Just a quick update for anybody following my silly little blog:
My brother is home from the hospital, but pain in the non-replaced leg is slowing his recovery. Nothing we can do except slog through things ...
Meanwhile, my aunt does have cancer - stage one, apparently, so she's also looking at a long slog before any recovery ...
And me?
Well, other than the fact I've done no writing at all this week, and was sick today to boot, I'm hanging in there.
I promise to be back at writing as soon as my spoons allow ...
Sending lots of huggles your way.
Sometimes slogging through it all is the only option. He'll recover from the surgery, I just hope his other knee doesn't go bang.
Make sure your aunt goes in for whatever treatments are required for the cancer. Better to beat it now before it becomes worse.
I speak from experience. If mine had been found early, I probably would have had a much easier time dealing with it. *sighs* That wasn't the case, it wasn't 'discovered' until another 15 months had passed and the cancer was larger than a golf ball. It had started spreading between discovery and time of removal. Luckily, they caught it just at the start of the metastasis, so it hadn't spread very far from the origin point.
I know the feeling about not writing, last piece I posted was a week ago today. Life has been an interfering biatch, I've either had things that needed to be done or I was dealing with migraines or other stuff like feeling wiped out energy wise last night.
I wandered off to bed, and laid there for about five hours or so, got NO sleep, maybe dozed a bit, finally got up again around midnight. LOL
I'm tired enough again to give sleep another try. Maybe this time, I'll actually get some rather than a few very brief dozes like I had last night.