Dancing Queen: 28

Our third demonstration is also a success

Ballroom dancing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, but I didn’t realise just how important it would become in shaping my future until I had to take the place of one of my bosses following an accident.


A novel

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2013 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.

Image Credit: Picture from Wickimedia Commons. Free for commercial and personal use with restriction under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licence.

Chapter 28 Alan and I go from strength to strength

Rob offered me a lift home after the meeting on Tuesday evening.

‘Maybe you could ask Sarah her opinions about the next demonstration during a quiet period in the office sometime. I think she is beginning to feel a little side-lined as everyone seems to have everything under control both at work and in the dancing.

I felt a little bit guilty as Mum and I had rather taken over responsibility for choosing my costumes and hairstyles from her, but this had given Mum an additional interest in life.

‘Yes, of course I will,’ I replied. ‘Although I’m sure she’ll be her own self once again once her leg comes out of plaster.’

‘I hope so,’ he replied with a trace of anxiety.

‘How much longer has she got?’

‘Only a couple more weeks, but then she’s going to need physiotherapy and a lot of practice before she can begin dancing again.’

‘I promise to involve her as much as possible in our plans in future, and to help in any way I can to get her dancing once again.’

‘Thanks, Michelle, I’d really appreciate that.’

‘But please also make sure that she comes along to the demonstration on Saturday. If she starts to make excuses tell her that she owes it to me for agreeing to take her place.’

‘I will,’ he replied as I got out of the car.


I was able to keep my promise to Rob the following day. I returned to the office later than planned at lunchtime, and would have to leave for an afternoon appointment half an hour later and so I came back armed with a coffee and a couple of sandwiches. Sarah was in the back office eating her own lunch at the time and so I asked whether I might join her. It wasn’t too long before we were discussing my plans for the 8th November and she was suggesting suitable music. I also told her about my clubbing experience although I neglected to mention with whom I’d been dancing.

‘I do envy you as a dancer, Michelle, especially for being able to dance with Alan. You are doing many of the things that I’d have liked to have done, if it hadn’t been for this stupid accident.’

‘I know, but it won’t be long now before you are back dancing once again, and in many respects Rob has been improving in the last few weeks.’

‘Yes I’d noticed that as well. He and Sonia are progressing well together. In fact everyone seems to be doing well, apart from me.’

‘I promise that you will get over this setback,’ I said.

‘I hope so,’ she said, but didn’t sound utterly convinced.

‘Sarah, it’s going to be rather a tight costume change for me on Saturday afternoon. Mum wants me to wear one of her favourite dresses. I don’t suppose you could be around to help me to get changed

She smiled and seemed to snap out of her mood.

‘Yes of course, if you think I can be of help and won’t get in the way.’


I found myself working with Richard once again late on Friday afternoon. I was just getting ready to go home when I noticed that he was frantically trying to finish something on his computer.

‘Can’t that wait until Monday?’ asked Sarah as she and Rob were anxious to leave.

‘No. I promised to have this survey ready for a solicitor’s office in Luton by the weekend, but I’ve been delayed. Don’t worry, I’ll lock up before I go.’

‘Can I help?’ I offered, knowing that I was a somewhat faster typist than he was.

‘Yes please, if you don’t mind.’

Half an hour later the document was finished and a copy printed off.

‘If you are planning to drive over to Luton to deliver this then perhaps you could give me a lift home afterwards,’ I suggested.

‘I’d love to; it will also mean that you can just leap out of the car and deliver the envelope and then I won’t have to find somewhere to park first.’


Forty-five minutes later he pulled up outside our house.

‘Thanks for the lift, Rich,’ I said beginning to unbuckle my seat belt.

‘Thank you for your help.’

‘We may not get much opportunity to talk tomorrow afternoon, so shall we make arrangements about the evening, now?’

‘Alright, the club opens at nine but nothing ever happens until after 10.30, shall I collect you then?’

‘Alright, that will give me plenty of time to get ready.’

‘Shall I call at your house or wait for you outside?’

‘I know, come round at 10.15 and say hello to Mum, at least then she’ll know whom I’m going out with.’

‘So your Mum knows about us, then?’

‘Yes, up to a point,’ I said and leaned across and gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting out of the car.

‘Good luck with the demonstration dances tomorrow afternoon.’

I gave him a smile by way of thanks and then went in to begin the process of getting myself ready for the following day.


Our third demonstration also proved to be a triumph, and I noticed that the audience had grown substantially and that there were plenty of people that I’d never seen before. It would appear that our reputation was beginning to spread through the dance world. By this time I was happy to leave all matters relating to my costume and appearance in the hands of my mother and the other ladies present, and just sit back and worry about the dancing. The Charleston routine went without a hitch and Alan provided a sharp intro to the tap routine – no one would have guessed that he was not an experienced tap-dancer. I then went into my solo routine and remarkably didn’t miss one beat or put a foot wrong so I received a cheer from the audience as once again we resumed the Charleston, proper. Alan and I, followed by the whole group took our bows but I was whisked off once again before the applause had fully subsided. Mum and Sarah were waiting for me preparing my new costume.

‘This dress is really something special,’ commented Sarah as Mum helped me to step into the underskirt, and then to fix the dress itself. ‘I love those silver feathers round the bodice. I’ve not seen it before, only a photograph of Michelle wearing it.’

‘Yes it is rather nice, isn’t it,’ Mum responded. ‘It used to be my favourite costume when I was Michelle’s age.’

‘In that case let’s make sure that her hair, makeup and accessories do it justice.’

Sarah helped me to put on the matching floats which were affixed to diamante-studded arm and wrist bands, and a matching diamante necklace. The holes in my ears had now healed and so she also inserted a couple of tiny diamond earrings. She then got to work on my makeup, changing my lipstick and nail varnish from the innocuous pink that I’d worn to dance the Charleston to the deep red to match my new dress. At the same time Mum fixed my hair into a bun interlaced with diamante strands and a little red ribbon to give it a splash of colour. At last I stepped into my shoes and stood and looked at myself in the full-length mirror.

‘So what do you think?’ I asked my two companions.

Nobody responded. I turned to discover my mother was crying.

‘Oh Michelle, you look so lovely,’ she sobbed.

‘You truly are the Dancing Queen,’ said Sarah. ‘Now go out there and show them all how it’s done.’

Alan was ready waiting for me outside the ladies changing rooms. He took one look at me and shook his head in disbelief.

‘You look wonderful,’ he said as he took my hand ready to make our entrance.

‘Thank you,’ I said, ‘you don’t look bad yourself.’

As we walked out I glimpsed Richard with the video camera and so I flashed a particular smile in his direction, even though you are not supposed to look directly at the camera. Alan stood up straight and held me, whilst I leaned my head back as we waited for the music to begin.

The Tango is a passionate yet playful dance, with plenty of opportunity for expression and improvisation. Its name derives from the Latin word for ‘touch’ and involves close connection between the dancers both in terms of eye and body contact. Dancing the Tango one tends to lose contact with the surroundings only concentrating on the music and your partner. For the duration of the dance it did not matter that we both had other partners, Alan and I were lovers sharing a passionate embrace.

At last the dance was over. Alan bowed, I curtsied and he hugged and kissed me on the cheek with genuine pleasure. Then we were both surrounded by well-wishers offering their congratulations, wanting to ask us questions or merely seeking our autographs. It took a full twenty-five minutes before I could extricate myself and go over and have a few words with Rich.

‘Did you get that alright?’ I asked.

‘I think so, and Helen was also filming with a second camera. You two were outstanding.

‘Well thanks for filming us.’

‘It has been my pleasure, I am really enjoying filming the two of you, although I must admit to being rather envious of Alan.’

‘It’s only a dance, it doesn’t mean anything.’

‘No, I suppose not.’

‘I’ll be dancing with you later tonight – that will mean far more to me than anything this afternoon.


He seemed surprised.

‘Yes really!’ I confirmed, but was then approached by a female dancer who I’d not seen before.

‘I understand that you will be giving a master class for us in Bristol next month, will you be covering the Tango?’ she asked.

‘Yes that will be in the second session early in December,’ I replied.

After that I got swallowed up in further conversations about the Tango with members of the audience and I didn’t see Rich again until he came round to pick me up later that evening.


Rich came to collect me at 10.15 as we’d previously arranged and chatted to Mum for a while whilst I put the finishing touches to my hair and makeup. I could tell that Mum didn’t really approve of the length of the dress that I was again wearing, but since she’d spent the earlier part of the evening telling me how proud of me she was there was not a lot she could say.

‘I’m afraid I’ll be very late again, but I’ll try not to make any noise when I come in.’

‘Alright you two have a good time and take care.’

‘We will,’ said Rich as we were leaving.

‘Look after my daughter for me, I’m very proud of her,’ said Mum to Rich as we were leaving.


I don’t really want to go into too much detail about what happened between Rich and myself during the Saturday night and Sunday morning, for two reasons. First of all I don’t want to seem to be repeating myself with respect to describing the early part of the evening. Secondly what happened later between us was very personal and not really suitable for a story rated ‘Mature Subjects (PG15). So I’ll just summarise.

We both enjoyed the dancing: I learned some new moves from watching other girls on the dance floor and also tried out a few new techniques of my own. I was also reasonably successful in getting Rich to lighten up and let himself go a little more as a dancer. Thus by the end of the evening we made quite a respectable couple of EDM dancers. We did not stay until the club closed but left at about 2.00am to avoid the inevitable crowds. I went back to Richard’s flat for a coffee. From there it was a relatively short trip to his bedroom, where I found yet more cause to worry about who I was and who I wanted to be, although I kept trying to push this to the back of my mind as he drove me home at 7.00am as the sun was beginning to rise. The one thing I was sure of though was that whatever I might decide to do and whatever might happen to me in the future, I’d never again be able to face Rich, dressed as a boy.


Next time: An interesting proposition

Thanks to Bronwen for editing and to everyone else for comments and kudos which are always appreciated.Louise

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