Becoming Sara, Day Three, Publishing House

This is where the story is going to differ from the original. In this chapter i changed the ending to give a different take and direct the story down a different path. If you want to read the original go to Fictionmania.

Day three Meeting the Publisher.

Four in the morning was way early for me. I thought about leaving last night, but I popped out of bed like it was nine. I walked into the bathroom and giggled softly as I had slept with the modulator on. I wondered who I was just like I had wondered last night? I needed to be Sara today and the thought excited me that not only would I be her that no one would know the truth. I put the device on the charger shivering that it wasn't around my neck. Had I become so attached to a simple tool? I showered and shaved making sure that my skin was clean. I stepped out and dried my hair and styled it the best I could. I had braided it loosely and wrapped it around and pinned it in place. Not a professional style, but one I felt brought attention to my face and worked better with a scarf.

I put on the bra and the breast forms and felt comforted by the weight. Next came the stockings and the panties then the corset that although difficult to tighten felt loose. Almost as if it fit much better than the first time, and that it had done its job of shaping my waist. I dropped the chemise over it all and shivered as it hid and revealed the shape underneath. Not that anyone would see it. Next I spent time getting all my makeup on and I went again with a light every day look that was natural. I really was at a loss for how easy it was. I rushed a bit to finish dressing. The pencil skirt then the blouse. I added the vest that I left off the first time and then the jacket.

I smiled again at the woman in the mirror and wished I could make love to her. I shook the goosebumps away. Once my shoes were on I clicked with each stride as I walked to the door. I paused just long enough to pick up the case and the purse hanging by the door. I double checked everything and stepped out into the hallway. Two clicks and the door was locked. I felt more than I heard foot steps as I turned and instantly smiled as I saw Megan. She went to work at this time normally and she was dressed for it. She returned the smile and then studied me.

“For the whole time you lived here we hardly ever said more than hello. Now I wonder who are you really?”
“I don't understand? I just saw you the other day.” I was suddenly nervous did she know?
“Sara, No you're Sean and you hide it perfectly, but I can tell. I could tell the first day I met you a few months back. You went to great lengths to hide her, but I have seen this woman before me for a long time. I am happy to see the real you finally.” I sighed as I couldn't deny it. She smiled softly.

“I am doing this all to get published.” I tried anyways.

“No one goes as far as you have just for a book. No you could have been convincing with a bit of practice. But instead you spent the last three days as a woman. That was for you.”

“How did you see it?”

“I used to be a girl trapped in a boy's body. Ever since I was five I knew. I had plenty of sisters all on birth control, so when I was almost ten I stole their packs. Took them a full year to figure out I was taking their pills. My sisters took them for their periods. They didn't say anything when they caught me. I was allowed to play how I wanted at home. That included dressing up with my sisters, but as I started to develop I started to hide. They caught me in a bra that fit. My mother found out after nearly two years. Then after a month without. I got a proper prescription, and changed schools. I have been taking them ever since.”
“Wow, I never would have guessed.”

“We'll talk later if you like, but I think we will both be late if I tell the long story.”

“Until then.”

“Oh you should have at least one ring. Here this one has helped me be me.” She slipped the simple ring on my index finger. It shocked both of us as she put it on and we both giggled. I still had plenty of time once I got to my car. A quick change of shoes and I was off. I avoided the traffic jams, but it still was stressful getting out of the city. I did wonder why the publishing office was so far from all the other houses. Maybe that was another part of their appeal. That they wanted not only to be inclusive, but also to show that they were an elite company. The four hour drive was calming once the traffic cleared. My appointment was at eleven just before lunch. I grabbed a small snack before I drove the last few miles to the publishing house.

I had an itch that slowly bothered me. Running my hand over the area helped calm it. I blamed my nerves at first, but I did get nervous as my modulator started to act up as I had ordered my meal. The voice it was producing was higher than I wanted it. As I tried to adjust it, it would go back to normal and a few minutes later as I went over what I was going to say at the introduction. I pulled into the parking lot and I was really impressed.

The buildings looked old like an ivy league school campus yet I could see the printing house in the background and the cars were all high end. Something even rich students or professors couldn't afford. I had to adjust my outfit as I got out and felt strangely comfortable. It was fine before, but now it fit much better. I took the long walk just to get to the front door. The few people that I passed smiled as I smiled back. The men were watching me coming and going as I passed them as I had looked back myself just to see.

I didn't let my smile fade as my body itched again and my bra felt like it was getting tighter with each step. Once I got through the doors I was happy to see that there was a bathroom right there as my bra was now digging in. I went in all the way to the last stall. I started to adjust what I could, but the bra just wasn't cooperating. I finally sighed and took them out just to get some relief. I pulled down the band and again sighed as it felt better. I then went pee not thinking about it I sat down. I heard one lady come in and I grinned.

“If she only knew.” I whispered to myself as I heard her leave. The voice I heard sounded like a child's. “No not again.” I said louder. I wiped and then pulled up my panties and adjusted my skirt before going out and looking in the mirror. I took the collar off and worked on the modulator and was confused to see the settings once I had it right again were nearly at zero. I was definitely going to send it back I was so nervous of being discovered I was shaking. I took an extra five minutes to control my breathing. Touching up my lipstick and then readjusting my bra. I had regained my composure. The solid click of my heels on the marble floor gave the receptionist plenty of time to notice me. She looked up and smiled just as I took the last step.

“Ah you must be Miss Hawke. My name is Anne if you would have a seat, someone will be here to escort you shortly.”

“Thank you Anne, but please call me Sara.”

“I can not while at work.”

“I understand.” I turned and sat down in the nearest seat. I crossed my legs and then after a few moments I was double crossed. I heard the steps of someone approaching and then lightly clearing his throat.

“Miss Sara Hawke if you will please follow me.” He put his hand out to help me up. I took it and it felt nice not to struggle if you didn't get positioned just right with heels on. He took my case allowing me to properly hold my hand bag.

“Thank you.”

“This way madam.” He turned and I followed at his side. His nearly silent stride complimented my restricted staccato gait. I truly began to wonder if this place had an elevator as we started up the third sweeping stairwell. My shoes were a bit looser now and I wondered if I had stretched them out too much. I smile as the man looked back as I slowed down afraid to lose a shoe. I saw the glint in his eye and picked up that he did this on purpose.

“Does this building not have an elevator?” I snapped.

“It is out of service. It is not far from here.” I blew at a loose strand of hair. Before smiling at him as I took my heels off. He raised an eyebrow at that as I passed him. His lie was revealed as I heard an elevator ding. I didn't give him a glare as he took the lead again. He barely paused as we got to a large ornate double door. I slipped on my heels and was painfully aware that I should have had a half size lower, but I couldn't do anything about it now. We walked up to a man in a very nice suit. He was large with the classic gray side burns of a business man. He was handsome and I was sure he was very popular with the ladies in the past. His smile was friendly and honest, but also aggressive. I held my purse in front of me defensively.

“Ah Miss Hawke a pleasure to meet you. I am Harold Gavin, assistant publisher. Mr. Hatchingsworth will join us in a few minutes.” We shook hands as he offered a seat.

“Thank you it is a pleasure to be here.” I sat down and felt his gaze as his eyes traveled over my body resting on my legs before looking up. I shivered as I felt like prey.

“Now before we go any further, I must warn you he doesn't deal with male authors. I know it is a bit odd in these times, but he finds that females give a lot more depth to their characters as they know how better to describe how they feel or how they would react. Only one author was ever published here that was male and it was only approved because it was cowritten by one of our more successful authors. I have read your manuscript from front to back. I can see the errors in the first few chapters that would gain a rejection, but since we have people that do nothing but read the manuscripts and then push them higher or onto our brother publisher. The way it got to my desk is impressive. I liked it and it does have a salable quality that we are looking for.”

“Why do I get the feeling I wasted my time, Mr. Gavin.” I interrupted. He just smiled and he didn't give an answer.

“Because we also do our homework. Three months ago we did a full check on you and well the report was interestingly different. We than found out you have a sister and the picture you used looks more like her. Now I get to see you in person and I am very impressed, but she doesn't have a sister as you are her brother.” My jaw dropped and then I hung my head. “However we wanted to see how far you would go as the first agent thought you were female. The second one went deeper and found out that you are indeed male.” I wondered how they did that? “In any event we were really surprised as we hacked into your computer and found that you were browsing site after site to attempt to pass as a woman. The bonus was when my agent saw you leaving your house three days ago all dressed up. He followed and then saw you in the suit you are wearing now. He said you turned into a woman so convincing. The startling part was how you sound so feminine. Can you take off the collar modulator?”

I pulled the scarf off and then the modulator. I looked up at him and he saw the silent tears. He frowned as he took the unit and inspected it. A moment later he gave it back. I had come so far only to know that I had ultimately failed. What a total waste. I was such an idiot. I twisted the ring Megan gave me and it gave me little comfort, but it didn't change the direction of my thoughts.

“Now before you meet Mr. Hatchingsworth you need to hand over the breast forms.” I immediately blushed as he waved the escort over as he held a platter. I sighed and unbuttoned the blouse and started to reach in before I remembered I put them in my case. I froze for a second wondering why I didn't put them back in, but then smiled as I opened the case and tossed them at the man. He struggled to catch them as I looked at Mr. Gavin. A slight raising of an eyebrow was the only tell he gave me.

“The other set.”

“I only have those. I am not wearing anything else.” I countered as I placed my hands on my chest. I froze and I felt soft resistance where there should have been nothing. I did look this time and was taken by complete shock. Another shock hit me as I had not tried to make my voice softer. The sound was soothing as much as I could barely believe I sounded nearly like my sister. My deep voice was gone and it was softer and more musical then the modulator could ever produce. I held my hand in front of my mouth as I giggled. It didn't take an inspection to know little Sean was not there. How was I suddenly female?

“Oh bother he is playing with them.” the escort complained. I got angry from his tone.

“I couldn't help it sorry...” I stopped from chewing him out. I could see that the escort was shocked and so was Mr. Gavin, but he was curious as well. I wiggled in my seat and I spaced out after that in total shock.

“Mr. Gavin why is he still here. I would think by now that he would be running for the door half naked.” The demanding man was even more attractive then Mr. Gavin I felt a strangeness from inside of me, and it felt like I was getting wet. I gasped as I fully comprehended what this feeling entailed. I am female. I looked up as he left the final step leading from the balcony.

“Mr. Hatchingsworth he just froze up. It was after I asked for the breast forms.”

“Well I see them from here on the tray.”

“I asked for the ones he is wearing and then he froze.”

“No matter. A shame really. It is rare that a man can write with such depth. It truly covered up the errors in his writing. Such a pretty face is wasted on a male.” He lifted my face by placing his fingers under my chin. “So very feminine. Light makeup odd I heard his deep voice from the recording, but no Adam's apple. Did the investigators not dig up any surgeries?” I couldn't pull away from him in a strange awe from the raw attraction I felt. I wanted him, but something was off.

“No sir a few minor medical emergencies, but no indication of any body modifications.”

“Still I so want to publish his book. All he has to do is leave here naked. Now get your clothes off.” His order hit me like a brick shocking me do as he ordered. I quickly stood up after I kicking off my shoes. The jacket came off and then the vest. I unzipped the skirt to let it fall as I finished unbuttoning my blouse. The skirt didn't fall as I expected and had to wiggle out of it after I dropped the blouse. From there I slowly removed the chemise.

“Hurry it up sissy boy.” I blushed as my shame grew. I knew I couldn't give in, but my hands moved on their own. The corset was strangely loose and as I looked down to unclip the front I encountered my breasts for the second time. With cleavage that was very nice and strangely fitting. A sensual pride filled me as I gazed at them. My hands continued moving and I felt odd as the gaff was on the outside of the panties. A memory hit me as some how I had switched them while in the bathroom. How I didn't notice was as much of a mystery as how I suddenly discovered I had real breasts. Kicking the fallen gaff away I straightened to face him.

“All of it even the stockings.”

“But sir she can't be male not with what I can see.”

“You saw the evidence and no surgeries there is no way he could be a she and I have confirmation of his sister's location at her work place.”
“They could have switched positions.”

No, not possible it has been months since they last saw each other. You will take off everything now!” I stood there finally defiantly I wasn't going to remove anything more. Little Sean was gone and there was no way to hid it even if he was there. Anger flared in his eyes as he started to march towards me.

“Stop!” All of us looked up to the top of the stairs. Mr. Gavin suddenly bowed as the escort backed away out of sight.
“Ah darling have to come to view the latest impostor?”

“That is what I would normally see however you both are blind fools. Kneel before me.” Mr Gavin was instantly on his knees as Mr. Hatchingsworth merely cocked his head. “I said kneel!” Her eyes lite up like fire a blue piercing fire that scared and excited me. She radiated power as we both fell to our knees. I heard only her heels as I panted towards the polished floor. She circled several times and I flinched as I heard the snap of leather hitting flesh. I yelped even knowing I was not the target. Her sultry laugh echoed in the office.
“Ms. Hawke please stand up and let me look at you.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Came unbidden from my lips as I scrambled to my feet.

“I like that, but I am not your mistress.”

“I understand, my mistress.” I heard a sigh, but a light moan as well almost a purr. I felt the crop that she had hit one of them with trace over my body. I shivered with excitement and dread. That I could yearn for someone I didn't even know so strongly made me shake.

“You are a mystery to me. The way you write is nearly the same as mine. Feminine yet with a hint of the masculine. At times your plot is clear and focus and yet has a depth that belies the waif in front of me that such passion can come from one who from all we have discovered lacks in real life. That you are female defies the very core of your being. You are as much female as you are male.” Her words penetrated into my soul. The truth of them made me blush and shiver at the same time. I cried as they directed me to a feeling that I had long ago tried to hide. Now my eyes were open to the empty hollow spaces that I had buried behind masculinity and the need to prove to everyone that I was a man.

“Does that truly shock you?”

“Y- yes.”

“We are both male and female some so far to one or the other they cannot show or understand the other side. Most fall somewhere in between the two. You are right now caught in the middle. A man yet now a woman. One who if my senses are telling the truth is just starting to feel the full effect. Tell me Ms. Hawke who changed you into the lovely young girl you are now?”

“I don't understand?”

“Do you know magic is real?”

“Magic no way.”

“Yet how do you explain the changes to your body the foreign feelings spreading through it?”

“I don't know. Maybe it is something else that has done this.”

“No...there, is, something, else.” I felt her hands this time soft yet hiding strength. A motherly touch that caused goosebumps to follow her touch. I could swear even my hair had them. Then she gasped loudly as she took my hand nearly pulling me off balance.

“Where did you get this ring?”

“Ring, what ring?” My mind searched my memory and I couldn't remember. I heard strange words and the moment came back to me.

“Can you answer now?”

“Yes, Megan gave me the ring.”

“Mia Megan you silly girl. Do you know who made this ring?”

“No. Some jeweler or a machine I guess.”

“At one point yes, but this ring has my signature on it. One that I thought lost to one who shouldn't have been able to leave my presence. Now certain things become clear. Get dressed.” I quickly dressed noticing all this time neither of the men moved. There was a welt on Mr. Hatchingsworth's cheek as well as Mr. Gavin's. Once I was dressed I tried to put my shoes back on but they were uncomfortably too big. She spoke strange words as I was about to take them of and my eyes widened as they shrank to fit perfectly. They were snug and not too tight. The heel lengthened until I feared I couldn't walk in them without falling over. I shook my foot and they didn't even shift a hair. Standing was easy as if I was barefoot.

“Mistress thank you.”

“Call me Betty or Ms. Rayne. Though I doubt you will be able to until we get that ring off of you.”

“Yes Mistress Betty.” Try as I might I couldn't comply with her wishes. It saddened me and I strangely yearned to be punished. I followed her and silently watched as she inspected the ring millimeter by millimeter. What she hoped to find I had no clue. My mind drifted to my shoes and how perfectly comfortable. I barely noticed they were there and every step felt wonderful. I wondered if she could make the rest of my clothes fit me so perfectly, but she just studied the ring. I turned my attention away from her and the shoes. The office she took me to was her and the shelves were covered in books some very large and from the smells very old. The large desk looked finely crafted with detail fit for royalty. The computer seemed so out of place as even the lights looked turn of the last century.


“Yes Mistress?”

“Oh how I wish I could give you what you desire at this moment however I can not. What I can do is free you.”

“As you wish, my mistress.” My heart pounded as she suddenly kissed me. I shuddered and then moaned as her tongue explored my parted lips. She pulled back and followed until I was nearly off balance. Her finger pressed against my lips pushing me back as I kissed them. She spoke again in this strange language.

“Eu libero da miña espera como o verdadeiro encantador deste anel. Como agasallo douche tanto a forma feminina como a masculina.” I shivered as this need to please her left me. The strangeness of being now female hit me hard as I gasped. My thoughts scrambled and then reordered themselves. I hyperventilated as I remembered this wasn't me. Tears flew from my face no longer wanting to be in this body yet it felt so, so comfortable, so right. This calmed me as I focused on taking steady breaths.

“Do you feel normal?”

“Yes thank you and holy shit magic is real.”

“Very real. Practical for some. So Sara who am I?”

“Betty Rayne.” I then smirked. “Mistress.”

“Stop it. You have no idea what it means. You do have an idea. To be one of my students you must be able to use magic. All the magic you wield however is in your writing.”

“You mean I can't learn?”

“Most likely not. Though you are touched. The ring was mine at one point I see the way Megan claimed it as her own. Now it is yours. However you still will not be able to remove it.”

“Then I am stuck?”

“No you can move the ring to the other hand. Then in a few hours you will change back to your male self. I do suggest you experience being a woman for a while. It will also be required when you come here.”

“What if she tries to take the ring back?”

“She could , but she won't. I replaced the spells that controlled her and they will activate if she does. You will see her fleeing from you in her need to be in my presence. Now I am sure you would rather start on your contract.” I had so many questions that went unanswered as I suddenly felt myself back in the chair Mr. Gavin sat me down in. They both were still kneeling on the floor.

“Give her the standard contract and double advance with only a normal advance payback. Set her up with her new editor team.”
“Yes, my mistress.” Both stood stiffly and went straight to work. Words and papers to sign flooded my senses and took over nearly all my thoughts. It was so all overwhelming and before I knew it I was back of in the lobby.

“Miss Hawke I am so glad you didn't turn out to be a man. It is so distressing seeing one run out of here naked.”

“Anne please call me Sara.”

“You know I can't, but if you are staying over night maybe we can get some drinks.”

“I would love to, but I need to get back home. I have to apologize to a few people and invite them all to celebrate.”

“Then I wish you a safe trip home.”

“Thank you.” I suddenly hugged her and we kissed each other on the cheek. If I was Sean right now I know I would have jumped at her offer. As Sara I wasn't ready yet to experience everything as a woman at once. She couldn't hid her interest in me one bit even if she tried. Maybe the next time I came here we could do something together.

The ride home was torture as I became fully aware of all the changes I went through. I swore I had a little orgasm or two as I drove over a long stretch of rough asphalt. Once I got home I was only able to lock the door and strip down to nothing before passing out on the bed.

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