Badasses Of the Multiverse Book 5: “The Gambling Man.”
Volume 1: “De La Plata Podrido.”
Chapter 06: “Day of the Dead: Part Two: The First Few Times Around.”
By Paul Cousins.
Copyright Disclaimer: All copyrighted places, characters, items, and events, within the story, are held by their current owners. No profit is being made on this work of fiction.
Lee's Reality. Location, De La Plata Podrido, Mexico. Date, November Second, Day of the Dead holiday. Place, Devil's Hotel and Resort. Time, Five AM.
Inside Lee's third story hotel suite, Lee opened his eyes to the darkness around him.
Lee felt as if he slept a good, sound sleep.
Lee thought, 'I guess that pot also helps with sleep. I feel good. Well rested. And I feel sober.'
Lee then turned to look at the digital clock in his bed room nightstand, by his bed, read in red LED numbers, Five AM sharp.
Lee laid back on his pillow, as he thought, 'Ah hell. It is only Five AM. Not even the hotel restaurant is open yet for breakfast. I think I will get a few more hours sleep.'
Lee then turned over and went back to sleep.
Three and a half hours later, Lee woke up again. He turned to see the clock state it was Eight thirty AM sharp.
The only light in the room was find the outside daylight coming in from around the curtains.
Lee thought, 'This is more like it. Time to get out of bed, get ready for the day, and then get something to eat. It is November second after all. The Day of the Dead. And I am likely soon to join the dead. So, I might as well enjoy today.'
Lee got up from his bed, he turned on his lamp light, as he began to face the day.
Soon after, Lee finished getting cleaned up, shaved, showered, dried, and dressed.
He then left his room for the elevator.
When Lee reached the ground floor, he exited the elevator, and walked towards the lobby.
A few seconds later, an elevator on the opposite side of the bay opened, with Rock and Revy on it. Whom were wearing casual clothing.
Revy and Rock briskly walked out of the elevator. With Revy to Lee's right side, and Rock to Lee's left side.
As the two women passed by Lee, Revy shoved Lee out of the way, as she harshly stated, “Out of my way.”
Revy's push did not knock Lee down, but he did wonder what was going on, as he looked at the two women.
Rock continued walking, as turned around, to walk backwards, so she could looked at Lee.
Lee then saw Rock rolled her eyes. She then looked back at Lee, turned back around, and walked away with Revy, away from Lee.
Lee thought, 'I don't want to know. Though, I would think after yesterday, Revy would be in a good mood. Now, let's meet Sam, and get some breakfast.'
As Lee walked into to the front lobby, from the elevator bay, he quickly saw where Sam was sitting in a chair, facing the entrance to the elevator bay, waiting for him.
Lee walked over to Sam, and he saw Sam turn in his direction to see him.
Lee then approached Sam. When he reached Sam, he smiled, as he looked down at Sam, in his chair. Lee asked, “Do you feel like getting some breakfast?”
Sam returned Lee smiled, as he replied, “Sure. Where too?”
Lee thought, 'Oh hell. Why not?' He said, “How about the hotel buffet. After girls actions yesterday, I doubt they will do anything to us today.”
Sam replied, “I agree.”
Sam then stood up, and both men headed for the hotel restaurant.
Twenty minutes later, Sam and Lee were sitting down at the bar counter, to the left middle side of the room. They sat in stools, side by side, with Lee to Sam's right side, as they each ate their meals, and drank their drinks, from the restaurant breakfast buffet. Each man had already paid for their own meal.
Meanwhile, Revy, Rock, and their crew were eating breakfast at the tables near the stage in back, right side of the hotel restaurant.
Both of Sam and Lee's meals, were half eaten, as they continued their conversation.
Lee asked, “I forget to ask. How was you time with you girlfriend, yesterday?”
Sam said, “Our meeting when fine. Though, she did talk about a few things which I was not expecting from her.'
Lee thought, 'She was probably asking Sam about more commitment to their relationship. Well, he has been here with me for the last few months. She is likely just pulled in her lease. And I am not jealous over the matter. Still, I do have to ask something, that I remember from yesterday. You never know. His plans may have changed for the better for me.
Lee inquired, “So, you said yesterday that were were going to see your girlfriend both that day, and today?”
Sam replied, “Yes.”
Lee thought, with slight disappointment, 'No dice. Though, I wonder.' Lee questioned, “While I respect your privacy. And I am not asking to meet her. I was wondering. Is she staying at this hotel?”
Sam stated, “I appreciate you respecting my privacy. And no. She is staying at a hotel across town. I told she wanted to avoid this hotel. And she listened to me. Though, I didn't tell her why.”
Lee complimented, “That is wise move on several levels. You don't want your loved ones near Revy and her lunatic band. Also, it is wise not to mention Revy, and the others, given they are hot women, your girlfriend may become jealous.”
Sam turned to look over at Revy's group. He then looked back at Lee, as he chuckled a little, for a few seconds.
As Sam calmed down, he responded, “Trust me. I have nothing to worry about, when it comes to my girlfriend being jealous of Revy and those with her. Still, you make some good points. Anyway, I might as well tell you want is going on. My girlfriend got in yesterday. And I saw her for a little while.”
“She has some good news. Her, and our friends, had a big payday at work. And I told her where I was, and she came her to celebrate. I am going to meet her in town, and we are going to spend the day enjoying the festival... And each other.”
Lee offered, “I know you don't drive. So, I can offer you a ride. It would save you cab fare.”
Sam teased. “Actually, I think I will just call a cab. I feel that it is safe.”
Lee realized that Sam was joking, as he mocked offense, as he stated, “Come on. You have ridden in my car with me, before, with me driving. I am a fairly safe driver.”
Sam playfully replied, “Not according to Rock.”
Lee halfheartedly commented, “You get into one game of chicken, and you never live it down.”
Sam cracked a grin, as he said, “That is the way things work”
Lee responded, “Anyway, I hope your girlfriend is nice.”
Lee saw Sam's slight grin turn into a full smile, as Sam stated, “She is. And she is a lot more well mannered than some of the women we know.”
Both men lightly chuckled, for a few seconds.
As both men calmed down, Sam continued,, “Also, she has a great sense of humor. And she can be surprisingly unpredictable. But, she is extremely sharp, and skilled at what she does.”
Lee said, “Let me guess. Asking what she does is one of those questions that you would have to kill me, if you told me the answer.”
Sam smirked, “Yes. Exactly.”
Lee replied, “No problem. And have fun.”
Sam said, “You too.”
Sam and Lee then continued their conversation on more casual matters.
Around ten minutes later, both men finished their meals, left their tips, and said goodbye to each other for the day.
After Lee and Sam left the hotel restaurant, Lee slowed down his pace, as he hung back in the hallway, while he watched Sam walked away, towards the lobby.
Lee thought, 'I really do hope that Sam has a great time with his girlfriend. Well, I might as well figure out what I am going to do today. I think I will go to the festival. Yesterday, gave me some weird detours. Even for this situation. But, there is no time like the present to head over that.”
Lee looked at his wrist watch. He then continued his thoughts, 'And given it is around nine thirty, the booths are already open. And I think I will take my Cadillac.'
Lee then walked down the hallway, through the front lobby, and out the front entrance.
As Lee walled outside, he saw that it was a sunny, comfortable day.
Lee soon made it to his pink car, and drove away to the festival.
For Lee, the rest of the day was interesting and fun, as he attended the festival. He even watched a street performance of a mariachi band. He put some money in a hat in front of them, when they were finished. And they were grateful.
By the time Lee returned to the hotel, it was already around seven thirty PM, and night had almost taken complete hold on the island.
Lee had already gotten supper at the festival.
As Lee walked into the lobby, he saw Lotton and Ranma walking together across the lobby, towards the hotel restaurant. They were both wearing nice dresses that flattered their figures.
Lee walked over to them, as he asked, “What is going?”
The two women stopped walking and turned towards him.
Lotton inquired, “You didn't hear, Lee?”
Lee answered, “No.”
Lotton stated, “The hotel staff this afternoon converted the hotel bar into a dance hall, for a dance party. Though, it was kind of short notice. So, it is understandable that you did not hear about it.”
Lee immediately smiled, as he said, with excitement in his tone of voice, “Cool.”
Ranma stated, in a sad tone of voice, “Unfortunately, it is couples only. The hotel even has a bouncer at the bar entrance, whom is enforcing that rule.”
Lotton commented, “Shenhua already entered with Sawyer. And Akira already went in with Natsuru. Me and Ranma are pairing up to get in, as well.”
Lee swiftly dropped his smile, as Ranma and Lotton gave him sympathizing looks on their faces.
Lee stated, in a more sedate tone of voice, “Well, have fun ladies. And see you later.”
Ranma said, in a comforting tone of voice, “We will. And don't worry, Lee. We have been there. I promise you, you will get your chance someday.”
Lee replied, “Thanks, Ranma.”
Ranma nodded once in response.
Both women then turned, and walked away from Lee. As soon as Ranma and Lotton turned down the hallway to the hotel restaurant, Lee walked over to the hallway leading to the hotel restaurant, as well.
Lee looked around the corner to see that Lotton and Ranma reach open door to the bar. Lee could hear the rock music coming from door. They were met by a large man, in a business suit, beside the door, whom Lee guessed was the bouncer. Lee then saw the two women enter.
Lee sadly thought, 'What a rotten way to end a nice day. Still, it is not the first party I didn't learn about until it started. And not the first party I was not able to go to. Honesty, I have never been to any dance parties... Oh well. It is not important. I will be dead soon enough... I might as well turn in early.'
Lee then turned around, and walked towards the elevator bay, to go to his suite, and get some sleep.
Thirty minutes later, Lee was ready for bed, and he went to sleep.
Inside Lee's suite, Lee opened his eyes in the darkness.
He felt rested, as he turned over to see that the clock by his stated, five AM sharp.
Lee thought, 'Five AM, again. I might as well just get some more sleep.'
Lee then went back to sleep.
The next time Lee open his eyes, he could see from the daylight peeking out in the morning, he turned over to see that it was eight thirty AM, sharp.
Lee thought, 'Eight thirty on the dot, again? Okay, this is odd. But, nothing to strange. I just need to get up, and get something to eat.'
Lee then got up, and he got ready for the day. He even dressed in the same clothing as he did the previous day. Including, what he always kept on. His glasses, baseball cap, and blue cloth jacket.
A little while later, he reaches the ground floor.
As soon as he exited elevator, he thought, 'I wonder.' He then decided to hang back in the elevator bay. With his back was less than a foot from the elevator doors that he had just walked through, as that elevator doors behind him harmlessly closed.
A few seconds later, Lee watched another elevator in front of him open, with Revy and Rock walking out. With Revy to Lee's right side, and Rock to Lee's left side. In the same casual clothing as the previous day.
The two women then briskly walked out of the elevator.
Revy looked over at him, and she gave him a scowl, but she then turned and walked away from him, and towards the lobby.
At the same time, Lee also saw Rock look over at him. She shrugged her shoulders, turned, and continued walking beside her lover, into the lobby.
Lee continued looking at them, as he thought, with interest, 'Okay. This is getting weird. Even for my situation. Except for their reaction, they look exactly as they did, yesterday. On November second... I need to check what the date is today. And the clerks here would be more than happy to tell me.'
Lee then walked passed Sam in the lobby, as he went straight to the check in desk.
One of the clerks on duty looked up at him, as he stated, in english, “Good morning. How may we be of help, sir?”
Lee calmly asked, “What is the date today?”
The clerk answered, “It is November second.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Lee turned away from the clerk. He thought, with wonder, 'Being a pro-cog, I have previously experienced, several times, in having knowledge of the future. And remembering the future events in sections of a few seconds, to a few minutes, in advance, once the events start. Usually, my precognition gives me only a few seconds of insight. Not that I am complaining. The right few seconds can mean a matter of life, or death.'
'Though, I have had an experience that let me remember up to five minutes into the future, before.'
'But, never this long. Maybe my precognition is on the fritz. Still, that just means I can enjoy this nice day again. Who am I to complain? It is a rare treat to relive a nice day over again. And the first time was pretty good, except for the last part, which is easily avoidable. Now, to talk to Sam, and have breakfast with him.'
Lee turned to Sam, and walked over to Sam. Lee then did the same thing he did with Sam the previous day, as they had their breakfast. Though, the conversation dealt with slightly different topics. But, the meal ended the same pleasant way it did yesterday, with both of them leaving to do their own things for the day.
When Lee exited the hotel, he saw the weather was the same as the previous day.
Lee then got into his car and went to the festival. This time, he explored part of the festival he like the first time around, and a few of the areas he didn't have time to check out the first time.
Lee even came back around the same time, to the hotel, to see Lotton and Ranma walking by him, in the front lobby.
As Lee passed by the two, well dressed women, he turn to them. He complimented, “Looking good. Have a great time at the party.”
Both women turned, and smiled at Lee, as they passed by him.
Ranma said, “Thanks.”
Lotton commented, “We appreciate that.”
Lee continued to walk, as he faced them. He replied, “You're welcome.” He then turned back around, as he made his way to the front elevator bay.
Lee then went to his hotel suite, and he went to bed.
Lee woke up, feeling rested.
He turned over to see the clock stated, Five AM, exactly.
Lee immediately sat up, as he said out loud, “You have got to be kidding me.” He mentally added, 'It could not be the same day again. Could it? If so, it is time to do something different.'
Lee turn on the lamp light, and got ready for the day, at Five AM.
Given how early it was, Lee took his time getting ready. He took a long hot shower, which he found was nice. And he did everything else he needed to do to face the day. From shaving to drying, to getting dressed.
Though, he got dressed in some different clothing. But, he kept on his glasses, baseball hat, and blue cloth jacket.
According to Lee's wrist watch, it was around five thirty-five AM when he took an elevator down to the ground floor.
Lee then exited the elevator and walked into the lobby, and up to the check in desk.
As Lee did so, Lee saw that there was no one else around, except for him, and the two clerks at the desk.
As he reached the check in desk, Lee saw that the clerks on duty was a different clerks than the one Lee had met in the previous to time.
Lee thought, 'That can just mean there is a shift change between now and nine in the morning.'
One of the clerks, a woman, looked up Lee, as she asked, in english, “Good morning. How may I be of help, sir?”
Lee thought, 'The same response as the other clerk. That is likely just a line they are trained to ask. Though, it is a polite question to make. And in response, I might as well, be polite.'
Lee politely requested, “Excuse me, ma'am. But, could you tell me the date?”
The woman said, “Sure. It is November Second. The Day of the Dead.”
Lee replied, “Thank you.”
Lee then turned around and walked to one of the nearby cushioned chairs, on the right side of the lobby, with the chair he picked out, facing the front doors to the entrance.
After Lee sat down down in the chair. He got comfortable, as he collected his thought.
Lee calmly thought, 'The strangeness level of my life just went up a few notches. I am in a time loop. But, this could be good, or bad, depending on the rules of the loop. Though, before I do anything to off the wall. I need to know if this loop resets at sleep, or at a given time. In the meantime, I can have another nice day.”
Lee got up from the chair he was sitting in, and he headed back to his room. While inside his suite, Lee watched some TV, until it was the exact time he had left to meet Sam for breakfast, for the previous the last two times.
Lee was careful to avoid Revy and Rock.
Lee then met with Sam in the lobby, and he did the same things he had done in the previous two days. Given him another nice day. Though, there was one major difference, with this repeat, then the last to days, concerning what Lee did when he returned to the hotel, at nightfall.
Lee went to his suite, but he did not go to bed. He just went to his suite, turned on his lamp light, and his TV.
Lee then turned one of the chairs, by the table, in his room, towards the TV. He then grabbed the TV remote, and sat in the chair he had turned to face the TV.
Lee then used the remote to find something to watch on TV, on one of the english channels, that kept his interested.
He spent the next few hours just watching TV, and occasionally using his personal deck of playing cards to play solitaire.
Suddenly, he precognitive sense told him to look at his digital wrist watch, right then.
Lee saw his wrist watch state.
11:59:57 PM
11:59:58 PM
11:59:59 PM
12:00:00 AM
The next thing Lee knew, everything went dark, and he open his eyes were suddenly closed.
As Lee opened his eyes, he still saw darkness, but his sense of touch told him what was going on around himself.
He was laying in his bed, wearing his sleeping clothes.
He turned to look at the clock, and it stated, five AM sharp.
Lee reached over and turned on the lamp light, by his bed.
Lee then sat up in his bed. As he looked around his room, he thought, 'So, this time loop does reset right at twelve midnight, local time. I am glad I kept my wrist watch properly set. So, I don't have to readjust it every time I do this reset. And I am glad that I cleaned my clothes the Halloween, the day before I was jumped, and then tricked into getting stoned. So, I don't have any immediate chores to think about.'
'Still, I don't know what I am going to do now.'
'I am caught in a time loop. I do not know how? Why? Nor, for how long? And it looks like the Ground Hogs day rules apply. Except for the loop resetting itself at midnight, local time. Also, no one remembers the time loop, except for myself. Or, else they would have reacted differently. Though, the only different reactions from people in these time loops so far, has been due my different actions, with their reactions responding in kind.'
Lee then cracked a grin, as a thought occurred to him. He mentally reflected, 'This means, if I get the timing right, I am pull some really insane shit, right before midnight, by mere seconds, and get away with it.'
'Speaking of which. This also means I have no worries about the consequences. Even if the time loop stops, except for that day. Though, I do not want to test to see if dying will not break the loop. And though the cancer has eaten some of my weight, I am still in fairly good shape, and healthy.'
'And all this together means that it looks like I am going to live for the foreseeable future. Along with that, I have plenty of money to burn. So, money is not issue for the moment.'
'So, what am I going to do first, to have some fun. I will not be evil. That is too cliche. But, I can be mischievous. My writings prove that. And I have always wanted to pull some pranks on people. But, I could never get away with it.'
'And the girls did trick me into getting stoned, yesterday. Or, three days ago. Depending on how one wants to look at it. And if I time these loops right, and I am careful, I don't have to worry payback from any of them.'
'Still, I won't intentionally do anything horrible to them. And best of all, I now have all the time in the world to master pranking, and everything else I am interested in.'
Lee slight grin turned into a full blow smile, as he continued his thoughts, 'So much to do. So much more time to do it in.'
'So, what prank will I do first?... Of course, that one. A good opening prank, where no one gets hurt. And it will let me cut my teeth on the concept of pranking. Besides, it is a classic.'
'Though, right now, I think I will just watch some TV, and try to figure out, when, and where, I am going to pull that prank off.'
Later, during the early afternoon of that day, Lee returned to the hotel lobby.
As Lee walked through to lobby, he saw, from the corner of his eye, to his left, Ranma, Natsuru, Akira, and Lotton sitting in a couch.
While Lee passed by, he overheard Lotton say, “Did you hear? There is going to be a dance in the hotel bar, tonight.”
Ranma stated, “Yea. But, it is couples only. And we have been trying to decide which of us is going to miss the party.”
Lotton said, “No problem. I will go with one of you. And that way, all four of us, plus Shenhua and Sawyer, can go.”
Ranma complimented, “Great idea. Now, we just need something to wear.”
Lotton said, “I am willing to help.”
Lee thought, 'So, this is when, and where, they got the idea to go together, to that party. I will have to make a mental note of looking further into this dance party. Because, no other types of notes are going to stick in this time loop.'
Lee focus on what was in front of him, as he continued his thoughts, 'But first, I have some other fun to do.'
Lee soon approached the restroom doors for the hotel lobby, on the left side of the check in desk area.
The men's and women's restrooms were side by side. With the men's door on the right side, and the women's door on the left side.
Lee then entered the men's restroom.
When he got inside, he checked to make sure that there was no one else there. He even checked the stalls.
After Lee found himself alone, he pulled out two things from his pickets.
In his left hand was his disposable lighter. In his right hand was a cherry bomb.
Lee had bought the cherry bomb from a vendor at the festival, whom he ran across, that was selling fireworks.
Lee thought, 'I told the vendor what I wanted to do. And the vendor promised that this cherry bomb would do the trick.'
'And I am not worried about the vendor call Pedro and the police on me. Because by midnight to night, there will be another repeat, and no one will not I even did this. Nor, will there be any damage to prove that something happen.'
'I think I am coming to love temporal loops. Now, to have some fun.'
Lee then walked over to handicap stall, at the very end of the room.
He opened the door, and walked in the stall.
As he stood over the western style toilet, with the seat down, he said, out loud, “I freely admit this is extremely childish. But, it is a classic. I always want to do this. And it is a great way to start this adventure.”
Lee then lit the wick of the cherry bomb. As he pocketed the lighter with his left hand, he dropped the cherry bomb into the toilet bowl with his right hand.
Lee then flushed the toilet. Next, he back away, out of the stall, and against the far wall.
A few seconds later, Lee watched as all the toilets in the room erupted with water.
Lee thought, with amusement, and childish glee, 'That was so cool. Maybe, I will do that again.'
Suddenly, from the other side of the wall in front of him, Lee heard a woman scream.
Lee said, with worry in his tone of voice, “Ah oh.”
Lee mentally lamented, 'On second thought, maybe not. Of course. Now that I think about it. The plumping is tied together with the women's restroom next door. And one of the women was sitting down on the toilet, when it erupted. I have to get out of here, because chances are, it is one of the girls. And I am in for a literal world of hurt if they find me here.'
Lee turned and started walking towards the exit, to the restroom, but by the time he reached the sinks in the room, a woman walked in, and shut the door behind her, with Lee cut off for escaping. And Lee immediately recognized who the woman was.
Lee gulped, as he saw that Shenhua, in her white robes, was soaking wet. And she was holding both her kukri long knives in her hands.
Also, from the look on Shenhua's face promised murder in the bloodiest fashion possible.
As the two adults looked at each other, Lee commented, with concern in his tone of voice, “This is going to hurt? Isn't it?”
Shenhua grinned a slasher smile, as she answered, “Oh yes.”
Shenhua then charged at Lee, with her long knives.
The next thing Lee knew, he bolted up from his bed, in the darkness, as he said, “Ouch.”
A second later, he snickered a little bit. He then smirked, as he said out loud, “Still worth it.”
Then, a thought occurred to Lee, as he mentally wondered, 'Am I hurt? Or, was that just a reflex action from such a horrible death?'
Lee turned to the nightstand. As he saw the time was five AM sharp on the clock, he reached over and turned on the lamp light.
As soon as the light came on, Lee quickly check himself for injuries. A minute later, he found no signs of harm on his body. Also, as before, he was wearing his sleeping clothing, not the clothing he had on when he went out in public.
Lee then turned off the lamp light, as he laid back onto his pillow.
Lee happily thought, 'Good. It was just a reflex action. Though, her slices did hurt for a few seconds before I was killed. I was dead soon after. I wasn't really in pain when I woke up. I was just slightly confused. And I guess I no longer worry about accidentally dying. This does open up new territory for me.'
'Still, I need to keep my pranks simple, and work my way up. Also, I need to be more careful. And plan around where people might be. And how the plumbing in connected.'
'Though, I think I will first rest for a little while. As I collect my thoughts, and make my plans.'
While Lee did not go back to sleep, he laid in his bed, in the darkness, as he planned out the coming day for himself.
An hour and ten minutes later, Lee looked at the clock on his nightstand. It stated it was six ten AM.
Lee thought, 'I might as well get up. I have a some ideas for today. And I need to start early to do them. And if I pull this prank off just right, it will be hilarious to watch.'
Lee then sat up, turned on the lamp light, and get ready to face the day. Though, Lee took his time in doing so.
Lee was dress and ready by six fifty-fifty AM. He then headed down stairs, and to his car.
He then drove to a local a grocery store that opened at seven AM. He reached the store, just after it open. He then did some shopping, for a few items that he needed, to pull off his next prank.'
After which, he returned to the Devil's Hotel, to implement his plan.
During his stay at the Devil's Hotel. Lee occasionally gotten up earlier than normal for him, and he had learned the usual morning routines for the various members of Revy and Rock's group. Though, he did not know their full daily routines. This was because, Lee could sit in a chair, in the lobby, and watch them come down in the morning. And Lee found that the women did not usual vary their morning routines.
So, Lee had a good grip on who would came down for breakfast and when.
A little over an hour later, Lee then came into the breakfast buffet five minutes before Akira, and her family was be coming down. He paid for his meal, and got himself a plate and drink.
As Lee made his plate, and when he noticed no one was looking, Lee pulled out a small jar, from his right outside jacket pocket. Lee then spiked the re-fried beans portion of the breakfast buffet with a small jar of ferment soybeans. After which, he used the large spoon for the re-fried beans to stir the ferment soybeans.
After which, pocketed the empty jar, and Lee got finished his plate, got a glass of orange juice. He then saw in the front right corner table, that he and Sam occasionally sat in for dinner.
Lee then sat in a chair, with his back to the front right corner, which could get him a front row seat to what was about to happen next, without anyone noticing that Lee was looking at them.
A few minutes later, Akira and her family came down for breakfast. And Akira at some of the spike re-fried beans. Akira and her family then sat in their usual seats, on the back right corner of the room. Far away from Lee.
For Akira, twenty minutes later, in the restaurant, that morning, she had a case of blazing saddles, with a side order of pheromones.
Lee was careful to prevent himself from laughing, or showing any outward expression, as he quietly watched, from the bar counter, as many of the men, and some women, keep coming on to Akira, at the table she and her family were sitting at.
No one got hurt, but it was an embarrassing situation for everyone involved, except for Lee, himself.
Also, Lee was far enough away for Akira to not be affected by her pheromones.
Meanwhile, as the prank progressed, it took almost all of Lee's willpower not to burst out laughing at the scene in front of him.
Lee thought, 'Unfortunately, Mikoto and Yurika will only be effected by this in their male forms, which I have not seen them in. Still. All in all. This was a successful prank. Now, what shall I pull on them, next? And who will I pulled it on?'
'Though, it would be wise to learn more about what they do during the day, before I get to crazy with them. I don't want to make the same mistake as I did with Shenhua. That was literally a painful lesson to learn.'
A few minutes later, Akira got upset at the situation, and stormed out of the room, with the rest of her family following behind her, to comfort her. And even thought some of those in the room were still influenced by the pheromones, everyone knew better than to follow her.
Lee spent the next few hours just walking around the hotel, starting to learn where the women prefer to be, when they were in the hotel. Though, by lunch he decided to call it quits for the day, get something to eat, and have some fun.
That night, Lee was laying on his bed, wide awake. The lamp light as on, as he looked over at his clock to see that it was eleven fifty-seven PM.
Lee thought, 'As fun as these pranks are, I need to think about other things to keep me busy, or I will start getting temporal cabin fever crazy. Like Mister Murray in Groundhogs Day film, when his character slowly gets so depressed, that he suffers a suicide death montage. As he just wants to end it.'
'And things have finally started to get so interesting in my life, that suicide is the last thought on my mine. And that is the way I want things to stay. At least, for a while.'
'Well, one of the first things I can do is buy a laptop computer. I have the money, and this hotel does have free high-speed internet access for their customers.'
'Since there is the reset, I don't have to worry to much about being traced. This means I don't have to worry about what I download, or if the girls catch me doing so. I can download and watch movies to my heart's content. I already know all the free places and programs I need to do so.'
'Though, I might bribe the projector operator, whom is controlling the hotel theater, to play a few movies that I like. The type of movies that are better seen on the big screen. I might even call my family to talk to them.'
'It will be annoying always have to buy that laptop every morning, and loading the programs I need to do what I want to do. But, that cannot be helped. And it will likely only take an hour to do all that, leaving the rest of the day for me to have fun on the internet. I might even play a few computer games.'
'Though, I cannot do crap on an MMO, given that it takes days to level a character to where the game starts to get really interesting. But, I do know some old first person shooting games that are fairly fun, and I know the cheat codes to jump ahead to the fun parts. I can download those games from the internet.'
'Still, now that I think about the Groundhogs Day film, there is something important that I need call Pedro about, before the reset.'
Lee shifted his body around on his bed, so he could pick up the phone receiver on his nightstand, with his right hand.
Lee dialed Pedro's home phone number, he thought, 'I am glad that Pedro eventually gave me his home phone number, in case of an emergencies, after he got off of work. Still, he is going to be pissed I called him this late. Though, this is the best time to call him on this matter.'
After two rings, Pedro picked up the phone from his end. He answered, in english, “This better be important, Lee. You just woke me up.”
Lee thought, 'He must have caller ID.' He inquired, “Yes, Pedro. This is Lee. And I have an important question for you. Were there any reports of serious injuries, or deaths, on the island today?”
Pedro flatly answered, “No. It has actually been very quiet today. I even checked with them, half an hour ago, right before I went to bed.”
Lee said, “That is good to hear.”
Pedro commented, “Let me guess. We are trapped in a time loop, and you are the only one that remembers?
Lee asked, with surprise evident in his tone of voice, “How did you know? Do you remember the loops?
Pedro answered, “No. I don't. Still, being stuck in a time loop would be the only reason you would ask me this question, at this time of night. I would guess the reset is at twelve?... In a few minutes?”
Lee said, “Yes.”
Pedro requested, “Well, don't do anything too crazy.”
Lee replied, “I won't. And I don't plan to do.”
Pedro responded, “Good. If you need someone to talk to about this. Look me up. I don't want you going crazy. Considering what you have done while sober, I don't want to find out what you are capable of, when you become mentally unstable... Well, more so, than you already are.”
Lee replied, “You and me both.”
Pedro stated, “I am glad we both agree. Anyway, I know plenty of things to do on this island, and plenty of place to go, to keep you from going insane, for years on end. And have a great time.”
Lee said, “I will. Thank you. And see you later.”
Pedro replied, “Good night.” Pedro then hung up his end of line.
As Lee hung up his phone, he thought, 'At least this means I don't have to worry about rescuing anyone. This also means that I can just focus on having fun. And for once, living.'
Lee then looked at the clock, just as he watched the clock strike twelve midnight, and the reset happened.
The next thing Lee knew, he was laying in his bed, in darkness.
Lee opened his eyes, and turned to see that that the clock stated that it was five AM sharp.
Lee cracked a grin, as he asked himself, while he thought, 'Now, what am I going to do today?... I know.' He grin turned mischievous, as he continued his thoughts, 'Have fun.'
Over the course of the next two weeks, Lee kept upping the ante, with third party pranks on the girls, where Lee was not present went the pranks happen. He only set the trap, and watched the after effects, elsewhere, or from a distance.
Still, Lee did nothing horrible, only a little of this and that.
Though, Lee wisely did some reconnaissance before he got to serious with his pranking. He spent a few days learning the girls daily routines. So, he knew were everyone was, and he couple plan his pranks around them.
Afterward, he used their routines against them.
For example, Lee found out that most of them learned of the dance party at lunch. And during the afternoon, most of them washed the dresses they were planning to wear to the dance.
At noon, while everyone was at lunch, Lee spiked the liquid detergent everyone in the hotel used to clean their clothing at the laundry with some dye.
Lee had already also used the resets to learn more about the town, as well. With his car, he was no longer bound to learn about the town on foot. Like he was, when he first can to the island. And he learned where to get things, even on a holiday.
Getting the dye was not difficult for him.
And Lee picked out a dye that did not go well with any of the girl's hairs color, gray.
That night, Lee sat on a couch, that was set against the left, front side of the lobby windows.
As the women walked by, in pairs, and groups, Lee note that some of the women, as they passed by, were wearing casual clothing.
Lee thought, 'I guess they only brought one dress with them. Or, bought one dress. And with me ruining their dresses, they are going to have to go casual tonight.'
As soon as the last of the women Lee knew were heading to the party, were at the party, and there was no one else in the front lobby, but the two clerks at the check in desk, across the room. With the two clerks attention to some paperwork. Lee chuckled at his latest prank, which he got away with.
Speaking of the dance party in the Devil's Hotel restaurant and bar. Given Lee did not know how to dance, he was not that crazy about going to that party. That, and the fact of trying to finding a date was difficult for him.
Lee found the trick that Bill Murray played in Groundhogs day film, learning about a woman's likes, and past, in one reset, and then using that information in the next reset, to try to score a date with that woman, did not work in real life. It just made women suspicious of him. And after attempting this on three different single women that he know of. With none of the said women belonging to Revy and Rock's crew. Lee gave up attempting getting a date that way.
So, Lee instead focused on his pranking.
Though, through all this, Lee was careful never to laugh in the presence of those he pranked. He even sometimes feign sympathy for his victims, while being in their presence.
And due to Lee's cautiousness, and careful planning, except for the cherry bomb indecent, Lee was never caught.
After a couple of weeks more of pranking, during one night, Lee was in his hotel suite, sitting on his bed, as he thought about what he was doing to do next.
Lee thought, 'I have not used the timing issues of these resets in my pranks, yet. Still, how should I go about it... Oh, that might work... It is very risky. It could get me into a whole lot of pain... But, the pay off would be work the risk.'
'Still, I am going to have to measure this by seconds... Now first, I need to find out how long, in seconds, that scene is. And what I want to show of that scene. And the exact number of seconds from the section I am showing. After that, it is simple bribery. And timing. I will also make sure the watch the person I am bribing is sync to mine.'
'And it will take around a week to figure out the logistics of this prank. But, it will be worth it.'
A week of resets later, it was nearly midnight, as Lee quietly entered in the Devil's Hotel theater.
Lee then quietly sat down, in the chair, behind where Revy and Rock were sitting, as they watched the movie on the screen. With Rock to Lee's left side, and Revy to Lee's right side.
Lee thought, 'The one thing I found interesting about Rock and Revy, is that their routines occasionally change. At first I thought they remembered, then I realized that it was a case of my actions causing a rippling effect in their actions.”
“I am not sure how that works, with them, because I have had nothing to do wit them. But, it is not serious. And what I do know is they don't stay all night at the party. They go to a movie. Then, they go to the dance party. Then, they decide to watch a movie until midnight, when everything resets.'
'On that note, the movies always seem to be changing, as well, in the hotel theater. Not, that I am complaining.'
'Still, I can use all this in my prank. And this is going to be a good one. Now, what time exactly is it. Timing has to be perfect for this to work.'
Lee then checked his digital watch. His watch stated it was exactly one minute to midnight, and the temporal reset.
Lee mentally reflected, 'Yes. As I thought. I got exactly one minute until reset. It took me almost a week to work out the details to this prank. But, now I am ready to pull the trigger on it. The first two parts were easy enough. I just borrowed a copy of the episode from the Chief Del Soto had. And bribing the projector operator was just a matter of handing him the cash for this loop. I will get that money back when the reset occurs.'
'Also, I made sure the projector's watch was sync to my own watch. So, he does exactly what I want to happen, when I want it to happen, without any mistakes.'
'This is all due to that fact that timing is everything on this prank. Too early invites painful reprisal. Too late prevents delivery. At exactly thirty seconds till reset, the trigger will be pulled.'
At exactly thirty seconds to midnight, the movie suddenly stopped, and immediately switch to a scene, from the Black Lagoon anime, episode seven, Calm Down Two Men, where Balalaika was editing porn, with Revy and Rock behind her, on screen.
Revy on the screen asked, “Hold on a sec. Is she taking it up the ass?”
Balalaika on the screen replied, “Sure is.”
Lee thought, 'Good, This is a exact scene, and second on the episode, I wanted to appear. Now, for the reaction.'
20 seconds.
In the seat, right in front of Lee, Revy yelled, in surprise, “What the hell?!”
15 seconds.
Lee mentally reflected, 'Now, for the joke.'
Lee calmly spoke up, “Revy, Rock, I have a question I always wanted to ask you two lovebirds.”
Revy and Rock swiftly turned around to face him.
10 seconds
The two women could see that Lee had a wicked grin on his lips, and a purely lecherous look to his face.
Lee casually asked, “Revy, how many times have you used packets of instant spring of drown man to plow Rock in the ass?”
5 seconds.
The priceless looks on both Revy and Rock's faces showed that the answer to Lee's question was, a lot.
3, 2, 1...
Inside Lee's hotel room, at five AM sharp, Lee bolted up right, in the darkness, as he laughed himself silly over the looks on Revy and Rock's faces.
After a couple of minutes of laughing, Lee began to calm down enough to stated, out loud, “The looks on their faces were priceless. I think I will do that again tonight. And maybe a few nights after that.” Lee's lip curled into a mischievous grin, as he continued, “But, what will I do in the meantime?”
Around a week later, just after a reset, in bed, at five AM, Lee thought, 'Okay. That joke is getting old. Now, what am I going to do?'
A few seconds later, Lee mentally realized, 'Well, with this time issue working, I can do all sort so fun. And I have always wanted to kiss pretty women. And here is my chance. I think I will start with the crazy ones first. I will kiss the craziest one first. And the craziest one is not Revy, it is Rock. Those that would say that Revy is the craziest don't understand the concept of crazy. Being crazy is one thing. Chasing after crazy is a whole other level of crazy.'
'And I don't care if Rock was once a man, she is a hot woman, now.'
That night, by his wrist watch, it was less than a minute before midnight, from the hallway, near the entrance to the theater.
Lee had bribed the projectionist to stop the movie, a few minutes before midnight. Forcing everyone to leave the theater, in search of something else to do.
Lee watched the people of the theater finally walk out.
Lee thought, 'Damn, I bribe the projection operator to stop the movie over a minute ago. I am surprised it took this long for the people start to leave. Now, where are they?'
Lee then spotted Revy and Rock walking out. He thought, 'There they are. Still, I wonder why Revy has been in such a bad mood in these loops. Not that it really matters to me. Now, to do this, before I run out of time.'
Lee then walked up to Rock and Revy.
As Lee approach them, Rock and Revy looked over at Lee.
Lee then walked up close to Rock. To close for either Rock, nor Revy's comfort.
Rock looked up at Lee, as she asked, “Is there something I can do for you, Lee?”
Lee smirked, as he answered, “Yes. There is?”
With only five seconds on the clock, Lee swiftly dipped her back with his arms, while planting a kiss on Rock's lips.
Rock was too stunned to react. While from the corner of his eye, Lee could see Revy's eyes went while with surprise.
A second later, the reset happened, and Lee found himself in the darkness of his room, in his bed.
Lee just laid in his bed, with his eyes opening in the darkness. He thought, “That went better than I expected. Now, for Revy. And then, the others.'
That night, less than a minute before midnight, Lee did the same thing he did the previous night, in bribing the projection operator.
Lee stood in hallway, outside of the hotel theater.
Lee watched at Rock and Revy exited the theater.
This time, Lee approached Revy.
Revy looked up at Lee, as she growled, “What do you want?”
Lee swiftly used his arms to dip Revy, as he kissed her.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Rock's jaw drop in surprise.
Revy had just enough time to place both of her hands on the sides of Lee's face.
Then, the reset happened.
In his bed, in the darkness of his suite, Lee thought, “Revy was probably going to snap my neck. Still, it doesn't matter. Now, that I have kissed those two. Who will be next?... How about Violin and Aeryn?... Fortunately, I can arrange for the others to leave the party. By having the front desk call them out. So, that will not be a problem.”
Violin was not hard. Lee just dipped her, and kissed her.
Aeryn was a little more trickery. Being a train soldier, trying the simple dip her would only get his arms broken. So, instead Lee just distracted her, with the, oh my god, what is that?, distraction. With Lee pointing behind them.
This made both Aeryn and Violin look away. When the two women looked back at Lee, Lee just pecked Aeryn on her lips, two seconds before the reset.
Aeryn did not have time to react, before the reset.
After those two time loops, it was early morning, as Lee laid in his bed.
Lee thought, 'Okay. Let's kiss Natsuru, Ranma, and Akira today, and the next two loops. Though, kissing them will take a little preparation. But, not too much. On second thought, this will probably take a few loops to test out my plans. But, that will not be a problem.'
Near midnight, on the current loop, and for the next two loops, Lee set his sights on Natsuru, Ranma, and Akira. In that order.
Along with their skills and unpredictability, these women were experienced in dealing with awkward situations.
Lee knew beforehand, given their history, these women would not have a, deer caught in headlights situation, like the others. Given they had all been unexpectedly kissed before.
So, as to not have the other two lovers attack him, while he kissed the third lover on her lips, Lee made sure to give an excuse to separate the women in the trio that he was after.
Lee then lead that woman to the game room of the hotel, where there was no one else that night, and he kiss that woman there right before midnight.
The excuse was simple. He said he knew someone that was a master pool shark, in the game room, that would like to meet the specific woman Lee was targeting. With the game room usually being empty at that time of night, during the time loops.
Which was only half a lie. Lee did know a real master at pool, Sam. But, Sam was not currently in the game room.
Over the next three nights of resets, Lee testing this excuse on each of the three lovers. He found that he was able to separate the one he was interested in, and get them to the game room. And he timed things so they would get to the game room just as the reset hit.
With that part of his plan confirmed, Lee adjusted his plan by about a minute, to get the kiss he wanted before the reset.
Lee was able to do the dip and kiss trick on Natsuru, without a problem.
Lee knew better than to try that with Ranma. But, Lee came up with a much simpler approach to getting a kiss from Ranma.
In the game room, a minute before midnight, Ranma and Lee were standing a few feet apart, as they faced each other.
Ranma asked, “I don't see any pool shark here. What is going on here?”
Lee stated, “I am sorry. There is no pool shark here.”
Lee lied, “Instead, Sam dared me, if I could kiss a pretty woman before midnight. It is a few minutes to midnight. And I am getting kind of desperate. And I did not want to ask this in front of your two lovers. But, Ranma. You are not only a smoking hot redhead, you are the most laid back, practical woman I know of. So, can I please just get a perk on your lips to win this bet?”
Ranma giggled for a few seconds. She then shrugged, as she said, “Sure. Because you asked so nicely. Now, come here.”
Lee walked up to Ranma, and he lead down.
Ranma then lifted her feet onto her tip toes, to reach Lee's face, as she peck Lee on the lips, with own her lips.
As Ranma lowered herself back down, Lee leaned up, and took a few steps back.
Lee said, “Thank you.
Ranma smiled, as she said, “You're welcome.”
Then, the reset hit.
The next was Akira. As Lee kissed Akira, Lee could tell that Akira was into it.
After the reset, in his bed, Lee thought, 'I wonder... I think I will kiss Akira again.'
Close to midnight, that night, Lee allotted a full minute more, in the game room.
This time, as he kissed Akira, he noted that Akira wanted to do some tongue, and Lee obliged.
With mere seconds before the reset, Lee broke their kiss.
Lee back away far enough to see Akira's face.
Lee saw Akira was smirking.
While Akira smirked, she complimented, “Nice kiss. Though, the tongue needs work.”
Lee replied, “I will keep that in mind.”
The reset then occurred.
As Lee kissed other women, one night after another, to his surprise, he found that Sawyer was into kissing him, as well.
And Lee kissed Sawyer a few times, during the next few time loops.
Lee found that getting a kiss from Shenhua was surprisingly easy.
Lotton took work. She saw the trick a mile away. Making Lee wonder if she had done this trick before, herself.
After a few attempts, Lee just did the simple thing. He paid her thousand dollars for a simple kiss, right before midnight. And Lotton was more than happy to give that kiss, for a grand.
Kissing the eight teenager women, of Rock and Revy's crew, was a real challenge. Dealing with timing, guile, and skill. And in some cases, it required a few time loops to kiss one of the teenagers.
But, after almost two weeks of attempts, Lee was able to say that he has kissed all of the teenager women on their lips.
During the morning, a few minutes after the reset, of the last kiss Lee did towards a woman, Lee was in his suite, sitting in his bed, in the darkness, as he thought, 'Well, that's it. With all twenty-one girls women kiss, now what? I could try to kiss the Rats Nest bartender, or Yolanda. Already kissed Eda when we slept together. But, I won't. They had nothing to do with getting me stoned. And it would be wrong for me to do so.'
'Still, the question remains. What am I going to do now? I am not going to take Pedro up on his offer for his list of entertainment places and events, until I start to run out of ideas. Which is going to be a while. If ever.'
'Though, I should start to figure out how I should end these pranks. I do need to start to wind them down, and move on.'
'Well, I think I might go to the roof, in a few hours, and take a look around town, in the morning sunlight. That may clear my head, and give me ideas on what I am going to do next.'
It was around eight thirty AM, as Lee made it up to the top of the stairwell, and to the door to the roof. He found that the door unlocked.
Lee opened the door, and walked outside, onto the large flat concrete roof, surrounded by a meter high concrete brick parapet along the outer walls. There were metal grates place throughout the floor of the roof to collect and transfer water through pipes down the building and into the sewers beneath the hotel building and nearby parking lot.
Lee came to a stop just outside the roof doorway, with the roof door still open. What Lee saw happening on the roof surprised him.
As the sun showed down in the cool, sunny morning day, Lee saw Melvin in t-shirt, sweat pants, and shoe. Melvin was holding a combat knife in his right hand, while doing exercises.
Melvin was about thirty feet from Lee, closer to the middle of the roof. And Melvin had his back turned to Lee.
As such, Lee quickly realized that Melvin did not yet see him.
Lee spent the next few minutes watching Melvin practice what were clearly hand to hand, and melee combat techniques, that Melvin had learned, and mastered, for years.
While the exercises were slightly ridged, with minor jerks, due to the age of Melvin's muscles and joints. Lee could tell the fluidity and precision that Melvin had in his exercisers.
Lee thought, 'Any doubts that Melvin is a badass has finally been put to risk. It takes years of training and experience, to do exercise like that, so well. I am so happy I can call him a friend. Because, I would not want him as an enemy.'
Suddenly, Melvin turned and he saw Lee. He immediately stopped what he was doing. He calmly asked, “Lee, what are you doing here?”
Lee honestly answered, “I came up here to clear my head, as I looked out on the cityscape of the island.”
Melvin responded, “Those are good reasons. I come up here to do the same thing.”
Lee inquired, “So Melvin, what are you doing up here?”
Melvin stated, “I come here to exercise, almost every morning.”
Lee complimented, “And it shows.”
Melvin cracked a grin, as he said, “Thank you.”
Lee asked, “You're welcome. So, what is with the knife?”
Melvin sheathed his blade, in the sheath hidden under his shirt, attached to a strap around his waist, behind his lower back. He then stated, “Long story. But, let's just say that my former captain nicknamed me, The Blade. And with good reason.”
Lee smiled, as he said, in a casual tone of voice, “Did Balalaika give you that name, while you were in Hotel Moscow? Or, did that happen all the way back in Afghanistan?”
Melvin eyes went wide, as he inquired, “How did you know?”
Lee flatly answered, “I have seen the Black Lagoon series. And the Black Lagoon omakes. After seeing Revy and Rock show up. It was not hard to realize what your, trading hotel for another hotel, comment meant.”
Melvin complimented, “That is very insightful of you. And I was given that title, by Balalaika, while serving in Afghanistan.”
Lee replied, “Interesting. Well, I am in hiding, as well. So, I can sympathize with your situation.”
Melvin said, “I appreciate that.”
Lee mentioned, “Also, cracking jokes while in hiding is not a wise idea. Leaving clues for someone, about one's life, is a very bad idea.”
Melvin conceded, “You are correct. And please keep this to yourself.”
Lee replied, “I will.” He mentally added, 'And you won't remember this after the time loop resets.'
Melvin said, “It is nice to have someone to finally talk to about this. Come by the bar in a few of hours, after Revy and her crew leave. And we will talk.
Lee smiled, as he replied, “Sure. And I will be there.” He then turned around, and walked back inside, as Melvin went back to his exercises.
Two hours later, Lee came by the hotel restaurant, and sat in a stool, at the bar counter. He looked around, and he saw that there was no one else there, except for him and Melvin. Given it was an off hour, the lack of customers and staff was not surprising.
Melvin then walked up to Lee, from across the bar counter, and they had a nice conversation. With Melvin telling Lee some of about his past. And Lee happily listened to Melvin talk for the next hour. Until people started coming in for lunch.
At the end of the conversation, Lee stated, “Well Melvin, thank you for telling me your life's story.”
Melvin happily responded, “No problem. Maybe someday, you will tell me some of your life.”
Lee cracked a grin, as he said, “Maybe.” Lee then got off his bar stool, and exited the restaurant.
That night, in his suited, Lee was watching TV, as he sat at a chair, at his table. He was also playing solitary with his playing cards.
Lee thought, 'It is interesting that I did not create Melvin, but he has lead such an interesting life story. He even told me some of what happened while Hotel Moscow worked Roanapur, then with Hotel Moscow work for Chang, at her tower, and what Hotel Moscow did after Chang's Tower fell.'
'And if it won't get me in trouble, and he would remember it. I would gladly tell Melvin my life's story. But, I don't like to repeat myself. Which is ironic, considering we are all stuck in a time loop, that only I remember.'
'Though, if this time loop ever does end, maybe I will tell him who I am. But, that is for later.'
Now, I need to probably start wrapping up these pranks and move on to maybe focusing on learning some things.'
'The questions are. How do I wrap up these pranks? Answer. One awesome prank.'
'Then, what do I do? Start learning things from people. It is time I stop having some much children fun. And for me to finally fully grow up and start working towards making myself a better person.'
'And how do I learn convince people to teach me what I want to learn? Simple. I appeal to their greed. And it will be so simple to do. I will use money, and an excuse, in the same way Mister Murray's character, Phil Connors, did it in the Groundhogs Day film. Which I have enjoyed occasionally watching, in the hotel theater.'
'I even made a drinking game out of watching that film. Given the similarities I have with Phil, right now. I was just never a jackass, like Phil use to be, before his time loop experiences.'
'Though, back on track. When it comes to learning these skilled, I will just learn a few hours every day. I do not want to burn myself out. And I have all the time I could ever need. And eventually, I will master what I am learning. And move on to learning something else.'
'Also, given I have enough money to do so. I can learn multiple things during the same day. Without stealing the cash I need. And when I am not taking instructions from someone, I can read.'
'I know this town has a library. I just hope they have english books. At least until I learn to speak, read, and write, spanish. On that note, I need to find someone that knows spanish, whom can teach me. Not, Pedro, nor Melvin, nor the Rats Nest bartender. All three of them are busy.'
'Perhaps, Sam knows spanish. I think I have heard him speak spanish a few times, while I was around him. When I reach the point where I need to learn spanish, I will just ask him. If he does. I will ask him to teach me. Or, even pay him to do so. Even with him girlfriend in town. I can probably convince him to do so. And if he does not know spanish, I will find someone else to learn from. Even if I have to pay them.'
'And paying people really doesn't matter, because after the reset, I get my money back. So, that is a small matter.'
'Though, that will come later. First, I want to learn how to fight some. I have a badass crew in this hotel that could, in theory, teach me a lot. Even though they are after me. Though, they don't know it is me they are after. It is just a matter figuring exactly how to convince them to teach me, without them learning who I am, during one of these time loops.'
'And what I want to learn first.'
Lee then looked down at the cards he is using to play solitary, as he decided what he wanted to learn first. He thought, 'Given the anti-weapons laws in this nation. And with people after me. I need a weapon. And I know just what to make into my weapon. It will will even fit my gambler motif, that I have going.'
' But first, I need to deal with ending this pranking, on a good note, for me. And I know how to end this, on a strong note. Plus, I will meaning to test out a very wild theory I have on the theories of the multiverse.'
The next morning, Lee got up, got ready, and waited until his usual time to get some breakfast at the hotel breakfast buffet, with Sam.
And even though it was a time loop, and Sam did not remember a thing after each reset, Lee did enjoy spending time with Sam.
After Lee got finished with breakfast with Sam, Lee turned to Sam, as he said, “Sam, good luck with girlfriend today?”
Sam turned to Lee, as he asked, “Thanks. So, what are you doing today?”
Lee honest answered, “I think I will stick around the hotel today.”
Sam replied, “Okay. See you.”
Sam left a small tip on the table. He then got out of his stool, and left for the exit to the hotel hallway.
After Lee saw Sam exit the room, he turned towards where the women were sitting at, in the back right part of the restaurant.
Lee saw that Rock, Revy and the others were at their tables, by the stage.
Lee thought, 'Now, to implement my plan.'
Lee got up from the bar counter, and walked over to women.
As Lee did so, he thought, 'This will also be a good test case for my future plans. And the girls would never think the writer would be crazy enough to hire them to do this. But, I got to maintain my poker face, as I do this. Still, this is going to be the ultimate prank, on so many levels, and it is hard to keep a straight face when I think about. Though, I will have to strive to do so.'
'And if I am right. I already know which one of them is going to take the bait.'
Lee maintained his calm poker mask, as he approached the women.
When he came within ten feet of Revy and Rock's group, the women looked up at him.
As Lee came to a stop, six feet from the nearest table of women, he looked over at them. Though, Lee was careful not to look at Rock, as he asked, “Good morning ladies. I was wondering. Are any of you good with english. Text wise that is?”
Rock spoke up, “I am.”
Lee looked over at Rock, as he thought, 'Just as I guess. Rock would be the volunteer for this prank. As I had hoped she would be.'
Lee used his left hand to pull a roll of hundred dollars bills from his left pants pocket. He held the roll of money in his left hand, as he stated, “I need someone to proofread something. I should be finished with it by tonight. And I am willing to pay for a quick job of looking at what I am working on. I need you to read it, then proof it. The payment is two grand. Half now. Half after the person has looked at my work.”
Revy inquired, “And what are you working on?”
Lee turned to Revy, as he calmly answered, “Just a short story that has been rattling around in my head for a while.”
Suddenly, all the women tensed up.
Lee casually inquired, in an innocent tone of voice, “What is something I said?”
Rock lied, “No. But, I can look at your writings, if you want?”
Lee walked over to the table that Rock and Revy were at. He placed the money on the table. He looked at Rock, as he stated, “I will see you in the lobby, tonight around eleven forty PM. Please, do not be late.”
Lee thought, 'If my timing is correct. Then, this is just enough time to pull this prank, without any chance for them to respond.'
Rock said, “I will be there.”
Lee replied, “Thank you, Rock.”
Lee then turned and walked away. He headed towards the exit to the hotel restaurant.
Meanwhile, Akira spoke up, “Okay. I am going to say what everyone here is thinking. Could Lee actually be the writer? And, if so, he has been under our nose the entire time.”
Revy admitted, “It is possible.”
Ranma pointed out, “But, would the writer be crazy enough to ask us, whom he knows is hunting him, to proofread his own work?”
Natsuru said, “Ranma, does have a point. That would be whole new level of insanity.”
Lotton commented, “Natsuru and Ranma both make good point. Either Lee is not the writer, or he is vastly more insane, and intelligent, than we thought. Because only a lunatic would attempt this. And only a genius would get away with it. That would make Lee, literally a mad genius.”
Aeryn joked, “Or, a redneck.”
Violin just looked over at her wife, and she playfully stuck out her tongue, at Aeryn.
In response, Aeryn gave Violin a casual glance towards her.
Rock stated, “Ranma is right. The writer would never do this. He is not that stupid. Let alone that crazy. And it is a good way for me to make a quick buck.”
Meanwhile, Lee soon exited the hotel restaurant. He head for the lobby, and the front parking lot.
He then got into his pink car, and drove off to an electronics store that he knew was open.
At the electronics store, Lee bought a laptop computer, computer mouse, and an ergonomic keyboard.
Lee soon brought these items, in a large bag, to his suite.
When he got to his bedroom, Lee closed and locked the deadbolt to door, behind him.
Lee then pulled out the boxes the items were in, from the bag, and he put them on his bed.
After he opened all the items, he set them on the table in his room.
Next, Lee opened the laptop computer. And he hooked the keyboard and mouse to it. Finally, he booted up the laptop, and logged onto the premade account on the laptop.
It took Lee only a couple of minutes to both boot up the computer, and access the internet.
Given, during the time loops, Lee had bought a laptop computer and hooked it to the hotel internet before, this did not take him long to do.
It was another half hour before he downloaded and loaded the web browser, video-audio codec player, torrent program, and the word processing program, he enjoyed using.
Once he was done getting everything ready. He loaded up the word processor, while downloading some music he liked.
He created a file name for what he was about to work on.
While Lee continued his work, he thought, “Fortunately, I have all day, so I have plenty of time to do this. Unfortunately, it will be erased in the next reset. So, I think will limit how much I type on this story. Ten pages should be enough. Though, this story does deserve more like twenty pages. But, I just don't have the time, and I cannot save my work in the next loop.'
'Anyway, the music I like to play, in a single track loop, will be fully downloaded in a few minutes. I will then start playing the music, and I get a bottle of water, from my fridge. After which, I will start my typing magic. And in doing so, test out a theory, as well.'
Outside of getting something to eat, and bathroom breaks, Lee spent the day doing the one things he loved to do most in the world, writing stories.
It was eleven forty at night, as Lee sat at in cushioned chair, in the hotel lobby. The chair face the check in desk, allowing him to see the hallways of the hotel. In front of the chair was a low laying square table. And directly in front of Lee, across the table, was another cushioned chair that was facing him.
Lee had his laptop computer set on the low table in front of him. The laptop was open, with the story ready to be read from the top of the screen, downward.
Lee thought, 'My one regret is I cannot save this story for the next loop. Now, the question is, will Rock show up. If she doesn't, I am going to be upset, with all this hard work being wasted.'
A few seconds later, Lee saw Rock walked into the lobby with Revy.
Lee thought, 'Good. She came. And she brought Revy with her. Not that is matters.'
As they came closer, Lee waved at them, with his right hand, as he said, “Over here.”
The two women looked over at him.
Revy turned to Rock, as she said, “I am heading to bed.”
Rock looked over at her love, as she replied, “Good night.”
Revy smiled at her love, and then headed for the elevators.
Lee thought, 'This is even better. Which Revy not here, and so close. I decrease my chances of being hurt. Though, there is still a chance of me being hurt. Given, who is here.'
Lee then looked around the lobby, to see some of the rest of Rock and Revy's group sitting in various chairs and couches, in their dresses. As they had just come from the party. And they were not resting, before they headed to bed.
Meanwhile, Rock walked over to Lee, and she sat down in the cushioned chair sitting across the table from the chair Lee was sitting in.
Rock got comfortable in her chair, as she said, “Now, let's see what you have been up to, Lee.”
Lee looked over at Rock, as he honestly stated, “I consider this my finest work in the last few months.” He then leaned forward, used his hands to turn the open laptop around, and push it to the other side of table, so Rock could looked a the story.
Lee then leaned back in his chair, as he added, “Just press the down arrow key to keep reading. It is around ten pages long.
Rock replied, “Okay.” She then began reading the story.
As Rock began reading the story, her jaw dropped at what it was about.
Though, Rock could not stop herself from paging down, as she slowly read the entire story. She read slowly, because she wanted to read every single detail of the story. Because, she felt that she should dare not skim any of the story.
And the story was shocking for her on several levels.
The story was about the first time that Stan and Lewis Lowe went to one of the Lagoon bikini party. How, a few days of staying girls had caused them two go a little crazy, and they tried turned the Lagoon PT boat into a giant, walking robot.
The sisters were caught before they could accomplish their goal. Included, in the story, was the aftermath of the Lowe siblings being caught. Of how no one was harmed, but it was mildly funny. And it came out that if those two stayed girls for three, or more days, they become mad geniuses, like their mother use to be. Instead of them just being sane geniuses in their male forms.
With that being why the Lowe siblings were not punished by Dutch, nor anyone else, for messing with the Lagoon.
Stan and Lowe even helped fix what they did to the Lagoon, and soon the PT boat was back to the way it was.
Also, the brothers, and the parents agreed they would look into medication for this temporary insanity, if it became a problem.
For Rock, as she read the story, the most insane part of the situation was that these events, detailed in the story, actually happened to her, and her friends.
And on a brief mention of those events at the very end of Badasses Of the Multiverse Book Four. With those statements being nowhere near as detailed as this story.
It is eleven fifty-eight PM, when Rock finished reading the story.
As Rock finished reading the story, she looked up to see Lee looking back at her, with a smirk on his face.
While smiling, Lee casually asked, “So, what do you think?”
Rock thought with both fear and fascination of the situation before her, 'Lee is the writer! And he is that insane! Still, how did he know what happened to us, after the fact!? In this situation, the most important question isn't that he is the writer. That is a forgone conclusion. The question is, how he knew all of this after the fact? So, I first have to ask...
Rock demanded, “How did you know that all happened so precisely?”
Lee intentionally stuttered, “D... D... Delirious.”
Rock got the John Candy movie reference. Her eyes widened, as she thought, 'He wrote it. And he likely did so, today, right now, in the present. Not in the past, before we came to this reality. And by doing so, he made it happen. Oh god! The implications of this!' She then accused, “You wrote this story! And by doing so, you made it happen in the past! And you wrote it right now, in the present! You're the writer!”
Lee grin became a little wider, as he responded, “Guilty as charged.”
Rock looked around and she saw a few of her friends walking through the lobby. She turned to them, as she yelled, “Girls! It's him! Lee's the writer! Get him!”
The women looked over at Rock, and then at Lee.
A second later, the women charged at Lee. Though, Rock remained her seat, as she was still to stunned by what she had just experience, to physically confront the writer.
As Lee watched as the girls charge at him, he risked a glance at his wrist watch.
Just as the women were about to reach him, Lee continued to look at his watch, as he said out loud, “Three. Two. One.”
Suddenly, Lee woke up in his bed again, in the darkness of his room.
Lee opens his eyes, as he chuckled. He happily thought, 'Now, that is how you do a prank. Looks like my theory was correct. A person can effect another reality, by writing about it in a separate reality. Even if it deals with the past, present, or future, part of that reality, and it does not effect what is current happening in one's own reality. Or, what is already written about of that reality.'
'I wonder if conflicting writings about one reality is one of the ways a reality branches out into parallel realities. It would explain how such conflicting writing do not create a paradox. And I was careful about that short story I wrote. To make sure it fit with the rest of the stories I wrote about Rock, Revy, and their family and friends.'
'Though, all of this is actually very scary when I think about it. Still, I need one more day. I want to test out if this reality bending with writing works in this reality. Though, I doubt it.'
Later that morning, after Lee got ready for the day, and then got some breakfast with Sam. After he and Sam parted ways for the day, Lee took his car, and he bought a computer, along with a few items for the computer. He brought the items to his room. Next, Lee set up everything on his table, as he did the day before. He booted up the laptop computer, loaded the programs, and he tested the theory, by writing that it would lightly rain in the middle of that afternoon.
Instead, that afternoon, the weather was sunny, and cool, like it was during every time loop on the island.
Though, Lee did hope out a little hope, as he patiently waited for it to rain. Or, at least sprinkle a little.
That night, right after sunset, Lee realized it was not going to rain, as he sat in one of his chairs, at the table in the room, as he faced the glass door to his suite's balcony. With the curtains open.
Lee thought, 'I guess a person can only use their imagination and creative abilities, such as writing, to bend other realities. Not their own reality that person is currently existing in. Though, I can see the reasons for preventing this. If one could been their own realities with their imagination and creative abilities, reality would likely collapse from everyone doing so.'
'Still, this is a major revelation, that could be seriously abuse, on levels never conceived before.'
And as such, this will be one secret that I will need to take to my grave.'
'Now, I need to move onto doing other more productive matters. Starting tomorrow morning. Or, today, after the reset. I still don't know the proper terminology for this situation.'
Lee chuckled a little, as he continued his thoughts, 'But, that is for later. I think I will turn in early. Maybe catch a dream or two, before the rest. I really do miss dreaming a lot. Due to these reset. Still, that cannot be helped. And it a small price for everything I can do, without worry. And there is so much that I can now do, that I don't know when I am going to stop. Or, if I am ever going to stop.'
Lee then got up from the chair he was sitting in. Next, he closed the curtains and got ready for bed.
Soon, Lee turned off the lights and TV in his room, and he went to sleep on his bed. With him having a few dreams, before the reset took effect.
To be continued.
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while Lee ishaving fun he is
while Lee ishaving fun he is forgetting one thing about ground hog day. Eventually the time loop ended, what will happen to him if he reveals himself and the time loop doesn't reset like he expects it to.
Time Loop escapades
I agree wit the thought that eventually the time loop will end. Lee needs to be at as good a place as he can when that happens. But a little more insight into his character is revealed here. It doesn't appear that Lee had much of a good childhood and is doing all the things that he imagined as a child. He only got caught once, so he learned. What man can't resist the kissing of hot women? Playing pranks could very well have some negative consequences. At least now he is investigating the world in which he was really living, hopefully to get himself out of the mess. Keep up the good work.