You ever want to cry but be unable to?
I had that experience last night.
I was in pain and struggling with both PTSD and my gender issues, and I snuck into the bathroom to let loose, and I found myself ... blocked. I simply couldn't cry.
I kinda find that a little scary ...
What can I say?
Can only give you a shoulder, love and hugs.
Hugs tmf
You are not alone...
Hi Dottie,
you're not alone. I most often can't cry too, at least not when people would expect me to. In other situations on the other hand I do cry, when I least expect it. I believe it is just the nature of emotions. All people are different and crying or not crying in different situations is only natural.
Don't worry too much.
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
BIG CYBER HUG to you --- the sun will come out --- smile
I miss crying
After half a lifetime of male emotional repression, during the last month or so I've been trying to rediscover my tears. Unfortunately, the dam(n) wall just won't break. I wish there was medicine that induced crying.
So Sorry...
I really have no words.
Would it help if something made you laugh? "Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have." -- Roger Rabbit. I don't mean to be insensitive or anything.
-- Daphne Xu
laughter is good medicine, they say
huggles, Daphne
I've been there. Usually when
I've been there. Usually when I find it difficult to cry it's because I'm not wanting to deal with it at the moment. That too shall pass, and then you'll be able to let loose and cry. Then you'll get the emotional release.
Erin of Wis <3