Taught a Lesson

Have you ever been acused of something, anything that you didn't do. Were you punished and how did you react to the punishment? Is it realy as simple as...'He said, she said'

Taught a Lesson

"Hold him still, damnit." I didn't recognise the voice. Not suprising, I was new here and didn't know anyone at all. I felt a pain then something kinda hard shoved in my ass. I tried to shrug it off, but felt it being shoved deeper inside me. Then it pulled back and I thought it would come out, but no, it went back in. Then a steady rhythm of in and out. After a few minutes of this, I felt something wet and warm inside me. Like piss? I heard a laugh, then "You want some of this, it's tight." The person between my legs got up and I tried to struggle. I got kicked real hard for my trouble. A knee was pushed hard into my side causing me to gasp for breath. Then I felt another hard thing in my ass. This one went back and forth for a couple of minutes, then I felt the warm wet feeling again, followed by laughing. The person got off me and I was kicked a bunch of times and told that I could expect worse if I didn't put out. The laughing disappeared into the distance.

The days and weeks settled into the same routine. Beatings and being raped. I lost weight and became incontinent of both bladder and bowel. Everyone laughed at me. I was pathetic. Covered in multicolor bruises and open sores. I had been taken to the School doctor, but he painted my sores with Iodine and marked me fit. He did take blood specimens, just to make sure that I didn't give the other boys a disease, he said, then sneered at me. He had no sympathy for me either. I was convicted of Rape and deserved what I got.

Yea, I was convicted of rape. That's funny. Right. Well, maybe not to you. I am 12 years old and not too big. I graduated fron the sixth grade and was gonna go to Junior High in the Fall. Not now though.

There was a girl a few houses down from us. She's kinda pretty. I saw her a few times and she said hello, but not much more. Anyway, I was going to the park and have to pass by her house to get there. So, I was going to the park and I saw some guy come out her front door. I just looked at him. He was real big and dark colored too. I never seen anybody like that, till then. She didn't see me, but the guy did. He cut across the yard and grabbed me by the shirt and said, "You didn't see no one, got it?" Then he pushed me down. I just got up, dusted myself off and ran to the park. Couple days later, I had forgotten about it.

The some time in the late Summer, I answered the door and a cop was standing there. He was polite and asked if my parents were home. I let him in and went and got my Mom. He said his name and asked if we knew the girl down the street. Mom said that she saw her in the neighborhood once in a while and I said that I would sometimes see her in her yard or on her porch. The officer asked if I had ever been inside her house. I said no. He smiled, then asked if I had ever touched her. I turned red at that and he asked me why. I told him that the girl was pretty and that last Halloween when she was giving out treats, I had accidentally brushed her hand as I took the Halloween treat she offered. He smiled at my story, but told me that that was not what he meant by touching her. I was confused.

He said that she said I had touched her. You know in that way between a man and woman. I denied it. The officer said that I would have to go to the hospital for a blood test. He said that he didn't think I did anything wrong. He drove me and Mom to the hospital and after a wait, someone stuck me with a needle and filled a tube with blood. A lady doctor talked to me about sex and how I was considered too young to be sexually active. Then she asked me if I had any other partners. I didn't understand what that meant and she explained. I said I didn't do any sex stuff. She smiled, too.

The officer drove mom and me home and said that he would get back to us. Mom thanked him for taking us to the hospital and bringing us home. During this I could see that mom was scared. After the officer left, Mom and me sat on the couch and she asked me if I had been with that girl. I said no. Mom said she believed me and gave me a hug.

Some days later, the police officer was back at our house. He said that the blood test showed that I was guilty of being with that girl. My blood was that same. I said no way, but the officer said that he had a warrant for my arrest. Mom asked what I was being charged with and he said, First Degree Rape, cause the girl was a minor. Also she said that I was the person that raped her. Yea, I talked to her once in a while, but just stuff like how's the weather, or I'm going to the park. Not real talk.

The officer took me to a kids jail place and I had a picture taken and fingerprints. I was told to change clothes and I was taken to a room to spend the night. The next morning, I was given different clothes and taken into a curtroom. There was a man in a black robe and he asked if I done it. I said no. Another man said that the victim identified me. The judge asked if I wanted to change my plea. Huh? I didn't say nothing. Then the man at my table asked about bail. The three men talked some, then the judge said a bunch of money. The girl's father was in the room and he said good. That way he could teach me to treat girls right. The judge heard that and then said no bail. I was taken back to the kids jail.

I guess I was at the kids jail for a couple of weeks, when they came and got me. I was taken into a courtroom and there were a lot of people in the room. There were a bunch of people, men and women, sitting behind a small walled off place. This was a jury, I was told. Then the jugde banged his hammer and told one of the lawyers to start. The guy stood up and talked to the jury people about how I did a bad thing. Then this lawyer asked a bunch of questions to several people. He said he was done and sat down. My lawyer stood up and talked about the girl and what was done. He said I was a little boy and that the girl could have easily hurt me if she had tried. He said that I didn't bother no one and was innocent. Then the first laywer asked me if I liked the girl. I turned red. He asked if I had a girlfriend. I said no. He asked if I ever saw the girl with any boys and I said no. I remembered the guy that saw me by her house that time and I didn't say nothing. Finally, my lawyer said he was done.

The people went out and I sat at the table with mom. Soon, the people came back in and the judge came back too. I didn't even see him leave the room. He asked one of the people if they decided and they said they did. He asked what they decided and they said I done it. I was mordified. I didn't do nothing. The judge thanked the people for their help and asked me to stand up. Then he said that I would be going to the State School for Boys and I would get out when I was 18 years old. He said that I was a bad boy and that he had to keep people safe from me. He then asked if I had anything to say. I just shook my head no, but mom stood up and asked the judge if she could say something. The judge said that it was unsusal, but he would allow it.

Mom thanked the judge and then turned to the girl and her family. She appologized for any harm that had happened to their family. She said that I was a good child and never got into trouble. She said that since the jury had decided that I was guilty, then she had to believe that I had done some wrong. The girl's father smiled at this. Mom said that since the girl was only 16 years old she might need help during the pregnancy and after. As I was judged to be the cause of her problem, mom would help the family. She said that she wanted her grandbaby to be healthy and happy and would pay fifty percent of the doctor bills. The girl did not look too good at this and turned her face away from mom's.

The judge called the lawyers to the bench and they talked for a while. Then the judge asked the girl and her daddy to stand up. He said he was sorry for what happened to the little girl. He said that it was not often that someone like my mom offered to make up for what was done by a child. The judge said that Mom would pay fifty percent of the doctor bills and then pay a monthly child support payment to her grandchild. The girl's dad smiled and said ok. The judge asked if there was any other business, if not he would adjourn the court. Mom quickly said that since she was gonna pay part of the care, that the girl could not get an abortion. The judge agreed, also saying that he would appoint a doctor for the girl. He dismissed the court and I was taken to the State School for Boys and that's how I got to see the doctor.

I had to got see him weekly, I wasn't told why. The guard brought me in, the doctor checked my bruises and sores, looked at my ass and gave me a shot. This started to be my routine. Daily beatings and rapes, followed by weekly visits to the doctor.

About 4 months into my time, I was attacked as usual. This time, I hardly fought. The boys didn't like me not fighting and just hit me harder. I remember them leaving me on the floor and then I woke up in a bed. There was a curtain pulled around me and my wrist was chained to the side rail.

I had yanked the side rail and a police officer came over by my bed. He introduced himself and after telling me where I was, he asked if I remembered who attacked me. I shrugged and said no. He said that it was plain that I had been beaten alot recently and that he would help. I just said no. He left me his card and said if I changed my mind to give him a call. I threw the card away.

I was released from the bed into the custody of the School doctor. The handcuffs were re-attached as the doctor led me out to a van for the ride back to the School. The doctor complained all the way back about what a problem I was causing. I didn't say anything. At the School, the doctor put me in a small room and told me to undress and put my clothes in the paper bag provided. Then I had to stand facing the wall, with my hands over my head leaning slightly against the wall for support. The doctor had the guard kick my feet apart and back farther from the wall. Then the doctor gave me another shot in my ass, actually two shots, one in each cheek. Then he left the room and the guard raped me. Finally I was alone in the room, There was a thin mattress on the floor and a simple blanket. I lay down and went to sleep.

My days were filled with shots in the ass and being raped. This went on for several weeks. Finally I had had enough and tried to kill myself. I was able to tear the blanket into thin strips and braided a kinda rope. I fastened one end to my feet and ran the rope up my back, then tied the loose end around my neck. Course, I was laying on my side with my legs bent back behind me as I did this. I figured that during the night, I would choke myself to death, when I moved in my sleep. I kinda thought that dying in my sleep would be easier.

Luck was not with me. There was a new guard at the School and he was too thorough. He saw the rope around my neck and opened the door. When he saw how I was tied, he put out an alarm. Luckily the doctor only worked days, cause an ambulance was called and I was taken to a hospital. I was examined and asked a bunch of questions. I didn't say a thing. Someone gave me a shot in the butt and they saw the marks from the other shots. Someone asked what kinda medicine I was taking, but I still didn't say a thing. Then someone said to take blood samples for chemical analysis.

After that I was put in a room with another bed on the floor. This one was clean and I was given a clean blanket. I was handed a small cup of water and I drunk it. They took back the cup and I just curled up on the floor and slept.

There was a bunch of noise when I woke up. A couple of guys was arguing in the hall bout something. One of them walked off, down the hall and then someone opened the door. I sat up wondering what was gonna happen. The person at the door just looked at me without saying anything. I looked back, then shrugged and did what I was suposed to do. I knelt over and exposed my ass. I kooked at the person by the door and said one word, "Ready." The person by the door made some kinda throat noise and said, "Pull your pants up." The door closed and I was alone again.

When you're in a strange place, your mind does things to you. I could hear my heart beating and feel my blood flowing. The noises from the hall were loud and echoey. The air from the ceiling howled. The handle to my door turned and I glanced at the door. As it started to open, I thought I heard the School doctor, so I assumed the position that he liked best. Up against the wall, hands over head, legs spread. The pants I had been wearing were in a pile across the floor. It was him and he came into the room, but there was another person with him. I guess the School doctor didn't see me at first, but the other person did. I heard a sharp intake of breath, then the person and the School doctor left the room. The sound of the door closing was loud.

I was taken from the first room and put in a special room. It had mattresses against the walls. I was given a kinda t-shirt to wear and nothing else. I was left like this for a while and later, somebody brought me food I didn't eat. When the person came into the room, I just pulled my t-shirt up on my back and got on my hands and knees. I was too tired to fight. I just hoped they would just rape me and let me sleep. The person asked me what I was doing, but I didn't say anything. He even came over to me to help me get off the floor. When he tried to touch me, I cried out and curled up in a ball. I did this to protect myself from the kicking. He quickly left the room and when he came back, he had a girl doctor with him.

When he came back into the room, I quickly assumed the rape position. Then he let the girl doctor in the room. She asked what did I think I was doing. I didn't answer. She asked how long this had been going on. I didn't answer. She was standing behind me and she looked at my body. Her eyes got real big when she saw the bruises on my body. She got closer and I just hugged my knees. She saw the marks on my butt and she also saw my butt hole. I heard her gasp. She turned to the man with her and told him to pick me up and bring me with her. He was stunned. He didn't want to touch me. He told her that I was convicted of Rape and that I probably enjoyed taking it up the butt. The doctor was mad.

She called for another person to come to the room. By this time I had put my t-shirt back on and was sitting in the corner. I did not know what was gonna happen to me. The School doctor said that if I was not good, then the state would cut off my nuts and dick. I thought that's what the girl doctor was gonna do. When the person grabbed my arm and tried to get me on my feet, I screamed for them not to cut my nuts and dick off. I said I would be good. Please don't cut me. The girl doctor asked me to repeat what I just said and I did. She had a real mad look on her face and I said I was sorry that I made her mad. I asked her to please not tell the guards or the doctor. She said she had heard enough and I thought I was in trouble again. I curled up in a ball on the floor and started crying.

The girl doctor called somebody cause I could hear noise in the hallway. Soon, someone was standing guard outside the door. She told the guard that only certain people were allowed in and gave him a list of people. Then she walked off, down the hallway.

A little while later the door opened and a girl came in. I didn't move but watched her. She had a tray of food and was talking softly to me. She put the tray on the floor and sat down beside it. It sure smelled good. But I knew that if I tried to eat some, she would just hit me. That's what normally happened. I was a convicted Rapist and only good for one thing. The only thing that went in my mouth was someones dick. Some of the boys liked to stick their dicks down my throat and others just liked to have me clean them off after they came in my butt. A couple would squirt in my mouth. I hadn't had any real food for a while. Normally, I just slept between rapes. Unless I had to go to the doctor for a shot. But, that food sure smelled good.

The girl just sat there. I turned to the wall and hugged my self. I tried to be quiet cause I didn't want no beating. I was sore all over and scared. I didn't know what new tortures I was gonna get. I just closed my eyes and finally went to sleep.

I felt like I was floating. I could hear pretty music in the background and some kind of beeping too. I was enjoying the feeling of floating. Everything was soft against my body. Then I felt someone grab me and shake me. I heard someone say,"Jimmy, Jimmy, wake up now." I thought 'Who was Jimmy?' Then I remembered. I was Jimmy. But why did someone want me to wake up? Didn't they know how good I felt now? The person kept calling for Jimmy to wake up and shaking my shoulder. Finally I opened my eyes. I was in a bed in another room. There was a bunch of machines making noises and one machine was beeping.

The girl doctor was looking down at me. Her mouth was open but no sound was coming out. She shook her head and turned away. Then I saw some movement a few feet away. It was the School doctor. He was waving a piece of paper at the girl doctor and pointing to me. The girl doctor was shaking her head and pointing too. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't want to get them madder at me. They seemed real mad, now. I tried to get out of the bed, but fell on the floor. Both the doctors heard the noise I made and ran over to me. The girl doctor was screaming at the School doctor. They picked me up off the floor, then the School doctor shoved the girl doctor and a guard picked me up over his shoulder and the School doctor led me out of there.

Outside there was a School van parked and the doors was open. The guard threw me in the back and closed the door, then got in. The School doctor was in the van and we started to go. We didn't get far. There was bunches of cops on the street and they wouldn't let us go. The girl doctor came from somewhere and was talking to the cops and the School doctor. Then someone put me on one of them rolling beds and pushed me back into the hospital. I screamed. I thought the School doctor and the girl doctor was gonna cut my nuts off. That's what the School doctor said he'd do if I caused trouble. Sometimes he would laugh after he gave me a shot and say that it didn't matter, cause soon I wouldn't be able to rape anyone again. Then snip, snip.

I was taken back to the special room and put on the mattress. Someone gave me a clean t-shirt, too. I put it on and hugged my knees. I just leaned against the corner and rocked my self to sleep. I woke up when somone came in the room. It was a man and I was scared. I was afraid to move. He had a tray of food with him. I could smell the good stuff. I expected him to just eat it and spit the leftovers at me. He didn't. He put the tray on the floor and sat down.

I heard a voice talking to me. It sounded like music. It was telling me that I could eat the food if I wanted to. I sure was hungry. But scared. The tray was real close to me. Then I felt something on my hand and looked down. There was a lump of white stuff. I raised my hand and looked at it. From the side I saw the man smile. I knew what that meant. I threw the food away and pulled up my t-shirt and got on my hands and knees. I waited, but nothing happened. Then I felt something real hard in my butt. It was moved around and I heard someone get mad at God, cause I heard, "Christ, what a mess." The hard thing was pulled out of my butt and then something else was put in. It didn't hurt like before, kinda nice. The man said, "Just let the supossitory work and you'll feel better. You need to eat something, too." He put some more of the white lump on my fingers. It was mashed potatoes. I ate the mashed potatoes and the jello, but there was some kinda fruit in it and I spit out the fruit. The person took away the food tray. I sat on the floor and leaned against the wall. I musta fell asleep. I had the same routine for the next few days. Someone brought food and I ate the soft stuff. Then they took away the food tray. My butt didn't hurt that bad now, but I was careful. I kept my t-shirt on, but no one tried to take it off me.

I lost track of time. The girl doctor would come by the room and talk to me, but I didn't say anything. She still talked and talked. Some time later, someone put a small table in the room and two chairs. The next time the doctor came in the room, she sat at the table. A tray of food was put on the other side. She said for me to sit in the chair and eat. She said it was okay. I hesitated, but I wanted the food. I only ate a few things. Mashed potato, jello and I got to drink a bowel of some kinda soup. It was kinda salty, but good. The doctor said it had lectricity in it, or something like that. I sure liked it. I sat at the table and ate the potatoes. The girl doctor smiled and talked.

She knew my name and all about me. She said that she got the State School to send her some records. She said that the School doctor was gonna loose his doctor license and more if she had anything to do with it. I didn't know what that meant. I didn't say anything. She said that she had my blood tested and that the School doctor had given me a Testosterone blocker and then Estrogen shots. The estrogen shots were too much for my body to handle and I had become too docile around boys cause of that. That's why I showed my butt and got on my hands and knees. That and they trained me to do that using the shots from the School doctor and beating me till I did what they wanted. She was real mad at the School doctor.

She wanted to talk about the rape charge. At first I didn't want to, but she kept talking. She said that they only used a blood test, but that the results of the test showed that the girl's dad could be responsible. The girl was still not talking to anyone, except to repeat that I was the one. The doctor asked me if I knew why she would say that and I didn't. It was getting close to the time for the baby to come. I was arrested in July and was sent to the State School in September. It was now January and I had been in the care of the State for 4 and a half months. Gettine raped and beatedn daily. Then the shots had been going on for almost that long too.

There was some changes to my body too. Not just to my mind. My waist got real small, course I didn't eat too good. Then there was my chest. I guess cause I was usually huddled up, I didn't notice my chest. Yea, I got small boobs now. The doctor said that they might go away, might not. Also, the doctor said I kinda walk like a girl and have a girl's butt. I didn't know. She just talked about all kinda things. I tried to listen and made some comments.

One day the doctor asked if I wanted a visitor. I asked who? She said my mom. She told me that she talked to my mom and would bring her here if it was ok with me. I was excited at seeing mom, but hesitated. I said I could not see mom cause of how I looked. The doctor said mom knew what I looked like. She said that she showed mom pictured of what they done to me. Mom wanted to see me real bad. I agreed to see her.

The doctor got me some new clothes to wear for the visit. She gave me a small pair of underpants. I asked where the rest of them were? She smiled and said that these were plain girls pants. They would fit me as I could not wear boys underwear. They did feel good. Then she held up a bra. I blushed. She said that my boobs were big enough to need support and I should learn to wear a bra. Again I blushed, but she just helped me put it on and fastened it. My boobs did feel better, not heavy and as itchy.

She just gave me a regular Hospital gown and robe. She said the underwear were a gift from mom. I cried. Gosh, I felt dumb, crying. I hadn't done that before. She said it was cause of the release of stress. I didn't know I had any. She took me to a special room, with other people and mom came in. When she saw me, she let out a loud gasp. I started to cry and she rushed over to me. Soon both of us were crying. We hugged each other.

We stopped crying and mom sat down. I asked the doctor to stay and she did. Mom said that on the advice of the doctor, mom requested, thru the judge, an animal cencus. Whatever. Anyway, the test showed that the baby was gonna be born wwith a special disease called sick l cell. Only certain kinds of people usually get this disease and I am not one of that kind. When the judge saw the test results, he called everybody back into the courtroom. The judge said that the test showed that I was not the father. The girl's dad was mad. Then the judge said that he was gonna set me free, but he said that if the girl's dad did anything to me, it would be bad. That's when she told him about what the doctor said happened to you. Then he put in a call to the doctor and she talked to him and showed him some pictures, too.

Mom said that I was free to go home. The doctor agreed, but said that I would need to see 2 special doctors at home. One was a head doctor and the other was the kind girls go to. I would be treated and reports would be given to the judge every month. Then mom smiled a real big smile and said that the School people were going to jail for what they did to me. The doctor from the school lost his license and the head guy got fired. Our lawyer is gonna sue them all. But right now, the judge said that he would make the State School pay for anything I wanted. Also, the girl's dad had to pay for some damages too. That meant that we were rich, I think.

Mom and I asked the doctor when I could go home. She said I needed more treatment, but now I could be moved to a new room. She also said that I should start taking the hormones again. I said I didn't ant no more shots. She laughed and agreed, then said that I could take pills. I agreed. I asked if she would still be my doctor and she said no. Then she said that she would rather be a friend. I smiled at this.

It was a uphill battle, but I think I am better. Mom and I moved into a nice house. The judge comes over once in a while and brings his wife. He was embarassed the first time he saw me, but has come to accept me. His wife is funny and kind. She helped mom get me resettled. She also helped mom get me into dresses. I let my hair grow a little longer, but not too much. I don't really look like a real girl cause sometimes, sometimes when I see two people walking holding hands I just cry. Mom understands. I will never have someone other than mom to love.

Yea, the money from the lawsuits is nice. But, I guess the old saying is true. Money can't by happiness. I just try to live one day at a time.

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