So, today I am having a 3 hour, total spine, with contrast MRI. "With contrast", means they will inject material into my spinal fluid. I am having increasing difficulty with coordination and things.
I have obligations to some of you, and I am sorry that I can not meet them right now.
i've had the pleasure of
i've had the pleasure of those. it sounds much worse than it actually is. good luck.
I am more concerned for you.
I am more concerned for you and your continued good health, than your stories.
And good luck.
Good Luck
I hope it turns out to be a minor, easily correctable problem. Best of all things!
Red MacDonald
my prayers go with you, hon.
healing huggles on their way
Throw the switch!
Hope that they find what the problem is. Even if it's not completely fixable, knowing what's causing a problem is always better than the unknown.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Obligations my ASS!
The biggest obligation you have is to yourself... and by proxy, to all of us who enjoy your writing and your company! You take care of what you gotta take care of so we can have you around for a long, long, long time, okay?
All my love,
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Done that before to many times
I have had that done so many times lost count and every time the insurance company throughs a fit. asking if it is related to an auto accident.
The injury dates back to 2007 when I was in car accident I was stopped the truck that hit me was doing close to 70mph. I have 1 herniated disk and 2 deteriating disks in my thoracic part of my back. and my doctors want new scans every so often to monitor their status. If only I could find a doctor who will actually try and repair them but every doctor I talk too is scarred to do that area of the back. it involves major surgery with the inclusion of a heart specialist every time. and major longer term recovery after the fact. So I cant find a doctor willing to help me myself.
"Cortana is watching you!"
I hope
it went well.