I was looking for the latest in TG research today and happened upon this link. After giving it a fast read, I don't know what to think except to be appalled at Mr Bailey. He says that T girls are most suited to be prostitutes. Gah!!!! He'd also rather that T children grow up to be happy Gay men instead.
I once read that Psych people were true assholes, and this one really makes me think so. Grrrrrr!
As a scientist
As a scientist I can tell you that there is a scary thing that you run into very often.
There are many people who, regardless of the level of training that you might be
called upon to give them, will never realize anything that lies outside their
direct experience and a very limited imagination. They are smart, they are
knowledgeable; and, they will never be able to take the next step.
I get asked once every month or so if I am a real girl. A dozen or so have asked if
I’m a woman who just likes this type of fiction. I have had to come to grips with the
fact that I’ll probably never be able to answer that question in a satisfactory way,
either for the person asking, or for myself. I did long ago, however, fully realize
that the vast majority of good people, who do not have the gift of uncertainty with respect
to their true gender, will not, and can not really understand. At best, if any at all do,
they will be rare.
Gay man, indeed. I was just trying to explain this to a good friend, very recently.
Speaking from a lifetime of unblemished male heterosexuality, I can honestly say two
things. The part of me that I’ve called Sarah, has no problem with the concepts of
love and affections directed toward a man. Even so, in all my years, I have never
felt any attraction for any gay man.
My best friend, who is sadly gone now, was gay exclusively. He’s gone, but he was
my very good friend. I was never repulsed by him or the lifestyle in any way. As for
attraction for anyone of this outlook, it simply does not appear to exist within me.
Clearly, Mr. Bailey is someone who will never be able to understand what that
difference means. I can only hope that a few of my friends here will be able to,
by virtue of their greater insight, and their greater humanity.
Shake it off Gwendolyn. I’m sure Mr. Bailey must have some other fine qualities.
Much good they may do him.
Sarah Lynn Morgan
Sturgeon's Law
There are idiots in all walks of life, and sadly, Mr. Bailey isn't the only one in his.
On the other hand, people who have actually studied the matter with an open mind and open eyes come to very different conclusions than Mr. Bailey.
The simple fact is that there is no rigid relationship between sex, gender identity, gender presentation and/or sexual preference. There are perfectly content and functional individuals of every conceivable combination of those variables. Any sort of analyst dealing with gender issues who hasn't observed that, is decidedly less than useless and should immediately switch to some other field of endeavor, preferably one not requiring intellectual acumen, empathy, decision-making, or a position of authority.
People involved in psychiatry and psychology
Unfortuately some people in the psychiatric and psychology field are not aware of the feeling any one less in stature then them have.
I have a wonderful psychiatrist who has learned more from me than he knew about transgendered. My therapist is supportive of me in every sense of the way she deals with me.
I am involved with the National Alliance on the Mentally Ill and believe me I meet therapist and psychiatrist who don't even understand the field they are in.
There are a lot of compassionare people in the psychiatry and psychologist fields, you just have not met them.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
So based upon both your arguments...
It will not be acceptable for me to get paid for having sex. :(