Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 7

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"Saige, you okay, honey?"

Saige's eyes fluttered open. She found herself lying on her couch, with her mother standing over her. She looked around and realized she was in her house.

"Mom," said Saige. The events of the failed date last night were all coming back to her. "Where-where's Olivia? Where's Tony?"

"Calm down," said Saige's mom. "You're safe now."

"What happened?" Saige asked. "How did I get here?"

"The Red Lobster manager saw you and Tony lying on the floor," said Saige's mom. "He called the police, and they took you and him home."

"Where's Tony now?" Saige asked.

"He's at his house," said Saige's mom.

"Did-do the police know about Olivia?"

Saige's mom frowned. "Olivia?"

"Olivia was with us," said Saige. "Then this freaky woman came and took her. She put me and Tony to sleep."

"Now, now, calm down," said Saige's mother. "I talked to the police, and the witnesses from Red Lobster, and they said they didn't see any strange women come in and kidnap anyone."

Saige was starting to panic. "How long was I asleep?"

"A day," said Saige's mom. "It's Saturday now."

Saige's heart sank. Miss Johnson had probably taken Olivia back to Evanston by now. Saige didn't know exactly what Miss Johnson was going to do with her friend, but it couldn't be good.

"I-we gotta go after Miss Johnson!" Saige exclaimed. "She's probably-"

"Calm down, honey," said Saige's mom. "I have to go to work now, but you should stay here and get some rest. It seems like you got hit on the head."

So Saige's mom thought she was crazy. As soon as her mom went out the door, Saige stood up and went to the kitchen. She got a glass of water, trying to calm herself down. But it was no use. What could she do now? Was Miss Johnson going to put Olivia right back into the lab so she could keep harvesting X chromosomes out of her to turn more boys into girls? Saige knew she had to stop Miss Johnson...but she had no idea how.


Olivia struggled against her bonds. She was tied up with thick black ropes, with duck tape around her mouth. She was lying in the back seat of Miss Johnson's car while the dark woman Miss Johnson drove. "I'm so lucky I was able to find you," Miss Johnson was saying. "I was getting worried that you'd spill our little secret for the entire world to hear."

So Miss Johnson didn't know that Olivia had told Saige about her past. Olivia tried to scream through the duck tape over her mouth, demanding to know why Miss Johnson had taken her and not Bailey or Stephanie. But she could only say, "Mmmmfff hhhmmpphhhh!"

Somehow, Miss Johnson knew what Olivia was trying to say. "Oh, I wish I could take Bailey and Stephanie too. I went looking for you here in Chicago, once you texted Valeria's phone. Then I saw you with your friends in Red Lobster. And I did not want to waste any time in getting you back to the Y. F. F. H."

The Y. F. F. H. The place that had appeared wonderful at first, but turned out to not be so lovely. Olivia did not know what would become of her, but she knew it couldn't be good.


While she was heating up a breakfast sandwich, Saige heard a knock on her door. She answered it to see Bailey and Stephanie standing there. "Saige, thank goodness," Bailey said. "We came over as soon as we heard. What happened last night?"

"Miss Johnson ambushed us," said Saige. "She took Olivia."

"We knew it!" said Stephanie.

"Who told you?" Saige asked.

"Tony did," said Bailey. "This morning I saw that Olivia had not came back from the movie theater last night, so I texted Tony. And he told us what happened."

"And we don't know what to do!" Stephanie exclaimed. "Miss Johnson's probably gonna terminate Olivia all over again-or worse!"

"I know," said Saige. "And we've got to stop her. We can't let Miss Johnson turn any more innocent boys into girls."

"But what can we do?" Stephanie asked. "We can't call the police. We can't call the FBI. No one's gonna believe us."

"Then we'll have to go save Olivia ourselves," said Saige.

"How?" said Bailey. "We don't have a car."

"But Tony does," said Saige. "We can have him drive us to Evanston."

"Why not your mom?" Bailey asked.

"Because she didn't believe me about Miss Johnson," said Saige. "I tried to tell her what really happened. But I guess Miss Johnson did some magic and...well, the witnesses didn't see what they thought they saw."

"Well, what did they think they saw?" Bailey asked.

"Everyone thinks Tony and I just, I don't know, had seizures or something," said Saige. "I'm on my own here. I'm gonna have to go to save Olivia and shut down the Y. F. F. H. myself."

"I'm with you," said Bailey. "I...I'm with Olivia through and through."

"I'm not sure," Stephanie muttered. "It's gonna be really dangerous."

"You don't have to come," said Saige. "Bailey and Tony and I can probably do this on our own."

"No, I'll go," said Stephanie. "I wouldn't want to leave Olivia to die."

"Alright," said Saige. "Let's go to Tony's house."

Saige, Bailey, and Stephanie went straight from Saige's house to Tony's. Saige knocked on his door and prayed he was awake. Luckily, Tony answered his door. He was wearing a white bathrobe and was holding a mug of hot chocolate. "Hey Saige," he said. "You okay, after last night?"

"I am," said Saige. "But Olivia isn't." Saige, Bailey, and Stephanie gave Tony a quick run-down of the situation. "And we need you to drive us to Evanston," Saige finished.

"But-but what-"

"Just drive us there, and we'll take care of the rest," said Saige. "Please."

Tony sucked in one cheek. "Well, if you can-"

"We'll do anything," said Saige. "Anything. Just drive us to Evanston, pronto."

"Can't I just-"

"MISS JOHNSON IS TAKING OLIVIA THERE RIGHT NOW!" Saige shouted. "We don't have time to pack or get anything together or-"

"Sheesh, I didn't say that I needed to pack," said Tony. "I just think I should put some clothes on before I drive you to Evanston."

"Oh." Saige forgot Tony was wearing only a bathrobe. "Yeah, you should go get changed."

"But we're leaving right after," said Bailey.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Tony said.

Five minutes later, Saige was sitting in the shotgun seat of Tony's car. Tony was driving, with Bailey and Stephanie in the back. "Would you mind giving me more details on the way?" Tony asked as he turned the keys in the ignition. "Not to mention an actual plan for when we get there?"

"Of course," said Saige. "Just get on the road."

So Tony pulled out of his driveway, then started driving. Saige may not have had an immediate plan, but she knew one thing. She would not rest until Miss Johnson was defeated.

To be continued...but for now, please tell me what you think so far.

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I like it so far

But the girls better start thinking, without a plan, they all get turned into food for the evil villain since her magic is apparently pretty strong!

Can't wait to see what they come up with!



Well, things are starting to heat up. I'm intrigued to see just how and if the girls can defeat a witch. It ain't gonna' be easy!
Nice tension.


The Scoobies vs. the Big Bad

laika's picture

A pack of ordinary teens---boys, girls and various sorts transformees---going up against a powerful magical adversary? This reminds me of a TV show Joss Whedon might have created, and also of a COEDS-era story by Julie O (there;s a few of those here at BCTS); but in both of those at least some of the rescuers had some sort of powers themselves. Am both dreading and looking forward to the showdown in Evanstown...
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Calvary on the way

Jamie Lee's picture

They've got the chutzpah to rescue Olivia but not the how. They best come up with one by the time the reach the YFFH.

Others have feelings too.