A warm surprise

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So, I have sort of lowered my shields a bit in public and public media and am pleasantly surprised to find out that many of the "Muggles" I know have TG and GBLT friends and seem to be on friendly terms.

Perhaps the world is getting better for T and Intersex folk? My references to it in public media are and shall remain very oblique. I do hope that does not upset too many of you. I never told you that I was a brave activist and nothing I ever learned in life taught me to be foolishly brave.

Perhaps the days of pain and rejection are becoming fewer? One can only hope so.




Perhaps the old you was cold, cynical, and defensive.

Maybe you are more caring and nurturing now, and part of what you are seeing is a different reaction to a different you. (You are still petty cynical.)

High Functioning Aspergers and shy too

Some people say that I push people away, but in reality mostly I'm just afraid. I wish that someone would just ignore the barriers they see. Admittedly, I am quite puritanistic; being extremely modest having been taught to feel guilty for "flaunting myself". So, for me, being XXY, presenting as a woman is very real to me. None of this is because I judge others, but simply because I am who I am.

Some have said that I am a religious fanatic. God is the ONLY reason I live. His will for me is to do all the good that I can, and that includes everyone from the old woman in a wheel chair to the homeless man on the street. (um if I can overcome my fear of men). I have learned not to be preachy, but won't give an inch on my belief though many people I know are very cynical about God.

You should have seen what my family and the religious community did to me. Why do I still believe in God? It is in me.

Why do you think I am cynical?

it is better now

dawnfyre's picture

society has come a long way in accepting t-folk.
( sadly, the teen-aged idiots still act like the immature idiots they are )

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.


I don't know whether people are simply becoming more tolerant or that many are simply tired of hearing the same old pointless and baseless arguments against whatever. I know that our constitutional amendment to permit same sex marriage was, to an extent, based upon a vote against the Irish Church. Most people would rather live and let live and go about their lives quietly. But hearing the rhetoric of hate being spewed by the clergy was too much for many who knew about the evils that those very same 'good' shepherds hid. In the States I believe it's not the voice of love coming from the 'moral majority', it's the voice of the 'silent majority'. Nary a family or a friend doesn't know somebody with a sexual or a gender issue and whilst they may not join the march, they will vote for that difference that makes us all a little freer.