had a very bad day today

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Well, I had a very bad day today. First, I tried to get my pink slip from my old work only to be told its up to my local guy - a guy I cant even get a hold of - to get that done.

Then, I went out and found that someone had gotten into my car - again - and threw everything in my glove compartment around. At least this time, my battery wasn't dead ...

Then, I took my daughter to a doctor's appointment only to have her deny she's having troubles walking (which you can see she does if you watch her walk), making her mother upset, which made Sam upset, and gave me a serious headache ...

I hope you dont think less of me that I called the mental health distress line and cried over the phone to the councilor ...


We Don`t


Why would we think less of you for making the phone call to the councilor you were aware need to let the stress out and new what to do

Hope everything works out well for for you soon


I was going to say the same

tmf's picture

I'm sending you an army of Huggles all armed with Love your way.

Hugs and Love tmf

Peace, Love, Fredom, Happiness

Heck no

You need to take care of yourself. Love yourself and the love for others will come easier. Should help with boundaries too.

You did the right thing.

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

There's no shame in getting help when you feel you need it. That's what the help line is for.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

I would dream of thinking less

Alecia Snowfall's picture

I wouldn't dream of thinking less of you hun. You felt overwhelmed and made a call for support. Sound decision I'd say.The fact that you also posted in sign that you did the right thing.*hugs*

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall