Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 3

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After their kitchen-table conversation, Saige and her mother went out to go clothes shopping. They first got dinner at Panda Express (Saige no longer felt a desire to go to McDonald's), then went to the mall.

Using the tags on Saige's current clothes, Saige and her mother were able to find underwear that fit her. Saige tried on a few sizes of shirts and pants, eventually finding the perfect size for her. Saige and her mother purchased ten shirts, three pairs of jeans, four pairs of shorts, a couple skirts, and a bikini swimsuit.

After they went and sold all of Saige's old boy clothes at a thrift store, Saige and her mother went home. On returning, Saige realized she needed to use the bathroom again.

"I take it you know how to use the bathroom as a girl?" Saige's mom asked.

"It should be easy enough," said Saige. "Just sit down on the toilet, let loose."

Saige's mom nodded. "Pretty much."

So Saige went into the bathroom, lifted up her dress' skirt and pulled down her panties. Like she expected, it was really easy to sit down on the toilet and let her pee loose. She was pretty relieved that she no longer had to aim with her penis. Her mom was always complaining about having to clean the floor around the toilet, and Sage had defended himself saying how hard it was to aim. But now, it was much easier for Saige to pee.

After she got out of the bathroom, Saige's mom asked her if she wanted to go swimming at the local swimming pool. Saige said yes, and her mom pulled out the bikini they had bought for her. Then Saige went into her bedroom to change.

"Hey, if you need any help with anything, just let me know," Saige's mom said from outside the door.

"I will," Saige said as she took off her dress. She faced herself in the mirror, now only in her bra and panties. She almost hesitated to take them off, not quite ready for a full view of herself as a female. But she knew she had to. So she reached up, felt around the back of her bra, and found a clip holding it together. After some fumbling, Saige undid the clip and was able to take off her bra much easier. Then she slid off her panties.

Saige looked in the mirror, seeing herself naked for the first time as a girl. Her hips were now smaller, making her body look like an hourglass. Her butt was big enough to get any boy's attention. She ran her hands over her breasts, feeling the harder and more erect nipples. Once she was done with that, her attention turned to her new vagina. Wow. Saige had been so used to seeing her junk hanging between her legs, but now there was nothing. Just a flat crotch with a crack in it, covered in curly blonde pubic hair.

"You okay in there?" Saige's mom asked from outside.

"Yeah, I'm good," Saige said as she took her bikini. She puller up the bottom and slid on the top. It took some fumbling to set her breasts inside the bikini top, but she managed. Saige walked out of her bedroom wearing only her bikini, where her mom was waiting.

"Wow, you look so good in that," said Saige's mom.

"I know," Saige said with a smile. "Let's go swim."


At the swimming pool, Saige found that swimming was as fun as ever. As a boy, she had been on the swim team for the summer. The season had ended last week, but it felt so good to be in the water again. Even though her hair got really wet and heavy, Saige didn't mind. She loved it so much.

After swimming for a little while, Saige had to go use the bathroom again. She wasn't a bit surprised to see that the girl's bathroom looked a lot like the boy's bathroom-except with an extra toilet stall where the urinal should be. After Saige was finished using said toilet stall, she came out and ran smack into Olivia.

"Oh! Hi Olivia," Saige said. She remembered how earlier that day, when she had came out of the bathroom stall after having her gender changed, Olivia had seen her and figured out what had happened. Saige was surprised to see Olivia here now.

"Hello, Sage," said Olivia. Apparently she recognized her. "Or should I say, Saige."

"Yeah, it's me," said Saige.

"You getting used to being a girl?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah," Saige said as she washed her hands. "My mom and I went to the store and bought a bunch of girl clothes. And when we get home from the pool tonight, my mom's gonna go onto the school website and have my identity changed to a girl."

"You mean on the school records?" Olivia asked.

"Yes," said Saige. "That way I can keep going to school like I used to."

"That's good," said Olivia. "What are you gonna tell your friends?"


"Your...boy friends," said Olivia. "Like the ones you had when you were a boy."

Saige hadn't thought of that. Her only good boy friend had been Tony Carson. Would he believe her if she told him what had happened? Or would he just think she was another girl trying to hit on him?

"I guess I'll have to find out," said Saige.

To be continued...

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Quite calm

Jamie Lee's picture

Saige sure is calm about the transformation, even shopping for clothes. Is she like her mom in seeing it'll do no good to freak out but to just deal with what happened?

Others have feelings too.