Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 8

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Piper was lonely.

Several weeks ago, she had had a lovely family of dormmates at the Y. F. F. H. Bailey and Valeria had been nice to her, but when Olivia showed up, it had made their happy little family even happier. They had all had an awesome time living together, and doing things together. But all of a sudden, Olivia and Bailey had gone poking around in Miss Johnson's lab under the hotel next to the foster home building. Piper had gone with Valeria to save them. Olivia and Bailey, along with Stephanie, had escaped to an unknown fate.

For a little while, it was just Piper and Valeria in their dorm. But then Miss Johnson had gathered everyone in the foster home and asked them if they knew anything about the girls' escape and disappearance. Valeria had stepped up, confessed to helping them escape, and then got taken off to be terminated.

Of course, Miss Johnson didn't know that Valeria was taking the fall for herself, Piper, Sarah, and Andrea. The latter three girls got off scot-free. They thought about going to rescue Valeria, but they knew they would likely meet the same fate.

And now Piper was the only one in the dorm. She had the whole place to herself. She could watch anything she wanted on TV, turn the lights off when she wanted, and dance around naked. But it was all very lonely. What good was a four-person dorm if you didn't have other people to share it with?

One day, Miss Johnson called everyone to a meeting in the cafeteria. Piper was worried when she heard the news. The last time this had happened, it hadn't been good. So there was no reason to assume this meeting would be any better.

And Piper's worst fears were confirmed. In the cafeteria, Miss Johnson had a large, closet-sized something under a black blanket. Miss Johnson had all the girls sit down on the cafeteria tables for her little speech.

"Good morning, lovely ladies," Miss Johnson said. "Now, you all know our first rule here at the Y. F. F. H. You have to keep your little secrets to yourself."

Piper's stomach lurched. She knew exactly what Miss Johnson was talking about. She could still remember being Peter. Looking around, Piper could see that many of the other girls were exchanging shifty looks.

"Now, it is very important that you follow our rules," said Miss Johnson. "Unless you want to end up like, well..." She pulled the black blanket off of the thing under it. And all the girls gasped at the sight of what was under the blanket.

It was a human-sized glass case, like the kind museums use to display rare antiques. But inside the case was none other than Olivia. She was stark naked, with her body frozen and held up by some magic force. Her eyes were scrunched up in pain, and there was a fresh cut going across her shoulder.

"Olivia!" Piper gasped.

"Yes, this is her," said Miss Johnson. "She told her secret to other people here, and then tried to escape me to avoid punishment. Well, I have found her. And I am going to keep her here as an example for all you girls to follow. Know that this is what happens when you try to tell a secret, then try to get away with it."

"Is she still alive?" Piper asked.

"Yes, she is," said Miss Johnson. "This case is magic. It keeps her alive, even though she is not drinking any water or eating any food. She is constantly in pain, for that is her punishment."


After the big announcement, Piper was taking a shower. She could not believe what had happened. How had Miss Johnson found Olivia?

Piper had had enough. She knew it was time for rebellion against Miss Johnson. But how could she do it? Miss Johnson had security cameras everywhere.

The only way to deal with that problem was by taking out the security cameras. So for the rest of the day, Piper went around her dorm and found the cameras. Then she smashed them using a hammer she bought at the hardware store down the street. Once Piper was certain she had destroyed all of the security cameras, she invited Sarah, Andrea, and Vanessa to her dorm.

"What did you call us for?" Andrea asked upon arriving.

"I've destroyed my security cameras," said Piper. "So this is a private meeting. We're starting a rebellion against Miss Johnson."

"What kind of rebellion?" Vanessa asked.

"Well, you remember how Miss Johnson said we all have to keep our little secrets?" Piper asked.

"Yeah," said Sarah.

"Well, now we're going to tell each other our secrets," said Piper. "Before I came here, I was a boy named Peter. Miss Johnson turned me into Piper. What about you guys?"

Sarah, Andrea, and Vanessa exchanged glances. "I...I was Andrew," Andrea said uneasily.

"I was Vance," said Vanessa.

"And I was Samuel," said Sarah. "But why did Miss Johnson not want us to tell each other?"

"I think she wants to hide her secret," said Piper. "She's turning boys into girls against their will. And she's trying to have every one of them think they're the only boy-turned-girl here, so her secret doesn't get out."

"But how can we stop her?" Sarah asked.

There was an awkward silence. "I have no idea," said Piper.

Sarah sighed. "I knew it," she said.

"I-I'll think of something!" said Piper. "Then I'll call you back here."


Saige was nervous. This plan might not work. But it was a chance she had to take if she wanted to put an end to this.

She entered the front door of the Y. F. F. H. building and went up to the front desk. "Hello," she said.

"Good day, young lady," said the woman at the front desk. "How can I help you?"

"I'm here because..." Saige hesitated. "My parents just died yesterday. And I heard about this foster home and that it's really good, and..."

"So you want to move in here?" the woman asked.

"Yes, I do," said Saige.

"Well, luckily for you," the woman said, looking at her computer. "We have an open space."

"Good," said Saige. That would be essential to her plan.

"What's your name?" the woman asked.

"I'm Saige," said Saige.

"Well, Saige, Miss Johnson's not available right now to give you the tour, but I can show you to your room," said the woman.

"Please do," said Saige.

The woman got up from her desk and led Saige down the hall. They came to a dorm room that was towards the end of the hall. "Here you are," said the woman. "We've already got a stash of clothes in there for you. And there's toothpaste, and tampons, and everything you could need in the bathroom."

"That's good," Saige muttered. She hadn't had to use a tampon yet, but she knew she might soon.

"Enjoy your stay!" the woman told Saige as she entered her room.

Saige went in to see her dorm room. There were two bunk beds, a TV, a couch, and a few dressers. No one was in the bedroom, but she could hear the shower going from the bathroom. That meant someone was in there. Saige cautiously entered the bathroom, going past the toilet stalls and toward the shower area (which was hidden behind a wall). "Hey," Saige said. "You in there?"

"Yeah. You new here?" said a voice from behind the wall.

"I am," said Saige, walking past the wall. "And I wanted to-GAH!" Saige was surrpised to see that the shower area consisted of a line of shower nozzles on the wall, with shelves of soap and shampoo under the nozzles. On a nearby bench, there were towels and sets of clothes. And right there, in the open, there was a girl wearing no clothes, soaping down under a running nozzle.

"I'm so sorry," Saige said, averting her eyes.

"It's fine," said the girl. "We shower together here. So if you want to take a shower, then..."

Saige realized she hadn't showered that morning. She had just rushed to go to Tony's house to ask him to drive her, Bailey, and Stephanie to Evanston. She had not showered since the day before. "Yeah, I guess I'll take a shower," Saige said. She self-consciously took off her shirt and laid it on the bench. She removed her socks and shoes, then pulled down her shorts. She took off her bra, then slid her panties down her legs. Now in the nude, Saige went up to a shower nozzle and turned it on.

"I'm Piper, by the way," the other girl said.

"I'm Saige," said Saige.

"What was your boy name?"

Saige stared at Piper. "How did you know I used to be a boy!"

"Because that's what Miss Johnson does," said Piper. "She invites boys to stay here and turns them into girls. I used to be Peter. How about you?"

"I-I was just Sage, with no 'i,'" said Saige. "But Miss Johnson didn't turn me into a girl."

"Then who did?" Piper asked.

"I was at my school, and I went into the girl's bathroom by mistake," said Saige. "And the bathroom turned me into a girl."

"Huh," said Piper.

"But I'm not really an orphan, either," said Saige. "I came here to find Olivia."

"You what?" said Piper.

"Olivia, Bailey, and Stephanie told me all about you," said Saige. "And we came to save Olivia when Miss Johnson found and captured her."

"So-so you're coming here as a spy?" Piper asked. "To scope things out?"

"Yes," said Saige. "Do you know where Olivia is?"

"I do," said Piper. "Miss Johnson has her on display in a glass case in the cafeteria. She's using Olivia as an example of what happens to people who try to break Miss Johnson's rules and then get away with it."

"Oh no," said Saige.

"But I've started a little rebellion here," said Piper. "I destroyed the security camera here in my room-"

"There are security cameras here?" Saige asked. She awkwardly covered her nipples and vagina.

"Yeah but I smashed them," said Piper. "You don't have to worry."

"Phew," said Saige. "But what are you going to do with your rebellion?"

"I have no idea," said Piper.

"Wait, I have an idea," said Saige. "What if everyone in this foster home told each other that they used to be boys, but keep it secret from Miss Johnson?" Saige suggested. "Then you can all start calling each other by your boy names."

"What would that do?" Piper asked.

"Well, Miss Johnson can't terminate everyone, can she?" Saige asked.

"I guess not," said Piper. "But how are we going to stop Miss Johnson from turning boys into girls?"

"We'll work that out later," said Saige. "Right now, we should just focus on having everyone share their former boy names with everyone."

"Sounds good," said Piper.

To be continued...

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of water on the evil witch?

Into the belly of the beast

laika's picture

A very brave move on Saige's part. I sure hope Piper managed to get all the cameras and microphones or they could already be found out...
~Ronni (used to be Ronald)

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Belling the cat

Jamie Lee's picture

It may have been half arsed, but with little time to plan maybe it will be a beginning. There's only one small problem, if they start using their boy names what's to keep the b...witch from putting them all to sleep until it becomes their turn in the chromosome sucker?

Others have feelings too.

Step One

Deadname everyone.