White Rabbit -4-

Dana looked down at her body. NOT HIS BODY, BUT HER BODY!!! "Noooooooooo"

"Why?" Her eyes were pleading as she looked at Umba. "Why?"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and now,

"Evaisa had limited options. She would not kill you. She also could not turn you loose. If you convinced someone you had seen an alien and they returned with mining equipment, this place could be compromised. She would not keep you here until the ship returned. What would be the purpose? You would either have to return to Rious with her, or be turned loose, at which time, again it could be compromised." Umba looked into the sad, frightened eyes of Dana.

"Believe it or not, we did not have plans for containing a security breech. We also did not have the technology for changing you into female form. Evaisa was able to design a plastoid you thought was the perfect female form."

"Plastoid?" Dana had to cough it out.

"Plastoids are the beginning of those like me. They are the designs or shapes with intelligence installed. Plastoids have semi form. It is fluid and easily absorbed by living cells. You absorbed the plastoid you were looking at."

"She turned me into an android?" Dana held out her hand to look at the small hand and long slender fingers.

"No, you are human. As a human, your body had a certain shape. You have a different shape. I see no difference." Umba carefully watched Dana’s eyes.

"NO DIFFERENCE! YOU CALL THIS NO DIFFERENCE?" A frightening thought came to him. If he had breasts and hips. Did that mean…? He grabbed between his legs and fainted.

"Umba stepped up and grabbed her before she fell. "Evaisa said some women lose blood flow to their brain and faint."

Dana felt a terrible grinding headache before he opened his eyes. He was dreading to open his eyes, afraid the nightmare might not have been a dream. It was better to know, rather than lying there not knowing, so he opened his eyes and focused on the room. Umba was there.

"Tell me I had a nightmare." He held up his right hand and looked at it. Unless he could no longer see, what he was looking at was smaller than what he remembered.

"You can’t do this. It’s not right." Dana sat up and stared at his two perfect breasts. He had to know. Slowly he brought his hands up and cupped them. They had feeling and they were transmitting that feeling to him. Why did they look so much bigger looking down at them when they were his, rather than when they were on…?

"OH SHIT!" He remembered the big buxom blonde he had been looking at before he headed to his room. His pleading eyes looked at Umba. "Why?"

"This is what you desired in a woman. As you watched the monitor, certain images registered desire in your mind and eyes." She patiently explained.

"On a woman but not me. I can’t believe I liked them this big…," He realized he did like them this big. What had he told the other guys in the station? A woman needs big tits so there couldn’t be any doubt she’s a woman.

Dana realized he was the recipient of his own lust. Life was a cruel teacher. Clumsily he struggled to stand up. "You can’t do this to me."

He was going to do everything he could to end this nightmare, even if it meant killing himself. "I’m going to destroy everything I can. Vicky made the mistake of her life. I can’t live like this."

"You don’t seem to understand. You have absorbed a plastoid. She was fully programmed and, In time, her desires will become your desires…," Umba was trying to explain.

"Her desires? What do you mean her desires? I am not an android." Dana refused to accept what Umba was saying.

"You have your mind. The mind is capable of adapting and accepting. With time, you will accept her emotions and desires. Her name is Dee Dee McBain. That will be your name." Umba looked at Dana and waited.

"Fuck Dee Dee what’s her name. I’m Dana Cooper and I’ll always be Dana Cooper." He tried to growl back at her. Dana realized with the voice he now possessed, women don’t growl. They shout or scream, but they do not growl.

Evaisa walked into the room and smiled at Dee Dee. "Perfect."

"Fuck perfect. I don’t like your game. Get this plastoid, or whatever the fuck it is, off of me and out of me." Dana turned her attention on Vicky.

"Not possible. Once integrated, it’s not possible to separate plastoid and living tissue. You have to understand, Dee Dee…,"

"I’m not Dee Dee, I’m Dana Cooper." He insisted, as he unconsciously put his hands on his hips.

"Dana Cooper is dead. If Dana had escaped it could have compromised our situation. Dee Dee can escape and who is going to believe she was Dana Cooper? It was the only solution to the problem." Vicky walked over beside Umba as she was talking.

"I’ll make them believe it. I’ll figure out a way to make them believe it." Dana knew what his goal in life was.

"Why don’t you get dressed? It would seem the thing to do rather than running around here naked." Vicky nodded toward the bedroom.

Dana’s face flushed. He had been unconscious of the fact he was indeed naked until Vicky pointed it out. "Pants and shirt. None of that sissy stuff."

"I think this calls for a meal together. Please dress appropriately." Vicky glanced over at Umba who nodded her approval.

"Not in my lifetime, I won’t. You can kiss my ass if you think I’m going to wear anything besides pants." Dana was going to make sure they regretted doing this to him.

Vicky’s eyes closed slightly as she focused on Dee Dee.

"Yes, I think I would like that too. A reason for dressing up sounds lovely." Dana turned and walked to the bedroom thinking how wonderful it would be to dress for an evening.

"She will learn with time." Umba watched her walk into the bedroom.

Vicky crossed her arms as she turned her attention to Umba. "I’ve always wondered what it was like to be like you? Do you ever get frustrated or disgusted as an android? You have cognitive thinking so you are able to think independently. Giving Dee Dee a mind thought that she wanted to dress up this evening made Dana think it was his idea. She feels it is her own desire to dress up. She doesn’t realize it was my request for her to act like Dee Dee."

Umba returned the attention. "Do I feel like a machine or an android? I can’t answer that. I don’t have anything to relate to feelings as anything, but what I am. I do not get frustrated or disgusted. I can’t answer for what Dee Dee feels. I’m positive, with time her desires and his will be one. I am also positive that, at some point in the transition, he will regret all the physical attributes and emotional desires he wanted in a woman."

"Why do men lust after women with huge breasts? Except for very short periods in life when females are nursing their young, breasts serve no purpose other than design. Why is a small waist desirable by men? For lifting purposes, the smaller the waist the more strain placed on the backbone. I guess I fail to compute the human emotions of lust and desire." Umba pulled up the corners of her mouth in thought.

"That makes two of us. It seems only a man could answer that question. Or maybe they don’t know either? It makes no difference. It was what Dana desired and what he received. Let’s dress up for Dee Dee’s formal event. Ask MVU to set a table arrangement for dining." Evaisa was walking toward the wall as she spoke. It opened up before she reached it and closed behind her.

MVU moved out to the middle of the room with table and chairs floating along beside it.

Dee Dee left her bedroom to walk to the equipment room. She didn’t think about the portals opening up as she passed through. She didn’t struggle to understand the strange symbols on the console of the equipment as she programmed in her desire for proper attire. She understood all the functions of the shelter perfectly. Dana knew what he was doing wasn’t him, but the end result was what he desired. He wanted to be dressed properly.

Dee Dee admired her form in the hologram replication she was looking at. It was an image of herself. She was wearing a mauve sleeveless gown with a matching jacket. The dress hugged every curve of her sensuous body. The hem was floor length. The straight skirt had a slit up to her thigh on her left leg. The matching heels had a five-inch stiletto heel. She had styled her blond hair where it lay softly across her shoulders, accenting her face. The large multi hoop earrings would have been brassy on anyone but her.

Dana was having a raging conflict within his mind. After Dee Dee had dressed up the desire had been accomplished. He liked what he had become, but he hated what he knew was her desire controlling his desires. Her body was sensitive to the slightest touch and it was driving him wild. With each fluid step her hips swayed. The soft material brushing against her hips and thighs was caressing his passion.

A beautiful woman entered the room. When she spoke the voice was soft as black velvet in the night. "Vicky darling, what have you done with my mind? I’m in love with myself and I can’t stand myself."

Vicky was waiting at the table along with Umba. "Dee Dee, please have a seat and join us. You look ravishing. The dress is beautiful and I love your hair."

There was the conflict again. Dee Dee appreciated the compliments. No he didn’t. Dana hated them. He didn’t want to be beautiful. He was going to escape or kill himself.

Vicky noticed the hesitation and the momentary pained look on Dee Dee’s face. She concentrated as she closed her eyes for a few seconds.

"Why thank you, Vicky. You look nice as well, and I love your dress." Dee Dee’s emotions were becoming his emotions. He was thrilled he looked beautiful. Escape or killing himself wasn’t in his thoughts. He knew Vicky had adjusted his attitude, but it felt wonderful when he felt beautiful. He was trying to fight the idea of becoming Dee Dee, but somehow it wasn’t working. The mental pleasure he felt when he allowed his desires to be her desires was too great to resist.

Dee Dee gracefully sat down at the table. When she spoke the voice was soft and sexy. "Thank you for what you have done for me."

Vicky smiled and nodded. "It was your idea not mine, Dee Dee. This wouldn’t have worked if you hadn’t desired it."

"Whatever do you mean, darling?" Dee Dee brought her right hand up and touched her right breast. "Not in a million years would I ever desire to be a woman."

There! He had finally said something he wanted to say!

Vicky laughed as she shook her head. "You misunderstood. This is the woman you desired. Now you have her. Because she is everything you desired in a woman you are her, no matter how much you want to deny it."

"Thank you. I am the woman I desired." She smiled sweetly as she realized it was the truth.

That was why he was so easily becoming her. She was all he desired. The logic was so simple it was beyond belief. How could one resist becoming the sum total of their desires? In his own flawed mind he lusted after a woman with all the sweeping curves he now possessed as his own. His own mind had betrayed him. He desired a tall statuesque, big, buxom woman with a tiny waist, wide, sexy hips, and long, sexy legs who could set men’s minds on fire with lust as she strolled across a room. And now…, He possessed that woman. She was all his, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.


The tall sexy blond was a man magnet. At six foot one, her height would have intimidated most men, even without heels. Unlike most tall girls who always wore flats, she always wore heels. Ninety percent of the men looked up to her in more ways than one. Today she was wearing a soft, form fitting, polyester dress. The dress had full sleeves and a tight skirt. She drove up to the security gate and stopped.

Brian knew her well. Miss McBain had been working for Dellvic Labs for a year now. He could have waved her though without stopping her as he did most of those he knew. The reason he didn’t was he wanted to get a good look and hear her soft velvet voice. Even after a year of passing through his gate she still made his knees go weak when she spoke to him.

"Morning Miss McBain. No passengers this morning?" He knew she didn’t have any passengers before he asked. It was small talk and nothing else.

"Hello Brian, good to see you are alert this morning. No, it’s only me." She smiled as she looked up at the gate guard she knew so well. Dee Dee knew why he had stopped her. She didn’t mind. It was such a small inconvenience to her when it meant so much to Brian who had a lonely job as security.

"Have a good day then, Miss McBain." Brian never took his eyes off her as he nodded for her to drive on through.

"Thank you. You have a good day too, Brian." Dee Dee knew Brian liked it when she addressed him by his name. It was one of the small things that meant a lot to people, especially gate guards who are bored silly most of the time.

In the fourteen months she had been working for Dellvic Labs the company assigned her a parking space close to the front entrance. It was a reward for several reasons. Dee Dee was a research specialist the likes of which they had never seen before. The company had four medical patents come out of her department since she started work. It was rumored she was working on a neurological computer memory system capable of infinite memory storage in a baseball size container.

Many of the men worked to time their arrival at the same time Miss McBain arrived so they could walk into the building with her. Those long shapely legs of hers looked mighty fine in those four or five inch heels she always wore.

Dee Dee pulled into her parking space. She killed her BMW when someone opened her door. She looked up and smiled. "Morning Albert. You still trying to solve that puzzle on Alzheimer’s?"

Albert stared as one beautiful leg slid out of the car and put a heel down on the pavement before the other followed. Dee Dee stood up, adjusted her dress, and picked up her purse before stepping back out of the way of the door.

He sighed. He was in love. But then so was every unmarried man at Dellvic Labs and probably all the married ones, if the truth were known. "I’m not gaining on it. I inoculated ten mice last month. They went ahead and developed Alzheimer’s."

She headed toward the building. He shut the door and hurried to keep up with her. "I heard you are going to shove another patent out the door this week. How many will that be?"

She glanced in his direction as he stepped up beside her. "Too many rumors floating around this place. Don’t believe everything you hear. Why don’t you try RU 453 with the drugs you are already trying?"

"An abortion drug? What in the world for?" Albert blinked as he was trying to figure out what that could possibly do for Alzheimer’s.

"Just a suggestion. You are trying to stop a mental function from developing. Instead of trying to supplement what you feel is the drug those patients lack, stop it from developing instead." Dee Dee stopped at the entrance as he opened the door for her.

Albert was running the possibility through his mind as he opened the door. "Stopping it from developing is what everyone has been trying to do from day one."

She walked up to the security desk with Albert close beside her. "Yes by adding more drugs to feed what you think the mind is lacking. The mind may not be lacking anything. What if Alzheimer’s is like a child who gets tired of working? They lack ambition, not energy or food. You can’t feed them enough to make them want to work. Maybe all those researchers are wrong? Maybe all you need to do is abort the desire in the mind where it decides to get lazy? It’s only a guess but give RU 453 some thought."

"Morning Doctor McBain." The guards at the desk had been watching as Dee Dee and Albert entered the building.

"You too Pat." She looked over at the other guard to her left and smiled. "How are you this morning, Larry?"

Larry smiled from ear to ear. He was betting Dee Dee knew the name of everyone in Dellvic Labs. "I’m fine doctor. You look awfully pretty this morning." Of course Dee Dee looked awfully pretty every morning.

"Thank you Larry. That was kind of you." Dee Dee turned and left the men standing there as she headed down the hall toward her end of the building and her lab.

The doctor title was Evaisa’s doing. Dee Dee McBain had a PhD in chemistry. She had grown up in Scotland and graduated Magna Cum Laud from Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College. She had worked for pharmaceutical companies in the United States, France, Scotland, and England for nine years before applying for a job at Dellvic Labs. Evaisa said all the papers were there if anyone inquired. Dee Dee checked, herself and was more than slightly surprised to find, on paper, she was as real as anyone.

As Dee Dee walked down the hall her hips gently swayed with each graceful step. Her stiletto heels made a tapping noise. Her long, glamorous legs were wrapped in nylon and looked breathtaking. Her long, silky, blond hair lay softly on her shoulders. Larry, Pat, and Albert were all eyes. They were in love. No researcher had a right to be as beautiful as Dee Dee and still be smart.

Albert shook his head as Dee Dee entered her lab and closed the door. "Damn, that woman is a moving violation of physics." He headed off to his own lab as he tried to remember what it was she had been explaining to him about his own research. An abortion drug to stop Alzheimer’s? It was an interesting theory. Albert was betting Dee Dee was right.

Larry and Pat turned to look at one another. Pat shook his head. "Back to the grind. The show is over for the morning."

Larry smiled as he turned his attention back to those coming in the door.
Dee Dee had accepted her fate in life. She no longer tried to figure out if it was her desires or his desires. It didn’t matter. The plastoid she had absorbed was programmed with knowledge humans would take hundreds of years to figure out. That knowledge was hers. Dee Dee’s main problem was pacing herself so she didn’t bring that knowledge to mankind too quickly. She hadn’t decided if she wanted to go back to Rious with Evasia in nine years, or stay here. She had plenty of time to decide. Right now, she needed to concentrate on the moment. The compounds available to her from earth resources were different from Rious compounds. Her mind worked with Rious formulas, not earth formulas, and it wasn’t easy substituting.

Her phone rang and she picked it up. "Dee Dee."

"Miss McBain, this is the Sheriff Association. We appreciate you applying for enrollment in our cadet program. I must say, your test scores were some of the highest we have ever seen. I had a talk with Governor Staily. He suggested with the research you are involved in we make a waiver in our enrollment program to accommodate your research. If you could come in from six to ten every evening and give us your weekends, I’m positive you would make the grade to Deputy in three months." The voice on the other end answered her.

"That sounds like a workable plan. When can we start?" Dee Dee was delighted to have the chance to become a member of law enforcement again. She was sure she could work her way up from Deputy to Highway Patrol in a couple years.

A new class starts in two weeks, but since you are working, come in a week from today and we will start you early." The voice answered.

"I’ll be there." Dee Dee hung up the phone. High speed pursuit was in her blood and if there was any way possible, she was going to be a lawman again. In pursuit of that speed she had designed and built a Funny Car that summer. It was a full blown, nitro burning monster. The cost of building it was horrendous, but she could afford it. She named it the Black Widow.

She won both class races she ran in, but it didn’t fill the desire for speed inside her. Drag racing was over too quickly. 5 seconds to three hundred + miles per hour, then decelerate and wait half an hour to do it again. She sold her Funny car to Budweiser. They put Laura Saska in as a driver. Laura was a good driver, but she didn’t have the reflexes Dee Dee possessed. Laura’s selling point was the fact she was a beautiful woman. She made those Budweiser commercials look fabulous, even when she wasn’t winning.

She held out her hand and looked at the long fingers, sharp fingernails and delicate hand. Sometimes life had to rough you up a little to make you appreciate it. Dana had no idea how to appreciate life. Dee Dee did and she smiled as she thought about it and put on her lab coat.


FROM THE EDITOR: I have two more stories of Barbie's in the pipeline. One is SciFi, one is Swords and Sorcery and then, when I work my way through it, a full length, almost 200,000 word novel that was published in 1998 and is out of print, so it will be awhile before I work all the way through the editing process. That one will be posted in many chapters, but will remain for only two weeks after the final chapter is posted. Barbie owns the copywrite so there will be no infringement of it. All the stories I will be posting for Barbie are complete, so there will be no unfinished stories lingering about. Once again, we both thank all of you for your acceptance and suggestions, as well as your thoughts about where the story might be headed. Writing is a curious thing. You work and work and rework what you wrote and hope and pray that what you wrote will be interesting to the readers. You put your heart and soul into a story and wait, hoping for the accolades and dreading the critical thumbs down responses. As an editor, it's a more relaxed attitude, but you still hope and pray that you don't destroy anything the writer tried so hard to convey, and it is also, in it's own way, more stressful and time consuming because you have to go through every single word, punctuation mark and phrase usage so you can make the story perfect for the readers. As we all know though, there IS no perfect, so you do the very best you can. I am pleased that Barbie has entrusted me with her hard work and I hope I have done her proud.

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