A change in attitude about a part of my body

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Okay I have a bit of a weird one for you, so forgive me if this makes no sense.

A while back I made a little poem called "I hate my toes", which was mostly just a little bit of nonsense about how having someone who loves you turns even your least favorite parts of yourself into something special.

And while my toes arent my least favorite body part (that is and always will be my male bits), I havent exactly ever been particularly fond of them either - they always looked too ... masculine to me.

Well, that seems to have changed, and I dont really know why. All of a sudden, I saw them as ... okay.

Like I said, I have no idea why the change, or if I'll start feeling better about other parts of me but it feels like a step in a good direction.


Just your toes?

Gee, for me, it is my big toe and the foot (minus the other toes, they're okay.)

Sounds silly doesn't it?

I acknowledge it is part of our condition to obsess over what is masculine/feminine and pretty/not pretty, but keep in mind it is the sum of the parts that matter even as I totally envy my small footed and adorably digitized brethem putting their perfectly arched and shaped appendages in their size 7(US) shoes. See my envious ideals?

OTOH, if you read a lot of womens' forums, they obsess about various nits about their bodies too. At some point one must acknowledge the faults, as is, and move on or get a plan of action to change them e.g. there are aesthetic surgeons which will operate on toes. But that makes me squeamish to say the least not to mention expensive. Painful. Errors are possible.

No expert

tmf's picture

I'm no expert, but could it be that you are more at peace with been a woman, with church and positive encounter at the job and all that.?

It's good to see that you're better with yourself, Hugs.

Big Hugs tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness


we can be weird together then....