OK, for all of those who didn't know:
I've been in ICU (again) with unstable angina / chest pain since last Thursday (the 10th), and unable to post anything. I was released to a convalescent center tonight about 8 pm (EDT), and I'm now able to commune with you swell folks again.
I also received some rather odd news -- news that would basically make any M2F extremely jealous. Without even trying, and without the use of any hormones or suppliments AT ALL, my free and serum testosterone levels are ONE-THIRD that of a male my age, while my prolactin levels are that of a lactating female, and my estrogen level is 3 times what's considered "normal" (but, oddly enough, EXACTLY in the middle for a female half my age, mid-cycle.)
It seems that nature actually intended me to be female after all. How cool is that? Only problem is that my doctor wants me to take testosterone injections every month (I've had one, and gotta tell you honestly: I felt worse than I'd ever felt in my life. I don't know how the atheletes can abuse the stuff, as it made me feel like crap, and I was given the lowest dose he could give me.)
Other than that, though, I'm fine, and hope to post some things in the next few days. Thanks for all the people who sent (and continue to send) well wishes. I feel honored to have such a wonderful group of friends.
Haylee V
You shall recover. The odd news is good news. Testosterone shots: just say "no". ;-) (Sorry, Ms. V. I can't think of any double entendres to use here.)
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
How about this, then
"Man up, and be the WOMAN you are?"
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V
Seems like...
... you're quite good at them. :-)
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Can't take the credit, hun...
I learned from the best, Daphne-sensei. I learned from the best. LOL.
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V
I.e. Bru?
I.e. Bru?
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
glad to hear you're still with us
get better soon!
Ask your doctor about the other shots
I've heard that it's bad for the human body if they don't have a normal dosage of male or female hormones for an extended period of time. If the testosterone makes you feel so bad then ask your doctor about taking the female hormones. I am gathering the side effects would not be unwelcome.
On Female Hormones
As my body is already making them in more than ample supply, female hormones are not necessary, and could actually cause more harm for me than good. Essentually, all I would need would be a testosterone blocker, and I'd be the same as a pre-op transwoman. The side effects to the additional estrogens / progestins would be possible blood clots, increased cancer risks, increased stress on my heart (I've had CHF twice already), and a slew of other problems. I told him I'd try the T-shots for a few months, but if they don't help then I'm done.
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V