So, for a very long time I have been too holy to drink, like ever.
Innocently I was on my way up to KFC to get my fat fix and I spied a little hole in the wall Italian Resurante. So, deciding that some culture could help cure my depression, I stopped and went in there. So, I had Pollo with mushroom sauce and pasta. YUM !!!! In a weak moment I had a pint of IPA beeer or ale or waht hever.
So, now I need to aks the qurestion. Can I posseblyt be intoxicated on a mere pint? Serouisly?
Oh, I gots soem tiramisu too, thinkin it mite sobr be up.
Some how Habibi found hre way home bearin me.
Now I,m slepin.
Be Careful
The way I figure it, someone who hasn't drunk alcohol in a long time is more susceptible to its influence than someone who drinks regularly. There's also a body-mass (or BMI) issue, where the fatter someone is, the less susceptible he is -- maybe.
Good thing someone else got you home.
-- Daphne Xu
general rule
the general rule is this:
1- 12 oz. beer(American), 1 standard shot(80 proof) or 1 regular size mixed drink(no higher than 80 proof liquor); any one of those will occupy the average person for one hour.
This was the guideline in Server course '93-'99 Louisiana.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Maybe, but
You're not as think as I drunk you are.
About twenty (20) years ago, I stopped in at the Miramar Officer's Club [the place in the movie Top Gun where Tom Cruise sang You've lost that Loving Feeling) on a Friday night.
The place was packed with young aviators ( The Navy doesn't have pilots!) and young women. The music was loud, the dance floor was full, liquor was flowing and everyone was having a good time.
There was a machine in the corner that looked like a coke machine. It was very popular, when you banged into the machine, kicked it or hit it like a vending machine that just ate your money, the machine said:
It was a breathalyzer!
Now, I don't want you to get the idea that I'm easily amused, but I sat there for an hour watching people deliberately hit the machine to hear it say;
Depending on how one's body reacts. It certainly seems to have dyslexified your keyboard ;)
Body mass, medications, recent food and drink intake, all influencing the effect.
Mmm - tiramisu..
Some IPAs have a relatively high alcohol content, though this has not been the UK case over the years.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
If that was a proper/traditional Tiramisu, then it was made using alcohol and the baking process does not remove all of it from the confection.
couple different recipes :
- Leona
A US pint is 16 ounces, 1/3 more than the usual bottle or can of beer. And some IPAs can have twice the alcohol of a beer like Budweiser. So, yes, depending on how recently you drank the beer, and how much was in your stomach to adsorb the alcohol and slow its migration into your bloodstream, one pint could put you over the safe limit, even if not over the legal limit. Larger people usually can handle more, which is why, typically, women should drink less than men, since women usually have less body mass.
I would think that the pasta course would be more helpful with moderating the effect of the beer than tiramisu would be. While starch and sugar are both carbohydrates, sugar is metabolized fairly rapidly compared to starch and wouldn't remain in your stomach as long.
DUI= BAC.08 or above. 1 beer =.02 , 1shot=.02. metabolized.02 per therefore not DUI.
True, unless you are
True, unless you are operating commercial vehicles, ie trains, airplanes, trucks and so forth. Then it is BAC=.04.
Another thing is NEVER refuse a BAC; because the police officers CAN use other methods to determine a person is intoxicated and those methods are court approved.
By refusing a BAC, you have immediately, and automatically set yourself up for a 1 year loss of your drivers license. That is written into the law.
Best rule of thumb is. IF you are going to drink, have a designated driver with you.
what test?
Did you use a breathalyzor or did you simply take the standard 'walk a straight line and touch your nose' bit? some people are so uncordinated that they fail the test stone cold sober. On the otherhand an experiance drinker could pass it easily even while *way* over the limit.
There are a number of road side sobriety tests....
an officer can use. Normally they will choose one physical coordination test (walk a straight line, touch the nose and others) and mental cognition tests (recite your alphabet backwards, count backwards by three from 30 to zero), and there are tests that can be administered that rely on the body's own physiology. These have nothing to do with coordination, or cognition. The one I used was the "eye click" test (there is a very long medical name, but it has been way too long). It relies solely on the body's reaction to the percentage of booze in the blood.
Should be ok but why risk the
Should be ok but why risk the bother of a bus pass. Some countries it a zero limit. I drive a lot so don't drink apart from coffee. I don't want to be Tranny nicked in a Tranny.For the yanks a Tranny nick name for Tranist van .You take care drive careful.Mind you with the cut backs you more likely to see a UFO than old bill in a cop car.
Fast Tranny's
If you want a fast Transit then go find the TV prog that Guy Martin [1] did when he entered his Transit into the Silverstate Challenge this year.
He entered the 150mph class and opened a good few eyes very wide. He averages 150.9xxx MPH over the course in a class dominated by corvette's and mustangs.
As an aside, I got 'nicked' for doing 93mph on that same road a week later. Yes I know.... I just got carried away by the great drive. The Policeman took one look at my UK license and muttered something about speeding brits and told me to slow down. I did.
[1] Most americans won't know who Guy Martin is. By day, he's a Truck Fitter in Grimsby. He also rides motorcycles at 130mph+ around the Isle of Man and does other stunts like riding a homegrown motorcyle up Pikes Peak, 120mph on a pedal cycle and other crazy things. His Biography is called 'When you dead, you dead'. It is a cracking read. He also drinks lots of tea and thinks nothing of riding hundreds of miles on a bicycle. He rides one to work every day. A one off character IMHO
On the topic of BAC, here is Arizona it is written that any measurable amount can be seen as DUI to the officers discretion. Basically if you're an arse to the Cop then they can book you.
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
Years ago there was a drinking and driving problem. Now there's a MADD problem.
I rarely drink and when I do it's barely enough to dampen a glass. Yet it infuriates me to see the economic carnage foisted on us by MADD and revenue happy political subdivisions in combination with an industry of lawyers and necessary??? accessories.
Two years ago I published a paper on the how ineffective these laws have been in stopping deaths involving drunk drivers. The vast majority of deaths are caused by multiple offenders. The MADD driven nonsense has done NOTHING to stop them because they don't care about the laws.
MADD will not stop until there are breathalyzers on every car and the laws in the US match those in other nations that have zero tolerance.
That is nonsense.
When Madd started it had a purpose. The illegal BAC content in most states was at level that was ridiculously high and spottily enforced.
One of their most effective campaigns was, "Know when to say when." They should have listened to themselves. The average first time offender pays a cost of $6,500 PLUS $4,400 in lost wages. Very few people can afford that. In my state One out of every Seven drivers has had a DUI.
Yes I know that about 10,000 people a year are killed in alcohol related crashes. I understand the devastation to a family when a loved one is lost. I also understand the crippling impact of an unjust criminal system.
If the politicians want to start reviewing our criminal system, the DUI laws would be a GREAT place to start.
BTW -- I've been an insurance underwriter for more years than most of you have lived. I KNOW that there is a much greater correlation between speeding tickets and predictable loss than there is with DUIs.
The whole thing is political nonsense.
Congratulations MADD -- you've pulled us all down the rabbit hole.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Sorry I upset you.
My little tale was simply meant to relate something that happened to me that was completely unexpected. I drink a beer about twice a year, and don't like wine or the hard stuff. I'd had IPA and now know that it is Ale and stronger than the other stuff. I did not know that the cake had alcohol in it. I got off very easily and will not repeat my blunder. The way I was almost incapacitated came as a complete surprise to me.