The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.11- Proof

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"Not having a shower, Celyn?" asked Erica, in a challenging way.

"No," I replied," I usually shower before going to bed"

"Each to her the way, what did you say the school was that you go to?" she asked very slyly.

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.11 - Proof

by Alys

Part 4.11

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Jean Williams," I enquired of the busy looking young man in a tracksuit on the reception at Canolfan Mileniwm* in Casnewydd.

He looked briefly up from his computer, let his eyes wander from my face to my breasts and then looked over to my right.

"Jean!," he shouted at a very fit looking woman in her thirties, who had just entered the building," someone to see you", before turning back to his computer.

I muttered thanks and then turned to face the approaching football coach. I had looked up the list of local woman's football teams on the Welsh FA website, the previous week. A brief email from me giving a brief outline of my experience, apart from the international caps, had resulted in aninvitation to a training session.

"Hi," she said, smiling, as she put out her hand to greet me," you must be Celyn"


"I must admit I am intrigued to see how you shape up, I've not come across any other girls who have played in boys' teams until your age," she remarked.

"I hope I can fit in," I ventured, quietly.

"I hope so, we need some new young players if we are continue to improve and hopefully one day challenge Caerdydd," said Jean a little wistfully, as if she knew how unlikely that was to happen since Caerdydd Ladies played in the top women's division in the UK with Liverpool and Chelsea.

"That would be a huge achievement," I commented, diplomatically.

"Well you can only dream," said Jean, chuckling a little," come on, the club room is this way, you're a bit early so maybe we can have a quick kick about before the others arrive."

She turned into a narrow corridor, off the main concourse, I followed her, past the fading posters of former men's teams that lined the walls.

It was nearly a week after getting Franklinstein's apology and I was feeling very positive. I had quickly caught up with the assignments I had missed, I had made good progress in school netball and football training. On top of that I had spent the night with Siá´n on Saturday, after going to JJ's. As I followed the football coach to the changing rooms my mind relived a few of the pleasant moments.

"Here we are," said Jean, pausing outside a door with a plastic sign, 'Casnewydd Ladies FC', attached to it.

I followed her in and after putting my bag on a vacant bench, changed into my football kit.

"If you have any valuables, I can put them in the office," said Jean, after we had both changed.

"Thanks," I said, handing over my purse, keys and phone.

We jogged out onto the pitch, which was empty apart from a few young boys having a kick about in the far corner. Jean ran me through a range of exercises, before testing me with some difficult passes. The level of skill involved was fairly basic and I didn't want to give too good an impression of myself, so I did only the routine things. Despite this, by the time the team members started to arrive, I noticed that Jean was obviously appreciative of what I could do.

"You have some nice touches," She said to me as we ended our little practice," you might fit in quite well"

"Thanks," I said.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the rest of the girls," she said before jogging back to the changing room.

Inside there were about twenty of the team, ranging from, I guessed, late teens to early thirties. The coach introduced me, naming each of them in turn. I forgot nearly all the names as soon as I heard them, apart from a rather sour, stocky looking thirty year old who's name I remembered, Erica, since she looked at me in such an unpleasant way. I remembered the name Alison, Cerys and Eifiona, but wasn't completely sure which name fitted which face.

We all followed Jean onto the pitch and soon we were working through some intensive training activities. I felt comfortable with the pace that was being set, but I noticed one or two others, including Erica, who were struggling to keep up.

The coach put me in what was obviously the 'B' team, composed of the younger, inexperienced and the older, slower players. She put me on the right wing, but I was more or less a spectator as the 'A' team dominated and none of my team felt passing to me to be a useful practice. Soon we were down two goals. I decided to go and search for the ball, if no-one was going to pass to me.

I tackled on the 'A' team midfield players near the half way mark and took it forward. There was a crowd blocking my progress in the centre of the pitch so I quickly took it out to the left wing, where I noticed Erica waiting to either tackle me cleanly or if necessary, if I read her facial expression correctly, to hack me down.

"You won't get past me girlie, you might as well pass," she hissed at me.

My response was to quickly feint right, then at the last moment, when Erica was fully committed to move in that direction, I transferred the ball to my left foot and was past her bearing down on the goal. I was tempted to hit it into the right hand corner, but i saw a team mate free in the centre so I just took the ball near the goalkeeper before flicking it to my fellow 'B' team member who then had the simplest of tap ins into an empty goal.

"Yes!," she shouted," I've scored!"

I ran over to congratulate her. We gave each other a brief hug.

"Thanks Celyn, that was a great run, thanks for that pass, it was very unselfish of you, I'm Cerys by the way," she said as we jogged back to the centre circle for the restart.

"My pleasure, Cerys," I said," let's see if we can get a few more. Listen, as long as you can be unmarked in the box, I'll get you some scoring passes"

The 'A' team were a little more wary of me after the goal and put more players in defence. As a result for the next ten minutes the game was fairly even. Suddenly though I saw my chance, there was a loose passacross the field and before anyone else could react I had run with the ball forward. Once again Erica stood in my way, this time I feinted right, then left and finally went right to go past her.

"You little bitch," she hissed and lashed out with a leg, but she was hopelessly slow in trying to bring me down as I was well past her before she reacted.

The goalkeeper rushed out to try and block me so I just lobbed the ball over her head to where Cerys had managed to get into an unmarked position. She gratefully accepted the easy header into an empty net.

She ran towards me and we high fived.

"Brilliant, Celyn, thanks," she said in her joy at scoring.

"Again, my pleasure," I said.

"Last minute, ladies!," announced Jean before blowing the whistle begin the game again.

I sprinted forward and stole the restart pass off the 'A' team attacker, before they realised the danger, and, after skipping through a couple of half hearted passes, was soon closing in on the goal. I heard Erica lumbering after me from the side but instead of upping my pace to escape her challenge, I did an unwise thing given her attitude towards me. I turned and faced her onslaught. As she tried to scythe me down I beat her on her left side and then when she turned to confront me again I beat her on the left side before speeding to the right of the penalty area andunleashing a fierce drive into the left top corner, with my left foot.

Jean blew the whistle to end the practice game. I turned and jogged, with the rest of the players, into the changing rooms.

"That was amazing," said Cerys," where did you learn to do that?"

"Oh, it's not that good, I guess I've had quite a bit of practice," I replied.

I noticed, as we approached the changing room, that I was getting quite a few glances, a lot more than at the start of the training session. Some were appreciative, others seemed more intrigued, while a small number gave the impression of being underwhelmed by their newsiest recruit.

We walked into the club room and I got a few more nice comments about my ability. I was aware that Erica seemed to be giving me a lot of glances, I felt it a little embarrassing. I started changing into my street clothes, while most of the others stripped off to shower.

"Not having a shower, Celyn?" asked Erica, in a challenging way.

"No," I replied," I usually shower before going to bed"

"Each to her the way, what did you say the school was that you go to?" she asked very slyly.

"I didn't say, but it's Cwm Wysg," I replied.

I turned to face Jean, who had just come out of the office with my valuables.

"How did I do, coach?" I asked.

"You did extremely well, Celyn, I can see the makings of a fine player in you," she replied smiling," as long as you don't do too much showboating as you did tonight"

"Sorry about that but................"

"I know who you are!" interrupted Erica.

"What....who are you talking about?" I asked.

"Don't deny it, you're that tranny thing that is allowed to wear woman's clothes at his school," she said accusingly.

"No, don't be silly, I'm a girl," I countered.

"What are you talking about, Erica?" asked Jean.

"My cousin Eunice is there, she told me all about you, and you used to captain the boys' school football team, oh yes, I remember now, she said that you were even Welsh schools' captain last year," Erica pronounced triumphantly.

"Is this true, Celyn?" Jean asked with a look of shock on her face.

I hesitated.

"Hey girls," yelled Erica at the others," you'd better cover up, this is a boy!"

"Listen it's not like that at all, I am a girl, legally in all ways, I was a boy, oh it's so complicated," I said, flustered and beginning to feel like crying in despair at my past once again chasing after me.

Jean, looking a lot less friendly than earlier, ushered me into her little office. I sat down on one of the hard chairs there and she stood in the doorway.

"I'm going to lock you in here and I'm afraid, if you can't get someone to come here, in the next hour, with documentary proof of your legal gender I'm going to have to call the police," she said abruptly.

* Millenium Centre

To Be Continued...

End of Part 4.11

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Just When She Wins, You Give Us A Whopper Of a Cliffhanger,

I enjoyed the way that you told us Celyn's viewpoint on the game. Too bad that she had to meet up with others that choose to make life hard for her. I wonder how they will react if they learn the truth from Celyn?
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine


That's a bit harsh, isn't it? Didin't even give Celyn an opportunity to explain herself.

Karen J.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

I'm not sure of the rules

I'm not sure of the rules but Jean should have been told long before the practice the real history. If the history were known, and it will be as soon as the team wins a few games, the opponents will cry foul and demand that the games be forfeit. Sports has been long disputing what "true" body means (without getting into sex vs. gender in mind) and all sorts of tests just to compete.

Anyway, the truth will out soon.

Looking forward to the continuing story.


I'm starting to have a problem with Ceyln. She is a 100% female, why does she get flustered, and why does everyone think she is a TS? It is clear she is all girl. She even get's periods and can have babies. If these girls think she is still a he, all she has to do is drop her panties and say do I look like a boy? I am 100% female and probably better looking than you'll ever be. (Talking about Erica)

This calling the police and getting locked up is getting old, besides they should all know the story about how she changed gender because of a new experimental drug. Maybe Ceyln should say sure call up the police and then answer to my lawyer when we sue you and the school for deformation of character and sexual harrassment.

It has been in all of the papers. Ceyln is being too nice to people and it is about time she got a back bone and stood up to these bullies.

The coach is way out of line too, I would have thought she would of been estatic having a real player on the team for a change. Instead of incompetent jealous idiots like Erica. Here the team had a good weapon on the feild that would greatly enhance the team, and she blows it by betraying who Ceyln used to be. She (Erica) is obviously a jealous, stuckup, self centered, jerk. I was being nice too, those were her good qualities (Erica's).

Oh well it is your story, and I would love to see a Ceyln with a true backbone that doesn't always gets flustered at the first confrontation. She should be proud of who she is and what she has become.

Good job on the story, I will read what ever you write, it is just a thought that Ceyln needs to grow is all.

??? another story, maybe

THIS story is the one about the boy dying of cancer.
In a Hospice center on a deathwatch.
Doctor comes up with alternative to death.
Choice was death or lose manhood.
Second choice after "lose manhood" was girl or eunuch. Parents made both choices
(although the eunuch choice was not "on screen".)
Testosterone additives are still against the rules of sports for athletes, even those who lost the organs capable of supplying those naturally.
Being a girl he (she) could still compete, and not have to be against the athletes who do have the performance additive Testosterone (naturally). the last 12 lines. the first few paragraphs.

Other part, YES.
Our Hero needs to "spine up" and tell one of the groups giving her sh*t to take a long walk off a short pier.
Drop shorts and show female genitalia.
Show school ID card denoting "F" status. Confirm that "Yes, I was the team captain".
Tell them that it will take more than an hour to get legal documentation so go ahead and call the bloody coppers.
Casually drop a request to confirm where Caerdydd practices.
Sit back and refuse further discourse.
Talk to Caerdydd about trying out for team.
Be utterly ruthless when playing against Casnewydd.
(try to achieve appearance of lopsided american football score ie: 56 to 0 or such)
Live well, and humiliate utterly mortify your enemies.

I concede I made a mistake

Yes, you are right, the experimental cure caused feminization, and they gave her hormones to accentuate the results. The Vagina was man made, so I did get that bit wrong. I appologize. I guess I did get it crossed with another story.

But Celyn did get the full feminization effect for he really hadn't gone into puberty so it left him looking like a real girl in every respect.

Besides he did get all of his documentation change to read female. The birth certificate, the passport and his school records, so there was no reason that celyn should have been treated like she has been; by not only the jerk girls, but by the jerk coach. I would love to see the coaches face when she is told that celyn is in fact a true girl, and if she mistreats her again, will face legal charges.

Erica needs to face some sort of penalty and I hope it is being kicked off the team for unsportsman like conduct and descrimination and sexual harrassment towards another student. A hate crime.

She did try to take out Celyn on the playing feild, definately not what you are suppose to do, when the person is a member of your own team, trying to maim her in practice. She was suppose to be a fellow team mate.

Oh well, I had it wrong, for I read that the treatment would FEMINIZE him, so maybe I assumed feminize in all ways. I stand corrected when I reread that chapters. Hey I read to many stories and get them all confused. Age does that. Also keeps me from writing my stories at the same time.

'Rhod's Trip To America' ch 40 was sent to Maddy Bell today so maybe it will be posted at her site on Wednesday of this week. Then I will post it here later at BC, after her site gets first dibs on showing it. This is a curtesy I give her, since that story was based on her Gaby series. go to Maddy's site and click on new. It will be in her fanfic area, which I believe is Lots of nicely written fanfics, by all types of great authors, several of which post their stories here.

End of comercial. LOL

Great job on 'Price to Pay'

No Apology needed ...

... We are just discussing the story to make sure we are all "seeing" the same story. Personally, I did not get that the experimental part was responsible for the feminisation.
The experimental drug regime needed "help" to have a chance at success.
Help was surgical in nature.
I presume (dangerous, I know) by cutting out the cancerous parts as much as possible.
Drugs were used (canon) afterwards(??).
Vaginoplasty was discussed while Celyn was mostly out of it, and done while Celyn was still in the hospital.
For story purposes, naturally, but entirely plausible if it were postulated that NHS would only cover it if it was done at that time, otherwise it would be considered discretionary (or optional) surgery.
Minor bit that the "onscreen" did not cover the decision and anguish of the parents, but not story-killing or anything more than a very minor hiccup.
Celyn's treatment? I can see 4 directions that the story could go, and all 4 can be written to be plausible. Whichever way Alys wants is the story we all will gleefully read.
If Celyn plays for the adult team or not
If the hammer comes down on certain miscreants or not.

I don't get the cliffhanger here

We all know that Celyn is a girl. Biologically and legally. Does she have to bare her body to prove it? In the US the coaches actions could cause both criminal (kidnapping/false imprisonment) and civil (lawsuit) penalties.

False imprisonment is a tort and a criminal offense, but...

erin's picture

But against a school it's awfully hard to prove. A case for reasonable protection of other students is usually a good defense.

But delaying a call to the police would weaken the school's argument; if you have a reasonable cause for detaining a suspect, you call the police quickly. Fifteen minutes is considered enough for a quick investigation by most courts, a longer investigation is police business. The fifteen minutes is supposed to include waiting for the police to arrive.

The coach should be in trouble with the school's legal office, if nothing else, for exposing the school to liability. But it does sound like something a school would think they could get away with.

US law in most states is based on English Common Law in this sort of thing but court precedents are very different in different jurisdictions.

I read up on this while working in Disneyland who changed their detention of shoplifting suspects policies because of having to settle several such lawsuits. Even though D'land had cops right there -- well, it got REALLY complicated.

- Erin

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I doubt it is a school sanctioned team

Inside there were about twenty of the team, ranging from, I guessed, late teens to early thirties.

The school probably rents space to the team, (and maybe athletic teachers at the school are coaches of the team itself) but that old is outside a school team's age.
Heck, that is outside amateur women's "rough" athletics with the possible exception of an Olympic team. (after they pass college age most women are smart enough to forgo amateur athletics where they are likely to be occasionally hurt, sometimes significantly hurt for no gain except ego)


Frank's picture

Which character were you?? :D :D :D




Not biologically.

...surgically, yes.
But the actual DNA is (as far as we have been shown) XY.

Celyn Should Have Had A Shower

joannebarbarella's picture

Big mistake not to have had a shower after running around and getting all sweaty and smelly on the football field. Very ungirly. And she must get used to being naked with other girls. I would have thought by now it would be routine since all her parts are in the right places and proportions. Then a silly jealous bitch like Erica would be nonplussed.
Anyway Alys, continue to dazzle us with your verbal footwork, sorry, verbal's not right. Written I mean,

The coach is a "JERK" in

The coach is a "JERK" in capital letters. She should have asked Celyn about it instead of locking her up in the office. Additionally, she should either bench Erica permanently or get rid of her from the team. She is a loser in the biggest way, on and off the field.

The coach is in BIG trouble as is Erica

False imprisonment for one.

I can see Celyn's parents making such a stink, given how slow her school was to enforce it's own non-discrimination policy and that may well have lead to this incident, that the coach will be fired and Erica permently banned for fear of a huge monetary settlement in a law suit.

Even if the truth comes out and the coach appolguises, will Celyn have to carry documentaion on her her entire time in sports? And how could she ever trust the bitch, um the coach, after her summary execution by her. In Erica's accusation she complained the school let her play with both the girls and the guys team as a girl and go to school as a girl. The coach didn't hear that apparantly. If Celyn is a pervert why would a school aid and abet her officially? The coach's brain is switched off.

Plus will the girls trust her after Erica's filth and the coaches apparant backing of that filth? It wouls be wonderful if Erica was misinformed and once confronted with the truth eventually befriended Celyn but I smell a religious nutter in her. Is she related to Frankenstien or the guys who beat up the underclass TG child?

The coach is fool.

Damned powerful stuff again. Two steps forward three steps back this chapter for fair treatment of Celyn.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. Celyn had SRS as part of the cancer surgery and treatment, though the SRS was not her choice. As far as I know she is in that respect a normal TG and has no uterus or ovaries and is thus sterile. She is also XX chromosome BUT legally she is a girl as far as I remember the story. If they could make her fully female, IE transplant a womb and the rest of the baby making kit, I think she would go for it now. Celyn wants to live a full life and if it must be as a girl so be it. She will be happy if people will let her be herself.

John in Wauwatosa

Some sports don't recognise adult TGs as female

So as a child, Celyn is OK. As she ages even a bit, she would be likely to graduate up to leagues that have rules about that (on average, women's musculature does not compete well in athletic competition with testosterone raised guys who get surgically converted from outies to innies)(so the women make the rules to say they don't have to compete against any TGs surgically converted for any reason)
As a kid, competing in kid's classes, so few parents would geld their boy-children to be more competitive in a "mere" girl's class that it isn't much of an issue.
It will be for adults.

tough situation

kristina l s's picture

I seriously doubt the coach or Erica for that matter are in any trouble legally, maybe a bit of a telling off, but... Jean is reacting to a surprise situation and not handling it terribly well, Erica is a miserable 'old' bitch.
It's also easy to say Celyn should toughen up, but she is still a kid and though adjusting well, the whole situation is one hell of a thing to get your head around even when you go through it deliberately, or desirously is maybe a better word. And don't even start on the whole sporting bodies v athletes of a TG persuasion it's too big a minefield.

Keep working it Alys.


The Coach Will Be Eating Crow Soon

jengrl's picture

That coach will look like the biggest idiot in the world when the truth is revealed. She will have some major explaining to do and have to apologize to Celyn for the way she is being treated. I hope Erica is exposed for a fool when everything is revealed.




When does this bull shit stop !

When I first transitioned, I used to carry all that documentation with me. I was never confronted by anyone and after two years of worrying, I stopped. While I am not going to push it, I have never had a problem.


The coach is in the wrong

Angharad's picture

and guilty of false imprisonment. Celyn is legally female as was mentioned in an earlier episode. As she was trying out for the team, they can refuse to let her join, the other members can refuse to play with her but the laws against descrimination in the UK are pretty tough and even if Celyn didn't win, it would cause the team lots of negative publicity. If the team lost, they may be in financial difficulties or in troubles with the Welsh Football Association.

The consequences for Celyn could also cause lots of publicity and therefore possible hardship, but she has shown before that she will fight when she feels she is in the right, even against bigger opponents.



The coach IS in the wrong, but ...

... when the accusation was that Celyn is a "tranny" (a guy in the ladies locker room), I doubt that a crown prosecutor would press the case if it didn't get physical to the point of injury (to Celyn)(and Celyn being beaten up right there is one of the plausible directions).

Yes to all the points about publicity.

And it will go whichever way Alys wants to tell the story (there are plausible ways for all the alternatives)

Amateur Athletics

Dear Alys,

I really love this story, thanks for making it available to us.

I have two points, but it's Saturday afternoon and probably few will read this comment.

I believe the rule for post-ops in the Olympics is that one can compete two years after surgery and hrt or after surgery and two years min' of hrt. (articles I read were a bit contradictory) It follows that any Olympic sport would use these same requirements. I played women's (Wow, I spelled it the common, if patriarchal, way) amateur soccer for three years and joined the U.S. Amateur Soccer Association. I joined the U.S. Cycling Federation for two years to do some masters bike racing. I have participated in biking events in the Senior Olympics twice and plan to again. In 1999, when I was 50, I won the women's, masters, 50 to 54 Y.O., Arizona 40K time trial championship. All I had to do to join in any of these activities was to show my AZ driver's license for ID.

Huge numbers of male and female adults participate in amateur sports for enjoyment and exercise. My worst injury was overuse damage of my right knee while running, not exactly a "rough" sport. I had injured it a little running in college for conditioning while on the rowing team. That knee now has osteoarthritis and I can't run at all. I can still bicycle.

Women are in all kinds of amateur sports. In AZ and CA, at least, there are women's rugby leagues (to mention a very rough sport). I'm sure that adult women and men play all these sports for (many of) the same reasons that many played in grade school and college, including inter-murals. It's fun, there is camaraderie, it's gratifying to become good or more skilled or better at something and many people like the competition. One of the reasons I bicycle is the exercise helps my depression, it works like a charm (almost).


Hugs and Bright Blessings,

I read it

My recollection was that there were tests available (Barr test ring a bell?) looking to preclude TGs from women's sports.
I believe that I have mentioned my mother's friend whose only child underwent SRS. He was a posterchild for the enthusiasm of the faculty for pre-OP TGs. I got it third-hand that at one point he considered a straight razor shaving "accident" to get to the SRS earlier, but that the Chicago area schools would not permit him to compete as her (I have no idea what sport).
Between those two, I certainly had no reason to believe that it was any different now.
If I am wrong, then let's find out what UK policies are likely to be and get Alys the straight skinny.
P.S. If you don't mid, at age did you quit playing soccer competitively?