Rough Waters 3 - 'Truth Be Known'

Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 2
Rough Waters

Chapter 3 - 'Q & A'

A Gaby FanFic by PB

Mum and Dad learn the details of the American trip
A birthday party is planned


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Photo Credit: Provided by PB.

Chapter 3

When the three women sat down in Caro’s kitchen, Jenny allowed Gaby give her Godmother an edited version of her history and especially the events since last New Year. When she talked about the American trip, she glanced over any interaction with the other kids. However, her cycling exploits were another matter. Gaby talked in detail about her Saturday rides with Erin and company and when she spoke about her appearance in the Atlanta Winter Classic, Jenny sat back and let Gaby tell her story. Caro just smiled and shook her head when she heard about her goddaughter’s now infamous encounter with Lance Armstrong.

As they were getting up to leave, Jenny mentioned the family's involvement with the Apollinaris Youth Development Project.

“What about Drew’s involvement with the British Youth Squad … his stats and titles?” Caro wondered.

He died last New Year … an’ no longer exists, except in here,” Gaby solemnly replied as she poked her chest.

Drew was to be on the squad … not Gaby. It might be a bit awkward if he leaves an’ she shows up … wouldn’t it? Anyway … it won’t matter, since we’re moving to Germany. Dad’s already said we might be there by the end of the school year … if not before.”

“As for my titles and stats … that’s something I guess Mum and I will have to look at after my name change. It shouldn’t be too hard … they already think I’m a girl. I don’t think poor John ever got it right.” (giggle)

“Anyway … wouldn’t having my name legally changed mean they’d have to change my name on my stats by law?” A bit of a smile crossed her face when she threw in, “Besides … it’s not like I ever won ‘Best Boy’….”

“That’s something we’ll have to look into when the time comes, kiddo…” Jenny replied as she put her arm around Gaby’s shoulders and pulled her close.

“Speaking of names, you never did tell me yours…” Caro stated.

“Gab…” Both the Bond women started to answer in unison.

“Go ahead, dear…” Jenny allowed.

“Gabrielle … Drew … Bond,” replied Gaby. “But I prefer Gaby.”

“That name just might make things a bit easier at the Federation. Gabrielle Drew Bond … Drew Bond … maybe no change?” Caro optimistically pondered. “Anyway, as your mum says … we’ll just have to wait and see what comes.”

Moments later, Gaby and her mum were walking out to the car.

As Caro stood on her terrace, she had a smile on her face while watching them go and recalling the afternoon. She thought of how she’d not seen a trace of her godson either in appearance or mannerisms when she looked at Gaby, only a very pretty young lady who looked a lot like her mother.

“Never did get any shopping done, did we?” Jenny asked her daughter as they were heading back to Warsop.

“Nope…” Gaby smirked.

“Oh, well … Caro did get to meet Gaby. I think that went over rather well, don’t you?” Jenny quickly glanced over at her daughter.

“A lot better than I expected!” Gaby admitted.

“If traffic doesn’t ease up, though … your dad’s going to beat us home,” Jenny commented.

Much later, as Jenny eased the car into the close, they saw the camper was already parked and Dave was waiting in the opened front door of their house.

“Saw you coming up the street as I came into the house. How’d your day go?” Dave asked as he kissed his wife on the cheek when she walked past him.

“Quite good, actually!” Jenny then related the day’s events including Gaby’s visit with Caro and the call from Dr. Sanwari.

Well … I’ve already popped a pizza in the oven for tea … it should be ready in about twenty minutes,” Dave commented.

“Dad? … Jules home?”

“Upstairs, Petal.”

“Any idea from our youngest, what the kids have to tell us?” Dave whispered to Jenny after Gaby went to find her sister.

“No … nothing! Even when I talked to her in Atlanta, she’d only talk about her cycling. What happened over there, Dave? You talked to them on the phone more than I did. Either one say anything?” Jenny replied in a hushed voice.

“No … and Jules isn’t saying a thing, either … except ‘wait until tonight’…” Dave quietly stated as he threw up his arms in mock frustration.

Following tea, Jules asked her parents to wait in the lounge and after she and Gaby washed up, they would join them.

“I’ve a bad feeling about this, Jen. Jules has been in a right helpful mood ever since I got home. She told me she even picked-up around the house!” Dave jokingly commented.

“Oh my …” Jenny replied with a smirk.

It didn’t take the two girls long to clean-up and they quickly joined their parents. Jules looked serious when she sat on the couch beside her sister. As the girls looked at each other, Gaby closed her eyes, gave a nod and squeezed her sister’s hand.

“We have to tell ‘em sometime, sis…” Gaby whispered. Jules took a deep sigh and then quietly began.

“You’ll have to know sooner or later, so Gabs asked me if I’d mind telling you. You may have noticed that the only time she talks about our trip is when she’s talking about her cycling … and with good reason…” Jules sounded more like she was giving a eulogy than talking about their trip of a lifetime and as her voice trailed off, she gave a quick shrug of her shoulders.

(sigh) “Some of what I’m about to tell you, guys ... I saw first hand. Most of it’s from all the nightly ‘bedtime talks’ I had with Gabs … but regardless if it’s first or second hand … I saw the effects of what she had to put up with … every day.”

Jenny had a bad feeling when she heard Jules’ words and rose from her chair to squeeze in beside Gaby, on the couch. As she sat down, she instinctively cuddled with her youngest, pulling her close. Dave sat up a little straighter in his chair, ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop’.

“Dad? Does Mum know about when Deb and Brit were here?” Jules inquired. “About how they were convinced…?”

“I told her everything…”

“Good … then I’ll just start right in with Grottoes.” After one last deep breath, she began.

“Sis had hoped that Drew would be going to Virginia … but after I phoned Debbie to find out exactly who they were expecting… we knew that Gabs was to arrive at the Walters. Once we got there, things were okay until our first day of school.”

Jules recounted her sister’s visit, covering the low points as well as some of the highlights. Both Jenny and Dave were surprised at Britney’s behaviour and they were nothing less than stunned when they heard about Maddy’s gradual rejection of Gaby for no apparent reason. However nothing prepared them to hear about their daughter’s suicide attempt or the reason for it.

By the time Jules finished, tears were rolling down her sister’s face.

“I’m sorry, Mum ... I’m sorry…” Gaby repeated over and over between sobs, as she buried her face in Jenny’s shoulder. Dave watched in silence as both his wife and oldest daughter tried to comfort Gaby, as well as each other.

“Darling … it’s not you who should be saying she’s sorry…” Jenny was in tears as she was mentally berating herself for insisting the girls go to Virginia instead of letting them stay with her.

Following a deafening silence, Dave spoke up.

“We don’t know what to say, lass … except we’re sorry you had to go through that…” He then decisively added, “I’m telling George that I’m accepting his job offer, first thing in the morning!”

“That mean we’re moving to Germany?” Jules asked.

“Yes … we’re moving to Germany! I really don’t see how your sister can stay here … not with what you just told us,” Dave confirmed. “I won’t give my notice though, until we know a little more what’s happening with her.”

“Whaddya mean?” Jules wondered.

“Hopefully we’ll know a bit more after we see Dr. Sanwari tomorrow,” Jenny mentioned as she dabbed the tears from her eyes.

“I doubt that Maddy will mention any of this to Carol … but I think she should be told,” Jenny whispered to Dave when the girls later left the lounge.

“I agree ... and the sooner the better…”

After the girls went upstairs, Gaby followed her sister to her door of her room and wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug.

“Thanks, sis… (sniff).”

“You gonna be okay, Gabs?” Jules asked as they parted to go to their own rooms.

“Yeah, I think so. Might as well upload my Virginia pictures. Fran wanted Mad an’ me to make a photo journal for the school’s web page,” Gaby quietly replied. “I know it sounds crazy … but I gotta do something.”

“Why punish yourself with bad memories? I kinda think Fran would understand if you ‘lost’ all your pictures,” Jules softly suggested.

“What else is there to do?” Gaby flatly asked.

“I just don’t want you getting upset again … that’s all,” Jules quietly offered.

“I won’t. I promise I’ll delete all of them at the first tear … okay?” After the two sisters hugged for a second time, each one went off to her own room.

“Gabs? Keep your door open? … I’ll do the same,” Jules begged.


Gaby soon realized that after six weeks, she had a lot fewer pictures than she thought and a good chunk of those had to be discarded because of her ‘photographic ability’ or lack thereof. Almost two hours later, she had burned a partial CD of photos she thought would be suitable for their project.

The musical ring tone of her mobile shook her from her thoughts and when she answered it she heard Maddy’s cheery voice.

“Drew? Ya wanna go to Sheff tomorrow? The others are coming.”

“Yeah … I guess,” Gaby unenthusiastically replied.

“We’ll get the 9:30 bus, then. I’ll let the others know. See ya tomorrow!” Maddy enthused.

“I’ll be there … night, Mad,” Gaby softly replied. She still wasn’t sure what Maddy was feeling.

“Night Drew,” Maddy sweetly echoed.

As Gaby put down the phone, she realized that Drew would have to be the one to show up to go to the mall in Sheffield with the others. Except for Ally, she hadn’t told the others, so as far as they would be concerned, why would Gaby still be around?

Since she was seeing Maddy, she thought it best to put the burned CD in Drew’s jacket, just in case she forgot to pick it up in the morning.

“Mum…” Gaby called out. “We got a problem … Maddy called…”

“Best be back here all the earlier to bring my daughter back, then! We’ve a 4:30 appointment … so let’s say … be back here by 3:00 PM, okay?”

Next morning saw Gaby up bright and early, determined that she wasn’t going to be rushed and that Drew would appear for the trip to the mall – at least on the surface.

She deliberately decided to go full Drew-mode by wearing one of his long-sleeved shirts, jeans and his trainers. After she put her hair back into a low pony, she secured it by a single hair elastic and with a final inspection in her full-length mirror, she went to her parent’s room.

“How do I look, Mum?”

“You look fine … umm … Drew. It’s a bit unusual to see a boy with a pony-tail that long … but not unknown … certainly not after the hair I saw on some of the men while in America. Oh … don’t forget your fingers,” Jenny pointed out with a smile.

“Mummm,” Gaby whined.

“Relax, sweetheart! Your hair is okay … an’ we’ll fix up your nails in no time!” Jenny reassured Gaby as she reached across for her nail polish remover. In a minute or two, Drew was ready to meet the ‘gang’ once more.

“Remember … 3PM!” Jenny called after Gaby as she ran down the stairs and headed for the door.

“Okay … bye, Mum!” Gaby called back.

She knew she was a bit behind schedule, but felt if she moved quickly, Drew would make it to the bus stop on time. As it was, she made it there just as the bus was pulling up and saw that the rest of the ‘gang’ had already queued up to get on. For some reason, she wasn’t surprised to see Mfawny in a skirt, waiting in line with the rest of the kids.

“How come you’re late Drew?” Maddy asked as he jogged up to join the others.

After thinking fast and coming up with a plausible reason for Maddy’s benefit, Gaby decided to quickly change the subject and asked Ally about her arm. Maddy promptly tried to change the topic of conversation back to the task at hand – shopping, but with mixed success. The remaining time on the bus was spent with everyone catching up on the previous day’s events.

“What about you, Gabs?” Ally asked when she didn’t join the others in telling what they did yesterday

“We’re getting off soon … I’ll tell you on the next bus,” Gaby replied. She thought it ironic, but after all the effort she put into having Drew appear, Ally correctly calls her Gaby and no one even takes notice.

Once they changed buses, Em enthusiastically took over the questioning and Gaby proceeded to give them an abridged and heavily edited version of visiting Caro and the morning ride with her Mum. It also occurred to her that Maddy had been unusually quiet as if something was bothering her.

Standing at the mall entrance, Gaby discreetly checked her watch and noted she had a whole three hours before she had to leave.

It was in the main concourse, crowded with shoppers and students enjoying the half-term break that Gaby and the others suddenly realized both Ally and Maddy were very nervous of their surroundings. Only when Ally jumped at a loud ‘bang’ did things register and memories of the shooting in Washington came flooding back. Maybe it was because Gaby was running on adrenalin the day of the shooting that she hadn’t really noticed what effect it’d had on her cousin until they heard the sudden noise. As soon as Maddy heard it she went pale, the memories of the shooting still fresh in her mind.

They quickly made the decision to head for a quiet lunch to let both girls calm down a bit. Once seated, a few I-told-you-so’s were directed at Maddy for thinking that Ally was ready to handle this. In the end, they decided to abandon their shopping plans and head back home, even if it meant taking the slow bus back.

“You’re back early. I didn’t expect you for some time yet,” a surprised Jenny commented.

“Yeah … well … it was too early for Ally … memories of her shooting an’ all. At the time, I didn’t realize how upset Maddy was by the whole thing. She had a hard time in the mall as well,” Gaby explained.

“Well … you did say Maddy saw it. I imagine that left quite an impression.”

“I guess…”

“Give them time, Kiddo … now, pop upstairs and return my daughter … if you’ll be so kind,” Jenny asked Gaby as she headed for the stairs.

“An’ put on something nice!” Jenny called after her.

“I always do!” Gaby allowed as she hit the stairs.

“I know,” Jenny thoughtfully whispered into an empty room while smiling to herself. When Gaby reappeared, Jenny was quite pleased with how she looked.

“We have time before we need to be at Dr. Sanwari’s office … care to stop in at Carol’s for a bit?”

“Um … not really. Maddy doesn’t know about me, ‘member? That’s why Drew went out this morning.”

“Who does know? I don’t want to say anything I shouldn’t … to the wrong people, I mean.”

“Lessee … there’s … us … Gran … Uncle John … Auntie Carol … Fran ... umm … Miss Cowlishaw … Mr. Pilling … Mr. Woods … Mrs. Johnston … Miss Bell … Erin … Caro … and Ally.”

“You sure you haven’t forgotten anyone?”

“Uh uh.”

“How about the rest of your friends?”

“Like Jules told ya … they’ve changed. All things considered … I don’t know how they’d react … ‘specially Mad! For all I know … she’d blab it all over the school just to see me squirm.”

“I take it you’ve no plans to let your school mates in on this either.”

Gaby admitted she never really gave it much thought other than what Jules already mentioned. If they were going to move after a short time, she didn’t think it would be to her advantage to let everyone know.

“Okay … but that leaves you with two choices. Either we try to come up with some kind of story that would hopefully explain Gaby’s appearance and Drew’s disappearance … or … Drew continues to go to school until we move…” Jenny pointed out. “…It’s that … or tell everyone about Gaby.”

(sigh) “I was hoping I wouldn’t have worry about changing between Drew an’ Gaby any more … but … I think he’ll have to stick around for a little while longer, Mum…” Gaby reluctantly admitted.

“At most, it’s only for one term. You can always be my daughter when school’s not in,” Jenny cheerfully offered.

“Besides, look at it this way … it really wouldn’t be any different from before, except this time you’d be pretending to be Drew … and only when you’re at school.” Gaby gave in with a shrug of her shoulder and a warm hug from her mother.

“C’mon, dear … grab your bag and coat. We should get a move on or we’ll be late for our appointment … we can always sit down and talk more about this later.”

Gaby observed one of life’s mysteries first hand. The ease that one finds a parking space is inversely proportional to the urgency to find one! After what seemed like a prolonged struggle and a few muttered words, Jenny finally found a space within reasonable walking distance to Dr. Sanwari’s clinic.

Upon exiting the lift, they soon made their way to the reception desk.

“May I help you, m’am?” asked the young lady at the desk.

“Jenny and Gaby Bond to see Dr. Sanwari. We have a 4:30 appointment,” Jenny replied.

“I’ll let him know you’re here. You can hang your coats in the closet and take a seat. The Nursing Sister should call you shortly,” the receptionist told Jenny. After a short wait they were both called and shown to his office.

“Hello, Jenny … Drew?” Dr. Sanwari greeted both his patients although he wasn’t concerned about Jenny today. Noting Gaby’s appearance, he calmly turned to her and asked, “Or should I now be referring to you by another name?”


“A pleasure to meet you, Gaby. I can see a lot of your mother in you.”

“Thank you…”

Once Jenny and Gaby were seated, he took his own seat behind his desk.

“There’re two reasons I asked you to come in this afternoon.”

“Yes?” Jenny politely urged. After a brief pause, he began.

“I wanted to discuss the process surrounding Gaby’s birth certificate.” Dr. Sanwari glanced over to Gaby as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on this desk.

“I’ll have to fax this in to the Registrar General’s Office (indicating a pre-printed form) and arrange a meeting with them … but … because of her being assigned the incorrect gender at birth … I don’t see a problem in her obtaining a new birth certificate with the correct birth gender … along with a name change to something more gender appropriate ... if desired.”

Settling back into his plush, high-backed chair, Dr. Sanwari again looked over to Gaby.

“I take it from your earlier comment, Gaby … that you do intend to change your name … correct?”

“Yes,” Gaby quietly replied.

“Good … I’ll make sure I indicate that in my submission. I’m quite confident that I’ve got all the supporting documentation the RGO requires … but … what I do still need, Jenny … is your authorization to proceed, since Gaby is only 14 … and from you, young lady … I’ll need the correct spelling of the name you wish to have appear on your new birth certificate.”

He then passed the authorization form to Jenny, for both to sign.

“I’ll fax this in within the hour and phone the RGO on Monday to confirm my appointment with them. I also want to check if Gaby and possibly both you and your husband … will be required to attend. I’m told any changes to Gaby’s birth certificate will also include any supporting documentation to those changes, for your records. Any questions thus far?”

“What supporting documentation?” Gaby inquired.

“Essentially it’s an official letter saying your new birth certificate is legal and directing all your existing documentation under your old name and gender, be amended,” Dr. Sanwari explained.

“We’ll have to show it at the school and your bank, before they can change your records…” Jenny mentioned to Gaby. “Also we’ll need it to apply for a new passport.”

“An’ British Cycling!” Gaby quickly added.

“An’ British Cycling…” Jenny parroted with a grin.

The good Doctor could virtually see the excitement building in Gaby as the appointment continued.

“You mentioned that you had two reasons to see us, Doctor…” Jenny recalled.

“Yes … the second reason is to discuss Gaby’s ‘corrective’ surgery,” Dr. Sanwari revealed.

“If Gaby were diagnosed as transsexual … she’d have to wait until at least 18 before any Sexual Reassignment Surgery could be performed. However … as she’s intersexed … the rules we doctor’s have to follow are somewhat different. In such a case, we’re allowed to perform ‘corrective’ surgery at any age … with the appropriate permission of course … and I somehow don’t see that as being a problem, here.”

“What do you mean by ‘corrective’ surgery?” Jenny questioned.

“In the case of an intersexed child … any surgery required to bring that child closer to a ‘normal’ appearance for their desired gender is considered ‘corrective’ as opposed to SRS.”

“In Gaby’s case … it simply means that she can have whatever passes for her ‘male genitalia’ removed and her vagina opened up at any time. Considering that nature is saying that she’s female and going through a normal puberty … for a developing girl … I urge you to do it as soon as possible, before her monthly cycle becomes a problem.”

When Jenny mentioned they would be moving to Germany in the foreseeable future, the doctor suggested that getting it done under the NHS before they left the country would be prudent. After he examined Gaby, he further explained details of both the surgery and post surgical treatment.

“Why don’t you take a couple of days digest all this and then let me know your plans,” Dr. Sanwari offered.

“In a couple of days, then … thank you, doctor...” Jenny beamed as she glanced over at her daughter.

Back home, Dave was brought up to speed with the news of their meeting with the good doctor. Gaby surprised both her parents by being quite enthusiastic about getting the surgery done as soon as she could.

“I spoke to George this morning and told him that I’ve decided to accept his job offer.”

“That’s great … what did Frank say?”

“I told him of the new job and that we would be moving to Germany ... but because we don’t have a firm time-line yet, I didn’t give my official notice ... Frank understood and told me he wasn’t looking forward to the day I would be making things official.”

At George’s request, Dave arranged with Frank to get a couple of days off the following week, so he could meet with him and work out all the details. It was also arranged that Dave would use Jenny’s apartment while he was there. Finally, he assured Gaby he’d be home for her 14th birthday!

“Any idea of when we might move Dad?” Jules asked as she walked in on the last of the conversation.

“By the time I officially let Frank know and then work my notice. (sigh) It’ll probably be a few weeks yet … around Easter possibly. The timing of the move depends on how things work out with your sister,” Dave replied, turning to look at Jules.

Later that evening, Gaby was on the phone.

“Hi, Mad. Want to get together tonight and spend some time on this photo journal we’re supposed to come up with? I’ve already sorted through my photos and burned the better ones onto a CD.”

If she agreed, Gaby knew that it was Drew that would be going over to Chez Peters.

“Okay. I just have to help with the washing-up then I’ll be right over … laters … bye.”

As Gaby put down the phone, Jenny gave her a puzzled look. “You finished washing-up!”

“Maddy doesn’t know that. It was all I could think of to buy me some time. Drew has to get ready!”

“You get ready and I’ll drive you over. I can visit with Carol while you’re there,” Jenny offered.

About a half an hour later, Drew was with Maddy at her computer, both kids busily sorting out the many photos they had accumulated in the States. Maddy had quite a bit more to sort through than her cousin had when she burned the CD, but they both narrowed them down to a manageable lot. It soon became apparent they had an unforeseen problem that they’d have to consult with Fran on. It seems while the photos showed all the kids, Drew and Rhod were noticeably absent in any and all the photos even though as far as the rest of the school was concerned, they were on the trip. It turned out that there was an abundance of photos showing Gaby and Em, though! To be truthful, Rhod did show up on three or four taken on the return flight.

Miss Cowlishaw would have to give this some deep thought.

“Waddya mean you haven’t thought about a party? … You gotta have a party!” Maddy insisted.

“I never really thought about it … maybe I’ll ask Mum later and see what she says.” Drew said rather unenthusiastically as they saved their work and went to find their mothers.

“You two finished already?” Carol asked as the two kids sauntered into the lounge.

“We have to ask Miss Cowlishaw about something on Monday,” Maddy replied.

“Mum?” Gaby quietly asked.

“What do you want, kiddo?” Jenny cheerfully replied.

“You think I can have a small party for my birthday … just the ‘gang’ … an’ maybe a couple of others?” Gaby wondered.

“I don’t know, darling … I may be feeling better as time goes on … but I don’t really know if I’m up to taking on a birthday party,” Jenny said, apologetically. Both ladies saw the sparkle in Gaby’s eyes fade as she heard her mother’s answer.

Drew could have it here, Jen…”

“Really? … Mum?”

“You sure, Carol?”

“Positive.” Turning to Gaby she laid down a proviso for the party. “I’ll put a guest limit on this, though … just to keep it manageable. No more than … say … twelve … okay?”

“Twelve it is!” Gaby enthused.

Following a bit more discussion, the concept of a simple party birthday morphed into a dinner party with Gaby’s request for one of Carol’s spag bols. After another tea, Jenny and Drew said their goodnights.

“Maddy seemed okay tonight,” Jenny mentioned as they got into the car.

“She’s got her moments. If you noticed, she was rather ‘distant’ tonight,” Gaby dryly commented.

“Explain.” Jenny was curious at Gaby’s last statement.

“Well … before the trip, we were close … like … boyfriend/girlfriend … even when I was Gaby. Come to think of it, especially when I was Gaby!” Jenny couldn’t help but notice the dream-like grin that crossed her daughter’s face.

“Go on…” Jenny urged.

“Now, when she’s nice an’ I’m Drew … we’re … ‘just cousins’ … an’ being me is out of the question because Mad hates Gaby for some reason.” Gaby’s voice faded with obvious disappointment and heartbreak.

“That different, huh?”

“Like Jekyll an’ Hyde!”

“Oh….” Jenny softly exclaimed.

“Mum? You’re a girl, right?”

“Having doubts?” Jenny joked.

“Mummm!” Gaby whinned.

“Sorry … you had a question?” Jenny replied with a smirk.

“I don’t understand Mad … why would she hate Gaby? I’ve done nothing to her,” Gaby lamented.

Jenny heard the anguish in her daughter’s voice.

“Let’s continue this in the house, okay? From what you said, I might have an idea,” she suggested as they turned into their close and pulled up behind the van.

Once inside the house, Jenny took Gaby into the kitchen and sat her at the table. Armed with two teas, she soon joined her daughter.

“Let’s see…” Jenny thoughtfully pondered as she stared at her tea cup.

“According to men … women are complex and emotional creatures … which is true enough. Sometimes we don’t even know ourselves … let alone understand why another woman reacts or thinks as she does,” Jenny thoughtfully offered.

“First … is it possible she’s jealous of you and feels threatened when she’s in your company.”

“Why? She didn’t before we went to the States … an’ she was always finding ways to be close to Gaby … kissing an’ things…”

“And things? Better hold that thought, kiddo…” Jenny playfully smirked. Not wishing to get too far off track, she quickly became serious again.

“Now … I only took a semester of Psych in university … so, I’m no expert … don’t hold this as gospel … but you hinted Maddy showed you more affection when you were Gaby … before you went on your trip … right?”

“Yeah.” Gaby was wondering where her mum was taking this.

“Okay … now hear me out before you say anything. Jules told us that for-whatever reason … prejudice or peer pressure … the kids in Grottoes made you a social outcast because they saw you as a lesbian … even before you arrived. So, it stands to reason that your life-style was thought of by some as ‘just wrong’.” Gaby nodded her understanding.

“It's just possible that Maddy and the others picked up on the feelings of some of the American kids as a result of spending six-weeks closely interacting and living with these same kids … but since no one knew Maddy was your girlfriend, they didn’t treat her with the same contempt as they did you...” Jenny paused for a moment to let that register before she continued. “You agree with that?”

“I guess…”

“I’m simply suggesting that over a period of time, those ideas were unconsciously accepted … or partially accepted … by your friends … and they began treating you as their American friends did.”

“They were brainwashed?” Gaby asked in surprise.

“I guess that’s one way to look at it … but it wasn’t intentional … it just happened...” Jenny theorized. “...but now that your friends are away from the influence of the American kids, I bet you'd see they'd accept Gaby the way they always had … look at Ally.”

“How 'bout Mad? She still hates Gaby,” Gaby wondered.

“Maddy? I dunno. I'm not saying that that's her problem ... it could also be something else, entirely ... but from your account, it's clear that something is troubling her. You’ve told me that her relationship with Drew and Gaby had changed since going to Virginia ... right?” Jenny looked at Gaby as she slowly nodded her agreement.

“Well ... a few times she was nice to Gaby … like before … but that never lasted,” Gaby added.

“I wish I could tell you what her problem is, but all we know for sure is that something happened while you were in the States and now she’s torn between despising Gaby and wanting to continue a relationship with her. Poor girl must be having a real fight within herself.” She paused while Gaby was obviously thinking about what she was just told.

“I’m sure she’ll come around in time, like your other friends … but you might have to step back until she does.

“What if she decides that she doesn’t want me? (sniff) I don’t want to loose her.”

“She has to resolve this herself … and you’re just going to have to accept the outcome … no matter how painful it is to you.” Jenny saw her daughter’s eyes tearing up at the slightest suggestion that she’ll loose Maddy for good.

“Not the best outcome, I know. You really can’t get her out of your heart, can you?”

“No ... (sniff) I love her, Mum…” Gaby quietly confided.

“That’s one part of my son that’s not going away … is it?” Jenny lovingly whispered as Gaby embraced her mum.

“Are you mad at me?” Gaby softly asked.


“For loving another girl…”

“No, dear. Both your father and I love you, no matter who you chose to love. Never forget that…” Jenny stroked her daughter’s hair as Gaby openly cried on her mum’s shoulder.

Much later, Jenny turned out the lights as she slowly escorted her red-eyed daughter up to her own bed. Immersed in a feeling of déjà vu, she felt at peace as she helped her get ready for bed before crawling off to join Dave.

The following morning at breakfast, Dave informed the kids that he was coming home from work early and as he was leaving for Germany early Monday morning, they’d be spending the weekend at their Gran’s since it would be the last time the entire family would be together for a while. The plan was to leave not long after he got home.

“Pack your cycling kit dear,” Jenny called out to Gaby as she walked past her bedroom door.

“Taking yours Mum?”


“Kewel!” Gaby exclaimed as she rushed into her closet and reached for her Apollinaris skins.

Jenny also reminded both girls to pack something nice, since they were planning to have at least one nice dinner out.

The rest of the day started normal. Jules went off with Charlie and Anna andDrew spent time hanging out with the 'gang' at Mfawny's, challenging each other to PS2 games. Even with one good arm and the other one supported, Ally was still unbeatable on the F1 circuit! Whenever she wasn’t involved in the games or idle conversation with one of the ‘gang’, Gaby was in deep thought trying to sort out just how the others had changed. Every time Drew looked at Em, she wondered how Rhod could possibly attend school on Monday. He clearly wasn’t in the room with the other kids.

When it came to Maddy, he had to try really hard not to take her aside and talk to her. Ally even quietly told Gaby the same thing her mum did, to give her time and that she’d eventually come around. Gaby wondered if the others could see it, why couldn’t Maddy?

By mid-afternoon she couldn’t take it anymore and using her upcoming weekend visit to her Gran’s as an excuse, Drew finally made her good-byes and walked out. When she arrived back home, Gaby saw that her dad had transferred the rooftop ‘bike carriers’ from the van to the car and was in the process of securing the bikes into their cradles.

“Hi, Pet … you’re back early,” Dave cheerfully greeted.

“I felt like I didn’t belong anymore,” Gaby intoned. Upon hearing his daughter, Dave was at a loss for words. He immediately stopped what he was doing and turned around to give her a long and loving hug.

“I assumed since your Mum’s taking her bike … you are as well ... right?” Dave cheerfully tried to change the subject.

“Uh huh … when we going?” Gaby flatly asked as she was taking the elastic out of her hair.

“Since both you and your sister are back, I guess we might as well get a jump on traffic and leave earlier than we planned. I’ll give your mum about another half hour then we’ll have something light for tea before getting on the road,” Dave explained. “I wouldn’t put it past Gran to have something a bit more substantial waiting for us when we get there.”

Dave kept things on a reasonable schedule, rousting Jenny, making tea, getting everyone organized and the car packed. Despite early preparations, they got away at about the same time as planned. During the trip, Jules contented herself by listening to her CD player with her headphones while Jenny sat in the back beside her and occasionally slept. Except for a short conversation when they started out, Dave and Gaby were pre-occupied in their own thoughts for most of the drive.

A lot had happened to the family in recent weeks and to Gaby in particular. Taking advantage of the silence, she thought about what her mother had said while repeatedly replaying the events of the last couple of months with the ‘gang’, hoping to find what went wrong and why Maddy had changed.

“Princess...” Dave later started to say something, glancing at his daughter only to find she had succumbed to sleep as well. “Never mind.”

As they pulled into Jenny’s mum’s, Josy was waiting at the door and as Dave suggested, she had made a stew, complete with dumplings. Table conversation centred on the trip to Virginia, with the two girls doing most of the talking. Both girls made sure they told Gran a more carefree version of the trip.

After they helped with the washing-up despite their Gran’s objections, both girls acknowledged a lack of sleep and said their ‘good-nights’ to the ‘olds.

“It’ll be an early morning, kiddo! I want to get in a ride before we go to Wrexham,” Jenny reminded Gaby.

After the kids went upstairs, Josy gave them a chance to fall asleep before turning the attention back to her daughter.

“Seems like those two had a lot of fun in America. Shame I didn’t get the real story … did I? Too much eye contact between those two … like they were checking with each other. Is there something I should know?”

Jenny and Dave looked at each other for a minute or two, in silence, before Dave broke the silence.

“I guess they didn’t want to put a damper on the night, but you’re right … there is a lot more to it.” Dave’s voice was quiet, yet serious.

Together, they gave Jenny’s mum a summary of the talk Jules had given them, right down to the failed suicide attempt. When they finished, Josy sat in silence for a few minutes and then with moist eyes staring off at nothing in particular, she managed to whisper, “Thank you for telling me.”

After a while, they turned in as well, or at least Dave and Josy did. Jenny had gone to bed shortly after telling her mother about Gaby’s ‘progress’ with Dr. Sanwari.

Next morning, Jenny kept her promise of an early morning call for Gaby. Their morning ride to Nantwich started in the early low-lying mist that was a feature of the area. Starting out on decent roads towards Audlem, they turned towards Whitechurch before Jenny decided she’d use her intimate knowledge of the area to lead Gaby down some very narrow lanes to Ightfield.

“I thought we were going to Whitechurch…” Gaby stated as she pulled opposite her mum.

“Short cut,” Jenny offered. “I used to take this all the time when I was a lot younger.”

Gaby was glad to see her mum was finally enjoying herself. Jenny had a grin plastered on her face that would make the Cheshire cat envious!

“Rounding Wrenbury and with a few miles back to her mum’s place, Jenny decided to see what she had and upped the pace with a sprint to Ravensmoor. She clearly wasn’t up to her old form with Gaby narrowly edging her out, but it was a very satisfied Jenny that rode up to her mum’s door.

The drive to Wrexham was predictable, complete with a detour to Beeston Castle. Strangely, Jules didn’t offer too much by way of a protest. Dave was already taking mental stock of all the German castles that would soon become available to him. Once in town, the shopping excursion was uneventful but a nice change of pace for all. That evening Josy treated them to a proper dinner at one of the better eateries in Nantwich to celebrate Dave’s job and Gaby’s birthday.

Sunday’s rain cancelled a repeat ride for Gaby and Jenny so the family settled for an improvised trip to Hurleston Locks on the Shropshire Canal, followed by a big lunch back at Josy’s and a quiet afternoon in front of the telly.

Before going home, Gran presented Gaby with an envelope for her birthday and later cornered Jules in her room, as she was packing.

“Jules … the other night ... I felt there was something you and your sister weren’t telling me .... so, after you two turned in I asked your mum and dad to tell me the real story. I’m so proud of you Juliette!”

Gran’s voice was quiet and by the time she finished, she was on the verge of tears as she gathered Jules into a long hug.

“She’s my lil’ sister, Gran. With all she was going through … how could I just look away? She needed me … an’ like Mr. Walter’s said … I was all she had. I guess wot I did, just wasn’t good ‘nuff … it was pure luck that I caught her when I did.” Jules whispered into her grandmother’s ear as she returned the embrace.

“You did all you could do and because you cared enough to check on her … I have both of my granddaughters here with me,” Josy softly replied through trembling lips.

Later, as Dave and the family left to return to Warsop, they were looking to the next day with mixed feelings. It was another quiet ride with each of them wrapped up in their own thoughts of the coming day.

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To Be Continued...

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