Rough Waters 10 - 'Just Another Day'

Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 2
Rough Waters

Chapter 10 - 'Just Another Day'

A Gaby FanFic by PB

Back in the saddle again . . .


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Photo Credit: Provided by PB.

Chapter 10

“It’s all set then … Gaby and I will meet you at the airport on the 11th … see you then, Auf Wiedersehen ‘cuz.” Jenny was beside herself with happiness as she went back to join the rest of the family at dinner.

“That was Carol … everything’s all set for her to visit during the girl’s Autumn Holidays. I told her that Gaby and I will meet her in Bonn on the 11th.” As Jenny looked at Gaby she added, “No, she’s not bringing Maddy … she’ll still be in school and besides … you told her not to … remember?”

“I know … but why do I have to go?”

“Well, because I’d like the company … your dad’s working … Jules will be cleaning the house and … I thought you might like to talk about a certain young lady with Carol, on the way home.”

Jules was about ready to say something, but a quick glance from her mother made her rethink her objection.

“Okay then … umm … while I’ve got you two here … would it alright if Ally visits during the Christmas break … assuming her mum and dad say it’s okay? Gaby timidly asked.

“What brought this on?” Dave asked.

“I told her that I thought it’d be great if she could come here for a visit, sometime … so when she emailed that she liked the idea … I sent her my holiday schedule. When she looked at her holidays, she saw the Christmas break is the only hols we have in common. I won’t be doing any training then … will I?”

“I don’t see why not … if … her parents agree,” Dave answered for both of them and then looking at Jenny asked, “I don’t believe we’re expecting family … are we dear?”

“No … not that I know of, right now. Of course Ally’s welcome to come,” Jenny confirmed. “Even if we do need the spare bedroom … we still have that stow-away bed … so we can always put Ally in with you.”

Before Jules was able to say anything, Jenny addressed her oldest daughter.

”As your sister mentioned … your holidays don’t have much in common with Warsop and we only have one guest room and one stow-away bed … but … if you would like to invite Anna here for some of your summer holidays…”

Jules’ face immediately lit up as she vigorously nodded her response.

After dinner, while Gaby and Jenny washed up, the other two made themselves scarce. Dave went into his study to make final arrangements to meet with another potential candidate for the Youth Program while Jules rushed up to her room to email Anna.

“Thank God for the Internet, email and a home network!” Jenny chuckled at the thought as she was washing the dishes. After Gaby finished helping her mother, it was her turn to go up to her room for some computer time.

Hi Ally ….

Munich didn’t live up to my expectations. Sure it’s a big beer party, but mostly everybody was well behaved! Once you were outside the Wiesn (tents), things were just too calm. Inside, it was another story!

Jules got to have a pint or two, but I got stuck with the pop. You think Mum & Dad would’ve let me have at least one pint! When I asked, Dad just looked at me & said “next year”. How can you join in with the drinking songs an’ all the fun, with a pop in your hand? But I’ll grant you, there was some great food & lots of happy people!! There were (I think) about 14 ‘tents’ or Wiesn & each one, according to Maria, had a different theme.

Mum & Dad did let me have a glass of sekt (sparkling wine) at the Weinzelt or Wine tent. Things were just a bit quieter in that Wiesn, but at least I didn’t have pop!

One Wiesn, I think it was called Hacker something, had some good ol’ fashioned loud Rock n’ Roll in the evenings. Kat, Jules & I liked that! Even the ‘olds got into it. The band they had the night we were there, did some really good ‘covers’ of a lot of the old stuff. Tradition is one thing, but I can only take the Oompha bands for so long.

That’s another thing – those Wiesn! They aren’t tents, they’re huge pavilions like you’d see at Brighton. One, the Schottenhamel held 10,000 people! I think you’d like Oktoberfest – maybe one year, we’ll do it, okay?

Remember the race I had in Berlin a few months ago? A girl named Nina beat me in a sprint. Anyway, while we were at the Oktoberfest, Dad & I had a meeting with Nina and her parents. Make a long story short, the Apollinaris Youth Program claimed another victim!

Have you talked to your parents about Christmas, yet? Mum and Dad said it’s okay with them – if your parents let you.


So far it was a normal Monday for Gaby. She had just entered the girl’s change rooms after completing a training ride with her mum when her scheduled P/E class was finishing up. After showering and changing to something more suitable for class, she waited for Suse and then headed off to their lockers to get their books for the remaining classes before lunch.

Gabi!” Steffie ran up to Gaby and Suse while they were still at their lockers.

“Are you coming mit us?” Steffie asked and seeing Gaby return a blank look, she turned to Suse. “Haven’t you asked her?”


Turning back to Gaby, Steffie breathlessly explained, “Ohhhh! Okay … I’ve got to get to class, but in a nutshell … Autumn Holidays next week und we’re all going out this Friday for dinner und whatever. You coming?”

“Who’s ‘we’?” Gaby asked.

“Me, Liesl, Kat, Suse und the boys … duh … who else would ‘we’ be? What are you, blonde?”

“As a matter of fact…” Gaby smugly answered while pulling at a lock of her hair.

Realising her faux pas, Steffie coloured up as her embarrassment grew, much to the amusement of her two friends.


“I’ll let you know later, Steffie … okay?”

“..’Kay … gotta run. See ya at lunch.”

“Sorry, Gabi ... Steffie told me earlier to ask you und I kind of forgot,”

“S’kay. There’s plenty of time to decide. C’mon, Suse … Math awaits.” The two ran inside the room just as Herr Ruth was about to close the classroom door and take attendance.

The rest of the day was pretty much routine. At lunch Gaby had to recount her training ride for her friends, as per her usual practice. At final dismissal, the girls made their way to the girl’s change room where Gaby slipped back into her riding kit for the journey home while Jules made her way to the train.

“Not making Jules take your backpack, Gabs?” Kat joked as she rode up beside her.

“Light load for once … no homework … just my clothes. What about you?” Gaby replied.

“Looks like I’m stuck with History and Political Ed. tonight,” Kat lamented.

“No chance of getting together, huh?” Gaby had to ask although she knew Kat had a heavy workload with those two subjects.

“Nein … und I do not think I am the only one, judging by the size of their backpacks,” Kat reluctantly admitted as she quickly glanced over her shoulder at Steffie and Liesl.

As Kat foretold, it was a quiet evening for Gaby with all her friends occupied with homework.

“No one going out tonight, kiddo?” Jenny cheerfully asked as she joined her youngest daughter on the couch to watch some television.

“Homework,” Gaby replied as she cuddled up with her mum.

Gaby’s thoughts at times, drifted from the telly to those of her mum’s retirement. It may have been a bit of a let down not to have her compete anymore, but she had to admit to herself that she’d become quite used to having her mum around. She also had to agree that moving to Germany was probably the best thing to happen to her and the family.

“Gaby? … Dear? … Helloooo … earth to Gaby.”


“You were in a fog. I just wondered if you wanted a tea?” Jenny asked.

“No thanks, Mum … think I’ll call it a night,” Gaby allowed after noting the time.

“Mum? … Would you be able to come with me when I’m supposed to talk to the school’s cycling club on Wednesday? … They meet at 3:30 in Herr Koch’s room,” Gaby asked as she got up off the couch.

“I don’t see a problem with that, sweetheart … after school you say? How about we meet in front of your locker just after 3:00? You can tell me more tomorrow … but right now, I don’t see a problem.”

“Thanks Mum …g’nite.” Gaby walked back to give her mum a peck on the cheek before disappearing upstairs.

Tuesday dawned with a cold downpour that immediately made Gaby switch to Plan B for getting to school. Along with Jules, she made her way to the train station where they met up with the rest of the Mayschoß ‘gang’.

Classes were rather routine as far as Tuesday’s go. She found the double French getting a bit boring in the second period, but by sheer willpower, she survived.

By the end of the school-day, the weather was such that Gaby was wishing she had her bike to ride home. On the other hand, she was glad she took the train, considering the weight of the books in her backpack.

Wednesday proved to be excellent riding weather when she rose in the morning. Both Jenny and Maria decided to join her, Kat and the others for the ride to Bad Neuenahr. The only downfall was that she now had to ride with all those books she brought home the previous evening. Like the previous day, Wednesday’s classes were pretty mundane as far as Gaby was concerned. Then again, she considered her Wednesday schedule to be one of the easier days of the week. Although Gaby had to work at Math, she enjoyed it. The double Art provided a nice ‘rest’ in the middle of the morning, even though every second week she had to sit through a period of Art History. English class was a given in her case and History was a great way to end the day. Best of all, she had a double spare for the final two periods of the day.

“Much homework, Gabi?” Liesl asked as they approached Gaby’s locker.

“Got it done in my double spare. Just need to do a wee bit more on my History paper. Technically, that’s not due until after the holidays … but I figure I might as well get it done now,” Gaby replied.

“Wanna trade? … Physics, Math und English.”

“Hallo, Mädchen!” Jenny greeted the girls as she came up behind her daughter. When Gaby turned around she noticed her mum was wearing her Apollinaris strip, warm-up pants and a pair of trainers.

“Am I in the right place?” Jenny joked as she brandished her backpack. “Mike dropped me off with my bike and riding kit … so I’ll be riding home with you tonight ... that okay?”

“Kewel … that reminds me … be right back. I gotta change,” Gaby called back as she rushed down the corridor towards a nearby girl’s washroom.

Several minutes later Jenny turned from talking with Liesl and looked down the hall at her daughter walking back to her locker, as she ran a gauntlet of good-natured ‘wolf whistles’ from the male students still in the corridor. Still wearing her long blonde hair, down and the feathered earrings and choker that she had worn to classes, Gaby had changed into her Apollinaris strip, a pair of loose black velour track pants emblazoned with a white ‘Apollinaris’ going down the outside of the right leg and a pair of trainers. Her unzipped team jacket completed her ensemble.

“If that girl ever decided to start dating…”“ Jenny mischievously thought as a smile crossed her face. “Shouldn’t we be going, kiddo?”

“Catch you guys later. Herr Koch has been after me to do this since school started.”

Gaby gathered up her backpack as she bade good-by to her friends and then ran a few steps to join her mum as they headed for the room used by the cycling club. Herr Koch had just finished propping the door open when the two approached.

“Ah, Gabi!” Herr Koch warmly greeted the wunderkind.

Almost as soon as he welcomed her, he noticed Jenny walking up, a bit behind her daughter.

“Frau Bond! This is an unexpected honour!”

Upon entering the room, both women found themselves in front of a mix of recreational and serious cyclists, about twenty all told.

Herr Koch proudly introduced his two guests’ to the small group, explaining that Gaby was part of the Apollinaris Youth Project and Jenny was a former Elite Women’s World Champion Road cyclist.

Jenny decided to open the floor to questions after stating that they had nothing planned. During the next hour, both ladies fielded questions about themselves, their motivation, memorable races, equipment preferences and the Youth Project.

Gaby took a full 15 minutes talking about her bike from Biggs Fabrications and was visibly surprised when one of the kids asked about her participation in the 2004 Altanta Winter Classic and in particular, her infamous encounter with Lance Armstrong. Jenny later took to the chalkboard to give an impromptu lesson on tactics.
When the club meeting broke up, Jenny again found herself signing autographs for a few of the students. She also left some literature about the Youth Project with Herr Koch. As they where gathering up their things, Gaby issued a general invitation to the club members to join her and her mum on the ride home.

A short time later, both ladies emerged from the school in their Apollinaris ‘skins’ and joined the others out front ready to ride home. To save time, Gaby opted to just pull her hair back into a low pony and hold it in place with two scrunchies instead of her usual practice of putting her hair up into a single braid.

“Jeder bereit?” Jenny called out as she and her daughter adjusted their backpacks.

Not hearing anything to the contrary, she assumed everyone was ready and started to lead the small group of cyclists back to Mayschoß. She initially kept a more pedestrian pace to allow for the slower riders, but soon upped it to a leisurely 25-30kph after determining the others could more than handle the pace.

As they left Bad Neuenahr, the group seemed to naturally divide themselves between Gaby and her mother. Jenny was amused to see her daughter calmly giving a practical lesson in racing techniques, with a few of the more serious cyclists in the club.

While occasionally watching Gaby ‘holding court’, Jenny noticed one girl in particular who appeared to demonstrate a potential above the other kids. As she continued to watch, she noticed Gaby briefly talk to the girl before she broke away from that small group.

“Frau Bond?” The girl from Gaby’s small group was soon riding along side of Jenny.

“Jenny, bitte … Judith isn’t it?”

“Ja … Gabi told me to ask you if it was okay for me to ride mit her on her training rides.”

“I don’t see why not. I assume my daughter has told you what to expect?” Jenny asked.

“Ja … I’ve ridden those distances myself … but it is hard when you are alone,” Judith confessed.

“Since Gaby’s let you know just what you’ll be getting into …I’ll let the two of you decide when all this will happen … but I’ve no problem with it.”

“Danke … Jenny,” Judith replied as she dropped back to let Gaby know what her mum had said.

Once the group neared Mayschoß, individuals bade farewell to both of the Bond women, then dropped away to return to their own homes.

As they were putting away their bikes, Jenny asked, “How do you know Judith, dear?”

“She’s in some of my classes … but I didn’t know she rode until today,” Gaby replied as she secured her bike.

“What’s her last name?” Jenny asked.


“She handles her bike quite well. Do you think she might be interested in competing?”

“From the questions she was askin’ earlier … I think she might.”

“Well, when you see her at school tomorrow … could you please get her phone number? I’d be interested in talking with her some more.” Jenny asked as they headed into the house.

Later, after dinner was just a memory, everyone had settled down for the evening. The girls went off to their rooms, Jules to finish her homework and Gaby to relax doing nothing, having finished her History before dinner. Dave retreated to his study and his research into German castles. Jenny’s own plans to crash on the couch in front of the telly were interrupted as she went to answer the front doorbell.

“Guten abend, Jenny … ist Gabi in?” Kat asked as Jenny opened the door.

“Up in her room … listening to her music, I think. Go on up.”

“Danke,” Kat replied as she proceeded up to Gaby’s room.

“Hallo, Gabi … uh … your mama said you were listening to music,” Kat cheerfully greeted Gaby as she entered the silent room.

“I was until I found this book,” Gaby replied whilst waving her Dad’s dog-eared copy of an old James Bond novel.

“A relative of yours?” Kat inquired. Gaby was about to answer, then realizing the central character’s name, took a playful swipe at her friend.

“Got to stop thinking of your mama,” Kat pondered in a more serious tone.


“Your mama … I called her Jenny when I came to the door tonight.”


“Everyone else’s mama is Frau whoever … yours ist … just … Jenny,” Kat replied.

“You’ve only known her as Jenny … so what’s the problem?” Gaby asked, not quite knowing where this was heading.

“Nothing I guess … just struck me tonight when I came in.”

“Sometimes I worry about you, Kat!” Gaby jokingly replied.

“Anyway … are you coming or not … Gabi?” Kat excitedly asked, changing the subject.


“Out mit us on Friday.”

“Naw … I don’t think so. I wouldn’t feel right,” Gaby admitted. Even though she tried to put up a brave front, Kat heard something in her voice.

“Vhy not, Gabs? It’ll just be Suse, Steffie, Liesl und myself,” Kat intoned.

“You forgot to mention ‘the boys’,” Gaby added unenthusiastically.

“I’m sorry Kat … I didn’t mean it to sound like it did.”

“That’s okay, Gabi ... but so what if the guys come ... it’s only dinner,” Kat quietly mentioned.

“If you want to do anything as couples after dinner … I’d only be in the way.”

“If that’s all that’s bothering you … I know Friedrick would jump at the chance if you asked him to go with you,” Kat hopefully suggested.

“Just so I could go and not feel left out? You know that’d be so unfair to him. Nein, Kat … I wouldn’t even ask.”

“Then maybe one of the girls in your class would come…”

“Kat! I appreciate that you’re trying to include me … but not at the expense of others ... male or female!” Gaby admonished her friend. She appeared to become pre-occupied with a corner in her room, when in a calm quiet voice, Gaby confided her inner most feelings to her friend. “Look … I know all you guys accept the fact I prefer girls, but sometimes I get the feeling…”

“Gabi … we haf gone through this before. We do not care! Think about it … if it bothered us … would we even ask you to join us?”

“I guess not,” Gaby quietly answered.

“You know I am right…” Kat softly whispered in Gaby’s ear as she held her close in a hug.

“I know … thanks, Kat.”

“Now … you going to come mit us on Friday? Please?”

“Nein ... I’m sorry. I’d still think I’d feel too awkward … being the only single one in the group,” Gaby quietly answered.

Kat closed her eyes and gently holding Gaby’s hands, softly relented, “I wish you would come mit us … but I think I under-stand.”

Kat moved over on the bed, beside Gaby and gave her another tight hug.

“Maybe you und Maddy can join us later?” Kat cheerfully suggested after she gave Gaby a playful peck on the cheek.

“It’s a date…” Gaby whispered.

The weather remained dry for the rest of the week, allowing Gaby, Judith and Jenny to go for their daily training rides in comfort. On Saturday, the ride was only to Remagen and back, but on Sunday the ride proved to be one of the longest training rides Gaby had done to-date. On this occasion, Jenny followed the girls in a marked team car while the two teenagers were joined by Maria and Tina. Judith was in her glory, surrounded by the three cyclists in Team Apollinaris strip and Jenny, wearing her Team Apollinaris jacket, following in a marked team car. All along their chosen route, the unexpected sight of this group caused some excitement for the people they passed along the way.

Later that evening, Jenny sat down with Dave in his study and told him about Judith.

“She’s been out on a few rides with Gaby including today’s 100km ride. From what I can see … this girl’s got a lot of potential.”

Seeing she had Dave’s attention, she continued her assessment of the girl.

“She was able to maintain the pace on all the rides she’s been on … not to mention that she’s a quick learner, very keen and from talking to Herr Koch at the school, she does pretty well in time trials.”

“I take it you like what you see in her?”

“All I’m saying is that I really think you should talk to her and her parent’s about what she wants out of the sport. As far as I’m concerned, Judith would do very well if she decided to join the program. Also, for the short time Gaby’s been riding with her, it’s amazing how well they work together.” As an afterthought, Jenny coyly hinted, “Gaby knows where she lives … if you don’t want to wait until after Autumn Holidays.”

“Hold it Jen … you said 100 kilometres?” Dave asked, very surprised at the length of the ride. “Where’d you girls go?”

“Well, it’s not like Gaby hasn’t done that kind of distance before … she did ride with the pro team,” Jenny defensively replied. “Besides … I had the car and was following them.”

“Settle down, luv … I only asked where you went,” Dave commented in a calming voice.

“We went to Altenberg as usual, but Gaby decided to take the others down to Kreuzberg and then turned at Brück. We then headed towards Kesseling, through Oberheckenbach, up to Ramersbach, Godeneltern, Bad Neuenahr and home,” Jenny explained.

“That’s a fair bit of climbing. How did she … they do?” Dave remarked.

“Both girls did very well, on the climbs … and descents,” Jenny replied. “I don’t think the pro team has anything to fear … yet … but Tina and Maria were very impressed!”

“Judith Schröder … right?” Dave confirmed before he went to the door of his study. “Gaby!

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To Be Continued...

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