Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 10

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Olivia pushed Miss Johnson aside and ran out of the cafeteria, with Bailey right on her heels. Yelling for vengeance, Miss Johnson followed right behind them. She chased Olivia and Bailey out of the front doors and towards the hotel.

Olivia had never ran harder in her life. Her arms were running like windmills, and her breasts were swinging around like mad. She wished she had a bra to give herself some support. But it hardly mattered. All that mattered was that Olivia and Bailey would lead Miss Johnson into their trap.

The two girls came to the back door behind the hotel and opened it up. Olivia and Bailey ran down the hall and toward the stairs. But halfway down the stairs, Olivia tripped on her own feet and fell to the floor below. She was able to stick her arms out to break her fall, but then Bailey ran right into her. The girls fell to the floor in a heap.

"I don't know why you two are running into my lab, but it sure makes my job easier," Miss Johnson seethed. "Because Bailey, you are going to be terminated once again."

"No!" Bailey cried as she got up and ran for the lab.

Olivia tried to get up, but Miss Johnson grabbed her ankle. "As for you..." Miss Johnson pinioned Olivia against the wall. "I think I should do something a little different to you."

"Like what?" Olivia asked as she struggled against Miss Johnson's grip.

"You have a very voluptuous body," Miss Johnson said, running her hand over Olivia's curvy hips. "The local boys would want a piece of your booty." Miss Johnson rubbed Olivia's butt.

"Get off of me!" Olivia growled. She kicked Miss Johnson in the chest, causing the older woman to lose her grip. Olivia took the chance to punch Miss Johnson in the face. Then she kicked her again, causing Miss Johnson to step backward, trip on the bottom stair, and fall on her butt.

"There she is!" Piper's voice cried. Olivia turned to see Piper, Sarah, Vanessa, and several other girls she didn't recognize running for Miss Johnson. They were carrying handcuffs, duck tape, and ropes. One brunette girl slammed the cuffs onto Miss Johnson's wrists, and another started unwrapping her rope.

"I don't think so," Miss Johnson said. She waved her hand, and waves of blue magic spiraled around one of the girls. When the waves had disappeared, a white mouse was where the girl had been standing.

"Get her!" Olivia commanded. The rest of the girls came at Miss Johnson, their duck tape at the ready. Andrea got turned into a mouse herself, but the other girls managed to wrap duck tape around Miss Johnson's eyes and mouth. Now that she couldn't see, she was no longer able to cast any magic.

Despite Miss Johnson's struggling, the girls still managed to tie her up. Then they went and carried her into her lab. They went straight for the pod that had held Olivia when she had been terminated. Piper and Sarah carefully took the handcuffs off, then quickly strapped Miss Johnson's hands to the clamps inside the pod. Then they did the same for her legs.

Once Miss Johnson was fully restrained, Olivia came up to her and took the duck tape off her mouth. "What have you girls done to me?" Miss Johnson said.

"Doing what you did to us," said Olivia. She took one the needles connected to the machine and jabbed it into Miss Johnson's arm. Miss Johnson cried in pain as Bailey flipped some switches on the side of the pod.

"Please!" Miss Johnson demanded. "Let me out. I can turn you back into boys!"

"What did you say?" said a voice. Every head turned to see Saige coming down into the lab.


Saige could not believe her ears. Was Miss Johnson really offering to turn the girls back into boys? Did that mean she could be Sage again? Could she go back to her old life and not have to worry about doing her hair or wearing a bra or looking nice for the boys. She could...

"What are you doing here, Saige?" Olivia asked.

"I-I wanted to come here and help you capture Miss Johnson," said Saige.

"Wait, are you that new girl?" Miss Johnson asked.

"I am," said Saige. "And did you say you could turn me into a boy?"

"I was talking to all the boys I had turned into girls," said Miss Johnson. "If they let me out and promise to forget this ever happened, then I'll turn them into boys again."

Evidently Miss Johnson didn't know the truth about Saige. But Saige looked around and saw all the girls in the lab-Olivia, Bailey, Piper, Sarah, Vanessa, Taylor, Amelia, and Kylie. They had all been good friends to her. And in return, Saige had saved them from Miss Johnson's evil foster home. Besides, Saige had gotten the hang of being a girl now. Sure, there were tough parts to being a girl, but she had had some practice. She was sure she could live the rest of her life as a girl.

"No," said Saige. "You're not going to be doing any more of your magic." She stepped up to the pod and slammed it shut.

"There, now we got her," said Bailey. "Now let's get out of here and lock Miss Johnson in here."

"Aren't you going to get me some clothes to wear?" Olivia asked.

"Oh...about that..." Piper stammered. "We forgot to bring you a change of clothes."

Olivia put her hands on her hips. "So I have to walk back up naked?"

"Hey, you ran down here naked," said Taylor. "We can find you some clothes in the bigger building."


Since Miss Johnson's demise was so recent, none of the other members of the Y. F. F. H. staff knew what had happened. But after all the excitement, the girls felt like they needed a dip in the swimming pool.

So once everyone had gotten back up to the main building, Saige, Olivia, Tony, Bailey, Stephanie, and Piper all got into their swimsuits and went down to the swimming pool. They relaxed in the hot tub while discussing their victory.

"So now what?" Bailey asked.

"We go back to Chicago," said Saige. "And go home."

"What about the rest of us?" Piper asked. "All the kids who live here?"

"Well, maybe the city's governers will find someone new to run this place," said Olivia. "Preferably someone who isn't a witch."

"Or maybe you could move to Mr. Hart's place in Chicago," Stephanie suggested.

"I'll consider it," said Piper.

Tony looked at Saige. "I heard Miss Johnson offered to turn you back into a boy," he said.

"Yeah, she did," said Saige. "But I said no. I like being a girl."

"Really?" said Tony.

"I do now," said Saige. "I might've said yes before, but, well..." she looked at Olivia. "My friend Olivia taught me that being a girl is actually pretty fun."

"I learned that myself," Olivia said, casting a warm grin at Bailey.

"Well, no matter what you do, I'll still be with you," said Tony. He slid his hand into Saige's.


On their return to Chicago the next day, Saige's and Tony's parents were very relieved to see their kids okay. They had been worried that Saige and Tony had vanished the day before, but they managed to sell them a story about how they had had a day out that had turned into a camping trip, and they forgot to text their parents.

As for the Y. F. F. H, the government did find a new chairwoman for it. The new chairwoman, Mrs. Reed, was a wonderful lady with a hardworking husband and a few kids of her own. She renamed the Y. F. F. H. the Orphanage For Lost Youngsters, or the O. F. L. Y. Best of all, she expanded the foster home to make it coed.

The Evanston police force, having been notified of Miss Johnson's disappearance, found Miss Johnson dead in her lab a week after she had been locked in there by the girls. Since they found no evidence of anyone locking her in there, no one was charged.

Back in Chicago, Saige continued to live her life as a girl with Olivia, Bailey, and Stephanie as her best friends. But she also started dating Tony. By now, she was starting to feel like she was in love with him. They had known each other for a long time, and now that Saige was female and had a mutual attraction, they could enjoy themselves as boyfriend and girlfriend.

(Cliche warning) And they all lived happily ever after...

The end. Now that the story is finished (for real this time), what do you think?

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The ending was pretty quick, and two girls got turned into mice with no one seeming to care that they did, kind of sad =[

Overall I liked the story but the ending seemed rushed.


What happened to the two

What happened to the two girls that were turned into white mice? When the witch died, did the spell end with her? Would be rather nice to know, because they do not deserve to have their humanity taken from them by a woman who is totally vile and despicable.

Valeria was a hero too.

She evidently did die after saving Olivia and taking the rap sparing the other girls. Miss Johnson was a BAD witch indeed. She gives other witches a bad reputation.


All's well that ends well. A simple story of the triumph of good over evil. Thanks for the pleasure. Beverly.


lol next

What no revenge of the daughter of the evil witch?

Fun, fast moving little tale

laika's picture

...with some real moments of suspense. I'd love to see these friends embark on another adventure. It wouldn't necessarily have to be witches it could be anything from the realm of the fantastic...
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Don't dish it out if you can't take it

Jamie Lee's picture

Johnson never thought in a million years the girls would be able to over powering her.

Question: Johnson was a b...witch who had magical powers. So why did she chase down the girls instead of freezing them in place?

Still, what goes around comes around. Saige was smart not to let them release her because they all would have suffered once she had been freed.

Others have feelings too.