Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 6

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Saige was nervous about asking Tony out, but she had to do it. She went up to him after Fourth Period and said, "Hi Tony."

"Hey Saige," Tony said back. "What's up?"

Saige managed to find the words, "Want to go out tomorrow night?"

Tony smiled. "Sure. Where did you have in mind?"

"Well, Olivia bought tickets for me and her to see Wreck-It Ralph 2," said Saige. "Maybe I could talk her into giving her ticket to you?"

"Yeah, sure," said Tony. "And we could go out to dinner at, I dunno, Red Lobster."

"Sounds great," said Saige. "Would you be okay with driving us?"

"Of course," said Tony. "Just talk to Olivia about the movie tickets."

Later on, after school, Olivia and Bailey came over to visit Saige's house. The three girls hung out, watched TV for a while, and relaxed on the back porch. While they were on the back porch, Saige asked Olivia about the movie tickets.

"No," said Olivia. "I bought them for you and me. I'm not giving mine to Tony."

"Then we could buy another movie ticket," said Saige.

"Can't," said Olivia. "Otherwise I would've had Bailey come with us, too."

"I still can't believe you got a ticket for Saige and not for me," Bailey grumbled.

"But Saige really wants to see Wreck-It Ralph 2!" Olivia protested.

"So do I," said Bailey.

"Are there even any other seats available?" Saige asked.

"Let me see," Olivia said, pulling out her phone and opening up Fandango. "There's one seat available."

"So me and Tony, and one of you, can go," said Saige.

Olivia and Bailey looked at one another. "I'm the one paying for two of those tickets, so I should go."

"You're right," Bailey sighed.

"Don't worry, we won't spoil anything for you," Olivia promised. "But Saige, you or Tony will have to pay for the third ticket."

"No problem," said Saige. "And if you don't mind, we're going to eat out at Red Lobster before the movie."

"Sounds like a plan to me," said Olivia.

"You don't mind being a third wheel, do you?" Saige asked.

"Not really," said Olivia.


So that Friday night, Tony came to get Saige and Olivia. Tony drove a silver Ford Fusion that his parents had got him for his birthday. Saige was happy to sit in the shotgun seat while Olivia sat in the back. As they drove to Red Lobster, Tony played calm, soothing music for Saige to enjoy.

The three of them ate a hearty meal at Red Lobster, all the while discussing Wreck-It Ralph 2 and what they were hoping to see from it. Though they had varying opinions on the characters, they all seemed to agree that the movie would probably do the characters justice and have a solid plot.

But after they were done eating, when they were waiting for the waiter to come back with the bill, Saige saw a strange woman watching them from outside the restaurant window. She was dressed in black and had her eyes on Olivia. Something about her seemed suspicious, almost...

"What?" Olivia asked.

"There's someone out there watching us," Saige said, pointing. But she blinked and the strange woman had gone.

"I don't see anyone there," Olivia said.

Saige shook her head. Maybe she'd been imagining things.

The waiter came back with the bill for the food, and it was pretty high. Luckily, Saige had borrowed the money from her mother, and she was going to do some extra chores over the weekend to earn the money back. Once the bill was paid, Tony, Saige, and Olivia got up and left the table. While they left, they went past a woman sitting in the waiting area. "Did you kids enjoy your meal?" the woman asked.

"Yeah," said Tony. "We did."

The woman stuck her leg out, blocking their way. With a chill, Saige realized it was the strange woman she'd seen before. "You enjoying your date, Olivia?" she asked.

Olivia actually screamed in fear. "Miss Johnson! How-how did you-"

"Let's just say your friend Valeria was really helpful," Miss Johnson said as she stood up.

"What did you do to her?" Olivia asked.

"You'll find out soon enough," said Miss Johnson.

"No! Don't take me!" Olivia demanded.

"Hey! What's going on here?" said a passing waiter. He-along with some of the restaurant guests-were looking up to see what was going on.

"Nothing that concerns you," Miss Johnson said. She waved her hand, and everyone else in the restaurant went back to whatever they had been doing. Miss Johnson turned back to Olivia. "You are coming with me."

"No! Don't take her!" Saige demanded. Olivia was indispensable to her. She, along with Saige's mother, had been a huge help in Saige transitioning to being a girl, and Saige still needed her. She knew she'd need more advice in the future.

"I'm sorry, but I have unfinished business with this young lady," Miss Johnson said as she took Olivia by the wrist.

"Let me go!" Olivia shouted, trying to fight against Miss Johnson's grip.

But it was no use. "Come with me now," Miss Johnson commanded, waving her hand over Olivia's face. Instantly, Olivia's eyes glazed over. She fell limply to the ground, put into a magical sleep.

"Don't take her!" Saige demanded.

"You have no say in the matter," said Miss Johnson. She waved her hand in front of Saige's face. Saige immediately felt her consciousness slip away. She fell to the floor and remembered nothing more.

To be continued...

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Bad move lady

Jamie Lee's picture

That b...witch made a mistake taking Olivia in front of Saige and Tony. Tony may not remember it happening but Saige might because of what that restroom did to him.

Others have feelings too.