The Girl Friend


Ron and Lois were a cute couple. But Ron had a secret. At least, he thought he had a secret.

Ah, if only reality could be as sweet as fantasy!


The Girl Friend
Valentina Michelle Smith

People always said that Lois and Ron Cooper made a cute couple. That's because it was obvious that the two of them were deeply in love.

Ron met Lois in high school. It took them a little while to realize it, but they loved each other from the time of that first meeting. They went steady for their entire senior year. That's when people started thinking of them as a cute couple. It didn't surprise anybody when they became engaged right after they graduated from high school.

They didn't go away to college, but went to schools within commuting distance of their homes. Lois studied nursing and earned her RN, while Ron became an accountant. They married soon after Ron graduated, and settled down in a nice tract home in the suburbs. They were both rather successful in their careers. Ron was a senior partner in a small consulting firm, and Lois was the night shift supervisor at County General Hospital. This meant that their work schedules were not concurrent. Lois was usually at work when Ron arrived home.

Working different shifts made their time together all the more precious. They spent as much time as possible doing things as a couple. They were often seen together, at the movies, in stores, or in restaurants. They planned their vacations well in advance to eliminate any schedule conflicts. They even tried to schedule their dentist's appointments together. It seemed that the only time they ever were seen apart was when they were at work. Which makes the next thing you are about to learn perhaps a bit unbelievable.

Ron had a secret that he shared with nobody, not even Lois. Ron is a transvestite, a guy who enjoys wearing women's clothes. This doesn't mean that Ron is gay. As much as he enjoys wearing feminine attire, he is not sexually attracted to men. Like most crossdressers, Ron is heterosexual.

Ron kept this secret to himself. For all the time he dated Lois, for all the years of their marriage, he never shared this secret with her. He was afraid that she wouldn't understand, and that she might reject him if she ever learned about his love of things feminine. So he maintained his secret, dressing up only while she was at work. He would change and shower before Lois got home, washing away all the makeup he had worn and putting his special clothing in its hiding place.

Ron was anticipating another evening en femme as he drove home. He sometimes fantasized about going outside crossdressed, but never could work up the nerve to actually venture out-of-doors. His neighbors were a bit on the nosey side and watched each other's comings and goings with great interest. This was not necessarily a bad thing, since it made for a relatively low crime rate. But it effectively precluded Ron from taking a drive in a dress.

Ron shed his male clothing as soon as he arrived home. He washed his face and shaved away his five o'clock shadow. Then he opened his secret stash of girlie things. He laid out a bra, lace panties, pantyhose, a slip, and a dress. He pulled on the panties, enjoying the soft feel of the silky material as it caressed his bare flesh. Then he put his arms into the straps of the bra, reaching behind himself to hook it up. Ron was a little proud of his ability to hook himself into a bra. Next he filled a pair of pink balloons with warm water and slipped these into the bra cups. He loved the bouncy feeling this gave him.

Ron now pulled the pantyhose over his legs. He loved the feel of the nylon hose clinging to his legs, and the coolness of the air as it swirled about them. He often thought about shaving his legs, just to feel the silkiness of the nylon encasing them, but he knew that he could never explain shaved legs to his wife. So Ron settled for wearing dark hose to conceal most of the hair.

He pulled a slip over his head, smoothing the skirt as he lowered it. The satiny softness of the slip was a sensual delight. He adjusted the straps and ran his hands over the material of the bodice, enjoying the sensation of his increasingly feminine curves.

The slip was followed with his dress, a black chemise with a sash. The skirt came to just below the knee. He stopped to admire his almost-feminine appearance. He spun his body in front of the mirror, allowing the skirt to swirl out. Now it was time for makeup.

Ron's use of makeup was far from proficient. He tended to apply foundation much too heavily, used too much blush, and had a heavy hand with eye makeup. The only thing he was good at was lipstick, which he enjoyed applying and touching up. But he was pleased with the effect. He then pulled an auburn wig over his head and stood in front of the mirror to admire his feminine side.

This was one of the moments Ron eagerly anticipated, the moment he would peer into the mirror and see Janice, his feminine alter ego, peering back. She smiled girlishly and winked. She posed in front of the mirror, delighting in the sight of her shapely, stockinged legs, the flare of her skirt, and the bounce of her breasts as she moved. She stepped into a pair of mid-heel pumps and walked back and forth, savoring the clicking sound of her heels and the shape they gave her legs. She mugged in the mirror for a few minutes, and then said to her reflection, "Janice, you are one fine lady!"

Janice walked to the den, relishing the sensation of her feminine attire as she moved. She loved the feel of her skirt as it swirled around her stockinged legs, the unique click of her high heels on the hardwood floor. She sat in front of the PC, making sure to smooth her skirt before sitting, and crossed her legs at the ankle. Then she booted up the PC and went online to surf the Internet.

First, Janice checked her e-mail. She had a freemail account for corresponding with her transgendered friends. She had dropped in on many of their home pages and enjoyed talking with them. She answered her mail, sent a few messages, and then logged out.

Next, Janice dropped in on some of her favorite chat rooms. She had many friends on the net, girls like herself, reaching out from the anonymity of the Internet to commiserate with kindred souls. Her friends were transvestites like herself, or they were transsexuals, and came to the chats to enjoy some camaraderie often denied them in the so-called normal world. Here Janice could let her guard down for a few brief moments and allow her female persona some time in the cybernetic sunshine. She and her cyber-friends chatted for several hours, talking about make-up, dressing, what they were wearing, and many other fun things. There was also a more serious side to the chats. Some girls had spouses that were dead set against their hubby dressing like a woman. Other girls wanted to tell their wives but for some reason had not. The girls whose spouses were tolerant or actually supportive of their activity were fortunate indeed! There were other problems caused by crossdressing, problems with jobs, family, or neighbors. Many hugs were exchanged, much support was given, and an occasional cat fight broke out, but for the most part the chats were a good experience.

Janice kept one eye on the clock as she chatted. She knew just about when Lois would get off her shift at the hospital and always allowed sufficient time to change and shower before Lois got home. They would usually share a cup of tea and a small dessert, say a cookie or a muffin, before turning in for the night. Janice said goodbye and hugged her chat friends, and then logged off. She turned around in her seat and was on her feet before she noticed that she wasn't alone.

Lois was staring at her.

Janice/Ron was now in a panic. "Lois, what are you doing home so soon?"

Lois said, "I got off early and thought I might surprise you, Ron. Looks like I really surprised you. And myself, it seems."

Ron began to stammer. "L-L-L-L-Lois, I-I-I-I…." He couldn't get out much more than that.

"Four "I's" and no sentence? Seems a little self-absorbed, don't you think?"

Ron could feel his cheeks redden as he tried stammering his explanation. "Lois, I know th-th-this looks bad, but…"

"Looks bad? Ron, you have a gift for understatement! I mean, look at those legs! Didn't your mother ever tell you to shave your legs before wearing hose? And that makeup! Did you put it on with a trowel?"

"Lois, honey, I can explain!"

"Oh really? Tell me, Ron, all those times you said you wanted to get into my pants, is this what you meant? Or do you prefer 'Ronette'? Or maybe, 'Ronnie'?"

"Actually," said Ron, almost choking in embarrassment, "it's 'Janice'."

This caught Lois off guard. She started laughing hysterically. Between guffaws she asked, "Janice? Where the hell did you get that name?"

"From Star Trek," said Ron. "Janice was the blonde yeoman who had a thing for Kirk."

"So are you trying to tell me," Lois said, still laughing, "that you have a crush on William Shatner?" The thought of it was so ridiculous that even Ron started laughing.

"Lois," said Ron, "you have to believe me. I never wanted to hurt you. It's not like I'm gay or something. I mean, I wanted to tell you. I've wanted to tell you for years."

"I know, Ron."

"I even tried to stop. I tried to stop wearing dresses and makeup, but I just couldn't!"

"I know, Ron."

"I hate keeping secrets from you. But it's not like I was out with another woman!"

"I know, Ron."

"I mean, it's not really a threat to you, or to us, and…what do you mean, you know?"

Lois was laughing again. Not the belly laughs of a few minutes earlier, but the gentle sort of laughter she often teased him with in their quiet moments together. "What I mean, you big lug, is that I have known about your little hobby for years. I know you like to dress up like a woman. I don't know why you do this, but it really isn't important."

Ron was dumbfounded. He had envisioned this event for many years, the day he finally came out to Lois. He visualized scenarios ranging from total rejection to total acceptance and all degrees in between. But never in his wildest dreams did he ever imagine that Lois already knew.

"How did you know?" he asked.

"How could I not know?" was her reply. "Ron, you don't exactly put things away the way I do. I noticed some of my things had been disturbed. Also, you aren't always thorough in cleaning off your makeup. I've noticed some spots you missed from time to time, especially the eye makeup. But I guess the big clue was the computer."

"The computer?" he said.

"Yes, the computer. I use it myself, you know. Did you know that the data requested from an Internet site is stored in a cache file on the hard drive? Anyway, that's not important. I just want you to know that I really don't mind. It's OK. I don't feel threatened in any way."

"But if you knew, why did you let me go on thinking that you didn't?"

"I figured you would tell me eventually, when you were ready to share it with me. I wanted you to have the space to get there on your own."

Ron was confused. "But, if that's the case, why did you confront me tonight? Why did you sneak in and surprise me like this? Geez, Lois, I almost had a heart attack when I saw you!"

Now Lois smiled. "I guess events just caught up with us, Ron. Something happened today, something wonderful, but also something that will change our relationship a bit. I got the promotion."

"You did? You're the new Director of Nursing? Oh, Lois, that's great! Congratulations, honey! I know you really wanted this. I am so happy for you!" Ron's happiness then faded as he realized just what this meant. He said, "I guess this means you get to work day shift."

"That's right, Ron. I start next month. Do you think you can stand us being on the same shift?"

Ron answered slowly. "Sure. It'll be great. We'll have a lot more time together. It's just…"

"I know what you're thinking, Ron. Now you won't have any time for your secret hobby. That's why I decided to come home early tonight; to let you know that I know, and to let you know that it's OK. I don't mind you wearing dresses, or makeup, or any of this. Just as long as you don't do it every night."

"Lois, I don't know what to say!"

"Try 'Thank you'."

Ron smiled. "Thank you, my love. I guess I always dreaded this day. I didn't know…," Ron now was lost for words. Tears of joy welled up in his eyes.

"Don't cry, honey," Lois said, comforting him, "Your mascara will run."

The incongruity of her statement evoked laughter. They embraced, which caused even more laughter as Lois' bust came in contact with Ron's. Somehow the sensation of her bosom bouncing against Ron's water-filled bra was just absurd enough that they broke into spontaneous belly laughs, chortles, and (dare I say it?) titters.

When the giggling spasms subsided, Lois said, "Ron, one thing I have to do is teach you how to put on makeup. Honestly, hon, you look like you fell into the Cliniqué counter face first!"

"You mean you're willing to help me?"

"Of course I am! Do you think I want my husband looking like a tramp?" This triggered a new laughing storm. By now their laughter was starting to hurt.

"There's one thing I have to insist on, Ron," Lois said, getting a little serious. " I don't mind your hobby. In some ways it's going to be fun. But I have to set a limit. I don't want you ever to get in bed in drag; no nightgowns or teddies, not ever. When we're in bed together, I want my man next to me. Is that too much to ask?"

"No, Lois, not at all. I'm still your guy, no matter what I might look like right now."

"Well, dear, you look a fright. Why don't we get cleaned up and go to bed?"

Their eyes met in that special way, both loving and lustful, that they had for each other. They embraced tightly, passionately, lovingly.

Pop! They quickly separated to discover that they were now soaked and Ron's bosoms had deflated. "Ron," said Lois, "one of the first things we do is get you something better than water balloons for boobs!"

* * * * *

They showered together by candlelight, scrubbing each other with a scented body wash. They emerged from the shower and toweled each other dry. This was followed with a massage. They rubbed a fragrant gel into each other's skin, massaging muscles and other "special" places. Then they fell into each other's arms and into bed.

Ron lay stretched out in bed. Lois was asleep, her head snuggling on Ron's chest. Ron relished the sensation of his lover's body next to his, and basked in the glorious afterglow. There was something different, he reflected, about tonight. Somehow their lovemaking had reached a new plateau of sensuality, of excitement, of satisfaction. Quite possibly this had been one of their best times ever. With his arm wrapped around Lois' body, he held her close, luxuriating in the feel and smell of their love. He kissed her forehead. She stirred a bit, then settled back into her lover's chest. As he fell asleep, Ron considered himself the luckiest man on Earth.

* * * * *

Ron's feminine image needed a lot of work. He had abundant enthusiasm, but very little practical knowledge in the mysteries of femininity. Lois proved herself to be an able instructor. She showed Ron how to properly apply makeup, convincing him that he could achieve the desired results with far less. Ron also needed a lot of practice walking in heels. He thought he knew how, but the exaggerated way he tried to wiggle his hips was quite comical to Lois. She had him do that classic exercise of walking with a book balanced on his head while wearing high heels.

There was other training as well. Ron had to learn how to stand and sit like a lady. Lois had him practice sitting with his knees together as well as sitting in and getting up from chairs. At one of these sessions, Ron called Lois his "Jedi Mistress" which had them both on the floor laughing.

Lois also helped Ron get a feminine wardrobe. One of their first purchases was a set of silicone breast forms. Naturally they bought some new bras to go with them, as well as some new panties. Lois insisted that Ron get a waist cincher and a padded panty girdle. They also bought several dresses, blouses, and skirts for Ron. Naturally Lois got some new things for herself as well.

They had some fun shopping for shoes. Lois had Ron wear knee-hi stockings and loafers so he could try the shoes on. He settled on a pair of mid-heeled pumps, a nice pair of sandals, and a pair on sling-backs with three-inch heels. Lois said that was probably as high a heel as he should try until he had some more practice walking in heels.

There were also accessories to buy. They picked out a purse, some earrings, and a pearl necklace. They took a trip into the city to get Ron some new wigs. Then they spent the rest of the day sightseeing.

Ron didn't realize it yet, but Lois had some plans for his feminine alter ego. He was just enjoying all the attention. And Lois was enjoying her role as mentor.

* * * * *

It was just after lunch on Friday when Ron checked his e-mail at work. He found a message from Lois. This wasn't surprising as they often exchanged love notes via cyberspace. He clicked on the message in his Inbox to open the letter. It read:


"Get dinner on the way home and meet me at our special place. Room 19. I have your clothes and everything else we will need.

"Looking forward to our weekend together.


What a romantic woman! Ron thought. Their special place was a motel room with a whirlpool tub large enough to accommodate two people with ample room to move around. Every now and then, one of them would rent the room for a sensuous weekend and surprise the other. Ron knew that Lois would bring her special scented candles, and that they would enjoy the warmth of the hot tub together by candlelight followed by a most passionate lovemaking session.

Ron found it difficult to concentrate the rest of the day. His thoughts were focused on the marvelous weekend he and Lois would be sharing. He left work early and stopped in at Boston Market to get one of their family dinners. From there he proceeded to a local seafood shop to get some shrimp and cocktail sauce for later snacking.

Ron pulled into the motel parking lot and found room 19. Lois' car was already there. Food in hand, Ron knocked on the door. Lois answered, wearing a silk robe. "Hey, big guy, you come here often?" she purred in a sultry, sexy impersonation of Mae West. She knew this drove Ron wild.

"I was just in the neighborhood looking for some action," was Ron's reply. "You game?"

Lois smiled, opening the door to let Ron in.

The room was dark, illuminated solely by the candles Lois had placed around the tub. She playfully unfastened Ron's belt and unzipped his trousers, letting them fall to the floor. As she unbuttoned his shirt he untied the sash holding her robe. They stood naked in the candlelight, embracing, caressing the soft contours of each other's body. Together, they stepped into the warm, scented water of the whirlpool.

* * * * *

It was nearly noon on Saturday when Ron awoke. He turned over to find Lois still sleeping by his side. He had no idea what time it was, and could care less. He moved next to Lois, holding her close to him. They nested together like a pair of spoons. The front of his body in intimate contact with the back of hers, he playfully kissed her neck.

She stirred sleepily. "You better get up," she said, "my husband will be home any second." This prompted Ron to tickle her ribs. As she squirmed, he said, "Mrs. Murphy you are one hot babe."

Lois smiled at their favorite little joke and turned around to face him. They embraced, their lips joining in a sensuous good-morning kiss that lingered. Ron started kissing Lois along her neck and down to her nipple. She responded by tickling him. "You incorrigible beast! Didn't you get enough last night?"

"No," he said, running his tongue over her nipple, "I never can get enough of you."

"Neither can I," she answered, pulling him closer.

* * * * *

Eventually the lovers emerged from their cocoon. Their mutual lust temporarily satiated, they now attended to the more mundane need for breakfast. A small coffeepot was one of their room's amenities. Fragrant coffee accompanying the Danish pastry Lois had brought made a satisfying meal.

"Ron," Lois said between bites, "I have a little surprise for you. We're going to have a night out together."

"What's so surprising about that?" he asked, "I enjoy going out with you."

"It will be a little different this time," said Lois. With that she walked over to fetch one of the suitcases she had brought along. She opened it, producing a Silk Effects razor. "Get in the shower, hon. We have to shave your legs."

"Shave my legs?" he asked.

"Yes, your legs. I told you that hosiery looks like hell if you don't shave."

"Hosiery? I thought we were going out together?"

"We are, sweetie, but this time you're going as Janice. We're having a girls' night out."

Ron was caught off guard, pleasantly surprised, but surprised none the less. "A girls' night out?" he said as Lois guided him into the shower.

"Yes," she answered as the warm water cascaded over him. "You've made considerable progress with your feminine side, Ron. I think Janice has earned a night out."

Under Lois' direction, Ron spread shaving lotion evenly over his legs. Lois guided Ron as he stroked the shaver across his legs, removing the hair and leaving them silky smooth. Lois inspected the results, and then showed him how to massage a moisturizing lotion over them. He stood in front of the mirror admiring his now smooth legs.

He shaved his face extra close while Lois showered, being careful not to nick his chin or cheeks. It was just beginning to dawn on him that he was actually going to venture outside as a woman. The thought both excited and terrified him.

Lois emerged from the shower and toweled herself off. She had also shaved her legs and was now rubbing lotion into them. She then opened the suitcase she had brought with her and began laying out clothes for herself and for Ron. "I remembered your boobs," she said, laying the breast forms on the bed. There was another surprise for Ron, a pair of high-cut lace panties.

Ron held the panties up, started pulling them on, and then hesitated a minute. "Lois," he asked, "could I borrow one of your pads?"

"Let's not get carried away, Ron. I know you want to express your feminine side, but don't you think that's a little too much?"

"It's not that," Ron said, "it's just that these panties are so pretty, I don't want to ruin them with brown stains."

Lois smiled. "Now you're thinking like a woman," she said. "But use panty liners, they are much more comfortable." She pulled a few from a box in the suitcase and showed him how to attach the liner to his panties. "Put the extra ones in your purse," she said.

Ron pulled his panties on, savoring the feel of the satin and lace against his skin. He then pulled on the padded girdle. Lois hooked up his waist cincher and bra. Ron was capable of hooking up the bra on his own, but he let Lois help. Somehow it felt better to let her hook up the bra. He then returned the favor by fastening her bra. He then placed the silicone forms into his bra cups. Ron was feeling more like Janice with every passing moment.

Ron now rolled tan stockings and pulled them over his smooth, newly shaven legs. He attached them to the garters on his girdle and stood. The feel of nylon over hairless legs was exhilarating. He had taken one more step in his transformation

The transition point, in Ron's mind, came when he pulled the half-slip and camisole on. As he smoothed the lacey, silky material over his curves, Ron paused to look at himself in the mirror. The effect was stunning. He had not completed dressing, and still had to apply makeup and put on a wig, but the person staring back at him now was definitely Janice. Lois noticed as well. "Janice," she said, "I brought your blue outfit along. Why don't you wear it tonight?"

"Thank you, Lois," Janice replied, "I think I will." She opened the garment bag to get the outfit. It was a powder blue belted skirt with a matching mock turtleneck top. The effect of the belt emphasized her cinched waist, and the flare of the skirt accentuated her padded hips. It was a flattering and very feminine look.

Lois had, by this time, put on a dark brown skirt with a tan shell. Janice looked at her admiringly and made a wolf whistle. "You look great, honey," she said.

"You look good yourself, Janice," Lois replied. "But try not to whistle like that when we're out tonight. You're supposed to be a woman."

"Oops!" said Janice, "I forgot for a minute. It's hard to remember when I see you like that."

"Flatterer!" Lois said. "Let's get our makeup on."

They shared the vanity mirror while putting on makeup. Janice was much better at this now, thanks to Lois' patient mentoring. Lois took some pride in the confident manner which Janice now applied foundation and blush. She was a little nervous and needed help getting her eyeliner straight. Her use of lip liner and lipstick was quite good, however. The overall effect was excellent. Janice wouldn't turn any heads, but she wouldn't be ashamed of herself either.

"I have something else for you, Janice," Lois said, producing a small box. It contained what looked like an engagement ring. "I know that you don't want to take off your wedding ring, so wear this with it. It's a Cubic Zirconium, almost a girl's best friend."

Janice was pleasantly surprised. "Oh, it's so beautiful!" she said. She slipped it onto her finger with her wedding ring. It looked a lot like the one Ron gave Lois when he proposed.

As Lois fixed her hair, Janice pulled on a wig cap to cover all of Ron's hair and pulled on her new wig. It was auburn in a shag style that left the lower part of her earlobes visible. She wanted to show off her earrings. The earrings were clip-on style; Ron had considered getting his ears pierced but rejected the idea since his company was rather conservative.

"Janice," said Lois, "why don't you wear those new sling-backs? They look really sexy." Janice smiled. She sat on the bed and pulled the shoes on by the heels. She stood and walked around. Her practice with the book on her head now paid off. Her steps were confident and ladylike.

Lois decided on pumps set off with little bows. They stood in front of the full-length mirror, checking their appearance. "WOW!" was Janice's reaction, "I never thought I could look so good!"

"So what am I, chopped liver?" said Lois in her teasing voice.

"Oh you look great, hon," Janice said. "If I wasn't wearing this girdle I'd show you just how good you look. It's just, I never thought I could ever look so convincing!"

Lois smiled. "Well it's nice to know that I can still get a rise out of my hubby, even when he's in a dress. By the way, your legs are better looking than mine are, you bitch!"

"That's impossible," Janice protested, "your legs are a lot nicer. And you definitely have a better looking ass!"

"That's because it's the real thing. But honestly, Janice, you won't have any trouble passing tonight. You just need a few more touches."

Lois sat Janice down and produced a set of press-on nails. She glued these onto Janice's short nails and filed them to look natural. "These are active-length nails," she explained. "They aren't so long as to be clumsy, but they will take some getting used to." She inspected the nails and was satisfied.

Lois then produced a small bottle of perfume and sprayed Janice at her wrists and behind her ears. "This is yours, Janice," said Lois, handing her the bottle. "Put it in your purse. A girl should have her own fragrance. It's like a signature."

Lois helped Janice pack a few things in her purse. There was makeup, the perfume, some panty liners, and some moist towelettes. She also insisted that Janice carry some money, credit cards, and Ron's driver's license.

"I think I had better drive tonight," Lois said. "You aren't used to driving with heels on, and even though it isn't likely, we might get stopped."

"Okay, Lois," Janice said. In truth, Janice was getting a little nervous. This was, after all, the first time she would ever venture outside en femme.

Janice now put on a powder-blue jacket that matched her skirt and top. She slung her purse over her shoulder. Lois was wearing a dark gray jacket. "Ready, Janice?" she asked.

"No," Janice said, "but I guess it's now or never. Let's go."

"Be brave, girl. You'll do just fine," Lois said. She opened the door and the two girls walked over to Lois' car.

It was a cool autumn evening, typical of Eastern Pennsylvania in early October. The air was crisp with just a hint of the winter cold to come. Janice was nearly overwhelmed by the sensations. She listened to the unique clicking of her high heels on the pavement, and drank in the cool air flowing around her stockinged legs. She felt almost naked as the air rushed under her skirt. She savored the swish of her skirt as it brushed her legs, the bounce of her breasts as she walked to the passenger side of Lois' car.

Lois unlocked the door with her remote. Janice opened it, and experienced her first instant of panic. She momentarily forgot how Lois told her to get into the car. She had started to enter as Ron always had, with one foot first; then she caught herself. Her high heels shifted her balance just enough that she couldn't enter in this manner. Then she remembered. She turned facing away from the car and sat down, remembering to smooth her skirt under her. Then, holding her legs together, she swiveled in the seat and brought her feet into the car.

"Well done, Janice," Lois congratulated her. "That was your first test and you did perfectly. How does it feel?"

"I'm excited and really nervous," said Janice. "I almost panicked back there."

"It didn't show a bit. You're doing just fine. Just relax and enjoy yourself."

Janice reached behind to grab the seat belt. As she fastened the buckle, she began to giggle. Lois looked at her quizzically. Janice responded, "I know this must seem silly, but it never occurred to me before that the shoulder harness would go between my boobs."

"It's got to go somewhere, dear," Lois replied. She started the car and they drove off.

As they drove, Lois outlined her plans for the evening. "I thought we might go see a movie. That new picture with Meryl Streep is playing at the Grandstand Cinema. How does that sound?"

"That does sound good. I like her pictures. But why go so far?"

"Because you're in a disguise and I'm not. I don't want anybody to recognize us. The Grandstand is far enough away that nobody we know will be there."

"Oh! That makes sense."

"The next show starts in about an hour and a half. If we make good time we might do a little shopping before the show."

Lois managed to drive to the Grandstand Cinema in just over 40 minutes. It was a new theater that adjoined a small shopping mall. Janice and Lois decided to window shop. There were several cute little stores inside the mall, each displaying sample merchandise in its window. One store that piqued their interest was "The Village Perfumery", which sold a variety of commercial and custom fragrances. They sampled several scents before they each decided on one. As the saleslady rang up Janice, she commented "Vanilla Musk is one of my favorites. I know you'll like it."

Janice answered in a whisper. "It does smell nice."

"Do you have a cold?" the saleslady asked.

"I'm getting over one," Janice replied, again in a hoarse whisper. "Laryngitis."

"She's been like that all day," said Lois, giving her selection to the cashier. "It's that thing going around."

"Oh, I understand," the saleslady replied. "Try some hot tea, hon. It always helps me."

"Thanks, I will," Janice whispered. With their purchases in shopping bags, the girls left "The Village Perfumery" for some more window-shopping.

"I'm glad you warned me to whisper before we came in," said Janice, still whispering.

"Well there's no way to hide that deep voice of yours," said Lois. "Maybe we should send for that feminine voice training tape we saw on the Internet."

They looked at a few more shops. Lois playfully suggested that they might stop inside the lingerie store, which caused Janice to blush. About fifteen minutes before showtime, they headed back to the theater. That's when Lois suggested a visit to the Ladies' Room.

Janice hesitated a bit, but Lois was persistent. "I don't think we can sit through the movie without a pit stop. And I think I had better be with you, just in case."

"In case of what?" Janice asked.

"In case somebody might suspect your secret, dear. With me along, you have some camouflage."

Janice followed Lois into the Ladies' Room. In truth she was just a little thrilled at the prospect of venturing into the women's sanctum sanctorum. She never quite knew why women seemed to have a herd mentality about the bathroom, proceeding in a group. Now she discovered why. It gave them somebody to talk to while standing in line. Fortunately, this line was short and they got in quickly.

Janice was a wee bit disappointed. The Ladies' Room wasn't really much different than the Men's Room, except it was cleaner and didn't have urinals. Janice remembered to sit instead of stand, which took a little getting used to. Damn, but it was inconvenient to have to undo her girdle and hose and then pull them all up again. She remembered to check her slip and skirt before leaving to make sure they were smooth and hadn't gotten caught inside her underwear.

As she emerged from the stall, she noticed Lois had finished and was waiting to use the vanity. Janice got in line next to her. They washed their hands and touched up their makeup, then left the bathroom for the auditorium.

The auditorium turned out to be one of the new stadium-style seating theaters. The seats were staggered and the aisles had steps that were a little difficult to negotiate in high heels, but the girls managed to get seats a few rows back. Lois preferred to sit next to the aisle just in case nature called.

The lights dimmed and the various ads and coming attractions began to roll. One of the ads was for an especially gruesome horror film. Normally Ron liked these carve-'em-ups, but Janice, it seems, was repulsed by the thought of such gratuitous gore. She thought about this for a few minutes. Was she really that different a person in her Janice persona? Was she something of a multiple personality? Her philosophical musings terminated when the feature attraction started to roll.

During the middle of the third reel Janice became aware of a hand on her leg. She looked down to find Lois' hand slowly creeping up her skirt and rubbing her thigh. Janice put her hand on Lois' and gently guided it away. Lois turned to look at Janice, not bothering to hide her mischievous grin. Janice also smiled. She was also having trouble restraining herself from putting her arm around Lois the way Ron always did.

Eventually the movie ended, and the girls left the theater, stopping at the Ladies' room on their way out. They walked over to a little café they had found in the mall, ordered coffee, and split a croissant. The sat at one of the little tables in the mall.

"Lois, I have to thank you for this little adventure," Janice said, remembering to whisper. "I never thought I would ever, well…" she was unable to find the words.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Lois said. "Sometimes it's nice to get away from the guys and just have a girls' night."

This made Janice giggle. Lois asked, "Is something funny?"

"It's just the idea of the two of us having a girls' night out with no guys."

"Well, we did go see a chick-flick. And here we are sipping latte's and enjoying a little girl talk. That sound's like a girls' night out to me."

Janice paused for a minute, then asked "Am I really so different like this? Or is it just an act?"

"What do you mean, hon?"

"Well, I was remembering the coming attractions, and that bloody horror movie."

"Yecchh!" was Lois' reaction. "That almost made me sick! I honestly don't know why you like them so much!"

"That's what I mean, Lois. It was making me sick, too! I was actually feeling queasy! I never had that kind of a reaction before!"

Lois pondered for a moment. "I don't think you are a multiple personality, if that's what you mean. But you are different. Janice is a warm, caring, and very feminine girl. On the other hand, Ron might not be one of those macho idiots, but he is definitely a man. I guess there's more to your feminine side than you thought, dear."

"So who do you like better, Ron or Janice?"

"Neither. And both."

Janice was confused by that, and said so. "How can you like us both better?" she asked.

"I don't mean it that way, Janice. I mean, Ron is the best husband a girl could ask for. He's loving, caring, sensitive, but he's also strong and confident. He makes me feel safe, and loved. He's also encouraging, never condescending, and always aware of my own self-esteem. But that's not always enough. Sometimes I need a woman's company. I need to be able to talk about those things men just never understand."

"I'm still confused, Lois. You haven't been friendly with another woman in a long time."

"I know," Lois said. "Most of the women I know are at the hospital, and I'm their supervisor. That really prevents me from getting too close to any of them. All of my friends from school have gone their own way. I rarely hear from them."

"What about the neighbors?" Janice asked.

"Most of them are mommies. They haven't much in common with someone like myself, a professional with no children. In fact, Janice, until you came along I didn't have a real girl friend."

Janice was startled. Lois continued, "Janice, when you are like this, you and I communicate on a level that Ron and I never could reach. I can confide in you like I can't confide in anybody else. I mean. Look at us, sitting here talking about relationships, about feelings, this is girl talk, hon. Think about it. We went shopping together. We almost walked into Victoria's Secret together. We even went to the Ladies' room together."

Lois paused for a sip of coffee. Janice said, "That's all true. I can never thank you enough for this marvelous night."

"I didn't do it just for you, girl, I did it for me. Even with a hubby as sweet and caring as Ron, I need more; somebody I can confide in; somebody who understands the pressure of the corporate world, somebody I can go shopping with. I need a girl friend, Janice. I need you."

Janice had put down her cup. This outpouring of emotion was like nothing she had ever experienced. She felt a little tear well up in the corner of her eye, which she dabbed at with a tissue. "Lois, I don't know what to say. I mean, I wanted you to accept me as Janice, to understand why Janice is part of me. But I never expected…" She couldn't find the words to finish her thought. The best she could do was stammer out a thank you.

"Well," said Lois, "do you want to head back, or could we do a little more shopping? I saw some cute handbags at that little shop a few doors down."

"When the going gets tough," Janice said, "the tough go shopping. Let's go!"

The girls each took one last sip of coffee and walked down the mall to look at purses.

* * * * *

It was Christmas morning, a day which Lois and Ron always enjoyed. They invariably delighted in their holiday customs, especially about their Christmas tree. Although they would shop for it weeks before Christmas, the tree never went up until Christmas Eve. They managed to get their tree inside and in its stand this year without need of invoking any deity or demon, a rare and pleasant surprise. Decorating the tree was always especially happy since every ornament seemed to have its own special memory. Their collection was admittedly eclectic, with seashells, nutcrackers, nativity sets, colored balls, birds, teddy bears, toys, and many other ornaments. The finished product was always an odd cacophony of images, but somehow it always managed to say "Christmas".

On Christmas morning, Ron would always light the tree and they would bring out the presents they had bought or made each other. There was always a stuffed animal among the presents, this being another custom they routinely observed. They had quite a menagerie of stuffed animals in the house, each one displayed lovingly.

They would each open one present at a time, alternating back and forth until all were opened. Ron had bought Lois a new robe, a funny tee shirt, a nameplate for her new desk, some CD's, and a number of little gags. Lois had also found a funny tee shirt for Ron, as well as some flannel lounging shorts, the new Tom Clancy novel he wanted, and a personalized appointment calendar along with the usual assortment of little gag gifts. They neatly stacked their presents under the tree. Ron was ready to proceed with the next part of their holiday ritual, which was a pancake and sausage breakfast, when Lois produced one more present.

"What's this?" Ron asked. Did you forget it until just now?"

"It's not for you, Ron. Read the tag."

Ron opened the tag to read the message inside. "To Janice, the best girl friend I ever had."

"Oh, my gosh!" Ron said, "I never expected this!"

"Go ahead," Lois said. "Open it."

Ron tore off the paper covering the gift box, removed the lid, and folded back the tissue paper. Wrapped in the soft paper, he found a dress. But it wasn't just any dress. This was a red Classic Star Trek uniform dress. He pulled it out and held it up against himself. "I don't believe it!" he exclaimed. "This is just great! Thank you, honey!"

"Don't forget the purse, Ron. I found one that looks like a tricorder. I couldn't find the boots, though."

Ron dropped the dress and ran over to hug Lois. They kissed each other, and then kissed again.

Ron retrieved the dress and replaced it in the box, which he placed in its own space under the tree. Later he would put on a little impromptu fashion show for Lois. But now it was time for breakfast. With arms about each other, they walked into the kitchen.

They were such a cute couple!


The description of the pink water balloons is from personal experience. :-)

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