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Chapter Two
Lester In Lavender
Lester closed his eyes. He had told his worst truths and instead of being cast off was drawn closer. He was happier than he had ever been.
But, Lester knew happiness was like a struck match. A quick, bright flame burns hot and bright but extinguishes quickly. Experiencing joy or pleasure in brief, fleeting moments only to vanish altogether, crushed under the dreariness of his mundane existence.
Today, Lester sensed that something different might have transpired. Instead of humiliation and rejection, Lester stood in the doorway of something new. He felt the breeze from an open window.; the sun shined on his face and into his heart; Lester had met someone who embraced him knowing his shortcomings.
He had stripped himself naked both figuratively and literally. In baring his soul, a goddess had embraced him. She had gathered him in her arms and expressed pleasure in discovering Lester. He had not felt so happy since he was young.
Lester learned early how different he was from others. He observed that differences are disliked in society. As he progressed through those formative years, he understood that the hive mentality rejects challenges to the status quo. Conformity was embraced and anyone who didn’t walk in lock step was viewed as a threat. Threatening people had to be driven out and destroyed.
It wasn’t his fault that he was odd. Lester was slow to develop physically. His mind grew quickly and knew all the academic answers. But, being too smart was also a threat to the system. Lester learned the hard way through mockery and ridicule to tamp down his eagerness to please the teacher. By appearing to be less, he briefly gained acceptance. But it was short lived.
Lester didn’t develop at a reasonable rate. While his peers were going through puberty, he seemed to have frozen in place. The gym class locker room became a nightmare. Classmates were eager to show off their changing genitalia and flaunt sprouting pubic hair. And Lester was teased about his undeveloped body. Lester waited for his turn. His pediatrician called him a late bloomer. But the blooming never happened.
He watched as the boys in his class grew into men and were gifted with muscles and height. The giggling, little girls grew ripe and lush with feminine beauty. Lester was not a late bloomer, he was a non-bloomer.
He learned to hide those differences with thicker soles on his shoes for added height and heavier clothing to bulk him out. He tried to camouflage his differences by wearing drab colors. He was so self-conscious, he wanted to disappear. Lester was learning to hate the world he was stuck in.
If it wasn’t for his daily escape, Lester knew he’d explode.
Every afternoon, he’d endure the school bus ride home to an empty house where a crock pot was the only sign of life. The comforting smells would envelop him as he walked through the front door and down the basement to the laundry room. Since everybody else worked until late, It seemed fitting that he should perform a share of household chores.
Lester was responsible for all the family’s laundry. He sorted, ran the washer and dryer, hung clothes up, then ironed and folded. He learned quickly how to separate by colors and fabrics. He learned which clothes needed different washing temperatures and treatment. This became his world.
He did well, filling drawers and closets with fresh smelling, clean clothes. He was praised for his efforts. He was rewarded. He was accepted and appreciated.
In all the other worlds, he was still considered a freak. He was only five foot six inches tall and slight. He was used to being bullied and treated badly in school.
His home was safe. Lester never grew much taller and didn’t develop like his peers. He was stuck and sadly even his older sisters and mother looked down on him in their high heels.
His world was their basement. He had developed a routine that provided comfort. Each day, he’d walk down the steps into the cinder block walls and concrete floors, where the light shined in from high casement windows. His drying racks and clotheslines waited. Lester would strip off all his clothes and carefully fold and hang up them up. Then he would begin his routine.
No one arrived home to this working household before six o’clock. Until then, he was alone in his own world. Lester would start with undergarments. He had a world to choose from. Both his mother’s and sister’s lightly soiled bras and panties waited to be washed. And to his joy and comfort, he had colors and styles to mix and match. Each day was filled with a multitude of delightful choices.
Before he would start to sort the dirty laundry into his different baskets, Lester would choose his outfit of the day. His hands rapidly combed through the piles of yesterday’s clothing as he searched out the right outfit to wear.
He’d find a piece of clothing and search for its mate. Once he was successful, he would hold them up for his inspection. He’d caress the fabric against his cheek inhaling the scent. And then he’d start to get dressed in his choice of lingerie.
He took his time dressing, sliding fabrics up over his smooth and hairless skin. Once he had his lingerie on, he got out his true prize. His oldest sister had gone to many weddings as a bride’s maid. She had a collection of dyed to match the dress pumps that she swore she’d never wear again.
One day, she cleaned out her closets and threw them all in a box for the trash. These were Lester’s salvaged prize, four-inch stilettos in red, black, navy, lavender, and pink.
Today, Lester was in lavender. He wore his sister’s panties, a matching lace cup underwire, softly padded B-cup bra, and his prized high heels. He stood tall and proud as he modeled in front of the full-length mirror he had installed himself on the back of the powder room door.
He inhaled deeply catching whiffs of his sister’s perfume, lotion, moisturizer, and deodorant. He proudly turned, admiring his long legs and slender body. He relaxed and began to work. For the next two hours, he washed, dried, ironed, and folded. He did his homework and read in the warmth of his inner sanctum.
Lester found comfort in lingerie. He felt peace and contentment. There were few sexual stirrings. There were rare moments of masturbation or release. Lester valued his solitude by imagining this was his life, his role.
At five thirty each day, Lester would disrobe and add the beautiful underwear to tomorrow’s basket to hand wash and air dry. He would return into his school clothes and tote the clean laundry upstairs to put away in closets and drawers.
At that moment, his phone rang interrupting an interlude where time had stopped. He had been hypnotized by Matilda’s finery. He found himself on his knees worshipping a beautiful living goddess come down to earth. But, now, the insistent squeal of the company phone interrupted his reminder of the celebrated part of his youth. He guessed who it was. He looked at Matilda for permission, and she nodded her tacit acceptance.
He scrambled over and located the offending device. He extracted it from where all his clothes remained scattered on the floor. He had undressed right in front of Matilda, the matriarch of custom lingerie, when she strolled out from her bedroom in seamed stockings, three-inch stilettos, a garter belt, the breathtakingly gorgeous Merry Widow and the matching thong.
Now he stood naked, pulling his phone from his pants pocket. He held the phone in his hand. It was his boss, the CEO of General Foods Products, Adelajda Novak. Lester had a confused moment. He wanted to run away and hide in the basement where no one could find him. He wanted to feel safe and free.
Instead, he bravely answered. “Yes, sir.”
“Rollins, Adelajda Novak here. I need to talk to you. Are you there with the woman or can you talk?”
“Give me a moment, sir.” Lester looked up into the eyes of Matilda.
Matilda smiled. She nodded and pointed to another door in the suite located directly across from her bedroom. Lester walked quickly through that door assuming it would be a bathroom, but instead it was another bedroom. He realized he was still naked as he glanced in the large mirror by the doorway and the en suite bath. He ducked into the smaller room, lifted the lid, and sat.
Lester had always seen his mother and sister sit on the toilet and grew up thinking that was the way. His father was a cipher. Until he was in school and walked into a boys room, he never knew he had an alternative. It was a cultural shock when he saw others pulling out their members and urinating in a porcelain fixture that seemed to be designed for that purpose. Imbued with this new cultural knowledge, he still chose to open a stall door and sit on the toilet.
He made himself comfortable and took advantage of the toilet to release a stream into the bowl water. “Yes sir, I can talk openly, sir.”
“What’s her mood, Rollins. Are we going to have a deal?”
Lester smiled. It was the first time he’d ever had a conversation with Adelajda Novak while using the toilet. It was also the first time he’d had a conversation with him naked. “Yes, sir, we will.”
“How sure are you, Rollins?”
Lester Rollins knew there was no going back. He had become the samurai ronin. Lester now had no master. He bravely spoke. “I’m betting my job on it, aren’t I?”
Adelajda Novak didn’t even hesitate. “Damn fuckin’ right, Rollins. Your job hangs by a thread. You succeed or don’t return.
“But, I can’t believe that I need you here, too. I depend on you, Rollins and unfortunately I can’t clone you. Who’s here in your department to give me financial advice? Who is handy Who can I use while you are on this assignment?”
Lester was done using the toilet and reached for a tissue. He dried the head of his penis carefully. He stood up, but waited to flush.“I have two great assistants who do a fine job, sir. Either of them could step into my position tomorrow.”
“But, your assistants are women, Rollins. Am I right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I don’t take advice from a woman, Rollins. I’m old school. I’m not some liberal pansy who thinks women are his equal. I need to talk to someone with balls. When you get back here, you find me a guy to talk to, right?”
“Yes, Sir” Lester heard the phone disconnect. He flushed the toilet and washed his hands carefully. He walked back into the living room.
Matilda had sat down on the couch. She smiled and crossed her legs. “Was that our new friend, Adelajda Novak?”
“Was he concerned that I would back out of the contract?”
Lester nodded, “Yes, very concerned. He wants Matilda’s cachet. He’s banking on it.”
Matilda sighed. “Yes, I know. He wants to open one hundred mall stores and call them Matilda’s. He wants to sell his vastly cheaper, shoddy material under my name.”
Lester looked up and into her eyes. “Yes, that’s correct. How long have you known?”
“I knew the day he called you into his office and told you he wanted a month’s worth of research done on my company. I knew the day he told you he wanted to buy me out.”
Lester looked at Matilda with more respect. He wondered who told her. “And you didn’t try to stop him?”
He looked her in the eyes as his mind examined the possibilities. “Did you want to liquidate?”
Matilda smiled. “Oh, yes. I get offers frequently to buy out my business. But most bidders want my help running the company. They want to continue the traditions I worked hard to establish. But, your boss was just buying the name. Imagine, he just paid one hundred million dollars for my name. And now he doesn’t even want the catalogs.”
Matilda realized Lester was still standing there in front of her, naked yet smiling. “Come here, Lester. Sit on my lap, and I will tell my plans for the future.”
Lester obediently went and sat on Matilda’s lap. He really sat on the couch right next to her with one leg straddling her. He was too much of a gentleman to plop down and crush her.
Matilda surprised him when she reached around his waist and lifted him into her arms and seated him sideways on her lap so that he was looking into her eyes. She pulled him in close so that he was crushed into her lingerie covered breasts. She smiled and took his chin in her hand. She held it with her thumb and forefinger. She kissed him on the lips.
Lester put his arms around her neck and kissed her back. As he did, her tongue pushed his mouth open and probed. Lester accepted her aggression and eagerly kissed her. His arms squeezed her neck and shoulders. He loved the way his skin felt as he touched the beautiful bustier and warm flesh.
Lester felt her hand reach down between his legs and grasp his member. She used her thumb and forefinger to pet the head. Shivers ran up from his groin to everywhere in his body, and he pushed himself closer to her. He felt Matilda’s free arm wrap around his waist and snuggle him in tightly. Lester was in heaven.
Matilda was using her tongue to stimulate him. She paused. “If I tell you my plans, you become my co-conspirator. You will have to honor all of my wishes and keep everything I say in confidence.
“I am starting up another business. It will have a different name, and we will have a much more diverse catalog to offer. We are going to feature men’s and women’s’ lingerie. I already have this year’s inventory ready. All the lingerie is completed and sitting in warehouses.
But, I am only an advisor to this new company. My son, Charli, is going to run the business. We just received a one hundred million dollar investment from your company to get us off the ground.
Matilda continued to kiss and pet Lester for a reasonable time before she lifted him off of her lap and took him by the hand. “We need to make ourselves more comfortable, Lester. It’s time that your mistress shows you how to please her.”
Lester held her hand and followed her into the bedroom. He was already feeling lightheaded with excitement...
to the reader,
Please take a look at my new novel on Amazon under my name, Claire M Drake called
Living My Fantasy, an erotic transgender story
there are a number of free chapters to look over
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Lester will, in my opinion,
Lester will, in my opinion, be wearing lingerie dresses, and heels before s/he knows it. Her life dream is going to answered in full.
thank you for writing
thanks for taking the time to write a comment; I don't know if I'm in the right place here; maybe my work is too edgy for the readers. Oh, well. I tried.
and now a shameless plug for my book on Amazon. If you go online, you can read several chapters for free. Its called
“Living My Fantasy: an erotic transgender story.” by Claire M Drake
A gentle Mistress
It's a sweet little tale and I don't see anything in it that would make it too eDgY for this site. It might never be THE most popular story here (some of us joke that there's a formula for that: A high school student who's determined to transition, falling in with a circle of quirky fun-loving girl pals and winding up a famous pop star or a supermodel), but Chapter One of Lester's odyssey under Matilda's tender loving guidance has racked up more kudos than my rambling oddball stories have ever managed to pull in. Stick around. There's always room for another accomplished writer here.
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
thank you
I won't tell you who directed me here, but she did say they were very kind to new writers. But, sometimes I really like being bad. I'm not big on hardcore but I like erotica so she said they might like my stuff. Thanks for writing and reassuring me. You know you don't want to make a bad impression or eat with the wrong fork or stuff like that.
So far, you definitely have my attention......
And I am eagerly awaiting more! Hopefully just as quickly as the second posting came out - but perhaps longer?
I am sure you will find plenty of readers more than happy to devour your work here.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
thank you
I'm working on it as I reply. Hopefully, Wednesday or Thursday.
I wonder if he’ll
I wonder if he’ll ask for a bonus from Novak and then asks Matilda if Charli could use two good accountants?
always interested in ideas
I'm writing this lazy style, one chapter at a time, so I really don't know where it's going. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
A new catalogue
and Charli is in charge? Crossdresser and TG- lingerie?
Sounds like fun for Lester as CFO.
Monique S
tv show
wasn't there a TV show called charles in charge? Do you remember the Fredricks of Hollywood catalogue?
I am German living in France.
I also spent some important time of my youth in an English Secondary Grammar School. But apart form coronation Street, East Enders (those my 'guest mother' watched) and The Avengers (with Patrick Mcnee and Diana Rigg) as well as Monty Python and (the only American one) Sesame Street, I do not know any TV series.
Oh, right, I am lying. The Prisoner, too, and Faulty Towers, but that one I already only know a couple of episodes of.
On German TV there was Raumpatrouille (can be found on youtube), but I only watched the Rockpalast concert broadcasts, as by then I was working for those festivals, later. German telly was all things like Bonanza and stuff I never was even remotely interested in.
So, NO, I remember no Fredericks of Hollwood catalogue either. :-(
Nevertheless I like where this is going. Role reversal through consent. win-win for all.
Monique S
Yer yanking my chain!
So, NO, I remember no Fredericks of Hollwood catalogue either. :-(
Girl..., there are only two answers to that sacrilegious statement.
1: you still need your parents permission to stay out past ten
2: you're an orphan and went into the convent at age three
I ordered a few items over the years from the catalogs they sent out every year. Dare I say a lot of the girls in those catalogs had a heck of a lot more curves than most high end models? With the sad material and quality of the generic designed Wally World clothes, I wish the catalogs like JCPenny, Sears, Montgomery Wards, and yes Fredricks were still an option to chose clothes from.
Hugs Doll
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
point of view
I find it fascinating that we come from such different worlds, yet we are the same person.
I have googled Little Feat and discovered a great Rockpalast concert while Lowell George was still alive and fronting the band,
these days, the internet is much to easy to order from; I think Matilda is an anachronism whose catalog has become an icon like the Sports Illustrated bathing suit issue, the Pirelli calendar, and maybe the original Victoria's Secret calendars.
They sound like a pretty good match. I'm wondering how bad his old boss would react if he showed up enfemme.
If you're not sure about the site just keep posting here, maybe post elsewhere at the same time and watch the reactions, just don't let them stop you from writing. I think you are off to a good start and I can't wait to see where you go from here.
Time is the longest distance to your destination.
thanks for the encouragement
I really appreciate you writing. That is very nice and I hope I don't disappoint.
Now, its time for another blatant mention of my book, Living My Fantasy: an erotic transgender story by Claire M Blake. It starts off a little slowly but picks up steam. There are some chapters to read there.
I would say FUN instead of
I would say FUN instead of EDGY. I love the cliffhanger too. If you are solicting ideas... I would love to meet Charli soon.
has met his mistress in business. This story will not end well for him.I really like this story.
Oh, No!
I don't know, Wendy Jean. I hate bad outcomes! Maybe I just shouldn't write the next part if it comes out bad for Lester! I'm just starting to relate to him (we write what we know).
Thanks for the compliment. I'm glad you are enjoying it.
Please take a look at my book online at Amazon and read some free chapters. It's called "Living My Fantasy, an erotic transgender story" by Claire M Drake. I use Vulcan mind control in Chapter Three which forces you to buy it!. (That's a lie. It's in Chapter One!).
I was hooked at the word 'Lingerie'
I love everything about this story. Please continue.
thank you
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you