Role Reversal (09 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Nine of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

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One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

Sunday, June 12, 2022:

I woke again in Butch's loving embrace. For the third time in a row, I was unable to sneak away quietly. He was already awake, watching me as I pretended to sleep.

Even though I no longer need to receive training during my sleep, Snrxl is still doing it. I suspect that he's purposely timing things so that I wake up slightly after Butch does.

But I'm not about to complain. It's hard to complain when you have such a big grin on your face. I'm just glad that the master bedroom has thick walls.

After our morning constitutional, Butch headed for the showers and I shifted to my Joe body, put on some farm clothes, and dragged the kids out of bed and outside to do the chores. Myra and Clarisse took care of the milking, Jim grained the horses and fed the dogs, and Josh fed the cats and gathered the eggs. I pitched hay to the goats and made made sure that everyone had water. I switched to my Jan body before going back into the house.

Butch came down, set the table, and helped me prepare breakfast. He cooked the bacon and cut up the ham and veggies for the omelets. By the time the kids were done with their chores, breakfast was ready to be served.

Myra and Clarisse finished first and disappeared upstairs. I heard the shower going for about ten minutes. I sent Jim and Josh up when it stopped. After stuffing them into the shower, I went to my room and looked for something dressy but modest for church. I settled for a flower print dress, nude nylons, and low heels.

After setting that stuff out, I went to haul the two boys out of the shower. I tossed each of them a towel and went to their bedrooms to set out their clothes. On the way back, I heard giggling in Clarisse's room.

Myra was dressed in a short pleated skirt, a somewhat less than demure (but not immodest) blouse, coffee colored nylons, and two inch heels. Her lipstick matched the rosy pink fingernails.

Both girls were giggling as Myra helped Clarisse apply her lipstick. Clarisse had to be careful to avoid messing up freshly applied fingernail polish -- the same stuff that Myra was wearing. It looked like they were going for the 'big sister/little sister' look, because the outfit laid out on Clarisse's bed was remarkably similar to Myra's. I poked my head in and asked them if I should dress in my pleated skirt, too. They both made a face.

But I wasn't about to spoil their fun. Besides, I chose my ensemble to compliment Butch's casual cotton pants and light short sleeve shirt.

Here we go again, picking up strays. Nobody was surprised that John was visiting relatives with Jan. Clarisse was welcomed warmly, and everyone loved the way that Myra was sticking with her and helping her feel comfortable.

Monday, June 13, 2022:

The training dreams came again. This time, I asked Snrxl if he was intentionally timing things so that I wake up just a little later than Butch. He just grinned at me and asked me if I was complaining. I blushed. How can I blush in a virtual chat room when I'm not really there?

I asked him why, out of the billions of people in the world, that he chose me.

"Actually, I didn't choose from billions. There were only four countries that would work for our purposes."

"OK, so out of the half a billion or so, why me?"

"Are you complaining?"

This time, it was my turn to smirk. "What do you think?"

Snrxl is actually quite a delightful character. He has a sense of humor that won't quit. This time, though, he was serious. "The short answer is that we picked you for your compassion and wisdom. Intelligence is a plus, but intelligence is of the body, and can therefore be enhanced. In fact, we knocked the intelligence of all of your loved ones up a few notches, and their improved bodies will be even smarter."

"What's the long answer?"

"Several factors go into it. When we chose you, we chose all of those that you deeply care for. Some are just going along for the ride, but most of them will play an active role in the plan."

"What is the plan?"

He smirked. "Now, now; you know that to forewarn is to inhibit."

Then, he got serious again.

"You and Jan were chosen because you make a good team, and because you have displayed some leadership and counseling abilities. Also, because of the attitudes about sex in your culture, we needed someone who could fulfill both gender roles, and do a good job of it."

"I was never particularly androgynous. I always liked being a man."

"No, you weren't androgynous. You are kind of the opposite. Instead of having no strong gender-specific traits, or having sort of middle-of-the-road traits, you have traits from both end of the spectrum. Your soul has strong male and strong female traits. You took on the traits that match your body, and expressed the female traits by telling yourself that you are strong enough to be gentle, that you protect by nurturing, and similar rationalizations."

He has a point there. I always said that real men can wear pink. I said that men who are secure in their masculinity don't have to worry about someone else thinking that they're effeminate. I also had to reflect that I was never particularly macho. I enjoyed my strength, but my gender identity was never a big part of my self image.

"Another reason that we chose you is that you are actively seeking a closer relationship with The Maker."

"The Maker?"

"You call him God. Do you think that God is just a local God who only watches after your planet?"

He had me there. "No, of course not!"

He smirked. "I didn't think so. Still, those who only know one planet generally don't look beyond that planet."

"Come to think of it, this experience gives me more insight into the nature of God. After all, I am Joe and I am Tiffany, but there is still only one me.

His eyes lit up. "You have great insight, grasshopper."


His eyes sparkled with humor again. "Before starting the plan, I had to learn about your culture. That included lots of time watching your entertainment and news."

"Ah, OK. I'll just have to trust that you understand that television reflects a caricature of our culture, not the culture itself."

He smiled at me. "That is common knowledge."

We chatted for a bit more. Then, he said, "It's time for you to go to sleep if you want to keep your appointment with lover boy tomorrow."

Even though most of my attention was on our conversation, I had purposely kept enough peripheral awareness of my physical body to luxuriate in the warm embrace of my love.

"How about if you let me stay awake for about ten seconds so that I can enjoy Butch's embrace, then drop me off to sleep. Can you do that?"

"Of course!"

I was suddenly in Butch's warm embrace. I snuggled back and fell into a deep sleep.

* * * * *

As always, I woke up refreshed. Butch was gently stroking my hair. I turned around and gave him a hug, then a kiss, then... but nobody really needs to know the details.

This time, Butch decided to come do the chores first and shower later. He had been feeling guilty about having the chores done by the girls and the kids. This time, he pitched the hay. What a stud.

Jim and Josh begged to go to the beach again. Why not? Most of the swimming stuff is already in the Jeep for just such an occasion. We even kept the scuba stuff in the back. We rinsed everything and refilled the tanks, but then put it right back. I quickly put a picnic lunch together, and carried it out to the Jeep just as everyone was piling in.

Myra was coming out the front door, but she turned around and quickly ran back in. In less than a minute, she reemerged. She hopped in and we were on our way. I was wondering what Myra had gone back into the house for. She turned to Clarisse and asked, "What are you going to wear in the water?"

"My swimming trunks are already in with the rest of the swimming stuff." Then, she put her hand over her mouth. "Oh no!"

Myra giggled. "You're so lucky you have me to take care of you!" She pulled a skimpy bikini out of her pocket and handed it to Clarisse, who took it and blushed.

We made a changing tent like before. Myra and Clarisse changed together. Butch, remembering the speedos that I had foisted upon him last time, brought a pair of trunks. I chose a sleek red one-piece.

After swimming for a bit, Butch and I decided to pull out the scuba gear and take another dive. There might not be much to see down there, but it's still a joy to float weightlessly in the water. We practiced using breath control to control our buoyancy. We both found it to be slightly different in our new bodies, but we soon got good at holding our depth.

We swam around, enjoying the three-dimensional freedom. All too soon, we had to make our ten foot safety stop and surface. We swam along the surface with our snorkels until we were in knee-deep water. Then, we removed our flippers, got up, and walked to the Jeep. Once we divested ourselves of our gear and set it out to dry, we noticed that Myra and Clarisse were keeping an eye on Jim and Josh, as instructed. They were also prancing up and down the beach, enjoying the attention they were getting. Clarisse seems to be adapting all too well to her new body. I think I have created a monster.

* * * * *

Butch, Myra, Clarisse, and I all have nice tans. Jim and Josh managed to get sunburned pretty badly. They were practically crying by the time we got back.

Well, now is as good a time as any. I put my hands on Jim and changed him to his female form. Then, I immediately changed him to his male form. I did the same with Josh. They were both relieved to get rid of their sunburn, and I am happy that everyone in the family is now immune to pretty much any disease or injury. Tonight, I'll have to talk to Snrxl about the situation. I don't really see any point in bending their genders at that age, and I don't think it's a good idea to give them the ability to transform. I let them try on both bodies so that the emergency transformation feature would work, but I don't expect to see them as girls any time soon.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

I had a nice discussion with Snrxl last night. He was perfectly happy with my decision to give my youngest sons their new improved bodies. When I asked about the rest of my loved ones, he replied that I could use my own discretion, but that they should read my journal before deciding for themselves. Also, I was to tell them that they would be receiving training like I had. Apparently, none of them would be forced to wear an opposite gender body. I didn't know whether to feel cheated or privileged. Snrxl pointed out the fact that any trial or training is good. I wouldn't be who I am right now if I hadn't had to face the challenge.

When it was time for me to drop off to sleep, Snrxl asked me if I wanted to do the ten second cuddle and and sleep, like I did last night.

So, I luxuriated in Butch's warm embrace, then dropped off to sleep.

As Snrxl had planned, I woke up just after Butch. As expected, this morning's romp was even better than before.

The kids surprised us by making breakfast and doing the chores by themselves. Life is good.

After breakfast, I went down to the computer room. Sure enough, Great Lakes RV Rental has come to the startling conclusion that their current application isn't going to work well at their new location. Warms the cockles of me heart, it does. (What are cockles, anyway?)

OK, let me back up a bit.

Last year, they bought a store front, some warehouse space, and some dock space at a marina. They have been diligently setting up a boat rental business. The intention was to use their current software to handle the boat rentals. After all, they're doing almost the same thing. They need to track engine hours instead of miles, but almost everything else is the same. Certainly, the software is versatile enough to do the job. The problem is that they are now working out of two locations. If they use a separate copy of the software at each location, they will end up with information about each location, but there will be no corporate level reports. If they want corporate level reports, they will have to print the reports for each location separately, run one over to the main store, and add them together by hand. My job is to give them some alternatives. They want alternatives, prices, and the pros and cons for each.

One alternative is to use something like PC Anywhere or Citrix or Virtualbox to allow the remote location to run the application while it resides on the main location's servers. Another is to write some special code that will synchronize the two copies of the application periodically. A third alternative is to keep the two locations separate, but write some special code to export the reports and merge them. A fourth is to write web front ends for the components that they want to run at the new location. There are others, but none of them have any particular advantages over the above four. If it had been written as a web-based application in the first place, none of this wouldn't have been necessary. You have to work with what you have, though.

A couple of decades years ago... Three decades ago? Anyhow, I wrote a program that synchronized two applications over a phone modem at about 2:00 every morning. About twenty-five years ago, we (my employers) provided a service where we kept the applications on our servers (providing backup, guaranteed 100% up time, and the like), and served it over the Internet to the clients via Citrix.

I wrote up a detailed analysis, billed it as a consultation, and sent it off. There are no more projects pending, so I shut down my work station and went back upstairs.

I decided to take a walk outside. What's the use of having all those animals if you don't enjoy them on occasion? The chickens came running when they saw me go out the door. I tossed them some scratch grain, and petted a couple of them as they ate out of my hand. Then, I went over and talked to the goats. Goats can be very personable animals, even the stinky old bucks. Alas, we had earlier promised to board some African Pygmy goats. We were going to put them in with our own goats until we found out that they have an intact buck. Why would anyone want a buck goat as a pet? Whether or not they have behavior problems, they definitely have some habits that are disgusting to us humans. They also smell pretty bad; partly due to a scent gland between the horns, and partly due to their habit of peeing on their front legs, beard, and in their mouths. I guess buck goat pee smells like the finest perfume to a doe.

So, the three goats are in a pen well away from our own goats. The last thing we need is for that buck to escape and mate with our does. Fortunately, it isn't rutting season. At least, it isn't rutting season for most breeds of goat. Pygmies rut all year round.

And sure enough, they were going at it. I hope our friends don't mind taking care of some goat kids just before Thanksgiving.

People use the 'birds and the bees' euphemism when trying to explain reproduction to their kids. That's all well and good, but it's the behavior of mammals, like those goats there, that is closer to what they are trying to explain.

Of course, to the goats, it is nothing more than the following of an instinct -- the following of a desire. The act has no more significance than eating or playing. The hormones in their bodies and the pheromones that they detect guide the behavior, and lead to the swapping of genetic material.

I guess some humans see it that way, too. They do it because it feels good, without any thought to the more meaningful components of the act. They follow their hormones, rather than acknowledging that they are rational and spiritual beings that have a higher calling than mere flesh.

I left the goats to their animal behavior and walked over to the horses. Jan's pony came to see me, and it occurred to me that she hadn't been ridden in quite some time. Horses like to be ridden, so I led her over to the tack room and saddled her up. I rode her around the pasture, but that simply wasn't enough for her.

It's been a while since I had a nice walk in the woods, anyhow. With the smooth rolling motion of the horse and the soft sound of hooves on pine needle covered earth, riding a horse is quite conducive to thinking.

I'm pretty sure I did the right thing with Jim and Josh. I gave them the safety and health advantages of their new bodies without goofing with their gender identities. They are too young to have fully formed their identities, so confusing them would not be a good thing.

Clarisse is doing a good job of embracing her femininity. In fact, she is doing a good sight better job than I did at first. She, or rather he, also had a very good year at school. It's amazing how much John has matured in the past year or so. I suspect that Snrxl and crew did more than just increase his intelligence. They probably cleared out the impulsively and a few other issues that used to plague him. The way things are going, he's likely to be mighty bored next year in school. I wonder if we can get him into a few advanced classes. Maybe we can teach him the algebra and advanced science that Myra and I took last semester. Myra would probably enjoy tutoring him. If we can convince the school to let him test out of those classes, we might be able to move him ahead a year.

Changing him to Clarisse was a good idea, but I kind of regret the fact that she is missing out on our workouts. Maybe it would be a good idea to transform her for the workouts, then transform him back when we're done. That would allow him to gain strength in his male body, and continue to have some 'guy time' with all of us guys. I'll have to talk to Snrxl about that tonight.

"Why wait until tonight?" His voice came through loud and clear.

"Do you always monitor my thoughts?"

I could now see him in my mind's eye. My view of the trail wasn't affected because the implant and the normal perceptions come through two separate 'channels'.

"Because of the project, I am authorized to monitor the thoughts of all subjects. I generally don't do it, but I do have the communication equipment set up to alert me when my name is called, or when there is strong emotion."

I had to snicker at that one. "I wonder how many estrogen induced false alarms you have gotten from me."

"Very few, actually. I did my time, and I know all about estrogen induced angst. It isn't hard to filter out."

"You spent some time as a girl?"

Snrxl chuckled at that one. "Yes, of course I did. Most people from the planets with our technology have both male and female identities, but I had to be stuck as a female as part of the training for my job"

"What job is that?"

He smiled at me. "Why, taking care of you, of course! I am your personal trainer and mentor. I am here to help you your loved ones succeed with your mission. Just call on me, and I'll be there to help."

His tone was light, but his words gave me the warm fuzzies. I couldn't help but smile.

"OK, oh honorable master. Do you think that I should turn Clarisse back into John for our manly workouts and grunt fests?"

"Your reasoning is sound, grasshopper. You have done well."

His tone was flippant, but his sentiments were real.

I didn't really know how to ask the next question. Is Snrxl going to give me advice on such a personal issue, anyhow? "Butch and I are having a great time, but he seems hesitant to consummate our marriage in our new bodies."

He looked at me with a serious expression. "You are hesitant, too. In fact, he remembers how it felt to be rushed, and doesn't want to do that to you."

Talk about a guilt trip! He could tell how I felt, of course.

"Don't waste your guilt on the past. You were young, inexperienced, less wise, and simply didn't know better. Your hormones overrode your good sense, and it was the same with Jan. In the end, she felt as much guilt as you did."

I paused to mull that one over. I felt Tina's rolling motion under my rear as she walked the familiar trail. I finally spoke. "So, this time, we are going to do it right."

"Yes. Butch knows that he has to take the lead, but he also knows that you have to surrender the lead to him. Part of your previous problem was that you took the lead before Jan surrendered it to you."

I hung my head, but I know that what's past is past. We have been given a new start that we would have had a difficult time making for ourselves.

Snrxl said gently, "He is your soul mate in the truest sense. Still, don't surrender to him until you are ready to give your all. You can trust him with everything, but you must be able to do that without reservation."

I thought about that. It's his job to be strong, and it's my job to encourage him. Jan was always a strong woman, so Butch shouldn't have too much trouble adapting. On the other hand, I have 41 years of history as a male. Depending on and trusting him in the way that I should may be a bit of a challenge.

"You're doing fine. Just give yourself time. Give him time, too. Nothing good comes quickly or without a struggle."

"Was I wrong to try to drag him into the water?"

This time, Snrxl chuckled at me. "No, what you and Myra did was actually quite in character. Also, the end result did him a world of good."

The trail had looped around, and we were almost back to the farm.

"Thank you for your wise counsel, oh honorable master."

He winked at me. "Any time, grasshopper."

* * * * *

Butch and I went to the feed mill. Butch decided to get everything in 100 pound bags, instead of the usual fifty pound bags. He made me stay in the truck while he loaded everything. I wasn't about to lug 100 pound bags of food around using my Tiffany body, anyhow.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022:

Today, we all went to Mom and Dad's lake house, cleaned it up, and opened it for the summer. I'm sure they will enjoy coming home to a house that doesn't look like it's been abandoned all winter.

When just hacking around, I generally wear my 'transformation clothes'. I made sure that I was set up today because there was a good chance that I would need the strength of my Joe body. As it turns out, Butch suggested that I ride herd over the kids in the house while he did the yard chores.

Ride herd? Myra and Clarisse have been maturing wonderfully. They can easily handle Jim and Josh, who aren't doing too badly themselves.

But who am I to argue? I went in with the kids and directed everyone to their tasks. I took care of the kitchen, running the dishes through the dishwasher to remove last winter's dust, giving the tables and counters a quick cleaning with a damp rag, and the like. Soon, everything was spotless. Butch came in just in time to move the heavy furniture around so that Clarisse could vacuum under it. The final step was to turn on the well pump (Butch did that) and open all the faucets to fill up and flush the pipes.

After getting the house ready for Mom and Dad, we decided that we all deserve a treat. We headed to one of our favorite pizza joints.

As usual, Butch was doing the driving. He and I are the only ones with a license, and it's my Joe persona that has the license. While there are few issues with wasting 'Joe time', I like to stay in my Tiffany persona when I'm around Butch. The only exceptions are the workout times, and some scheduled 'male bonding' time when we go fishing, do target practice, or ride around the quads.

So, Butch was the one who had to fight the steering wheel when a back tire blew. The image of that truck that almost killed two families flashed through my mind. Butch managed to keep the minivan under control and got it pulled over to the side of the road, though. He breathed a sigh of relief and slumped over the steering wheel for a second. Then, he turned off the engine and got out.

I sighed and followed him out. He opened the back of the van, and I started pulling at the jack and lug wrench.

"Nothing doing, young lady! You just get the kids out of the van and keep them amused."

I started to stiffen and wanted to tell him that I am perfectly capable of changing a tire. Is Butch starting to develop a male ego?

Then I relaxed. This is a good thing. He is starting to become Butch, rather than simply wearing the body. I should do as well as he's doing. I put my arms around his neck, pecked him on the cheek, and said, "Thank you, honey!"

I should mention that Jan has never changed a tire in her life. Neither has Butch. I could have stayed and helped him, but I had never asked Jan to help me. I had to let him play his role. I could have given him advice, but I decided to keep my mouth shut. He isn't stupid, after all. I just said, "Be careful, honey!"

He rolled his eyes and said "Yes, dear."

He read the instructions carefully. Soon, he had the van jacked up and started to remove the shredded tire. He put the lug wrench on the nut and gave it a spin. The entire wheel spun. I had to bite my tongue to keep from offering advice.

He lowered the jack enough to jam the tire against the ground and tried again. This time, he had all five lug nuts off in a couple minutes. The car was too low to put the spare on, so he jacked it up.

It's really hard to lift something as heavy as a tire and handle it with the precision necessary to get the studs through the holes. He struggled a little, then stuck his foot under the tire, twisted it just enough to adjust it to the right height, and quickly got the spare on. He spun all five nuts on and jammed his foot under the tire so that he could tighten them. After lowering the van, he tightened them again.

I hugged him and thanked him for getting us back on the road. "I noticed that you were watching me like a hawk. Did the job meet your approval?"

"I was just admiring the way you figured everything out and, yes, you did a wonderful job." That gave me an excuse to kiss him again.

Our next stop was to the tire place. We ended up ordering four new tires. They should be in tomorrow.

Finally, we made it to the pizza joint. Butch ran to the rest room to wash the grease and road grime off, then joined us for a very nice meal.

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