Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”
Volume 3: “Dynasty.”
Chapter 05: “Getting Back Into The Groove.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Reality, Lee's Reality. Date, the middle of November. Two weeks, and half a day, since Lee first left her home reality. Location, the island city of De La Plata Podrido, Mexico. In the master bedroom of the penthouse apartment, at the top of Daiyu Palace Casino. Time of day was middle of the morning.
The next morning Lee woke up, on her back, with her head on the pillow she went to sleep on.
The first thing she noticed was that she was nude, over the bedsheets. But, then she remembered the previous night, and she smiled at her memories of her previous night.
She then looked and noticed that River and Chang were gone. Also, while the curtains to the sliding glass door were open, the doors tint allowed only enough sunlight into the room, for Lee see around her, while still being comfortable to her eyes.
She then leaned up, and looked at the clock, on a nightstand, by the bed, to her right. The clock read nine thirty-three AM.
Lee leaned back down on her pillow, as she thought, 'It was nice of them to let me sleep in.'
Lee then looked over at the dresser, across from her, to her right, on the opposite side of the room of the headboard, to the right of the door to the hallway, and to the left of the sliding glass door.
To the wall to Lee's left was the open door to the master bathroom, which was across from the sliding glass door.
The two doors to the closet rooms were on the opposite sides of the bed, on the same wall which the headboard of the bed rested against.
On the top of the dresser, Lee noticed a set of folded clothing. On top of the clothing was a piece of part, with writing on it.
Lee's curiosity was aroused, as she got out of bed. The moment she stood up straight, she felt a slight bit of morning sickness, that was just enough to be noticeable. But, her mental discipline allowed her to ignore the problem, and prevent her slight nausea from bothering her.
As Lee stretched her body a little, she thought, 'I am so happy that I figured out how to sense my morning sickness, and control it. And as long as I eat small, light meals, I don't have much of a problem... Still, this means I have to eat more often... But, that is a worry for later... Right now, I want to find out what that note, and the clothes are about?'
She then walked around the bed, and over to the dresser.
As she came to a stop in front of dresser, and she looked down at what was on top of the large piece of furniture.
When she lowered her head, she also noticed her red leather slippers on the floor, and the clothing from last night was missing. Along with this, her slippers seemed to have been polished, and were now shiny black.
Beneath the note was a stack of clothing. On top was a red, casual bra. Beneath that were folded, red silk panties. Under that was a folded red short sleeved shirt. Below that was a folded brown amber long skirt, with life sized red and yellow leafs covering it. Beneath that was a cloth, button up jacket, that was the same color of amber brown as the skirt.
Lee thought, 'Someone clearly polished my shoes, and placed the clothes here for me. It was likely River. Also, when I went to the bathroom, last night. I noticed, from the calendar in the bathroom, that it is the middle of November. So, I am going to likely need that jacket. From the look outside the sliding glass door, I think it is going to be a sunny, through windy, and cool day.'
'And I love the look of that skirt. It looks perfect for Autumn motif. And I am pretty enough to wear it... Now, let's see what the note says.'
She picked up the note and read it.
The note was in english, with cursive penmanship, that was both skilled, and yet still readable.
Dear Lee,
First, good morning the first day of the rest of your life.
Chang and I both have things to do to day. But, I will get back with you later today. If not, then I will see you tonight for dinner. Chang and I have dinner between six and eight. Depending on our schedules. And we request that you join us.
Since you did not have any spare clothing, we got bought some to you. We will get you some more, later. But, for right now, what is here should be fine for you today. And not to worry, I know your measures.
As such, since you are a woman now, and you enjoy being one. I consider that you would like to wear a skirt that would suit your figure.
The clothing is clean and should fit. Taking into account that I know your size. And I polished your slippers for you.
Once you are ready to face the day, just use the phone by the bed, and call for some breakfast.
Afterward, if you want to see the town, take one of sedans in the garage. We don't mind. The keys for them are in a box, near the back of the garage, to your left. The keys are universal, for all the black sedans. Though, the lock clickers are not.
Also, in the right pocket of your jacket there is some money, a key to the penthouse elevator, a key to our apartment locks, and an encrypted cellphone, which is turned off. If you need to use these items, do so.
And most importantly, have fun... We will talk, later.
P.S. I hung your bandolier, with your weapons in it, in my closet. Though, I do not think you will need them today.
Lee set the note back down onto top of the clothing, as she happily thought, 'I love being right. Along with that, she is right about my weapons... And River is so kind...' She then looked down at herself, as she placed her hands on her lower stomach. She continued her thoughts, 'In so many ways... Now, to get ready to face the day.”
She then dropped her hands back to her sides, as she turned towards the master bathroom.
She walked over to the master bathroom, and she flipped on the light switch, as she shut the door behind her.
After she used the toilet. She took a shower, and shaved her crotch with a new disposable razor she found in a drawer. Along with shaving gel that was by the shower. She then dried off her body and hair.
Afterward, she opened the bathroom door, and walked into the bedroom nude.
When she reached the dresser, she dressed herself in the clothing that River has given her.
The only problem Lee had in dressing was that she had to adjust the bra straps a few times to get her bra could comfortably fit her breasts. While River got the right overall size for Lee, River did have adjust the bra straps. Except for her bra, Lee found that all her clothing fit her.
Lee left her button up jacket open.
When she finished getting dressed, she checked her jacket pockets. She found the pocket with her items in it. She had a thousand U.S. cash, in fifty dollar bills. She also had two separate keys, that she guessed when to the casino express elevators, and the penthouse apartment locks. And she had an encrypted cell phone, which she made sure was turned off.
With that done, Lee turned around to face her bed, to see that the clock by the bed read ten nine AM.
Lee then turned back around to look at herself, in the mirror above the dresser.
Lee slightly adjusted her open jacket, as she thought, 'Damn, River has good taste in clothing. Even with casual wear... Now, to make the bed, and get something to eat... And afterward, I will head to the garage, get a car, and do some running around, myself.'
Lee walked over to her bed, and made the sheets.
Afterward, she used the nearby wireless phone on a nightstand, by the bed, to call the hotel staff to place her small order of breakfast.
When she finished her phone call, she placed the wireless phone back on its base, and headed to the living room, to watch some TV, and while she waited for her food.
Twenty minutes later, Lee's breakfast was delivered, by a very beautiful, young chinese woman. It was a small meal, with a glass of orange juice. It took her other fifteen minutes to to slowly eat and finish her meal. She ate only a little meal, and slowly, to keep from aggravating her morning sickness.
Afterward, Lee called for the hotel staff to come get their meal. A few minutes later, they came.
Once the cart, and staff member was gone, Lee went back to the master bathroom to pee.
She then turned off the TV, left the apartment, and headed to the first floor of the hotel.
She made sure to lock the hallway door to the apartment, behind her.
She used the back elevator, because it was let her out closer to the garage. With her likely avoiding any of the hotel customers.
It was around ten fifty AM, when Lee exited the back penthouse elevator, and into the back elevator bay.
As she walked out of the elevator, passed the elevator bay, and towards the hallway, she heard the penthouse elevator doors close behind her.
While she walked, she saw the slightly hilly, tiger garden enclosure in front of her.
Lee also saw that the female tiger was near the strong, translucent plastic wall, with the animal looking back at her.
Lee continued walking, as she thought, 'It is nice that I remember you, and how I got you into that cage. And I am sure that you likely remember me. Well, we both seem to be prisoners in gilded cages. And I cannot run from the responsibly of being pregnant. I have always been pro-life and I always will be.'
'So, I might as well just enjoy my situation, and make the most of the opportunities I now have. And my opportunities at the moment look to have pretty good prospects for my future. And the future of my children.'
The tiger then turn away from Lee.
Lee happily thought, 'I am glad you agree.'
As Lee reached the hallway, she turned to her right, towards the back of the casino, and to the garage.
While Lee did so, she saw a fair skinned man, with brown hair in a slick hairstyle. The man wore a business suit, as he casually approach her. The man was carrying briefcase, by its handle, in his left hand, by his side.
Lee also noticed there was no one else around, but the two of them, and the tiger, nearby.
Though, the man paid her no mind, as he got closer, Lee recognized him.
Lee playfully thought, 'Oh my... Is that who I think it is?...' She took a closer look at the man's face, as she continued her thoughts, 'It is... It is Matthew McCormick. Chang mentioned that he now worked for him... I have to say hi to him... If for any other reason, than to try to learn a vague comment Matthew made about doing a wicked burn on Babylon Five...' She smiled mischievously, as she mentally added, 'And given I don't see anyone else around. I can have some fun in doing so...'
Lee then happy strolled towards Matthew.
As Lee walked directly in front of Matthew's path. She then came to a stop, as she faced the man. She said, in a chipper tone of voice, “Matthew. I heard you were here. It is good to see you. I hope you are doing fine in this situation.”
Matthew came to a stop five feet in front of Lee, as he looked at the fair skin woman, with long black hair.
Matthew kindly stated, “I apologize. I do not know who you are, ma'am?”
Lee thought, 'Oh, I guess no one told him about my gender change... Nor pregnancy.' She said, “It is me. Lee.”
Matthew commented, “The only Lee I know is a taller, and much older man.”
Lee questioned, “That was me. I am the same, Lee. Didn't Chang explain the whole gender bending, that some of us in the casino have gone through?”
Matthew raised an eyebrow, as he looked at Lee. He said, “So, it is you, Lee.”
Lee replied, “Yes. And if you want to mentally undress me. Go ahead.”
Matthew shrugged, as he casually said, “Not in the mood.”
Matthew then looked around him.
Lee thought, 'He must be checking to see if there is anyone around. Which there is not. That is a smart move.'
When Matthew realized they were alone, he turned back to Lee. He stated, “And yes. Chang personally showed me his gender bending abilities. Which was one of a long row shocks in my life, since meeting you.”
Lee could not help but giggle a little. She then inquired, “Okay. And how much detail did he go into on the situation?”
Matthew answered, “Not much. I have later learned rumors various types of gender bending. Something called, the vat process. Strange viruses. And magical curses.”
Lee replied, “Hmm...” She thought, 'I cannot fault for Chang not getting into details about such matters, with a person he just met. Though, we will need to correct this oversight, later.' She commented, “We will have to give you some more details on the situation, later.”
Matthew responded, “I look forward to it. So, which way did you end up a woman? And a much younger woman, at that?”
Lee answered, “Well, I was cursed. Willingly. And I locked myself into my girl form to cure myself of the cancer that was ravaging my body. The curse also made me much younger.”
Matthew commented, “I can see that. So, what happened to Mister Garibaldi?”
Lee said, “He got the same curse. But, his is not locked in that form. And he can back into a man, with hot water. And changed into his female form with cold water.”
Matthew stated, in a sarcastic tone of voice, “I am sure that his wife and daughter are going to be real happy to hear about that. So, what finally happened to my former employer?”
Lee cryptically said, “Last I heard. Things worked out. And that he, or she, made it back home.”
Matthew flatly pointed out, “Well, I am glad for him. But, things have clearly not worked out for me. I am stuck here. Instead of being on the fast track, of the corporate ladder, at Edgars Industries.”
Lee countered, “It is not that bad. Before I returned here, I spoke to River on the matter of how well Chang treats his employees. You included. I know Chang pays well. The benefits package for those working for him are pretty good. I know the casino spa is world class, and free to employees, within reason. You just need to make an appointment, in advance. The free medical care provided here, in the casino, by Doctor Tam, is probably the best on the planet. And the vacation options are literally beyond this reality.”
Lee thought, 'That reminds me. I need to check on the food and drink list, from Simon, later today. And I need to schedule an appointment with him, for later this week.'
Matthew explained, in a disappointed tone of voice, “Even so. I did not get into this line of work to be the lawyer of a casino manager. And from what I have heard, he was a former interdimensional mafia boss. I did it to help people, and get prestige, in the court room. I mean, here, my law license is not even valid.”
Lee sincerely responded, “Sorry, I screwed things up for you.”
Matthew requested, “Yea. Well, you can make it up to me by getting me back home?”
Lee shook her head once, as she answered, “Sorry, again. That is not my call. Still, what were your plans, in your career track? Maybe we can work something out”
Matthew said, “Either ending up a partner at a high priced law firm, or high level judge.”
Lee complimented, “Not bad. You are smart enough to keep your options open.”
Matthew inquired, “So, can you get me something comparable?”
Lee admitted, “No yet. But, I will look into it. If nothing else, you have time. Thanks to time dilation mechanics, when dealing with multiverse travel, you can spend years here, and be back five minutes later on Mars. I know this first hand.”
“And there are options to restoring one's youth, that will not cost you your manhood. Though, being a woman is not that bad... So, if you take care of yourself, and you don't piss off anyone, while you are here, you have all the time you need. And you will likely return to Mars a very wealthy man.”
Matthew conceded, “Okay. That makes me feel better.”
Lee asked, “Also, do you know those that work here? Did Chang introduce you to anyone?”
Matthew answered, “No. Not really. I am still getting to know all the people here. This is a very secretive group that Chang has here.”
Lee agreed, “Yes. That goes without saying.”
Matthew stated, in a sad tone of voice, “Because of that, along with the odd looks I get from them, I suspect many of my coworkers had a violence tendencies, with pasts that are better left in the past. I am currently doing the jobs I am assigned to do. Which are mostly drawing up contacts, and reviewing legal forms for Chang. Much like a paralegal does.”
“Fortunately, such jobs seem to be universal, across the multiverse. And when I am doing my job, I just keep to myself.”
Lee let out a breath, as she sadly thought, 'Matthew is like Rock, when he was just kidnapped, and placed inside the Lagoon. The only difference is that here, I know most of the people that work for Chang may give him dangerous looks, but they will not hurt him. Unless he threatens them. Which I doubt he will do. And most of the people here are nice. Once the person gets to know them. Still, I can help him.'
Lee said, “Listen. I will see what I can do for you. Also, has anyone explained the, world as myth, theory to you?”
Matthew deadpanned, “I am a fan of Heinlein. Also, my former boss occasionally shared some of his video collection with the staff members he liked. Including me. And after the giant pink transformer kidnapped me, and brought me here, it would kind of obvious.”
Lee questioned, “So, it was Arcee that came and got you?”
Matthew answered, “Yes. Along with a human woman with her. The human was wearing a brown leather suit. She also wore a brown helmet, with the visor down. So, I did not see her face.”
Lee thought, 'That is likely, Annie.' She inquired, “I hope they were gentle?”
Matthew conceded, “To be fair. Yes. They were.”
Lee responded, “That is good to hear. And Matthew, just look at it this way. Opportunities have just opened up, for you, in many ways. And while you are currently working for Chang, these opportunities will let you do many things that you had not even thought possible, before you met us.”
“And I can vouch that most of your coworkers are either decent people, or at the very least, they will not harm you unless you threatened them.”
Matthew sighed, as he said, “Thanks. That is a relief.”
Lee thought, 'I am glad you believe me. Because, I am telling the truth.'
Lee calmly responded, with warmth in her tone of voice, “So, try to make friends with a few of them. And if you do have any problems, let me know. I will help you.” She mentally added, 'I think my material instincts are kicking in. Because, I think I just sounded like my mother, when I was young. But, in a good way.'
Matthew said, “I will. And I will try to look on the brighter side of things.”
Lee smile towards Matthew, as she responded, “That is a good idea.”
Just then, coming from the back of the hotel, a woman with brown hair was walking by them. Though, except for the women, Lee, Matthew, and the tiger, there was no one else around.
Matthew complimented, “While I have no interest in a relationship with you. As a girl, you do have a cute smile.”
Lee continued to smile, as she happily replied, “Thank you.”
Matthew smiled, as he commented, “Yea. And is it not like any of my coworkers are Darth Vader. And yes. I have see that movie series. It is an old movie series. But, classics, none the less.”
Lee began, in a slightly nervous voice, “Well...”
Suddenly, to Lee's right, and Matthew's left, opposite from the tiger pen, someone coughed, beside them.
Both Lee and Matthew turned to see Annie, in her usual white clothing, under a brown robe, standing right beside them. With her only a few feet away from them.
Lee thought, 'Well, speak of the devil. I might might as well smooth things over here. Still, while Matthew does not know it. They do know each other, at least in passing? I might as well officially introduce them to each other.'
Lee calmly inquired, “Have you two met, yet?”
Matthew shook his head twice, as he said, “No.”
Annie answered, “Yes.” She then looked over at Matthew, as she commented, “I was the one with Arcee, whom helped bring you here.”
Matthew turned to Annie, as he calmly said, with hint of dry wit in his tone of voice, “Oh. Then, we have met. But, we have not been formally introduced. I don't even know your name?”
Lee calmly said, “Okay. Let me formally introduce you two, to each other.” Lee used her right hand to gesture towards Annie, as she said, “This is Annie. One of Chang's... Go to people.” She then used her right hand to gesture towards Matthew, as she stated, “This is Matthew McCormick. Chang's new lawyer.” After which, Lee dropped her right hand back to her side.
Annie commented, in a relaxed tone of voice, “Sorry for the kidnapping. But, we had our orders. And we were gentle. Though, I do regret I haven't had the opportunity to get to know you.”
Matthew responded, “Likewise, Annie. I never got your name. And I have only heard your name mention in passing. It is nice to put a name with a face. Also, since you did not harm me, I don't hold anything of this against either of you... Your employer on the other hand, is another matter.”
Annie cracked a grin, as she replied, “Trust me. I know the feeling. And you will get over it.”
Lee thought, 'So, Annie is starting to get over what Chang did to her. Good.'
Matthew responded, “I hope you are right. So, what caused you to stop by, and talked to us? You strike me as a person who does not care for small talk.”
Annie then looked between them, as she said, “In most situations, you would be correct. But, I could not help myself, when I overheard you mention the name, Vader.”
Matthew admitted, “Yes. I mentioned that name, in jest.”
Annie looked over at Lee with a sympathetic look, as she inquired, “Do you want to me tell him? Or, should I?”
Lee soberly said, “I honestly think it is best that if you told him.”
Annie conceded, “You're right, Lee. By the way, you look great, today.”
Lee mentioned, “Thanks. River picked out my clothing.”
Annie commented, “She has always had a good eye for clothing.”
Lee complimented, “I agree. You are looking good, yourself, this morning.”
Annie replied, “Thank you.” She turned to Matthew, as she calmly said, “First, I do not want you to freak out. I want you to know that no one is going to hurt you. Not Lee. Not me. Not anyone. But, what I am about to tell you may come as am emotional shock to you... It has for several other people.”
Matthew commented, with concern in his voice, “Why do I have the feeling I am not going to like what you have to say?”
Annie shrugged, as she casually said, “Because you aren't.” She continued, in a calmer, more straightforward tone of voice, The truth is, even though I am known as Annie, now. I was once know as Darth Vader. As in Darth Vader, Sith Lord, Lord of the Sith, formally Anakin Skywalker, of a Star Wars reality.”
There was silence for a couple of seconds. Matthew then started laughing, for several seconds.
Lee leaned over to whisper into Annie's left ear, as she quietly begged, “Please. Don't force choke him over this. This is the best reaction we could have hoped for.”
As Lee straightened back up, she saw Annie looking at her.
Annie give Lee a warm smile, as she calmly replied, “I wasn't planning to.”
The two women then turned back to look at Matthew.
As Matthew calmed down, he smiled. He smiled towards the two women, as he stated, in a joyous tone of voice, “Now, that is a stretch. Even for this situation. But, it was a good joke. I feel much better now. While the gender is wrong. I will grant you that you have brown hair and blue eyes. But, even I know that when Anakin fell to the dark side, and became Vader, his eyes turned yellow.”
Annie commented, “Actually, when one turns back from the dark side, the yellow slowly fades from their eyes, and their eyes eventually return to the color they originally were.”
Matthew dropped his grin, as he replied, in a confused tone of voice, “Huh?”
Both women looked at each other, as Annie commented, “Don't worry. I can restart his heart, if I accidentally stop it.”
Lee said, “Let us hope so. Because, not only would you never live it down. Chang would be upset with you, for killing his lawyer. Even temporarily.”
Annie conceded, “You're right. If that happened, I might have to take a severe reduction in pay for a while.”
The comments from Annie and Lee made Matthew even more confused.
Both women then looked back at Matthew.
Annie looked both ways down the hallway, before looking back at the two adults beside her. She saw that there no one else was there, besides the three of them, and the tiger on the other side of the translucent wall to the enclosure.
As Annie turned back to look at the other two adults, standing in front of her, she reached around her right side, under her robe, with her right hand, for her lightsaber. The weapon was hidden underneath her brown robe. Annie unhooked her lightsaber, and bought the chrome, metal cylinder shaped weapon out from under her robe.
Matthew then watched Annie hold out her the lightsaber, away from them, to Annie's right side, with her right hand, as she ignited the weapon. As the red energy blade extended from the chrome hilt of the lightsaber, the weapon made a, snap-hiss, sound.
Annie held her weapon like that for a few seconds. She then collapsed the blade, and hooked the weapon back to her belt, where it had been, beforehand.
Both women noticed that Matthew did not make a move, nor sound, as Annie had used her lightsaber.
Annie could also sense, through the force, that Matthew was not responding at all, on an emotional level.
Annie then used the force to gently lift all three of them, six inches off the floor for a few seconds.
Matthew did quietly react, by looking down to see that all three pairs of feet, including his own, were no longer touching the ground.
Matthew then looked back at Annie, as Annie used the force to gently set all three of them back onto the ground.
Silence reigned for a few two seconds, as the truth of Annie's claim sunk into Matthew's mind.
Matthew then screamed, as he back away to the clearly plastic wall behind them, as he held the handle of his briefcase, by his left hand, in a death grip.
Matthew continued to have his back to the translucent wall, as he screamed for another few seconds.
As Matthew quieted down, Lee casually suggested, “We have all been there. Just get it out of your system. You will feel better in a few minutes.”
Annie commented, in a slightly worrisome tone of voice, “I wouldn't be so sure. Matthew, not to worry you further. Nor, to sound cliche. But, don't look behind you.”
Unfortunately, Matthew did look behind him, and he saw the tiger, in her pen, standing on a rise, on the other side of the glass, to where Matthew and the female tiger's heads were right next to each other. With only a few inches of translucent plastic between them, as they looked each other in their eyes.
The tiger then yawned, showing off her nice sharp, long, fangs.
For a second time, in less than a minute, Matthew freaked out, again.
Matthew bolted back to where he had been previous standing. He turned to face both women, as he came to a stop, a few feet from the women. He still held his briefcase, by the handle, with his left hand.
Before Matthew could make another move, Annie used her right hand to quickly grab Matthew's left forearm. Her grip was firm, but not tight.
Matthew looked down at Annie's grip of his left forearm. He then looked up at Annie's face. The only work Matthew could muster was, “How?”
Annie calmly answered, “If you have not been told. Some of us have undergone what is called, the vat process. It also changes men to women. But, we cannot change from female to male, and back. And while Chang is among those that were changed, with that process. Chang later gained the ability to change genders with a sneeze. Also, including is a type of super-soldier serum that allows us to retain our youth, and enhanced his physical abilities.”
Matthew was still slightly bewildered by both what had just happened, and Annie's response to his question. As such, all Matthew could do was simply reply, “Oh.”
Annie turned to Lee, in a casual tone of voice, “Don't worry. I will take care of this. We will talk, later.”
Lee smiled at Annie, as she said, “I look forward to it.”
Annie returned Lee's smile. She then turned to Matthew, as she calmly said, “Now, you need to calm down. I am not going to hurt you. Actually, I am one of the nicer people here.”
Matthew looked at Annie, as he flatly commented, “That is not very reassuring.”
Annie realized how Matthew took her wording, as she let out a laugh. She thought, 'Of course, he would take what I said the wrong way. To where he thinks I meant that everyone here is worse than what I was, as Vader.' Annie calmly said, “I mean that I am now a much nicer person than the events of what you know of. Which I only did literally half of what you think I did.”
Matthew replied, “Huh?”
Annie calmly suggested, while using a bit of her mind trick abilities, “Let us go some place, where we can talk in private. And you can calm down some more.”
While still in a slight daze from the emotion shocked he had just been through, Matthew simply said, “Okay.”
Lee then watched as Annie escorted Matthew away from the back area, and towards the front, where some of the meeting offices, and employee break rooms, were located. With Annie walking to Matthew's left side, to allow her to continue hold Matthew left upper arm, with her right hand.
Though, Annie held Matthew's arm in a firm, but gentle hold Matthew, as she used the force to help keep Matthew calm, for everyone's sake, including Matthew's own sake.
As Lee watched the two adults walk away from her, she thought, 'Those jedi mind tricks do come in handy. And I am sure Annie just used those force mind trick on Matthew. And Though, I have faith that Annie will be able to reason with Matthew, and explain the situation to him. I am also glad that Annie did not mention my pregnancy in front of Matthew. He doesn't need to know, because it is none of his business. And it would have made the situation more confusing, and worse, for everyone involved...'
'Now, to go get a car, and run some errands... And have some fun, while I do so.'
Lee then turned and started walking towards the back of the hotel, where the garage was located at.
Unfortunately, after five minute of walking, with her making a few turns down some hallways, Lee unfortunately found herself turned around, and mildly lost.
As Lee came to a stop, she thought, 'Okay. I admit it. I was not really paying attention when River lead me to the garage, last night. And it has been decades since I last came here. As such, I am a little lost. But, if I am going to live here, I am going to have to learn the layout of this place, sometime. And there no time like the present.'
Lee then noticed a set of double-doors to her left, as she continued her thoughts, 'I think I will see what is in there.'
Lee then walked up to the double-doors, turned the knob to one. She found it unlocked, as she walked inside.
Lee gently shut the door behind. She then stood just inside the large room, as she looked around herself. And she was amazed at what she saw.
In front of her was a very large indoor pool. The pool was around an Olympic sized, rectangular swimming pool. And far bigger than the one on the penthouse level. With the room itself even larger than the pool, by several yards in all directions.
There were no windows on the sides of the walls. Though, there were doors. And Lee saw the doors mark for the showers, and for male, female, and single stall restrooms.
The lightning for the room came from large skylights in the vaulted ceiling. With sunlight bathing the room, from the ceiling windows.
Along with this, Lee also saw turned off lights across the ceiling.
From the numerical depth markers, in meters, Lee could tell that the closest part of the pool to her was the shallow end, with the deep end on the far side of the pool.
And from the slightly steam in the air, coming from the pool, Lee could tell the water was heated, but not to hot. And from the smell of the air, the pool used saltwater, and not chemicals, to keep things from growing in it.
Lee thought, 'Given the location of the pool, in relation to the building itself, I could guess this is the employees' pool. And I will admit that Chang does not skimp on treating his employees well.'
Lee then noticed the people by, and in the shallow end, of the pool, to her left side.
The two people in the pool were Kaylee, and a girl with long green untied hair.
Kaylee was wearing trimmed down, purple, one piece bathing suit.
The little girl was wearing a much more modest, one piece bathing suit, that matched her long green hair. Also, the girl wore green, inflated, water wings on her upper arms.
Kaylee was gently playing with the young girl, in the shallow end of the pool.
Lee could see that the girl was barely tall enough to stand up, with her head sticking out of the water, where she was standing in the shallow end of the water.
Lee thought, 'That has to be Julia. Still, I will be formal, and ask Kaylee for her identity. Also, I am not surprised that Kaylee babysitting Julia. She has always been the kind one of her group. And since Spike is obviously working the morning shift, as pit boss, in the casino gaming floor, she would need someone to babysit her daughter. Along with this, I don't doubt that Julia is being home schooled, by Spike, and the others... Also, Julia is very cute girl... Though, I am surprised by who is with them...'
Lee turned her attention to the person on the left side of the pool, at the shallow end, near facing Lee. It was Arcee in robot mode. She was sitting on the edge of the pool, with her hanging off the edge, and into the water.
Along with this, Lee saw that Arcee was looking at Lee, with a smile on her lips.
Arcee calmly said, “Hello Lee.”
Arcee comment caught Kaylee and Julia's attention, as both of them stopped playing in the water. They looked up, and over at Lee.
Kaylee said, in her usually happy tone of voice, “Good morning, Lee.”
Lee looked over at the Kaylee and Julia, then to Arcee, as she kindly responded, “Good morning to all three of you, as well.”
Arcee's smile turned slightly mischievous, as she asked, “So, how was last night with River and Chang?”
Lee smiled lecherously, as she said, in a seductive tone of voice, “It is not for the ears of the very young.”
Arcee let out a laugh at Lee's comment.
Meanwhile, Kaylee, whom was more concerned with being a mature adult, role model, for Julia, in this situation, chose to remain stoic.
Lee looked over at Kaylee and Julia, as she inquired, in a mockingly sweet, innocent tone of voice, “So, who is this young girl with you two?”
Arcee flatly said, “Like you don't know already.”
Kaylee ignored Arcee's sarcasm, as she calmly answered, “This is Julia. Spike's daughter.” She turned to Julia, as she said, “Julia, this is Lee. Say hi to, Lee.”
Kaylee and Julia then turned back to looked at Lee, as Julia said, in a very cute and innocent tone of voice, “Hi Lee.”
Lee responded, in a relaxed tone of voice, “Hi Julia.” She looked at Kaylee, as she asked, “So, how old is she?”
Kaylee said, “She is around ten years old. I am not exactly sure how old she is, given time travel, and time dilation, can make it hard to keep track of one's age.”
Lee agreed, in a casual tone of voice, “That is true.”
Lee thought, 'I should know. Physically, I am over eighteen. If I don't count the time in the time loop, I am in my mid-fifties. Counting the time loop, I am in the mid-seventies. But, in this body, I still feel like an older teenager. Though, not in a bad way. Still, I have other questions...'
Lee plainly asked, “By the way, how many pools do this place have? River mentioned there were three.”
Arcee stated, “That is correct. Just the three. Not counting the hot tubs, and therapy baths. Chang's personal pool. The employees pool. Which is this one. And the customers pool, which is located near the front of the building, that is nearly as big as this one. All heated, while using saltwater to remain clean.”
Lee turned to Arcee said, “It is nice that Chang treats his employees so well.”
Arcee agreed, “Yes. That is why so many skilled people continue to work for him.”
Lee inquired, “I agree. Though, I am surprised to see you here?”
Arcee snorted. She then responded, in a relaxed tone of voice, “As you may know. Water on my homeworld is acidic, and dangerous, even for my kind. While your water...”
She leaned forward, towards the water, as she reached down with her right hand, and ran her right hand through the water, by her legs. She then leaned up, as she lifted her right hand above the water. She watched as water droplets formed, and gently felt from her right hand.
She continued to watch the drops falling back into the pool, as she continued, “Is clean... And I find clean water to be interesting. I have even swam in your water, a few times. And I see the appeal in doing so. It is like being weightless, without the drawbacks of being in space.”
Lee questioned, “So, buoyancy is not an issue with your species?” She thought, 'I always wondered that.'
Arcee gently kicked her legs a little against the water. A second later, she stopped kicking, as looked over at Lee. She answered, “No. We cybertronians do not sink to the bottom, unless we want to.”
Lee replied, “Nice.”
Arcee smile got slightly wider, as she agreed, “Quite so.”
Kaylee spoke up, as she commented, “By the way, you might want to know. The employee gym is next door, across the hallway, on the door, just to the right from us. And the customer gym is by the customer pool.”
Lee looked over at Kaylee and Julia, as she said, “Thanks. I need to keep in shape. Especially, since I am now pregnant.”
Kaylee and Arcee giggled.
Julia calmly questioned, in an innocent tone of voice, “You're pregnant?...”
Lee looked at Julia, as she mischievously thought, 'Oh, this is going to be so much fun.' Lee placed her hands on her stomach, as she answered, in a sickeningly sweet tone of voice, “Yes, dear. I have two little babies growing inside my tummy.”
Arcee and Kaylee continued giggling, as they immediately looked at each other. Their giggling quickly turned into full blown laughter, that lasted for several seconds. As they could not be believe what they had just heard Lee say, and the way the woman with long black hair had stated what she said.
As they calmed down, they turned their attention back towards Lee.
Kaylee requested, “Speaking of which, there are some questions I wanted to ask you in private. That I did not want to ask in front of the others. Especially, River and Chang.”
Lee replied, “Go ahead.” She mentally reflected, 'Give I am the writer, it is nice that some of the people here are being so nice to me.'
Kaylee inquired, “It is about the revenge you went through, and your pregnancy. While we all declined Revy and Benny's invitation to take part in their revenge against you. We did hear about some of what happened. And then, on top of that, you got pregnant by River... So, I am sincerely asking you... Are you okay with everything? I mean you have been through a lot.”
Lee calmly said, “I assure you, Kaylee, that I am fine. Honestly, I have never been better, in my entire life.”
Arcee stated, “I can verify that physically. She is perfectly healthy. Actually more so than most women I have seen. On the matter of her mental health... I am not one to judge.”
Lee turned to Arcee, as she said, “Thank you, Arcee.”
Arcee questioned, in a curious tone of voice, “You're welcome, Lee. So, what brings you here, this morning? You are clearly not dressed for swimming.”
Lee sheepishly admitted, “I was just trying to find my way to the garage, and I got turned around.”
Arcee suppressed a giggle, as she said, “You are new here. So, that is not surprising. To get to the garage, turn around, take a left, down the hallway, for about a minute. Then, the doors nearby, to your right, should lead directly to the garage.”
Lee thought, 'Yea. Now, that I think about it. I noticed there was more than one door. Not just the garage doors, but multiple regular doors, to both the outside, and interior of the hotel. And that is a great safety measure, for a quick escape, if there is a fire in the garage, or somewhere else.
Lee said, “Thank you, girls. And have a great day.”
Julia waved her right hand at Lee, as she said, “Bye, Lee.”
Kaylee commented, “See you, Lee.”
Arcee teased, “Have fun, Lee”
Lee turned around, as she thought, 'Well, at least they were nice. And Julia strikes me as a good kid. So, I guess Spike turned out to be a good mother. And if she can do it, so can I.'
Lee then walked over to the double-doors, opened the left door. As she exited into the hallway, her gently shut the door behind her.
Lee then turned to her left, as she walked down the hallway, towards one of the entrances to the back garage of the casino.
A few minutes later, when Lee reached the garage, she walked inside. She took a left, and followed River's directions. She soon found the open key box for the cars. She took one of the keyring, with a key and lock clicker, along with one of the slightly larger clickers to the nearby garage doors.
After following the beeping sound, from using her clicker, she found the modern style, black, four door sedan that her keys went to.
Lee used the clicked to unlock the doors, and she got into the driver's seat. She shut the car door, put on her seat belt. She then used the electronics to adjust her driver's chair to fit herself. Next, she the adjust the middle rearview mirror.
After which, she inserted the key into the ignition, and she started the car. As the car engine turned over, she saw the panel light up, with the gasoline dial showing that the gas tank to the car was three quarters full.
Lee thought, 'Good. That means I don't have to refuel. Also, I need to find out if these cars use diesel, or regular gasoline, or something else. But, that is for, later. Now, to run some errands of my own. And am happy that I spent so much time in the time loop, around this town, that I still know where everything is. Even decades after I last came here... At least decades for me... For everyone else here, it was around two weeks. And girl am I going to have fun meeting some of my old friends. The looks on their faces, when they see the new me, will be priceless. And if that look isn't priceless. The look they will have, when I inform some of them that I am pregnant, will be.'
'And I doubt I will have any problems with not having a license. I am driving one of the casino cars, and I know for a fact that Pedro ordered all his officers, or as he calls them, boys. Even the girls on his force.' Lee giggled a little, as she continued her thoughts, 'To leave anyone driving these vehicles, alone.'
'Speaking of Pedro. I think I will look him up first.'
Lee backed up of the car into the pathway, leading to a nearby car exit. She then put the car's automatic shift into drive, and she very slowly drove up to the nearby garage door.
As she came to a stop in front of the garage, she used the clicker remote to open the door.
After the garage door rolled up into the ceiling, she drove through the opening, and into the sunny, outside air.
When her car completely cleared the door, she stopped her car. She the used her middle rearview mirror to look behind her, as she used her remote to close the garage door. Also, noted which garage door she had come out of the back of the building.
When she saw the door began to roll down, she turned her attention to her front, as she drove out of the parking lot, onto a nearby street, and towards her first destination.
Though, Lee took her time, and she was extra careful on the road. Because she was now pregnant, and she was responsible for three lives, instead of just her own life.
Twenty minutes later, Lee reach first destination of the day, the Plata Podrido Police Station.
Lee soon parked her black sedan in the parking lot across the street from the front of the police station.
Lee then got of her car, locked the door, and shut the door.
She walked up to the edge of the street, looked both ways, and when saw the road was clear, she walked across it.
While Lee casually walked towards the main entrance of police station, she noticed that a few people, passing by on the sidewalk, in front of her, were looking her up and down.
Lee cracked a grin, as she thought, with amusement, 'Most women would be unnerved by such looks. But, I have had far worse looks, of a more threatening manner. So, I find such looks to be flattering.'
As Lee approached the doors to the police station, Lee saw the man take one looked at her, and he smiled, as he held the right door open for her, from the inside.
While Lee passed by the man, and into the build, she turned to him, as she thanked the man, in spanish, “Gracias.”
The man continued to smile, though he did not reply.
Lee turned her head in front of her, as she continued to walk inside. With the man then walking outside, with him shutting the door behind himself.
Meanwhile, Lee looked in front of herself, as she saw that she was approaching a male police officer, in uniform, manning the front desk of the station. She also saw that the police station was not busy that morning.
A few seconds later, Lee came to a stop in a few feet from the front desk.
The police officer at the desk in front looked up, from his paperwork, and towards her. He kindly asked, in spanish, “What can I do for you, ma'am?”
Lee happily thought, 'I just love it when people call me, ma'am. Now, to get down to business.' She politely requested, in spanish, “Good morning. I would like to talk to Chief Del Soto at his earliest convenience.”
The police officer inquired, “May I ask what this is about?”
Lee answered, “It is about, Lee. The police chief will understand.”
Lee noticed police officer stiffened a little.
While not showing it on the outside, Lee thought, with amusement, 'I guess he knows something about me, and the situation around me... Interesting... Though, I highly doubt he knows it is me he is presently talking too.'
The police officer quickly reigned in his composure, as he calmly said, “I let him know that you are here. Please, take a seat at a nearby bench.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Lee saw the police officer reached for his phone.
Lee then turned around and walked over to an empty bench, that sat on the same wall as the front doors to the outside, to the right side of the front entrance.
When Lee reached the bench, she turned around, and seated herself, with her legs closed.
Lee turned back to look at the police officer at the front, and she saw him set his phone back down.
Lee thought, 'With luck, this will not take long. And I hope not. I have a very fun, though busy day, planned for myself.'
Lee then patiently waited for someone to come get her.
Five minutes later, a female police office had come in from the back of the room, and approach her.
As the police woman stopped in front of Lee, Lee looked up at her.
The police woman said, in spanish, “The police chief will see you now. Please, follow me.”
Lee silently got up and followed the woman, through long a pathway, to the left side of the room, beside groups of desks. Some of the desk were occupied, with officers writing reports, or review documents.
Lee also noticed there were fewer officers than normal.
Lee thought, 'I will have to ask Pedro about that why there are not as many police officers, as I remember.'
Half a minute later, they reached Police Chief Pedro Del Soto's office.
As they approached Pedro's office, Lee saw the door to the office was closed, with the blinds facing the outer room being closed, as well.
Lee thought, 'I guess, after everything that has happened. That Pedro would naturally become cagier.'
When they reached the door, the police officer knocked on the door.
They heard Pedro say from inside, in spanish, “Come in.”
The police officer then opened the door, and she held it open for Lee.
Lee silently walked through the doorway, and into the office. With the officer gently closing the door behind Lee, from the outside.
Lee then looked around the room, as she slowing approached Pedro's desk, with its two chairs in front, and Pedro, himself, sitting in his desk chair, behind his moderate sized, brown, wooden desk.
Pedro had on his usual clothing on, of a short-sleeved button up shirt, and pants. Though, his long coat and hat were hanging on the coat rack, in the corner, by the door.
Pedro also had on his semi-automatic pistol, which was holstered in its shoulder holster, under Pedro's left arm pit.
And Lee saw Pedro looking back at her, with a stern look on his face.
Both adults looked at each other, as Lee continued to walk towards Pedro desk. She thought, 'I see the computer, furniture, phone, and everything else is the same. This place has no changed much. But, considering it has only been two weeks for Pedro, and everyone else in this reality, I am not that surprised... Now, to break the news on who I am. I hope I don't give him too much of a shock.'
As Lee came to a stop in front of the desk, Pedro had a gruff expression on his face. He requested, in a voice of authority, in spanish, “Who are you? And how do you know about Lee?”
Lee cracked a grin, as she thought, 'This is going to be so much fun.'
Lee coyly replied, “Just take a good look at my face, Pedro.”
Pedro stared at Lee's face for a few seconds. Lee then watched as Pedro's eyes when wide for a second, before he forced himself to relax both his eyes, and his face.
Pedro stated, with slight surprise in his tone of voice, “My god, Lee! What happened?”
Lee flatly replied, “A lot.”
Pedro grinned, as he thought, 'So, Lee is now a woman. And given she is here, I take it she has resolved her issues with those after her. Now, to find out what happened, and what is going on with her.'
Pedro happily requested, “Well then. Sit down, and tell me all about it.”
Lee sat down in the chair to her left, so the computer monitor on the other side of the desk would not block her view of Pedro.
After Lee sat down, she thought, 'I remember River mentioning that she learned that Pedro bugged this place. Not that I care. This is his office and commenting on it, would ruin the mood. Though, I will watch what I say. As always. But, I will tell him some stuff. After all the help you have given me, Pedro. You deserve, at least, that.'
Lee inquired, “Well, where would you like me to start?”
Pedro thought, 'I know she is only going to give me the cliff-notes version. But, it is best to find out what I can.' He plainly said, “The beginning. After you left this reality.”
Lee explained, “Well, I went to Babylon Five station, a week, or so, before they were planning to blow it up.”
Pedro guessed, “You jumped right into the station during the evacuation? With the intentional of getting mixed into the crowd? And jump transport, to another location, so you could lose the others in that galaxy spanning reality?”
Lee thought, 'I am just like River, in that I love talking to savvy people, whom quickly realize what I am talking about.' She responded, “That was the plan. And I was able to get off the station off without a hitch.”
Pedro inquired, “Well, since I see you here, now. I guess you plan did not go so smoothly, afterward. So, what went wrong?”
Lee answered, “They realized from my writings where I was heading too.”
Pedro replied, “Mars?”
Lee admitted, “Yes.”
Pedro questioned, “Why didn't you go somewhere else?”
Lee stated, “Too many unknown factors. Mars Dome One was covered very thoroughly in that series. And I at least had an idea of what to expect when I got there. And I faired very well, until they found me.” She thought, 'I will leave out the parts with Garibaldi and Garcia. He doesn't need to know about those details.'
Pedro requested, “So, what happened when they found you?”
Lee answered, “One massive chase across Mars Dome One. And I got to say, Mars Dome One is huge.”
Pedro inquired, “How big?”
Lee answered, “Likely around as the size of the massive sky dome over everything in the Big O anime.”
Pedro whistled in astonishment. He then said, “That is big.”
Lee replied, “Yes. It is.”
Pedro asked, “So, what happened next?”
Lee said, “They were closing in, and I got desperate over. And so I jumped to Jusenkyo.”
Pedro guessed, “So, you cursed yourself?”
Lee conceded, “In not so many words, yes. I also locked myself in my girl form... For a few different reasons.”
Pedro thought, 'I wonder... Could Lee be a transsexual?... Though, it would not change my opinion of her. Also, I not that I am going to ask. And I do not need to. It would explain her writing, and the way she never seemed to be relaxed as a man. But here, as a woman, her body language is completely different. She seems so relaxed and happy... But, I am sure there are another reasons she locked herself in her girl form. And I can guess what they are.'
Pedro asked, “To cure yourself of your cancer?”
Lee replied, “Yes.”
Pedro guessed, “But, something happened that you did not account for?”
Lee admitted, “Partly. The curse acts different on adults, than teenagers. I got turned into healthy female, six year old version of myself.”
Pedro chuckled, for a few seconds. As Pedro calmed down, he teased, “And I bet you were cute as a button.”
Lee giggled, a little. She then said, “Revy said the same thing. Yes. I was. And then, when I headed to the amazon village, to jump from there...”
Pedro thought, 'Well, Revy has always been sharp. And she does have a bit of a wit, if she does not let her emotions cloud her judgment so much.'
Pedro spoke up, “Not bad. They would think twice following you there. Even the maids. If they knew the Ranma Half series.”
Lee stated, “I know. But, the amazons captured me. They used that magic shampoo, with pressure points on my scalp, to brainwash me, and seal my memories. Though, I retained my skills. I just had no knowledge of who I was, nor how I had those skills. And I spent the next several years being raised in their tribe, as a Chinese Amazon warrior.”
Pedro started laughing for several seconds. As he calmed down, he requested, “So, what happened next?”
Lee answered, “Years later, Ranma shows up, looked for hunters to track me down. And Cologne picked my two friends and I. And I was their translator, because I was fluent in chinese, japanese, english... And, of course the spanish we are currently speaking...”
Pedro questioned. “Time loop?”
Lee replied, “Yes.”
Pedro asked, “So, you were sent to hunt down and capture yourself?”
Lee answered, “Pretty much.”
Pedro inquired, “Do you think Cologne knew who you were, when she sent you on this wild goose chase, after yourself?”
Lee stated, “She was the one that brainwashed me. So, yea.”
Pedro commented, “That woman is all kinds of crafty.”
Lee agreed, “Yes. She is. Though, before I left, she made it clear that I was welcome back in her village. And even my friends, whom went with me, made it clear, after they found out who I was, that they still considered me their friend.' She thought, 'That is a reminder, I need to go visit the village some time, to speak to Rose and Violet. To let them know I am fine. And then have a talk with Cologne.'
Pedro replied, “That is nice.”
Lee stated, “I agree. And after a brief visit to Lagoon island. We hunted across the multiverse, with River as our guide.”
Pedro said, “I bet that was fun.”
Lee responded, “It was. River was good company. And over the years, as an amazon, I have found that I enjoy hunting. Especially, during that time of the month.”
Pedro complimented, “That is one of the more productive ways I have ever heard of for a woman to work out their issues in dealing with their period.”
Lee snorted, “I know. And makes it more challenging, as well. Because the animals can smell my blood.”
Pedro wasn't sure how to reply, as he said, “Uh huh.” He thought, 'Too much information. Even for me.”
Lee thought, 'I will leave out me trying to capture my past self. That is just to embarrassing to admit too. Even for me. Though, I think I went too far with my explanation. I have had to deal with periods for so long. And I am around women so often. That I sometimes forget how men don't want to think about such matters. Let alone, have a woman talk about her own time of the month. And the embarrassing part is that I use to be male. Oh well.'
Lee said, “I know. Too much information. As you know, I use to be in your position, so I can appreciate your response.”
Pedro requested, “It is okay. Now, please continue.'
Lee responded, “Thank you. Anyway, our hunt obviously turned up nothing. And after two weeks, we returned to Lagoon island. The others figured out who I was, from my various skills, without any explanation on how I got those skills. And they captured me. Unsealed my memories. They had their revenge on me. Which was in a sexual manner. But, it was not rape.”
Pedro calmly stated, “I don't want to know.” He thought, 'What that crew. It could be very, very bad, and very, very twisted, even if it was not rape. And I don't want to know what your sexual tastes presently are, Lee.'
Lee said, in a reassuring tone of voice, “Don't worry. It wasn't that bad.” She mentally added, 'And I found out a lot about myself during that time... That even I did not know about...'
Lee verbally continued, “And as I mentioned, those that captured me were nice enough to inform me that my two amazon friends, whom I came with, still consider me their friend... And those that captured me were nice enough to convince my friends to leave while I was captured, for to their own safety.”
Pedro commented, “Yea. I can see why the others would not want harm to come to them, and risk upsetting Cologne.”
Lee thought, with a bit of humor, 'Pedro, it is nice that you realize how dangerous Cologne came be, as well. Now, for my big news.' She responded, “I fully agree. Also, during that time, River and I got to know each other better. And we were intimate. In both her forms... And we don't use protection. So, River got me pregnant with twins.”
Pedro calmly questioned, “You're pregnant?”
Lee nodded once, as she happily replied, “Yes. And before you ask. Chang is fine with our situation.”
Pedro stated, “I am not surprised. I figured out that River was Sam, soon after you left. And everyone could see that both of you cared deeply for each other. And Chang always did seem open to new ideas, and experiences.”
Lee complimented, “All true. And you always were clever.”
Pedro responded, “Yes. I am. But, it was clear that River was more clever than the both of us.”
Lee commented, “River is a telepathic, badass, genius. The fact we both could play at her level is a statement in of itself.”
Pedro let out a laugh. He then admitted, “True. So, where are you staying now? I don't see River just abandoning you, and the children you are going to have.”
Lee said, “Let's just say that River, Chang, and I, are now a threesome.”
Pedro chuckled a little. He then commented, “Who could have seen that coming?”
Lee replied, “Not I.”
Pedro complimented, “Nor, I. And, by the way, you make a hot woman.”
Lee gave Pedro a mischievous grin, as she said, “I know. And I look great in this dress.”
Pedro agreed, “That you do.”
Lee mentioned, “By the way, River picked out my dress.”
Pedro commented, “She always did have good taste in both female and male clothing.”
Lee replied, “I am with you on that. And she even read my mind, to find my measurement for these clothes.”
Pedro inquired, with a hint of concern and worry in his tone of voice, “So, you don't mind her reading my mind?”
Lee calmly said, “I love her. She loves me. Why would I mind?”
Pedro replied, “Whatever you both happy.” He then asked, with in concern in his tone of voice, “Now, due to our friendship. I have to ask. Are you okay with being a woman? And with being pregnant?”
Lee answered, “Yes, on the first question. Not sure, on the second question. I am only a month pregnant. But, I am okay with having River and my children.”
Pedro said, “Well, good luck.”
A thought occurred to Lee. She mentally reflected, 'I might as well ask him, while I am here.' Lee inquired, “Thank you. And I heard you had a run in with the maids?”
Pedro soberly answered, “And Revy. I got your message, and I immediately left town. But, they found me the next day...” Pedro let out a breath. He then continued, “I had to tell them everything.” He thought, 'I will leave out the recordings, because I don't want to destroy what little friendship we have left between each other. There is already enough problems between us, as is.'
Lee commented, “It is good that you did. If not, they would have tortured and killed you. And I faced them, myself, a few times. So, I know what you were dealing with.”
Pedro responded, with a bit of relief in his tone of voice, “Thank you for being so understanding.”
Lee replied, “You're welcome. On another matter. I also noticed your station seems to be short handed?”
Pedro admitted, “Yes. A number of my officers partly figured out what was going on. When we get your message that the maids were in town. Half my force fled with me out of town... And most have not yet returned...”
Lee soberly said, “Well, good luck with that.”
Pedro stated, “Thanks. I am going to need it.”
Lee inquired, “Anything else happen, while I was gone?”
Pedro thought, 'It would be tempting to tell Lee what is going on at the Devil's Hotel, and Melvin. But, I will keep that to myself. Lee is now to close to Chang, and River. And I do not want either of those two people to know that I have my men staked out at several places in town, including Chang's Casino.'
Pedro lied, “Not really.”
Lee replied, “Okay.”
There was an uneasy silence for several seconds.
Pedro thought, 'I might as well ask her the important question between us.'
Pedro quietly asked, “So?... How is this going to work now?... Between us?”
Lee responded, “What do you mean?”
Pedro pointed out, “Well, since you came to my town, you turned my life upside down. And while I won't hold the gender change, and pregnancy against you. You are now shacked up with... As you put it... My arch-nemesis...”
Lee sadly said, “I really shouldn't have joked about that.”
Pedro stated, in a firm tone of voice, “No. You shouldn't have.”
Lee commented, in a calm tone of voice, “Listen. I have no interest to see harm come to you. Chang just wants to play with you, to keep his edge. And when it comes to River, she likes you, as a friend. And as Sam, she was your friend.”
Pedro said, “Let River know I still consider her a friend. The same, as you.”
Lee replied, in a grateful tone of voice, “Thank you. She will be happy to learn that from you. And as for the others at the casino, they could care less about you and your men.”
Pedro responded, “I realize that. But, where does that leave us? We are so far from each other, over the line, that neither of us can just be friends.”
Lee suggested, “Okay. I see your point... How about, friendly enemies?...”
Pedro shrugged, as he replied, “That works for me. And I think we are done for today.”
Lee agreed, “Yes. We are.”
Pedro commented, “And let Chang know. No Bond to Bond villain dinners. I find them completely cliche.”
Lee giggled a little. She then said, “I fully agree. And I will let him know.” She thought, with amusement, 'And I still remember writing that Bond villain dinner Chang had with Annie and John, in my stories.'
Pedro inquired, “Good. Now, are you still going to go by Lee?”
Lee answered, “Yes. I know it will raise questions. But, I don't care.”
Pedro replied, “Okay.”
Pedro then stood up from his seat. He leaned over his desk, as he extended his right hand to Lee.
Lee got up, and shook Pedro's extended hand with her own right hand, for a few seconds.
As they broke this handshake, Pedro sat back down in his desk, as Lee remained standing.
Pedro asked, “So, where are you heading next?”
Lee answered, “To the Last Resort Diner.” She mentally added, 'I am now eating for three, and I could use another small snack.'
Pedro raised an eyebrow, as he casually inquired, “The Lowe family?”
Lee questioned, in a curious tone of voice, “How did you know?”
Pedro answered, “A few days ago, Ed stopped hiding in back, and started helping her family out in the front After that, it wasn't hard to figure out. Though, I would prefer you not mention that I know it is them.”
Lee responded, “No problem. And given you have resources, and you are extreme genre savvy. You still have a decent chance of winning the battle ahead of you.”
Pedro replied, “I know. That is why I haven't thrown in the towel, just yet.”
Lee said, in a comforting tone of voice, “Well... Just to let you know... I have faith in you. So, don't give up.”
Pedro joked, “I won't. And just so you know. If you try to kiss me, make a playful pass at me, or romantically tease me, in some way, I am going to shoot you. I have no interest in having to deal with a femme fatale. Especially, one that use to be a guy.”
Lee let out a laugh. She then said, “I wouldn't dare. Anyway, have a good day, Pedro.”
Pedro replied, “You too, Lee.”
Lee turned around, and headed for the door. When she reached the door, she opened the door, she walked through it, and she gently shut the door it. She then left for the parking lot outside the building, and across street.
Pedro watched Lee shut the door behind her. He thought, 'This town is getting stranger by the minute... And I am not going to crack a joke about the fate of this town. Because I know it can get worse... Far, far worse...'
Fifteen minutes later, Lee drove her sedan into the parking lot of the Last Resort Diner. The diner was a U.S. style greasy spoon style restaurant.
Lee soon parked her car, in a parking space, near the front of the restaurant.
After Lee got out, and locked her car, she walked up to the dine. She then entered the restaurant from the front, windowed doors.
As she stepped inside, her sense of smell alerted her to very enjoyable aroma.
Lee walked closer to the counter, to get out of the pathway of other people, as she happily thought, 'The food here smells so good. But first, I need to find the one of the Lowe family members, to talk to them... And then give them give them my order...'
Lee then looked around, and she saw that it was not very busy. The diner only had a few customers at the time of day.
Lee thought, 'Good. I got here before lunch rush.' She then saw Lori Lowe approach her.
Lori had just set down a mug of coffee, and a glass of ice water for a customer, in a booth by a window, to Lee's right, and Lori was now walking to another part of the diner.
Lee thought, 'Perfect. She is coming towards me. Now, to figure a way to introduce myself to her. So, she can recognize me.'
As Lori approached Lee, the other black haired woman look at Lee, and she came to at stop a few feet from Lee, as Lee turned her body towards Lee.
Lori looked Lee up and down. Lee could see Lori cracked a grin, as she noticed Lee's amber brown long skirt, with leaf patterns on it.
Lori then looked up at Lee's face, as she casually said, in english, “Hi Lee.”
Lee thought, 'Well, that problem was solved by itself. And I do look like a younger, female version of myself. So, it would not be that hard to tell who I am. And Aeryn did state that everyone in the loop knows about my gender change. Still, I might as well ask.' She inquired, in english, “So, you heard?”
Lori grinned mischievously, as she said, “Yea. We heard from the grapevine that you became a girl. They had their revenge. You are now pregnant with twins. River's twins. And you are staying with her and Chang, at the penthouse.”
Lee thought, 'Lori probably got half of that from the grapevine, and she got the other half from her family figuring it out. There are perks to have a wife and kids that are geniuses. And I will likely eventually enjoy such perks, in the future. And there is no point in denying the truth to someone that has been so helpful towards me.'
Lee said, “That about sums is up. By the way, thank you for your help. The car and items came in handy. And it is nice to know that there were people that cared about me.”
Lori smile turned warm, as she responded, “You're welcome. And don't worry. I have been pregnant before, myself. It was a wonderful experience. Except for the birth. But, that is another matter.”
Lee returned Lori's smile, as she requested, “I am grateful for your support. Now, I know you can get busy in this line of work. But, if it is okay, if I order something to eat, while I talk to all four of you all?”
Lori said, “Sure. Ed and the boys are all here. And we enjoy talking to you. So what do you want?”
Lee answered, “Two scrambled eggs, and two pieces of dry toast. Along with a sweet tea.”
Lori inquired, “Light meals because of morning sickness?”
Lee replied, “Yea. But, I am on top of it.”
Lori pointed out, “Okay. You know caffeine is not good for the kids?”
Lee countered, “That is why I am not having a cola. Caffeine is not great, but corn syrup is worse.”
Lori agreed, “True.”
Lee commented, “And I already had orange juice, earlier. And I don't feel like milk, lemonade, nor water.”
Lori replied, “Fine.”
Lee looked over, across the counter. She saw one tanned skinned black haired man at the grill, and she saw another tanned skinned black haired man washing dishes.
Lee thought, 'One of them is Stan. The other is Lewis. And from my faded memories, I am not sure which is which. But, I seem to recall the Lowe family mentioned that Lewis was the good cook of the two of them. Though, the other could fix passable food. Just not great food... Now, where is Ed?...'
Lee then looked around, and then over her left shoulder, behind her, on the left side of the restaurant, and she saw Ed taking an order.
Lee thought, 'Ah. There she is.'
Lee turned back to face Lori, whom she could tell noticed her looked around. She thought, 'Lori, or as she was known as a guy, Bob, always had an eye for detail.'
Lee said, “I see the entire family is here, working, at the moment.”
Lori replied, “Yes. Even with Ed helping up front, it is not enough. And we are thinking of hiring more staff. This place seems to be getting more popular.”
Lee complimented, “Good idea. And I am sure you have some good ideas on the matter?”
Lori said, “Yes.”
Lee thought, 'Now, to get some clarification from Lori, which directly asking which of her adult children is which.' She asked, “So, who is cooking today?”
Lori replied, “Lewis.”
Lee responded, “Good. I vaguely remember that you guys stated he was the good cook among your two children.”
Lori suggested, “Yea. Lewis is a good cook. And before we get you something to eat, let me reintroduce you to the rest of my family.”
Lee replied, “Sure.”
The two black haired woman then turned, and walked up to the counter.
When they reached the counter, Lee sat in a stool, while facing the across the counter, towards the grill, as Lori stood, and looked over at her children.
From the corner of her left eye, Lee saw Ed walk up to be behind the counter, on the far left end.
Lori calmly requested, “Sons. Could I have your attention for a moment?”
Lori then noticed Ed approaching them. She turned to her wife, as she said, “And you as well, Ed.” She looked over at her entire family, as she continued, “That is someone I want you to meet.”
Ed walked up to Lee, from across the counter. She took one looked at Lee, and Lee could tell that Ed was trying very hard to hide a mischievous grin.
Meanwhile, Lewis finished what he was cooking, and put it on a plate. He then turned to look at his parents, and Lee
Nearby, Stan finished cleaning, put away the plate he was working on, and he dried his hands. He then turned to face his parents, and Lee.
Stan asked, “What is it, dad?”
Lori turned to Lee. She then looked back at her family, as she calmly said, “Let me reintroduced you to our dear friend, Lee.”
Ed could not hold in her mirth any longer, as she started giggling.
Lee also saw the two brothers smiling at her.
Lewis said, “Hi Lee.”
Stan complimented, “Damn, you are hot as a girl, Lee.”
Lee turned their smile, as she replied, “Thank you. And hi to all of you.”
Lewis hesitantly inquired, “So... Are the rumors true? That you are also pregnant?”
Lee said, “Relax. It is okay to ask me that question. And yes. I am pregnant with twins.”
By then, Ed has stopped giggling, as she asked, “How far along are you?”
Lee answered, “Around a month. And yes, I do have a little morning sickness. But, only a little.”
Ed replied, “Okay.”
Lee asked, “So, I have a question for you guys. Why are you still running this diner? For that matter. Besides finding me. Why are you still in this reality?” She thought, 'And while I use to care if others learned the truth. I no longer do. But, I won't advertise the facts, either.'
Stan answered, “We have nothing better to do. And since all the crazies we knew moved here. We figured we would come here, as well.”
Lee questioned, “Okay. I can understand that. But, why have the diner? Don't get me wrong. I love the food and drink selections here? But, why continue running it. From what I understand, Eda and Yolanda quit their burger van business.”
Ed casually answered, “Yea. We heard. Anyway, this provides ample cover for us. It gives us a good excuse to stay near the excitement, without being a part of the excitement.”
Lee questioned, “So, you are basically just watching from the stands, with popcorn, and soda, in hand?”
Ed smiled mischievously, as she responded, “Exactly. Though, we are going to have to hire some help. Even with me sometimes cooking, this is a full time job, and we would all like to have a life.” She thought, “Even with the time dilation tricks we are doing, this job is getting old, to do, all the time. And held would allow us to take a break.'
Stan commented, “Yea. That would be nice.”
Lewis replied, “I agree.”
Lori turned to her wife, as agreed, “You got that right, honey.” She turned to Lee, as she continued, “And don't worry. I already am working on that. And I have someone in mind.”
Lee commented, “I trust you will have no problems settling this issue.”
Lori replied, “Thank you.”
Lewis asked, “By the way, how long have you been a girl?”
Lee answered, “A little over twenty years. Long story short. As you knew, I was dying of cancer. I used the spring of drowned girl to cure myself, and the ring on my finger locks the curse. The ring grows around my finger, as I do. And it will not come off. Considering, I will likely die of cancer if it does, I am very careful to keep my ring finger out of harms way. Still, the main problem was that the curse gave me the body of a six year old girl. But, I you can see, my body still ages.”
Stan pointed out, in a slightly amused tone of voice, “I guess that is why they call it spring of drowned girl, and not spring of drowned woman.”
Lee replied, “I know, Stan. And I suspected that was the case, beforehand. But, I did not have much choice in that matter.”
Stan pointed out, “That still doesn't account for you age. You should look ten years older, in your mid to late twenties. Instead, you look like a woman that is their late teens.”
Lee commented, “That ring also gives me other benefits. Such a slowing my aging by half.”
Stan replied, “Nice.”
Lee grin, as she said, “I know.”
Lewis stated, “I get the feeling that you did not just jump in to save yourself. Unless you inquired first. Which from the sound of it, you did not.”
Lee complimented, “That is very astute of you, Lewis. I had jumped into to save two others. One that fell in. And the other that dived in after the first person.”
Ed asked, “Who are these fools?”
Lee stated, “I would love to tell you. But, I don't want to make any more enemies.”
Ed conceded, “Good point.”
Lewis questioned, “So, what happened next?”
Lee said, “I got captured by the Chinese Amazons. Cologne talked to me, then she brainwashed me, with some shampoo, which sealed my memories.”
Stan said, “That is sad.”
Lee countered, “Not really. We talked it over, before she did it. There was no way I could have stopped her. But, she did point out that given I did not change back and forth, I would eventually have the emotional state of a child, with the memories of an adult.”
Ed commented, “That would be bad.”
Lee agreed, “I know. And since I knew from watching the Ranma Half series that the shampoo brainwashing was completely reversible, I decided not to fight it. Due to this, I got to have another childhood. And I spent the next twenty years being raised by them, as a member of their village.”
Ed commented, “That is nice.”
Lori asked, “So, you are now part of the Amazon tribe?”
Lee answered, “Yes. And when I left the village, Cologne made it clear would still be welcome, no matter what. Though, she did not me that what, was the fact of who I use to be. I learn that, later.”
Eda inquired, “That sound like her. I was wondering. How does those kissing rules really work?”
Lee halfheartedly commented, “The whole kiss of marriage and kiss of death is more a set of guidelines, than rules.”
The others laughed at the Lee's Pirates of the Caribbean joke.
As they calmed down, Lee continued, in a more sober tone of voice, “But, if you do it, you have to follow through on it.” She thought, 'And I am so happy that Ranma stopped me from giving Revy the kiss of death. That would have been bad for everyone involved. I will have to thank her for preventing me from doing that, sometime.'
Lori inquired, “Got you... So, how do you end up getting caught by those after you?”
Lee thought, 'I think I will tell you a few details I do not care to share with the others.'
Lee stated, “That is the funny part. Over twenty years later, from my point of view. Though, that was a few months ago, for me. Ranma, whom I had just escaped from, a few days, beforehand, from her point of view. Came to visit Cologne, and ask her for some help, from the Amazons, to help track me down. So, Cologne sent me, as one of the trackers, and the translators, along two of my best friends, to go hunt me down. And I did find myself. That is, me of the past.”
The Lowe family started lightly laughing, as Lee thought, 'I knew you would find that funny.'
Lee continued, “And it gets better. Fortunately, River, of our time, showed up and stopped up before we did something stupid. That was when River called off our hunt, and we returned back to Lagoon Island, around two weeks after we began our hunt. And those on the island eventually figured out it was me, and I got caught, and I had my memories restored. Then, they got their retribution.”
Lori realized something, as she thought, 'Knowing that group, and given some of the things that Revy said she wanted to do to me, during my run from her. We probably don't want the details. I need to move this conversation forward, before it gets to dark on this subject.' She said, “It looks like things worked out for you.”
Lee agreed, “Yes. They did.” She thought, 'Thank you, Lori. For moving the conversation forward, without any details on the matter of my punishment.'
Ed inquired, “Given it was decades after Cologne brainwashed you. Do you think Cologne still remembers that it was you that Ranma was after?”
Lee shrugged, as she flatly said, “Oh hell, yes. But, I don't hold it against her.”
Lori said, “That is a wise decision.”
Lee replied, “I agree. She was the one to even give me my chinese name. Dongmei. Which means, winter plum. And plum, in chinese, is Lee.”
Lori complimented, “Interesting. And that is a nice name. I like it.”
Lee agreed, “So, do I. But, I like, Lee, better.”
Ed then got a mischievous smile, as she inquired, “So, given you have been a girl for several years. Have you had your period, yet?”
Stan and Lewis looked away from Lee and their mother, while Lori just rolled her eyes for a few seconds, before she looked back at her wife, and Lee.
Lee said, in an even tone of voice, “Of course. For years.” Lee then looked over at Stan and Lewis, as she continued, “Though, I prefer to not talk about such matters in the company of those not conformable discussing the subject.”
The two brothers turned back to look at Lee and their mother, as Lewis kindly stated, “Thank you.”
Stan said, “We appreciate your concern for our feelings.”
Lee replied, “You're welcome.”
Ed shrugged. She turned to her sons, as she said, “Don't be that way children. You already turn into girls. And it is something you will have to learn to deal with, someday.”
Stan commented, “But, not today.”
Lewis said, “Nor, anytime soon.”
Lori and Lee giggled at the brothers' response, for a few seconds.
As they calmed down, Lori looked over at Lee, as she asked, “So, what are you going to do now?”
Lee answered, “Live with River and Chang, in the penthouse, have the kids, and raise them.”
Lori said, “Sounds okay. And while I can get you being with River. For obvious reasons. What is the dynamic of you and Chang?”
Lee answered, “We have an understanding. We both love River, and we respect each other for our abilities. And yes, this is a threesome situation, where it is debatable whom is sharing whom, with whom.”
Ed smiled, as she teased, “Sounds like fun...” She dropped her smile, as she continued, in a straightforward manner, “But, not for us.”
Lee commented, “Yea. It is fun. Also, I have been thinking about my stories. And some of the stuff that has not happened yet. Which mostly deals with you two. Ed, Lori, I hope you are not sore about having another set of kids. This time, them being girls.”
Lori said, “It is okay.”
Ed agreed, “Yea. It is no problem. Actually, all four of use talked about that last night, in the home we bought here, on the island, for us to live in...”
Lori stated, “It is a nice home. With an in ground pool. And it is heated, with saltwater, like a the casino.”
Lee thought, “Nice.” She thought, 'So, they have been to Chang's casino. That is interesting. But, a conversation for another time.'
Ed stated, “Anyway... We both agreed that it is a ways off, in our plans. But, we do look forward to it.”
Lori smiled towards Ed, as she said, “Yes. We do.”
Ed returned her spouse's smile.
Lewis commented, “Yea. And having some sisters might be fun.”
Stan looked at his brother, as he said, “When we are not the sisters.”
Lewis looked over at his brother, as he agreed, “Exactly.”
Both brothers then turned back to their parents, and Lee.
Lee replied, “I am glad you feel that way. Also, I have a question for you two, that I can only ask you two. Because the others, I know, whom know the answer, will likely just laugh in my face.” She thought, 'Or, at the very least, get a good chuckle, before they answer my question.'
Lori kindly responded, “Go ahead. Ask away.”
Lee looked over at Lori, as she sighed. She inquired, “Is labor and childbirth really that painful?”
Ed shrugged, while Lori calmly answered, “It is not pleasant. And Ed and I both talked to each other about it. We agreed that while the birth itself was the most painful part. It was the hours of labor cramping leading up to the birth that was the worst part. But, given everything you have been through, I am sure you will be fine.”
Lee said, “Thank you. Because, I am likely going to have to naturally deliver both my children.”
Ed commented, “Honestly. I would have preferred to go through labor and childbirth again, than deal with the next three years worth of diaper changing.”
Lewis and Stan groaned, while Lee and Lori burst out laughing.
As Lee and Lori calmed down, they looked over at Ed.
Ed stated, “By the way, Violin, Aeryn, Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma, came to visit us a week ago, looking for some of those hologram watches.”
Lee defended, in a calm tone of voice, “I did not tell them a word about your helping me. I only stated something, after B and Balalaika stated they all figured out that you helped me.”
Lori said, “We know. We are pretty sure they figured it out on their own. Or, more likely, B told them about our trip, when we got those hologram devices. And they put the pieces together. Either way is okay with us. B is a friend that was caught in the middle of this, by our own actions. Not hers. So we do not want to cause her any problems. And those five women were polite about their inquires.”
Lee responded, “I am glad to hear that. So, did you given them some of those devices?”
Ed answered, “Unfortunately, not. They are rare to get in private hands. And we only were able to get three. And we gave one of the items to you.”
Lee sheepishly said, “Sorry about losing that watch.” She mentally added, 'I am not even sure if Garibaldi still has the one he took from me.'
Ed causally said, “We don't mind. It was for a good cause.”
Lee smiled, as she replied, “Thank you for being understanding.”
Ed returned Lee's smile, as she said, “No problem.”
A thought occurred to Lee, as she asked, “By the way. I am sure you heard that B and Balalaika are pregnant?”
Lori said, “Of course. We were even invited, and went to their babyshower.”
Stan and Lewis looked away, from their parents.
Ed turned to her two sons. She then turned back to Lee, as stated, “And we had fun at that party. And don't let Stan and Lewis' expressions fool you. They had fun, as well.”
Lee thought, 'Well, that is interesting.' She said, “I am glad to hear that.”
Lori commented, “Well, as much as I love to continued this conversation, we have to get back to work.”
Ed agreed, “You're right.”
Stan and Lewis turned back to Lee.
Lewis halfheartedly said, “Sad, but true.”
Stan sighed, as he stated, “And this was just getting good... At least, there is always, later.”
Lee said, “True.” She mentally added, 'I need to check something real quick.'
Lee took a quickly, and she noticed that few customers sitting in the diner were not looking at them.
Lee thought, 'Good, we did not attract any unwanted attention. Now, to finish this.'
Lee looked back at the Lowe family, as she commented, “Well, it was fun talking to you. And we will have to do this again, sometime.”
Ed stated, “Of course.”
Lee said, “I plan to be a regular customer.”
Ed happily replied, “All the better.”
Lori said, “Yes. We look forward to it. Now, let's get you lunch ready, and get back to work.”
The Lowe family then when back to their jobs. And Lee was soon brought her drink and small lunch.
After Lee finished her lunch, she paid for her meal with one of the fifty dollar bills River had given here. And Lee used some of the change from that fifty dollar bill, to leave Lori a generous tip. Next, Lee took a quick visit to the women's restroom, which she found was a very clean restroom. After which, she left the diner, and she was soon in her black sedan, driving towards her next destination.
Ten minutes later, Lee found a close parking place, for her car, in the parking lot.
Lee then parking her car, turning off the engine, getting, and out, and locking the door behind her.
After which, Lee walked to the front entrance of her next destination, the Devil's Hotel.
Less than a minute later, she made her way inside, as she passed the two sets of doors, and into the lobby, she stopped and looked around.
Lee thought, 'It doesn't look any different. And it is sad that returning here feels like coming home, instead of where I am from. But, spending so much time in the time loop, it still does. Now, to visit Melvin, and give him the big news.'
Lee then took left, as she headed for the double-door entrance to hotel's bar and restaurant.
A minute later, Lee walked into the restaurant, and she found she was the only person in the room.
As she walked up to her usual place at the bar counter, she thought, 'Where is Melvin?...'
When Lee reached the bar, in her usual place, she decided to stand, as she looked across the empty bar counter.
From the corner of her left eye, Lee noticed a woman walking into the room, from the kitchen door, to Lee's left, along the left wall, near the back part of the room.
Lee saw that the woman had a healthy, fair skin, slender, athletic physical build. She had a brown hair, which was cut in short, boyish hair style. She wore a yellow button up long sleeved shirt, black cloth pants, that did not have a belt, but was button from the front, above the zipper, and black tennis shoes. Lee could not tell what type of bra, panties, nor socks, the woman wore underneath her clothing.
Lee also noticed that the woman appear to be in her mid-twenties, and she had a very recognizable face to Lee.
Lee saw the woman looking back at her, with a neutral, but relaxed expression on her face.
As Lee watched the woman walk behind the bar counter, from a small entrance on that side of the counter. She then walked up to Lee, as Lee thought, with mild surprise, 'You have got to be kidding me... And it got to be who I think it is... It has got to be Melvin...'
When the woman made it to where she was standing across the counter from Lee, she stopped and turned to the woman with loose long black hair.
The woman kindly asked, in english, “Hi. I am Melanie. What can I get for you?”
Lee thought, 'Well, so this is what B mention by settling their differences with Melvin. And she was right, Melvin is in good health. But, Melvin is no longer a man... Though, neither am I... And I see no point in beating around the bush.'
Lee calmly stated, in english, “Melvin. I know it is you.”
Melanie looked more closely at Lee, as she inquired, “Lee? They got you too?”
Lee replied, “No. I did this to myself. Long story. I even ended up pregnant. By the way, Melanie is a nice female name.”
Melanie commented, “Thanks. I picked it out, myself.”
Lee thought, 'I thought as much. Also...' She stated, in a slightly sad tone of voice, “I am sorry that they caught you.”
Melanie said, “Being a woman is not as bad as I thought it would be. Though, I have only been a woman for about a week. Still, the good news is that I did cut a deal with the Balalaika and B. By the way, I didn't have a clue that the Balalaika's new girlfriend, B, use to be the Boris, until I read your stories.”
Lee thought, 'I wonder where Melvin learned about my stories?... Let alone when she read them?... Pedro, or someone else, could have told her. Not that it matters. And I will find out, later. Speaking of Pedro, I would bet that he already knows that Melvin was now a she, and he chose not tell me. Though, I am sure he had his reasons. But, I wonder why Melvin did not realize that B was Boris?'
Lee inquired, “I know you saw the series. So, you didn't see the omakes?”
Melanie was quite for a few seconds. She then realized what Lee was getting at, as she commented, “Oh yea. The Viva Youth omake... Yes. I did. It is just that I could not picture Boris that way. But, now that I think about it, B does have a striking resemblance to the pretty boy that Boris was as a teenager.”
Lee asked, “So, when did you see the omakes?”
Melanie answered, “Pedro showed me, and others, the fansubs of the Black Lagoon omakes during one of his movie night... Among other things in his collection...”
Lee commented, “Yea. I have an idea of what type of collection he has.”
Melanie flatly stated, “That is an understatement. As far as I know, he has no porn in his collection. But, his fictional collection is still very twisted.”
Lee agreed, “I bet. So, what was your opinion of the omakes?”
Melanie admitted, “Very funny. But, I am not going to mention them in front of Balalaika, nor B.”
Lee complimented, “That is very wise of you.”
Melanie responded, “Thank you. Now, onto another matter. You said you are pregnant?”
Lee smiled slightly widened, as she happily replied, “Yep. With twins. Though, I am only one month along.” She then lessened her smile to a normal sized grin.
Melanie questioned, “Who is the father?”
Lee casually answered, “River.”
Melanie let out a laugh. She then said, with mirth in her tone of voice, “Only you, Lee. Only you. So, where are you staying?”
Lee calmly stated, “I am even now staying with River and Chang, in their penthouse, at the casino.”
Melanie commented, “Considering you are pregnant with River and your kids. I am not surprised. So, what does River look like as a guy?”
Lee cracked a grin, as she said, “You know her... Or, more aptly, him. River was playing a much longer game than even I was. Because, River was using her male form to fool us all, as Sam.”
Then, the meaning of Sam's name dawned on Melanie, as the brown haired woman said, “Sam, Tam.”
Lee replied, “Yep. And she even wore that fake beard.”
Melanie guested, “That is how she fooled you?”
Lee said, “Yes. I wrote it so that gender benders cannot grow beards, so her using a fake beard threw me.”
Melanie commented, “I can appreciate that. And she kept my secrets from the others. That was so sweet of her.”
Lee kindly said, “Yes. River is a very nice, and much saner person than we gave her credit for.”
Melanie asked, “Now, that I know she was pretending to be Sam, I agree. And what about others after you?”
Lee flatly said, “The matter is settled.” Lee then quickly changed the subject back to Melvin, as she continued, “So, what exactly happened with you and Hotel Moscow?”
Melvin thought, 'I am not surprised that you would want to change the subject on this matter. And I will go along with you doing so.' She answered, “Balalaika made me a good offer. I could officially quit Hotel Moscow, in good standing, if I went through the vat process. I think I got the better end of the stick.”
Lee replied, “I would agree. And you look pretty good as a woman.”
Melanie said, “And so do you. And I am also happy that Balalaika believed me, when I said I was serious about not going back. And she cut me loose. Best of all, I was even able keep my old job here. Though, most of those here, except the manager, do not know that I was Melvin. I think it is best that I just present myself as the new girl, Melanie. Though, reintroductions, and reforging friendships can be a pain.”
Lee agreed, “Yes. It can be annoying to reintroduce yourself as a different identities, and have to rebuild your friendships from the ground of. That is why I am glad I am not hiding from anyone, anymore. Also, I am glad that you employer was so reasonable.”
Melanie cracked a grin, as she said, “So, am I.”
Lee suggested, “Though, I suggest you be honest with your friends.”
Melanie commented, “I am planning to tell a select few in the coming weeks. And it is likely others will figure it out, on their own.”
Lee said, “I don't doubt that.”
Lee then noticed a flier on the bar, near them. She asked, “What is that?”
Lee picked up the flier and read it. She saw that it was for the reopening of the Rats Nest.
Lee thought, 'What a minute, I know this flier... Or, a copy of it... Could it be?... It would make sense, and fit the motif of my life and art... It looks like my day is going to be even more interesting than I thought.'
Lee then set the flier down, as Melanie said, “Yes. That is one of the fliers for the reopening of the Rats Nest. Though, I am surprised the bartender was able to get that bar repaired, and reopened, in less than a week.”
Lee commented, “Well, she does have experience in repairing bars.” She thought, 'At lot of experience.'
Melanie agreed, “Given the crazies that woman has to deal with, I am not surprised.”
A thought then occurred to Lee, 'I wonder... Yea. It is not a bad idea. They are both nice people, and they deserve someone in their lives. So, I think I will try to get them together. And I won't be sneaky. I will be up front with both of them. That way, there is less chance of this suggestion backfiring on any of us.'
Lee commented, “You know what? Could you say that I know you well, Melvin?”
Melanie answered, “Yes. And you can call me Melvin, or Melanie. I don't mind, either way.”
Lee replied, “Thank you. Well, I have a suggestion for you. That you might like. You might even consider what I have to say.”
Melanie inquired, “And that would be?”
Lee mischievously smiled, as she casually admittedly, “I want to set you up on a date, with someone else I know.”
Melanie cracked a grin, as she shrugged. She casually said, “Okay. I'll bite. And who are you planning to set me up with?”
Lee coyly said, “A pretty woman that I personally know.”
Melanie pointed out, “All the women you know are crazy... Present company excluded... And I am not so sure about you...”
Lee giggled. She then said, “Fair enough. And not all of the women I know are crazy... Most are... But, not all. And there is one sane woman that is currently single, that I know of.”
Melanie flatly asked, “Who?”
Lee answered, “The bartender of the Rats Nest.” She mentally added, 'It is so tempting to tell her that the woman is Bao, but that is Bao's secret to tell.'
Melanie said, in a confused tone of voice, “But, I don't know her name... I don't think anyone does.”
Lee responded, “It is pretty clear that she wants it that way. Though, after spending so much time as a customer, I know she is a nice woman. And she could use a nice... Person like you. And if you get to talk to her, she might tell you her name.”
Melanie guessed, “She told you her name? Didn't she?”
Lee directly answered, “Yes. But, like you, I respect her enough to keep her secrets.”
Melanie calmly replied, “I understand.”
Lee stated, “Though, if you want to know her name, just ask her nicely. She might tell you her name.”
Melanie commented, “I just might do that. And I will admit she is one hell of a dancer, with that guy, during the that Day of the Dead party at the hotel. Whoever he was?”
Lee stated, “That was me.”
Melanie questioned, “I didn't know you were such a good dancer.”
Lee thought, 'I might as well tell her.' She stated, “While I was in hiding, on the Day of the Dead, we all got stuck in a time loop. And I was the one that remembered what was happening during the time loop. And I had a lot of time on my hands.”
Melanie raised an eyebrow, as she inquired, “Sort of like from the movie, Groundhog's Day?”
Lee said, “Yea.”
Melanie stated, “So, that is why the hotel lobby played Hotel California song for you.”
Lee agreed, “That is what I figure, as well. Anyway, I will vouch for her. You two have a lot in common. And I know she swings both ways. Though, do you now swing both ways?”
Melanie said, “I haven't had enough time to find out. But, from what I am told of the process that changed my gender, and restored my youth. That the answer is, yes. And I also feel open with being a woman. Which is part of the process.”
Lee commented, “Yes. It is. And since that is the case, I believe you both should do fine. Because she is a flexible as you.”
Melanie stated, “Okay. You have convinced me. I will give it a shot, and ask her on a date.”
Lee responded, “Thanks. And don't be afraid to answer questions from her, as well. She is honest enough to trust.”
Melanie said, “I will keep that in mind. You know, if you were not pregnant, I would offer you a free drink.”
Lee replied, “It is the thought that counts.”
Lee thought, 'If what I think is going on, is going on. I need to get a business card from Melanie. I kind of forgot the phone number. Which is honest. I don't remember the phone number to this hotel. Still, along with the card, I will also need and envelope, and a few other things. But, I will get them, elsewhere.”
Lee requested, “Say, I am going to head out of here. But first, do you have one of the Devil's Hotel business cards?”
Melanie replied, “Sure.”
Reached under the bar counter, and them pulled out a business card. She then handed it to Lee.
Lee looked at the card in her right fingers. She thought, 'This looks exactly like the other one, because it is.'
As Lee took the card, and put it into her left interior jacket pocket, she said, “Thank you.”
Melanie questioned, “You're welcome. By the way, where are you heading?”
Lee let out a quite giggle. She then said, “To the Rats Nests. So, I can set the other half of this date up.”
Melanie smiled, as she stated, “Okay. I will give you a little while. And then, I will call the place.”
Lee replied, “I appreciate that. And goodbye, Melanie.”
Melanie responded, “Goodbye, Lee.”
Lee said, “I will see you, later.”
Melanie replied, “Same here.”
Lee then turned, and walked out of the restaurant. Soon after, she made it to the parking lot, and she got inside of her car. After which, she started the engine, backing out of the parking place, and drove out towards the street.
Ten minutes later, Lee parked in the lot, on the left side of the Rats Nest.
As Lee got out, she saw that the bar's exterior was completely repaired.
While Lee shut the door, she thought, 'I got to give Bao credit. She really knows how to get bar repairs done. And done quickly. Now, to talk to her.'
Lee then walked towards the front entrance.
As Lee walked towards the front door, she saw the rest of the bar outside, was repaired, on the front end. Including the windows, and even the paint was the same.
A few seconds later, Lee walked into the bar, and saw that the interior was the same as before the maids had blown it up.
Lee saw that the only other person in the room was Bao, Whom was standing behind the bar counter.
Lee saw Bao was dressed in one of her usual shirt. And from the mirror behind Bao, Lee could see that Bao was also wearing one of her usual pair of pants.
Lee saw that Bao was looking back at her.
Bao kindly said, “Can I help you?”
Lee smiled warmly at Bao, as she walked up to the bar counter, across from where Bao was standing.
When Lee came stop in front of Bao, she turned to look at the pretty, slender, asian woman, with short black hair, that went down to her neckline. With the asian woman appearing to be in her mid-twenties.
Lee coyly said, “Actually, I am here to talk to you?”
Bao looked at Lee more closely, as she inquired, “Who are you?”
Lee's smile grew ever to slightly wider, as she said, in a calm, yet slightly happy tone of voice, “Bao. It is me, Lee.”
Bao sighed. She commented, “I see they finally got you, too.”
Lee held back a laugh, as she thought, 'Melvin said almost the exact same thing. Yes. I think they will hit it off well, if I set this up just right.'
Lee shrugged, as she replied, “Not really. But, I am happy. And the matters between me and them are settled.”
Bao happily replied, “Good. It is always nice to be happy. And I will admit that you look good.”
Lee stated, “Thank you. So, do you.”
Bao offered, “I appreciate that. Would you like a beer on the house, for old times sake?”
Lee refused, “Sorry. I can't. I'm pregnant. With twins.”
Bao laughed for a few seconds. She then inquired, “How far along are you? Because, you don't look pregnant.”
Lee replied, “Only one month along.”
Bao casually said, “Okay. Well, let me know how that works out. I have some questions on the matter, before I even think about becoming a parent myself.”
Lee smile, as she offered, “As soon as I have the twins I am carrying, I will answer all the questions you have on the subject.”
Bao asked, “Thanks. So... I have to ask... Who is the father?”
Lee answered, “River.”
Bao flatly questioned, “Her?...”
Lee thought, with mild amusement, ' And it is going to be so much fun telling you that Sam is River. But, that will come, later.'
Just then, from the corner of Lee's eye, on the back end of the bar counter, Lee noticed a stack of papers. Though, Lee continued to look at Bao, as she thought, 'I am sure those are a stack of fliers for the reopening of this place. And I am going to need one of them, before I leave. But first, I want to have some fun. Including, trying to set you and Melvin... Err, Melanie, up.'
Lee coyly said, “Though, River is a lot better person than what most people give her credit for.”
Bao replied, “I will take you word for that.”
Lee looked around the room. A few seconds later, she turned back to back at Bao, in the asian woman's face. She commented, “I see the remodeling went well.”
Bao shrugged, as she said, “Well, after having my bar wrecked more times than I care to admit. I have learned how to get repairs done very quickly.”
Lee complimented, “And with quality, as well.”
Bao responded, “Thank you, Lee. By the way, I finally got around to reading your stories. I even tracked down Firefly series, and the Serenity movie. So, I know who River is.”
Lee conceded, “Well, at least you know what you are talking about. And I am glad you read my stories.”
Bao commented, “Those stories confirm that you are as crazy as I think you are.”
Lee said, “I will take that as compliment.”
Bao stated, “I guess for someone in your situation. You would.”
Lee responded, “I guess, we will agree on that. So, what did you think of my stories?”
Bao flatly said, “I wasn't joking about you being crazy. You need therapy. Serious therapy. A lot of therapy.”
Lee halfheartedly joked, “Those writings were my therapy.”
Neither woman laughed.
Bao said, “I guess that makes sense.”
A thought occurred to Lee. She mentally reflected, 'I might as well ask her.' She inquired, “Speaking of which. After reading my stories, I hope you are not sore about what I did to you?”
Bao replied, in a relaxed tone of voice, “Not really.”
Lee hesitantly questioned, “Not even having you wet your pants?”
Bao pointed out, “I only slightly did that. And most people in that situation would have reacted far worse.”
Lee agreed, “True.” She thought, 'Now, is a good time as any. And I want to talk to Bao about this, before Melanie calls.'
Lee commented, “By the way, I was at the Devil's Hotel, earlier. And I met someone I think you might like.”
Bao slyly questioned, “You didn't tell them my name?”
Lee calmly answered, “No. I respect you to much to give away your secrets.”
Bao responded, “Thank you. So, who is person? I hope it is a woman. While I swing both ways, I still prefer women.”
Lee stated, “Yes. She is a woman. Her name is Melanie. She is cute. She ha a very good personality. And she is now the bartender at the Devil's Hotel.”
Bao casually said, “I think I met her. Though, I wish I knew where Melvin went? I liked him.”
Lee suppressed a giggle, as she thought, 'I am glad to hear you say that. Because it merely validates my attempt here.'
Lee coyly said, “I am sure everything will be revealed in the fullness of time.”
Bao asked, “So, you think I might like to be with this girl?”
Lee replied, “Yea. You have a lot common. And you are both good people.”
Bao shrugged, as she said, “I won't go that far.”
Lee pointed out, “Anyone that could put up with Revy's bitchiness, for years, has got to have the will power of a saint.”
Bao burst out laughing for several seconds. As she calmed down, she said, “I will give you that one.”
Suddenly, the phone started ringing, from the far end of the bar counter, by the back wall, near the door to the storage room.
Lee thought, 'Right on time.'
As the phone rang again, Bao said, “One moment.” She then walked across the room, and she used her right hand to picked up the wireless phone, from its base. She then turned around and started walking back towards Lee, as she looked at the woman with long black hair.
While Bao continued walking, she pressed the talk button, and held it to her right ear. She calmly said into the phone, in spanish, “Hello. You have reached the Rats Nest.”
On the other end of the phone, a feminine voice said, in english, “Hello. This is Melanie, of the Devil's Hotel. It is nice to formally talk to you.”
By then, Bao has came to a stop, across the counter from Lee.
Bao looked at Lee, as she said, in english, “Somehow, I had a feeling this phone call was coming.”
Over the phone, Melanie giggled for a few seconds. She then agreed, in a slightly happy tone of voice, “Yes. I guess you would. So, is Lee still there?”
Bao casually replied, “Yes. Lee is standing right in front of me. So, where do you know Lee from?”
Melanie coyly answer, “I know her from the Devil's Hotel. Now, has she been talking to you, about us maybe getting together?”
Bao replied, “Yes.”
Lee smiled at Bao.
Bao mentioned, “And she is smiling at me, right now. I bet she knows I am specifically talking too you.”
Bao noticed Lee grin widened ever so slightly.
Melanie complimented, “She is a sharp one.”
Bao responded, “That is an understatement.”
Melanie agreed, “You are preaching to the choir. So, I am willing to give this a shot, if you are?”
Bao pointed out, “Not to sound embarrassed. But, before I agree to anything, I would like to put a name with a face. Lee said that you are now the bartender at the Devil's Hotel. Though, I am not sure what you look like.”
Melanie calmly stated, “Fair enough. I am the fair skinned woman, with short brown hair. I was at the official reopening of your bar. A few days ago. Though, we did not talk to each other that night. You were too busy.”
Bao responded, “Yea, I was... Ah. I remember you, now. You came in for a few drinks.”
Melanie said, in a pleasant tone of voice, “Yes. I had a great time there.”
Bao happily stated, “I am glad you had fun. By the way, though I didn't get the chance to say anything then. You are quite pretty.”
Melanie responded, “Thank you. And so are you. Now, are you still open to the idea?”
Bao casually replied, “Well, I will give this a try. I got nothing better to do.”
Melanie inquired, “So, when do you want to set our date?”
Bao plainly stated, “No time like the present. I am not fully stocked yet. So, I was going to close at nine. Do you want to get a late dinner?”
Melanie replied, “Sounds good. Tonight is usually a slow night anyway. So, I can close early. Right after dinner, the dinner crowd usually leaves.”
Bao mentally wondered, 'Considering she is new there, as the bartender, how would she know that it was usually a slow night for her bar? I will find out later, tonight.' She said, “I will drive by the Devil's Hotel to pick you up then, at the front entrance.”
Melanie requested, “That works for me. Is it okay if we dress casually? I am not crazy wearing about dresses.”
Bao responded, “Neither am I. So, we will do that. And we need to keep this simple. I suggest the Last Resort Diner.”
Melanie said, “Okay. I could go for some eggs.”
Bao replied, “Good.”
Melanie commented, “See you then.”
Bao said, “Same here. Bye.”
Bao lowed the phone from her right ear, as she pressed the end button on the wireless telephone.
Boa set the phone down, on the bar counter, between her and Lee, as she looked at Lee. She flatly asked, “What aren't you tell me about Melanie? And this date you set up between us?”
Lee grinned mischievously, as she casually admitted, “A lot.”
Bao questioned, “So you, really think the two of us could be good together?”
Lee answered, in a relaxed tone of voice, “Yes. Besides what I already said. You and Melanie swing both ways. And you are both nice to people that are nice to you, and don't shoot up your respective bars.”
Bao could not helped but giggled, a little. She then said, “You're right about that.”
Lee commented, “Also, don't be afraid to answer questions for her. I will vouch that she will not be judgmental. And she is trustworthy with your secrets.”
Bao realized what Lee was hinting at, as she sighed. She calmly inquired, with a hint of disappointment in her tone of voice, “My cover been blown? Hasn't it?”
Lee admitted, “Pretty much. Though, Melanie doesn't know who you are. Other do.” She mentally added, 'And you don't know who Melanie really is. So, this will be an interesting meeting between the two of you. Once you get to talking to each other.'
Bao thought, 'Given I run this bar the same way I ran the Yellowflag. Along with wearing that Ao Dai to that dance. It is not surprising that some of those in Revy's group probably figured out who I am. My money is on Rock figuring who I am. Though, I still have to confirm this.' She questioned, “Do Revy, and the others know?”
Lee replied, “Yes. They know.”
Bao groaned. She then asked, “Who else?”
Lee answered, “Those at Chang's casino.”
Bao commented, “Yea. Chang already visited me.”
Lee said, “From the way you mention that, I guess it was a productive meeting.” She thought, 'I will ask Chang about that meeting, later. In a few days, to a week. After I have had time to settle in, with both of us getting to know each other, at a more emotional level. One does have to work on their relationships. They don't just happen. We both know that with our relationships with River.'
Bao responded, “It was. And I am guessing that those at the casino included the Bebop crew, and the Firefly crew?”
Lee stated, “Except for Ed. Also, Arcee is there. And as, I believe I told you, Annie is there, as well.”
Bao replied, “Of course. I wonder where Ed and her family are at?”
Lee responded, “While it may not surprise you to know. But, they currently own, and run the Last Resort Diner.”
Bao giggled a little. She then said, “And I just invited Melanie for a date there... That makes so much sense... In so many ways... And given that family are mostly geniuses, with even Bob, having flashes of brilliance. That if they don't know who I am, they will figure it out, eventually. Though, at least they know how to keep quite on secrets they know.”
Lee agreed, “That is true on all points. Though don't worry, they are polite enough not to say anything to you, unless you want to talk to them.”
Bao responded, “Thanks.”
Lee mentioned, “Also, Bob finally aged to the point that she locked in her female form.”
Bao casually said, “Let me guess. Lori?”
Lee happily replied, “You got it. Also, the reason I am telling you this is because their cover is blown, as well.”
Bao thought, 'Well, that is nice to know about the Lowe family. Though Lee, I wonder if you can confirm what I believe is the case, with Revy and her friends figuring out who I really am.'
Bao responded, “Okay. So, who told Rock and the others, who I was? Or, did they figure it out on their own?”
Lee answered, “From what I understand. They figured it out on their own. Also, this is not that bad a situation. Some of them were your best customers.”
Bao pointed out, “And very destructive customers.”
Lee commented, “They are rich, now. So, they are good for the repair bills.”
Bao conceded, “Well, there is that. At least, I have not seen some of the more scarier members of those groups, whom interested in you. Such, as River.”
Lee growled, “Remember. I am carrying her children.”
Bao quickly replied, in a sincere tone of voice, “I apologize. That was uncalled for, by me.”
Lee sighed. She said, “It is okay. Also, River was one of your best, and most polite customers. Next, to myself. You liked her. Or, should I say, him?”
It took a few seconds for Bao to realize what Lee was hinting at. But, one she did so, she bluntly inquired, “River was Sam?”
Lee answered, “Yes. And the beard River wore, as Sam, was fake.”
Bao commented, “Okay. That explains why you are pregnant with her kids. You two clearly cared deeply for each other.”
Lee said, “Yes. We do love each other.” She questioned, with mild annoyance, “So, everyone saw it, but us?”
Bao said, “Yes. And that is not the first time that I have seen that happen in my life. But, at least you two realized your feelings.”
Lee replied, “Yes. And we are both happy about that.”
Bao asked, “So, how does Chang fit into this relationship between you and River? Neither of you are crazy enough to try something like this behind his back.”
Lee casually said, “Oh... He knew ahead of time. Well, after I left this reality. And before River and I got serious with our relationship. He even gave River his blessing to sleep with me. Right now, it is a workable threesome. Chang and I care for River. And instead of trying to fight over her, and ruin our relationships with her. We are trying to see if we are compatible with each other. So, the two of us can stay together with River.”
Bao questioned, “So, are you?”
Lee coyly answered, “Let's just say that I had no problems in bed, with both of them, last night.”
Bao giggled a little, as she thought, 'And Chang and I also have our own little understanding.' She said, “In all honesty, I hope this works out for all three of you.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Bao asked, “So, I take it that none of us knew that Sam was River? Not even you?”
Lee let out a laugh. She then complimented, “You really are good at this.”
Bao said, in a happy tone of voice, “Thank you. And I take back what I said about River. Because, you're right. She, as Sam, was a very good customer. She was polite and kind to me. Along with being a good tipper. Let her know she is welcome in my bar, any time. And any gender she wants to present herself as.”
Lee smiled, as she responded, “I will.” She thought, 'Now, to take care of a few items. Including the flier.'
Lee looked to her left, over at the stack of papers. She then looked back at Bao, as she requested, “Say. Melanie had one of your reopening fliers at the Devil's Hotel. I was wondering if those papers over there were also fliers? Because, I would like to have one.”
Bao turned to look at the fliers, as she answered, “Yes. They are. And you are more than happy to take as many as you like.”
Lee said, “I only need one. And I could use an envelope large enough to fit one of them in. Along with a borrowing a pen.
Bao responded, “Sure. I will be right back.” She then turned and left for the back of the bar.
Lee then watched as Bao entered the storage room of the bar.
A few seconds later, Lee watched the bartender returned back into the room, with a pen and envelope in her left hand.
As Boa passed by the stack of papers, she casually used her right hand to pick one of the fliers, while she continued moving. Her actions were so fluid, that she did not disturb the papers underneath the flier she picked up.
Lee thought, 'Not bad. It is clear that Bao has moves and abilities she likes to hide from others. And given what she has survived in her life, I am not surprised in the least, by that fact.'
When Bao reached Lee, she stop and turned to face Lee, from across the counter. Bao then gently set the items onto the bar counter, between them, by the phone.
Bao looked at Lee, as she said, “Here you go.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Lee then leaned forwards, as she gripped the pen, and clicked the back of it, for the point to open. And with her right hand, she gently moved the flier away. She then adjusted the envelope, to where the front was on top.
As Lee adjusted her grip on her pen, she thought, 'I remember that the envelope had my name on it. In print. In english. My given, male name. Which, even after all these decades, I still know by heart. So, this should not be too hard. And I can always ask for another envelope, if I mess up.'
Lee then began writing.
Bao looked down at Lee, as she thought, 'So, she is a lefty. That is not surprising. But, what is she writing. It looks like a name.' She asked, “What are you writing?”
Lee did not look up at Bao, as she continued carefully righting her given name, in print. Though, she answered, “This is a gift for someone, from which I hope to bring you business from.”
Bao commented, “I wish you luck. I could always use the type of business you bring.”
Lee responded, “Thank you. And don't worry. It does bring luck.” She then finished writing down her old, male name, and she set the pen on the counter.
Bao realized the error in Lee's use of tenses. She pointed out, “Don't you mean, it will?”
Lee and Bao, both remained silent for the next few seconds, as Lee finished what she was doing.
Bao watched as Lee slid the flier into the envelope. Next, she pulled out the Devil's Hotel business card, from her left interior jacket pocket, and she dropped the card into the envelope. She then closed the envelope, without sealing. Afters, she rolled the envelop, while being careful not to crease it. And finally, she gently placed the envelope into her left interior jacket pocket.
When Lee finished, she looked up at Bao, with Bao looking back at her. Lee answered, in a plain tone of voice, “No. I mean, it does.”
Bao thought, with curiosity, 'Wait a minute. Lee, if anything else, is a writer. She clearly loves to write. And she knows the deference between tenses. So, that means she is talking in the past tense. Such, as time travel...'
'And I never did put a date on my flier, because then, someone whom just read it would think that I just reopened, and I could keep circulating the fliers a little longer. So, someone of the past would also not know the flier was from the future. And that person would likely come to my bar as a customer.'
'But, who of the past could Lee be sure would come to this bar in the past... Herself... Or, more aptly, himself... Oh hell, could this be a temporal loop?!...'
'And that is her given name. I will have to remember this name. I will write it down, after Lee leaves. But first, I need to confirm this...'
Bao inquired, with curiosity, and mild surprise in her tone of voice, “This is not a temporal loop? Where you are going to go back in time, and clandestinely give this to yourself, to set this all up, for you to come here in the first place?”
Lee just smiled wickedly towards Bao.
Bao complimented, with a bit of amusement in her tone of voice, “And I thought you were devious before.”
Bao saw Lee's smile widened, ever so slightly.
Bao pointed out, “You do realize, by doing this, you are literally screwing yourself over. At the very least, you are arranging for yourself to not only become a girl, but get knocked up.”
Lee smile turned more warm, as she responded, in an introspective tone of voice, “And I have never been happier.”
Bao shrugged, as she said, “You're life.”
Lee calmly replied, “Yes... My life...” She the continued, in a more casual tone of voice, “Well, I better get going. I have places to be. Realities to go too.”
Bao giggled a little at Lee's comment.
Lee requested, “And please let me know how your date turns out.”
Bao replied, “Don't worry. I will. And take care. I hope you to have two very healthy children.”
Lee said, “Thank you. I hope so, as well. And I can be reached by calling Chang's casino. Just ask for, Lee.”
Bao responded, “That will not be a problem. And drop by anytime. Just because you cannot drink alcohol, doesn't mean I don't have selections for you. And you can always bring River and Chang, with you being the designated driver.”
Lee complimented, “That is a good idea.”
Bao playfully requested, “Just don't get into any bar fights, and cars chases, like last time.”
Lee giggled a little bit, as she warmly smiled, again. She said, “I will take that request to heart. See you.”
Bao returned Lee's smile, as she replied, “Have a good day. And by the way, that skirt, and jacket go well on you.”
Lee said, “I know. River was the one to pick out this outfit for me. She is a genius in so many ways.”
Bao agreed, “And that is why I think you two, or three... Counting Chang... Will do fine.”
Lee happily replied, “We can only hope.”
Lee then turned around, and left out of the bar. Soon after, she was in her car, heading back to the garage, at the Daiyu Palace Casino.
Twenty-five minutes later, Lee has returned to the casino. She used the garage remote to open the door. She then drove the car into the garage, closed the garage door behind her, packed the car, where she had found originally found the car. Along with this, she returned the car keys, clicker, and the garage remote, back to the key box, where she had found those at, in the first place.
Presently, Lee had reached the enclosure to the tiger cage, to her right. And with the entrance to the back elevate bay, to her left, several feet away.
Lee saw that were was no one else in the hallway, save for the adult tigress, on the other side of the clear, strong plastic wall of the enclosure.
As she came closer to the elevator bay, she started making a gentle turned to her left, towards the elevator alcove.
Lee thought, 'Now, where do I get my ring from... Of course, the amazon village. I will just return there a week after I left. I am sure I can get a ring from Cologne. Considering, from what I remember, she knew about my ring. That is likely why they captured, and brought me into their tribe. So, she should be able to help me.'
'Besides, it will be fun seeing her, along with Rose and Violet. I need to make sure they are okay. And, given the message they had for me, I am sure those two feel the same way about me.'
When Lee was about to enter the elevator bay, she saw Annie walk out of the alcove, from one of the side elevators.
Both women stopped six feet in front of each other, as the look upon the others face.
Lee said, “Hi Annie.”
Annie casually replied, “Hi Lee.”
Lee asked, “So, how did your meeting with Matthew go?”
Annie answered, “It went great. I was able to get Matthew to calm down. I then told him most of what was going on. I explained, to him, the basics of who was who. And who did what, here. And over the next few days, I plan to introduce him to everyone I know in the casino. I think he will be fine.”
Lee replied, “That's good to hear.”
Annie grinned mischievously, as she commented, “Now, let's talk about you. I was hoping to catch you in private, so we could talk, one on one.”
Lee said, “Sure. Whatever you say, I am more than willing to discuss with you.” She thought, 'Though, I can already guess what you are talking about.'
Annie responded, “Good. Last night, I enjoyed learning you were pregnant. And that River was the father. And my force powers confirms that you are pregnant with twins. Would you like to know their genders? I can tell you, right now.”
Lee returned Annie's smile, as she casually responded, “Nah. I will find out later. In a few months. With a sonogram... Actually, I am kind of enjoying not knowing, right now.”
Annie replied, “Suit yourself.”
Lee commented, “Also, if they inherit River's gender bending abilities. Their birth gender will be a mote point.”
Annie agreed, “Good point.”
Through her empathic abilities, Annie noticed how happy Lee was about being pregnant.
Annie stated, “I guess, considering your gender issues, that being pregnant would make you happy. And yes. I know about those issue, as well.”
Lee thought, 'I guess after everything she has learned about me, that Annie would know about that, as well. And given our friendship, I am not going to lie to her.' Lee calmly admitted, “Yes. I got issues. And I freely admit that I am happy about both my current situation, and condition. Though, could you keep that to yourself.”
Annie requested, “I will, on the minor condition that I can talk to River about such matters, dealing with you.”
Lee admitted to herself, in thought, 'I am not going to win this argument.' She commented, “Given you are an empath, and she is a telepath, and it is very hard to keep secrets from either of you. And that you are both my friends. Well, River is more than a friend.”
“Anyway, you talk to each other, about myself, is fine with me. I figure that if you two talk about subjects, it will be easier to for you to not talk about these secrets with anyone else. Though, I suggest checking the any rooms you decide to talk in, for bugs, before you have your discussions.”
Annie thought, 'Good idea. And we have already been talking your gender issue, with a camera looking at us. Fortunately, I know these cameras on this floor, don't have microphones. And I sense no one nearby. So, we are good here. But, we do need to be careful.' She stated, “Of course. And my force abilities help prevent such eavesdropping.”
Lee shrugged, as she place her right hand on her lower stomach. She said, “Besides, River is the father of our children. And I don't keep secrets from her.”
Annie suppressed a giggle, as she thought, 'I am not going to ruin the moment for her.' She said, “I am glad we see eye to eye on this. You said you were one month along?”
Lee answered, “Yes.”
Annie said, “That is nice. Also, I have another, more intimate question about River. If you don't mind me asking.”
Lee replied, “Sure.”
Annie inquired, “During sex, does she sometimes slightly suck on your right bottom earlobe, as she, or in some cases, he nibbles it?”
Lee dropped her right hand back to her side, as she raised an eyebrow. She casually questioned, “So, you two have slept together?” She thought, 'River does not do that often, during sex. But, River does do both those things, occasionally, during our lovemaking.'
Annie thought, 'I am not sensing any jealousy from her comment. Unlike Chang, whom was wise enough to let his jealousy go, when he learned we had slept together. And these are good personality traits from both of River's lovers.' She answered, “Yes. A while back. And Chang knows better than to say a word about.”
Lee commented, “I can see why. By the way, since you talk with River, on such intimate matters, when River is making love, do you know what is with River's order of gender bending? With her changing, after she climaxes. I mean, if she has the time, she has the same order, almost every time. Which is woman, man, woman, woman, man, and she then finishes off as a woman.”
Annie raised an eyebrow, as she asked, “She still does that?”
Lee replied, “Yes.”
Annie inquired, “Why don't you asked her?”
Lee sarcastically responded, “And risk ruining the best relationship and sex I have had in my entire life?”
Both of them laughed at Lee's comment.
As they calmed down. Lee commented, “Still, given that combination River uses for sex, it makes me wonder what combination gender order Chang does in response, as one of her partners?”
Annie giggled. She then agreed, “Good question. Do you have the answer?”
Lee smiled mischievously, as she teased, “I might. But, if I told you, I would have to immediately kill you.”
Annie giggled again. She thought, with humor, 'Isn't that my line.' As she calmed down, she stated, “I will find out later on from River.”
Lee asked, “Okay. So, where are you going now?”
Annie answered, “I am going to the gym. All I got to do is take off my robe and lightsaber, and I am in my workout clothing.”
Lee inquired, “I thought the super-soldier serum took care of you physique?”
Annie answered, “It does... To a degree. But, I can always tone up a little bit more.”
Lee commented, “Always pushing your limits?”
Annie said, “It is my nature. I have come to accept that...” She mischievously grinned, as though, 'Now, to let her realize what we have been doing.' She continued, with a bit of humor in her tone of voice, “By the way, Lee. I consider it a privilege to be the one to have your first, girl talk, with.”
Lee was left speechless. Annie kept her mischievous grin, as she started softly giggling, while she walked passed Lee, to Lee's left side, as she headed towards back casino, and to the employee gym.
A few seconds later, Lee starting giggling to herself, as she thought, 'I guess this was my first girl talk moment... And it was fun. Now, up to the penthouse apartment, where I will retrieve the means to run a very important errand.'
Lee walked into elevator bay. She pulled out and used her her penthouse key to stick into the slot, by the express elevator doors, to summon the back express elevator to the penthouse.
Soon after putting away her key, the doors to the express elevator opened, and she headed for the penthouse, and to the apartment she now shared with River, and Chang.
Three minutes later, Lee made it up to the penthouse level, and to the hallway door to her apartment. She used a key, which River has given her, to unlock the hallway door to the apartment, that lead into the living room.
After she opened the door, she closed, and locked the door behind her.
Fortunately, Lee found that the sunlight from the windows in the apartment provided plenty of light, as she walked through the living room, and to the master bedroom.
When she reached the bedroom she had slept in, she looked around the room, as she thought, 'Well, it looks like I am alone...' She placed her left hand on her stomach, as she continued her thoughts, 'In a relative sense. But, all the better, for what I need to do... Now, where did River put her reality device.' She then dropped her left hand back to her side.
Lee mentally reflected, 'And speaking of finding things. Now that I am back, I am going to have to get a second set of keys made, to my pink Cadillac, so River and I both have a set. Because, if I am going to drive around town, I want to do it in style.'
'But, I will get that done, later. Now, to find River's reality device. I know she had it on her when we walked in here, last night. So, it is likely still here. And I don't think she will mind me using it, as long as I put it back where I found it, when I am finished.'
'Though, as I search for the reality device, I need to be gentle, and leave things where I found them. Given River and Chang are letting me live here, it would be disrespectful for me to make a mess.'
Lee then gently searched the dresser drawers, and then the nightstands on the sides of the bed.
A few minutes later, she found the reality device in a drawer, from one of the nightstands.
She also looked at the time on the clock, on top of the nightstand she had found the reality device inside of. The clock said twelve fifty PM.
As Lee held the device in her hands, she thought, with a bit of humor, 'Finding this reality device was a lot easier than the last time I sought to gain a reality device. I am glad I did not have to search the closets, and bathroom. Now, to head a week after I left the amazon village. I think I will appear near the main gate, in the middle of the day. And though I have much to do, I have plenty of time to do it in. Also, I do not think I will need my weapons, since I am a member of that village. And I still consider myself to be. And Cologne made it clear that I was still one of the village sisters.'
Lee then thought of the time, place, and reality, she wanted to go to. She then press the red button on the device, and she was instantly teleported there.
The next thing Lee knew, she was in the reality that Akira, Natsuru, and Ranma were from, a week after she left that reality, to hunt for herself.'
It was the middle of the partly cloudy day. With a conformable, cool temperature, and slight breeze, which were fine for the clothing she wore.
As she put her reality device into her right side, outside, pocket of her open jacket, she looked right in front of her. In front of her was the outside of the main entrance, of the Chinese Amazon village, that she had exited only a week ago, for those in that reality.
Given the time of day, the gates to the roofed entrance were open.
As Lee casually walked through the gate, she thought, with mild relief, 'It is good to be home... Or, one of my homes.'
When she reached the other side she saw one of the nearby amazons, guarding the gate.
The amazon was in her usual clothing. Her sword was sheathed in its scabbard, which was she had strapped to her back, at a diagonal angle, with the hilt stick out, behind the left side of her neck, and her left shoulder.
Lee thought, 'Ah, that is Biyu. We know each other, so we I might as well say, hi. And ask her for directions to where Cologne like is, right now. As one of those on guard duty today, she might know. Given how often the guards are asked where the important people in the village are. Almost every morning, the leaders of the village given the guards a general idea of where they will be that day. And the system works quite well for everyone involved.'
Lee walked over to Biyu.
While Lee approached Biyu, the amazon noticed her. She turned to face Lee. She recognized Lee, as she said, in chinese, “Hi Dongmei. We heard you were lost?”
As Lee came to a stop, a few feet in front of Biyu, she responded, in chinese, “Hello Biyu. Well, I was clearly found. You would not happen to know where Elder Cologne currently is?”
Biyu answered, “I believe she is in her home, right now.”
Lee replied, “Thank you. And have a good day.” She thought, 'Fortunately, I know exactly where Cologne's home is located.'
Biyu said, “I hope. But, guard duty is never fun.”
Lee kindly responded, “No kidding. But, you at least have my sympathies.”
Biyu replied, “Thanks.”
Lee then turned and continued walking further into the amazon village, as Biyu turned her attention back towards the nearby gate.
Ten minutes later, of walking, Lee reached the front door to Cologne's home.
Lee gently knocked on the door, a few times, as she thought, 'It is good that, as far as I know, Cologne still has good hearing.'
A few seconds after Lee stopped knock, Lee heard, from inside the home, a familiar voice say, in chinese, “Coming.”
Lee stood silently for a several seconds, until she heard the door unlock from the inside.
A few seconds later, Lee heard the voice say, “Come in.”
Lee gently opened the door, and walked inside.
As Lee entered the living room of the building, she saw Cologne, balancing in the air, on her staff, further inside her home. In addition, Lee saw no one else in the room.
Lee saw Cologne was looking at her, with a mischievously smile on her lips.
Lee thought, 'With a grin like that. Any doubts that I may have had that the Elder set me up, have not been put to rest. Not that I am upset about the situation.'
After Lee passed the threshold of the door, and cleared the doorway, she gently shut the door behind her.
Lee then walked a few feet more into the room, until she was about eight feet from Cologne.
Lee faced the much older woman, as she waited for Cologne to say the first word.
Cologne calmly stated, “You may speak, young sister.”
Lee smiled as the complimented. She thought, 'Good. She still considering me a member of the village.' She politely said, in chinese, “Hello Elder Cologne.”
Cologne calmly responded, “Hello Dongmei. I see you have returned. Or, should I now call you, Lee?”
Lee answered, “Either name is fine. And yes. My memories have been returned to me. Also, you should know that I am not upset with you. I already remember, that beforehand, I had agreed to having my memories seal.”
Cologne replied, “That is good.”
Lee commented, in a slightly annoyed tone of voice, “Though, I am slightly annoyed that you set me up to be captured, by sending me on a hunt to find myself.”
Cologne plainly responded, “That is completely understandable. But, it was necessary. It was clear that those after you were powerful, and this way the matter would have been resolved without harm coming to the village. And given Ranma was involved, I was sure his... Her honor would not have allowed serious harm to come to you.”
Lee was silent for a couple of seconds, as she thought, 'She is right.' Lee complimented, in a calm tone of voice, “Well played.”
Cologne replied, “Thank you. Now, what do I owe the honor of your return?”
Lee answered, “A few things. First, you said I would always be welcome here.”
Cologne said, “That I did. And I meant was I told you.”
Lee stated, “I am relieved to hear that. Also, I need to speak to my friends. To assure them that I am alright.”
Cologne replied, “Of course.”
Lee mentioned, “And I am looking for something from you.”
Cologne said, with curiosity evident in her voice, “I looked forward to finding out what you need. Though, I am sure you have questions, before we come to the matters you have already brought up.”
Lee responded, “Yes. Did Rose and Violet inform you of what happened when I was captured?”
Cologne commented, “Rose and Violet told me what happened. And due to what I heard, I was genuinely concerned for you.”
Lee answered, “I appreciate your concern. And the situation turned out alright.”
Cologne calmly said, “I can see that. I can also see that not only has your memory has returned, and you are with child.”
Lee thought, 'Fans always wondered if she was psychic. I guess she is.'
Lee grinned, as she stated, “Yes. I am actually carrying twins.”
Cologne inquired, “I hope your children are sired by a strong warrior?”
Lee smirked, as she responded, “One of the strongest. And I would like to thank you for the second childhood you all gave me. It was great having so many friends, and learning so much. And I am happy with the results.”
Cologne replied, “You are welcome.”
Lee questioned, “Though, while you and my friends still accept me. Should I worry about the others? Should they find out who I really am?”
Cologne answered, “No. Given how nice you are, most of us really do not care about your origins. Only who you presently are. As such, you are still welcome here, by almost everyone.”
Lee replied, “That is nice to know. Anyway, I best get to the matter at hand. I want talk to you about my ring.”
Lee held up the magic ring on her her right fourth finger.
Cologne smiled, as she said, “Ah yes. Well, to answer your next question. Yes, I know what about your ring. It was made here, by us, for those cursed by the pools, dealing with genders.”
Lee dropped her right hand back to her side, as she commented, “Why am I not surprised? It makes sense. If someone was cursed to be a young girl. Or young boy. You lock them, along with adding a few extra benefits. So, of course, you would make the rings small. So, only a child can use them. But, the rings will grow over time on the wearer's finger, so only those that need them can use them to lock themselves in their curse form.”
“It is a lot safer to use than a ladle and kettle, like the Musk. And after you brainwash them into the tribe. And the physical gifts and benefits of these ring helps them keep up with their combat training, as they grow older. ”
Cologne replied, “Exactly.”
Lee complimented, “Well, I am living prove that your plans work to make such people, as myself, into better, stronger people.”
Cologne responded, “Thank you. That was the response I was hoping you would have, towards all this.”
Lee politely requested, “Good. Elder, I was wondering. Do you have a second ring like mine, that I can have?”
Cologne said, “Let me check in back.”
Cologne hopped across the room, and through an open door, into a nearby room.
When she was out of sight of Lee, Cologne soon reached the counter in the room, by a wall. With a box on the counter.
After Cologne hopped over to the counter, she freed her right hand, to reach into a large box full of magic rings, that were exactly like Lee's ring.
At the same time, she was careful not to let one of the ringer slip onto one of her small fingers.
Once Cologne was finished, she hopped back into the living room. And she came to a stop, in front of Lee.
Cologne held out her right hand. And Lee held her left hand open, with her palm upwards, under Cologne's right hand.
As Cologne dropped the ring into Lee's left hand, she stated, with a bit of humor in her tone of voice, “Fortunately, I have one to spare.”
Lee took the ring in her left hand, as she said, “Thank you.”
Lee then used her right hand to each inside her open jacket, and into her left interior pocket, to gently pulled out her envelope.
Cologne then watched at Lee opened the envelope, dropped the ring in.
Next, Lee licked the top of the envelope, and sealed it.
Afterward, Lee then careful folded the envelope, with creasing it, and she put the envelope back into her interior left jacket pocket.
Lee looked over at Cologne, as she stated, “By the way, Elder. You have been so nice to me. I was wondering. I have access to means that could give you back youth back. That is, if you want to be young again. And I mean as a young adult. Not a child.”
Cologne laughed for several seconds. As Cologne calmed down, she then answered, “Girlie, Ranma already made the same offer, years ago. And I declined his offer. Or, should I say, her offer. I guess consensual pregnancy, and motherhood, can make a woman out of just about anyone.”
Lee used her right hand to gentle pat her lower stomach. She smiled, as she agreed, “You are correct about that.” She then dropped her right hand back to her side.
Cologne smirked, as she stated, “Though, I won't argue with her choice of lovers. And yes. I have met them. Both of them are strong warriors. And all three fit so well together. Both in personalities, gender changing abilities, and hair colors. Heheheh...”
Lee shrugged, as she thought, 'I think it is best if I don't tell you that I can take credit for those three of them being together.'
Cologne continued, “Considering, I am over three hundred years old. I have seen and done many things. I have seen reincarnation first hand. To the point I have seen other people, I know, reincarnated three, or four times over. With me knowing each one of their incarnations during their time alive.”
“Along with this, I am currently saddled with many responsibilities that only end in my death. Still, my time with Ranma and the others in Tokyo made me feel young, again. I look forward to genuinely feeling that again. Not just my body, but my soul, as well. To have that innocence, again. And I intend to have that after I die, and I am reborn again as another human being. Because there is no point in continuing to breath if you cannot feel alive.”
Lee complimented, “You are one of the wisest people I know. Of all realities. If you are looking for craziness and excitement. If you want. After you die and are you are reborn. I, and I am sure Ranma, would love to track you down in your next life, and provide you with as much adventure as you could possibly want.”
Cologne laughed with anticipation. She then said, “Now, that is a challenge worthy of you two. You have my permission to do so. And why don't you go after Happi, as well?”
Lee commented, “That is tempting. And I believe that Ranma would do that, just on the sheer principle of finding out who Happosai will be, in his next life.”
Cologne responded, “Good point. And I have tried to be just towards both genders. So, I have a fifty-fifty shot of being born a girl, again. But, given how Happi has treated women, karma is clearly going to dictate that he is going to be reincarnated as a girl in his next life. Likely a bimbo.”
Cologne then crackled in laughter.
Lee joined in on her laughter.
As both of them calmed down, Lee said, “Oh, now that is an interesting thought. I look forward to the challenge. If nothing else, the journey itself would be worth it.”
Cologne smirked, as she agreed, “Exactly. But, make sure you both do it as a hobby. Not an obsession. If you don't find me within a few years. And you get tired of looking. Just walk away from the hunt for me, and do not worry about it. I am sure we will meet, again. Someday. In someway.”
Lee commented, “I will take your advise, Elder. And I believe we will meet again, as well. Anyway, thanks for the ring. And if I do not see you again in this life, I will see you in your next life.”
Cologne smile turned warm, as she said, “Either way, I looked forward to our next meeting.”
Lee returned Cologne's smile, as she asked, “Same here. By the way, are Rose and Violet in the village?”
Cologne answered, “Yes. They returned a week ago. A few hours after you left. I believe, that right now, they are having lunch, at that small restaurant, which you three like to go to, that across the village.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Cologne said, “You're welcome.”
Lee then turned around, walked the door, opened it.
As she walked outside, she gently shut the door behind her.
While Cologne watched Lee leave, and shut the door behind her, the ancient woman thought, 'I guess the old saying is true. All things in the fullness of time... Now, to get some lunch for myself.'
Cologne then used her staff to hop towards the kitchen of her home. So, she could fix herself some lunch.
Outside, Lee stood in place, as she took a look around, while she breathed the cool, clean air. She thought, 'That went much better than I expected. And I have a feeling that I will see Cologne someday. If not in this life, then in her next life. But, that is later. For now, I have to focus on my life, and those lives growing me...'
'But, even so. I need to see my friends before I leave. And that restaurant is only about ten minutes walks from here. And even though I am not hungry, I can still talk to Rose and Violet, when I get there.'
Lee then turned, and started walking down the streets of the amazon village, and towards the restaurant that she and her friends enjoyed going to.
Around ten minutes later, Lee turned the corner of a street, and she came within sight of the restaurant she was looking for.
It was a small restaurant, with most of the tables being placed outside of the building.
Presently, Lee noticed there were not that many customers sitting at the benches, at the tables, outside.
Though, as Lee approached the tables, she saw that Rose and Violet, were sitting in benches, at a table, across from each other, while they ate bowls of soup, with each of them have a can of soda beside the their bowls of soup.
Lee also saw they were wearing their usual clothing, and they had their weapons with them.
Violet had her sword, in its scabbard, strapped to her back. While, Rose had the head of her chui set on the ground, by her, with the long hilt of the weapon leaning against the end of table, opposite to the side of the table which Lee was facing.
Lee approached them, from an angle, to their sides. With Violet to Lee's left and Rose to Lee's right.
As Lee walked closer to them, Violet was the first to noticed her.
Violet was the first to noticed Lee. She set her spoon in her bowl, as she turned to look at Lee.
Violet smiled, while facing Lee. She happily said, in chinese, “Well, look in who showed up. Hi Dongmei.”
Rose set her spoon in her bowl, while she looked over Lee, as well.
Rose happily thought, 'It looks like I won't have to go hunting for Ranma, after all. And it only took a week for our sister to return.'
By then, Lee was less than ten feet away from them.
Lee continued walking towards them, as she responded, “Hi girls. I hope my absence has not been to abrupt for you?” Lee then came to a stop, three feet from the table that Violet and Rose were sitting at.
Rose put on a false front, as she flatly said, in chinese, “No.” She then smiled, as she continued, in a joyous tone of voice, “Ah, who am I kidding? It is good to see you, Dongmei. Have a seat, and tell use what happened, after left.”
Lee said, “Actually, I would prefer to stand.”
Violet responded, “Go ahead. It is good to see you.”
Lee replied, “Same here. Also, the name I prefer to go by is, Lee. But, you can call me Dongmei, if you want.”
Rose said, “I prefer to call you, Dongmei.”
Violet replied, “Same here. It just doesn't feel right to call you, Lee.”
Lee replied, “Okay.”
Rose inquired, “Now, what happened after we left?
Lee sighed, as she answered, “Well, they had their revenge. I won't get into the details. But, I will say it was unconformable, for the most part. But, I made it through without any permanent harm to me. And I am now free, In a manner of speaking.”
Rose replied, “That is good”
Violet stated, in a sad tone of voice, “Sorry we had to leave, when we did.”
Rose said, in a neutral tone of voice, “We weren't give much choice on the matter.”
Lee responded, in a relaxed tone of voice, “It's okay. And I got your message. I am glad we are still friends.”
Rose commented, in a warm, comforting tone of voice, “We will always be friends.”
Violet excitedly stated, “Yes. We will. We are not only friends. We are sisters.”
Rose agreed, “Correct. We are sisters.”
Lee replied, “I feel the same way, sisters.”
Rose questioned, “Good. So, what are you up to now?”
Violet asked, “Are you here to stay?”
Lee said, in a slightly sober tone of voice, “No. I just came to visit.”
Violet responded, in a disappointed tone of voice, “So, why you are not coming back to stay?”
Lee replied, in a sad tone of voice, “I have other commitments.”
Violet could tell something was off about Lee. She asked, in a concerned tone of voice, “What commitments? Are you fine? Is there a problem?”
Lee giggled a little. She then smirked, as she said, in a calm tone of voice, “Relax Violet. Everything is more than fine. I am in a relationship now. And I am going to be living with my lover.” She mentally added, 'And her other lover.'
Rose knew her friend long enough to know that Dongmei, or more aptly, Lee, was hiding some important from them. She thought, 'Dongmei is hiding something.' She questioned, “Okay then. What are you hiding from us, Dongmei?”
Lee complimented, “Rose, you always had an eye for detail. And I might as well tell you both. I am with child. Actually, I am pregnant with twins.”
Violet squealed, “Oh, that is so nice!”
Rose calmly said, “Congratulations.”
Lee continued smiling, as she replied, “Thank you.”
Rose then mentally realized, 'Wait a minute. Dongmei has only been gone a week.' She inquired, “Hold on, Dongmei. You have only been gone a week. How can you be pregnant? Let alone know you are pregnant?”
Lee thought, 'I might as well tell them.' She answered, “For you two, it was a week. For me, I have been gone for over a month.”
Rose responded, “Ah yes. Now, I realize what you are saying. Like when we spent two weeks looking for what turned out to be you? But, when we returned to this reality, and our home, it was only a few hours for those here.”
Lee replied, “Exactly.”
Rose stated, “Okay. That makes sense.”
Violet inquired, “So, who is the father.”
Lee thought, 'I best not get details on this.' She stated, “A strong warrior. I wish I could give you more details, but there my lover has his own secrets that he prefers to not share with others.”
Rose replied, “I can understand.”
Violet said, “So can I.”
Lee thought, 'Good.'
Violet then said, in an annoyed tone of voice, “That was a mean trick that Elder Cologne pulled on us.”
Lee defended Cologne, in a calm tone of voice, “Do not worry about it. The Elder had her reasons. Very good reasons, which I agree with her on.”
Violet replied, “Fine. If you are okay with it, so am I.” Violet then requested, in a curious tone of voice, “Can we touch your stomach?”
Lee pulled up the front of her shirt a little, as she answered, “Sure. But, it is way too early for my babies to start moving. Right now, it takes me a few seconds, with my hands, for me to feel out the small growing lump in my stomach.”
Violet moved over closer to Lee, on her bench, as Lee took a few steps closer, to stand right in front of the side of the table.
When Violet came to the edge of the bench, with Lee less than two feet from her. She came to a stop. She then placed her right hand on Lee's stomach for a few seconds. Violet then removed her hand.
By then, Rose had also moved down on her bench, to be closer to Lee. She then placed her left hand on Lee's stomach for a few seconds, before removing her hand. Afterward, Lee tucked back in her shirt.
Violet asked, “So, what is it like?”
Lee said, “Except for some mild morning sickness, which I have a handle on. There is not much difference. But, I am looking forward in a few months, when I can feel my babies move.” She thought, 'Though, it is possible, I might not sleep much after that. Even after babies are born.'
Rose said, “That will be nice.”
Violet stated, “It is more than nice. It is cool.”
Rose commented, “Some of us prefer to be warriors, over mothers.”
Violet countered, “And some of us prefer to appreciate the perks of being both a warrior and a mother.”
Lee quietly listened to her two friends turned towards each other, as they talked.
Lee thought, 'Speaking of which... Both of their comments remind me of something I read about, several years ago, which I found very interesting. What I found interesting, was that the ancient earthmother religions portrayed the mother goddess as a leader, mother, warrior, and destroyer. Sometimes all at once. Even to the point that some ancient statues of such deities showed the earthmother sitting on an ornate royal throne, with her holding her weapons in her hands, while she had her legs spread, as she is giving birth to a child...'
'And since I am now in a position of being both a warrior, and a mother to be, I can appreciate to portrayals of warrior mothers.'
'But, that is an interest to think about another time.'
'Anyway, I have places to be. And I probably need to say my goodbyes. And move on...'
Lee said, “Ladies...”
Rose and Violet stopped talking, as they turned towards Lee.
Lee calmly stated, “As much as I would love to stay and talk. I need to get going.”
Violet responded, “Promise you will visit us?”
Lee promised, “Of course, I will.”
Rose requested, “And we look forward to meeting your children.”
Lee joked, “So do I.”
All three friends lightly giggled a Lee's joke for a few seconds.
As they calmed down, Rose said, “Have a safe journey, Dongmei.”
Lee replied, “I will.”
Violet stated, “See you later, Dongmei.”
Lee replied, “Same here. And Violet. Rose. Try to stay out of trouble... Or, at least only get into trouble that you can get yourselves out of.”
Rose and Violet started giggling, as Lee turned around, and walked away.
As the two women calmed down, they watched their friend walk down the street, and turn a corner.
With Lee out of sight, Rose and Violet they went back to eating their lunch, and talking amongst themselves. Though, there topics of discussion had changed to their friend, Dongmei, her unborn children, and who her mysterious lover was. Whom had sired her children.
Lee spent the next five minutes walking around, as she searched for a private place, such an an alleyway, to reality jump, unnoticed.
When Lee turned the corner of one street, and onto another street, she saw four people playing the distance.
Two women, and two little girls.
And seeing the four individuals caused Lee to remember of the dark actions she had take much earlier in her life. A previous mental disconnect, on Lee's part, that had reached its logical conclusion.
It was Shampoo and Mousse. Only both them appeared to be in their mid-twenties Mousse was a now beautiful woman, while Shampoo has only becoming more beautiful, as she matured into adulthood...
And when looked at all four of them, it was clear that both Shampoo and Mousse had given birth to a strong, healthy daughter. Lee could tell that one was Mousse’s child, and the other was Shampoo's child, from the similar skin tone, hair, and facial characteristics that each other mother shard with their child.
Also, this confirmed that they were victims of Chang's actions. And has somehow made it back home.
Though, there were some positives to their situations, the effects of the vat process had also slowed their ages and made them even physically better than what they already were. Which was nothing short of amazing. Such as, Mousse no longer needed glasses, as she could see well with just her eyes.
They were both playing together with their daughters.
Lee thought, in deep sadness, 'I regret that I wrote book two so open ended that Shampoo and Mousse were kidnapped and impregnated by Chang's forces.'
'And I did not make the mental connection until now, because my memories were sealed when I met Shampoo and Mousse.'
'I remember remember meeting Shampoo, and knowing her for years. I only met Mousse a few times. Because, at the time, he was not part of the village...'
'Then, one day, several years ago, Shampoo disappeared. We all searched for her for several days. But, to no avail...'
'Cologne even sent some of her best amazon tracks to hunt for Shampoo, in other parts of China. Yet, all of them returned few week, later. As they stated the trail went cold...'
'And while Cologne did not give up hope, but even the Elder had to admit that life when on...'
'Then, a few months later, Shampoo returned to the village, with a young chinese woman, with long white hair. The other woman turned out to be Mousse. And both women were a few months pregnant.'
'Even though Mousse was not a member of the tribe. And taking into account their past experiences. Cologne and Shampoo would not turn away a pregnant women in need. And so, they made Mousse, and her future daughter, members of our tribe.'
'I need to apologize to them for my part in their suffering. Even if they try to kill me for what I have done towards them. Though, they probably won't try to kill me if I tell first them that I am pregnant.'
Lee then noticed that as Shampoo and Mousse played with their children, all four of them seemed very happy and content.
Lee reconsidered her plan of action, as she continued her thoughts, 'Perhaps it is best if I do not reopen old wounds. In the years I have known them, since they returned to the village, they have always seemed happy. They have even become good friends. I know for a fact that though they are not really lovers, they have shared a bed more than a few times, together. Still, I will see if I can find a way to make it up to them in the future.'
'But, my personal life still needs to be my first priority.'
Lee then turned around, and walked back down the street she had turned from. Next, she walked in the opposite direction, down that street, from which she had come from, without looking back.
A few minutes later, Lee found an empty small, tight alleyway that would suit her needs. The alleyway was had a dead end and sat between three buildings, with the third building being the backstop to the dead end.
Lee came to a stop she pulled, and she turned around, to see that no one was behind her.
She then pulled out her reality device, from her right side, outside jacket pocket, with her right hand.
As she held her reality device, as she thought, 'Now, to close this chapter on my past.'
Lee thought of her own home reality, a few months before she original left her reality, with the location being in a specific place, outside her family home.
Lee then press the red button on her reality device.
The next thing Lee knew, she was in another familiar, but much different setting, than she had been in.
Lee was in a U.S. american style neighborhood, with the lawns dotted with trees. Mostly pine trees.
And from the angle of the sun, Lee saw that it was the middle of the say.
At the moment, Lee was standing on the grassy lawn, a few feet from the curb on the two lane street near her.
Lee was facing opposite from the street, as she stared at her family home, in front of her.
Lee thought, with mild amusement, and slight longing, 'Home again. Home again...'
'It is so tempting to just walk inside... Or, teleport inside... Considering I no longer have a key to the locks... But, I wouldn't... I need to do what I came here to do, and leave...'
'If I am right, my past self, and the rest of my family are gone, running errands, or at work. Now, all I have to do is put my envelope in the mailbox, and I am done...'
'And speaking of mailboxes. I might sometime leave a letter by the door, to let my family. To let them know I am still alive. Without giving any details on what has happened to me... Though, I will do that, later. In my present. Right now, I just need to do this, and leave, before I am seen.'
Lee then turned to her right to see her family mailbox, which was a few feet from her.
As she walked towards the mailbox, she pocketed her reality device back into her right side, outside jacket pocket. She then used her right hand to gently pulled out the envelope that was in her interior, left jacket pocket.
As she reached the mailbox, she looked at the envelope, and she saw that it was neither creased, nor permanently bent.
Lee thought, 'Good.'
She then walked in around, onto the road, in front of the mailbox.
She used her left hand to open the mailbox. Next, she gently placed her envelope in the mailbox, and closed it.
With that done, Lee used her right hand to pulled out her reality device. She then thought, of the same reality she was in, as she thought of being in the master bedroom, of the Daiyu Palace Casino, penthouse apartment, a few minutes after she left.
Lee pushed the red button on her reality device, and she instantly disappeared.
Meanwhile, an hour later, after receiving some very bad news from a doctor, a much younger, and physically male, Lee drove home, and he retrieved his family's mail, from their mailbox.
Then, past Lee entered his home, opened the envelop, looked at the contents within, turned on the TV, to see a broadcast, by an alien woman, with a message he knew was for himself, that changed his life forever.
In the present, in Lee's home reality, the next thing Lee knew, she was back inside the master bedroom, Chang and River's penthouse apartment.
As she looked around, she saw that she was standing in the exact same place she stood, when she left.
Lee then looked over at the clock, on the nightstand.
The clock said twelve fifty-five PM.
Lee mentally reflected, 'I have only been gone for five minutes... Nice. Now, to put this reality device back where I found it, and get a snack, downstairs, in the hotel restaurant.'
Lee then walked over to the nightstand, where she had found the reality device in. She then opened the drawer on the nightstand, gently set her reality device into it, and closed the drawer.
Next, Lee turned around, and walked out the master bedroom. She soon made her way to the front door, that connected the living room, to the hallway, outside.
As Lee opened the door, she saw River, in her usual clothing, standing in front of her. And River has a warm smile on her face.
Lee immediately took a few steps back, to allow River to walk inside.
After Lee came to a stop, about six feet into the room, River casually walked into the room, in front of her.
As Lee watched her lover walked into the living room, she asked, “I did not expect to see you, at the door, like that. You didn't even knock.”
River came to a stop, a few feet in front of Lee, as she cracked a grin. She commented, “I didn't need to. Telepathy has its perks. I sensed you were coming to the door, as I approached the room, from the hallway.”
Lee plainly asked, in a slightly confused tone of voice, “What do you mean?”
River answered, “A few minutes ago, my time. I saw you, when you were exiting the garage, in back, after coming back from your errands. And while you did not see me, I had the chance to read your mind, on what you were planning. And from what I am reading right now, things went fine for you.”
Lee calmly responded, “Of course, you would know is going on. So, what do you think of what I just did?”
River said, in a joyous tone of voice, “I am proud of you. Once you realized you were in a time loop, you didn't angst over it. You just did was you needed to do, while saying hi to your friends, along the way. And you did a fine job of it.”
Lee smiled, as she teased, “Thank you. And could I get a reward?”
River thought, 'I don't need to be a mind reader to know what you are thinking, right now.' Her grinning slightly widened, as she answered, “Sure. And I have to compliment Annie on her girl talk skills.”
Lee smiled, as she jokingly said, “If what I heard from her is correct, I would guess she learned those skills from you.”
River casually admitted, “There is some truth to your comment.”
Lee questioned, “So, will Chang be here soon, as well.”
River stated, “No. He is busy today.”
Lee replied, “Okay.” She then looked down at her clothing, as she used her hands to pull at the bottom, front, open ends of her jacket. Next, she let go of her jacket, as she allowed her hands to drop to her side. After which, she looked up at River, as she continued smile. Lee said, “By the way, I love the clothing you picked out for me. It look greats on me.”
River turned Lee's smile, as she responded, “I thought it would. And I am glad you like it.”
Lee commented, “You even got my bra size right.”
River said, “Yea. But, adjusting the straps can be tricky to pick out. Even for oneself.”
Lee stated, “You are right about that. And I know straps done have measure figures on them.”
River replied, “Exactly. And due to that, I could not read your mind on how to get them to fit you.”
Lee said, “It is okay.”
River offered, “That is nice to hear. And I have a few more sets of clothing for you. To make do, for right now. I will get them for you, later.”
Lee said, “Good. And I am going to need some more new clothing as I progress through my pregnancy.”
River smile turned mischievously grin, as she stated, “Of course. But, that is later. For now, I already have a wonderful shopping trip planned for us, in a few days.”
Lee's smile turned warm, as she said, “I look forward to shopping with you. And on another matter, could I get an another set of keys made for our cadillac?”
River answered, “No problem. Our car is in the garage. So, we can get to it, anytime we want. Speaking of which. My offer to sleep with you in the back of the cadillac is still open.”
Lee suggested, “It is a nice day outside. So, let's say a secluded spot by the beach, with the hood and windows down?”
River happily responded, “Sounds good to me. And when we get there, we will do it a couple of different ways...” Her grin grew slightly wider, as she continued, “And genders.'
Lee replied, “Sure. But, my one regret is I cannot do you as a man.”
River casually said, “Dear, that is what dildos are made for.”
Both women laughed, for a few seconds.
As they calmed down, River stated, “Besides, I have a gift for you downstairs, in the car.”
Lee replied, “I look forward to it.”
They then turned, and walked into the hallway, with River first, and Lee second, through the door.
As Lee passed the door, she reached around, and locked the knob. Next, she gently shut the door behind them.
After which, they headed for the back elevator, to take them downstairs, as they headed for the hotel garage.
A few minutes later, they walked into the back garage of the casino.
Lee saw no one else was there, in the well lit room.
Lee the follow River, down through the rows, and rows of cars. Most of the rows were various colored sedans. Though, most of the sedans were panted black, with tinted windows. Also, there were a few were trucks. A handful of them were limos, and other types of vehicles.
As they through another row of cars, Lee saw the pink Cadillac parked on the other side of he next row and cars.
The pink car had its hood and windows down. And the vehicle looked to be in great condition.
As they approached the pink car, Lee walked up beside River's left, so they were walking side by side with each other.
While as they continued walking, Lee asked, “So, where is everyone? I would think Kaylee would be back at work by now, after watching Julia.
River answered, “Actually, Kaylee is watching Julia for the day. And even before I knew about your little trip today, I arranged for Kaylee to take the day off with my brother. And I made sure Annie and Arcee are out riding around town, having some fun of their own...”
As they continued to walk, River turned to look at Lee, as she smiled. She continued, “What can I say?... I like my privacy.”
Lee turned to River, as they continued walking. She returned River's smile, as she replied, “I bet. And I wonder what your gift for me is?”
River teased, “Well, I am not the only psyche here. If you want to know so bad, just use you precognition to find out.”
Lee stated, “My abilities don't work like that. It is more like the sense of touch, mixed with a literal sense of direction. Visions and experiences of the future only happen when I am asleep, and I have little control of what I see then”
River responded, “That is intriguing. Our kids are going to likely have some interesting abilities.”
Lee used her right hand to pat her stomach as she said, “That is possible. And if they don't, we will still love them.” She then dropped her right hand back to her side.
River agreed, “Exactly.”
A few seconds later, they reached the back of the pink car. As both of them stood in front of the truck, Lee was still to River's left, with both women looking at each other.
River pulled out her keys to the car, and she handed the keyring to Lee.
Lee took the keyring, and used the truck key to unlock the car trunk. She then pulled the key out, pocketed the keys, and pulled up the trunk lid.
What Lee saw brightened her day, in so many ways.
When River saw Lee smile, she smiled, as well.
In front of them, inside the trunk. With a sheet between everything in the trunk, and the bed of the trunk. On top of the sheet were neatly stacked gold bars, set beside stacks of U.S. cash, and mexican cash.
Also, there was a small pile of jewels, on the other side of the gold bars, from the cash.
Lee also noticed that on top of the gold bars were some papers, leaflets, and a double-dildo.
Also, in the back of the trunk, there were a few large beach towels and some bottles of water.
As Lee put her keys in her left outside jacket pocket, she thought, 'I see you plan for everything. Including towels for us to make love on the beach, itself. And I see you really weren't joking about the dildo comment.'
River stated, “Of course not. And I find that size to be comfortable. And I think you will, too.”
Lee said, “I trust your judgment.”
River continued smiling in response to Lee's comment.
Lee then picked the papers, and she looked through them. She saw that they were records, documents, and other forms of ID.
Included were a fake birth certificate, a fake driver's license, fake passport. There were also immigration documents, and various permits that she planned to look though later. Also, the driver's license, passport, and a few other documents had a picture of her female face. And it was fairly recent. Though, it was a good picture of her face.
River stated, “Let it never be said that I am not a giving person. Also, the security cameras here, are in color, and they can take pretty good pictures. The rest just took a little time, and money. Both of which, I have plenty of. All that was required was the right connections, a little time travel into the past, by a couple of months, and the wealth to pay for everything. And speaking of wealth. All of this wealth is yours to do with as you please.”
Lee set the papers back into the trunk, except for her new driver's license, which she held in her left hand. Next, she turned to River, as she said, “I am now a rich woman. But, I already have everything I could ever want.” She then used her right hand to hold on to River's left hand.
River looked over at Lee, as she slightly tightened her grip on Lee's right hand. She stated, “Then, how about you invest your new wealth?”
Lee commented, “Most investment opportunities, right now, in this reality are too corrupt. And I do not know enough about other realities to risk putting my wealth there. So, for now, we will put what you have given me in Chang's casino vaults later.”
River said, “I can agree with your reasoning.”
Lee stated, “Considering you got me out of that mess on Lagoon Island. At this point, you are the only one I trust. Though, I hope someday reach the point where I can trust Chang. Since we all share a bed together.”
River responded, “I know. And if you haven't noticed. The name on the documents is, Lee Tam.”
Lee turned back in front of her, as she looked a little more closely at the driver's license. She saw the name Lee Tam on it. She giggled a little bit. She then complimented, “I like it. I guess I am the one that is going to have to give up my maiden name. Not that I mind. And it shows you have a nice sense of humor.”
River said, “I thought so, as well. Also, the documents state you are from Costa Rica. Not the U.S. Costa Rica is a nearby nation. And it has a respectably sized fair skinned population, with citizens of that country known to live in mexico.”
Lee complimented, “Yes. That was good thinking on your part. That is a good pick for a fake country of origin for me. Considering a number of americans have immigrated there over the years. While, I have studied Costa Rica, that has been a while. I will read up on Costa Rica, to refresh my memory, and make this cover identity more secure. And these documents will help if I want to take a trip outside of this country. Though, I have no plans to go back to the U.S. Save for a few quick trips, in dealing with my family. By using a reality device.”
River stated, “I fully understand. And, if you are wondering, my papers say I am from Costa Rica, as well. Chang's papers state that he is from Hong Kong, and the others state they are various nations.”
“And as you can see, all your papers are in order. Just like ours. You even have permits to have a shotgun while in this country. So, if someone stops you, you will have the IDs to help keep you out of trouble. Also, it took some doing, but I got that vanity license plate on the car legalized. Though, it required getting a waive in writing. And that actually was the most expensive, and troublesome part of this whole venture... Not that I mind.”
Lee looked down at the license plate that stated, BCKLAGN. She then looked back over at River's face. She saw River looking back at her.
Lee inquired, “Well, this is very nice of you. I take it that the weapons in the casino are covered under corporate laws, and permits?”
River replied, “Yes. Those that actually have counterparts in this reality, and are allowed to be privately owned by companies.”
Lee said, “Good.” She then noticed the birth date on her driver's license. She did a little math in her head, compared to the current date, to find out what the driver's license stated her current age was. She mentioned, under her breath, “Twenty-two years old...” She then continued, at a normal tone of voice, “A year older than need to drink in many nations. Not bad.”
River commented, “I know. Though, I admit that given your youthful looks, it is stretching it to claim that you are twenty-two. But, your more mature personality makes up the difference. Though, I am not one to talk. Considering, I still look barely twenty, myself. Not that I mind.”
Lee replied, “Thanks.” She then gently let go of River's left hand, as she set pocket her fake driver's license, in her interior left jacket pocket.
Lee then turned her body towards River, as looked into River's eyes. She seductively commented, “And you know one of the things I love most about you?”
River turned her body to face Lee, as she took a step closer to the black haired woman. She asked, in an equally seductive voice, “And that would be?”
Lee said, “Well, my dear, River. I admire how you think ahead.”
They then took a step closer and kissed for several seconds.
When they were finished kissing, Lee continued to face River, as she used her left hand to shut the trunk, with the interior latch automatically catching, and locking on its own.
Lee then dropped her left hand to her side, as she said, “Now, let's go have some fun.”
Lee pulled out the keys, and handed them to River, as she stated, “I hope you don't mind. But, it has been years since I have traveled around the island. While I remember most of the locations. I do not remember where that secluded beach is, that we liked. So, could you drive us to that secluded beach?”
River took the keys, as she said, “Sure.”
River then headed for the driver's side door to the car, as Lee heading for the front passenger side.
After River unlocked both their doors, they got into the car, and buckled up.
Next, River started the car, and back out into an open lane in the garage.
Given the angle they were at, the front of their car was pointed directly at a garage door, to the outside. The door was only twenty feet from the front bumper of their car.
River then use a remote she left in the car to open up the near garage door to the outside.
After the garage door rolled up, she drove her, and Lee, out into the back parking lot of the casino. As soon as she cleared the garage door, she used her remote to close the door.
Finally, she drove to a nearby road, and soon the two lovers were on their way to a secluded beach, where they planned to make love for the next few hours, in and around, their pink Cadillac.
To be continued.
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A mystery solved and a bright future started
A chapter without anyone killing or maiming anyone else! Loose ends wrapped up and an original mystery solved. A truly lovely chapter, it has set the ground rules for what are hopefully many more pleasant stories, not that the energy and surprise in the fights and chases wasn't fun and adrenalin filled, but this was a nice, slow, romantic chapter. I just can't wait for the continuation of this story. Thanks again Paul.