For a Season Part II: The morning after.

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It was approaching midday on Saturday morning. Sam woke up, eyelids heavy, and brushed his hair out of his face to make sense of the morning. He couldn’t recount many details from the night before, even the facts that he remembers were cloudy and foggy and more like the remnant of a dream.

He pushed his hair out of his face again. “Strange,” he thought, as it fell back on his forehead. It was dark in the room, the only light coming from the sunbeams jutting through the curtain and the window. Sam rolled over and found to his surprise that he had fallen asleep on Katie’s bed, with Katie’s shape still asleep beside him.

As Sam’s eyes became more focused, he began to start taking in the situation he now found himself in. He took more notice of the hair on his forehead, falling in front of his eyes. He could see it’s ends.

“I have bangs?” Sam asked himself quietly, surprised and excited. He had a vague recollection of a hair salon from the previous day. He pulled his hand up to his bangs and brushed them to the side, he did this a few times, getting used to the feeling. He sat up on the bed and used both hands to pull his hair so that it sat behind his shoulders. He noted that it seemed to be the same length, but it felt smoother, and slipperier, and oh so soft.

He began noticing other things, a comfortable tightness around his chest, he glanced down and to his surprise found his topless body wearing a black bra. The cups were a little big for him, as he was quite slim, but it felt so lovely to be hugged by it. He was confused as to how he had found himself wearing it! He got butterflies, feeling delighted by how feminine it made him feel.

He also noticed his butt, it too was being hugged in a comfortable tight way.

“Panties?” Sam whispered to himself. He turned himself onto his knees, then ran both of his hands over his butt and groin. He noted how snug it felt, how it fitted him so well and how comfortable it was. They were also black, and felt soft and silky.

But that wasn’t all that was soft and silky, as he ran his hands down past his bottom, he noticed that the smoothness didn’t stop, he was wondering if somehow in the blurriness of yesterday he had put pantihose on, he lightly pinched his skin.

“Ouch” he said, a little louder, Katie began to stir.

“Is everything ok hun?” Katie spoke softly.

Sam didn’t reply at first, he wasn’t wearing anything on his legs, and yet they were soft, smooth and hairless. He reached for his arms and found that they too were hairless. It was the same with his back, torso and armpits.

“What happened last night Katie?” Sam asked.

“I don’t remember anything,” Katie replied, sitting up and looking at Sam. “Sam! What happened to your beard?”

Sam brought his hands up to his jaw and felt the soft skin of his chin, neck and cheeks, something he had not felt since his late teenage years.

“It’s gone!” Sam exclaimed, excited by what this might have meant.

“Sam! Your hair!” Katie continued excitedly as she moved closer to Sam, brushing his bangs to the side.

Sam giggled, “do you like it?” he said with a grin.

“I love it, so feminine, it works so well on you!”

Sam began to notice that there was something different about Katie as well. Her hair, it was lighter. It was at that moment that Sam felt the need to rush to the bathroom.

Sam hopped up and dashed down the hallway to the bathroom, he stumbled in and Katie joined him. Katie flicked on the light and they both stared at their reflections in the mirror.

Sam did indeed have a swooping side bang. He also noticed he had some layers long layers cut, which framed his face in a highly feminine way. His hair was no longer the brown, highlighted hair he woke up with yesterday. It was a deep rich red, even burgundy or plum, which is a color he had discussed at length with Katie over the last year. His eyes met his own and he noticed black smudges under his eyes, as though he was wearing eye makeup when he went to bed. He had dark reddy plum smudges around his lips, he noted that his lips tasted funny, had he been wearing lipstick?

He noticed his eyebrows, underneath his bangs. They were no longer the thick, bushy eyebrows he had, instead they had been shaped, not so that they were very thin, but that that had a little arch.

Sam also noted that Katie was now blonde.

“Oh wow Katie! Your hair!” he exclaimed at looked at her through the mirror.

“I don’t know what happened?” She said confused, but also excitedly. “Hun, we have to get that off your face! I don’t remember putting makeup on you yesterday?” she giggled, “we can reapply today if you like, by the looks of it you’ll want it, you’re stunning!” she explaimed, admiring his new hair, brushing her fingers through it. “It’s so shiny.”

Katie pulled out a face wipe and handed it to Sam, Sam wiped the remaining makeup off his face.

“Shall we have breakfast?” Katie asked, moving out of the bathroom, heading towards the kitchen.

Sam stood there with his new, wonderful hair in his bra and panties in awe of how he had found himself. He genuinely looked good, and he looked like a girl. He wondered what had happened the day before.

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Missing pieces

Jamie Lee's picture

Seems to be a lot of time missing between the time they went out to breakfast in the previous chapter and how they both look in this chapter. And neither remembers anything.

Did they get drunk? Did someone do this to them without permission? What's going on?

Others have feelings too.