A New Spin On Traits

Hey there.
My name is-
You know what?
Let's just call me Narrator.
I am a little reluctant to give up my real name nowadays.

I was asked - well, ordered really - to retell how I became what I am today. It all started out when I acquired my newest trait called "apprentice warlock". In case you live in a universe without magic let me tell you this. Warlocks are those who summon demons. That had been my goal. To be more specific, I wanted to summon a Succubus. One of those female lust demons.

Sure, part of it was for the sex. But not all of it. Some traits you could only get from very special people. Like demons. But that reminds me. You probably know nothing of the traits system, right? That one is rather unique to my birth dimension.

Where I was born people could acquire traits. Those, in turn, would change a person. If you are too stupid then all you had to do was to acquire the trait "smart" and you would be smart indeed. Traits could also be evolved, enhanced or flipped. Enhancing obviously made a trait stronger, while the other two- Well, let's come back to that later.

At the time I acquired "apprentice warlock" I had another trait named "male +++++". Five times enhanced. It meant I was five times closer to the ideal version of a man that mankind could agree on. So I had been pretty damn handsome. Not many women had minded bedding me. Of course, I wasn't born with the trait. As a male yes, but as many others, I added the trait later to enhance it. Unlike others, I enhanced it five times which took some time and dedication. Which left my trait portfolio rather small.

You see some focused on acquiring more and more traits, while others focused on enhancing a few. I was in the latter category. At the time my story starts I only had ten. "Male +++++", "attracted to women +++", "resistant to alcohol +", "apprentice healer +", "charming", "high stamina +", "athletic", "outgoing", "empathetic", and "apprentice warlock".

If you now say that's a typical trait build to woo women then I say you are absolutely right. And it worked like a charm. Yet I wanted more. So that's why one day I found myself drawing a big summoning circle. Succubus or bust. I had to get one under contract. No matter what. They could get me some traits that would truly make me the alpha of all alpha males.

The summoning circle was overblown. As an apprentice warlock, I had no business summoning a Succubus. It was way above my league. Yet I thought I could manage. Hey. What can I say? You just heard me, right? "Smart" wasn't one of the traits I had chosen. So I drew the circle bigger and bigger. Hoping that layering protection and control charms would add up. Not to spoil the end, but they don't. Let that be a warning.

Eventually, I decided it was enough and summoned the Succubus. I succeeded, but only in summoning her. Imagine my surprise as this woman carved out to look like pure lust and sin took one look at my circle of charms and stepped right through them. I messed up. Big time. Yet I didn't realize how much yet.

Succubi are creatures of allure and seduction. Can you blame me I fell hard for her? I was reluctant to send her back. Not when she whispered things in my ear that made me think not everything was lost. Did I want to be her master? She was willing to bind herself to me. All it took was a little game. I should have run away, yet I didn't.

I nearly laughed when she proposed a game of spin the bottle. Who knew that this little game of chance was so popular with demons. Now, in hindsight, I see the allure.

She made my summon my "trait cards". Physical representations of my traits. Spreading them out in a circle on a table. In the middle, we put an empty bottle. To the side, the Succubus placed an inactive trait card. "Magically bound master of the Succubus X". Yes, I am not allowed to give you her name. Whatever.

She whispered into my ear how easy the rules will be. "Just spin the bottle two times. Whatever trait the bottle will point at when it stops will be flipped by the magic of this contract. Once you start the game the inactive trait becomes active and I'll be your servant."

Flipping traits sounded like a small price to pay. Mostly flipped traits turned into the opposite. Even if unfavorable I simply could deactivate the trait or even delete it. So what had I to lose? More than I realized.

As I spun the bottle the inactive trait became active. "Well, done master," the Succubus purred into my ear. Distracted by her I nearly missed when the bottle came to a rest. You probably would have seen it coming. I didn't. The magic of the contract activated and my "male +++++" flipped into "female +++++".

I just had time for a curse before the trait made itself known. I stumbled and was caught in the arms of the Succubus while my body did undergo changes. One second I was a handsome man. The next I was a woman. And one in spades. With the trait five times enhanced I was nothing but short of looking like a model. Or a porn actress.

To say I was furious and confused was an understatement. But that settled. There were options. I could deactivate the trait. Then pay someone later who had the ability to flip it again. Or I could delete the trait and gain a new "male" one. But regaining all the enhancements would take a while. Then again having a Succubus as my servant would help me achieve both faster.

"Master," the Succubus purred to draw me out of my brooding. "It is my duty to tell you that you have one more spin. If not, the contract is void and the trait will deactivate again."

She was right. It was no time to panic. And another spin could mean the bottle would land on "female +++++". Making my panic unnecessary. It was a one in ten chance, but I had to take it.

What a big mistake. As soon as I spun the bottle with my new delicate female hands the Succubus laughed out loud. It wasn't the kind that spoke of amusement. Nope. It was one of malicious intent.

Faster than I could stop her she reached out and grabbed the bottle. Forcefully stopping it as it pointed between two trait cards. Or so I thought. Like an arrow, the bottle directed my view to the "magically bound master of the Succubus X" trait. And before my eyes, it flipped. And just like that, I knew I messed up. Now I was "magically bound servant of the Succubus X".

"Well done my pet," the Succubus said with a smirk that haunts my dreams to this day. "Right into my trap."

I remember saying something like "But you cheated" while pouting.

Her grin just widened. "Did I?" she asked. "Did we agree on a rule preventing me from touching the bottle?"

We didn't and I was doomed. By my own hand. Now I was bound to obey every command of hers. And she had plenty of orders for me.

One of the first points on her list of humiliation was to "adjust me and my traits" further to her liking.

She made my summon all my trait cards again. I tried to be quick and disable the servant to a Succubus trait, but she was faster. Forbidding it to me now and in the future. One more nail in my coffin. Then she plucked my traits apart.

"You don't need 'attracted to women +++'. Discard it."

I obeyed her order immediately. She was right in a way. I was into women before I acquired the trait and I did only so because of some homophobe alpha male clubs. They required the trait for those who wanted entrance. As I was now female I had even less use for the trait.

The Succubus fished another inactive trait out of the thin air. "Slot this trait and activate it."

I cursed as I saw it. "Horny +" was not one I would have picked up on my own. The effect was immediate. I felt a flush on my face. Glancing down I saw the nipples on my generous breasts stiffen. But the most distracting was the heat I felt way below in my nether region. It wasn't overwhelming, but oh so distracting. New was also the feeling of growing dripping wet down there.

"Need a hand?" the Succubus purred. Not trusting my voice I nodded. With a hungry grin, she came over to me. Her hands found my flesh and soon I was a puddle of lust under her skilled administration. It wasn't long before I had my first female orgasm. As they go it was a good one.

But on the heel of the pleasure subsiding came the realization of how bad of a spot I was in. "Horny +" did its dirty work. Even with a fresh orgasm behind me I already craved the next. And there would be no relief. I would always be horny. How long until it would chip away my will? Making me a plaything of the Succubus, even without her orders.

While the Succubus thought about the rest of my traits I tried to go for a second round. But she noticed. A moment later I was forbidden to pleasure myself unless ordered by her. Can't a newly made horny girl get a break?

Eventually, she made me discard my "apprentice warlock" trait. Probably to prevent me from summoning help against her. As unlikely as it was. I was so horny I couldn't even imagine summoning a hell-bunny successfully.

To fill the empty slot she gave me another trait. I winced as I saw it. "Exhibitionist" didn't sound like it would make my life easier. With that, the Succubus pronounced me ready. For what I had no idea.

"We are going out." Four little words and I was in a panic. Was the world going to see me like this? It was horrifying. Yet thanks to my latest trait the very thought made me even wetter. It didn't help that I was only allowed to wear sneakers - that were now way too big for me - and an old trench coat. Underneath it, I was completely naked.

Stumbling down the road I drew some looks. Not as many as I feared. The reason was probably the Succubus who had no problem slandering down the street half naked.

We arrived at the local mall and to my dismay, we steered right to a shop for shoes. More specifically heels. I had to model for the Succubus. No kitten heels for me. Only those with a heel of five inches or higher. To say I fell a few times flat on my face was an understatement. Of course, the Succubus had the time of her life. In the end, she settled on a pair of strappy six-inch heels. The very one I managed the least to stay upright.

When it came to paying for them I remembered that she had forbidden me to bring my wallet. For a moment I feared she would suggest I pay for them by other means. Instead, she proposed a game and the clerk accepted. Of course, the game was spin the bottle. Unlike with me, the Succubus included a rule stating that neither she or the person spinning the bottle was allowed to touch it after was spun. I was kind of angry that she now included this rule. Even though I could guess why. With me it had been a means to break out. Now, it was for fun.

The clerk walked away with the new trait "fashionably thin", but got her trait "fashionista ++" flipped to "fashion challenged ++". Well, actually we walked away and the clerk stayed behind. You get what I am saying, right?

Then we made our way through the mall. The Succubus sauntering like she owned the place. Me, I gave my best involuntary act of how a newborn giraffe walks. At least I got good enough walking in heels to not constantly fall flat on my face. The trick was to walk really close to a wall so you can use that one to steady yourself.

By the time we left the mall behind three more games of "spin the bottle" had been played and I gained a set of lingerie that left little to the imagination. So the trenchcoat stayed put. At least for the time being.

Disaster struck outside of the mall. The Succubus just concluded another game when I saw a guy observing us. To my horror, I knew that guy. Ernesto, one of the guys of my alpha male club.

He leisurely walked over. Not very discretely checking out the Succubus. And me! What was worse was that I caught myself slightly flashing him. Now and then opening my trenchcoat just a little. Damn "exhibitionist" trait.

"I want to play," Ernesto opened up.

"For what trait?" the Succubus purred.

"No trait. Her," Ernesto countered and to my dismay, I saw him pointing at me. "She is your servant, right? I wanna have sex with her."

I gasped while the Succubus pouted. "You could have sex with me," she offered.

"She is way better at it," I helpfully provided.

But Ernesto dismissed the idea. "Everyone knows it is best to not bed a demon."

"Fair enough," the Succubus agreed with a wicked grin. "So one game of spin the bottle. Wherever the bottle stops at the trait gets flipped. Once in motion neither you are or I am allowed to touch the bottle. As the reward, you can bed my sexy little minx here."

"Deal," Ernesto agreed and sealed my fate.

As both set the game up I was in a panic. Not only was I currently trapped in a woman's body, I would also have sex in it. The thought was horrifying. I needed a way out and as Ernesto grabbed the bottle and spun it I finally had an epiphany.

Waiting for the bottle to slow down I managed to grab at just the right time. Ernesto's trait "male ++++++" flipped to "female ++++++". Success! I said something corny like "now you are in my boat" or similar. I don't remember exactly. What I do remember was the shocked look on "her" face as she realized what happened. And I must admit feminized Ernesto looked way hotter than me. Probably because 'his' trait was enhanced one time more than mine.

'He' was lifting his hand, probably to accuse me of cheating, when I cut him off. "Now what about that sexy time you promised me?" Instead of sexy time, 'he' ran away. How rude. I really had been looking forward to that temporary relief of my horniness.

The Succubus meanwhile grabbed my shoulders and laughed. "Finally," she said. "Now we can have some fun."

So, yeah. Turns out the Succubus had waited for me to figure out that I was now her means of cheating. I had to admit it was fun. We found a few more victims to play the game. Most often my Succubus mistress would give me hints what traits I was supposed to stop the bottle at. Usually, I obeyed. But a few times I spotted an opportunity my mistress hadn't. The best one? A researcher exiting the nearby college's library.

She was one of those no-nonsense looking girls. Dedicated to their studies and nothing else. Fun was a poison. At least to her. I knew so because I remembered her. I once tried hitting on her, but she proved to be immune to my charm and sex-appeal.

She wished for the trait "devilishly brilliant". Because, of course, she did. Such a bookworm. My mistress put down the trait in the same way she had put down the trait that made me her slave. Right between two cards. The intention clear. It was tempting to see a "devilishly stupid" bookworm, but I spotted something my mistress hadn't.

The bottle was spun and my eyes narrowed on my target. I caught it just in time. Pointing to "frigid ++++". Now I knew why I hadn't had luck with her. She had chosen to shut down her whole libido to concentrate on her studies. Not anymore. Her eyes grew wide as saucers as the trait flipped to "horny ++++". Welcome to my team, baby!

She gasped in shock. Her intelligence evident as she didn't accuse us of cheating. Instead, she pushed out "loophole!" in a way others used to curse. But that was the last coherent thought she did. I could see her eyes clouding over with lust. Running wild in search of relief. They settled on me.

Now I didn't know if the girl had been into women before or not. Now she didn't care. I was jumped and dragged into furious lovemaking. Exactly what I wanted. If I was forbidden to pleasure myself I had to get creative. If my mistress minded then she didn't show it. She even joined our romp to officially make it an orgy. Right there on the pathway for everyone to see. That was so hot, but that might be my "exhibitionist" trait talking.

I think I was on my second orgasm when my mistress pulled me out. I stumbled after her in only my high heels. I wanted more and looked longingly back. The girl was still not done. Without us, she furiously started to masturbate amidst discarded clothes. Hers, as well as my trench coat and lingerie. The last I saw of her was as she was approached by a policeman. Or rather her tackling him to satisfy her lust.

It was two blocks down when my Succubus mistress finally slowed down. "Nicely spotted my pet," she praised me. I didn't care much. More sex was all on my mind. I felt the looks of those around me. Taking in my naked form. It made me so much wetter down there.

"Let's play more games," I begged my mistress, who wasn't fooled. I could have begged for more sex instead. It would have sounded the same to her.

It took me a few games, but I had sex again and then another time. Always causing a small riot. I really started to like our little spin the bottle games and slowly understood why demons like the game so much. Many humans misjudged how much potential for mischief it had because it was a simple game. So simple that they thought nothing could surprise them. My mistress and I proved them wrong.

"I think you earned a reward," my mistress purred into my ear after I helped switch a "dominant aura" trait of a man into a "submissive aura". Now everyone around him would instinctively know that he wanted to be taken advantage of. Even if it wasn't true. But the promise of a reward riveted my attention to my mistress. I hoped it was sex. Horny as I was I was always up for more sex.

I stead she made me show her my traits again. She pondered over my traits and eventually made me discard my "outgoing" trait. Promising to give me something better to replace it. Not that I needed that trait anymore. With me being "horny +" and an "exhibitionist" I had two good reasons to be naturally outgoing.

When she handed me the replacement trait I gasped. "Species: half Succubus" was a rare gift. I didn't know I wanted it until my mistress made me equip it. At once I felt more powerful and at ease with my body. One that changed to reflect my new trait. My breasts grew and got a gravity-defying perkiness and my skin, already flush with arousal, grew slightly more pinkish. I could feel the cutest little nubs poke through my hairline. Not quite big enough to call them horns. At last, I felt a prehensile tail push out of my tailbone. It wasn't as long as my mistress's. Hers could coil a few times around her leg and still reach the ground. Mine barely reached my knees if I stretched it out, but long enough to bury itself in my own moist slit. Sadly I was still forbidden to pleasure myself.

What was the saying? Everything fun has to stop sometime? I was still in the throws of wonderment over my new body when my mistress told me that the duration of her stay was limited and nearly up. Turns out that I had been a bad warlock indeed. Only fueling her summoning for a few hours. A bright summoning circle flashed under her and she was slowly drawn into it.

At first, I hated how she tricked me into becoming her servant. Now tears welled up in my eyes as I was about to lose her. I asked if I could summon her again. Knowing that I had to get the warlock trait again to do so. The last thing she said was to not bother. Then the summoning circle swallowed her up for good.

There I stood. Newly-made woman for just a few hours. Naked - save for high heels - and liking it. I was so tempted to just say "fuck it" and stay a woman. On the other hand, I could undo most of the "damage" my mistress had done to me. I only was forbidden to deactivate the trait that made me a servant to her. I still could find someone to flip it. Not that it mattered as she was gone. "Horny +" and "Exhibitionist" I could deactivate or discard right away. I just didn't try it before so my mistress would forbid me to mess with them too. I even could switch back to being male with a little dedication.

All this pondering was in vain as a light appeared below me. Runes and lines of light spread out under me. Within a few heartbeats, a summoning circle had formed right under my feet. One I slowly sank into as if it was quicksand. The epiphany hit me like a freight train. My mistress wasn't done with me. She probably gave me the half Succubus trait only for one reason: to make me summonable. As the summoning circle swallowed me up to my hips I gave my birth-world a last cheesy salute. I knew that I might not be back for a while. Then I mentally urged the summoning circle to hurry up. I was horny after all.

Of course, my adventure didn't end there. But that is better told in another story. Now please excuse me. I have to go lick my mistress. If I do a good job I might even earn a ride on her tail.

Until next time,
your succubi narrator

* * * * * * * * * *
Last state of traits:
"Female +++++", "horny +, "resistant to alcohol +", "apprentice healer +", "charming", "high stamina +", "athletic", "species: half Succubus", "empathetic", "exhibitionist", and "magically bound servant of the Succubus X".

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