I was at my little brother's house and we were talking about stuff while he had me trouble shooting his vacuum cleaner. Out of the blue, he stopped talking and looked lost for a minute. Then he said, "My Grandson is Transgendered". He then revealed that he (she) is 5 years old. He told me that the child's mother, my brother's daughter, said that they had been through the Doctor, Shrinks and endless sessions of telling the child that they were not going anywhere until HE put on the right clothes, until it became obvious that this was not just a passing fancy on the child's part.
My poor brother looked so lost. I know of another child who was thrown out by her parents at age 6 and went on to suffer unspeakably for many years, for the same reason. This transgender thing is not for the faint of heart, and around 40% do not live, while for some of us, our very survival is a day to day thing.
If any of you have followed "50 Shades of Grey" , there is a scene where Christian kneels at Anastasia's feet like a bought slave, begging her not to leave him. When my own GID began to manifest, my then wife caught me wearing her panties, and those who have experienced something similar will know that it is like Armageddon. I remember kneeling like a slave begging her not to leave me. My heart goes out to anyone that has had that sort of experience. We did remain together a year or so after that, but the real marriage was over.
My heart breaks for any parent that has a child who wants to be the OTHER gender. It is tough for the parents, and orders of magnitude more difficult for the children who experience it. However, the parents of my brother's grandchild seem to be taking it in a loving and compassionate way and I thank God for them. I wish for all the blessings on that child that she can possibly absorb. I don't know her name yet.
By my understanding, it will be another 5 years before she is on blockers, and longer before she actually starts Hormones. Hopefully, she will learn very young not to reveal that part of her life. And, hopefully people like Trump and his ilk will either learn mercy or drop dead. In the state of Washington, perhaps there are things to do that will conceal her past.
I've been out and living it since 2004, and like many of us, the cost of such a decision was not worth it and many sessions on the psych ward followed. Now I live with the humiliation that I fucked up killing myself twice. How can you be that much of a screw up? In the last several years, life has been much better and I am enjoying life but without the family that I so loved. There is not a day that I do not think of that loss.
Are things better for us in 2018 than they were in 2004? To me it seems so. I pray that she and those like her will have wonderful, full lives.
More hope
Yesterday in a coffee shop / bakery, I noticed some other customers picking up a cupcake order.
Staff: “Is this for a wedding?”
“No, gender reveal.”
“Well, congratulations to someone!”
Are things better than in 2004?
I'd say so. In many countries Trans people can get married to people of their old or new sex.
Transgenderism was just not talked about in 2004 but it is now even if rubbish like 'bathroom laws' are being used to cloud the issue.
It seems to be far more of an issue in the USA than in other coutries. Perhaps there is some correlation to the somewhat blinkered ideals forced onto the education system? There are more 'Flat Earters' in the USA than in other countries (as a percentage of the population). Even the launch into space of the Tesla Roadster is widely touted as 'Fake News'.
Is it more of resistance to the unknown?
How many Westerns depicted a stranger coming to town and being told in no uncertain terms to 'get out of town' by the Sheriff? There is always a modicum of fact in these stories.
But, overall, I think things are better for us now than they have even been.
Amen Indeed sister
Well Gwen.
The last I heard Gwen, you did not have much to do with your family. If this child is transgendered and that issue has got you and your younger brother talking then that could be a wonderful avenue for you to perhaps offer some sort of help and support and thereby gain a way back to the family you miss so much. The kid will need all the support that anybody who truly cares can offer. If you are one of those carers then try, try and try again to help the child and parents avoid the ghastly bear-traps that await them. I believe it can on occasions be doubly difficult across the pond, why that is I'm not prepared to speculate but I've got my own private thoughts about that.
Good luck Gwen and if you can, hang on in there.
The Family
My little brother is the one person who has been supportive. He is the only family, aside from me, left alive, of my siblings.
My own children, and my ex's family are the usual booger head rednecks.
The child and his (her) parents live in Seattle, about 180 miles north. According to Russ, they've accepted that he is now she, but at age 5 I have no idea if she is herself all the time.
Hopefully, life is pleasant for you.