Rough Waters 1 - 'Beginnings'

Notes of a Journey Trilogy
Book 2
Rough Waters

Chapter 1 - 'Beginnings'

A Gaby FanFic by PB

Grottoes and D.C.- Who makes the trip and who doesn't.

This chapter contains guns, violence and possible character death. Some may find the direction this takes disturbing.


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Photo Credit: Provided by PB.

Chapter 1

“Well … that went well,” Debbie quietly observed.

“Yeah … I thought this was to be a bit of a party. Instead it had all the feeling of a ‘wake’ for the recently departed,” Jules replied as she was dabbing her eyes.

“Where’s Gaby and Brit?”

Looking around at the mix of American host families and their British guests, Debbie soon spotted her sister standing with several of the American kids and the ‘gang’.

“I see mine…”

“You get her, Deb … I see Gabs.”

While she was walking over to Gaby, Jules was aware that she was being watched as she passed ‘the gang’.

“Need I ask why you’re sittin’ over here by yourself an’ Brit’s back there with the others?”

It was a rhetorical question and both girls knew it. As Jules asked, it, she sat down in the booth beside Gaby and pulled her close, then began gently stroking her hair.

“Don’t worry, sis … it’s almost over,” Jules quietly murmured.

Gaby looked up at her sister and replied, just as quietly, “Is it? (sigh) C’mon …. I see Deb’s waiting with her parents.”

As the two girls joined the Walters, Britney reluctantly decided to detach herself from her friends and walk over to join her parents. Once outside in the parking lot, Jules and Debbie walked over to where her dad was already waiting by the car, while the other two followed Jocelyn to the Forester. As Gaby was stepping up into the SUV, she saw Em and Maddy both quickly look away from her as their eyes met hers. Ally saw the exchange and was puzzled by their actions. She thought back to Gaby’s recent comments about the ‘gang’ and although she agreed with her, she was at a loss to explain why they had drifted apart on the trip. She also knew that she felt a lot closer to Gaby, as a friend.

After arriving back at the Walters’ homestead, the four girls decided they’d get changed for bed and then get together in the bedroom Debbie and her sister shared, for a quiet talk and the unavoidable long good-byes. Jocelyn entered a short time later with a tray containing a large bowl of popcorn and four mugs of hot cider.

“Thought you girls could do with a bit of something to put a wee smile on those long faces.”

When she put the tray down on the dresser she added, “I know it’s a school day tomorrow, but considering the circumstances, we’ll forgo ‘lights out’.”

Following a chorus of ‘thank you’, Jocelyn left the room and closed the door to give the girls a bit of space.

As they went for the tray, Debbie broke the silence, directing her comment at both of the Bond girls.

“I’m gonna miss you guys sumpthin’ awful.”

“Me too,” Britney added in subdued tones.

Tears were in the eyes of all four of the girls as the two pair of sisters exchanged long hugs. It was only when Gaby pointed out that their cider was in danger of going cold that they turned their mutual attention back to their drinks.

As the evening wore on, the four reminisced about their time together, both in Warsop and in Grottoes. Jules couldn’t help but notice that when Debbie apologized to Drew for keeping him in skirts, Britney looked uncomfortable and averted her eyes downward while remaining quiet.

When asked about her visit, Gaby was uncharacteristically vague except when thanking Britney for introducing her to Erin. Later, Jules was very aware how uncomfortable it was for her sister when Debbie tried to ask her what she liked about the trip other than the cycling.

“Hold that thought … nature calls. Be right back.”

Gaby successfully evaded the question while she quietly excused herself as she got up to leave. After a period of time had elapsed since she left the room, it occurred to Jules that she hadn’t returned.

“I’ll be right back, guys … I’m just going to check if Gabs’ okay.”

“We’ll be here,” Debbie joked. As Jules shut the door, she turned on her sister.

“What’s wrong with you? Don’t think that Jules and I didn’t notice that you didn’t bother to apologize to Gaby … and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to see how that made her feel. Yer treating her like crap … an’ she’s done nothing to deserve that! You two really hit it off in Warsop, but here? Why the change? About the only times I've seen you act decent towards her, was whenever the two of you were in the house. Even tonight, you tried your best to spend as little time with her as possible … an’ I’m sure I’m not the only one who noticed! I’m surprised Gabs never said anything to their Miss Cowlishaw, Miss Bell or Mom!” Debbie sharply rebuked her sister.

Britney only looked down at the floor beside her bed and feeling her eyes moisten, turned away silently shaking her head.

As Jules approached ‘their’ room, she noticed the door was slightly ajar and the room was bathed in a soft light. Thinking Mrs. Walters turned on the small lamp between the beds and not hearing any obvious movement, she was about to turn around and leave when she heard what sounded like quiet sobs coming from within. Barefoot and on a carpeted floor, Jules silently entered the room.

While she didn’t immediately see her sister, she did notice the opened bathroom door. As she peered in, she noticed Gaby standing in front of the mirror, obviously concentrating upon the fistful of pills she was pouring in her hand.

Gaby, nooooo!” Jules shouted. She lashed out with her one hand and came down hard on Gaby’s arm, causing the pill bottle and the pills to go flying in all directions.

Stop it! Get outta 'ere … an' … leave me alone!” Gaby shrieked amid panic-filled sobs.

As Jules tried frantically to grab her sister’s hands, Gaby flailed her arms striking her sister about the arms and face, several times. Jules was still trying to grab hold of her sister's arms when Gaby managed to bite her on the forearm.

“I’m … owwwww! … You bloody little… Gaby! … stop that an’ calm down…. rightnow!

“I said … calmdown!” Jules firmly hissed through clenched teeth as she made a concerted effort to subdue her struggling sister.

While she was occupied grabbing her sister’s wrists and wrapping her arms behind her like a straitjacket, Gaby showed she still had some fight left in her when she attempted to stomp on the bridge of her sister’s foot with her heel, just missing the intended mark and striking the tile floor.


Now that’s enough!” Jules yelled as she firmly held on to one of Gaby’s wrists and spun her around so that they were facing each other.

(SLAP!) “Enough! … you hear me? … That … is … ENOUGH!

Overcome with emotion and crying uncontrollably, Gaby collapsed in her sister’s arms, tried of the fruitless struggle and silently wishing Jules hadn’t stopped her. The whole confrontation was over in a matter of seconds.

Both girls stood in the bathroom for several additional minutes, in an emotion-filled embrace until Jules was sure Gaby wasn’t going to continue her struggles.

“You (sob) shoulda just let me alone, sis…” Gaby whispered.

‘C’mon … it’s okay…” Jules softly coaxed. “…it’s okay, sis…”

She kissed the top of her sister’s head and at the same time, gently put her arm around her waist. After she silently held her sister a bit longer, they both started to walk towards their beds.

“Sis? (sniff)” Gaby whispered.

“C’mon … sit down. We need to talk … okay?”

Gaby slowly nodded and then suddenly broke free from her sister’s relaxed hold, running the last few steps to her bed, where she flopped face down onto the quilted bedspread and began to cry into her pillow. Jules sat down on the edge of the bed beside her sister and started to gently rub her back. Trying to hold back her own tears, she softly whispered an apology of sorts.

“I (sniff) … I’m … sorry for hitting you … but (sniff) … you were going all hysterical-like on me. I’m sorry … forgive me?”

Gaby nodded her head while sniffling in her pillow.

“What’s going on? I heard yellin',” Debbie asked as she came rushing through the doorway.

“Where’s your mom?” Jules snapped. Debbie then noticed both girls on the bed, Gaby crying and the pills littering the floor.

“They went next door for a few minutes … oh shit! Don’t tell me she…” Debbie wailed as she began to connect what she saw.

“She tried … but I don’t think she had time to take any,” Jules admitted as she continued to rub Gaby’s back. “Can you find the bottle and tell me what she had?”

Debbie began looking around and quickly found it on the floor between the toilet and the vanity.

“Just some headache pills. Wouldn’t have done much more than give her a real upset stomach,” she confidently announced. “Brit tried this a few years ago and the doc told her as much.”

“Let’s see the bottle?” Jules quietly asked. After Debbie gave it to her and she quickly scanned the ingredient list. As she slowly lowered the bottle, Debbie noticed she looked quite pale.

“They maybe okay for Brit … but … these? These would've killed Gabs…” Jules’ shaky voice quickly faded and the tears started to flow as reality of what just happened, started to hit her.

“…she … (sniff) she’s allergic to codeine … an’ … she knew what would happen ... (sniff) why, sis?”

Following a heavy sigh, Gaby slowly rolled over and stared at Jules with unseeing eyes. After a brief silence she reached out, inviting her sister to hold her.

“You know why. Everyone hates me … even the ‘gang’ … an’ Maddy,” Gaby whispered.

“Yer wrong … I know wot it’s been like for you (sniff) … but … we can deal with that. (sniff) Killing yourself isn’t the answer ... it’s not gonna hurt them. If they really hate you, like you say … they're not going to care … but … it will (sniff) … 'kill' all those who do love you … like me!” Jules softly pleaded.

As both girls tearfully embraced each other, Jules squeezed her sister tightly, afraid to let her go.

“We’ll (sniff) get through this … together … I promise … but you hafta promise me that you’ll (sniff) never think of doing this again … okay?” (sniff)

After a brief silence when Gaby didn’t immediately respond, Jules raised her voice and sharply commanded, “Promise me!

“Please Gabs? I … love you,” Jules quietly begged, as she looked into her sister’s eyes.

Gaby held her sister tighter and finally nodded her head then gave Jules a kiss on the cheek before whispering, “I (sniff) … promise.”

Jules looked at her sister through tear-filled eyes and managed a weak smile as she did her best to wipe the tears from Gaby’s eyes.

“If we tell Dad to accept that job you said George offered him … (sniff) then we’d have to move to Germany … an’ no one knows 'bout Drew (sniff)… so Gaby could start fresh … right?” Jules reasoned while her voice fading amidst tears and renewed sobs.

“I love you, sis … (sniff)” Jules whispered as the girls continued to embrace each other.

After she carefully picked up the pills, Debbie quietly closed the bedroom door as she made her way back to her room, pale and shaken by what she both heard and saw. She didn’t know the full story of everything Gaby had to deal with while in Grottoes, but she knew her stay wasn’t all ‘peaches and cream’. All she knew for sure was that Gaby had tried to take her own life because of events that happened during her stay and that Britney had to be involved.

Debbie’s heart stopped when she heard her parents enter the house. Knowing her mom would come upstairs, Debbie silently ran down the hall to the room she shared with her sister.

Damn you, Britney!” Debbie hissed as she threw back the covers on her bed before quickly climbing in.

Looking in on her girls, Jocelyn saw they were both getting into bed. Noticing a light coming under the door of the other bedroom, she started to leave with the intention of telling Jules and Gaby to turn in as well.

“Leave them be, Mom … please”? Debbie softly pleaded as her mom reached for their door.

Assuming Debbie meant that the Bond girls wanted time to themselves, Mrs. Walters agreed.

“Okay … I guess they’ll turn out the light when they’re ready. It’s not like they can’t sleep on the bus.” She then turned and went back downstairs.

Debbie waited in their darkened room for what seemed like ages, until she heard her parent’s bedroom door close. She then quickly threw back the covers and took a few silent steps over to her sister’s bed.

Brit!” Debbie loudly whispered as she shook her sister out of her slumber. She angrily covered Britney’s mouth when she rolled over to face her.

“Shhhh … I gotta talk to you!”

“Mmmmf! Can’t it wait until morning? Must be near midnight!” Britney whispered as her sister removed her hand.

“It's a quarter to … and no … this can’t wait!” Debbie shot back in a very uncompromising whisper.

“You and your damn schemes … telling that Mike Dickenson that Gaby was a lesbian…”

“Hey! I had to say something to cool him down. That Neanderthal was getting worked up over a photo and I wasn’t gonna let him or any of his sex-crazed buddies hit upon Drew, now was I? Anything could’ve happened with those jerks!”

Britney paused hoping to hear some kind of approval from her sister. Instead, she felt a threatening presence as she tried to further explain her actions.

“Besides … how was I to know it would be school-wide news the next day? Anyway … it worked. Nobody tried to hit upon him … did they.”

“That’s ‘cuz they all thought she was a lezzie … an’ yer right … no one had anything to do with her … including her British friends!” Debbie forcefully whispered.

“Oh, I’m sorry … I forgot. Some of your male friends were hoping you’d bring her to the Valentine’s dance so they could show her some real ‘southern’ hospitality … weren’t they? I wonder what Gaby would think if she knew you were in on it?” Debbie added in a hushed tone, the sarcasm virtually dripping off each word.

“You’re not gonna tell her are you?” Britney asked in a frightened whisper.

“No ... why add to her hell? You’ve done enough! Every agonizing minute of Gaby’s visit points right back to you and that one thoughtless comment! Considering the low mentality of half the kids at the school … you shoulda known sayin’ she was a lesbian would bring nuthin’ but problems for her!”

As Debbie started to go back to her bed, she suddenly turned to face Britney again.

"Oh! I thought ya might like to know … she tried to kill herself tonight. G'nite, sis!" Debbie calmly whispered.

As she started to climb back into bed, a flustered Britney ran over and grabbed her sister’s shoulder spinning her around.

Yer lyin’!” she hissed.

“Just what the hell do you think I was doing in their room tonight … tellin’ Gabs the best way to pick up boys? Someone had to clean up the pills while Jules was busy trying to convince her sister why she should live!” Debbie shot back.

A stunned Britney slowly returned to her bed while Debbie slid under her covers and turned her back on her sister.

“Is … is she … like … okay?” Britney turned around to face her sister’s bed and weakly whispered.

“I dunno…” Debbie quietly replied. “Jules thinks she caught Gabs before she had time to take any…”

“What kind of pills?”

“Same type you took … but Jules says the codine from all them pills would’ve killed Gabs.”

Britney tossed and turned for the next while. The clock on her nightstand showed it was after two in the morning when she rose from her bed and quietly made her way past her parent’s bedroom door. Quickly reaching Gaby’s room, she put her hand on the door knob and slowly turned it. After she entered, she quietly closed the door behind her and then carefully felt her way to her friend’s bed. Feeling her way in the dark, Britney worked her way up to the side of Gaby’s bed and was able to make out the outline of Jules spooning her sister, her left arm protectively draped over Gaby's shoulder. Kneeling down beside the bed, Britney reached over and gently tapped the back of Gaby's exposed hand until she reluctantly opened her eyes and turned her head to look up at her. Feeling her sister stir, Jules opened her eyes and surveyed the dark shapes of the two girls.

“I’m sorry for wakin' you … but I couldn’t sleep. Deb told me what happened tonight. It was my fault. This whole trip was my fault. I’m sorry … I'm really sorry…” Britney whispered as she wiped the odd tear from her cheek with the back of her hand.

“Forgive me?”

Her plea was met by a cold unemotional stare and an even more uncomfortable silence. After a few agonizingly quiet minutes, Britney slowly rose up and silently returned to her own room while Jules closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Debbie entered the girl’s room and gently shook Jules by the shoulder.

“How is she?” Debbie whispered as her gaze fell upon Gaby’s tranquil face.

“Okay … I guess. Slept quietly through the night … except when Brit was in here, about two-thirty…” Jules quietly answered.

“Why’d she come in?”

“Guilty conscience I guess … she kinda apologized an’ asked for Gabs’ forgiveness,” Jules dryly replied.

“Did she get it?”


“Figures. I thought I heard her crying last night!” Debbie whispered. “I’m going to get dressed. See you guys downstairs.”

“Sorry, sis…” Gaby weakly offered, pointing to her sister’s arm as she sat up in bed.

“Really coloured up … didn’t it?” Jules lightly commented as she examined Gaby’s teeth marks in her arm. “Luckily short-sleeves aren’t in season.”

As both girls finished dressing, Jules couldn’t help but notice the long face on her sister. “Still wishing that I hadn’t found you when I did?” Jules softly asked.

“I dunno.”

“You really wanted me to find you a lot later … dead … on the floor? How do you think I would’ve felt?”

“I never wanted that … I didn’t want to hurt you last night, either … but I did … an’ I’m really … really sorry,” Gaby quietly apologized as she wrapped her arms around her sister. With a couple of tears making their way down her cheeks, Gaby whispered, “Never again…”

“The bite was worth it, sis … you’re still here. You’re my sister and I’ll always love you,” Jules quietly replied, then in a somewhat light-hearted manner, added, “Now … no mo’ of your foolishness … right? … right?

“I promised … Jules,” Gaby whispered as she gave a final squeeze to her sister. When the girls finally released each other, they quietly got ready for the day ahead before heading downstairs and to join the others in the kitchen.

Breakfast conversation was subdued with no one having much of anything to say. If the elder Walters noticed anything, they didn’t say. Britney had a hard time maintaining eye contact with either of the Bond girls, Gaby in particular. Whenever Debbie looked at the girl, she somehow felt guilty for not being able to protect Drew from Britney’s actions. After everyone finished breakfast, Mr. Walters brought down the girl’s luggage from their room and put it in the back of the Forester, then after saying his own good-byes to both of the girls, he left for work in his car.

A short while later, both girls were ready for Mrs. Walters to take them to Augusta High for the last time. Debbie quickly hopped into the back between Jules and Gaby, forcing Britney to go and sit in the front with her mother. It was a short, silent ride to the school and Debbie tightly held hands with both girls until they arrived.

Once in the parking lot Mrs. Walters found a vacant space near the school bus that was to take the exchange students to Washington. George and Mr. Pilling were already in the process of loading some of the bags into the back through the rear door and both Miss Bell and Miss Cowlishaw were standing outside the rear of the bus, checking each of the British students off the list and returning their passports as they checked in.

Pilling out of the Forester, all the girls walked around to the back to let Gaby and Jules get their bags. As Gaby opened the Forester’s hatchback, Britney noticed that they were effectively hidden from view of the school and her classmates. Gently spinning Gaby around to face her, Britney suddenly drew her into a tight hug.

“God … I’m sorry Gabs. Can you ever forgive me?” Britney tearfully asked.

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this. (sniff) Casey would’ve made sure I was a social nobody if I didn’t go along … that’s why I was so distant in front of the other kids from school. If one of them got back to her that I was friends with a lesbian… I’d be branded a lesbian as well … an’ I hafta live with these kids! I certainly never expected them to turn your friends against you like they did. I’m so sorry.”

“That’s all past…” intoned Gaby as she politely returned Britney’s embrace and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “…I’ll live.”

Before they broke their embrace, Britney surprised Gaby and the three other women, by giving her a slow, lingering kiss on the lips.

“I’ve been wanting to do that since Warsop,” a smiling Britney whispered in Gaby’s ear. Jocelyn was flabbergasted with what she had just witnessed, but Debbie and Jules both had a feeling it was going to happen.

“Over here girls … quickly now …” Fran called over upon seeing the four girls walking between the parked cars, towards the bus.

Maddy was just checking her bag with George when Jessica asked her if she’d mind taking another package, in her luggage.

“Maddy? Could you take this for me and please give it to Gaby when you get to the hotel in Washington? It's her birthday present.”

She accepted the parcel and quickly put it in her bag before allowing George to put it in the bus.

Upon checking in with Miss Bell and getting their passports, Jules waited until Gaby boarded the bus, before talking to the two teachers.

“Miss … can you put Gaby and I together in Washington? It’s real important,” Jules quietly asked Fran.

“I can’t, Jules … I’ve already set the room assignments. Is there a reason for this?”

“Yes, Miss.” Jules then proceeded to tell both teachers about the events of the previous night, including Gaby’s failed attempt at taking her own life.

Fran immediately poured over her notes for the room arrangements at the hotel.

“Talk about Murphy’s Law … what happened to just plain Drew and Rhod sharing a room?”

As Fran thought about it, she found herself answering her own question.

“That wouldn’t have worked, either given the present situation. I wouldn’t even try to put Maddy in with Gaby now, especially after last night. Now I guess I’ve no choice but to put these two, together.”

That raised another problem.

“What do I do with Rhod? There’s just too much ‘Em’ there to even think of putting him in with the older boys. I’ve got to think of something before we get to Washington…”

Jessica knew Gaby was given a rough time by all the kids, but she was shocked to hear of her attempted suicide. Something had to be done, but what? Regardless of whoever caused these events, she was certain that some person or persons, should be held accountable. Was this a case of blatant bigotry and intent or just follow-the-leader? It was anybody’s call.

After the two teachers thanked Jules for her information, she was told to get on the bus. As she climbed the steps up to the centre aisle, she looked down the rows of seats and saw Gaby was quietly sitting by herself, away from the other kids.

“Hi … mind if I join you?” Jules softly asked. As Gaby sorrowfully looked up at her sister, she answered with a single shrug of her shoulders. “Ya know a smile would be nice, sis.”


“I told Miss Cowlishaw about last night and asked her to put us together,” Jules quietly admitted as she sat down beside her sister.

“Is she?”

“Uh huh.”

“Thanks. I don’t think I could stand sharing with any of the ‘gang' … not now, anyway.” Gaby softly lamented.

“You know … I really like your hair like that,” Jules commented.

“Thanks for tellin’ Mum,” Gaby whispered as she hugged her sister.

“I just wished Jess let you come with me to Atlanta…”

“There’ll be other races,” Jules quietly replied as she put an arm around Gaby’s shoulders and pulled her closer.

As both of the escorts and Jessica boarded the bus the chatter quickly died down. While Mr. Philing took his place behind George, Fran stood in the aisle and scanned the seating arrangements chosen by the students. After a brief pause, her gaze fell upon the two boys sitting in the front bench seat by the door.

“First, I think some seating seating changes are in order.” Fran announced.

“Would you two mind trading places with Miss Peters and Miss Morgan? I’d like those two up here where I can keep an eye on them.”

As the seat shuffle died down, Ally turned and faced Bernie with a shrug of the shoulders.

“What was all that about?” whispered Bernie.

“Miss Rose! No talking please … for the moment. Thank you!” Miss Cowlishaw sharply interjected.

Scanning the students seated before her, she added, “With the exception of Miss Peters and Miss Morgan … the person you are now sitting with will be your roommate in Washington. Justine … we’ll talk later, okay?”

Anticipating Em’s concerns, Fran leaned close to both girls and told them that she’d be discussing accommodations with them once they got to the hotel, but emphasized ‘Rhod’ was going to be returning to Warsop.

After the commotion died down, Jessica stepped forward to give a short farewell address to the British kids. Maddy silently watched as her former-host walked down the aisle and said a few quiet words to Jules and Gaby before giving them both a farewell hug. When she made her way back to exit the bus, she stopped beside Maddy and gently took her head.

“I really wish…” Jessica whispered before she abruptly left the bus.

George quickly shut the doors and then put the bus in gear. They were finally on their way amidst a flurry of hand waving and some tears between the gathered host families and the kids on the bus. As he guided the bus onto the Interstate, conversations became muted as they left Grottoes and new their American friends, for the last time.Traffic increased along with the amount of snow on the roads as the bus got closer to Washington. By the time they joined the rush hour traffic, the snow was falling quite heavily and the kids were starting to think they’d get to the hotel faster if they walked. It was originally planned that after checking into the hotel, they would do at least one tour before dinner but as a result of the deteriorating weather the escorts quickly decided they would be better off to shuffle the itinerary around reserving Saturday morning for further tours rather than to give the entire day over to ‘free time’. That decided, Fran then instructed George to go directly to the hotel where he promptly dropped the group off, said his good-byes and immediately headed back to Grottoes. No one envied him driving in this snow!

“Em … a moment please?” While Mr. Pilling was handing out the room keys, Fran gently led Em away from the rest of the group at the check-in desk.

She wasn’t sure exactly what she was going to say, but she knew it had to be done. She began by carefully explaining why Rhod had to return to Warsop and even though Em was in tears, she reluctantly accepted what she was told.

Em unintentionally looked around until her gaze settled upon Gaby, standing with her sister and Mr. Pilling.

“Miss? What about Drew?”

“Don’t worry about her … she's not the problem right now,” Fran calmly replied.

“Doesn’t she hafta chan...” Em persisted.

“Em … I told you … don’t worry about it … you just focus on you … got it?” Fran firmly repeated her previous instruction.

“Yes, Miss…” Em quietly replied. “S’not fair … why does Rhod hafta return and Drew doesn’t?”

Discussion then turned to Em’s accommodation.

“Now … I was willing to let Drew and Rhod or considering how you’re both presenting … Gaby and Em … to share a room. Who knows … maybe you two could’ve even resolved your differences … I don’t know. However, due to some new circumstances that I really can’t elaborate upon … Gaby’s now sharing with her sister and that leaves you without a room. Now I have a couple of possibilities…”

“Can I offer a suggestion Miss?” Em interrupted. “How about putting me in with Ally and Bernie?”

Before Fran could voice any opinion, Em furthered her case.

“I’ve just spent six weeks as Em, sharing change rooms and showers with all the other girls at school. I’ve even had had three sleepovers that included some of the American girls and no one ever said anything. Bernie and Ally know me … I’m sure they won’t mind and as far as the other kids are concerned … it’d be just three girls sharing a room.”

Fran briefly stared off into space, thinking about Em’s words.

“Please, Miss ... I can be Rhod to go back home, if you want … I promise.”

“I’m not crazy about having a boy share with two girls, but you do make a good point about appearances … and everyone did accept Em during the trip.”

After listening to Em’s suggestion, Fran went and asked Ally, Bernie and Maddy to join them. After thinking about it for a while longer, she then turned to Em with her decision.

“Okay … providing Ally and Bernie agree. Maddy … you have a choice … Justine or me. Think about it for a minute.” Fran then turned her attention back to Ally and Bernie.

“At this point, I don’t have a lot of options here, so I’m going to have to go with Em’s suggestion and I’m putting her in with you two … if … that’s okay. You'll two have the last word on this, but I prefer that Em share's with someone who knows her. Rhod sharing with the older boys, is just too risky.”

“What about beds?” Em nervously wondered.

“All the rooms have two ‘queen’ beds and a fold-out couch that makes into a day-bed. You’ll take the day-bed,” Miss Cowlishaw explained. “Well, girls?”

“We’ll take ‘er,” Bernie cheerfully offered.

“Well ... you heard them, Em. Thank you, girls.” Turning to Maddy, Fran addressed her problem.

“Made your choice, yet?”

“Somehow I get the feeling that you’d rather I shared with you so you can keep an eye on me,” Maddy quietly uttered while studying the floor tiles.

“That’s one way of looking at it, but I also like to think I can trust you while we’re here … can’t I?”

“Yes, Miss. If it’s okay … I think I’d be more comfortable with you than with Justine.”

“That’s fine … you’re with me, then,” Fran softly replied.

“How come you and Drew aren’t sharing?” Ally later asked Em as they were moving into their room.

“Miss C won’t tell me. She only says that Gaby is sharing with her sister and Rhod is the one that has to go home. I tried to ask her about Drew … but she told me not to worry about it. I guess that means that Gaby’s flying back with us,” a disappointed Em replied.

“That doesn’t sound fair,” Bernie observed.

Friday was set aside for some sightseeing around the American capital. They started with a tour of the White House, but Fran thought that was a bit of a disappointment because many of the rooms weren’t open to the public. After the tour, both escorts agreed to split the group. Mr. Pilling took the older students while Miss Cowlishaw took the others, both agreeing to meet up for dinner.

Fran’s hopes for Capitol Hill were to prove just as disappointing. As interesting as it proved for the kids, as far as she was concerned, the real educational value was lost. Since they had no representative and weren’t US citizens, they weren’t allowed into the visitor’s gallery of either the Congress or the Senate. As her group had recently studied their own Parliamentary system, it would’ve provided a nice contrast to see the American system at work.

Following the tour of the ‘Hill’, she then took suggestions for further tours and both of Gaby’s suggestions for the Air and Space Museum and the Vietnam Memorial Wall were accepted by the others. It didn’t escape Miss Cowlishaw’s attention that even Maddy readily agreed with both of them. While walking over to the museum, Fran quietly engaged Gaby in conversation.

“Everything alright?”

“I guess … why?” asked a puzzled Gaby, with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Well considering what Jules told Jessica and myself about the other night … and of your friends, I guess I expected to see a bit more discord. They certainly don’t appear to be as distant as Jules made out … even Maddy seems cordial enough.”

“Sometimes they’re friendly to me … then the next minute…” Gaby’s voice drifted off. After a very short silence, she turned to look at Fran and said in a weak voice.

“Besides … Jules said we’d get through this together … an’ I believe her.”

“Well … if you need to talk, you know where I am … and please … please … don’t keep it bottled inside you … okay dear?” It was a very concerned Fran that gently touched Gaby’s shoulder before turning her attention to where they were heading.

As she moved off, Maddy jogged up beside Gaby and innocently asked, “Whaddashewant?”

“I dunno. She just asked if everything was okay,” Gaby replied.

“Is it?” Maddy softly countered. She wanted so much to apologize, but she didn’t know how to begin.

“I dunno. You tell me,” Gaby shot back in a quiet and pleading voice. When she turned to look at Maddy, she noticed her girlfriend’s eyes were moist. For a brief moment, Gaby thought she might actually open up and say something.

“Gabs … I,” Maddy’s voice quickly went silent as she was about to say something but didn’t. Instead she cast her glance down and looked away, before she moved off a bit and continued walking in silence.

The group explored the museum for a short time before grabbing some lunch. After that, it was off to Gaby’s “Wall” and the other monuments in the area, like the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. That was followed by a quick stop at the Iwo Jima Memorial prior to heading off to the National Aquarium. After meeting up with Mr. Pilling’s group, they all caught a city bus downtown for dinner at a real Chinese restaurant and then it was back to the hotel.

By the time they’d returned and walked into the lobby, all the ‘gang’ was familiar with Rhod’s plight. This only emphasized Gaby’s isolation even more and the change to her mood was not lost on Fran and Jules. Back up in their room Jules wondered how the day went for her sister, in the hopes Gaby would open up to her.

“Sis? Everything okay?”

“I guess. I dunno…” Gaby flatly stated out of frustration as she flopped down on the bed.

As soon as Jules joined her sister on top of the bed, she had to get back up to answer a knock at the door.

“Who is it?”

“Fran.” Jules then opened the door, letting her into the room.

“You okay, Gaby?” Fran asked, causing Gaby to inexplicably chuckle.

“Not quite the reaction I was expecting,” Fran smirked.

“Sorry Miss … it’s just that Jules asked the exact same question before you came in,” Gaby explained.

“Shows we’re both concerned … may I?” Fran pleasantly stated as she started to sit beside Gaby on the edge of the bed.

In a more serious tone, she continued, “I believe I know why your friends were upset with you tonight and it may be partially my fault.” She paused to let that sink in.

“When we first arrived at the hotel, your friends and I discussed Em’s accommodation as ‘she’ … is a boy … and without a room. I’m happy to say that problem has been resolved … but I fear another has been created.”

Fran paused briefly before resuming her explanation.

“After some last-minute juggling, Maddy’s in with me and I put Em in with Ally and Bernie … but … I insisted that Rhod appear to travel back home because of his documentation. While Em reluctantly agreed to that … I didn’t help matters when I wouldn’t answer her questions about why Drew wasn’t going home … and there lie’s the problem.”

As Gaby heard Fran’s logic behind her insistence that Rhod return home, her own situation shot forth.

“I think we’ve got bigger problem. I told Mum no more Drew back in Atlanta, but I forgot that he still has to go ‘ome. Look at me, Jules … I couldn’t pass as a boy if I tried!”

“Gaby … Gaby! Now settle down!” Fran urged as the young teen threatened to get hyper. “Don’t worry, dear. Gaby … is … going home … that I promise!”


“When Jess and I first saw you after Atlanta, we both knew that there was no doubt who would be flying back with us,” Fran smirked. “All you have to do is simply produce your doctor's letter along with your passport and that should take a lot of the edge off any suspicion on their part. Look Gaby, we know that they're going to question your passport … but that letter is a valid legal medical document since it’s written on NHS letterhead along with his official stamp … and because one can easily connect the letter to the holder of the passport... ”

“Hope it works,” Gaby nervously murmured.

“Like I said, it’s a valid legal medical document that they’ll have to accept. If they say anything about using Drew's passport, tell them your corrected one hadn't arrived by departure so you were advised to continue using your old one … with the letter ... but don't worry … I’ll be right with you when you go through Immigration.”


“Now … back to Rhod. I can only assume that your friends don’t know about this letter … do they?”


“Then, that's also a problem. Without that bit of knowledge, all they know is that Rhod’s expected to be on that plane, but Drew isn’t … which doesn’t appear fair at all, does it?”

“No … I … guess not,” Gaby softly replied as she shook her head.

“It’s up to you if you want to tell them or not … but don’t you think that it’d help? Like I say … it’s entirely up to you … but … do think about it, okay?”

As she rose to leave, Gaby bade her good-night. “Thanks, Miss … I will … I promise.”

“I told you … it’s Fran. We’re not in school and we’re away from the others.”

“Okay. Thanks, Fran…” Gaby replied with a grin.

When the door closed, Jules turned to her sister.

“Are you gonna tell the others, sis?”

“Why? I mean Maddy doesn't care ... an’ I never got the chance to tell her or the others ’cuz either they were with their new friends … or they weren’t around … or they weren’t interested in talkin’ to me … an’ after the trouble with Sam started … Mad said she didn’t believe anything that I said about Drew, anyway. Now with things like they are … I don’t know if I want to tell them … ‘specially now that we might move.”

Jules noticed Gaby’s voice got quieter as she spoke.

“An’ … if I did tell ‘em … they’d just think I’m some kind of a freak an’ spread it around the school! I’m not a real girl … not like them…” Gaby solemnly stated as she looked at her sister.

“You’re not a freak! You’re as real a girl as I am … and … don’t you dare let anyone tell you differently!” Jules whispered as she hugged her little sister. After a few minutes, the two girls released each other and took a step back.

“C’mon … let’s get ready for bed. Things’ll look better in the morning.” Jules tried to sound optimistic as she kissed Gaby on the cheek.

Saturday, the final full day in America and the day started on a better note. After everyone assembled in the hotel’s dining room for a quick breakfast, the ‘gang’ found themselves together going through the buffet line.

“Where ya going Gabs? C’mon … sit with us an’ give Jules a break,” Maddy sweetly asked as Ally and her were heading for the tables.

“I…” Gaby was completely caught off-guard with this sudden change in attitude.

“Please, Gabs?” Maddy softly asked.

“C’mon…” added Ally when Bernie came up and joined them. As they found their seats, Jules walked by their table and gave her sister a smile before she went and joined Justine at her table.

“Mr. P said we’re going to Arlington National Cemetery this morning, but we get to go shopping this afternoon!” Em chimed in as she joined the rest of the ‘gang’ at their table.

YES!” the four others chorused. However, when she sat down and noticed Gaby was with them, her cheerful demeanour became noticeably subdued.

Shortly after leaving in the hotel’s mini bus, they found themselves slowly driving amongst the rows of graves. The kid’s preconceived ideas of the cemetery were quickly brushed aside as they toured the area. The sheer size of Arlington was enough to get their undivided attention. Besides learning that the plots were laid out according to era, they visited some of the more famous grave sites, like the one for President Kennedy and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as well as many of the famous figures they studied in history.

Upon leaving Arlington, the bus quickly made its way to Fair Oaks Mall and the promised shopping! On the way, Ally joked that the school should make shopping a proper sporting event and give the girls a chance to amass some points for their ‘house’. An amused Miss Cowlishaw said she’d bring that up at the next staff meeting while Mr. Pilling missed the humour of the situation, all together.

Once in the Mall, the group unintentionally split along the same lines the escorts had divided them for Friday’s tours. The older kids decided to go off together, as did the younger students.

Both escorts were going to go their own way but plans were made for everyone to meet at a certain spot, at a certain time and they were not to leave the Mall.

“Okay everyone … it’s now ten … back here … at … Starbuck’s … by one … understood?” Mr. Pilling announced and everyone nodded amid a chorus of “Yes, sir”.
“Off with you and enjoy yourselves!” Miss Cowlishaw added. None of the girls needed any more encouragement and the two escorts soon found themselves alone in front of Starbuck’s.

The ‘gang’ stayed together, exploring all the stores, trying on clothes, getting those last minute presents for family and generally having the time of their lives. As far as Maddy was concerned, it took her shopping skills to a new level, but two hours of power shopping in a Mall as big as Fair Oaks began to take its toll on Gaby.

“Slow down, guys … my feet are killing me … I don’t think I even go as far on a training ride as I’ve walked,” Gaby pleaded.

“Run, is more like it…” Bernie added, referring to the pace of Maddy’s power shopping.

“So many stores … so little time … Banana Republic? … Pretty please? … Last store … I promise!” Maddy asked the group.

“How can you say ‘no’? … Look at her … she looks so pitiful,” Em joked as she moved to avoid a playful swipe of Maddy’s hand.

“You guys go ahead …I’ll meet you at Starbuck’s in a little while.” Gaby offered.

As the others went off, Gaby noticed she was outside a ‘Ladies Foot Locker’ and recalling how Britney went on about the store, she decided to have a look inside. When she walked out a short time later, she had spent her last dollar on a pair of Nike Air cross-trainers.

As she later walked up to Starbucks, there was a commotion in the Mall with people running and screaming. When Ally emerged with two teas, a sharp, single ‘crack’ was clearly heard nearby and it was immediately followed with Ally spinning around, dropping her teas as she grabbed her arm and collapsed to the floor.

OHMYGOD! I’m bleeding!!” Ally cried out, taking a look at her hand.

While many stood around in a confused state, someone hollered, “Call 911! Someone’s been shot!

Bernie had been closely following Ally when she went down. Seeing her friend was hit in the upper arm, Bernie quickly knelt down beside her and freed her injured arm from her coat. Thinking quickly, she squeezed Ally’s armpit at a pressure point in an attempt to slow the flow of blood. At the same time, Gaby came running up and dropping down at Ally’s side, used her hand to apply direct pressure to the wound. A staff member came out shortly after and offered Gaby a clean towel, which she gladly used as a bandage.

It wasn’t very many minutes after that, the paramedics arrived and relieved the two girls. Once they stabilized Ally, a very concerned Em accompanied her to the hospital, while both Bernie and Gaby remained to give a statement to the police.

Maddy frantically flagged down their escorts as they walked up to Starbucks minutes after the paramedics left with Ally. After notifying the investigating officers, Miss Cowlishaw was driven to the hospital by one of them, while his partner remained trying to sort things out.

Upon further investigation, the officer noted that the 9mm bullet passed through Ally’s arm and was lodged in the doorframe of the main entrance to Starbuck’s. It was quickly determined that it was a wild shot from a botched robbery attempt a jeweller’s only a few doors down.

“You two should really wear ‘scrubs’ if you plan to operate,” Jules dryly commented as she looked at the girl’s blood spattered clothes.

“Oh! … shi - oot! My coat!” Gaby cried out when she noticed what Jules was talking about. After getting permission from the police, the manager of Starbuck’s offered to rinse off the girl’s coats, but their jeans were another matter.

“You’re in the right place to buy a new pair,” Jules offered.

“With what? … I’m broke!” Gaby countered.

“What she said,” Bern agreed.

Once they were allowed to leave the scene, Mr. Pilling gladly offered to replace the girl’s jeans as a reward for their quick action.

Following a quick search of The Gap, they all agreed their best chance would be the Sears located way down at the very end of the section of the Mall they were in.

Seeing two teenage girls with blood-stained jeans and a male adult, quickly walking through the mall resulted in many a stare and made the girls feel very self-conscious.

Once in Sears, they wasted little time getting to the Junior Miss department and selecting a new pair of jeans. After the ‘heroes’ finally made themselves more presentable, they followed Mr. Pilling back to the others and eventually got back onto the bus to return to the hotel and dinner. It was early evening when everyone finally gathered in the lobby before heading to the hotel’s restaurant.

Allllieeeee!” Maddy squealed as she caught sight of Miss Cowlishaw and Ally entering the main doors of the hotel, with Em following close behind.

“Careful of her arm! … Don’t crowd her … she’s still a little shaken!” Fran cautioned as Ally was mobbed by the rest of the exchange students.

“Thanks guys…” Ally intoned as he gave both Bernie and Gaby a weak hug.

“So how bad was it?” Mr. Pilling asked.

“The doctor said the bullet went clear through her arm, just missing the bone and her artery. She lost a fair bit of blood but if it went a few millimetres to either side, it would’ve been a different story. She wasn’t in their A&E all that long. Most of the time we spent there was sorting out all the paperwork,” Miss Cowlishaw related.

“We already had bit of something at the hospital, so a good night’s rest will do her a world of good.”

When told they were just going to eat, Fran asked Ally if she felt like getting something else or just going up to her room and lie down.

“Just wanna go lie down … if you don’t mind?” Ally quietly replied.

“Alright ... but I don’t want you by yourself,” cautioned Miss Cowlishaw.

“Miss … if Jules can bring me something later … I’ll go with her,” Gaby quickly offered before anyone else spoke up.

“That okay with you Ally?” As soon as she nodded, the two set off for the elevators while the others headed for the dining room.

When they got to their floor and neared her room, Ally turned to Gaby.

“Can we go to your room?”

“What’s the difference?” Gaby asked.

“Betcha your room is cleaner … at least you don’t have three beds and can watch TV without having to move a pile of clothes,” Ally answered, as she tried to keep a straight face.


Once in the room, Gaby had Ally lie down on one of the beds, propping her up with pillows from the couch, so she could watch TV. She also fetched her friend some ice-water to sip on.

“Drew? … Can I ask you something?” Ally quietly asked as Gaby turned the set on.

“What?” Gaby replied as she muted the volume.

“The gang's saying that Gaby will be coming ‘ome with us, but Em can’t … is that true?”

Gaby hesitated before quietly answering.

“Yeah ... I mean … look at me, Ally! You really think I can look like Drew’s photo in a few hours?”

"I bet they’re so bored, they won't even glance at your passport! Lookit how easy it was coming here … an' besides … we’d all be there to…" Ally started to point out.

"Oh, right!" Gaby sarcastically shot back. Ally’s words had hit a raw nerve.

"I’ve heard that before! You really believe you girls were there for me during the visit? Back in Mr. Woods’ office … you … Maddy … and Bernie … all swore up an’ down that you’d be there for Rhod an’ I! Anything to get us to agree to pretend to be girls so you could have your cheer comp! Then wot do you do? As soon as we’re in Grottoes … all of you turned your backs an’ abandoned me! You guys hardly ever talked to me the whole time we were in Virginia! You even started to avoid me … an’ Maddy’s even…" Gaby started to tear up as her voice trailed off.

"I know Gabs … and saying sorry doesn’t even begin to make things better…” Ally lamented as she cast her gaze down to the bed.

“It's just that it was so easy to forget you're a boy … an’ … Em's … she’s still … 'learning' … she needs help … but it's so natural for you … you're so … much a girl."

Thinking she needed to tell somebody and Ally was still a friend that she felt she could trust, Gaby decided to let her in on the secret.

Closing her eyes, she slowly sat herself on the edge of her sister’s bed and took a deep breath. After what Ally thought a brief, but agonizing silence, Gaby gradually opened her eyes and gently reached across and took Ally’s good hand, before softly replying.

“I am”.

“You’re what?” Ally cautiously asked.

“A girl … (sigh) … I was … born … a girl,” Gaby hesitantly stated in a quiet voice.

“Don’t be daft,” Ally answered. She thought her friend was joking, but when she saw Gaby wasn’t laughing her own expression became quite sombre.

“You … you’re serious … aren’t you?”

Gaby silently nodded. Ally was stunned as she looked up at her friend’s unemotional expression.


Knowing Ally knew about Drew blacking out after his races, Gaby filled her in on the test results and her decision based on those results.

“I knew it,” Ally whispered as she gently put her hand on Gaby’s arm.

“Huh? You knew I was really a girl?”

“No … but with all those times you were Gaby ... I thought … ya know … you might be like Rhod? It never occurred to me that you were ... you know...” Ally timidly offered. “...And at Prue’s … when I asked you if Drew was coming back … something told me he wasn’t.”

“What gave me away?” Gaby quietly joked as she sat on the bed beside Ally.

“You’ve already pretty well covered it,” Ally replied while running her fingers through Gaby’s long tresses. “You don’t look like Drew’s photo, anymore.”

“Well … all those kids back at Grottoes were right about one thing…” Gaby quietly offered.

“What’s that?” Ally weakly asked.

“I'm a lesbian.” Gaby stated as-a-matter-of-fact. “In my heart … I still love Mad … but something’s changed her, Ally.”

“I know,” Ally solemnly agreed.

“Back ‘ome, she always told me she loved Gaby … then back in Grottoes … she told me she didn’t. Why?”

Gaby couldn’t hold back the tears any more as she spoke of not having the ‘gang’ or Maddy there for her when they got back to Warsop.

“God … I’m so sorry Gabs … I really am ... even when you an’ I talked, I thought Maddy was just ... I’m sorry … I never saw this ... maybe if I talk to the others … talk to Maddy…”

No! … Promise me you won’t tell anyone. If things work out … it won’t matter for much longer anyway!”

“What do you mean?” Ally cautiously probed.

“Promise you won’t tell anyone?”

“I promise,” Ally agreed.

Realizing how she unintentionally opened the door, Gaby was soon telling her all about her dad’s job offer and the possibility of a move.

“But I still don’t understand ... why not tell the others? … They’re your friends, too.”

“Are they? … You saw how Maddy an’ Em treated me back in Grottoes… an’ I still don’t know why,” Gaby softly lamented. “If they turned their backs on me there … what would stop ‘em from tellin’ everyone back ‘ome about me?

Before Ally could answer, Gaby finished her thought. “No-way I can tell ‘em … (sniff) I don’t even know who my friends are anymore … or if I have any.”

“Does that include me?” Ally softly inquired.

“No ... you’re the only one…” Gaby whispered while a couple of tears ran down her cheeks.

As Ally silently lay on the bed, looking over to Gaby, she again found herself wondering what had happened to the ‘gang’ while struggling with her own tears.

“Here you are! … I was playing musical rooms looking for you two!” Jules joked as she entered the room and put down Gaby’s burger.

“Oh…” she quietly uttered as she saw both girls had been crying.

“I told her, sis...” Gaby casually remarked.

“You gonna tell the others?”

“Nope,” Gaby replied. Her weak reply was almost a whisper.

Jules answered a knock at the door and let Fran in. Before she had walked too far into the room, Gaby made a request.

“Miss? ... Can you explain to Ally why Em can’t go back ‘ome ... but I can? I’ve already told her about me … an’ Dr. Sanwari’s letter.”

Fran sat down on the one section of the couch that still had a pillow and after she made herself comfortable, she began to explain the situation.

“In a nutshell … it all comes down to their documentation. Em only has Rhod’s passport and if challenged, it could be a bit of mess with immigration and maybe even the police ... on the other hand ... if Gaby is challenged because she doesn’t fit her passport ... all she’ll have to do is show them her doctor’s letter ... which itself is an official medical document ... then simply tell them that she’s waiting for a corrected passport.”

“Makes sense … I guess ... but I think Em’s mad because she doesn’t know everything and only sees it as being unfair,” Ally offered.

“You’re probably right,” Fran agreed. “Does this mean that you’re planning to tell the others, Gaby?”

“No … she’s the only one,” Gaby quietly replied.

“Fair ‘nuff. Now … let me ask you two a question. You’ve both known Rhod a lot longer than I have … do either of you know why he desperately wants Em to go home?” Fran asked. “I’m getting the distinct feeling that he’s doing everything he can to prevent from returning to being Rhod.”

“He once told us … he wants to be a girl,” Gaby confided as Ally nodded her head.

“You telling me he’s transsexual?”

“I dunno ... but he says he’s happier as Em,” Ally replied.

“Oh, my! He’s just lived 'full-time' for the past six weeks … so … that could really explain a few things,” Miss Cowlshaw thoughtfully pondered. “I suppose his mother knows?”

“She knew it was Em that left on the trip,” Ally confirmed.

“After all this time … I guess he must feel I’m really being unfair by forcing him to be Rhod … I can’t really do that, can I? … But then again ... knowing there could possibly be potentially serious problems, I can’t let Em go through Immigration either ....”

“Tell her about Immigration and the police...” Ally suggested. “…Once she knows that you could get into a lot of trouble because of her...”

“If I do that ... she’ll most certainly ask why Gaby won’t cause those same problems and then what would I tell her? Gaby’s already said that she doesn’t want the others to know,” Fran countered.

“Can I say something?” Gaby wondered.

“You got something in mind?” Ally questioned.

“Uh huh ... 'ow 'bout we make it so Rhod leaves … but … Em arrives in Warsop?” Gaby smugly replied. “Afterall, I did the same thing coming here.”

As soon as she mentioned that, Fran, and Jules knew exactly what she was talking about, but for Ally’s benefit Gaby elaborated her plan.

“Em dresses as Rhod tomorrow … at least on the outside ... but completely Em on the inside. Barring a strip search, they’re not going to see what’s underneath … are they? He then flies ‘ome, but before we get on the coach to go back to the school … Rhod takes his luggage and nips into the ‘Ladies’ … slips her boobs in her bra, applies a little lippy, changes her shoes … a quick brush of the hair … and voila … Em!” Gaby explained with a sweeping hand gesture.

“Good thinking. Do you want to tell her or should I?” Fran wondered.

“Em and I aren’t exactly getting along, so it might be better if you let her think it was your idea.” Gaby quietly suggested.

“Well ...I guess I’d better go then … before she turns in,” Fran mentioned as she got up to leave. She then turned to Ally and helped her off the bed before the two slowly made their way to Ally’s room.

“You’re amazing, sis...” Jules softly murmured.

“I have my moments … let’s get ready for bed,” Gaby replied with a giggle.

The next day had the whole group up at the proverbial crack of dawn. In the dinning room for an early breakfast, Gaby got her meal and sat down at the table opposite Ally.

“Mornin’ Gabs … sleep well?” Ally cheerfully asked.

“Matter of fact … I did! … First time in weeks,” Gaby replied.

As Rhod sat down next to Ally, he took her breakfast off his tray. While she casually rubbed his back, Ally mouthed a silent “Thank You” to Gaby, before snapping Rhod’s bra!

“Ow! ... Whatcha do that for, Ally?”

“Because I can,” Ally playfully commented as she leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek, much to the amusement of Gaby and a passing Miss Cowlishaw.

Following breakfast, everyone boarded a shuttle bus at the hotel, for Dulles International. Making their way into the terminal, they headed for the United Airlines departure lounge where everyone soon found themselves reminded of life in the 21st Century and the three hour wait for International flights.

“Attention please … United Airlines, flight 395 is now boarding … please use gate 34 and have your boarding passes ready, thank you.”

“Well, this is it kids, we’re off … say good-bye to America.” Miss Cowlishaw said philosophically.

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To Be Continued...

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