Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 9

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After Saige had finished with her shower, she put on some clean clothes and went out to the cafeteria. Just like Piper said, there was Olivia, locked in a glass case and on display for everyone to see. The moment she saw her friend, Saige ran up to the glass case and pressed her fingers against the glass. "Oh, Olivia," Saige whispered. "Look what they've done to you."

In spite of her pain, Olivia looked down and saw Saige outside her case. Olivia wanted to scream at Saige to get out of here, to save herself while she still could, but she could not.

"We'll save you, don't worry," Saige whispered. "And we'll put an end to Miss Johnson's schemes."

After she was done staring at Olivia in worry and pity, Saige left the building to rendezvous with Bailey, Stephanie, and Tony. The three of them had holed up in a hotel three blocks away, and Saige had texted Tony to meet them at Jimmy John's.

"Did you do it?" Bailey asked when Saige sat down with them.

"I did," said Saige. "I'm in a room with Piper."

"Oh, good," said Bailey. "I sure miss her and Valeria."

"And I found Olivia," said Saige. "She's on display for everyone to see."

Stephanie's eyes widened. "She's not-"

"She's still alive," said Saige. "But she's on display-naked-for everyone to see. Miss Johnson is using her as a reminder to the girls to not tell anyone they used to be boys."

"How long will it take for Piper to get everyone to tell everyone each other's boy names?" Tony asked. "We can't be here too long. Our parents back home will be worried."

"We don't even have parents," said Stephanie.

"You don't, but me and Saige do," said Tony.

"We'll deal with them later," said Bailey. "Right now, we need to figure out what to do next."

"We're gonna have to break Olivia out sooner or later," said Saige. "So you guys should get a crowbar or something."

"There's a jack in the back of my car," said Tony. "Will that work?"

"If it can break glass, yes," said Saige.

"And how are we going to kill Miss Johnson?" Tony asked.

"Who said anything about killing?" Stephanie asked.

"How else are we going to defeat her?" Tony asked. "We can't sue her. She'd just alter the memory of the judges or something."

"But...but that's murder," said Stephanie.

"Hear, hear," said Saige. "I'd rather lock Miss Johnson up in a prison or something."

"What prison did you have in mind?" Tony asked. He stared at Saige, waiting for an answer.

Bailey spoke up. "We could try putting her in those pods she uses to terminate girls," she suggested.

"But the pods eventually kill whoever is in them," Stephanie pointed out.

"Well, it's still better than shooting her," said Tony. "If we just leave her in there, and someone comes looking for her, it'll look like she just tried doing an experiment on herself, and the experiment failed."

"I...I think that might be our best option," said Saige. "But how are we going to get her down there?"

"We'll get some kind of bait," said Tony. "We could break Olivia out, and then have her run down into Miss Johnson's lab, and have a bunch of people waiting to ambush her there."

"That sounds like a plan," said Saige. "I hope Piper has a bunch of members in her rebellion by now."


Piper did have a good number of girls recruited to her cause. When Saige got back to her dorm in the Y. F. F. H, she found six more girls sitting with Piper. "Saige! You're back!" said Piper. "Just in time for these girls to tell me their boy names."

"Great," Saige said, sitting down on her bed. "What are your names?"

"I'm Amelia, who used to be Emilio," said one of the girls.

"I was Jules, but now I'm Julie," said another.

"I used to be Sam, before Miss Johnson turned me into Samantha," said a third.

"I'm Christina. But I used to be Christian," said the fourth.

"I was Kyle. Now I'm Kylie," said the fifth.

"And I'm Taylor, who used to be Tyler," said the last one.

"That's great," said Saige. "Piper, I have some great news."

"What is it?"

"I just met with Bailey and Stephanie," Saige started. "And we-"

"Wait. Bailey and Stephanie are here too?"

"No, they're not here!" said Saige. "If they showed their faces here, they'd meet the same fate as Olivia!"

"I meant, like, they came here with you."

"Yes, they did. But that's not the point."

"Well what is the point?" Amelia asked.

"The point is that we made a plan," said Saige. "We're going to lock Miss Johnson up in one of those pods in her lab, and then leave her there."

"Won't she get out?" Taylor asked.

"No," said Piper. "No one else is going to go down there. Miss Johnson is the only one allowed there."

"Besides, we can lock the door behind us," said Julie.

"And to get her down there, we're going to use Olivia as bait," said Saige. "We'll break her out, and then have her run down into Miss Johnson's lab. We'll have a trap waiting for Miss Johnson down there."

"I'm in," said Amelia.

"I'll get the handcuffs," said Kylie.

"Great," said Saige. "Are you all ready to do it later on today?"

"Sure," said Piper.

"Good," said Olivia. "Get as many people to help you as you can."


Olivia stayed suspended in her glass case, watching all the girls and staff members going about their day. She felt sad and embarrassed. Not because she was naked and her private parts were on display for everyone-though that was bad on its own. She knew she was a fool for thinking she could run from Miss Johnson. Even though she had tried her hardest, it was no use.

And now Olivia couldn't move a muscle, and she was in pain. Miss Johnson's magic was keeping her alive inside the glass case, but Olivia wished she could die. Her family was gone, killed in that fire. The few friends she had were all the way in Chicago. Even if she did escape, where would she go? She didn't see the point in living anymore.

Towards the end of the day, however, when the cafeteria was empty, Olivia saw three new people come in. She was surprised that it was Bailey, Stephanie, and Tony. What were they doing here?

Tony and Stephanie stood guard at the cafeteria doors, while Bailey came up to Olivia's glass case and placed a sheet of paper against it. Olivia, ignoring her constant pain, read over the paper. This is what it said:

Dear Olivia,

We are so sorry Miss Johnson caught up to you. But we are here to rescue you and stop Miss Johnson for good. And you have a role to play in our plan.

As you read this, Saige is upstairs, talking to Miss Johnson, as she is new here and wants a tour. Miss Johnson and Saige will go around the first floor, while Bailey breaks you out and Tony and Stephanie hide. Once Miss Johnson enters the cafeteria, you and Bailey will need to run as fast as you can to Miss Johnson's lab under the hotel. Lure her there. We have a trap set for her. She will be locked in one of her pods.

Saige, Bailey, Tony, and Stephanie

Olivia didn't believe her eyes. Her friends had actually came back to save her! And they were going to finally defeat Miss Johnson! Olivia knew it would be hard. Since Miss Johnson was a witch, who knew what she'd have up her sleeve? But Olivia knew she could do it. So she looked Bailey in the eye and nodded understanding of the plan. Bailey folded up the piece of paper and put it in her pocket.

Bailey pulled out a car jack and started slamming it into the glass case. It took her several hits, but she managed to crack a hole in the side of the case. Once she had cracked the hole, Olivia could feel her pain subsiding. Bailey smashed her jack into the glass five more times, being careful not to poke Olivia. The more holes she created, the less pain Olivia felt.

Eventually, Bailey got careless, and she stabbed the car jack right through the glass and poked Olivia's breast. Olivia let out a squeal of pain.

"Sorry," Bailey said, trying to be more careful. Before long, Bailey had smashed open a hole big enough for Olivia to fall out of. As Olivia fell forward, Bailey caught her so she wouldn't fall on the pieces of broken glass.

"Thank you, Bailey," said Olivia.

"Thank Saige," said Bailey. "She's the one who got this ball rolling."

"Can you walk?" Tony asked.

"Let's see," Olivia said as she laid her feet on the floor. The pain from the magic glass case had gone now, and to her surprise, she was able to walk normally. But when she looked up and realized Tony was in the room, she wished she had some clothes on.

"Sorry," Tony said as he averted his eyes from Olivia.

"Yeah, we should've brought some clothes for Olivia to put on," Stephanie admitted.

Right then, Miss Johnson opened the cafeteria door. "And this, Saige, is the cafe-" She broke off when she saw Bailey standing on a floor of broken glass, holding the car jack, and Olivia standing there, out of the glass case.

That quickly, Olivia's heart rate went from zero to sixty. This was it. This was where she would come into play.

To be concluded...sorry for the cliffhanger. :(

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GO, girl GO!!

GO, girl GO!!

Pushing the witch into the oven

Jamie Lee's picture

Bold move on the girls part, going to lure the b...witch in order to give her a taste of her own medicine. They better hope it doesn't backfire.

Others have feelings too.