, the leather pants were pretty sexy and very, very expensive.

I stepped back, grabbed my air microphone, and sang a few lines slowly to the full mirror on the closet slider door. Not bad, not bad at all... I smiled and moved a few stray hairs aside, while getting used to the ache growing from my feet in these heeled boots. My curves were good enough to pull this outfit off - though I'd never be caught dead in this outside of this contest. Check that - maybe I would wear this to a Halloween party. Since the leather pants were so tight, tucking was crucial and I had that locked down with a gaff thong, surgical grade tape, and a pair of boy shorts compression panties over all that constriction happening down there. It wasn't the most comfortable, but I could handle it for a couple hours. I was happy with the look - I just needed to sing my ass off and incorporate some of the dance gyrations I'd worked out with Kaley. If I could...

A knock at the door made my heart jump. Augh! I looked out the peephole and saw Bill. He hadn't seen my outfit choice yet, so this was going to be fun. I pulled the door open and sang, "I'm addicted to you, cause you know that you're toxic..."

The look on his face spoke volumes, at least I think it did. He didn't move for a second and I swear his jaw dropped. "Holy shit... Brea," he said after trying to take it all in.

"Get in here silly," I reached for his arm to pull him in.

"Whoa... Even if you can't sing a lick of that song you should win for that outfit. Leather pants? I like..."

My heart was swelling... It felt good to get those compliments from him and I hugged him.

"OK, turn for me...," he spun his finger around to emphasis the request after I let him go.

I did a little catwalk towards the windows, then turned back towards him and walked seductively back.

He watched with a critical eye, "Your makeup isn't complete, right?"

"No, but it'll be a match to the video. Got a few screen grabs on my phone to show the makeup artists."

"You look amazing Brea..."

"Thank you... God I'm so nervous, I can't stand it. I was afraid this outfit was going to be to over the top."

"No, it's on point. With the arrangement being flipped like we have it - your outfit takes the delivery to the opposite extreme. I don't think any other outfit would work, do you?"

"No, I think this outfit makes a statement, like the arrangement. Where's Charles," I asked.

Bill chuckled, "Slot machine slut... Couldn't get out of the airport without him wanting to play ten-dollars at some quarter machine. After we got to the room he was like, 'Tell Brea I'll catch up with her later...', doubt you'll see him before we head to the Blue Man show..."

I smiled, but my face switched to concern when there was a knock at the door.

"Probably Charles," Bill said, and turned to open the door. "Can I help you?"

I tried to get a glimpse at who was at the door, but my view was blocked by the door itself and where Bill was standing. I heard the person reply, "I was looking for Breanna..." It almost sounded like whomever it was, was asking a question.

Bill looked over his shoulder, "You have a visitor Brea...," he said while opening the door completely to reveal Tyler in the hallway.

I cringed inside and wanted to slap Bill on the back of the head for opening the door like that! I didn't want this guy seeing me like this! Crap! It was too late to duck into the bathroom and by the look on Tyler's face he'd gotten a good look at my Britney wannbe outfit. Could this day get any worse?

"Hey Breanna... I, I just wanted to... Whoa, ah, you look..."

Before he could finish Bill provided him with the word, "Amazing..."

"Oh, yeah... Totally, yes... Amazing... Are you wearing that for the competition," he croaked out as if tripping on his words, not sure what to say.

Bill answered for me, "Yes, do you like?"

What the hell! Bill! I clenched my jaw so tightly it ached. I walked up behind Bill and tapped him on the shoulder, "I got this William..."

He looked at me quizzically before moving out of the way, but not before flashing me a knowing smile before leaving Tyler and I at the door. Was there some visible chemistry thing going on here that people can see? Augh! "Hey Tyler... What's up?" I tried to sound all casual, but dressed as I was I'm sure I sounded uptight.

"Oh, I... I wanted to apologize for earlier. Didn't mean to spook you or anything..."

He sounded sincere, so I rolled with it, "Yeah, I pretty much had my nose so deep in my phone I didn't realize what was going on with my surroundings. Can we not tell Dana about my attempt at getting into his room? Wouldn't want him to get the wrong idea..." I tried to smile, but felt very self-conscious about my appearance.

Tyler was smiling, "Sure, but you have to let me buy you a drink tonight..."

That was a bit bold, but I agreed with a slight nod.

"Cool, then I'll see you at dinner...," he said, a hopeful look on his face and sounding much more relaxed.

"I'll see you there..."

Tuesday, March 27th 11:21 AM
"What the hell, Bill!" I unloaded exasperated after the door was shut and I stared him down for a second...

"What? He's cute...," was his reply.

"Yeah, but opening the door when I'm all Britney slut like? Come on...," I complained.

"Did you see the look on his face," Bill asked with a slight chuckle, "Pretty sure he was mesmerized... You vixen you!"

"Yes, and I felt the uncomfortable stare also... Geesh!"

"What was that apology stuff all about?"

I explained the elevator ride and got to relive the embarrassment of meeting Tyler. Bill laughed, but did bring it around to something my mom might say, "You need to be more aware of your surroundings Brea..."

"Yeah, yeah... I screwed up - but really, I could have handled him if things went sideways."

"Oh really? Like what, falling into his arms for a big kiss?" Bill was laughing at me again. It annoyed me, but in the scheme of all that had happened today I could use a little grounding, so I let it go. Doesn't mean I didn't give him a pouty face though. He hugged me and assured me he loved me, but was going to kick my ass if I didn't pay attention to my surroundings better. At least he didn't threaten to tell my mom!

We spent the next half-hour discussing my outfit for the 'What's Up' song and arrangement specifics. He had me sing runs, emphasizing volume changes and breathing control. Bill was the consummate musician and vocal coach all rolled into one. I was lucky to have him in my life and here in Vegas to assist. Without him here I doubt I could maintain my nerves.

When he was satisfied I was in my lane vocally we talked about the arrangements some more and he produced a no vocals version of the 'What's Up' song - in case I forgot my copy. I laughed, "I have my copy of this, Thank you..." We laughed, but it was nice to know he had my back - yet again. We'd practiced the song with him at the piano and with the recording. We studied the video together and when it came to duplicating the singing style I felt like I was ready. He promised to meet me at 5:00 PM for the setup of my songs with the band.

We hugged at the door and he was off to find Charles, maybe grab lunch.

Tuesday, March 27th 1:01 PM
I was greeted by hotel staff members participating in the running of the singing competition at the staging conference room for makeup and wardrobe. I had my outfits in a small carry-on sized suitcase and turned that over to the stylist assigned to me - Deanna. She was a great listener and had nothing to add in regards to my outfit choices - which made me feel pretty good.

We talked about the two wigs I had purchased, the Britney long black and 4 Non Blondes dreadlocks. She had me try both on and after some minor adjustments - needed one's - I was happy with her input on how to wear them both.

Deanna turned me over to Andrew for the makeup portion of this appointment and again - a simple couple tweaks to my vision and I was digging how my makeup looked. Not just the Britney version, but the simple 4 Non Blondes application.

In less than forty-five minutes I was through this phase of the competition and released until my meeting with the band at 5:00 PM. Deanna warned me that I should drink plenty of water, stay away from alcohol, and get a good night's rest tonight. She said before the show there would be a two hour window to get ready to perform. I thanked her for the advice, assured her - partying was not something I was into and I would be prepared for tomorrow.

I headed back to my room, set an alarm on my phone, called the front desk for a wakeup call, and crashed so hard it took me a second to realize what all the noise was in my room between the room's phone ringing and my cellphone alarm complaining at me... Augh, I probably should have skipped the nap. My brain felt foggy and it took me nearly five minutes to actually get up the energy to sit up. I looked at the clock on the bedside table - 4:07 PM. I needed to get moving...

Tuesday, March 27th 5:23 PM
"Wait... Can we slow this down even more," I asked.

Brian adjusted the tempo and I continued to sing, " Too high... Can’t come down... It’s in the air And it’s all around... Can you feel me now..."

That felt better I thought, but Brian wasn't Bill on piano. We had talked the arrangement out and while Brian was good about listening to Bill and seemed to understand the needs for this switched up arrangement - I just wasn't feeling it like I had hoped. Short of Bill taking Brian's seat at the piano, I was having some serious doubts about my chances to advance in this competition. Maybe I should sing 'What's going on...' first? Was that my best chance at advancing? Augh! "Once more from the top...," I requested.

Brian smiled and flipped the sheet music Bill had provided to the first page and after a nod began playing. OK, that sounds better... On my mark I began singing, "Baby, can’t you see... I’m calling... A guy like you should wear a warning... It’s dangerous... I’m fallin’..."

When Brian let the last bars hang, I looked towards Bill, who threw up two thumps up. I nodded and smiled towards Brian, "I think that's it... Thank you." It was the fourth run through for the song and that was the best one yet. My nerves subsided just slightly, but not completely.

"No problem. I've got your recording and sheets here. I see what you're trying to do and I'll work on this some more tonight. You want to do it again?"

"No, I think that's the way I need it tomorrow," I replied.

"OK, we'll do a run through tomorrow if you want. Did you want the full band for your second song," Brian asked.

I looked towards Bill, he nodded 'No'. "I think I'm going to use the original track," I replied. Did Bill sense a weakness in the band I wondered...

"Sure... Mike, you want to cue Breanna' second song...,"

In my in-ear monitor (IEM) I could hear someone say, "Brea, we've set your levels for Toxic - you sounded great by the way. Anything you think you want changed?"

I turned toward stage-left and could see Mike standing by the mixing board, "No, I think it sounded good...," I turned toward Bill standing at the front of the stage and asked, "Levels?"

"Sounded right in that last take Brea," Bill said smiling.

God, I wish I had half the confidence he had in me right now... "Let's keep them set on that last take Please..."

"OK, I've got them saved. Give me a sec and I'll queue your second song..."

A minute later the unmistakable guitar riff from 'What's going on' began to play throughout the theater, but I was missing the sound in my IEM. I pointed to it while looking at Mike off stage. I could see him fiddling with some switches and cringed when the sound finally made it to my earpiece. Too loud! Too loud! I pulled them out quickly, "Too loud..."

"Sorry...," Mike called toward me, "Try it now..."

"Better...," I could adjust this on my end, but having the volume set from the source made it so I wouldn't have to adjust anything and guess wrong. Having everything set was part of the prep, "From the top...," I requested.

Again the guitar riff began and I began singing, " Twenty-five years and I'm alive here still... Trying to get up that great big hill of hope... For a destination..."

Bill had a concerned looked on his face and I stopped singing, "What?"

"You're flat, can you hear it," he asked.


"Ask them to pull back the track...," Bill said.

"Mike, can you turn down the playback, I'm coming across flat..."

"No ‘ambient’ sound... Hold on...," he made some adjustments and I could hear myself humming bars and sounding less ‘dead’ in the monitors. I held up a thumb and sang the chorus. Bill nodded and I ran the song out.

"I'm bring down filters, let's try it again," Mike said.


I was building to the first chorus when Bill, shook his head at me, "Flat," I asked. The music stopped...

"Yeah, but you sound like there's an echo...," he said.

"Mike, can we pull back the reverb?"

"Sure, Brea... How's that," he asked.

I looked toward Bill and he had his thumb down, "Little more Mike..."


Bill was thumbs up now and I sang, "And I try, oh my God do I try... I try all the time... In this institution..."

Bill was nodding 'Yes' now and I finished strong. "Watch your breathing, especially when pushing those raspy higher notes. Sounded good, control the breathing and I think you got it..."

I nodded, "Mike, how much time do I have..."

"We can run you through that a couple more times before your time is up..."

Had my hour really gone by that fast? Crap! "OK... Thanks Mike. How do my levels look?"

"Good, you're pushing the highs, but totally within standard ranges. I can dampen that some if you want..."

I looked toward Bill, "Dampen the rasp?"

"No... Stick with that last play," he replied.

I spoke to Mike, "No, don't dampen anything..."

"Sure, you ready?"


The music began and I sang the song with more focus on my breathing. At the highs I could feel the stain in my vocals, but powered through. When done I looked toward Bill, who had moved to the middle of the lower level seating area, "Well?"

He shouted back, "Think that's it..." He stood and made his way back to the stage. "Breathing, control that and you'll nail it."

"I think I'm just nervous...," I said in an attempt to excuse my way out of his assessment.

"Well, you better get over it girl..."

Before I could answer Mike was in my IEM, "Brea, you want to look at the board?"

"That's OK, we locked in?"

"Yeah, looks good to me - just saved the board for 'What's going on'. You sounded really good. I can squeeze you in tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM if you want to practice some more. I've got thirty minutes..."

"Awesome... I'd really like that, thank you."

"No problem... Bring me your monitor and we'll store and recharge it for tomorrow."

The in-ear monitors were owned by the hotel and a definite upgrade from the pathetic model I owned. I headed toward Mike, pulling the IEM's, unclipping the Bluetooth pack clipped to my jeans. We talked briefly about entering and exiting the stage tomorrow night. I sensed movement across the stage and saw Wyatt walking to the center stage. He waved and I waved back. Mike saw him also and after boxing my IEM, confirmed our appointment in the morning. He wasn't trying to be rude, but it was Wyatt's session time, so he pointed me toward the stage exit to where Bill was waiting. I thanked him again for everything and made my way toward Bill.

Tuesday, March 27th 6:07 PM
Bill's critique on my practice session was encouraging, but rushed since him and Charles were going to the Blue Man Group show and he needed to get going. I must have heard the word 'breathing' no less than five times in his couple minute assessment. There was encouragement, but I needed to really concentrate if I was going to move on past the first round. He told me to zone out the audience, which was likely going to be a full house and sing, to enjoy myself, and that would come out in my singing.

I didn't have the confidence he had in me, but I told him I would be practicing tonight and asked if he wanted to come with me in the morning for my 8:00 AM practice session. He said he would be there, we hugged, and I watched him head to the casino to drag Charles from the slots. I had plenty of emotions flowing right now - the biggest one was feeling alone... Augh!

I needed to get ready for the dinner gathering tonight. Focus on the positive I thought as I turned toward the elevators. From across the lobby I noticed someone walking toward me, I recognized the smiling face of Blake Schultz and gave a little wave...

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