(Sorry about that - accidently copy/pasted the wrong thing)
Last night, I had a bit of a flashback, and coming out of it I found myself shaking with anger.
Then, for no reason I can think of, my muse took that anger and started writing a story in my head that was ... well....harsh.
I wonder if this is a good sign or not ...
IF it meansthat the anger isleaving you, then I'd think that to be a good thing. Right?
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Whats Wrong
If the harshness of what you wrote (I'm not sure what that means) helps you cope with the terror and anger of the flashback, then whats wrong. There's a arcade game called wack a mole. If a persons takes out their anxiety by smashing those moles when they pop up, and does so with relish, what's wrong with that.