Two topics:
- Bathroom use is going to be a major issue, "Bathroom Gate" is back again.
- LGBT discrimination, and many political issue for those of the LGBT community.
Bathroom use is going to be Policed at government site in the future if a state bill is adopted, here in California.
According to Equality California members I ran into outside a local supermarket, and then later checked up on the internet for info. The Bathroom gate is is still going and the politicians have found a way to make it work, until it is struck down.
The proposed rewritten bill is “Limits on Use of Facilities in Government Buildings and Businesses”, that means at the capital, on military bases, social security offices and at the DMV, you have to use the 'birth' sex bathroom, because their are going to be 'attendants' (read police/security), to run screenings _+Gender Checks+_ on people whom wish to use governmental toilet facilities. So, any masculine woman or androgynous/effeminate man can be checked for no other reason. {Prove your gender}
The ALCU and a group of others want to stop this stupidity.{article on the freedom to bathroom group} And more importantly, stop what not only has a chance to be an easily abused law, but one that people are already trying to disenfranchise before it becomes a law.{No to use of school bathroom},
Let me remind you the law that is in favor of our community, currently, states transgender student in state/public schools are free to use the bathroom of their identifying gender. {Bathroom rights -CA,CT,MA}
As for the second topic LGBT rights, I can sum it up with things are better for the most part then say an estimated 5 years ago. For some people they say thing are way better for the community than last year. -Run down of some of the things that changed-(suggest you watch this link), in TG rights in the last little bit of history.
But those against us are not giving up, and some really not coming across as fully educated on the subject, or very bias.(ex. 1:31 or 7:31) But most importantly watch 12:24, for what to do, like support laws that protect ALL people. S-1858/H.R.-3185, may be a step in right direction, protected rights for all, with out regard the sexual orientation/identity. {Equality Act-Short definition}
Discrimination is bad for the world, because there are too many bigots, making things rough for all. So, with some hope I say be aware of the issue(s) that care help stop at least, the public face of bigotry.
It is funny...
As in "most democratic country" people are obcessed with "bathroom gender" (as if we need to add bathroom gender to birth gender and identifying gender...).
And in "most totalitarian" Russia nobody cares. In the nearest pub girls tend to use male designated toilet as for some reason it is a bit cleaner and seat is in better condition. And men are using any that is not occupied.
mens toilets are cleaner and in better shape???
I guess its different everywhere. Here in the US, in general of course, Ladies rooms are better cleaned, etc. the toilets get a lot more use of course, so not always in working order, and i have known a few ladies who have used the mens because the line for the ladies was 15-30 minutes long.
Teresa L.
Teresa L.
You don't buy beer you rent it.
Toilets in mens' room at bars go largely unused because men given a choice will stand in line for a urinal rather than sit to pee. Dunno why... who among us really understand mens' attitudes...
Not in bars
In a typical bar, say in a college town, the men's and women's bathrooms both start out clean. But by the end of the night the Ladie's (?) bathroom usually look as bad or worse than the men's. I cleaned a bar as part of paying my rent when I was in college and the bathrooms were equally bad.
The waiting lines for the women's bathrooms are caused by two things. First, most building codes require an equal number of bathrooms for each sex, failing to take into account the higher demand by women. Secondly, by nature of the female plumbing it takes a woman longer to pee than it does a guy. A much better ratio would be 4 woman's stalls for each man's stall.
I would not recommend a woman using the stall in the men's room. Guys won't sit to pee but they will try and pee through the toilet seat, with the result that sitting on the seat is going to be a wet, nasty, yucky mess. Sure, it can happen in the woman's stall when you get a 'hoverer' but it will happen in the men's stall.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Don't see why it is always a problem
Unless it is a '#2', I just lift up the toilet seat and just hover while I do my businee. I did that on a beach once.
Given that I am a post op good luck with that,
but the point is well taken. We have our own folks in Texas pushing the same nasty agenda. I suspect it will get harder for them to win as time moves on.
I know its California...
but can't the state come up with a better use for public funds than to station some octogenarian with a box of latex gloves outside a bathroom to make sure the person is in the "correct" one?
Prove how?
Show ID? Is all documentation in that area still limited to "original" birth gender? What of those with amended documentation? What is legal definition birth gender? What about under aged, I believe that most not old enough to need ID to prove adulthood tend not to carry any legal ID in the first place.
I was just readuing this comment and it reminded me of a long time ago when I travel into Belgium. over there all public toilets and even a lot of the 1's in bars were gender neutral or mixed rather so at any time there would be both Men and Women in them, and just remembered a Cpl of news item where several universities over here in the Uk now have gender neutral toilets.
Unisex bathroom are a thing here, too.
We also have what is called uni-sex and also family bathrooms in many locations.
But, knowing that people can be offended just by some other people live and breathing sometimes.
I would not be surprised if somebody did not complain about the use of that one, as well.
Something along the lines of "that person is not a boy or a girl, they should use any bathroom, eww!".
Sometime people are too easily, put off, due in part to the standards of being offend due some topic is so easy for them.
At least it is not the year 0 AD, people were still getting stone to death, publicly.
So, thing improve some what since then at least.
"Sometimes you need a little space to grow up or start over"- Me
An initiative, not a bill
The proposal is an Initiative Statute, not a legislative bill. It could not apply to military bases, nor to Social Security offices, since these are Federal installations and not subject to state regulation.
It is very easy to get an Initiative certified for the ballot in California. Passing it by a majority of those voting in a general election is a different matter.