Because, I guess the universe decided things weren't interesting enough around here, i found out tonight that my brother has an enlarged prostrate, and while they haven't said the "c" word yet, its looking like its headed in that direction. You add in my dog having walking issues, my mom now has high blood pressure, and I'm ... well, I'm me, and I could stand having a little less stress ...
Hugs, prayers, and positive vibes accepted.
It never rains but it pours eh?
Your post reminded me to finish off my getting Bowel Cancer samples ready to send off.
See, there is a bright side to everything :)
Poo and Pee
I've not long been discharged by my hospital urology dept. I was lucky, as are a lot of people, my prostate, (I now refer to it as a prostrate), needed a scrape through the middle where the urethra passes through but there were no cancer cells. I had to put up with a catheter for about three months whilst the various tests and counter checks were made but once I had the procedure, I was off the catheter completely after about four weeks. Now I know the prostate is okay I'll have it converted into a vestibular gland.
What I should have done was have my SRS at the same time and save everybody a lot of time.
But Dorothy, try not to worry too much, these days even if it is a cancer problem, it can often be successfully treated without removing the prostate and Samantha, do make sure you have the colonoscopy even if they detect blood, in most cases it doesn't mean cancer as was the case with me.
And enlarged prostate
An enlarged prostate does 'not' indicate that it will be cancerous 'Dorothy'. A mans prostate will enlarge over age and in some cases its due to an excess amount of testosterone. This can be regulated with medication. Fun fact men's prostate is graded on a 1-10 scale for BPH. Men have been known to have cancer of the prostate 'without' it enlarging and men with a 10 have been known 'not' to ever get cancer. It's a mixed bag as they say. A doctor may prescribe an Alpha blocker to keep it under control.
Sounds all resolvable to me
High blood pressure, typically weight, diet, exercise, salt, medication if need be.
Dog, don't know what the issue is but sorry to sound cruel, it's a dog.
Prostates, until it gets checked out, it's hard to say but if it is precancerous, then it has been caught early, and more treatable.
about that
i've had an enlarged prostate for 13 years , go figure, never wanted one anyway never less a big one
Let's see ...
High blood pressure can be cured with mild exercise, elimination of salt and sugar. That's what I did. Enlarged prostate can be greatly reduced with new surgical techniques involving a scope. I am told that modern SRS procedures involve removal of said organ. Sorry, I can't help with your dog.