The New Car

The New Car

The ribbing had been going on for over ten minutes now. "Mate! that is such a guurl's car!"

I said "Cut it out. It's not a girl's car!"

Now in full flow they said "Oh yes it is. Just look at it? It's just soooo cute! It's even got a little smiley face and everything!"


I was getting increasingly agitated by this stupid name calling. "Look, unlike you lot I don't get a company car. I get a car allowance but it's not enough to buy and run anything big. And beside that, many of my customers are right in the middle of town and a big car is a real pain for parking. This car is great on fuel and I can park it almost anywhere. Just because its smaller doesn't make it a girl's car!"

By now I just about had enough of the wisecracks and left. I drove my "gurl's" car to see my girlfriend, at least I know Emma will be more supportive. Emma is just great. We've not been going for very long and I don't want to screw it up by pushing it too fast, but I have a really good feeling about her.

Today I managed to work it so I picked her up from work. As we pulled up outside her flat I could see her hesitate as though she wanted to say something.... "I just wanted to say that I feel like we have become a lot closer lately?"

I smiled and held her hand, "Me too, I don't think I have ever been able to talk to a girl the way I can with you."

She gave my hand a squeeze, "It's like we are really getting onto the same wavelength?"

I tried to seem calm and collected, but I think my excitement showed though, "This is a bit special isn't it? I feel like I understand you a little better every day."

As she opened the car door she invited me in, and for the first time I stayed (woohoo!). In fact I stayed for the whole weekend! We went shopping and to the theatre, a walk through the park, dinner and dancing. It didn't really matter, I just love being with her. The weekend went much too fast and it has been a truly wonderful time.

That weekend marked a step change in our relationship and over the next few weeks we spent as much time with each other as we could. She has such a carefree attitude and I think it's rubbing off onto me, and I rather like that.

I have customers spread across the southern counties of England. It 's not uncommon to have to drive from one corner of my territory to the other and I spend a lot my of time driving. I have always found it a chore, but it's funny, in my new car I feel so relaxed and at home the miles just slip by. I get in and the next thing I knew I am there. Sweet!

My last appointment ran late today, so I am going to catch the evening car park on the M25. I am not sure what's more frustrating though, having to deal with all the traffic or having to wear this straightjacket of a business suit! It's just so restricting having to wear a suit and tie all day, every day, UGH! I really need to break out and do something different. Anything!

I think it's because Emma has such a relaxed attitude to life, but lately I have been feeling increasingly trapped in my own life. I don't really mind my job but it's just feels so restrictive now, my friends only seem to be able to talk about football, even the clothes I have to wear feel part of my prison. Well I have had enough! From today, it's going to be a whole new me! I have been thinking for some time about letting my hair grow out, well now I am going to do it. Tomorrow I will make a start with some new clothes, and.... hey, I've just had a great idea!

Come the morning, ok, I admit it, I got cold feet. But once I was back in my car all my doubts melted away. Why do I keep questioning my own decisions lately? Nope, I have made my mind up. Who cares if the guys take the micky. I am going through with it! I managed to park the car right outside the shop (really love how I can slip my car in anywhere) and strode straight to the jewellers.

"I'd like both ears pierced please, and I'd like these ones," pointing to a pair of diamond studs.

"Those are a women's style sir. Men's styles are on the other side."

(Why do shop assistants always try to sell you something else? Probably more expensive.) "No, I'd like these ones please."

She shrugged her shoulders, and sat me down in the chair. (Good. I am the customer here and I know what I want.)

Fifteen minutes later, I was back in the car and admiring my new studs in the mirror. Yeh, they really look great. Wow! I have had my ears pierced!


The next day was uneventful, except that my chest keeps itching and it's really driving me crazy. It has got to be the hair. I have always been a bit hairy but this is beyond a joke, probably made worse because of the horrible business shirts I have to wear. I decided to stop at a chemist and bought some hair removal cream.

As soon as I got home I went straight to the bathroom. This itch is driving me nuts! I put cream all over my chest and after waiting the suggested fifteen minutes I jumped into the shower. Bliss! I felt a wave of relief as all the hair came off. I felt my chest, smooooth, and no more itch. But it now looks strange to have a clean chest, but all that hair tufting out from my armpits. I had run out of cream so I grabbed my razor and shaved that off too. Now that really feels better!

The next day, I had another long trip. As usual, time just flew by. But on the way home it was my legs that were itching, big time! Well, I know what that is. Another quick stop at the chemists and I know just how to get rid of that annoying itch.

Emma said that my hairless body was really sexy when we made love. So that sealed it. It's all got to go!

Getting dressed for work I asked Emma, "Do these trousers look ok?" They seem to be getting tight around my bum."

Emma grinned, "Are you asking me if your bum looks big in them? Now there is a turnaround! No dear, you look wonderful as usual." After a thoughtful pause, "Why don't you come with me to the gym? My trainer can help you target your 'wobbly' flab."

"Oi, less of the cheek!" I said with a grin. "Actually, that's a great idea, I do need to get back into shape. I spend far too much time sitting. Probably why I am noticing a bit of a spread around my hips and thighs."

Sitting at some traffic lights I looked in the mirror. Today I am wearing a pair of her earrings, and she is wearing a pair of mine, just seems right somehow. A honk from the man in the car behind startled me and I realised that the lights had turned green. Men are so impatient! As I pulled onto the motorway I was thinking how I just love the way time flies on these long runs.

By the time I got home I pulled off my suit and tie so fast I think I may have pulled the stitching a little. I really hate them now! I went looking for a pair of shorts and grabbed a pair of khakis. Hey, these really fit me well. Which surprised me as nothing I have seems to fit me lately. It's not as if I haven't been putting enough effort at the gym either, I have been really pushing myself.

It was only when I looked more closely that I realised I had put on Emma's by mistake. She is leaving clothes for when she stays over now. I never thought of trying women's clothes before, but these fit me like a glove. They feel so comfortable, and looked really good on me, and for the first time in ages I don't feel fat.

I slipped on a T-shirt but it just hung way too low. Hold on, Emma's are shorter. I tried one on and it fits me nicely. It comes down just to where my shorts start so there isn't that awful overhang. Yes, this is a much better outfit.


Emma is visiting her mother in Edinburgh for a few days. This was our first time apart. I called on Skype and talked to her mum just long enough to be polite, then Emma and I just chatted away the evening. It was great to talk to her but it just seemed to emphasise how much I miss her.

It's Saturday today and I have allowed myself a lazy start. We have been taking tennis lessons recently and we both really enjoy playing. I thought I would pop to the shops and treat Emma to a new tennis outfit (one with those cute little skirts). She will be so surprised.

Ugh! My jeans are so uncomfortable now and in desperation I tried on a pair of Emma's. Now that's better. I also put on one of her tank tops since it was rather hot today. With the roof open on the car I thought I would take the long way to the shops, it's just so nice to cruise around and feel the sun and the wind through my hair.

I looked at loads of outfits and eventually narrowed it down to two. But I just couldn't decide which so I bought them both. They were so cute, how could I pick just one? The skirts were really nice, and the tops had built in bras. I am sure Emma will love them.

Once I got home I thought I would lay the outfits on the couch so Emma would see them as soon as she gets in. My hands glided over the smooth material. Ohh... they look sooo comfortable and so cool. Much better than my heavy shorts and scratchy shirt.

I wonder? what would it feel like to actually wear one? Emma's jeans fit me so well, so I must be about the same size as her. Feeling a little naughty I took the white outfit up to the bedroom, and slipped it on. I looked in the mirror and just stared!

This is such a cute outfit and I just love how the skirt feels. So much better than those dreary shorts I have to wear. And the top, without sleeves I feel so free! And the built-in bra feels really comfortable. I didn't realise how much I would appreciate having a little support up top. I have lost a lot of weight, but I still had some fat to get rid of on my chest. The built in bra would keep me from jiggling about as I play.

I did a few practice swings in front of the mirror. Oh, how I wish I could wear this!


Emma finally got home late Sunday evening and as the door opened she almost ran into my arms. I scooped her up and spun her around and we kissed and held each other as though we never wanted to let go. Then she spied the outfits. She just loved them, and promised to wear one the next time we played.

"Are those my shorts?" she asked.

"Uhh, yeh, I put them on by accident. But they feel so much more comfortable than mine, and look how well they fit."

Then looking a little closer Emma said, "And that's my top isn't it?"

I looked down at myself, "Well... uhh, my shirts are too long, yours just seem to fit me better."

Emma stared at Adam and couldn't quite believe that her clothes actually seem to fit him? And his hair seems longer than she remembered too? But the exhaustion from the journey was too much for her to worry about an overactive imagination now. Bed was calling, and after snuggling up they were soon fast asleep.

Driving to my first my first customer on Monday morning, I kept thinking how comfortable Emma's shorts and jeans were, and the skirt felt... well... just wonderful. Even though it was a particularly heavy week, I couldn't get those thoughts out of my mind. By Friday I was so worn out I really wasn't up to anything energetic. Emma is such a great girl, she understood, and we just cuddled. But as I held her and felt her warm soft body, I found I was actually feeling jealous. Where did that come from?


In the morning Emma lay in bed as she watched Adam get dressed. He had been really putting in the effort at the gym and generally he had slimmed down nicely. But the fat on his hips and his chest just wouldn't shift. If anything, it actually looked as though he had man boobs. Looking at him now with his longer hair, podgy hips and man boobs, he almost looked feminine. No, must be just imagination.

But the fact that he fits into her clothes better than his own was really beginning to bother her. This was all her fault, making him lose that weight. She had encouraged him to start exercising with her, and now look at him! But there was something else. Looking at him now his face seemed different? She couldn't say how but it was definitely different.

She was worried...

I had managed to arrange my diary so I had no commitments all weekend. We wanted some time just for ourselves and to relax. At breakfast we thought it would be nice to pop out for a game of tennis.

As we were getting ready I said, "Emma, I have a question?"

"Sure love, what is it?"

"Well, I've lost so much weight, but (clasping my hands to my chest) I hate how all this wobbles when I run. Can I wear one of your sports bras today? Hopefully it should hold things down a bit."

"Sure Adam, you could... but you do realise it will be visible under your shirt."

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that, any suggestions?"

Emma gave a puzzled look, "Well, this top has a built-in bra so it won't be quite so obvious."

"Sounds good, I'll try it on, if that's ok?"

"Oh, yes, this felt so much better. Umm, but now it doesn't match my shorts." Then without thinking I said, "It would look so much better with the matching skirt."

Emma, not quite believing what she is hearing, "Probably, but do you want to wear a skirt in public?"

Realising what I said, I quickly tried to change the subject, "Oh... uhh... yes, you're right. Let's go shall we?"

As we were driving to the tennis club I couldn't stop thinking about what Emma had said about wearing a skirt in public. I had only worn the one on the tennis outfit, and that was in the privacy of the bedroom. But now, it's all I could think of!

Having got home and showered, we were in the bedroom getting dressed. As Emma took a bra out of her drawer, on an impulse I found myself taking one out too and putting it on. I was surprised to see it was actually giving me a bit of a cleavage, then without thinking I said, "It feels so much better to have some support."

Emma was now getting really worried. He likes wearing a bra? This morning he wore one of her tops and she actually had to talk him out of wearing a skirt. And looking at him now, she was sure his shorts had hardly any bulge!

Why didn’t she see this before? something is seriously wrong. But what to do? This has got to stop! She had an idea. Yes, that should work. Push him a bit further and make him realise how ridiculous he is being wanting to wear her clothes!

"Here" she said, handing Adam a pair of knickers. But couldn't believe it as she watched him casually put them on. She thought, "Ookaay... well let’s see what else we have.... ah, this should do the trick!" Pulling out some stockings and heels, she handed them to him... and he calmly slipped them on too!


With a note of sarcasm in her voice, "You look very pretty" said Emma.

"You really think so? Thank you." Adam said with an innocent smile.

That was not what she expected to hear! This was going all wrong!

But sticking to her plan, "Well, you are half way there, why don't you fix up you hair a bit too?" Astonished, she watched Adam go to the bathroom and started expertly working his hair using her hair styling tools and products. When he had finished, his hair looked long and beautiful! And it seems to be getting even lighter?

"Can I?" he said, reaching for her makeup bag.

"Knock yourself out babe" she replied coldly. If he was going to do this, then let him go all the way and get it out of his system!

He calmly started working his way through the contents of the bag, and once he was done he gave himself a light spray of her perfume, with what appeared to be a decidedly feminine flourish.

“Ooh, can I try on that little black party dress? I just love that on you.” He almost skipped down the hall!

After a while Emma started to wonder where Adam had got to. As she went to find him she was stunned to see him standing in front of the hallway mirror with his phone in his hand. Shocked she said, “Are you taking a selfie!?”


A little startled he looked at his phone, ”Aww, the flash flared in the mirror. Oh well, I will take another.”

“Oh no you won’t!” Said Emma almost in a shout, “what are you doing taking photos of yourself? You have never done anything like that before.”

“But I have never looked this good before,” as he smiled at Emma.

Emma looked at Adam and she could not believe what she was seeing. It was if she was looking at a woman! And his hair was almost blonde now, this was so very wrong.

The next morning Emma was still feeling very confused and anxious about Adam, but he seems oblivious. She needed a distraction and thought a game of tennis or two might be a good excuse to get out of the house. As they got ready, without saying a word, Adam picked out one of her sports tops and a pair of her shorts. Perhaps this wasn't such a good idea after all.

As usual Adam drove, but the club had double booked the courts.

"Don't worry, we can wait" said Emma.

Adam got out his smart-phone and managed to book a court at a club across town. But just as we were parking, the heavens opened! We went in for a coffee in the hope it would blow over, but the rain was in for the duration so we went back home.

This time there was no ignoring the changes, which stirred up Emma's concerns even more. "Adam, you seem to like wearing women's clothes now? How long have you been doing this?"

"Oh, just since you went to Edinburgh. They just feel so much more comfortable. They feel so...well... right. I just love wearing a skirt. I'd never wear trousers again if I could help it.

"But you would look like a woman. Don't you want to look like a man?" she said.

"Why would I want to do that?" replied Adam.

"Because you are a man!"

"Am I?“ As he scampered off to the other room.

Emma stood rooted to the spot dumfounded, struggling to comprehend what she had just witnessed. Eventually she gathered herself and followed him into the other room and he had already changed into a white chemise.


She stared at him in shock and it was like she was seeing him clearly for the first time!

His face was now undoubtedly that of a beautiful woman!

In shock Emma stared at his chest, and gasped. Sitting proudly on his chest were breasts! He had real breasts!

She went over and touched them. They were full and firm, at least a C cup if not larger. In a state of shock she told him to lift up the hem of the chemise and show her what was underneath.

As he leant back and pulled it up she was afraid to look between his legs, but reluctantly did so. He really was a woman! Emma fainted and fell to the floor.


When Emma came to, she was in bed. Adam was sitting beside her looking concerned.

"Adam. You've become a woman!"

"Oh good, you are awake, I was getting really worried. But please, don't call me that anymore. I like the name Anna. Yes, the more I think about it, I like the name Anna. It suits me better now don't you think?"

"But.... how did this happen? It's impossible... Why didn't..." Lost for words Emma put her head in her hands and started crying uncontrollably.

It took her a while to gather herself, “But I just don’t understand? How can you be a girl now? You certainly weren’t when we first met.”

I was almost buzzing with excitement. "I have no idea. But whatever the reason, it was meant to be. I feel so free now. I just love this. How can you not just run around singing and dancing all the time? Being a girl is the best thing in the world!

I couldn't contain myself anymore and I leant towards Emma and kissed her.

But... It wasn't how it should be... It was awkward... There was no passion.


Emma looked at me with sad eyes, "I am sorry, but there is no other way to say this, I don't feel attracted to you Anna. As Adam, you were a wonderful guy. But as a woman, I don't care for you in that way. You're a girl now, I am really sorry but I am straight, I don't love you."

Hardly believing what I was hearing "But Emma...I want to spend my life with you!"

Emma kept shaking her head, "Not if you're Anna”. Then after a long pause, “If Adam had asked me to marry him, I would have said yes. But not Anna."

My heart broke!

"No, please, don't say that! I can't loose you, help me find a way to change back.. please!“

"Really? You want to be Adam again?“

"Yes! If my being a woman means losing you, it isn't worth it!"

We sat there for ages trying to figure out exactly when the changes started.

Emma said, "Wanting to grow your hair long was the first thing I can think of. When did you first decide to do that?"

"At work. I have a lot of time to think as I drive and it seemed like a good idea."

Then Emma said, "Oh, then there were the ear rings?"

"While at work."

"Then you shaved all your body hair off."

Seeing where this was going. "Again, coming back from work, the itch just drove me crazy and I knew it had to go."

Emma looked straight at me and said "It's the car, it's got to be the car! Today proves it, You were still a man when we left here, but after driving back and forth.... well, you're not anymore, are you?"

I said, "No way, it can't be the car!"

"But don't you see, the more you drove it, the more you changed. Think about it. Your personality started to change soon after you got the car, you started to think like a woman. And I hate to say it, but that's when we started getting along so well."

Feeling increasingly defensive, "But it's just a car, cars don't transform people!"

"No. It's got to be the car, and we need to get rid of it right away!"

"Not my car! I love that car!"

"More than me?"

"Of course not!"

"Then let’s get rid of it.“

I tried to deny it but I knew she was right. "If that's what I have to do to keep you, then its got to be done. It's my car, I'll deal with it."

Emma almost shouted, "You'll do no such thing! You stay here and I will sort it." Then with a dismissive wave of her hand, " Oh, why don't you go shave your legs, try on some stockings or something? Why don't you see how you look in my evening gown?"

With the excitement of a distracted school girl, Anna handed over the car keys and scurried off to find the gown.

Emma drove to an industrial estate nearby as she remembered seeing a scrap metal dealer there. As she got out she saw some rough looking men standing around. Feeling very nervous she went up to them and asked where the office was?


The roughest looking one stepped over, "Wot brung you 'ere little gurly? Lost yer way 'ave ya?"

"See this car? It's yours. Go blow it up, crush it, whatever. Just get rid of the thing! Just promise it will be gone by tonight.“

"Wot? is it nicked or sumfink?"

"Look, here are the registration documents. I'll sign it over to you so its all legal. Just promise me you'll destroy it, and it's yours."

With a look of greed in his eyes, "How I can say no to such a luverly little lady? I'll even phone a taxi for ya."

She hoped so much that her Adam would be back to normal. But when she came home she found an anxious Anna waiting for her.

"Damn! She looks better in that dress than I do." Emma thought.

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I could hardly bring myself to ask, "What's happened to my car?"

Emma sighed, "It's in a scrap yard getting crushed. Whatever magic was in that car, it will be gone soon and everything can go back to normal."

I couldn't help it, I just started to cry. "I'm sorry, but I feel like I have lost a friend. And why can't I can't stop crying? It's like my emotions are taking me over.“

"Welcome to the club" said Emma.

The evening was strained. Emma kept looking to see if there were any changes, but there were none.

As we got ready for bed I tried to give Emma a little kiss. But Emma pulled back and said, “No! don't do that!" (a little more sharply then she intended) "I am sorry, I am tired and it’s been a stressful day. Let's hope things will be back to normal in the morning now the car has gone.”

But next morning, as we lay in bed, I was still Anna. As Emma stirred and opened her eyes, the bitter disappointment in her face was like a stab to my heart! I had to find a way to change back.

We sat there for ages wondering what else we could do? What would anybody do? Go on the internet! It seems to be the answer for everything else nowadays. I grabbed my phone and we trawled through page after page but found nothing. Then by chance we stumbled across a website of a crystal healing shop and there was just something about it. And the great thing is, it's in a village nearby.


I got so excited, but Emma dismissed it as a bunch of hokum. But I couldn't help wonder, considering my current state, is the idea so much of a stretch? It could at least be worth at try, and as it's local we decided to go and find out.

We found the shop easily and once inside we browsed around until the other customers left. Then Emma went to the old woman behind the cash register.

"We have a problem." she said.

"So you come to me, although you don't believe?" said the old lady.

A little shaken by her insight, "Yes" admitted Emma. "But we don't know where else to turn, can you help us?"

Looking at the two of us she said, "Come with me."

We followed her to a room in the back. I almost expected to see a crystal ball on the table, but there was just a single candle. Taking a sip of tea the women looked into the candle flame...


"Your friend has been through a profound change, hasn't she?"

"Yes. We think it had something to do with her car."

"You may be correct."

"What can we do to reverse this? I want my Adam back."

"Is the car outside?"

"No, we had it destroyed. But that didn't help."

"Of course it didn't. Is there any way to recover the car?"

"No, it's gone, it's been crushed" said Emma.

"Then I am sorry, there is nothing that can be done.“

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! "What do you mean?"

The old woman could see my distress, "I truly am sorry, but with the car gone there is nothing that I can do."

"No, no, nooo!" I howled! I knew this meant I had lost Emma.

Emma was crying now too. She had lost him, she had lost her Adam! He is a woman now.

The old woman tried to comfort us but there was nothing else to be done. We left the shop and slowly made our way back to Emma's car and just sat in silence for what felt like ages.

“So what are we going to do now?" whispered Emma.

I shook my head and said, “I don’t know, all I know is that I love you so much my heart feels like bursting.”

Emma looked at me “I love you too, but not as a woman and I can’t change that. What makes it worse is that I know I destroyed your only way back and I can’t change that either,” and she started crying again.

“I know, I know, this has been especially tough on you.” I couldn't help myself and began to cry too.

I started thinking, “There must be something that can be done. We can’t give up just like that.”

“But what?” as Emma dries her eyes.

“Ok, the old woman said that if we had the car it could still be possible to fix this didn’t she?

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“Well, yes,” says Emma looking a little puzzled.

“There are always options, you just have to think logically and look for them.”

“I still don’t follow,” said Emma.

I could feel myself getting some confidence back. “Perhaps we are looking at this the wrong way? Ok, so what do we know? 1) My change was caused by a spell. 2) The source of that spell has gone. 3) The only way to fix this is with a spell. And 4) Who is the only person we can talk to about spells?

I knew what to do and set off back to the shop! I noticed Emma hadn't moved and called over my shoulder, “Let's go have another chat with the old woman.”

Emma realises that Anna is almost out of sight and hurried after her. She catches up just as they get to the shop and Emma notices Anna with the determined look she remembers seeing on Adam’s face and her heart skips a beat.

The old woman looks up and says, “I thought you would be back. But I have told you already that with the car gone I can’t reverse the spell.”

“Yes I know” I said, “But there is always more than one way of looking at a problem. We didn’t ask for this and it just seems so unfair. I love Emma so much I just can’t face the idea of living without her, but I can’t be the Adam she loves anymore, can I?”

The old woman looks thoughtfully at us and her stare seems to bore right into us.

After an uncomfortably long silence Emma blurts out, “I just want my Adam back! I know he is in there somewhere… I just need him…..." as her voice tails off to a whisper.

The old woman looks up and smiles, “Love is a powerful thing. With love there is always an option.”


I look straight at the old woman, “So there is an option?”

As the old woman reaches up to a shelf loaded with little bottles, “The human heart is a very complicated thing and what it feels can sometimes be in conflict with what the eye sees."

While mixing a potion the old woman looks at the two of us and says, “This is actually quite simple, we just need to help you share each other's perspective.”

“I don’t understand” we both said in unison.

The old woman smiled, “Perhaps you are more aligned than you realise?”

Just as Anna goes to say something the old woman says, “Take this potion and share it equally between you tonight, by the morning I think you both will understand.”

We give each other a puzzled look, then turn back to look at the old woman but she had vanished just leaving a glass bottle on the counter.

“Now that was creepy, I think we had better go.”

Back home we talked about what the old woman meant. Emma gets up and starts pacing “I am scared, what did she mean? What is going to happen if we actually drink this stuff?”

I look at the bottle in my hand and then at Emma, “I don’t know, I just know I can’t go on like this. I can’t stand seeing that disappointment and sadness in your eyes every time you look at me.” Almost anything would be better than this. It scares me too, but perhaps it’s worth a try?”

With trembling hands I pour the potion into two glasses.

“It tastes like strawberries” Anna says with a smile.

I felt my lips tingle, "My one tastes of pineapple, how weird is that?


Having drained her glass, Emma stands up. “It’s been a tough day, I think I am just about done in. I suppose we will find out what the old woman meant in the morning? See you on the flip side,” as she gives me a weak smile and heads off to prepare for bed.

Laying in bed with a gap between us that feels like a chasm, I whisper, “I do love you,” then I roll over to face away from Emma.

Emma surreptitiously wipes away a tear and silently says, “I know.”

As they drift off into sleep their fragmented dreams begin to come together and becomes so vivid it’s almost as if they are awake. Emma is standing there looking out of the bedroom window and hears someone behind her. She turns and sees Adam! She throws her arms around him and says, “Am I dreaming?”


Adam says “Yes, I think we are. But this is not like any dream I've ever had.”

“Right now I don’t care,” as Emma pulls Adam over to the bed, “for now I have my boyfriend back.”

For what seems to be an eternity Emma is in ecstasy, overwhelmed by the most intense experience she has ever known. Then Emma notices a blurred figure slowly coming into focus. Is that Anna?


In a tangle of bodies it's as though all three have become one. Each feeling what the other feels. Impossible!...but so intoxicating! Almost at bursting point Emma kisses Adam and pulls him into herself.

Then in the moment of an exhale…

There is peace…

And there is love.

Laying there for a moment with her eyes closed, feeling someone lying by her side Emma whispers, "Adam?”

As Emma slowly opens her eyes she turns and sees Anna gazing lovingly at her.

I couldn't help but grin and say, “Nope, only meee” and playfully bat my eyelashes at her.


Then, as if all the tension that has been building over the last few days is released all at once, we both burst out in fits of laughter!


Once we had caught our breath I said “Hey, fancy a splash in the pool?"

"What? We have a pool now?"

“Well we are still dreaming so we might as well make it a good one,” which sets us off giggling again.

“Yes, definitely still a dream” as a pool suddenly appears. As we walk into the garden I just couldn't understand what we are experiencing, “But Emma, you know this isn’t possible? I have heard of lucid dreaming but this is something else entirely!

Emma playfully says, ”Typical man, too much thinking. We know this isn't real, just accept this for what it is, a dream.” As she put her finger onto my lips, “No more talking, ok?”


There is a bang at the door which shocked us both awake! Emma jumps up and peeks out of the window, “It’s the police!”

I hastily slip on a dressing gown and went to answer the door, “Hello Officer, is there a problem?”

“No problem, in fact just the opposite. Are you the owner of a blue Smart Car?

The blood drains from my face, “Yes?”

"We have found your car. We did a raid on a scrap metal dealer and found your car in a container ready to be shipped abroad. If you would like to come down to the police station it’s there waiting for you.”

I thanked the officer, closed the door and looked at Emma, “What do we do now?”

Looking visibly shaken Emma says, “I don’t know…. after last night I am so confused.”

I took a deep breath and said, “Well, first of all we had better go and get the car back. I am still trying to get my head around last night. I have never known anything like it! Did we really share the same dream? How do you feel?”

Emma looks at me, ”I... I don’t know, it’s all too much for me to take in. I can’t even think at the moment.…”

We sat in silence as we drove to the police station, neither daring to say anything. As we stopped at the gates I said, “I think we should pick up the car and go straight to the old woman. Lets not second guess this any more.”

Emma thought it best to drive my car, but she had only been driving for a little while when she noticed that it didn’t quite feel the same. We both managed to park right outside the shop and she was going to mention it, but before she could say anything we were walking into the shop.

As we looked around there was no sign of the old woman. We heard something from the back of the shop, but it was a young woman we didn’t recognise.

”So how are we feeling today? I assume things went well?”

Anna replied, “I am sorry, I was hoping to talk the old lady we met earlier?”

“Yes, that’s me. What? did you really think that with what I can do I would choose to be an old hag? No, that’s just marketing, people expect an old woman so that’s what they get. It’s just business. So anyway, how are you both?”


“Actually... (Emma glancing at me) We are confused, and there is something else. We've got the car back.”

“Now that is a surprise” the woman said, “I think I had better have a look.”

“It’s right outside, do you want the keys?” As Emma offered them to the now not so old woman.

“Thank you. Best you wait here while I examine the car, this might take a little while,” as she walked out the shop.

After the longest 15 minutes we had ever known the woman comes back. She sits down with a sigh, “The previous owner adored the little car and went everywhere in it. She had also fallen deeply in love while driving the car. She even conceived her first child in it, twins by the way. Though looking at it, I must assume she was very limber. Did you know the previous owner?"

I said, "Yes, though not very well. Her name was Penny. It was quite sweet actually, she was moving back up to Halifax to get married. Said she owed it all to a pair of red stiletto's. It didn't make any sense to me, but love rarely does, does it?

The woman gave a knowing smile, "She... Penny you say?... felt that so many good things had happened in her life since she had her little car, she wished that the next owner would experience the love and happiness she had. Which is the reason why the spell was cast on you. But as is often the way with these things, the wish was taken literally. The fact that you were male just gave the spell a little twist.”

I said, "Well, I suppose that answers the how and the why, but what do we do now?”

The woman sighs and blows out the candle, “Spells made from love are the strongest of all and now that it has been spent there is nothing I can do to change you back."


Looking straight at Emma, “But after last night, would you want me to?”

A little startled, Emma says, “I… I…. What? Why are you asking me? It’s Anna who has to change back.”

Emma buries her head in her hands, “Why is all this happening? It’s just too much!”

The woman looks kindly at Emma and says, “My dear, the issue has never been with your friend, the spell only has the power to make her happy. The real question is, are you?”

I look pleadingly at Emma “Are you happy? Last night was incredible, and although it may have just been a dream, I will treasure it for the rest of my life. But….. now we know there isn’t a way for me to change back. If I can’t make you truly happy as I am... then I will leave.”

Emma doesn't move or say anything. The silence was agony! So with a breaking heart I kiss Emma on her forehead and start to walk back to my car.

I was almost there when I heard, “Stop! Wait!"

It was Emma! "Please stop. I can't..... look, can we talk for a moment... please? There is a bench over there, can we...?" as she motioned to the bench.

We sat there in silence. I was feeling too dejected to say anything.

Eventually Emma took a deep breath, "This has all been just too much for me to take in, it's all happened so suddenly! You can understand that, can't you?”

I moved to put my arm around her to try and comfort her. But then froze as she said, “I have always been a totally straight woman, the idea of getting intimate with another woman... it... it... just makes my skin crawl!" and then she starts to cry.

I sat there feeling crushed all over again.

Then as Emma starts to regain her composure she says, “But last night was incredible. I truly never knew I could feel like that with anybody, and I...”

Not quite believing what I am hearing I glance at Emma, but she can't bring herself to look at me.


Then after an agonising pause Emma says, “Please understand, I still can't get my head around what's going on or how I feel about all this, and I have never felt so confused in all my life! But one thing I am sure of…. (she takes a deep breath)... I can’t bear the idea of not having you in my life!”

I sat there stunned! It was my turn to cry.

Emma looks puzzled, “Why are you crying, I thought you would be happy?”

I turn to look at Emma, and through my tears, “More than you know my love.”

Emma whispers, “Shall we go home?”

I couldn't help but smile, “Your car or mine?”

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