Nikki, part 11

I take a deep breath to steady my nerves and wring my hands together to stop them from shaking.

“Remember,” the studio researcher says, placing a calming hand on my hands. “Just stay calm, answer each question you’re asked clearly. Everyone out there WILL be on your side. And don’t forget to smile!” I nod and take another deep breath, returning the young woman’s comforting smile. I take one final second to prepare myself before hearing the words that tell me that preparation time is over.

“Nikki’s on the Jeremy Kyle Show!” The famous TV presenter announces. With shaky legs, I rise from my sofa and stride onto the set, plopping myself down in one of the chairs on the stage to a backdrop of very welcome applause.

“Welcome to the show, Nikki,” Jeremy says, taking a seat next to me. “I understand you contacted our researchers because you want help repairing your relationship with your grandparents?”

“Yes,” I say quietly.

“Tell us a little bit about the situation,” Jeremy says softly.

“Well,” I say, taking a deep breath. “I was originally born a boy, but I’ve known all along that I was a girl trapped in a boy’s body. Last May, I came out to my parents, and began living life full-time as a female.”

“You’re undergoing hormone replacement therapy, is that right?” Jeremy asks.

“Uh-huh,” I answer. “I want to, you know, ‘go all the way’ and have gender reassignment surgery.”

“How did your parents react when you came out as transgendered?” Jeremy asks, clearly interested in my story.

“They were shocked,” I say with a slight chuckle. “They wanted to make sure this was what I really wanted, but afterwards I had their full, 100% support.” I smile as the audience gives my parents the applause they deserve.

"Ultimately, what do you want to get out of today?" Jeremy asks.

"I want my grandparents to understand that this is who I NEED to be," I explain. "I just... I just want to be Nikki." Jeremy smiles and nods at my paraphrasing of Jamie-Lee Burke's famous quote.

“Chris is your father, right?” Jeremy asks, and I nod in response. “Okay, let’s get him out here. Chris is on the Jeremy Kyle show!” Once again, the show’s audio cue plays, and my dad walks out, taking a seat next to me after giving me a quick hug and Jeremy a firm handshake.

“Welcome to the show,” Jeremy says to my father. “How does a father react when their son suddenly announces one day ‘I want to live life as a girl’?”

“It came as a shock,” dad confesses. “Like Nikki said, we wanted to make sure it was what she really wanted…”

“Because for the first 16 years of her life, you must have thought you were raising an ordinary boy?” Jeremy asks, interrupting dad.

“Yes,” dad says, “but looking back on it, there were some clues, Nikki never really took an interest in sport, she always had longer-than average hair…”

“But I assume there’s a difference between being having long hair and being a full-time girl?” Jeremy asks.

“There is,” dad agrees. “Fortunately, Nikki had signed herself up to a counsellor who helped her through her issues. We have a written diagnosis of gender dysphoria, so there’s ‘proof’ that it’s not just a whim, Nikki is, from a medical standpoint, a girl trapped in a boy’s body.”

“I understand that this has caused tension between yourself, your family, and your parents, is that right?” Jeremy asks.

“My parents refuse to accept that Nikki is making this change,” dad sighs. “They’ve actually threatened to disinherit us unless Nikki starts living as a boy again.” I can’t help but let out a small, smug smile as the assembled audience boos dad’s statement.

“And what do you want to happen today?” Jeremy asks dad.

“I just want this family feud to stop,” dad sighs. “I want us to all be happy again, but most importantly I want Nikki to be happy.”

“You know what I think?” Jeremy asks softly. “I think you’re a great dad. Every parent should stick by their child no matter what but it’s a sad fact that not all of them do. Good on you, mate.” Dad almost tears up as Jeremy delivers this kind- but very much deserved- compliment. “Steven’s your father, right?” Dad nods. “Let’s get him on stage. Steven, everybody!” I actually feel sorry for my 68 year old grandfather as he walks on stage to a shower of boos, but what sympathy I have disappears as he takes the chair that’s been provided for him and spins it around so he has his back to myself and my father. Immediately, Jeremy’s calm demeanour vanishes.

“Why will you not even look at your granddaughter!?” Jeremy bellows at the stubborn old man.

“THAT is not my granddaughter or anyone’s granddaughter!” Grandpa Steven snorts angrily, and almost immediately I feel my stomach begin to knot. When dad suggested that we seek the help of the Jeremy Kyle show & their aftercare team to help repair the feud with my grandparents, I’d been sceptical, but when I was told that my case would be handled with the utmost sensitivity, I’d relented. Now… All those earlier doubts have returned in force.

“At least do your own flesh and blood the dignity of looking her in the eye,” Jeremy insists.

“Not until HE stops acting like a poof!” My grandfather yells, bringing tears to my eyes.

“You know what I see when I look at Nikki?” Jeremy asks with a calmness that belies his anger. “I see an ordinary seventeen year old girl who’s being verbally abused by one of the people who should be loving her and supporting her the most.”

“HE is not a girl,” Grandpa Steven angrily replies. “HE never will be, and HE needs to stop prancing around like a bloody queer!” Tears start to flow freely from my eyes as the man I’ve loved and respected for almost my entire life degrades me on national television.

“You know what?” Jeremy says. “If you can’t accept your granddaughter for who she really is, you don’t deserve to call yourself a grandparent.” The audience cheers loudly, but my grandfather simply snorts, still refusing to look at either myself or my father.

“And I understand that this attitude isn’t even the worst of it, is that right, Chris?” Jeremy asks.

“Dad actually called social services on me and my wife,” dad confirms. “He claimed that we were endangering Nikki by letting her live life the way she wants.” My tears slow as the audience boos this fact.

“How can you look at THAT and tell me he’s not being endangered!?” Grandpa Steven asks, clearly angered by the audience’s reaction to him.

“SHE has been happier over the last 11 months than she’s ever been!” Dad interjects. “It’s very easy to sit in judgement when you’ve refused to have any contact with us in that time!”

“If ‘she’s happier then why is ‘she’ crying?” Grandpa Steven asks sarcastically.

“Hmm, let’s think about that shall we?” Jeremy replies, his sarcasm far outstripping my grandfather’s. “Do you think it might be because her grandfather’s using vile language against her on national television?” Much to my surprise, Grandpa Steven shuts up, clearly having no response.

“Both your son and your granddaughter said that they want to repair their relationship with you,” Jeremy explains to my grandfather. “They’re both clearly upset that this has caused a split in the family, but-“

“Well it’s their damn fault!” Grandpa Steven interrupts angrily.

“BUT!” Jeremy continues. “You need to understand that this is a real thing. There ARE people in this world who cannot live- they are physically incapable of living as the gender they were born into, and you have to accept that your grandchild is one of these people.” Much to my relief, Grandpa Steven remains quiet and allows Jeremy to continue.

“What exactly did you want to get out of today?” Jeremy asks calmly.

“…I just want my grandson back,” my grandfather says softly, earning sympathy from the audience for the first time since his arrival on stage.

“You need to accept that that’s not going to happen,” Jeremy says. “Nikki’s made the decision to live the rest of her life- and it is HER life- as a woman. I’ve dealt with many transgendered people on this show, and I can tell you without even asking her that this wasn’t an easy decision for her to make. You can either make it even harder for her, or you can stand up and be a true grandfather and support her. Graham and the aftercare team will work with you, Chris and Nikki and they’ll do their best to ensure that you get your family back. Are you willing to work with me?” Grandpa Steven nods. “The first step is to turn your chair round and acknowledge that your granddaughter exists.” Slowly, my grandfather turns his chair round and looks at me.

Despite my make-up and long brown hair, my face hasn’t changed its shape since I started transitioning, so I’m still recognisably the little boy he watched growing up for 16 years. My body will undoubtedly come as a shock to him- my noticeable A-cup breasts and narrow waist certainly don’t belong to a boy- and my clothing choice of a long-sleeved, navy blue leotard, black A-line skirt and translucent black tights will take time for him to get used to, but the whole point of coming on the show was to get the help we need to put our family back together. It won’t happen overnight, but as long as it happens, that’s all that matters.

"Now, I think you owe your granddaughter an apology for the things you said to her," Jeremy ordered.

"I- I'm sorry," Grandpa Steven mumbles as I dry my eyes. Jeremy looks at me expectantly.

"Apology accepted," I whisper.

"You're far more mature than most of the 17 year olds I have on this show," Jeremy says to me. "I reckon you've got a great future in front of you. Are you willing to work with Graham and the aftercare team?" Still choked up, I nod.

"And you, Chris?" Jeremy asks.

"Of course," dad says quietly.

"All three of you go that way," Jeremy says, ordering us off-stage. "Give them a round of applause, everyone!"

After being ushered off-stage to a round of applause, we spend a long time talking to the advisors who will help us reconcile over the coming few months. Grandpa Steven isn’t as stubborn as he was on stage, but it’s clear there’s a long way to go before he’ll be as happy to accept me as his granddaughter as either my parents or my other grandparents are.

The drive back from Salford to London is a long one. Grandpa Steven came in his own car, and obviously didn’t offer me a lift home to get to know me better, so dad drives me home. Neither of us are particularly looking forward to the broadcast of our episode, but when we arrive home, both my mum and Sarah are giddy with excitement about our upcoming TV ‘stardom’.

“Oh my god oh my god!” Sarah exclaims, giving me a huge hug the second I leave the car. “You’re going to be a megastar!”

“I’m going to be on Jeremy Kyle,” I laugh. “HARDLY makes me a megastar.”

“Yeah, but today it’s Jeremy Kyle,” Sarah says. “Tomorrow, who knows?” I giggle and give Sarah a quick hug as we head into my home and crash on the sofa together.

“Did I make you that leotard?” Sarah asks, playing with the stretchy material on my arms.

“No,” I sigh. “Picked it up just after my birthday.”

“Stop doing that!” Sarah laughs, giving me a playful whack in the arm. “You know if you want clothes, just ask me to make them for you!”

“You spend your whole day sat in front of either a computer designing clothes or a sewing machine making them,” I say. “I can hardly ask you to make them for me in your free time, can I?”

“You’re my girlfriend and I love you,” Sarah insists. “Of course you can ask! Just for that, first thing when I get home, I’m making you a new leotard!” Sarah playfully sticks her tongue out at me, a gesture I try to reciprocate, but fail due to giggling too hard.

“I love you so much,” I happily sigh.

Later that night, Sarah and I both giggle excitedly as we snuggle under my bed sheets, dressed in just our thin nighties.

“I still can’t believe I’m going out with a celebrity,” Sarah says, pressing her body against mine.

“If I was a celebrity, I wouldn’t have been turned down- TWICE- by Joshua Benedict,” I sigh. “I’ll probably never get signed by him after the show goes out…”

“His loss,” Sarah says, kissing my bare shoulder. “MY gain!” I sigh happily as Sarah lowers the strap of my nightie and reaches underneath the thin material, playing with my hardening nipple.

"You know," I giggle, "playing with them won't make them grow faster!"

"No," Sarah says, "but it won't make them grow slower!" We both laugh as Sarah continues to gently caress my most sensitive areas, and it doesn't take long for us to disappear underneath the covers...

We both sleep in the following morning, grateful to be on Easter break. After we both shower (separately, sadly), we head back into my bedroom to get dressed. With Sarah spending more and more time at my house, I’ve cleared out one of my drawers for her to use for clothes and underwear- something we both found highly amusing, given the arrangement we had before I started living full-time as Nikki! I pull on a similar leotard to yesterday, only in dark green instead of blue, followed by thin black tights and a flared black denim skirt. Sarah, however, dithers after pulling on a fresh bra and thong, eventually closing her ‘Sarah drawer’ and opening my big wardrobe, where she pulls out a dress that both of us are VERY familiar with- Sarah because she made it, me because it’s quickly become my favourite dress she made for me.

The dress is strapless, showing off a generous amount of cleavage that’s created when the corset-style back is laced up. The bodice is tight, but the skirt is long and flowing, with several layers giving it an illusion of volume whilst remaining sleek and elegant. For my birthday, Sarah also made lingerie to wear with the dress (her first ever attempt at making underwear) - a lacy thong and garter belt, to which I attached slinky thin stockings. With the dress I also wore 5” platform stilettos and a wide satin choker, completing the ‘princess’ feel very girl should have on their birthday. Of course, everything I wore on that day- dress, shoes, even my stockings and make-up- was a bright shade of pink!

Sarah had planned my birthday celebrations way back when we were both 15. Apparently, she always knew I’d ‘come out’ and live life full-time as a girl, so she was determined that my first birthday as a girl (which, as it turned out, was my 17th) would have an ‘all things pink’ theme. She also made pink dresses for herself, a slinkier, less voluminous dress with spaghetti straps; for Katie, a shorter long-sleeved dress, showing off her figure; and for Lauren, a short, tight strapless dress showing off her amazing curves. Even my parents got in on the act- mum wore her own pink dress, and dad swallowed his masculine pride to wear a pink t-shirt and a shocking pink wig!

You may have noticed that one of the ‘New Angels’ was missing from that description- whilst Dannii did attend my birthday, and was very much included in all the group photos, Sarah pointedly DIDN’T make her a dress, meaning Dannii had to come in her own, off-the-shelf pink dress. Dannii, being Dannii, took the ‘snub’ in her stride, but ever since I came clean about my ‘mistake’ in February, Sarah’s been wary around her, and it’s very clear that she doesn’t trust the statuesque girl- and to a lesser extent, Sarah’s also begun to distrust ME. I’m point-blank not allowed to be alone with Dannii for any reason, and even when I’m spending time with Katie (for work) I’ll get the occasional text message asking me what I’m doing. I just hope that time will heal this ‘wound’- the last thing I want is to go on Jeremy Kyle again taking a lie detector test!

“I think I’ll wear this today,” Sarah says with a smug smile, holding the dress up against her body.

“You wouldn’t dare,” I say, smirking at Sarah’s cheeky attitude. “Besides, it’s strapless, your bra straps would show…” As if on cue, Sarah removes her bra and throws it at me before unzipping the dress and stepping into it.

“Want me to zip you up?” I ask as Sarah holds the bodice against her bare chest.

“Nah,” Sarah sighs, stepping out of the dress and putting her bra back on. “It’s not the same without the lingerie!”

“Too right,” I say, happily holding the dress against my body before hanging it back up in my wardrobe. “It was the absolute best birthday I’ve ever had, thank you so much for it.”

“If you’re happy, I’m happy,” Sarah says, giving me a long, slow kiss before pulling on a short, long-sleeved dress and a pair of ribbed tights from her drawer.

“Morning, girls!” Dad says happily as Sarah and I walk down the stairs hand-in-hand. “What’ve you got planned today, This Morning maybe, the One Show later on?”

“Ha ha,” I say sarcastically. “You’re going to be on TV too!”

“Yeah, but I’m a fat, middle-aged taxi driver,” Dad says with a chuckle. “You’re the real superstar!” I can’t help but grin as dad compliments me and Sarah gives me a tight hug.

“You are a superstar!” Sarah squeaks.

“…We’ll see when the show gets broadcast,” I laugh.

“And to answer your question, Mr. Thomas,” Sarah says, “we’re just going to hang out with a few friends today.”

“Ah,” dad says with a smile. “Your ‘New Angels’? Just as long as I don’t end up in a pink wig again!” Both Sarah and I giggle at dad’s joke. “And for the love of god, please start calling me Chris! You’ve been going out with Nikki for almost 3 years, as far as I’m concerned, you’re not LIKE family, you ARE family.”

“Okay… Chris!” Sarah says cheekily, making even dad chuckle!

A couple of hours later, Sarah and I are sat around our usual table in our usual coffee shop, waiting for the arrival of our friends. We both had the option of doing overtime at our respective Saturday jobs, but after yesterday, we both thought we’d leave it for a few days!

“Hey girlies!” Katie says happily, greeting us both with hugs. “Soo… How was Manchester?”

“Didn’t really get to see any of the city,” I say, barely suppressing a smug smile. “I was in the studio most of the time I was there.”

“Oh my god!” Katie squeaks, giving me another hug and earning a stern stare from Sarah. “I’m going to be friends with a celebrity!”

“You’re going to be friends with a Jeremy Kyle guest,” I laugh. “That’s several miles below Z-list!”

“Yeah, but today it’s Jeremy Kyle, tomorrow, the world!” Katie says. The three of us giggle before we’re interrupted by the arrival of the other two ‘New Angels’.

“Hey girlies!” Lauren says, giving myself, Sarah and Katie quick hugs.

“Hey Angels!” Dannii echoes, giving Katie a quick hug but subtly avoiding hugging either myself or Sarah. “Shall we trademark ‘the New Angels’ now that one of us is a TV star?”

“I’m not a-“ I plead, before rolling my eyes. “…Do you want an autograph?” All of us giggle as I have napkins thrust in my face from Katie, Lauren and Dannii, which I happily sign. I pick up another napkin and sign it for Sarah, before holding it up to my mouth and- desperately trying not to giggle- kissing it, leaving a very noticeable lipstick print on the paper!

“This one’s especially for you,” I say, giving Sarah a kiss of her own as I hand her the napkin.

“Aww, home come my napkin didn’t get a kiss?” Katie asks, earning yet another stern stare from Sarah.

“Get your own girlfriend,” Sarah says, sticking her tongue out.

“Or make Jason wear lipstick!” Dannii jokes, making everyone- even Sarah- giggle. “Most importantly,” Dannii asks, looking at me, “what did you WEAR yesterday? PLEASE tell me it was that leo…” Dannii starts to reach a hand across to stroke the sleeve of my leotard, before a foul stare from Sarah warns her off.

“Same style of leotard, only in blue,” I say with a smile.

“That she DIDN’T let me make for her,” Sarah says with a smirk.

“Speaking of leotards,” Dannii giggles. “I MAY have let Krys know that she’d have some ‘competition’ when it came to being a TV star…” I laugh and cringe as Dannii teases me.

“Oh god,” I laugh. “You know she’s going to make a big fuss out of it!”

“Good!” Lauren laughs. “You deserve to be rich and famous.” Much to my surprise, Sarah shoots Lauren a stern stare- even though she spends far more time with the short girl than I do!

“Yeah,” Katie concurs. “You should, like, start a YouTube channel or something. That’s how Jamie-Lee got started…”

“God, I dunno,” I sigh. “…I’ll think about it.”

“Well hurry up!” Lauren laughs. “The sooner you’re rich and famous, the sooner we all are!”

We spend the rest of the afternoon with the ‘New Angels’, laughing, gossiping and hanging out, before Sarah and I head to her house where I swap my fashionable leotard and skirt for a pair of silky white tights, a black tank leotard and a flimsy dance skirt, ready for our weekly ballet class. After tying each other’s hair into tight buns and being driven to class by Beverly (despite Sarah pleading with her mother to let her drive), we step into the studio where, as expected, our teacher is waiting with a big smile on her face.

“Have I heard correctly,” Krystie asks with a teasing voice. “That one of my students has launched a TV career?”

“HARDLY,” I insist.

“Oh come on,” Krystie laughs. “Yes, it’s only Jeremy Kyle, but that doesn’t mean it can’t lead to bigger and better things! Do you have any representation yet?”

“No,” I sigh. “Been rejected by your agent TWICE…”

“Joshua’s not the only agent out there,” Krystie says. “And I’ve seen your modelling portfolio and it’s really good. You should definitely get an agent, be a shame to waste all this potential…”

“What have I been telling you for the last SEVERAL months?” Sarah asks, making me sigh resignedly.

“Okay,” I say. “After the show’s broadcast, I’ll call around.”

“We’ll be back at college by then,” Sarah insists. “Don’t waste time, call tomorrow!”

“I’ll give you the details of my old agent,” Krystie says with a smile. “Just as long as you keep your tits under wraps, you’ll be fine!” I giggle as I follow my teacher into class and head to the barre to begin my warm-ups.

As promised, after the lesson ends, I barely get 6 feet out of the dance studio before Krystie calls my name.

“Nikki!” Krystie calls. “Hang on a sec, I’ll give you details of my old agent.”

“I’m going to get something from the vending machine,” Sarah announces. “Want anything?”

“No thanks,” I say as Krystie rummages in her handbag.

“Can you get me a chocolate bar, please?” Krystie asks, handing Sarah a pound coin.

“Sure,” Sarah replies. “Anything in particular?”

“Anything but Snickers,” Krystie says. “Peanut allergy.”

“Okay,” Sarah says, leaving me alone with our teacher.

“Here it is,” Krystie laughs, pulling her phone out of her bag. “Never do two effectively full-time jobs, your bag turns into a landfill! I’ll text you the details now.”

“Thanks,” I say.

“And don’t put off calling him!” Krystie laughs. “I know it’s off-putting failing interviews, but Joshua is one of the absolute biggest agents in the land.”

“You’re saying to set my sights a little lower?” I ask.

“Well…” Krystie says with a slight grimace. “Maybe I wouldn’t put it THAT way exactly!"

Needless to say, I don’t call Stephen- Krystie’s former agent- the following day, or the day after that. Easter comes and goes, bringing with it Dannii’s much-wanted ‘playboy bunny’ party, even if our bunny costumes are just old ballet leotards with fluffy tails stuck on our bottoms and old hairbands with ears attached. Before too long, April 24th rolls around, and I find myself sat in front of my television at 9:25am, almost wetting myself with nerves as the familiar theme music plays.

“Welcome to the show,” the famous TV presenter, who I’d met mere days before, address the camera. “My first guest today says her grandparents have disowned her because- get this- they refuse to accept that she’s transgendered and insist that she goes back to living as a boy! Nikki’s on the Jeremy Kyle Show!” I watch the rest of the show from behind my fingers, deeply embarrassed despite the show editing the footage so it’s highly favourable for me. Still, the sight of me openly crying is a bit too much for me to handle, and I’m actually glad when my segment ends. Almost immediately as I calm down, my phone is bombarded by new text message notifications.

‘OMG!!!!’ Dannii’s message reads. ‘You were so girly and awesome!’

‘You’re so great!’ Lauren’s message reads. ‘Hope you and your granddad are talking again!’

‘So awesome!!!!!!!’ Katie’s message reads. Much to my surprise another message then comes in from an unexpected source.

‘It was heart-breaking watching you cry on TV,’ the message reads. ‘PLEASE tell me you’ve called Steve.’ I double-check the identity of the sender of the message and grin- the number is listed under ‘Krystie Fullerton’.

‘Thanks,’ I type in response. ‘I’ll call him soon, I promise!’

I spend the rest of the morning immersed in Facebook and Twitter, looking at feedback for my appearance- it’s nearly all positive, there’s the occasional bigoted pond-dweller who says that I don’t deserve to exist because I’m transgendered, but they don’t deserve to be allowed to express their opinions if that’s all they have to say. I even get complimented on my make-up and fashion choices, and some genetic females moan that I look more girly than they do!

At about 11am, our doorbell rings, and I answer the door to be greeted with a rugby tackle-like hug from my girlfriend, who proceeds to pepper my face with light kisses.

“You’re so awesome!!!” Sarah squeaks, excitedly bouncing up and down with me still wrapped in her arms.

“Only because I have an awesome girlfriend,” I say, giving Sarah a long kiss on the lips.

The rest of the New Angels arrive shortly afterward, Katie and Lauren both greeting me with a massive hug.

“You were so awesome!” Katie insists as she sits down. “You too, Mr. Thomas. Not many dads who’d stick up for their children against their own parents like that.”

“Thank you, Katie.” Dad says smugly. “And every parent SHOULD stick up for their child, regardless. Hopefully my father will get that sometime soon.”

“Have you spoken to aftercare?” Dannii asks.

“A couple of times,” dad explains. “They’re arranging mediation for us and my parents in the local area, hopefully we’ll all have this sorted out soon.”

“I can’t imagine how it must have felt,” Dannii says to me. “God knows if my granddad turned his back on me like that I’d be heartbroken…”

“I was,” I sigh. “First time I came out to my grandparents was a DISASTER.”

“I remember,” Sarah says, protectively grabbing my hand.

“Well at least it’s getting better now,” Lauren says with a smile. “And they can work hard to deserve to have a granddaughter as awesome as you!” Everyone in the room- including dad- cheers as I blush from the praise that’s being thrown at me. We spend the rest of the day at my house, watching and rewatching the episode on Sky plus, before the New Angels (minus Sarah) all depart just after 8pm. Before I head to bed with Sarah, I check my computer one more time, and discover an email that was to change my life.

‘Hi Nikki,’ the email reads. ‘It’s Phil here from the Jeremy Kyle Show. We’ve had a lot of people contacting us wanting to get in touch with you- newspapers, magazines, that sort of thing. We won’t pass on your contact details without your consent, so would you like us to give them the okay to get in touch with you?’ Without even thinking, I type out a reply giving them my permission to pass on my contact details, and click ‘send’.

“Who was the email from?” Sarah asks as she strips out of her clothes and into her tiny nightie.

“Oh, just the producers of the Kyle show,” I say, smugly inspecting my nail polish. “Apparently newspapers and magazines have been asking them for my contact details, and wanted to know if I’d be happy to talk to them…” I barely finish the sentence before Sarah wraps her arms around me and squeezes tightly, excitedly bouncing up and down and nearly knocking me out of my chair!

“Oh my god oh my god!” Sarah squeaks. “I knew it! Didn’t I tell you? You’re a superstar!!!”

“Calm down!” I laugh. “They only want to talk to me, not give me my own show!”

“They will,” Sarah says confidently, giving me a long kiss on my lips. “Now hurry up and get into bed! I’ve never had sex with a celebrity before…” I grin devilishly and strip out of my skirt and top, diving underneath the bed sheets into Sarah’s waiting embrace…

The following morning, I’m still in bed with Sarah, wrapped in each other’s arms, when my phone rings. A glance at the caller ID tells me that whoever’s calling is calling from London, but I don’t recognise the number.

“Hello?” I tiredly ask, freeing myself from the still-sleeping Sarah’s embrace.

“Hi, is that Nikki Thomas?” The woman on the other end of the phone asks.

“Yes…” I answer warily.

“Hi, my name’s Pippa, I’m calling from Teen Globe magazine,” the woman explains. “We saw you on the Jeremy Kyle Show yesterday and we’d be interested in hearing more of your story, are you okay to answer a few questions for us now?”

“Yes, yes of course!” I say excitedly, my enthusiasm causing Sarah to stir. I spend the next five minutes answering questions about my life- what I’m studying, when I first discovered I was transgendered, what my hopes are for the future- and by the end if the ‘interview’ I’m practically bouncing off the walls with excitement, when my interviewer asks me one final question.

“This is all great, Nikki,” Pippa says. “Would you be able to come to our offices today to take a few photos?” I actually takes me a second to realise that they don’t want me to take the photos- they want to take photos of me!

“Of- of course!” I almost squeak. “What time do you want me? What do you want me to wear?”

“Any time after 1 is fine,” Pippa says, chuckling at my childlike enthusiasm. “Wear whatever you want- we’ve got some clothes at our studio as well if you want to change.”

“Can I bring my girlfriend?” I ask excitedly.

“Absolutely!” Pippa says. “We’d love to meet her too.”

“Okay,” I breathe, still unable to believe my luck. “I’ll see you this afternoon!” I click off my phone and look down on Sarah, who I clearly woke up with my phone call.

“Ugh,” Sarah moans, rubbing her eyes. “Who was that, babe? …Was it Dannii?” I bristle a little at Sarah’s implication that I’ve ‘messed around’ again, but my smile doesn’t fall.

“Ever heard of Teen Globe Magazine?” I ask.

“Think I used to read it when I was 12 or 13,” Sarah says. “Why?”

“Guess who’s going to be featured in it?” I ask smugly, and the tiredness instantly disappears from Sarah’s eyes.

“Oh. My. God!!!!!!!!!” Sarah squeaks, hugging me and excitedly bouncing up and down my mattress.

“And you’re coming too!” I say, making Sarah gasp happily and squeak incoherently as she squeezes me even tighter.

A few hours later, after changing into a cute long-sleeved minidress, translucent black tights and cute flats, I and Sarah (who’s also wearing a minidress, tights and flats) walk into the small offices of Teen Globe Magazine.

“Hi, you must be Nikki,” a young woman carrying an iPad- who I quickly identify as Pippa from her voice- greets me. “And you’re… Sarah, right?”

“Yep!” Sarah says with a nervous grin.

“It’s so great to meet the both of you,” Pippa gushes. “What you’re wearing is fine, so is your make-up. We’re going to get a few shots of Nikki first, then if you’d like, we’d like to take a few photos of the both of you, if that’s okay?”

“Absolutely!” Sarah breathes. “You know, I used to read your magazine when I was younger…”

“Cool!” Pippa says with a grin. “I used to read it too when I was 12, this is my first job after uni and it really is fun.”

“I hope you don’t mind…” Sarah begins. “But I may have also, kinda asked a couple of friends to come along too.”

“Sure,” Pippa says with a smile. “But it’s really just you and Nikki we’re interested in.”

“We’ll just have to have the official launch of the ‘New Angels’ some other time,” I laugh as Pippa leads us into the photography studio.

“Are you two fans of the Angels?” The young journalist asks us.

“HUGE fans,” Sarah answers. “We actually attend Krystie Fullerton’s ballet class.”

“I heard there’s, like, a year long waiting list for that school!” Pippa jokes. “I will admit, their show is kinda a guilty pleasure of mine. Must be so cool to live that kind of lifestyle.” A new message alert on Pippa’s iPad temporarily draws her attention away from myself and Sarah. “Oh, looks like your friends have arrived. I’ll have them buzzed in.”

“Thanks,” I say nervously. Mere seconds later, Katie and Lauren come running up to myself and Sarah, greeting us with massive hugs.

“Oh my god!!!” Katie squeaks. “You’re gonna be in a magazine!!!”

“Yep!” I say. “Is- is Dannii not with you?”

“She couldn’t make it,” Sarah says in a very curt voice, shooting a brief angry glare at me.

“…I think she’s at work,” Lauren explains, slightly taken aback by Sarah’s tone of voice. Sensing Sarah’s gaze burn a hole in the back of my head, I simply shrug and giggle, thankfully lightening Sarah’s mood.

“Okay,” Pippa says, interrupting the conversation. “We’re ready for you now, Nikki!” Giggling excitedly, I hop up in front of the camera and begin posing as the photographer captures image after image of me. After a couple of minutes, Sarah joins me, and we pose together, even being photographed mid-kiss at one point! We’re about to step out from in front of the camera when I notice the happy-but-sad looks in our friends’ faces, and I make a similar face towards Pippa.

“Oh, go on then,” Pippa laughs, gesturing Katie and Lauren toward the camera. Needless to say, they didn’t need to be told twice!

“So cool,” Katie gushes as we leave the magazine’s office. “THAT’s the kind of job I want after I go to uni, only I want to photograph cute guys, not girls!”

“I’ll tell Jason you said that!” I giggle.

I arrive home shortly after 6pm, exhausted after one of the most insane few weeks of my life and wondering how I’ll cope going back to college on Monday as something resembling a celebrity. With Sarah going home to her house, I kick my flats off and collapse on my sofa, ready to relax for the rest of the day, when my phone rings, reminding me that my brush with stardom isn’t over quite yet.

“Hi Krystie,” I say, instantly recognising the number of my famous ballet teacher. “What’s up?”

“Hi Nikki!” Krystie says excitedly. “I’ve got someone here who saw your show yesterday and wants to have a word, if that’s okay?”

“Umm, okay,” I reply.

“Hi, is that Nikki?” A new voice comes on the phone that makes my jaw drop. “This is Jamie-Lee Burke, are you free to have a quick chat?” I start to pant nervously as the woman who has become my idol over the past few months asks me for a ‘quick chat’.

“Of course!” I say. “Oh my god, you’re SUCH an inspiration of mine! I think you’re great! I-“ I pause, suddenly becoming VERY self-conscious of how fanatical I’m acting.

“Thanks!” Jamie says, giggling a little. “I saw you on Jeremy Kyle yesterday, I don’t normally watch that show, but Krystie said I should watch it, and I am kinda off my feet at the moment…”

“I heard,” I say softly. “Is- is everything, you know, okay?”

“It’s… getting better,” Jamie responds. “Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I know what you’re going through, I was estranged from my parents for years and even after we reconciled it wasn’t easy at the start, but now my relationship with my parents is stronger than it’s ever been, even before I started transitioning, and I know your grandparents are going to love you as their granddaughter. You probably hear this a lot, from your friends and your counsellor, but you really are not alone."

"Thanks, thank you so much!" I say, almost crying.

"Krystie also took the liberty of showing me your modelling portfolio," Jamie says with a twinkle in her voice. "AND she tells me you don't have representation yet?"

"Nah," I sigh. "I'm not really that good a model anyway..."

"Uh, yeah, you are," Jamie snorts. "Get yourself an agent, Nikki!" I giggle as Jamie pays me this massive compliment.

"I will, I promise," I say, still giggling nervously.

"Most importantly, you take care of yourself," Jamie advises. "This road we're on isn't easy, but the more friends and family you have around you, the easier it is."

"Thanks," I whisper.

"And just to clarify something," Jamie says with a laugh, "yes, I DO remember meeting you at Krys's 21st! Hopefully that won't be the last time we meet. Take care, Nikki."

"You too, Jamie," I say, feeling utterly exhilarated as my idol ends the call. Jamie's right- the road we're on isn't easy. But I don't regret a single step I've taken on it. Even if my media 'career' ends with my interview in Teen Globe, I'm happy- if I can help just one transgendered girl the way Jamie's helped me, it'll have been worth the tears and the stress. And Jamie's also right- the more friends and family I have helping me along the road, the easier it'll be. Soon, with any luck, the last obstacle- my grandparents- will be behind me instead of in front of me. Once I have their support, there's only one thing on my mind:

Full speed ahead!

Legal note: the Jeremy Kyle Show is copyright ITV Studios and is used here without permission.

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