Fast Update

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So after giving it some thought, I've decided that my current story---Burning Bright---will end its first part with ch.9. I've since updated the last chapter with a To Be Continued at the end. I always planned on the story being told in pieces. I can honestly say that I have no idea when the next part will be up though. Its one of those stories that my Muse felt very strongly about all the way through until I got to the end of Ch.9. I started Ch.10 and finished it more than once. Only to continue to stumble with where I wanted things to go from there. I've had a few people tell me they really liked where I took things, more than once. Sadly, I'm not at all happy with it.

So for now, its on the back burner until I can figure things out.

I also wanted to point out that both Just Roll With It and Just Keep Rolling are now off the site. I'm in the process of getting Roll With It ready to be put up on Amazon. Sadly I can't really afford to keep finished stories up here for free anymore because I desperately need the money.

Which leads me to the third thing I wanted to discuss. The future of things to come from me. I'm working on something new. I'm still in the early planning stages of it though. I will say that I was inspired by a few things---written and other wise. I'm a bit passionate about this one, so I'm hoping my Muse doesn't make me abandon it like so many before it. That being said, I'm not going to start publishing it until I know its finished. Taking a bit of a hiatus like I have has helped me discover a few things about my writing---things I plan to take to heart as I progress forward.

Here's hoping I won't take so long to get things rolling this time.


Muse stall and ideas on how to get it moving

i was just got done reading Burning Brightand I think theirs a way to bypass this clog and that's changing the point of reference like seeing the events unfold from another Character's POV just food for though...
