Why is it always teenage girls & horses? Part 2 of 2

Why is it always teenage girls & horses?

Horse for courses - Jackie’s going along for the ride. How far will she go.

"Morning, Jackie dear. What are your plans for today if you're not going riding? I would so like to take you and Ali shopping again. I expect your mother remembers what fun it is shopping for a daughter with your elder sister - but I only get the chance to shop with Ali. It would be so much fun for me to take you out and buy some finery for the two of you. Ali says there's the County Riding Club Ball next weekend, I'd be so proud to help you buy your first evening dress. Please accept my offer and say you'll come shopping."

"I don't know what to say."

"Say yes, then."

"If you really would like to help us shop, I won't argue. I've got the money my parents left, but buying a dress might be more than the budget can take."

"Now, hush, Jackie. I offered, so I'll be paying. I can't wait to get you into a good dress, and to give you the pleasure of expensive underwear as well. It'll be such fun. It's not the same with Ali as she's had so much more practice at being frilly and feminine - she wasn't always mad about horses. She has spent some time without jodhpurs. Just from being my daughter for fifteen years and going shopping regularly, she knows what she's expected to wear and when. I think it’s time to help you learn what to wear and when. I'm sure this summer has been fun with you being a girl so much of the time, but it must have been hard work at times too – and so much to learn, eh? Yes? Did you say something, Ali?"

I knew that Mum was going to deal with Jackie - but I wasn't expecting it at breakfast.

Jackie was simultaneously bright red and stark white. She stammered something meaningless.

"What did you say, Jackie?"

"I'm not sure what you mean, Mrs. Longley."

"Don't be shy, dear. I've worked in schools for years. I've met several lucky girls like you. I didn't know how to get you to ask for help. Actually, I soon saw that you didn't need any help except what Ali was giving. But then I looked ahead to the end of the holidays, and I knew that my duty was to help you come to a decision about the future. It's getting serious, dear. After all, when your parents get back and ask how you've been getting on, they'll expect to speak to me. And I'm going to say what a wonderful girl you are, how well you get on with Ali, how sweet you look in a dress and so on. They really won't know how to deal with that. We have to prepare for the event. You and Ali don't have the knowledge or experience - so you'll have to ask someone for help. I'm volunteering."

"Bububut, do you mean that you've known all along? I feel awful." Jackie was almost speechless with shock. She was quite pale and her eyes were wide. I rushed over and squeezed her tight. Her hand clamped mine almost painfully.

"Don't be so worried, dear. Of course I didn't know at once. Once I did realize, well, if I'd been at all concerned I'd have nipped it in the bud at once. But you looked so perfect almost from the first afternoon when I saw you with your hair in ribbons, I've not had any worries at all. I worked it out after about a week. I'm actually very proud of you, I’m actually proud of you both. Now go and get ready. I'm not taking no as an answer. We're going shopping as soon as you're ready. I want to take two beautiful girls around the shops and dress them in gorgeous lacy frills or whatever they want. We can resume this discussion later. We've got more important things to decide - like what you are going to wear at the Ball."

I left Jackie and went across the kitchen and kissed my mum, then hugged her. "Sometimes you're too observant, Mum. I had no idea that you had noticed a thing. I'm not sure that your timing is that decent - but if the secret is out I'd love to help you go shopping for my darling Jackie. Come on, Jackie, say something. Come and join the hug. I’m certain you need one."

Jackie wobbled over, the shock making her unsteady in her new shoes. She almost fell into the hug and we all squeezed each other; we all shed a tear or two as well.

"Oh, Mrs. Longley, .."

"Now, you've been here for a week or more, isn't it time to stop calling me that. You can call me Dot if you want, you can call me Auntie if you want, but I will not accept one more 'Mrs. Longley'. I don't think it feels right. Come on, girl."

"Well, it has been hard work trying to be a girl, but I have tried as hard as I could. I feel horrid now I find you knew all along."

"Sometime, when you're ready for it, I'll tell you how I do know enough to see beneath your gorgeous complexion to the not-really tomboy beneath. I don't have time now and it wouldn't be helpful just yet. Just say you're still happy and you want to come shopping. And Ali and I will do our best to give you even more of the real-girl lessons that you're going to need. But bear in mind that I'm not going to do anything that will pressure you. It's you that's going to have to be open with your parents when they get back. It's you that's going to have to make the decision."

"Yes," whispered my friend, the pretty boy-girl. "But I do so enjoy my dresses now."

"That's a big step to take, dearie. But at some point you're going to have to consider the whole issue of how do you want to live the rest of your life. I've listened to others in your situation. Mostly a little older than you are. So they had got some idea of their sexual preference and the sort of body they wanted to have and how it compared with their inner self. They had talked with doctors and specialists and psychiatrists too. A statement like you've just made 'I enjoy my dresses' is perhaps very different from 'I want to be a girl' or even 'I am a girl' which is what others may say. I know or rather I hope that sex has not reared its head. I can guess from your expressions that I'm right - but you are, for my judgement, still far too young to be, er, doing it and I'd better not catch you experimenting more than a kiss and a cuddle. Yes."

I think from the flaming scarlet blush that both Jackie and myself were showing that we had little choice but to agree!

After that dreadful embarrassment, we had a wonderful time shopping that day. Mum made sure that I wasn't left out but we were both getting a thrill out of Jackie's enjoyment. It was like seeing a butterfly emerge. Even though it was only twenty-four hours since we last went shopping, this second time she was much more relaxed. She actually had a fabulous eye for colour co-ordination, accessories and everything like that. She would pick a dress and then spend ages deciding if this or that item went with it. By mid-afternoon we'd only demolished about four shops and Jackie had only bought a few knick-knacks. Eventually, Mum decided to call a halt while we sat down and made a few decisions. Unfortunately for Jackie, we were beside Mum's favourite hairdressers when she decided this. "Let's stop here for a while girls. Jackie can have a proper trim and so on while I look through a few magazines and make some plans.

Jackie wasn't keen on getting her hair done properly. Eventually, to make it a joint project, Mum insisted that I get mine done too, so we sat next to each other getting our hair washed and coloured and brushed and combed and twisted and tangled and stuff. Jackie still only had short hair but they made it look super. The girls only added a tiny streak or two as the sun had done most of the work, but they shaded her eyebrows and plucked them a little too. Jackie hated that and her frantic yelps of pain made everyone smile. I didn't smile as much because I thought it made it obvious that she was a boy. I felt better when my stylist murmured, "I made far more noise the first time my eyebrows were plucked. It's always rather humorous watching a lass get tweezered for the first time. She's a pretty little thing but she'll look much better when her hair's longer."

I relaxed. If a professional couldn't detect the masquerade at close range, Jackie was safe. Idiot. Hadn't Mum implied that she knew more than me.

As a final item, the girls gave Jackie a full makeup on her eyes. I heard them saying, "You've got lovely long lashes, they'll look wonderful with a touch of mascara in the evenings. You've got lovely eyes, you only need to do a little enhancement to make them stunning. They're your best feature so you need to use them." I watched Jackie squirm with boyish horror at the obvious enjoyment of the assistants. As they finished she saw me watching in the mirror and gave a feeble grin. When she stood up and turned around, Mum and I were almost speechless. It had been difficult to see clearly in the mirror but the girls were absolutely right. She had wonderful eyes, the makeup was quite subtle - we were both only just fifteen after all - but they had done a great job. We hugged her tight and said how beautiful she was.

After Jackie had recovered from her 'torture', we spent a quiet hour in the coffee bar. Mum smiled as she saw Jackie glance at her lipstick-smeared cup. "I still do that sometimes, dear. The sight of the pink rim seems to tickle something inside me. It's a special pleasure for us lucky girls. Are you enjoying yourself, dear."

Jackie smiled back. "I am enjoying this. I feel somehow more relaxed than before. But I am looking forward to trying on some more dresses."

I groaned, "Haven't you tried on enough yet. You're keener than I am."

"It's jolly hard work. If I'm going to this ball, as you two seem so determined, then I'm going to have to be confident. As far as I can tell, the best way to be confident as Jackie is to be comfortable as Jackie. So I want a dress that makes me feel gorgeous and lovely."

"Gertch. I've watched you picking and poking through shop after shop. Poof, to you wanting to look comfortable and confident. You ignore everything that doesn't make you look sexy. You may say that you're not be interested in the boys, but they're going to be interested in you. And I thought you were my friend. How am I going to feel if they're all clustered round you."

"Oh don't be daft. You're beautiful, you've got that gorgeous long hair, I'll never be competing with the likes of you. All I want to do is look my best."

"Stop squabbling, dears. You're both going to look wonderful. And you've each got attractions. Ali, you will always have a following with that wonderful hair and that infectious laugh, while Jackie will always have a following as soon as she aims those devastating eyes at any passerby. Don't be embarrassed by your charms - either of you. If you're dressed as a girl, then that also means you have to act and react like a girl. Even an averagely attractive girl knows how to use her assets - and you both look better than average. If we can work a little magic, by the time we leave the shops today, you'll both be ready to devastate the local population."

We spent ages in the next shop, but we did leave with a fair assortment of new things. Jackie now had bras, knickers, suspenders, stockings and panties enough to fill a suitcase on their own. She had even persuaded Mum to get us both a really delightful lacy body. I wasn't keen on the inconveniently placed buttons - but other girls buy them and wear them so why can't I. With less effort that I expected after the previous trip, she had also eventually found two rather pretty summer frocks, one quite pale but with a lovely beige, grey and pink flower pattern. The other was much the same but with a sort of greeny-grey leaf pattern. I got a lovely linen skirt and waistcoat with a thin lacy blouse. Jackie was quite envious but grinned when I offered to share it with her.

This was a new twist. By encouraging Jackie to dress as a girl I was going to have to share my new clothes with her. Well, well, well.

"Now, we're going to a friend's shop to get a little cleavage enhancement for both of you. Ali can learn how to improve what she has, while Jackie can learn to approve what she's getting." My mum does like teasing and playing with words, it's often a bit tiresome.

I was quite surprised by the shop. I obviously didn't know enough about Mum's friends. I found myself trapped in what the lady called a 'light corset'. It sure didn't feel light to me. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't walk, I couldn't stand comfortably. Then she did the same for Jackie. We stood there in acute discomfort while Mum and this Mrs. Sterling smiled.

"Now I know it may feel a little strange, if not a little uncomfortable - but totter forward to the mirror and see how much it improves your figures."

We leant on each other as we stumbled forward.

"Oh, Ali. It makes you look fantastic. Your waist is tiny and now you’ve got really much more er, er .."

"Don't be bashful, Jackie. Just tell Ali that she's got a fantastic cleavage, wonderful tits, lovely bosom. You must know all the words - you children use lots more of them at school all the time. And don't forget how good you look too. Your waist is only an inch more than Ali's and we can do a lot more to improve your upper proportions. That is, if you ask us to."

We had a wonderful time in the next six weeks. But every now and again, Jackie or I, or even my Mum, would hesitate and get a little thoughtful about what was going to happen when Jackie's parents came back from their trip. Of course, like most adolescents, Jackie and me adopted a 'wait and see' policy.

I had always liked the story of the condemned prisoner who asked to be freed for a year and a day while he taught the horse to sing; if the horse did sing then the prisoner would be free for ever. The Prince agreed and so the man began to give lessons to the horse. Partway through the year when a friend asks why he had made this bargain, he gave the answer 'Perhaps in the year I will die, perhaps the Prince will die, perhaps even the horse will die - whichever happens I am the gainer by living an extra day. On the other hand a miracle may happen and the horse will learn to sing.' For Jackie the horse would have to sing the day her parents returned.

They rang every few days to find out what was happening. Jackie always gave ordinary answers, 'I'm very happy staying with Ali. Her Mum is so helpful. We go shopping sometimes and I've learnt an awful lot in the last few weeks about horses and all sorts.' Every time we all admired how little she actually lied and how much she misled her distant parents.

In the end, all our plans fell apart because we had forgotten about Jackie's sister. Beth was much older than Jackie and had a job in the North. This allowed her to travel a lot and she flitted from country to country throughout the year. She didn't get on well with her father so she didn't come home often. Suddenly one evening, a few days before the end of the idyll, our phone rings and it's Jackie's parents asking Jackie to check out things at the house. Someone had rung to say there was a car there and it should be checked out.

Jackie hadn't been near her house for a week and we felt so guilty about it that we scooted over as soon as we could. There was a car there and we wondered what was happening. Jackie opened the door and as we went in, the living-room door opened and a tall, willowy girl I didn't know came out to see what was happening. Before anyone could day anything, Jackie opened her careless mouth.

"Oh, Beth. It's been so long since I saw you." and she rushed up to the girl and hugged her. The girl stopped stunned and pushed Jackie away, holding her at arms' length.

"What on earth is happening. The only person I know round here who calls me 'Beth' is my grubby little brother Jack. If you are Jack, what are you doing dressed as a girl? I don't mind, I think you look gorgeous. And if you're happy to see me than I'm happy to see you. Are you really Jack inside there?"

Jackie was almost in tears. After weeks of careful effort with nobody suspecting a thing, she had blown her cover in the most spectacular way. And to her sister of all people. "Yes. But I like being called Jackie now."

There was, not surprisingly, a short pause. Beth looked over Jackie's shoulder at me and raised an eyebrow. Then she turned back into the living-room taking Jackie by the arm as she went. "Well, come in and tell me all about it. I can't believe what's been happening. All I can say, until I know the whole story, is that you look absolutely convincing. Obviously Mum and Dad know nothing about this yet. Is it something to do with your friend? Is she the Alison that you've been staying with? So come on, stop crying, you'll smear your makeup. Come on, cuddle up beside me on the sofa and tell me what's turned you into a glamorous princess. You do look so good, I want to know it all. Come on Alison, you sit on the other side and fill in any gaps."

We were too surprised to argue. We settled down and Jackie began to tell the story from her point of view.

"The brief story is that I turned up at the riding school and they mistook me for a girl. Ali told me stories about what they did as an all-girl gang in the summer and, more or less, dared me into pretending to be a girl whenever I was with the gang. I thought it would be a bit of a laugh and agreed. Then, without me meaning it to happen, I found that I had to spend more and more time as a girl. It was all getting horribly complicated when Mum and Dad had to go on their trip. Ali's folks offered to let me stay with them and so I had to spend all day and every day as a girl. And now I'm used to it and I love it. I hate the idea of going back to being a boy. And they're coming back soon and I was worried that it's all going to become difficult and horrid. Then, they rang about a strange car at the house so I rushed over to check. And it was you. And now you know what's been happening and you're going to tell them and I'll have to stop."

Beth kissed the top of Jackie's head and gave us both a squeeze as she sat with one of us in each arm. "What on earth gave you the idea I was angry, or that I would tell the parents about this at once. I can see how happy you are. Why should I want to hurt my little baby brother - or rather my little darling baby sister? I can hear the pain in your voice when you talk. I can see the strain that you're under. Anything I can do to help, I'll try to find a way to do it. Obviously, one of us has to ring the parents and tell them that everything's okay. Or, rather, that the house is okay. I know I don't speak to them much but they've clearly not been getting the exact truth about your holiday pastimes from you. So, what do we do?"

I decided to add my pennyworth to the puzzle. "I won't say it's all my fault and I won't say it's not my fault. I've had a lovely time with Jackie this summer. Yes, it has got more complicated at times - but Jackie is my best friend now and I love her. Anything we can do to help her stay as a girl is fine by me. You're older than us so you know more than us, but my Mum is older than you and she already knows about Jackie. I think we've got to go and talk to her."

Beth caught one phrase. "Your mother knows; how, why, when. What's she doing about it."

"She eventually realized that Jackie has a little bit extra, you know. It was only a little while ago. She's been ever so helpful. She soon saw how much pleasure Jackie was having. She wants to help Jackie as much as I do."

"Okay, girls. Let's lock up and take a ride over."

My mother was quite confused when we came back by car. She saw the car pull up and immediately thought, as mothers do, that there had been some awful accident or something. She soon recovered only to hear that there had been an awful accident - with Beth suddenly discovering the transformation of her only brother into a pretty teenage sister.

"Well, let's sit down and have a nice cup of tea while we sort it all out," she said. Tea is a sovereign remedy for all problems in our house.

Beth was very businesslike about it - "So, we all agree on a few points. Jackie enjoys being a girl - Yes? Jackie would prefer to be a girl for real - Yes?" Jackie grinned and nodded eagerly. "Jackie has not shown this new side to her personality to her parents - Yes? And the aforementioned return in twelve days - Yes? And we all love Jackie - Yes? And we will all do as much as we can to help Jackie - Yes? Well, that seemed unanimous - so let's have your ideas, first, on how we encourage these distant parents to let Jackie continue and, second, how we introduce Jackie to them. The one is linked somewhat to the other, of course, but let's have some suggestions."

This was a day of long silent pauses. It felt a bit like being in a soap where all the strangest things kept happening but the actors could only say the most banal and clichéd comments interspersed with long pauses, deeply emotional expressions and meaningful glances.

Beth was the first to say something. "I don't understand my Dad all the time, but I know my own mother pretty well. When I first met Jackie and she leapt at me and kissed me, I was stunned, delighted and puzzled in the same moment. I think we need to surprise her the same way. If she comes off the plane and her newest daughter greets her, she'll be so happy to see her child that the costume will be, hopefully, a secondary problem. We need to arrange it so that they don't meet anywhere that will make it easy for her to create a scene. She hates scenes. And we'll have to fix it so that Dad is out of the way for a while. Do you agree, Jacks?"

Jackie was still scarlet with embarrassment. She sat curled in Beth's arm as before. "Yesss, I think so. Certainly, she hates scenes. But I think we'll have to prepare the ground a little. She can get really silly sometimes. And Dad will definitely have to be out of the way."

"Do you think we can send her a message so that she comes home a day or so before?" I offered.

"That might be a useful idea. We'll see what else comes up first."

"I think it might be helpful to start dropping a few hints in the next phone call. Y'know. After all it's quite true that the girls at the riding club haven't minded me joining their previously all-girl gang, or something like that."

"Yes, that's quite a good idea, Jacks. We need to make it sound natural though."

"And you can tell the truth about some more things too - that you haven't had your hair cut this summer and it's getting rather long. You could even say that my Ali is beginning to tease you about it."

"Yes. That's good too. Jacks, we've got to work out a whole set of suitably truthful things to tell. What else can we develop."

"We can say that you didn't recognise me - that's completely true."

"And I can say that one of the girls at the stables mistook you for a girl when you arrived. We don't need to say that she still thinks you're a girl," I giggled.

We talked for quite a time about the possible problems of the new plan. When we eventually went to bed, Jackie and I spent ages whispering new ideas to each other. Mum came up after a while and told us to stop it and get a good night's sleep. We were going shopping in the morning and Beth was joining us. Clearly the other two had done some more plotting downstairs.

In the morning, I heard a squeal as Jackie was woken by her sister. "Oh, Beth. How wonderful to see you. What have you got to tell me?"

"Nothing special, lovey. I just decided it would be fun to give my new sister a good morning wake-up call. I've brought some orange juice for you. So up you get and we can get set to go shopping. Oooh, I love that nightie. You look so pretty in it. I've got all sorts of ideas to do with you for the rest of the weekend."

"Oh, Beth. Are you only staying for the weekend? I thought you'd be around when they arrive."

"Don't be a silly goose. Of course I'll be there - I think maybe not beside you at the exact moment but I'll be only a few feet away. I'll just have to be away for a few days getting my business cleared away so that I can take a few days holiday."

"Sorry, I didn't understand."

"Well, think a bit harder next time. Now scrub up and get washed. I'll have a look through your wardrobe while I wait."

"But sis, you don't need to do that."

"I don't need to, I want to. I've got to know what you've got so that I can suggest what else you need. I intend my sister to be a knock-out princess when she meets her ignorant parents. After all, they're so out of touch they couldn't see that their little boy was a butterfly in hiding. I'm proud of you, I think you're turning into a sister I'm going to be happy to know. Now get moving while I snoop through your secrets."

While they had been talking, I was leaping into a dress as quick as I could, so while Jackie was in the bathroom I went to join Beth. "Morning, Beth, can I help?"

"Oh, hi, Ali. Yes, you can. I'm having a look at what Jackie has already got to wear so that I can suggest what to buy. It'd be helpful to know what she likes best. The more attractive and confident she is when she meets her mum, the easier it will be for everybody. I want there to be no spot or freckle or smidgin that suggests 'Jack' when they meet. So what can you tell me?"

"She likes wearing reds and pinks rather than blue or green, that's a big start. But her real interest is in underwear. She loves wearing slinky satin panties, and if we find a matching slip or petticoat, then she's even happier. She hates wearing tights, not that she wears stockings much in this weather either. She isn't very good at doing her own makeup and she can't get used to the feel of lipstick. I've been thinking all night about the things she does well and the things she needs to do better. Is that sort of thing going to be helpful?"

"Oh yes, it surely is. You're a treasure, Ali. Jackie doesn't deserve to have a friend as helpful as you. I want to get more of the original story from you later. I'm sure you can give me a few entertaining little insights into the events of the summer. But that's for later, for now, you can tell me a lot more about Jackie's likes and dislikes."

We spent quite a time in the shops while Beth bought new clothes for her pretty sister. We all spent a lot of time giggling and laughing. Eventually it was time to set off for the airport and we suddenly got all serious - and seriously worried too.

Jackie's mother arrived on the dot of twelve o'clock. None of the details of our planning survived the first encounter - but the overall effect somehow put all the bits together in the right pattern. She came out of the luggage hall steering a trolley with such bad wheels that she had no time to spare for anything else. All of a sudden, she was being kissed by two young women, both saying, "Hello, Mum."

She looked completely uncomprehending for a moment, then took refuge in grumbling about the trolley and asking for help. After a few moments, she pushed the group of us to the edge of the hall and asked with some puzzlement, "What's going on here. Here's Beth, who I wasn't expecting to see and here's this other girl, who looks alarmingly like my little boy, Jack, looking very composed and happy in a lovely dress. I repeat, what is going on here?"

She then paused before continuing. "Let's all get to the car before we get excited. I can see that there have been some surprising changes in the last few weeks. Obviously, I want to know more and I am not going to make any decision until I know the whole story. Come on, girls. Off to the car."

I guessed that she wasn't too upset because she had said 'girls'. Although, looking back on the event, she didn't have much choice. She could hardly say anything else. If she had said, 'come on daughter, son and friend' it wouldn't have made sense.

Once we reached the car and loaded the luggage and squeezed in - it had been several minutes from the first shock and she was clearly prepared for our story. Mrs. Berkely didn't start the engine. She turned to us and said once more, "What's been happening?" Somehow all three of us had got into the back seat so we sat there like bumps on a log as we sorted out the situation. Jackie held my hand the whole time, clutching or squeezing every now and again.

We sat in the car for a long time, just talking. It was really difficult for a while. We had to explain just everything. The first arrival at the stable; the dare; the complete acceptance of the other girls; the complications when Jackie came to stay with me; what happened when Beth came into the situation. We were exhausted by the time we finished.

Jackie's mother is a remarkable person. I had been amazed at the calm acceptance of my own mother when confronted with the existence of a boy-girl beneath her roof - but this was one step more intimate. This was a mother hearing about the transition of her only son into an imitation girl. She heard what we said without a single interruption and without much expression. Her control was amazing.

At the end, there was another of those significant silences.

"I'm amazed at all this. I had no idea that my son was such a skilled actress. (Another of those boy-girl Freudian slips). As I said earlier, she looks comfortable, confident and relaxed. I am too amazed to be angry and it's really too late already. If I was going to explode, I should have done it the instant I realized what was happening. I can't do that now. My child is obviously happy and that is all a mother ever wants. The fact that she is happier being a girl instead of a boy is something I'll have to work on. For the moment, I will agree that it would be stupid to change things now. It is the middle of the summer holidays - everyone knows Jackie as a girl so it would be daft to complicate the situation. I'll agree to Jackie staying as a girl - and learning much more about girls than Jack would ever have done - until the last week of the holidays. At that time, I expect Jack to return from his trip away and Jackie to depart."

There were meaningful glances between all three of us while she spoke. I had had no real intention of encouraging Jackie to stay on as a girl after the holidays until it became obvious that she was so happy being a girl. For the last few weeks, I had thought of her as 'a girl just like me'. Jackie was looking confused and worried at the new and surprising ways her life was being re-organised. Beth seemed to be content to 'wait and see'.

Mrs. Berkely sat in the front seat and said nothing for a while. She was clearly thinking and clearly did not want to be disturbed. The three of us sat equally silent waiting for the next step to be revealed.

"I think we must make plans to reveal Jackie to my husband." I smiled as I compared her words to the exact same phrase Beth had used about planning to reveal Jackie to her mum.

"Meanwhile, let's drive home and see what other changes have been happening. If you have changed my darling boy into a beautiful girl, perhaps you've redecorated the house as well."

By the end of summer, there had been even more changes and some funny stories too. Almost the funniest was the day after Jackie's mum first met her daughter. Jackie and I went with Beth to the stables with Jackie in a dress. Our excuse was that we were just dropping in on our way out shopping. As ever, Jenny was there organising things. Her comments were almost as incorrect and inappropriate as the first time she met Jackie and made the first suggestion that she was a girl.

"Hello, girls. My word, it's a surprise to see you in a dress, Jackie. After all the times we've gone out in the evening with you in jeans and shorts, I was almost beginning to think that you weren't a real girl. I mean, you wore a little lipstick and so on - but you never dressed up and joined in with teasing the boys."

I was almost in hysterics - but with some effort I concealed my lack of control. Jackie merely blushed bright red and couldn't say a word. Beth who had driven us down - just stood to one side with a quiet smile. That Jenny girl - she's just so dim.

Back in the car, Beth did make a few pointed remarks. "That lass Jenny not one of your observant types is she. Although, you do look so comfortable and so attractive that it is impossible now to see any residual boyness. I like my sister. Although she's only a teenager, I think I want her to stay around and learn all the benefits of being a confident girl-type teenager."

I suddenly understood from her comments that her intent too was to keep Jackie as a girl and let her grow into a permanent woman. Her brother was forgotten. Her sister was a real person. There was no going back as far as Beth was concerned.

It would be several days until Jackie's dad would get back from his trips. There was indeed a lot of planning. Sometimes Beth would get back and spend some time getting our feet back on the ground. Some of our ideas were pretty extreme, I guess.

As things turned out, we didn't need to have worried so much as we did. He was much more reasonable than we could have expected.

Towards the end of the long summer holidays, Jackie got more and more depressed whenever she remembered her mum's comments about the 'end of the holidays'. Eventually, with about three weeks to go, it got too much for her and she crept into her mum's bed early one morning sobbing and weeping her eyes out. Mrs. Berkely had realized instantly what was wrong. She hugged her little girl and smoothed her hair as she snuggled close in her satin nightdress.

"Don't worry so much, darling. I've been watching you closely all these weeks. Whenever you did something girlish, I counted it and whenever you showed a flicker of the old boy, I counted that too. Recently, you have been so totally girl that it has helped me come to a significant decision. If you tell me every morning for the next fortnight that you want to be a girl after the holidays - then I'll do my best to help. I have been making a lot of enquiries and I've been meeting some very interesting and helpful people. If you can convince me that you want this more than anything else - then I'll help you to become my proper full-time daughter. I'm going to be very cruel for the next couple of weeks with the specific intention of testing you. I'm going to ask you to do things which will test your girlishness and your boyishness to the utmost. I do not want you to tell Beth or Alison what is happening. I don't want you to ask them for advice or help. I'm sure they will pester you and that they will volunteer to help - but this next fourteen or so days will be you making your mind up about your own future.”

Jackie's face lit up with the news of this potential solution. Clearly, her mother was willing to help Jackie become a girl and, even more amazingly, she had found a way to get Jackie into the local girl's school if it was decided that was the right thing to happen.

Jackie's face got really determined and she answered, "I hear you, mummy. I really truly hear what you say. I have to be a girl for the next fortnight even when you make it hard for me to be a girl or easy for me to forget and be a boy. I truly promise that I will ask you every morning that I want to be a girl more than anything in the world."

Some of the tests were quite disagreeable to our girl. She was given jobs to do which would have been easy for a boy and some which were girlish. She had to start sewing and ironing. She had to sweep the garden and have a bonfire, cut up kindling for the fireplace, trim hedges and a whole range of outdoor jobs - the sort of tasks which the old Jack had always enjoyed. The really hard bit was that she had to do every job in such a way that she maintained the proper ladylike style which was being demanded - and watched. And this included keeping her clothes clean when there were dirty jobs; keeping her hair and makeup straight when working outdoors. You should have heard the wailing when she broke three nails in as many minutes.

In addition, apparently on the advice of some 'specialist', Jackie had to write a whole series of essays on why she wanted to be a girl, what she saw as the advantages, and the disadvantages. She had to investigate the differences between boys and girls, men and women. She even had to do one about homosexuality - which was not a concept that had ever crossed her mind even when we had teased her that girls went out with boys. She seemed to have a built-in separation of personality - when she was a girl - she was a girl; when she was a boy, she was a boy.

And I had to join in on a project on tolerance and what happened to the typical boy-to-girl teenage transperson. We had to consider the whole range from transvestite to transsexual. Some of the stories were vile. But there were quite a number of stories which were immensely encouraging. We did smile at some of the cartoons we found. There was one about the horrid business of letting transpeople into restrooms in America. The cartoonist talked instead about 'If you play hockey you go to this one, if you play waterpolo you take the other'; and the response was 'I play frisbee'. We did notice some exaggerations - there was one cartoon which said 'These politicians have been done for molesting people in public toilets and there has never been a case where a transgender person has done so'. Unfortunately, we did find some examples where men dressed as women had assaulted people. But looking harder at the stories, it seemed that their motivation was to perform the assault rather than to be in any genuine way trans. It did make us realize, without too much surprise, that both the pro and anti-groups might, on occasion, exaggerate when trying to score points.

For her and for most of our horse-mad group, the particular problems of sex had not yet arrived. Even though many girls of my age were pretty keen on boys and the idea if not the reality of sex – we had our horses and riding to think about. Jackie had to do research on a whole range of related topics. In fact, she did so much work on the subject that it got her interested in doing the same work, more academically, at university.

There was a little party at the Berkely's on the second last Saturday of the holidays. Jackie had faithfully asked every morning and often every evening if she could be a full-time girl. She had been as much a girl as she possibly could and the tests were now over. Beth and I still didn't know about these conditions, we learnt about them much later.

We all wore our prettiest dresses. Jackie was gorgeous in a pale yellow sheer ankle-length number; Beth wore a lovely floral chiffon and I wore my old but favourite floaty lime green double-layered cotton frock. My mum was looking very elegant in a grey wool dress. We all arrived and Mrs. Berkely offered us each a small glass of champagne. Clearly this was no ordinary party. When we were all comfortable and Jackie had served us all with snacks, her mum started. "I've been doing a lot of thinking and planning in the last few days. Jackie has been doing her share as well. But I thought that we should all be part of this final step. I'm treating it as a celebration so that is why I've given you all a glass of bubbly. I want you to raise your glasses and make a toast to welcome my daughter Jackie. The new addition to the family will be joining the local school with Alison. She will also be saying farewell to her brother Jack. Every single one of his clothes is bundled up and ready to go on the bonfire outside or to the charity shop. So, are we all agreed, Goodbye Jack, Welcome darling Jackie."

We were all crying with joy by now. Jackie was just stunned with the news. I couldn't believe that Mrs. Berkely had been able to plan all this so easily and with not a word to any of us. After a moment, Jackie stumbled over to her mum, crying fit to burst with happiness. "Oh, mum. I'm so happy. I'll try to be the best daughter ever. I just love being a girl and dressing up in these lovely clothes and, oh, I just love my new life." By this time, we were all in a four-person hug, spilling over with happiness.

After a while, Beth asked, "How have you fixed the school? Wasn't there any problem with Jackie transferring to a girls-only place?"

"You don't know everything going on in this town, my girl. The headmistress, Mrs Perry, was very helpful. She made it abundantly clear that while it might look like a girls' school, in fact, there were several attendees there with exactly the same situation as your sister."

"You don't mean to say there are other new-girls in town?"

"Would I have said it if I didn't mean it. Although I don't know who they are. Actually, the head said that there was now only one such in the school at the moment. She said that there were several just a few years ago but, of course, she wasn't going to name names. To go back to the beginning - I started talking to the head and I made a silly mistake early on, so she saw the records for Jackie were clearly those of a boy. She then said that from the documents she understood that I was trying to get my son into her girls' school. She then stunned me by saying that she could see no problem. After that, our meeting was on a completely different level. It was all about how the school would help Jackie to become ever more feminine and graceful and ladylike."

The expressions on all our faces must have been a picture.

She continued, "We spent ages talking. I showed her that lovely picture in my purse of the four of us. She recognised Beth instantly as well as Alison. When she saw that picture Mrs. Perry changed the subject very suddenly. Actually I have a suspicion that the year with the several boy-girls might have been when you were there, Bethie dear. Anyway, instead Mrs. Perry started talking about medical problems and what she called augmentation. It took me a moment or two to realize what she was talking about. Can you guess already, Jackie love. Do you want to go and see the doctor? Do you want to have treatment?

I didn't exactly know what her Mum was offering but Jackie grabbed. "What can be done? Is it temporary or is it for real? I dreamt last night that I was at a ball, wearing a fantastic black beaded dress - and it was terribly low-cut - and I had breasts of my own - I felt fabulous. I was so unhappy when I woke and the dream wasn't real. Oh, please say that you're not teasing. I'll do anything necessary to become a real girl."

"Well, dear. I have made some enquiries since the meeting with Mrs. Firth. It does appear that some interesting options may, I repeat, may, be possible. Since you do seem so willing, if not eager, I'll ring up the doctor and confirm the appointment."

The four of us talked long into the night. We made Jackie model for us for several hours - checking what she looked best in. We made lots of plans about how we could give her the necessary knowledge to fit in with the other girls at school. The months at the riding school would help, if she ever got stuck she could go into horse-mad mode like so many others of her age.

It was strange at the doctor's surgery. I was allowed to go with Jackie as moral support. Although, I was also extremely interested in what was going to happen. I found myself looking at the other people in the reception room, checking to see if they could guess what we were there for while I looked at them to guess the same. There was another mother with her daughter aged about 10; and another with a girl aged about 14 - but I couldn't believe that either was a potential boy-girl. There were two young teenage lads on their own. I found that I was looking at all the others to see if they looked boyish or girlish. We had to wait quite a while before our turn and Jackie's mum told me to wait while the two of them went in. Anyway, this is what Jackie said happened.

“We went in and it was all very simple. The doc complimented me on how good I looked. She asked a few questions about how easy I found it doing my makeup and so on. We talked about hairstyles and then she started asking the more important questions. She asked me how long I had been dressing as a girl - I did exaggerate a little when I said for a couple of years. Then she asked when I first went out dressed - about a year and a half ago, last Easter, I said. Then she asked how worried was I that other people would detect me and what particularly concerned me about my appearance. I answered that I had never, so far, been detected but I did want to be more definite in my appearance. To me, this meant having a proper figure, especially breasts and cleavage. If I had real breasts then there would be no doubt about me.”

“She asked me what was so special about breasts, why wasn't padding enough? I had prepared for this one. "It is often enough, but it doesn't give me the confidence I know I would get if they were real. I suppose if all I wanted to do was dress as a girl, then that would be enough - but I want to do more than just look like a girl. I enjoy this, no, I love the new me too much, I want to actually be as much of a girl as possible. To me, that means going to school as a girl, doing everything as a girl. I never want to be a boy again. I've had to think about this a lot - and I am sure what I want. Please, Doc. If there was a magic potion, I'd take it today.”

Mum patted my hand. I squeezed back. There was a pause while the doctor sat back and checked her notes. "Well, dear, you just pop behind the screen and undress, when you're ready I'll come round and examine you. I'm fairly sure that we can do a great deal to fulfil your dream. I'm particularly pleased that you've come to me at such an early age and that you've been dressing so successfully for over a year." I felt a small pang at her acceptance of my lie, but I was too pleased to hear that she was willing to help.

I almost ran behind the screen and my pretty clothes tumbled to the floor as fast as I could. I sat on the couch and said, "I'm ready."

"Fine. If you're cold put on the gown. I'll be with you in a moment."

The murmur of voices continued for some minutes before she reappeared. "Right, let's check a few things. I'll take some measurements first - height, weight, chest, waist and hips for a start." Pause. "Well, make a note that your present statistics are 29, 27, 30 which is fine for a young lady of your age. How old are you now, dear."

"Fifteen in six weeks."

"Oh, that's nice. I think it may be possible with these new pills to give you a magic potion that will have had an effect in that time. Would you like to have a birthday party where you can wear a proper open-front dress? Would you like to tease all the others with your charms, hey?"

I almost burst, "If you could it would be my best birthday present ever. Please, let's get started. How big can you make them? Tell me, do."

"Well, if you look at your mother, heredity has a lot to do with how big they'll grow. Then the amount of boost we give you and a few other factors. Generally, you can expect to be quite satisfactory. Unless you want enormous boulders or something totally exaggerated. If you want to become an ordinary but very attractive girl then this should be well within our capabilities."

I actually started to cry with pleasure at the news. After the injection, she gave me a little hug and told me to get dressed. She would give me an injection now and a series of pills for the next month. For the rest of the summer, I must come back every fortnight for another injection.

I got dressed as fast as I could and ran round to snuggle in beside mum. "She says she'll do it and I can start today. I'm so happy," I snuffled.

"Now stop that. You're a big girl now, so to speak. Pull yourself together and say thank you to the doctor. We'll be back in a fortnight then, right. Thank you once more doctor. I'm so happy that you've been able to help my lovely new daughter."

The doctor said, "Don't worry about a thing, Mrs. Berkely. Let's see how things progress in the next weeks. I'm sure that we can help Jackie on her way. Just keep an eye on things. You can give me a ring if you need to. See you both soon."

"And that's about it. Ali, I'm so excited with the idea that I'll have my very own titties. I want them to be as big as yours. I want to be able to bounce and jiggle as I walk along instead of having this fake stuff. I'm so happy. Give me a hug and say you're happy too."

The days passed. Jackie was spending every minute of the day as a girl. She wasn't so keen on all of it, for example, her mum made her start learning some of the jobs every daughter has to do. Feminism may be the in-thing for adults but schoolgirls and schoolboys get the same training and indoctrination as they ever did. So, Jackie did the dusting, washing, ironing, sewing, and ironing that was expected of her. To my surprise, she seemed to love it. But since it was still the holidays, we probably spent most of our time together at the stables or in each other's bedrooms. We primped and posed, we dressed each other and did make-up and hairstyles for practice. It was such fun. It was a long time since I had thought of Jackie as anything other than my best girl-friend.

Sometimes, we stayed over at each other's houses. Neither of our Mums seemed to mind if we slept in the same bed. I'm not sure if they were ignoring the possibility of the two of us, er, misbehaving or if they trusted us not to. I suppose we were both pretty late developers in the sex game - but we were both horse-mad and that does seem pretty important at the time. In the end, it didn't really matter. We were two girls snuggled together whispering secrets. We loved being close with our smooth satin nighties slithering together. There were times when we would spoon together and Jackie's thing would grow and press into me - but we pretty much ignored it. I won't say always - but it seemed more important to stay as friends rather than lovers. We weren't in love with each other anyway. I loved Jackie the girl and Jackie loved learning about being a girl.

The only time we did get carried away was when I was talking about how boys would sometimes try to make it with me - and how I had learnt to make them stop. Jackie couldn't slow down when I got talking about the time Jeremy made me stroke his prick and how it had spurted all over my hands. Anyway, this one time, I could feel Jackie pressed hard against me and all of a sudden his prick spurted all over the place. It was horrid. It didn't feel right at all. This was my best friend making a sticky mess all over me and my bed. Jackie was embarrassed too. Fortunately, we got everything cleaned and washed without any fuss from my Mum. But I made sure I didn't talk about things like that for a week or so.

There were two clouds on the horizon. Mr Berkely and School. I don't know which was more upsetting. Mr Berkely had been working so hard and travelling so much for the last 10 or 12 years that Jack was not really a key part of his life. Beth had been the apple of his eye because he knew her better and had been able to spend time with her as she grew up - but Jackie had missed out as he had become more and more work-oriented. Recently, he had been away from home for all but a few days of the last eighteen months.

Mrs Berkely did manage to warn him somehow that there had been some big changes. He only stayed two nights during the summer, he was moving around so much. The first evening, Jackie came back from visiting me wearing ordinary jeans and a pale pink t-shirt. There was a comment or two by her Dad about how much he looked like a girl but Jackie just said, "These are comfortable and make me feel good. Don't worry, Daddy. I've been with Alison all day. We spent the morning at the stables and this afternoon shopping and at her house. It's all just fine. We're good friends."

They talked a bit longer but Jackie was late for bed and went up. In the morning, Jack came down wearing some more unisex stuff, just enough to look a bit girlish but not enough to cause an upset. This was before the ear-piercing, of course. Even the most unobservant male would probably have noticed his child wearing little sleepers in each ear. At the time, Mr Berkely didn't notice anything or not enough to comment too noticeably. Mrs Berkely told us later that she mentioned how smart Jack was today - just to get a reaction. He replied, "Yeah, I guess he did look okay, but I think the word is pretty rather than smart. He's not gay or anything, is he? I mean, he spends all that time with the horses and all, but he does dress kinda girly."

As arranged, Mrs Berkely said, "I think it's just a phase. We haven't had time to go to the shops or anything. Since Jackie is spending so much time with Alison, he has borrowed a couple of her old things. It's saved a lot of fuss and neither Jackie or Alison have been too upset about it."

"What's this with calling him Jackie. He's always been Jack, hasn't he ?"

"Oh no dear. I've called him Jackie for ages. It just seemed better somehow. I got tired of mixing him and my favourite Uncle Jack."

"I suppose that's understandable. I was never sure who you were talking about sometimes. But can't you do something to keep him out of such girly looking things. It don't look right seeing a boy in such stuff."

"Apparently it's quite fashionable these days, dear. If it's alright with Jackie and Alison, then I can't do much to argue about it. But I do promise that I'll keep an eye open for the right things when I next take Jackie shopping."

That was the first evening and morning. The second evening, Mr Berkely had to spend a lot of time getting ready to go back on the road, making calls and being businesslike. But he did spend a little while talking with Jackie. He started up the stairs to Jackie's room but fortunately he accepted the old-style 'Keep out of my Room' sign which had been hurriedly put back up for his visit. He knocked and asked if Jack could spare a moment. On being told, I'll come down in about two minutes, he departed to get himself a coffee. None of wanted him to look inside the room. There was just a little too much stuff around that indicated, if not blared out, this is a girl's room.

The two of them chatted for quite a while. It was obvious that Dad was checking exactly what his son was doing, if he wasn't becoming a bit too girly, if not sissy. Jackie and the rest of us had talked about how to deflect the truth. No lies, none of us wanted Jackie to lie - but misdirection and misinformation were good enough for the Government.

Jackie talked about how hard they had to work at the stables, how much he sweated and how nice it was meeting such a nice bunch of people. Somehow his descriptions seemed to include a few boy's names. Well, a few boys did come for lessons each week. It was just that their names got used more often than was strictly correct. Jackie talked about me as his best friend and made it very clear that I was really more of a best-friend-that-happened-to-be-female, I wasn't a girlfriend or 'anything like that'. He happened to mention that since we were both the same size, we had borrowed riding clothes and suchlike from each other. It was more a matter of being 'convenient' than anything else, Jackie had said with a laugh. Alison's mum said to me 'What with Ali having such a pile of quite 'unisex' stuff, it seems silly to waste the opportunity of saving a bit of money while the two of us were both growing so fast'.

By the end of their chat, it was quite clear that Jackie's dad had no real problem with what was happening while he was away. Mrs. Berkely joined in for the last half-hour or so and showed how content she was, which might have helped too.

So after that first meeting, it seemed that Jackie's dad thought the whole thing was just 'keeping in fashion' and like all fashions, it would wear off soon. In the weeks since, it hadn't worn off at all. In fact Jackie had worn everything of mine that I was willing to lend, and a few of the more pretty things that I actually didn't want to lend until her pleading cries persuaded me. We still spent a lot of time at the stables and with the other girls, but we spent almost every spare moment shopping or dressing up. It was lovely.

The next time her Dad arrived was much more complicated. It was five weeks since Jackie's 'augmentation' had begun, but still three weeks until school began. Jackie had been taking the pills and injections so she already had small bumps on her chest. She didn't look very much like a football-playing teenage-boy. We had it all planned. Jackie was going to wear a nightshirt when her Dad arrived - and a pin in her ears. And it would all be because it was 'fashionable'. I didn't intend to be there when he arrived but he turned up a good hour before he was expected.

It was amazing. Her Dad didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, his first comment was a complete shock to Jackie and me – as mum was upstairs when Dad arrived. "Well, when I was last here I thought I had a girly sort of son. But it looks to me as if I was quite out-of-date. It looks to me like I've just gained a daughter. Is this still just 'fashion' or are we talking something more permanent. Those lumps inside that nightdress look like something extra that my son would never get. Tell me true, are you queer, Jackie ? I can’t believe it’s ‘just a phase you’re going through’ This looks too, er, deliberate, too well planned, too determined. Oh darling wife, can you come back in here and tell me what’s happening."

We waited while Mum came down. She heard Dad repeat his question and waved at Jackie to answer.

"Certainly not, Daddy. Queer means that I like boys rather than girls. Well, that's really silly. I like girls just the way I always have, just the way a proper boy should. Well, as much as I can at the age of nearly fifteen. I mean I’ve got as far as kissing and cuddling but I’ve not done any more than that. But as well as, or perhaps I mean, separate from that I just love being as much of a girl as possible. I love being a girl so much more than I ever enjoyed being a boy. I mean, it's not just that I can wear pretty dresses and swishy fabrics and none of those boring old denims and thick shirts. I feel so much more relaxed and so much happier. It's absolutely fine being a girl, in fact it's better than fine, it feels right somehow. I'm so happy every day to wake up and get into one of my dresses. I'm even helping Mum with all the housework - and I love that too. And as for these bumps, as you so rudely call them, I'm can only say that I'm really happy that Doctor Jenkins has been able to help me so quickly. I don't want to pretend to be a girl, I want to be a girl or as girly as I can be – at least that’s how I feel right now – and I do mean it. Being a boy doesn’t feel right any more. This way, I can enjoy the delights of being a girl, the colours, the ability to appreciate beauty and relax into my emotions instead of bottling them up like boys have to. And, as for being so-called queer, the only bit that should worry you is that some people might comment that I seem to like girls rather more than boys. Now that I can see might be a problem in the future. At the moment, it’s just darling being able to be a girl and when I need to be a boy – if that’s what is decided – then I can be a boy when I need to be too. As long as you don’t try to stop me being able to appreciate and understand the girl’s point of view. And in case you hadn’t guessed, Daddy dear, it’s a lot of fun from the inside.”

And with that, she skipped over and kissed him on the cheek. Unintentionally, perhaps, oh so perhaps, she left her brand glowing scarlet.

I watched as her dad considered his child's reply, "Makes me glad to know you're happy, my little. But I sure am worried about the future. It's fine dressing up at home or with a friend - but I'd guess that it's real tricky trying to be a boy sometimes and a girl at others. I have to say while I can accept a lot of this because you’re my child and I love you – there’s far too many out there who will not accept something like this which challenges what they think is right and proper. It’s not a topic I know much about but I know there’s a lot of hatred about anything touching on people’s prejudices about sex and gender.”

“They’ll give you ugly labels – queer, homosexual, pervert, weird, horrible, hateful, wrong, evil and many more. They’ll label us, me, your mum, any friends who stick with you with equally nasty labels. I’m pretty sure you have no idea what it’s like being labelled as ‘different’. When the nasties get roused they have no kindness, no generosity, all their love disappears. You have to rely only on the love of those who stick with you. It’s going to be tough. But I repeat – do not worry because we do love you and we will always love you and we will cope with all of this. You go on back to bed and I'll stay here and talk with your mum."

In the morning, he left before Jackie was up. So that was that, it seemed. Everybody now accepted Jackie as a girl. Well, everybody close to Jackie who cared about her.

The first day at school with Jackie was wonderful. She was so proud of her uniform - the grey wool skirt, the cream blouse, the grey and red-trim jacket. I was used to it and treated it with the proper disdain. Jackie had not had uniform at her previous school and liked the new image. Fortunately her previous school had a few girls there, so any references to the past were easily explained - although nobody was really interested enough to care.

I really enjoyed going home with her that first evening. I knew that there was going to be a surprise party because her dad was actually coming home again especially for the party. As I said, he had met Jackie twice already - but this was the first time he would be home for long enough to meet his new daughter properly.

On the way home, we talked about how different it was being at a school for girls instead of boys. Of course, I didn't know any different - I had never been to a boy's school. But it was interesting hearing Jackie give her views.

When we got to my house, which was on the way to Jackie's from the school, I persuaded Jackie to dress up 'real pretty' as I had hinted that there was going to be a surprise dinner. Jackie didn't suspect a thing. We got back to my place early and let ourselves in. With plenty of time before the party at Jackie's we took our time to get dressed up. I wore a fairly plain red pinafore dress - I didn't want to take the limelight away from my girl. Jackie wore the most adorable clingy jersey dress which shaded from red at the bottom to white at the top. I encouraged her to wear panties which would show just a little pantie-line and her most daring bra. She looked good enough to get any of the boys excited. I was so proud of her.

In the end, it was just wonderful. There was a whole crowd of us there, hiding, ready to burst out at her. We walked in and suddenly - it was a party. And when she realized that it was being celebrated as her 'Birthday' party and everyone had brought something extra-girlish for her, she was quite overcome. The final straw was her dad giving her a box from the big store with the most stunning silk summer-dress. It was pale cream with a delicate, almost invisible, gold and white pattern. I was really jealous. My Dad would never have had the smarts to buy me a dress that nice.

I don't think she expected the excitement of her first 'Birthday' party as a girl. We had all bought presents for her. I had found a delicious pastel yellow nightdress with the prettiest lace edging and dainty bootlace straps.

Jenny and the twins from the stable had been invited too; (to my amusement Dimbo Jenny never worked out what was so special about the party). At the end, Jackie was persuaded to go and get changed into her Dad's present and then she came into the room on his arm - as elegant a teenage girl as you would ever want to meet. It was just a lovely party.

Over the next few years, Jackie went on to university to study Social Psychology (with a special interest in gender issues). The short period of separation while Jackie was at university while I was waiting to find a job became just too painful. I became a secretary nearby so that we could continue to see each other. Soon after, we needed to be close because we had eventually become lovers as well as best friends. Our parents too had become really close friends with each other and had been very helpful with the growth of BigSisters in our area.

Did anybody find out? Yes.

Was it vile and horrid? Amazingly no.

Why? Perhaps because anyone who mattered already knew and refused to make a fuss when the nasties went on the attack.

We had a wonderful wedding. Jackie wore a cream silk dress with a simple blue beading - for a boy - while I wore a white dress in similar style with pink trimming. The congregation appeared to be significantly overpopulated by females, as you might guess.

Our mothers went berserk with happiness. The opportunity to have a full blowout wedding was taken to extremes. Flowers, cake, invitations, presents, checking, cross-checking, checking crossly - it was high drama for nearly eight months.

We had a delicious honeymoon where the only downside was being mistaken, rather often, as a pair of lesbians. Somehow this never seemed to matter. You might be asking if Jackie ever went for the chop. Well, she can’t have because I’m pregnant. Yep. And Jackie’s got a new set of pills and is planning to help with the breast-feeding.

From that you can guess that Jackie is one of the amazingly lucky new-girls who is happy with how things have turned out. And I am one of the equally amazingly lucky wives who has a husband with built-in BFF. It’s wonderful.

We moved away to the nearby city of Yorktown. Before we arrived, we had investigated the cross-dressing situation there and were confident that we could nurture an active BigSisters group. And so it has proved.

And we still go riding now and again.

Jack/Jackie Berkely
Beth elder sister
Alison Longley same age as Jackie, tutor
Mrs & Mr Longley
Mrs Sterling proprietor of Corsetry shop
Mrs Perry headteacher
Jenny and all the other girls at the Riding Club

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